. grmhAV- MORNING. JULY "31, 1321 . THE OREGON ST ATiSSM AN. SALEM. OREGON w.m losti to the pope. 1-. that i the Vaticatt ha.1 ..KMin thin SUt clerical mam- - i i .- . - - - mjb.i m WIUASmW ":,,jr,)y:., - ' o h itiJ-y-1 1 : f UOTPROBflBLE Kaku TellslTokio Interviewer i That parting Is Not i : - ' 'Belligerent FEELING However, LESS INTENSE Japanese Official Finds Many Americans ;;; Anticipate War TOKIO, Jjulr "It i regret table that the real character snd policy of the new American presi dent should te rniatinaeratood tr ion Qu the official tvnnonnceirein., vs election li no puonsneu. Taklns yonf piano lesson, rw you. dear?" saitt the farmer wue to her daughtei. J ' j : -Yea. motheh'l At - "Where la Ant father?" , . "In the cyclohej cellar, mother: , Yon kera, Statesman. 11 ' '- some of the Japanese people.' ment limitation produced a favor- aald Mich a Kaku. secretary ot the Japanese embassy in Washing ton who has Just returned on a furlough, when interviewed by the Aaaht representative. Mr. Ka ka continued: "The president has often had occasion to express bis conviction that an Anglo-American-Japanese entente should be made the basis of world peace. There is every reason to believe that the Ameri can president and his staff are all in favor of the maintenance ot friendly relations between Ameri ca and Japan. War Xot Desired "Mr. OzaM'a policy of anna- OO VJE GO LODGE Wilxonla Station, Pacific Highway has Just been opened to guests, who are invited to stop over en : route and partake of a delicious chicken dinner at two dollars per plate. Princess We-all-adore-her would prefer to hate you make reservations in advance if pos sible. Phone Main 9511, Portland. ab1 impression on American minds In general although the plan was defeated in the Japanese lower bouse. "On my way back. I was often asked by American friends when the American-Japanese war waf going to break out, and some American women I met in the country districts assured me that they were determined to offer their services as hospital nurses upon the outbreak of American Japanese hostilities. Americans Prepared "I was rather surprised that so many Americans should antici pate an American-Japanese armed conflict. My impression is that the Americana are prepared to fight if challenged, but otherwise tbey will be tbe last to take up arms againtt the Japanese. The diplomatic relations of the two countries are not, therefore, by any means so seriously strained or going- to be strained as to Jus tify any anticipation of an American-Japanese war. If the situa tion appears to be anything but quitd smooth, that Is only be cause of the propoganda of some Chinese and Bolsheviks." Reports Do Injury In the Osaga Mainichi Mr. Ka ku Is quoted as saying that what had struck home particularly dup service fn the the deen im- ing his three years i-nJfoH states was nression which Japan's militarism had made on American minds. The general impression among Americans is that the military party is predominant in Japan and that the Japanese government m -r ta Influence. This bears witness to the extensive injury voice the ex.stence of the mili tary party in Japan is doing to the country'E cause. But Mr. Kaku emphasized that Mr. Ozaki's disarmament speeches had produced a greater echo than expected and that Am ericans generally interpreted the speeches to indicate a decline in the influence of the Japanese mil itary party. He was convinced also that as a result of the friendly attitude of the new American government, the "anti-Japanese" situation In the United t Sates had improved very considerably. B CITY TO BE MEMORIAL Belleau Will Be Rebuilt By Americans As Monument To Soldiers "Oh. Bob. you've let In a lot of flies!" "I'll get after them, dear." "You'll never kill them all." "Well, I'll kill these three, any way they're females." "How do you know?" "Theymade a dash for the mir ror the first thing." Boston transcript. Newport Iby the Sea . SOCIETY HEADS MOVE White Crosses Mark Resting Places of Lads From Nearly Every State Patronize These Live Newport and Nye Beach Business Establishments The Coffee Cup Restaurant j , pay sad Kicks 8rviM Ios Cma ' ' Confectionery .. . Cigars Tebaeoe . 1 We fBsciallM ea Sea roods ' Mrs. L. A. CEZPKAJf, Vfnrr jnwroaT o broom OT! REACHING NEWPORT Watch fa ' the Red Aate Traek- 0 Pem Fmssi Call by phsas H. H. UTDZXaO rlnc far buwf pr"P eliry t rntbi prics. rwHim wri. It Coopsr B. Oata ! MIDGET CAFE This aciTMt f I1 atlas pln-W .in Urwpoii sffcrt I Too quick iMrvies - snd oo4 ( a antlity aot asenliod anrwhars. , Ck(S TrMt atrMt KaaaBl Vtvpait, OrsgoB SEA CREST COTTAGES Trnntin tha Bra Tw. tar - sad ioor-roem f urnUktd Itasca. . jl'rae bua from koat. : . i 1 Vtvport, Oragoa 1 . t D. & A- CAFE . PJhort Ordara; Lnncha Be Food a, Speeialtr " HOME COOKINQ Al COFFEE ; r Mr. A. E. VJVSZLL Baach Sttaet Vaar Hatatorlnm HTB BEACH HEWPOET OLD PLAYGROUND ' Faralabal apartmaata aad rt taea naar ix-eaa adfa. Beat ' placa tor children. , ' - J. H. H. AJTOEKSOW ' Box S78 Hya Base Kawport, Ora. THE LOG CABIN Tea Room Confertionsry, tobacco, bowl ins alley: special htnrhea. picnio lionehea; Dinner 6 to 7 . Afnei Hoack Proprietors HTE BEACH 7raaceIIa iy HEWPOET CHERRY CITY COTTAGES Wood. Mr and Water Free nraiahed and atm-trie lights, two block a from beach and atorea. For rates and reservation! address : GEO. O. SMITH VewwOrt. Ora. ; ROYAL THEATRE Front street Newport 1 Only klgb priced plctnraa '. - ., Bhown , : " . Loading Artiata ' : - "RUDDIMA'N BROS. Agate Shop Asatea eat and mounted f IT Apfltura a aneelaltT raUtorlom Bldg. Iyo Baach ELECTRIC WORK ; If row Ul Tu aottago fitted elactrioally I will attend to tbo work promptly. ; Bead eomplots inatrae ttoaa by aaail or call la persoa at Taqala Sleetrto Co. olfioas. i . - . v - O. JL rorrla, SlootrtcUa Vawport, Ore. raraUaad soMacos, tnta, tight sad water The REDFERN COTTAGES Trad D. Coffaoau Pres. Brook, BU, two aad a halt blocks from ; tin kaaek lUlet Beaaosabio . Baddinf Xxtra Newport c Oregon White House Restaurant Aeroas tha street from Abbey Hotel. Open all hoars. - Oya tera, clams and eraba a specialty. Everything the market affords - at ' Reasonable Prices r- - . 0 Z. YAHDEKPOOIs Prp. ' HeVport, Oregoa 7-, . L MiewDorrs Leadma ineaier Tiir iiimmv Centrally located, at postoffice corner Benrltg Taramoant United Artists First , National j " - In abort, the Best ! ' C. . E. Freeland, Mgr. Features UlBthorn . HOT SEA BATHS DR. W, T, CnoCKEIt, Prop. 1 . ! .... ... ; Opposite Cliff llonsw Nye Beach Chiropractor offlcea In Building Open Every Day i Baths 35 Cents :i LIzht llotuekeeplno: RoomsReaaonable - KEWPOItT OREGON BORDEN HOTEL One Block Bonth of Poetoffiee Board sad Booma bjr Day or Week Home Cooking Newport i Oresoa Harbor View Cafe ..;:.:.!:. ob Bill's Place Short orders, dinner; home made pastry .ncu wui 01 con lanatng O. W. JACKSON, Proprietor HEWFOET . OREGON STRAWN'S CASH STORE (formerly Vaa'a Market) rROST ST. KEWPwRT. ORE y ... urocertes or every aeacriptioa ; ver etablea, frails, etc; fresh clams, craba, (ah and Taqnina Bay oyatera. . ' Will servo yon at the store or ah.p f onr order promptly. ESSE t BTRAWN PROP. Learn to Swim Private Ieon' t All strokes and dives AJTN UAYHAXA ' by WASHINGTON, July 5. Bel- leau, the little French village on the edge of the foothills of Bel leau wood, is to be rebuilt by Am ericans as a memorial to the Am erican dead in that historic battle There were only about 5 houses in the little place and they were destroyed in the fierce fight ing which ranged from Chateau Thierry along the Marne when tbe American troops turned the tiae of the last German drive In the summer of 1918. Crosses Mark Graves hear the village, on a hillside. white crosses mark the graves or the heroes who fell in that battle, and as a lasting memorial to tnem the American committee which In eludes many notables Is settfns out to rebuild the place. The name cf every American who joins in the project will be In. scribed in a book to be deposited in the city hall in the new village of Uelieau by the Belleau Wood Memorial association of whica Mrs. James Carroll Fraser o: city is chairman. President Harding. Genera; Fershing. Secretary Weeks and various ethers have endorsed ana supported the movement. The laT? Chief Justice White endorsed it before he died. Orrgon lrad licet In Wood. The numbers of American sol diers buried in the Belleau wood cemetery, by states, follows: Alabama, 28; Arisona. 3; Ar kansas, 13; California, 53; Con necticut. 59; Colorado, 18; Dela ware. 4; District ot Columbia. 4; Florida, 3; Georgia, 31; Idaho, 17; Illinois. 134; Indiana, 54; lov.a, 35; Kansas. 26; Kentucky, 33: Louisiana. 21; Massachusetts, 204; Maine, 44; Maryland, 24; Michigan. 106; Mississippi. 12 : Missouri, 61; Montana. 27; Ne braska, 19; New Hampshire, 48; New Jersey, 62; New Mexico, -; New York, 241; North Carona, 79; North Dakota, 16; Ohio. 138; Oklahoma, 27; Oregon, 2; Penn sylvania, 247; Rhode Island, 74; South Carolina, 4; South Dakota, 10; Tennessee, 19; Texas, 64; Utah, 15; Vermont, 27; Washing ton. 27; West Virginia, 27; Wyo ming, 6; Virginia, 18; Wisconsm, 48. Priest is Member of Italian Parliament ROMF July 25. The new Ital ian parliament will , have some striking characteristics. The pro vinces annexed to Italy in conse quence of the great war are send ing four Germans and five Slavs to their new capital to sit 1n the chamber of deputies and lamon? the Slavs there is a priest, the Rev. VIrgilio Schelz, who has been elected for the Gorlzla constitu ency. No priest has sat in the cham ber since 1870. when the temporal Lunches and Confections For Tourists Free Camp Grounds Log Cabin Restaurant On Portland A Astor a Highway 80APPOO8B OREGON MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE Claasie Ridge Houae and Camps Nehalem, Or (via Tillamook tram) open Jnlr 1. For reservationa- addreea J. 11. I. H Edwards, 16$ 4ta St, at Uorrieon Mam 7392. Service of aelf nervire LADIES pk Pilla, Safe! aad depeadable to al proper esoee. 0 oold at dnsf txo aot eiperimewt wits others; oavo die ttritn for 'Belief" aad partlralaro it's ffee.l Addreei Medic) IaaUtatoj Milwaekee. Wla. a L DAVENPORT . ORQWEE AXD- Hxrrsm . Apple. PoUtaaa, Onioaa, S P4a toea, Ira verities. Ta i best tiers frewa," . AH kinds I reduce aollrHed. 147 Front a. i Portland, Or. PACIFIC CIH BEACH Salem's nearest beach, by auto or Auto.Sta4te, less than 75 miles away. An unparalelled Beach, a Beautiful River, Spacious Camp Grounds on green lawns 'under the spreading pines. ;- ''.;.:';.' " j-. Frpsh and Salt water bathing, boating and fishing, shell fish and sea curios in great variety; and abund ance. 1 . - i. . . - Play grounds for children and grownups. Hotel, Restaurant Stores, Cottagei, Tents, Boats and the usual complement of beach accommodations Stage leaves Club Stables at 10 a. m. daily ' Reserve your seats by phone. Phone 7 ft (former Nortawest champion) NTS BEACH NATATORITTM NEWPORT OREGON The Coast Confectionery Candies, eleara. eisarettea. tobacco, ire I ereams, soft drinka, stationery. On I Beaca street, one half block from ocean A. P. Trawlck Wye Beach Xewport. Oresoa SEASIDE - LONG BEACH - CANNON BEACH NORTH BEACH - SEA VIEW q THE GABLES, CHAS. E. WAIT Agate Cutter afannfaetnring Jeweler 8 years ia boainess at Nye Beach.' Adjoining Nye Beach Baker AUTO REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING I have taken char ire of the repair de partment of Taylors., Oeraa-a, and wall I 4 potently. 0. A HOVARD rront St. Newport 8EAVIEW. WASH. Kalarred and improved. Well fumiihed rooma with comfort Me bed a. Home I conked meals naarpaaaed for excellenca. Keaunl, nomelike, larce fireplace; two blocks from ocean. Limited number of ; tniests. Rates reasonable. For reserva tions address. MRS. E. A. OENBMAN, Hostess. Sea view. Was. CUCI diidmc unTcr I JllltUlMII1l IIUI kk T. J. HO ARE, Proprietor (oDf distance telephone in the house OPEN ALL THE TEAR lay your tick eta to Shclhnme Statioi North Beach. Wash. L ALL TRAIN'S STOP AT HOTEL 770 Broadway The LONG BEACH HOTEL II. H. Tinker, Trop. Best accommodation and reasonsble rates Excellent Bsthlng Facilities Wash. Long Beach The DRIFTWOOD Mrs. M. Llyniff, Prop. Pacific Coast's Leading Bummer Resort WILCOX STORE OR GROCERIES. VEGETABLES. HARDWARE,' TOBACCO CANDIES. PA1NT8 VARNISHES, ETC. Geo. H. Wilcox, Prop. Krar the. ocean. Onea all the year. Ratea $2.00 per day and op. Special rates by the month. Hot snd cold salt water bath in connection with the haiiae. LONO BEACH WASHINGTON y. - PACIFIC LODGE Mrs. M. B. Boyd . Just off Broadway on Third Rates $1.00 sad' op SEASIDE OREGON Nye Beach Newport, Ore. Beach Croft Inn Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Jackson THE NYE BEACH NATATORIUM i . b if.i.J'.. r:.. Ki.wS":P . ": temperature, constantly renewed :f7 rpwii ansiysia snows tins to be one of the . . - ' " " uV pool to surf. Expert swimming- inatructor. E. M. BAKER, Proprietor Newport Oregon Bathers can fo direct from Dining room from ocean. Station. in connection. Four blocks S04 12th Avenue One block from Surf Box 8 Phone 691 Seaside, Ore. IVERSON'S STORE The big store on Front street. Just north of Fall street. Hardware, furniture, groceries, feed, fishing supplies, paint; oil stoves and beach supplies of all kinds. H. J. Iverson, Prop. i See rERRT, the JEWELER-OPTICIAN ; With X. U. Ferry Co. . Indies FarolehlnK and notion stores do-M-ateauro Ala Men s Ma f. - - ARRET BLOCK 8uiU NEWPORT COTTAGES FOR RENT Wood furnished: tights amd water attended to. Write Lester Martin today ABBEY HOTEL BLDG. . Newport. Oregon 1 f THE WAY-INN TCozy Camp ' f S hloska'east of NsUtoriaaa 4 :--.:-: rarnlshod Cottaget and TtnU - Clean aad Cosnfo'rUht . MIS, MTRTL8 WAT. Prop- fiye Beach :' Newport ! ' - . . , The Welcome Inn f Coafacttnns, Xilght Lencnes .. f Boa roods a Specialty' ' , - ' f' ..''.--i, -Amassmsnts y s':'-,'-H:-. V J4R. A MRS. T. W. JONES - HTB SACH ' NEWPORT WizPAH COTTAGE . Farniahed sleeping sad kousekeepiag T rooms ; 1. . -.. t lira. Xaaballa Ysegar. Proprtetrosa. t "'4th A AI.Tr.it RTitrr.T' llldoay between Newport ai4 Myo Beach Order your States man to follow you to 583 THE MOST BEAtmrVL PLACE V IN NEWPORT. OREGON . TOURIST INN Hsrvsrd Plsn Rates $1 Bp MRS.' W. M. BCBBT Proprietresa ! ,f Nye Heach ewport, Qre. THE GROTTO Boa Food Oyster Iaf Specialty Beat coffee In Iowa - ,. pay aad might aerviee . . ' i. . S doors BonU of Fall street NEWPORT -m: OREGON Newport, Ore l-fWm B II B Necanicum Inn The only first-class family hotel overlooking the ocean. Fin ssndy bsthing beach. Home ' cooking. Home comforts, beau tiful ground.; modern conveni ences. For terms sddross MI8S EMILY DAMANN i Seaside Ore. Hotel Gilmore, Nye Beach (formerly the Cliff House) me water s eage oTcriooaing tbe Pacific ocean. View from .v.' vuuuoriaoie. - Charges reasonable. " v .1 'roe dus to and from hole i imciiauuus wr imuitT iniormation address. . xm. tnrop - Newpo-. Ore. Week-End Fares TO SEASIDE $0.50 ROUND, TRIP t Going Friday. Retnra Ifeadsy Five trips daily - Shepard's Auto Bus Lines A. Jsloff, Mgr. Operating since 191 f 201 Morrison Street Marshall 4381 Nancy University Plugs Up Holes. Gets to Work NANCY. France. June 23.- Nancy ; j unlTer8tty. ; under fir thronphont most of the war, hat plogced the holes in its walla, en larged Ita facilities and is open ing Its doors to American and al lied students. Immediately after the armistice several hundred American officers and men were assigned "to the- Unirersfty for various courses and out of this contact with a large group of for eign students grew tbe idea of aereioping such work. Nancy university is reputed for is application of science to in dustry. DR. MARTHA H. LOWE Chiropractor Health is Better Than Wealth Phone 173. Seaside, Oregon Visit Beanttfnl At Ecola, Oregoa CANNON- BEAOH HOTEL ECOLA ' R. E. BECKER, Manager Every Rooni Overlooking the Ocean Cafeteria in connection serving aaeals at jail hoars Bench Center Station SUNSET HOTEL H. B. Baal, Manager Hot and Cold Water Modernly Appointed Long Beach Washington EAT AT -Mrs. Meyer's Cafeteria "The House of Good Eats and Good i Coffee" j . v ; . Open early and late enough to accom modate all onto-boa passengers. Cafeteria style no .short orders Only breakfasts. Look lor the eleetrie ' sign. For Good Eats. Stop at PETTrPS CAFE Strictly homo cooking. Prices right Corner 7th and Broadway Seaside, Ore. WARREN HOTEL If. S. Warren. Prop. Situated on Caoon besrh, the scenic beach of Oregon. The moat unique hotel on Oregoa coaat. Berrice the beat. Ratea reaeonable. Bathing fiahing, clam digg ing. crabs, etc. Local and long-dlataace telephone. Stage meets all trains st Sea side. ECOLA ORE. ARROW BUS LINE Bdwy. 108. Portland Astoria Bsssldo Make thia trip in comfort in three hand onto new Pullman baaaea. Special com partaient for women and a clab smoker for men. Lesves Portland Fletcher and James. Sixth and Pine atrerta. 8:30 a m and 3:00 p.m. Leaves Aatoria Weia hard hotel. 8:30 em. and S p.m. Fare f 3.75, including war tax. Passeagers Insured A DARK IkEED Aiysser... I told him he rausnf see me any more. . JLdythe: What did he do then? -Switched off the llghU'Life Salem Stages Make Connec tion With Our Autos Daily Passenger Scrrir. Astoria-Seaside and wax. Tvoittt. A.l r-nrtlend 3 a.m a.m., 13 noon and 1:30 p.m. Ante Iv. Anuria. 7:30 am.. 9:30 in, 8:30 p m.. and 6:15 p.m. Offica aad w.itVnr room New Uaaataa Hotel Siith aad Everett TeL Bt. 168 d Oregon Motor 4 Transportation Co, Inc. Astoria-Seaside-North Beach Htr. Gereina hoars to Attoria Konnd trip daily texrwpt rridar) 8 am Night boat daily .(exe't Sunday) 7:30 p.m Direct connections made for Seaside ana ortn ttearn by train or baa. O.w.R. A . connections for North Beach made by all boats st Seaside at Astoria, r.r tn Astoria i.x rwh Friday to Monday round trio 1 OO. Alder Street dock Vain 1423 The Harkins Transportation Co- - FertUad Oregoa LOCKSLEY HALL1 Mr. and Mrs. C. t. ROSS, Proi " . - I Special catering to week-end parties -eosy rooma, with or without, baths. Bring the family snd cook y Our ; own meals In,-,. .." . : onr roomy kitchen and have a table for vour'esHoaive use in our"' v cheery dining room overlookhig the ocean. Coa forvable, hoaaelike . leooy ana mu.ie room. ... Kates very reasonable, i Ota Aveano, aou ieet from peaca. ; : - For Reservations Write or Phone 841 Seaside, Ore. ; S16-21I Broadway Beuid Steam heat Eleetrie lights Homey atmoophoro Baton Raaeeaable Natatorium Hotel A' Wik Bockmaa ' 2 00 foot from Pnelfia ocesn : Hot aad ooU manlng water in every roos ". -:- 1 : ; ;. 19 Broadway. Seaside, Ore. THE LOVELL AUTO CO. ASTORIA,' OREGON If yoa sre going to the seaeoast, let os fin yon op ' with oil. gas sna any neeaea aoceaaoriea. we em ploy none bat akilled mechanics and we guarantee our work. . Service care ready day or night ' Lsdies rest room. Fire proof garage. If yon need repairs, oil. gaa, storage or service, we are here to servo yon. Phono 6S3. B. W. ZXVELL, Oea. Mgr. Astoria, Oregoa, An Ad on This Page will help your busi ness and your home town. THE ANDORA KEA8XSZ. OBXOOV ' A homelikf hotel. Meala aad rooaw. . Meals served family stylo. All yoa can eat. Horn 4 made bread and pastry. Suam heai W win . do onr port to make your -vacation enjoyable. On high way and. on . Koeanlcnm , river. Centrally located an near ocean, .Kate IS to 25 a weehj. Address Mrs. A. K. lobsoa, Prop4 Seaside, Oregon, HfbTEL seaview v. SEA VIEW, WASHUTOIdBr Located on NORTH BEACH, nniversslly coneedd to; be tha finest bearl i ll tno hoteu a.aeeiiens tbe Pacific Northwest splendid surf bathing- airy and comfortable rooms; reasonable rates. near For Ratea, write H. F. MITT 110, Fro HOTEL SEASIDE Seaview, Wasa.V Iae. Charles H. Rowley. Manager 4 t il 160 Rooms (all outaide). not aad Cold asst. private or connecting baths. OPEN Sua aer Season Rates American Plan roan ing water, steam ALL TEAK ROUND. ASTORIA-NORTH BEACH AUTO FERRY SERVICE Connecting Colombia TJighvay. Oregon, and Ocean Beach Highway to Paget Sound, via Wilispa Harbor and Chehalta. j i ' 3DAJXT SUMMER SCHEDULE ' COMMXKCIHO JTJLT i, 1121 ' Leave 14th Street, Astoria! 8 i Leave McOowan, Washington: 9 10 a.m.; 1 pm.; S p.m.; :1J p.m. .i 11 a-m.; 3 p m.j 4 pjn.; 7:15 p.m.- ..I . ROUVD TRIP AKD SEASOK BATES ASTORIA HORTH BEACH FERRY Co, fnc T. B. XLTTIBa, General Msasger, Astoria, (Oregoa i Operating ander Special Franchise from P.etfta Cpanty, Washington, and Clatsop SEASIDE koteeat snd asoat ettractiva beach tots - flO 0tftg,Ut . Why psy High Reats7 Owg Tni Cottaga VU GREAT ; NORTHERN INVESTMENT ; COMPANY ( sxAsxsa 1 - 4- J t i' if: 4 i obxoom .