TilK OKEGONlif A'iiSAlAN. SAEEACOEEGON- t ' 4 4 -A' 'I .'I - NEWS BR1EFS FROM INDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE. Or., July 29 (Spet-lal to- Tho Statesman)- Mrs.-J. B. Violette and child, who have been at Sheridan re t urn 3d home today. " Hev. Victor P. Morris will preach tn the Baptist cbureh Sun da imrninjc ; and evening. The jriorningMhinie will be "Chris tioa'B Resnonsibllltiea" and in the evenlnr. "Or-nt Questions and Their Answers." Jimmy Jones ot th firm of Cal brtalb & Jones, in taking a month' vacation.. An auto trip to the Coos Hay country is araons th projects being planned by Mr. Jones. , - Miss Kleancr Kurr of Astoria Is spending tha siminier. with hor parents Mr. and Mr. Peter Kurre. Miss Ida Hush,', who has been qulto sick for some time, Is slow ly recovering. peter -Kurre "and wife motor! to Cottage Grove the first of the veek fr a visit with their sun, Claud' Kurro. j Mrs. Emma Webster, of Wood land. Cat., is spending the sum tnr at the country home of her ton. F. S. Webster. 1 Charles Atwater of Monmouth, lert the first of the week for Ta coma. whei-3 he will enter a rov rnment hospital to he treated for Inluries received whiTe In ser vice during the world's war. Me was 2t months in service. 13 of these beinjr spent overseas. Whi'e In France he suffered with in flammatory rheumatism and was released rrom the hospital too soon and sent on a long march loaded with a pack. The bones of his. back were still soft from the sickness and the weight of the pack gave him curvature of the spin.- Durhig m part of the time n Franca r he was In the motor cycle corps and i was frequently called at all hours day and night to take officers to the front or other places motored to Eugene today for a v.H4-k-end visit with L. J. Schon and family. The Tri Delta of Saieui and In dependence jointly enjoytd a pic nic ut SponKS landing last eve ning. Tho.- from hero attending Were Miss Opal Hewitt, Miss Kula Dickinson. Miss Bessie Stillv!l and Miss Fav Johnson. The Parker Co-operative tiireshfng.Vompany has ben or ganized for Jh" coming seison by the re election of P. T. Peterson js number Hid thv Fclection o Kd Veith as secretary and treas urer. Mrs. E. E Paddock and dauh tr Dorothy are making'' a two weeks vlit with relatives at Sherwood. On her return sh'i will visit a sister in Salem. Uichard Oaincs an Tom Hart. Who have been at Delknap Springs for feveral weeks, return ed home yesterday. Doth say they l'eel Uk; different men -mace their recuperation at tht springs for rheumatism. A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arrelr. "ho live just north of town. She ha'- been n.- inert Hei"n Louise. , There will be no services at the Catholic church Sunday, but next Sunday the wervicc will be hold at 9 o'clock a. m. Mrs. D. D. Davis of North In dependence is very ill at her home with typhoid fever. Mrs. Fritz, who lives near Oak Point, wag . brought home this week from the SaHm hospital. She has been ill with typhoid fe ver, but we learn is much Im proved. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Pengra and William Harris attended a danc ing party Wednesday evening giv en by Misa Amelia Dabcock ot Salem. Mrs. Frank Hilke of Salem, was a gnest the first of the week at the home of her daughter. Burial was ia the Silverton ceme tery j ' " -' - " - . :J , - Mrs. Rape was born in Eng Jand 75 years'ago. Her first hus band. George Krech. died there. Ie 1S84 nil" came to Silverton and has made it her home until only last spring. She was married to Kiumanuel Rup. a wagoriiuaker. Lt Kflrerton. several years ago He died 10 years afo. Mrs. Rupe is survived by ont- foil t"-or4 Krech. who has been living in California. II IDE ON Mother of Mrs. Roberts , Dies in Nova Scotia- PIKE BEETLE Observers Working on Me thod to Destroy Pests in Forests of Oregon to its next tree home. Its presence! , borings ia the bark. A tree thoroughly infested at this time !i me year win uaruiy sr.a a; ,tign oi me auat-K. otuer than thit ireveaiU by the microscopic bark borint. -But by the foI!onintr spring, it iil bgiu to look a lit tle faded in foiiape: by lail it l4ay , ' e tii'ito red atui even ! p rally d. ad by the close of the cud s-ason. War Methods IVvivtl lnftd trvt'8 are beiui? cut iirimininn nm .nun md m mm ue bill after hearing SecnSary Mellon, Internal HeVenue toin miaKiofter Blair and other treas ury officer ia the. executive ses sion beginnin-r Monday. Chairnian Fordrey i!d today t urobublr wiitild . taRe threv w- !.? tM get tlie hill beforo the i lu .l Maclepy Man Reelected VVool Growers, Director SILVERTON. Or.. Jnir 2. (Special to To Sta'eamanJ Ther Of egoa Wool nd MoL'alr gro wens secured permission froni Tin- majority menier f election in the community clu ru,i - ' i the dimmitir, have as yet had n? rooms 'today and Gl II .Thompson ' w House Wavs and Means' r, uf, r Rlw w aK,?HS a r's"'"1! w .witiHi-.dirc-. uommiuee boon 10 bian the IwHtle in SILVERTDN. Or.. July 29. (Special to The Statesman . Mrs. Gertrude Cameron ha. re-; f-eived a tuesrara frouj her fa ther. W. It. Sladf. notiryiaK lief j of the d?atli o her mother at th j Htadei home at Oxford. Nova Sco-j tia. i Mrs. Siad vas well known tit j both Silverton and Salam. i BRAiN WORK NECESSARY Tiny Bug Outwits Wielder of Broad-Axe or Wizard Of Electricity s round h; rzikir -hn t vv r a!;tr,thHobio, h5s, a-- ious. however, nd unabK- . community that as ..ift, .t.i ; tried t with ll.ooo volts o Cfcjrntz- her. Fritx Slade. j potato bugs, and offert-t'. t.i xhow." ''"t car"nt, 'ht Oregon . Mrs. John .1. Roberts of Satem j also is a daughter cf th la:': Mrs. Slade and. left thre- wee ago to be at her mother s bed EiUe consc to reef. formerly with the siat bankin (lenartment. nnw a federal ftanK i l-u t..i. -'i,,. .. i every exaiiimer iii .-an lkikc wi. i son. Other children are Claude i "P. Slade of Eureka, Cal.: K rani: I I S'ade of Montreal, and M.ss a therlne Slad i of Oxford, Nova Sco tia. i Pv CILVRLES LISLE Tin ro once war, a hrav.i. I.o i a worried farmer bu on his one good dinner. down, peeled, and stiHt bark bur:fri. Down in Cal ifornia, where tii he-t! has 1m tn a sfr:oi)5 forest menace, tbstri ers li.iv.- found th:.t ;t isn't r.ires - iry t'hurn til lar!-: and t-xpo--i-thf whol forest to the danvr of fir. They cut down tho at fi-ct.1 trt-e.s. p-e them, and merely pil,- the hark f that tlu srrrhiii- s;--v.ill reach it. The heat and ji-h'f kilf th- brelies almost :i - tt.t Jr as fire. This is to be tried e- j tonsivtly iu southern Orcein I where there is.soniH niasnificeMt pine that it would be a r.atioiini I eaniamitv to lose. j One forester to the idea lha 1 el.-ctricty would kill the hnv- ' f the prouuee Drafting Revenue Bill OFFICIAL WORD AWAITED Fifueen members were tresent and 15 votes were sent In by mall. Most Persons Given Hearing! s"r;a,c t!?tKr to J : at lest .4o per cent also is Ask Leniency for Their i I tjiiierence o opinion anions i-iu j ' I. . I 1... L IV. a- ! i ii.n tjc- 4i a. ni.s. I - t j Suituv Hruti-l.Wa Forecast J Thrfre are 1S00 members or All cf the licpuMicans have the Clreeon --Wool and Mohsir 'not yet agree! to the treasury j erowJn;' association to the state. 1 i.rn'o il to :epealthe excess pro'-l Fred IVT. Herrin la president if , its ta and .Mirsutute an increase j tut afsoclat. on. 1 in t!ie nocin:i tax on coriKtt at.ons i I ut leai'.'efs believe this program' I will nrevail. A rednctfon iu the m ,,f two Toums were snenviinr a rr cent also is tore Own Business W., J. Clark, jWlfe and two sons, Mrs. Clint Baun. NEW $15,000 Structure at Inde pendence Ready-tor Next School Year . to the main road, then turn back and fro behind tho Peterson barn where he disappeared Intojthe timber. Loganberry picking is nearly finished. There will be a few more days in some yards. Some have already flneshed. Pickard Brothers are enjoying visit with their sister and two children from Portland. Little Wilbern Russell has tho whooping cough. K I i ( 1 i . , v ' - "'fa lUrnPll lin lilts r nn, ,0 iar.u ii j--! motion, spat- on their titieir electrifie! Uncle Silas fed him such a dm- ' the electrocution ;ner as no otuer tra.np etr uea. To Idreanled since they bewail to eat ! real food V. ASNINCTUN Public hearings were on Juiv ta re !.?! t i.iav by the ays .an. I mmis -onimitte SeU'-inlcK st Shown L:ke thi rrrzt majority t those wl-.o had gone bofore mort v.'itneses sought' removal of th-J tax rnt;i th.ir particular indns- tries bui as Chairman Fordney--, house yoir.tid out. few sugeyt'ons wrri niMAfK A I1PFKRKK(T3 - Two youths were spf-nvllng holiday at the seashore. "Say, Tom.f asked one,' " how do yen teach a girl to sw:ui?M ,- That's easy." replied Tom "Youftak her gently doitn to tho. waie: then i you put- your arm around her waist and; whisper, imrljn. don't J frightened. . Oji, corae ou! returned Dick "shi only tuly sister.'" - (h. vour I sister! Well. It which offennl aj to how the los in r?v-j that j, the case, just push her la, ... . .... . . . . l . . . . w l. TaI n n win sUiri iira.lus in. nevi- ri'vi-n- ecne nronos Ts -was 10 oe mmiB up- i iijsournii Chronlcl-Telegraph. RICKEY NEWS 8TAYTOX NEWS Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Maris are spending a few weeks at Wilhoit. Others who have visited Wilhoit this season are Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Binegar, Frank Haris, Mr. and Mrs. John Caplinger, J. Irvin Caplinger and the Mises Logaa fcill. John Parson is still very 111 but la apparently gaining a little. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and daughters Margaret and Hazel, spent the week-end at their Crook ed Finger ranch. Tom Dunigan -came down from Scotts Mills the first of the week to work his loganberies. Mrs. T. Walace is visiting her brother J. D. Bower of FiorenoeJ Ore. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Walter Firth, who has been a house guest of Mrs. Wal lace for some time. About all of the hay is taken care of and the farmers are busy cutting grain. how to at the hands anil it annot'iec ntiiiiK was discontln- I establish Quarantine! zones and to kin off infOUi,i . It was an awful strain, j before the beetle rn ,i V . .... . 1 II ,.,.11: U , . " " " uui iue iriimy juia.uj ?ui -iv-"--, preaa. Is at nreent oi praciicauy an iue ursi ui's ; proved fighting process two Kinds in West. x nere the ap- INDEPENDEkcE, Ore., July 29 if?ncial to The Statesman) Th new 115.000 high school gymnasium located just" east of th hiirh school bulldlftg. was completed today by the contrac Inn. '. with concrete basement and -wooden euperstructure, the build inc has been constructed along th: most: approved lines for furn , lahlnc the school with an, indoor ulay ground, besides ; providing suitable Quarters for holding ' school functions of various klnda. Th dimension of the mala room are 75x90. with a height of 20 teat. There are 20 large windows a good sized stage and dressing rooms to each side, and at the en trance customary " provisions for cloak rooms, ticket office, etc. Separate shower bathes for the boys and girls are provided ia the large basement covering the en tire size of the building, besides there is a large well lighted room that may eventually be used in connection with the high school. Muck of the work done ion the building was by local men, : -, j , Defective Eye Causes I I Lieutenant to Resign ..i : . .- i INDEPENDENCE, Ore., July 29 (Special to The Statesman) While attending rifle practice at Clackamas ' a few - weeks ago, an examinat4on disclosed , that Ira Mix had a. defective eyo t which made it necesary for him to sever his relations with , Company K Oregon national guards as -first lieutenant. He has held the lieu tenancy since, "the organization of the company, Jane 30, 1919, His successor has not been appointed, which I entlrs1r ia the bands of the captain of the company., Mr. Mix is cashier of the Inde pendence National bank and has worked hard to bring company K to the forefront of eficlency. Saiem Band Entertains On Normal School Campus v INDEPENDENCE. Ore.. July 29 -(Special to The Statesman) The citizens of Monmouth were given a real treat Wednesday evo nlng when the Salem band gave a concert on the normal campus, where hundreds gathered to listen to the music; The entertainment lasted over an hour and judging bjr0 the hearty; welcome accorded the band, the event" was highly appreciated; -- 'i 1 STAYTON. Or.. Julv 29. Adam Hums of Salem was visit ing friends lor a few hours Tues day. Mrs. Harrington left Tuesday for a. 10 days visit with- relatives at Randon, Or, T, J. Hunt, witli other county commissioners, was' in Stavton Tuesday looking after the instal ling of a new engine at the coun ty rock crushing plant. ' C. A.' Heauchamp, Frank I- Jones-and Joe Fisher . and T smith returned Tuesday from a 10 days outing In the. mountains around Marlon lake.' (.;- , Mayor Grant Murphy. Council man J. R. Gardner, Marshal Hen ry bmith and Harry Humphreys went to Salem Tuesday to confess with the county court hK regard to the paving motement which is on foot. Mrs. S. A. Fultoa ana Miss Al mal Fulton drove over from Tur ner Wednesday 'on a brief shop ping tour. A large delegation ot Epworth league members will go to Jeffer son Sunday where they will at tend the Epworth league conven tion which is now in .session at deague part. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Preesler left Monday for Toledo where they are Bpendingthe week with Mr and Mrs. F. IT, Down. John Sandner has bought out the milk route fornterly operated by Phllippi and Huntley. Mr Sandner took possession of the route Monday. John A. Dilter, a pioneer resi dent of Sublimity wa-transact ing business in Stayton Thursday, Miss June Kearns was an early morning. yisi tor r in Salem Monday returning borne on the noon stage. Udoo the advice of Mayor Mur phy and City Marshal Smith,.Wil- liam Hawkins was admitted to the county poor farm the first of the week. J. A. Hendershott Is moving h'a stock of confectionery goods from the old stand Into the Gard ner building on Third streets, which gives him a much better lo cation. Mr. and Mrs. John Braun took their little son Sylvester, to Sa lem Monday where the little fel low bravely underwent an opera tion, having his tonsils renvaved and other minor troubles attend ed to. Lodge of Redmen Formed By Silverton Residents SILVERTON, Or.. July 29. (Special to The Statesman.) Ablqua tribe. Improved Order of j uetimen so. 71, has organized inJ tnls city with membership, of 2 5. Thirty-five Redmen came from Portland to i institute the lodge. The . officers elected were: S.. W. H. Cachran: s. s.. William Robinson; J. s.. J. W. Farrell: d.. M.'Gebrfce; c. r., R. Thornby; k. w., E. W. Garner. Edward Given Sells His Silverton Barber Shop SILVERTON. Or.. July 2 9. (Special to The Statesman) Earl Crowder has purchased the Sanitary Harber shop in the Gem theater building from Edward uivens. Mr. Crowder vas for merly owner of the shoo. Mr Givens has not given out his fu ture plans. He formerly lived i Salem. iset mefore him. Then he yawned rolled up his sleeves, picked up a huge razor-like broad-axe, tested it with his thumb, twirled it over his brawny shoulder, and in a deep bass voice demanded: "Fetch 'em on I'l show you how to butcher the biggest tater bug that ever grew!" Beetle Attack Forests Pine beetles could be kilied that way, too. A beetje an eisht of an inch long, and as slupjrish as a slue:, might be assassinated by a stalwart man with a broad-axe or even a good steel maul. But wh41e the one was beinj; massa cered, a million others would be growing up, crawling, boring, gnawing and they'd soon out number the beetle killers. It may work with tater-bugs, but it's too slow for pine bugs. The pine beetle is making a bee line for the Orepon pine forests. He needs a good killing, for if he isn't checked, the Oregon pine forests will one day look like Egyptian mummres dead, dried up, and ready to blow away in powder. The forestry department is try ing to head off this dangerous pest. It is a man's job, however, for the life habits of the creature make it almost impossible to seg regate. It goes from one live tree to another, with no pause in the ground or in the rubbish of the forest where so many other tree pests can at some time during their life history be trapped either in the egg. or as larva, or in the developed beetle form. Almost the only way to check the crea ture's ravages is to spot the trees it infests and destroy them. How tho Beetle Works The beetle bores its way through the outer bark of the tree into the. growing wood, and then begins to tunnel its way between the bark and the wood proper. It poes,. a little way, cuts a gallery for an egg deposit, then goes back and on to many other galleries, to repeal the egg-laying process. The eggs finally develop into the larva, which continue the boring process until perhaps the whole tree is girdled or infested by msfly thousands of insects. . The beetle leaves the larva stage in early summer and eoes on are two varieties nf r pine beetle operating in the wen. One affects the suger pine only, the other is found mostly in the yellow pine, but will attack the sugar pine also. In general, the pest is found to attack the weeker or less thrifty trees, just as other disease germs attack iha healthy throughout th whr.: i nul and vegetable world. A vol untary CUlling Of the wenker trees in a supervised forest is one posible solution of the warfare against the pest. The state forestry department Is gathering all the data possible tor a vigorous fight against this forest menace. The splendid pine rorests of the Klamath country, and of other sections of Oregon are worth a big fight I NATIONAL LEAGUE At Chicago Philadelphia .... Chicago Iluhbell md . Bruggy -Martin, Joneb and Dalv. n. U. K 9 1 8 :j York, At Cincinnati II. M. K. New ork ; . . 1 o i ; 2 Cincinnati ... 7 15 1; Ryau. Saliee and Smith. Sny der; Donahue. . Markle, Geary, Couinbo mid "Win go. Hargravel 3- 11 Monday, Aug. 1st PORTLAND BEAVERG OXFORD PARK3:30 ofCIbck 1; At St. Iouis Brooklyn ... . St. I-ouis ... . Mitohell and and demons.. 1 1 1 1 R. II. K. 0 4 1 1 ! 0 Taylor; Pfeffer AMERICAN LEAGUE f K. 4 At Philadelphia R. II. Detroit " IS IS Philade'gphla 6 10 K Ehnike, Cole and Bassler. Woodall; Hasty. Froeman, Wolf and Perkins, Styles. R. H. At Boston Cleveland 3 7 0 Boston 0 2 0 Morton and O'Neill; Thormah len, Russell and Ruel. Chicago-Washington American league postponed, wet grounds. HAS Sunday, July 31 1 Wc- 1 '-,vr i-..::--v.. - . -1. 1 i '. . . ! ., - . SALEHVJ vsr. JS OXFORD PARfC 3 Clock - j. I; Stayton Couple Purchase Residence at Silverton '4- Escape Quietly Eats With Guards on Trail MARION, Ore., July 29. Marlon people were ery much excited for a short time "Wednes day evening.. While the peniten tiary guards were looking up and down th roads that lead into Marion, Frank Payne, the escaped convict was quietly eatinr bis sup Vr at Mr.. Lee Smith's house. "When: be left the bouse he met Mr. Smith" going to the hotise. The eonvlct said: -That Is a fine colli dog you have there. and passed on. .. .. . . 1 " .. As Mr. Smith had heard there were oficers In town he was sus picious, particularly when he saw V.8 rl8.on number on 1 his back. Mr Smith went to the officers and told them where Payne was. It wraironly a few minutes until they too him, .from under a log where t. M 'when he 83 the oflcera. which he evidently did as he was Sees to cross the bridge that leads SIL.VERTOM, Or., July 29. (Speojal to The Statesman) Mr. and Mrs. El wood Small who have been .living at Stayton "for about two 'years have purchase 1 the Milster residence on Fis'-c street. Mr. Small will remodel the house. Mr. and Mrs. Small are old time Silverton residents, having lived on the farm which O. K. Se bo now owns in the vTaldo Hills. After Mr. Sebo had purchased tho old Small home Mr. and Mrs. Small moved to Silverton and l'.ved in the house which the O. Thompson family now occupies on Liberty hill. Funeral of Mrs. Rupe Is Held at Silverton - SILVERTON; Or., July 29. (Special to The Statesman.) Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rupe, who died at Portland Monday of this week, rwas buried; from the .Ma sonic temble of Silverton Thurs day'afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral servicer were under the auspices of the Eastren Star. Rev. J. A. Bennett of the Christian church save the funeral sermon. J II lUll V. IML'P I "1 -HK- Sl: f S ml VVW "' 1 1 . r-M-r! Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Good Will - Economy Confidence X 1 11 11 ai I H ia 1 vmA.m j. - - - - ... sw. r.ii z . o i ifbutorp&tutttl 312 DEPARTMENTVSTOItES Join Hands in m Nation -Wide pney - Saving Program . .- ...... -t'-.ij.t ,., PRICES That Will Surprise You will be found in all departments. They are not one day specials either, but can be had at the lowest price whenever you need them. Here are just a few items to give you an idea. Any other items in the store are equally good values. Ginghams, 27-inch, yard.. . - 13c to 23c Percales, yard.. 13c to 25c Cheviots, yard. -,19c Voiles, yard.... 19c to 98c 4 Our LADIES ! Read-to-Wear artment Dep Is receiving shipments daily, which are the result of the careful buy ing of our expert New York Buyers. The style, Quality and prices are the best You should come and supply your fill needs in rpAATC CT1TTQ ITOEfCClTC r4 . and SKIRTS I !