The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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J L IsBued Except Monday by
U ortUnd Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
r -Tv V- i:-.; . 627 -
Tha Alinrlilarf Pnaa I.
jucatlon of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
pthis paper feud also the local news published herein.
X J. Hendricks.
Stephen A. Stone.
lal ph Glover
2rnk Jukoski
PAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs. 15
Cents a week. 6 f etnti m. month.
months, 11.50 for three months, 60 cents a month, in Marion
. and Polk counties; outside of thesi counties. $7 a year, 3.50
- tor six months, $1.75 for three months, 60 cents a month. When
not paid in advance. 60 cents a Tear additional.
win be sent a year to anyone
Dally Statesman.
. cents for three months; 25
on month.
ana Fridays, 91 a year (if not paid in advance, 9125); 50
.cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
Business Orfice, 23.
Circulation Depart in ent, 583
Job Department, 683
Society Editor. 106
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem,
"BUENOS AIRES, July 28. Germany is winning the
race for South American trade.
"The customs house and surrounding yards here were
stacked-today with American-made goods valued at from
$40,000,000 to $60,000,000.
"Meanwhile three German ships, which arrived here
with almost Identical goods, discharged their cargoes, saw
them sold and cleared for Germany for more cargoes.
"The. German goods sold at one-half the price of the
American products because of the high cost of the United
States dollar.
"While the most successful competition comes from the
Germans, who benefit by the abnormal rates of exchange,
English and Belgian goods are sold here while American
made products lie useless, some of them rotting in storage.
"At one time 1200 American automobiles lay in stor
age while European makes were eagerly snapped up"
i Can any 'American, unprejudiced by outworn theories or
musty political bias,, read the above dispatch and not rejoice
that our home markets are to be protected against such un
fair and ruinous competition
Doubly protected -
Protected by a duty calculated to equalize the difference
between the costxf producing goods in Germany and produc
ing the same class ot goods in this country
And protected, too against the' advantages to the Ger
man manufacturer of the abnormally low rate of exchange?
For the rate of duty paid on all imports, under our new tariff
law, will be calculated in American dollars.
German and other foreign products may compete in the
Argentine markets with American products, and have all the
advantages over our4 products which the low rate of exchange
may give them; and all the advantages of 4he low wage
scales in those countries
, , Out laws cannot extend to South America
But the Republican administration at Washington does
not propose to allow the same advantages to foreign produc
ers in our own home markets.
It would be suicidal; it would drive, our manufacturers
to the wall, and many of our producers, and it would bring
untold poverty and distress to our laboring people.
So we are" going to protect our home markets, which are
the best markets in the world, and we are going to confine
our exports to what articles we can sell at a profit in other
countries foodstuffs and raw materials to supply shortages
In other countries; articles that are manufactured exclusively
in this,country, or which are higher grade than articles made
elsewhere. So our exports will not be smaller in volume,
even in the face of the brisk foreign competition in many
lines and we will sell at a profit, at home and abroad, and
maintain our American standards of living.
. ' .... , ...
All this propaganda of economy being cooked up by the
fuglemen of Governor, Olcott, for the purpose of preparing
the pjiblic mind for a favorable reception of the candidacy
of their employer, when the time comes again for his can
didacy rtor nomination, is falling flat. It is doing more harm
than good. The reading public is likely to feel resentment
rather I than registering approval; as being baited for gud
eorui'IAll this propaganda will not serve to" distract atten
tion 'away from the salary-raising orgy of the last Legisla
ture, Svhich had the sanction of Governor Olcott and, the
great majority, of the people of Oregon will believe, because
he himself was getting some of the "pork." The. more prop
aganda, the fuglemen spill, the greater will be the conviction
of the public in this belief. Likely the industrious fuglemen
will not believe this till after they see the conclusion of the
whole matter. ' i " " ' I .
- j : i , S - - - - . ;
! - - I ,
jWilhelm of. Doom has one scrap of authority left which
he will not relinquish. He has forbidden his third son, Au
gust Wilhelm, to take a job with the movies. The prince
needs the money badly, it is said, but none the less he has
yielded to the paternal and ex-imperial will. What woud
have! happened if he had defied it?
fThe former Kaiser obviously has the Bourbon habit of
lrnrriincr nMhinrr on 4 fnt.r.'nu:nn To.J uoHipa
, cut a jnuch better figure earning an honest living than loaf-
juk uoui on casual cnanty.
ary tnen.- lie has not pride enough to meet his fate heroically
An 1 .1 A . a a. 1 . T I T
wmy enougn to ieea nis personal vanity rnuaaeipma
King Christian of Denmark Is
coming to visit us this fall. Of
course, f Secretary Christian will
do the honors.
Why would ft not be a good
Idea for ' our colleges to add . to
their curriculum a course on how
to become a producer, instead of
teaching how to become a public
ppeaker or convincing talker?
It would bo much more to the
joint Exchange. They are now
putting the stress thai way. And
it does not hurt any producer to
J-l .9' ItKalM r.olMrit
Am St, WMii-Joiiii tMflio
p' Slm ni WtMiniTilU KoUrUni
V. biaiU&d I'trn. . -
it.. v
Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
advance, $6 a year, 93 for sli
great western weekly farm paper,
paying a year in advance to the
year; 75 cents for six months; 40
cents for 2 months; 15 cents tor
two six-page sections. Tuesdays
Oregon, as second class matter.
uut, even in his exile, wuneim
be able to talk convincingly or o
make 9 good speech.
,The bill providing that Judges
of the 'United States district
courts shall not ; engage' in any
other avocation during their oc
cupancy of the bench has be!a
defeated in congress. Three cheers
lor Judge Kenesaw Mountain Lan
dls, who is coaching at third base.
Postmaster General Hays ha3
ordered that hereatler special de
livery; letters mast "pay a fee of
25 cents instead of the former
price of a dime. He says that
'people who are so anxious to ent
I a .; letter .will , pay ,the "increases
cost. Tula argument will apply
no doubt to the man who is trying
to strike a friend for a loan.
Hays is a great psychologist.
General Felix Dial has been ex
iled from Mexico. What was the
name of that old-fashioned pa
triot who once exclaimed, 'What,
banished' from Itcme, what's ban
ished but set free?' Head up on
jour history.
The harmony between President
Harding and congress is one ol
the many encouraging signs of
the times. Working as a team
they will be able to accomplish
much for the nation and the
world. That such an agreeable
situation exists is a subject for
mutual congratulations.
Former Secretary Daniels is at
his old editorial post on the Ral
eigh News and Observer, but he
is not criticising the Republican
administration of things as acrid
ly as he did a decade ago. Uncle
Sephus has been there and knows
how hard it is to come up to po
litical specifications.
Is rister to be the MumMlns
block once more? Must I'lster
be finally coerced? How much
pressure will England dare use?
Or will Ulster be won over to the
dominion plan through some
such place in the Dominion of
Ireland as Quebec now occupies
in the Dominion of Canada? The
next few weeks will determine.
A large crowd of people from
all over this section heard Tom
Skeyhill, soldier and author and
poet and lecturer and world citi
zen, at the Salem Chautauqua on
Thursday evening, when he graph
ically described conditions in so
viet Russia, gathered at first
hand in a sojourn there which
he risked his life daily to make.
In order to "tell the world" truth
fully concerning the workings of
by far the greatest experiment
ever made in Communism, and.
by the same sign, the greatest
failure for such experiments.
and there have been many, have
always failed and always will
So long as human nature '.s
what it is and has always been
and will always be, up to the time
of the full flower of the millen
nium, if it ever comes; and if it
ever does come, It will be a mil
lion years in the future.
The Statesman of yesterday
morning gave as good a digest
of Mr. Skeyhill's lecture as could
be given in a newspaper article
of the length assigned to it.
There is another first hand ob
server writing on soviet Russia.'
He is Washington Vanderlip, who
has been given a concession cf
400,000 Bquare miles of territory
over four times as much land
as Oregon contains.
Those who heard the Skeyhill
lecture, or read the synopsis of
it In The Statesman will be struck
with the points in agreement of
the two first hand witnesses, in
reading the following synopsis of
the articles of Mr. Vande'rlip bo
far bublished, made by a writer
in the Loss Angeles Times, as
After a sojourn of several
months in the heart of soviet
Russia, a confidant of the high
government officials, the one for
eigner on whom the Cheka the
sinister secret police more pow
erful and implacable than th-;
Committee of Public Safety un
der Robespierre - Washington
Vanderlip has undertaken to givi
to the outside world "the truth
about Russia." He writes of what
he has himself seen and heard.
His experience covers not days
but months. While many who
read his articles may not agree
with his conclusions, no one men
tally honest will doubt his sin
cerity; for through the series runs
a frankness that is always dis
cernible. Vanderlip neither loves nor
hates soviet Russia. He studios
It and seeks to comprehend it
without arrogating to himself tin
right of judge or arbiter. He ad
mires Lenin because he believe
tho Russian dictator is a sincere
friend of the Russian oeoDlp: but
he deplores his lack of under
standing of human nature and hi3
failure to grasp the psychology
of the Russian peasant.
He paints graphically the mis
erable condition of the mass of
the Russian populations under a
scheme of t government that was
not workable. He mingles his
tears with those of the Russia 1
mother who clasps a starving
babe to her breast and starts like
a hunted thing' at the sound of
every footfall, lest it be that or
an agent of the Cheka. He passes
through industrial plants where
there are thousands cf men liv
ing, idly on government bounty
because, the machinery is broken
and there la no money nor ma
terial to make necessary repairs.
He viewa th depopulated cities
from wjiich eyery portable thins
of value has been expropriated
and stolen and he lets these facts
tell for themselves why sovietism
will not work.
Then he tells of the attempts,
more or less futile, of Lenin an.l
his advisers to repair the devas
tations that their false ideas cf
government and economy have
caused, of their frantic attempts
to stimulate production and en
able the people to develop the won
derful resources of one of the
most fertile territories in th"
Mr. Vanderlip views the whole
throuch sympathetic eyes. He
spent enoiiEh time in Russia t6
leave a part of his heart with the
Russian people; for it has been
truly said that one leaves a por
tion of his heart wherever one
has lived. He asks pity for them
trf-cause they have suffered much.
He tells of the pathetic faith tint
they repose in the people of th-;
I'nlted States, the one country
among all the nations which thy
believe would aid them without
joining in a conspiracy to dis
member the fatherland. Then
he tells of the religious reaction,
how the peasants still hold to the
ancient faith and believe that
many of their tribulations are due
to the attempt of their unbeliev
ing leaders to destroy religion
They can forgive Lenin for tear
ing the czar from his throne at
Petrograd, but not his attempt
to tear from his throne in heaven
the God of their fathers.
Mr. Vanderlip does not attempt
to sit in judgment on the heads
of the Soviets; but he condemn1
the system which tbey inaugu
rated, because it failed to work;
and he reaches the conclusion
that the whole Marxian idea of
government and econoroy runs
contrary to human nature and
that it never can work.
He looks to the women of Rus
sia to take a leading part in the
regeneration and the reconstruc
tion. He says that both Marx and
Lenin overlooked the feminine
aquation and that this alone was
sufficient to wreck their whole
scheme of government. In his
eyes the Russian peasants are
children who have never grown
up. They have learned for gener
ations to look upwards for a
guiding hand and they stumble
and fall when left to walk alone.
They would regard a form of gov
ernment modeled on the plan of
that of the United States and a
community life like our own as
a veritable paradise; but they are
groping blindly in tha dark, no
knowing how to secure it.
Vanderlip believes that Lenin
will be able to bring about con
stitutional government in Russia,
provided he receives friendly sup
port from the United States. He
says 'this country alone can aid
because the Russian peasants will
trust no other.
Vanderlip is an engineer, and
he has studied Russia according
to the methods which he employs
when investigating a mine, lie
finds a little gold and much
dross; but the pay streak is there
and it will well repay the cost of
development. He sets Russia
down, but not out, and he recom
mends to the people of other
countries to accept Russian con
ditions as they are, to cease try
ing to punish a people who have
paid a terrible price for their ig
norance, their cruelty, their stu
pidity and cupidity. He says that
the people of every country
should learn from the Russian
experience that they should put
the fallacies of Socialism and
Communism behind them and re
new their allegiance to represen
tative government and its institu
tions. He has traveled over many
lands, lived under many govern
ments and he is profoundly of the
conviction that the government
cf the United States is the beat
of them all.
Some ot his statements almost
cause one to gasp, they are so
contrary to our accepted ideas of
government in the 20th century.
It will be remembered that he
went originally to Moscow to se
cure Siberian concesbions from
the soviet government. At one
place he says:
"Lenin gave me Kamchat
ka. Lenin and the Kconomic
Council, at a word from Lf
nin. handed over to ice,
Washington Vanderlip, plain
American business man and
mining engineer, the deed of
gift to 400,000 square miles
of wonderful country, with
inexhaustible riches of oil
and coal and fish and furs;
and this province I have of
fered to my country as a
guarantee of supremacy in
the Tacific against any na
tion, any race."
That any government should
turn over to vast a territory to
an individual seems unbelievable
Yet one has but to recall the his-!
tory of the beginnings of our own
country to realize that it is not
without precedent. An English
king gave Pennsylvania to Wil
liam Penn. and his right to make
the gift has never been chal
lenged. (
What will become ot that gift
is a matter for speculation. Rut
there is no disputing the fact thit
it has been made and that tho
object was to encouraee American
capital to invest in Russian terri
tory. Vanderlip tells how anx
ious the soviet government is for
trade with the United States, be
cause the peasants demand it. He
says that "the soviet entertains
the idea that it owns v Ivan, but
the truth is that Ivan Ivanoffsky
owns the eoviet.
lie promises that in a future
"We will walk about the
cities and we will talk with
the children, even the ba
bies, and iearn a little what
Communism has meant to the
infant at its mother's breast,
and we will find out, too.
what has been slaughtering
the babies in Russia, why
they die like flies, robbed
even of the slim and pitiful
chance of life by the cruel
grip of circumstances and
strangled almost as soon as
they are born that is a
story which should win, I
think, the sympathy of every
American mother."
Judging from the first install
ment of the Vanderlip articles,
which is a kind of prospectus of
what is to follow in detail, it is
Ihe Decks are Cleared tor Actibh
Ready for a Whirlwind
Take Fair
All sizes and colors tor '
Saturday Only
Our Regular $30, $40, $45 and $50
Only a few left
Our Regular $10, $12.50 and $15
Buy them today at
20 Reduction
now a settled facL even in the
soviet councils, that Communism
has failed and tt at it never can
succeed. Private trading is agair.
permitted; the stores are openti i
the cities and the merchants are
acain assembling stocks. Th.3
Communist experiment has ended..
Put the great problem of a return
to forms of republican govern
ment, to the restoration of the
riht of individual ownership, has
jet to be solved.
Independence is 100 years old
in Peru and a centennial ceiebra
tion is to le had to which the
world is invited. In connection
therewith the president of the
republic has issued a proclama
tion in which he fixes the maxi
mum prices which may be charged
for most of the necessities of life.
He also determines .the rate3
which hotels may charce for board
and restaurants for food. He is
going after profiteers by procla
mation. If he caji make it stick
the rest of the world might take
notice of the Peruvian plan. If
President Hardinp could settle on
hotel bills by proclamation it
would be fine.
The Casino at Monte Carlo is
a business proposition and is
owned and operated by a cold-
j j
Warning and Buy Clothing Today!
and Mallory
blooded corporation. The total
ic venues last year exceeded ?S-.
t'00.000 francs and the net prof
its to the stockholders reached
nearly one-third of this sum. The
dividend for the year is at tha
rate of S00 francs a share
which is 20 per cent more than
last season. Monte Carlo had its
most prosperous year to all of
which the American miiypnaires
graciously contributed. Rreak
ing the bank is no small job. The
biggest dent in it, according to
the report of the corporation,
was made by a Swede, Who took
out 530.000 franca in one day.
It is intimated that the bank got
much of it back. Monte Carlo
is a poor place for a stranger to
make money.
President Harding was camping
for a few days in a party with
Thomas A. Edison and .Henry
Ford. With resourceful souls like
that the fact that somebody for
got the can-opener and corkscrew
wouldn't cut much disaster. There
is a suspicion, however, that
Henry couldn't answer all of Edi
son's questions.
. : ;
Guess that's going some -
Last night saw the biggest
Regular values
Buy Them
Percales and
$1.50 and $2.00
$11 .15
Broken Lines Straw and Felt
Hats, Saturday,
$2.00 and $2.50
on All
Hats for
.mwi in in? historv of the Salem
Chautauqua. -.
Tm "
Marion connty'a paviir crewa
are going some, too. There are
three of them, and they are put
ting the hot- stuff on 60p to 800
feet a day esaclt. when everything
in going gooid. That means a rnlle
more ot pajred market Iroads in"
Marion couijty about evelry three
days. Wo aere fretting up out of
the mud pretty fast right! now.
And this s a reminderl that ar
rangements ought ; to be made
right now, br very soon for the
sale of the jbonds for next year's
work. Ther mnst be no break Jn
the splendid program.
v -w
The Salen real estate dealers
report that -business is picking up
decidedly There are many new
dwelings inf course of onstmc
tion in Salj-m but there are no
vacant houses; and one dealer de
clares that fit would takej a thou- -sand
more houses to fill: the de
mand. That was the 'estimate
several moaths ago. So, j with all
the new construction, the; demand
keeps Jnst about so many Jumps.
ahead ot too supply. !
.- I .
The loca building and jloan as
sociation 14 supplying motie money
for new wellings every veek
than ever before It keeps on
growing. Tlut the demand is at
least three, times the suDDly and
the applications have to Wait just
about as
ong now as (hsy did
several months ago. All if which
shows that;
Salem la a real city.
"Where is the Great American
"I dunno. Chappie. It's dry
ererywherp."--Philadelphia Bul
letin. ' !
i .1
were $12, $13 SO
$15 j
Today, at
Madras Shirts
$5.00 to $630
Felts . .
4,.- .
' S
"4 "
4 '