The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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Pages 1 to 8
mot Stoaato M
Lord Northcliffe Reticent
About Discussing Recent
Controversy With Secre
tary Curzon and King.
Publisher Leaves for Domin
ions Where Orders from
London Don't Go
NEW YORK, July 30. Lord
jorthclIff left for Tonoronto to
night on. another leg of his Jour
! ney around the world.
The BrltlBh publisher declined
; to answer questions having refer
: ence to'his controversy with Pre
', mler, Lloyd George or -the inter
View erroneously attributed to him
i by a British newspaper in which
' King George was quoted as having
told the premier. In a conversa
: tlon concerning the Irish troubles,
that "I cannot have my people
r killed In this manner." "
' Dominions Arw Free
I "London has no orders to give
' the dominions, the comment of
i H. Wickham Steed, editor of the
! London' Times, who accompanied
the published, when asked wheth
I er he expected any such Incidents
i as the cancellation of the British
I embassy dinner In Washington, to
I which they had been fovlted, on
. th, Mmiini1r fo Lord North-
clif fe's tout Which will take him
through Canada, ' Australia- and
other parts of the British em
pire.', i
The i interview attributed to
( Lord Korthcllffe In some news
papers abroad and which brought
lorth a denial from the king was
credited to Mr. Steed in Monday's
Issue of the New York Times from
which it was taken. Mr. Steed,
however, declared today that he
was misquoted.
Declares Ho. Didn't Say It
"The , direct, statements attrib
uted to me, I .did not make," be
said, "I could not have made
them, ' because neither, Lloyd
George nor the king told me what
they said to one another.
"As to the actual facts of the
Irish situation, it is a fact that
no one can contest that the pos
sible settlements growing out of
the truce are directly accountable
to the speech by the king at Bel
last a great-hearted, considerate
speech. " ?
"It is also incontestlbte that
King George feels for all of his
' subjects an, equal solicitude and
uothink would rejoice him more
than to see prospective peace in
Ireland. v "-'.
, if Times Is f or Peace
"The London Times has worked
" hard for two years to promote the
settlement in Ireland that the
government seems to be approach
ing and we have given Mr. Lloyd
Georgia government' the fullest
support when it seemed to be
treading ithe path of peace. We
shall continue to give the Lloyd
fleers-a government fullest sud-
U port In all efforts toward a suc-
cesstul conclusion.' No one knows
j- that better than Lloyd George,
I who for two years has heard per
i tinent reasons to know how true
it is. That and that alone .was
the sense ot the quite Informal
talk I had with the representative
of the New York Times."
'Another Carload of Oregon
Prunes Ordered from ,
- Growers' Association i
Keeping D the steady! pace of
nearly a can ; of prunes! a week
aincethe last of October, 1920,
the English market has j&st or
f erS2 aoUlw r of the "Mist-
land tn .
During the last two months
Thar ntirVat ......
" , V ua canea tor nine
Can. al nt iv. . . .
. . m oemg oraerea in
: As it takes the shipments
more than .
S!ni'.tb? "wmpuott is that
tibia A- 7i . lUB -cngiiBn
inmmer a. well
Another Notable Victory Is
Scored by Salem Rider, This
Time in Ontario
WINDSOR. Ont., July 3 0. In
a thrllllne nose finish. Grey Lag.
3-year-old of the Kancocas stable,
scored his eighth consecutive vic
tory of the season today when he
captured the 20,000 internation
al handicap.
Hard pressed by Black Servant
in the last half of the mile and
furlong, Grey Lag, with Jockey
Sand up, finished In 1:50, two and
two-fifths second faster than the
track record.
Hveone Davs which finished
third, was 10 lengths behind the
lead In e horse with Dark Horse
and Radio, the other starteds a
dozen lengths farther back. Old
Chan was withdrawn. Grey IiUg
carried top weight 12G pounds
while Black servant naa an im
post Of 123.
Pilot Poland and George Lin
ger, Cattle Man, Are
Dead at Denver
DENVER, July 30. While hun
dreds of spectators looked on at
an air carnival here today Pilot
Ross E. Poland of Cameron, Mo.,
and George W. Linger, prominent
Denver automobile man. were al
most instantly killed when their
plane crashed scarcely 15 feet to,
the ground at the, take off of an
air derby. Both were In an Ital
ian plane, one of the six partici
pating in a 24-mile handicap race
given under the auspices of tno
Sons ot Colorado.
Linger, who was 61 years old,
was widely known throughout the
west as a cattle man.
The other pilots, not noticing
the accident, continued the race
which was won by Pilot. Paul
ST. PAUL., Minn., July 30.
Pat Shea, pitcher with the St
Paul American association base,
ball club, wil report to the New
York Nationals at once. It was
announced tonight. "Rube" Ben
ton, Giant pitcher, wil come to St.
Paul in the deal.
Workmen excavating a trench
near the Oregon Pulp & Paper
company's plant yesterday after
noon unearthed portions of three
skeletons, supposed to be relics
Of the old Indian village of Chem.
eketa, which was located on the
mouth of Mill creek near the pres
ent site of Salem.
The , remains, tfonsistinr of
large portions of skull, clavicle
ana rib nones are but poorly pre
served, crumbline easily at a
light presure. Portions of three
skulls were . unearthed by the
workmen, teeth and portions of
cranial bone Identifying them as
human remains.
The workmen, under direction
Mrs. Edith Grebe ot Spokane,
who was yesterday returned to
this city from Ashland on charges
of violation of trafic rules, will
face a civil suit for damages in
addition to charges filed in jus
tice court here.
According to complaints filed
here, Mrs. Grebe is alleged to
have injured C. W. Finn and J. R.
Newton near this city on the night
of July 24, driving on without
rendering assistance. Later, Mrs.
Grebe is said to have left the Sa
lem camp grounds after promis
ing Salem oflcers that she would
communicate .with the injured
men and report to the Salem po
lice station.
C. W. Finn, Portland-Salem
stage driver, through his attor
neys yesterday filed an action for
11000 as general damages, pay
ment of his doctor and hospital
til and settlement ot court costs
Committee Members Nearly
Unite Favoring Repeal on
Rail Lines "Nuisance Le
vies" Are Assailed.
No Change Indicated in In
heritance Assessments
or Exemptions
publicans of the house ways and
means committee conferred to
day faor a development of views
on tax revision. Many divergent
opinions were developed, but no
decisions reached.
Emphasizing that he was speak
ing for himself, Chairman Ford
ney said afterwards that the goal
toward which he would strive
would be cut of a half a billion
dollars in the tax bill next year.
His opinion was that by the ex
ercise of rigid economy, the govy
eminent could bo operated for
three and a halt billion dollars in
1922, instead of the four billions
estimated by the treasury. Other
members were less optimistic.
New Revenue Sought.
Practically all members are in
sympathy with the repeal of the
transportation taxes, but they
have not yet fixed on a new
source of revenue to offset the
less of $330,000,000.
While committee Republicans
have reached no definite decisions
on the proposed revisions, it ap
pears to be fairly well establish
ed that there will be no alter
ations in the normal rates on in
dividual incomes or in the amount
of exemptions allowed. There
probably will be some shifting of
the tax burden in other direc
tions. "Soda Tax" Again.
Asked about the repeal of what
the treasury has characterized as
"nuisance" taxes, such as that on
soda water, Mr. Fordney said
smilingly that all the tales were
Treasury and Internal bureau
officials are expected to present
some new recommendations to the
f Continued on page 2)
ot Oliver Sharls, gang foreman,
were digging a trench for a water
line when' the bones were uncov
ered at a depth of about three
feet. Old residents ot Salem re
call early stories of the Indian
village found by Jason Lee when
he made his first pilgrimage up
the Willamette valey in 1837. In
1839 a ship laden with Oregon
settlers left New York for the
long voyage that was to end in
the Central Willamette valley.
Their first settlement was near
Champoeg. Later a village was
established where Salem now
stands, being named Cbemeketa
after the Indian camping grounds.
because of injuries received.
"Because of the negligent, care
less 1 and Improper driving of the
defendant, the .plaintiff sustained
a broken ankle, internal injuries
and severe bruises," the complaint
An interview could not be ob
tained from Mrs. Grege last night
upon her arrival from Ashland in
charge of Constable Walter De
Long, the officer asserting that
Mrs. Grebe's ill health prevented
her: giving an outline of the ac
cident. Before her departure from Sa
lem, Mrs. Grebe Is reported to
have stated that a third machine
forced her too near the halted
car upon which Finn and New
ton were working. J. R. Newton,
of this city, the second man in
jured, sustained only minor con
tusions and bruises, according to
Campaign to Raise Million
Dollars to Promote History
Study Is Launched
campaign to raise 11,000.000 for
the promotion uf the study of
American history was formally
launched at a session of the su
pieme assembly of the Interna
tional Order of the Knights of
Columbus today preliminary to
the annual convention of the or
der her? next week.
John H. Reddin of Denver, su
preme master of the fourth de
gree, announced that a grand
prize or $2500 and five prizes of
$1,000 each would be offered for
the bvst historical essays on sub
jects to be specified by the na
tional historical commission of the
order. Professors of history in
American colleges, college stu
lnts who have access to histori
cal archives In Canada. Mexico.
Central and South America and
students, specializing in American
history will be eligible to compete,
he slid.
Upward of 25,000 members of
the Knights of Columbus are ex
pected for the convention and of
ficers of the organization an
nounced that personal messages
from Pope Benedict, Marshal Foch
and other notables are expected
to be received.
July Valuation Over Five
Millions, Says Customs
House Estimate
Portland, Ore., July 30. The
through the Portland customs
house wil amount to $5,170,337.
according to an estimate comptted
today. From this figure a few
thousand must be deducted be
cause a smal amount of the lum
ber included in these figures were
exported, from lower Columbia
River points.
Approximately 2,90C,708 bush
els of wheat valued at $2,V07,
342, were cleared during- the
month for foreign ports. Lumber
clearances amounted to about 22.
764,535 feet, valued at approxi
mately $676,458.
Only Half Mile Will Remain
Unpaved, County Off i-
cials Report
With only two miles remaining
unpaved on the Silverton-Salem
highway, the Salem crew is put
ting finishing touches upon the
remaining stretch of one and one
half miles of hard surface to be
laid this year. Only the two short
pieces of road, a total of about a
half mile will remain unpaved
This will be the approaches of the
Pudding river bridges.
During the past week the work
has been progressing at a very
rapid rate, an average of 700 feet
of pavement being laid daily. The
work has been done from the Sa
lem plant, a crew of about 50 men
being employed, this number in
cludes truck drivers and team
sters. The county has 13 trucks on
this job at the present time, each
truck making an average daily
run of. about 90 miles.
Chief to Recommend That
Hotel Sacrifice License
That charges of improper main
tenance of records due to failure
to list certain guests will result
In a recommendation to the Sa
lem council to revoke the license
of the Rex hotel, was stated last
night by Chief of Police Moffit
after a raid upon the hostelry dis
closed the fact that six men and
two girls occupied hotel rooms
without having been compelled to
enter their names upon the hotel
The raid occurred last night
about 12 o'clock. Officers Bran
son and White accompanying
Chief Moffit in the descent upon
the hotel.
Sunday fair; moderate wester-
fly winds.
if oies
Peter Clark MacFarlane
Tells Incidents of Intimate
Acquaintance With Great
est Americans.
Seven Days' Program in
Campus Tent Comes to
Conclusion Today
The story is told of two Scotch
highwaymen who once attacked a
Jew peddler and sought to separ
ate him from bis wealth. After
a furious fight. In which they were
battered only a little less than the
v ctim, they overcame and frisked
the peddler.
"Losh sake," gasped the big
gest Hileand robber, as he gazed
out of his one unbattered eye at
the shilling piece that they found
in the Hebraic pockets, "What
would he have done to us if he'd
had a whole guinea?"
.Miu Farlane Is Scotch.
But some Scotchmen get their
material a lot easier than that.
Peter Clark MacFarlane is one.
He doesn't corkscrew either mon
ey xr information out. of people
they just go up to him and give it
to him, at least; the information.
He's trained himself for many
years in the way of sunshine and
helpfulness; his smile, and his
hand clasp, and his human under
standing, and. his charity, bring
hfm the things that the man ot
violence could never getk The
tent was again crowded last night.
MacFarlane was a friead cf The
odore Roosevelt. He met the
doughty colonel down nt the Mo-
qui Indian annual dance in South
west America, when T. R. was a
virile, hot-blooded hunter and na
turalist. Her met Roosevelt again
after his return from South
America, where he had fought the
Jtiver of Doubt almost to the
eath. Then, the colonel was
emaciated, spent, broken, thin
voiced. He was the pitiTul figure
r.t the warrior that MacFarlane
had met on the other occasion.
Koosevelt would not tell -him the
story of the trip. "Ask Cherry,"
he said; "he will tell it all." Cher
ry was his triend and companion.
The story as told in the leotura
lat night, is an epic of Ame.-ican-
ibin, as MacFarlune go it out of !
the other member of the party.
Roosevelt Near IVath.
"The colonel was too ok! to
make this trip; 10 years older!
than the other man," said Mac
Farlane., "He was the first, al
ways, to' help in any hard job; tie
tirst over the side of the boat
whenever help was needed to save
the craft from the rocks. The
bruises, and the insect bites, and
the exposure brought on the fe
ver. True to the traditions of his life,
he still went on. always helping.
The food failed"; ' sometimes only
a little monkey meat, or a few
palm buds. Ostentatiously, as
head of the party, he would serve
or divide the meal, but he would
try to slide part of his own star
vation portion to some other mem
ber of the party. 'Why, I'm not
working,' he would say, when de
tected in the act.
"Finally came the day when
they confessed themselves lost,
a scout went aliead, and was pone
for a day. He came back, baf
fled. Then the Colonel, whom
they believed to be dying, said to
Cherry: 'Cherry, it's now every
man for himself. I've had my day
and I don't count But I wish
you'd take the boy (Kermit) and
see that he gets his chance. Take
him home and give him to his
mother, and leave me here.'
Obligation Is Kept.
"They didn't leave him. They
fought it on, and Kermit finally
found the way to safety. But ev
ery day, in the cool of the even
ing, before the delirium of the
night followed the delirium of the
day, the Colonel would prop him
self up on his elbow, write up the
scientific and personal story of the
day, and then the fever would
seize him In delirium.
"What did he say In hi3 delir
ium? His expedition had been ar
ranged for by Scribners. and he
felt his obligation to them so that
it pervaded his every moment. 'I
must finish It,' he would say. '1
will finish it!' The Journal of the
expedition along the River of
Doubt is the journal of a dead
man but he lived it through and
kept his obligation."
(Continued on page 2)
WOODBURX, Or., July 31. Officer Allen Harried, who
ws recently detailed as speed officer by the Woodburn city
council, is making life miserable for autoists who speed by
Woodburn at a greater speed than 30 miles an hour.
Tommy Milton of Seattle was one Of Harned's recent vic
tims, the Seattle racing man paying $15 for the privilege
of one hasty trip past Woodburn at about 40 miles per hour.
Milton won the speedway races at Tacoma on July 4 and since
at Los Angeles. Officer Harned has averaged two traffic
arrests per day during the two weeks he has been on duty.
For a distance of about four blocks, the Pacific highway
forms the East boundary of the corporate limits of the city,
mid-highway being the dead line. VVhile the city council has
posted warnings of the 20-mile maximum speed permitted .
in the city limits there have been no arrests on the highway
for infractions of less than 30 miles hourly rate.
Six autoists, traveling at near the GO-mile gait were
nabbed by the Woodburn officer, in an hour's time, Tuesday
Where Are the Nine," Pastor's
Subject Today, But He Will Not
Have Reference to Baseball Game
Public services are to be held
in Willson park today at the
cular summer Sunday hour of
4:30 o'clock.
Rev. Ward Willis Long is to
preach from the txet: "Where are
the Nine?" This is not expected
to have any indivdual reference
to the ball game that should be
finished at about the same hour.
Senators Meet Astoria To
day and Portland Leag
uer's Tomorrow
' Will Casey strike out in Mon
day's game?
Will the Salem Senators succeed
in beating the Portland Beavers?
Many a Salem youngster, and all
ardent followers of baseball, are
seriously discusing the Senator's
chances for plastering mud over
the prjde of the clan McCredie.
Salem stores will close from o
to 5 o'clock.
Manager Jack Hayes announces
that he has Bcoured Portland for
a pitcher who can keep the Beav
ers under water.
"I have found a good" twirler,
but his identity cannot be reveal
ed," says Hayes. Catcher "Frisco"
Edwards will be there to give this
new pitcher the signals and we
expect with our regular line-up
to provide support that will worry
McCredie's best.
The line-up of the Portland
team wil be as follows: Genin, cf;
Krug, 2b; Hale. 3b; Cox, rf;
Poole, lb; Wolfer. U; Fisher, c;
Grantham, ss; and Ross, pitcher.
The game on today's schedule
at Oxford park promises to be lull
of action, as Astoria, leaders of
the Lower Columbia league, are
bringing a good team to this city,
according to reports.
The regular Salem line-up will
i be on the Job, with Biddie Bishop
in the box.
Today's game will be called at
3 p. m. Monday's game will be
called at 3:30 in the afternoon.
To exery Salem player who se
cures a home run from Portland,
the Salem Woolen Mill Btore will
present a new hat.
Journal is Misinformed
About Arrest of Ryan
Either the Oregon Journal has
fabricated or the Inspectors' de
partment of the Portland police
force has given out erroneous in
formation relative to the part the
local police played in the arrest
of Jack Ryan. The story claimed
that in thfcir search the local po
lice had overlooked $1000 which
the Portland inspector later had
found, claiming that Moffltt
found but JG.S0, while it was in
timated that Inspector Miller of
fhe Portland force found $1000
secreted in Ryan's shoes.
Called last night by telephone
to account for ths origin of the
story Inspector "Pat" Maloneyof
the Portland force insisted . that
the Portland story had not been
given by him. He said that the
Portland inspector had not found
any more money on Ryan and ac
knowledged that the Salem men
had handled the case thoroughly.
Mrs. Long is to. sing a solo for
the day, and Floyd Mclntyre also
is to be a soloist. Miss Iva Glair
Love and Miss Marian Emmons
are to provide a violin duet as
one of the musical attractions.
Rev. Thomas Acheson is to give
the introductory prayer, and : W.
T. Jenks, president of the church
league, will preside. The public
is cordially Invited.
Carrier Arrives at Washing
ton, Saying All is Well.
On Mayflower
WASHINGTON, , July 30.
Communication with Washington
by naval carrier pigeon waa main
tained today by the presidential
yacht Mayflower as she steamed
up the Atlantic coast with PresU
dent and Mrs. Harding en route to
Plymouth, Mass., where on Mon
day the president will speak at
the ceremonies commemorating
the tercentenary of the landing of
the Pilgrims.
Before the Mayflower left yes
terday. Lieutenant A. J. McAtee,
director of the naval pigeon ser
vice, placed five carrier pigeons
aboard. At 4:55 p. m. today one
of the birds returned bearing a
message from the" president. The
pigeon had. left the Mayflower at
11:30 a. m. today when the yacht
was about 25 miles northeast of
Cape Henry light, making 250
miles from Washington.
. The president's mesage said:
' Executive offices, White
"Fine voyage.- All well. Mrs
Harding preatly refreshed. Mak
ing our schedule amid excellent
conditions. Inspection this morn
ing revealed ffne crew aboard the
Mayflower. Greetings to all the
office force.
"Warren G. Harding."
Another Party' Searches
For Dr Stone's Body
CALGARY. Alta., July 30.
Another searching party of Swiss
guides was being organized today
to recover the body of W. E.
Stone, president of Purdue uni
versity who plunged to his death
from Mount Eanon July 16.
This information was received
tonight by the Calgary Herald
from from its correspondent at
Trail Centre camp with the res
cue party returning to Banff with
Dr. Stone's widow. Mrs. Stone to
day was resting comfortably In
camp. She was recuperating rap
idly. France Will Participate
In Portland's World Fair
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 3D.
France is interested and expects
to participate in the 19?5 exposi
tion in Portland, according to a
iriMsarp received hv PrfHtlrlent
Julius X,. Meier from John T. Kir-fl
kup, who Is now in Paris. i
Louie Fuller, American artist;
in Paris, sends a mesage through:
Mr. Kirkup In which. he says: J
"No country will go further!
than France toward .the reallzaJ
tlon of this great idea, to marvel j
ous for 'our- country, the United
I iv 1 P R
Senator France Says Lcn.
irje Has (Started New Line,
of Development That
Canot Become Radical.
Recognition of Government
Recomniended to Pro
posed Commission .
IflGA, July SOw (By The
As?ociated Press) S o v i e t
Russia has agreed to release
American prisoners and to ac
cent famine aid from the
American j relief association
jusft at the moment Senator
Joseph L France of Maryland
ha returned here from Mos
cow determined to advocate
renewal of trade relations and
perhaps diplomatic relations
between Russia and the Unit-1
edj States and bringing, with
hii one of the prisoners) Mrs.
Marguerite ; E. Harrison of
Baltimore!, who was freed by
hii efforts. ; V-;i v:-'V-
: Senator France, " who en
tered Russia skeptical of the ;
advantage of immediate cu
lomatic relations with . the soi
vifets," but believing trade re
lations wfere advisable, has re
tuhied an enthusiast for both.
jSenato:' France .declared
thjat the Lenine government
was starting a new line of
development in Russia, which (,
"cannot backslide into radical
Asked whether the Moscow
Bplsheviki were trying to rev
olutionize the world, Senator
Fjrance said: M " 1 1
I "I knejw nothing about the
Tjiird Internationale. ; But no
man worthy of any attention
ever bjelieved propaganda ,
could start revolutions. Con
ditions are not propaganda.
nistory snows.
The Senator ; talked, with
both Lenine and Trotzky and
vfas impressed by them.
Vl f ound that the Russian
Continued on page a
- . . v 0V. 0 i ,m k
if.lil k. . Va : . . . .... . f
M till. KlHMll k k.. , L A
mad a circuit dri in th fourth
ninr. Ellison ia tb fifth ana Iaffr Lwi
in the ninth. The & tok tba ld in
Oie aeTenth inn in f whaa twa hita,- a
fSfldrr a hoiee and Oa'a aacrtfica flf
JiHted two runt. Lake!
. - , : B. II. K.
, 4 A
' 1 ' w -w. A 9 A
Bateriea Halnr nd Hil,- I..U mwA
n Krn
T.OS ANGfcl.KH. Jnlr 30.- Haeraaant
av the Ma Anfelee tam a ecara today
hen, aftr riant inninta witheat a run.
(her made three in the Bint a. thereby
toinc hrd. Then Lea Aagelea arore twa.
iking the final reult Karramente a,
oa Angtlfa 4. The needed rana went
tV!r when after two had walked, Sam
f'rawford ! lined ant a lone; doable, - In
the second inning Kieheff put one orer
rft field I fence for borne ran.
f R. If. K.
Paeramtnta , . S l
Loa Anclea ..... 4 11 ' 8
i Batten Niehaoa and Cook
IDiiaioitrb and Htanar.
. I'ORTIjAM), Ore.. Jnlr 80, fa
jBaere 4rpj4 thab thirteenth atraieht .
mA i,nn niu it irve 1 a . a
row br Iwlnninr to Vaata '
pitched Ham Hots. The Tigera cot away
a wiree-roa ieaa in ui lint when
I'ete Schneider knocked a homer erer
the rittht field fence with twa on haaes.
Vernon .L...., ,, M 8 13 , a
Portland .... , la ' O
Bterifl FaHh and Jlarpby; Koaa and
Fisher. I "'.'V -..,.'....
SEATTLE, Jaiy 0. Herb Berntan'i
pitching, Icotfpled with K Wired' a hittlnr.
to 2, the borne team thereby takinr the
......... imiiy. - uia,. m me
first inniiir when ha knocked home na
with twa men an.
0,kl.n4 JL- . 'I 2 ;.V ft
Seattle J i'uL a
Batterlea Kraose and Ktftblet; Urea
ton and Adams. . v -
sTAvnnra or the clues
San' Francisco
LiQa ' Anjrelei
Seattle -Oakland
53 : ,sa
Vernon I .
57 .617
71 .863
7 U18
Salt Lake
rort!Mdj .