THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 29. 1921 CLiinmo ismnfnanni : I, .v tUt tU Wf Peri htesrtioa - .1 1. . tO WOe (SU ietM OsO BMU Bis a oaths' esatraet. r 1-4 imiUi' ewatraet, ft m U1.1 J kftKHMUU IN j NORWICH UNION - YlItE 15SURANCB; SOCIETY ' Tbielson. IloUnd Burghardt RealtleBS Aget 971 Btmf Ht. t. MONEY - TO! LOAN ? - i On Real Estate ! T. K. FORD Orer Ladd A Busb. Bant) FARM LOANS V i HAWKINS I & ROBERTS j20-207 Oregon Building "LOANS REAL ESTATE" INSURANCE We Insare anjrtnlaf-We hevs the mwKf 'v loan k,iek ' ,,k ' fsrr and city property llata are eoa pletoi Bm no first. : loe-T Onim Bldg. Psoas 1M ff you have property tasell pa Will 1131, lb ttU MC iifinn price we will sell it. ED. LOOSE 370y2 State Street NEW TODAY JOR ' BALKHIMALAYA BLACKBEK rioa. Pbone 11 K24.r' : X( BEBVICE MAS HAVE bouses. Iota. trrt and faraja that you ran awing with your loan.: Any prop- perty that wjll.sell oa Unn ou ran swing and at ssme price. That in, if the owaer is intelligent and honest. ,' Let as show jrea soose in the class thai ; . interesta, bow. flwkt Hendricks. 05 U. "8. Bans. IHdg.-, - ; JOD-SMaLL DARK BROWN FCH k ploae, WtllMBott rampua. Owner may bar bf eallinf- at fitatramaii f(ie n pajinf for tbta f'ORD RUNABOUT FOR BALK. RKCP - holatvrMl and oTfrbaaled. Mnit tell. Call 823 8. 12th. ! PK PRACTICAL NUB8E PHOXE &08R. 10R BALE OR TRADE OAKLAND auto In fine ahapo. Priro SaoO or . trade for U50 heiia. Write Bos 81A. Huut a Htlrm- ' i rot" R MEN. WITH DRAG SAW WANT bin) eorda of wood to cat. Addreea J l"I-78." Btatoaiaan. - 1 : 12700 BCTH 6 BOOM HOME ON PAVE ment, near ear, with plaater, bath, hot water, baaement, Ea, cement wlk . fruit and ahade. Nice location. IMr- erythinc in firat-claat ahape. If yon know where yon ran do the aame, bay lit breauae it won't last long. If not ! aeo thia. Berk A Handriekv 205 U.S. U !' Bank Bldf.:- i ' r - ' ' -j! i TOH SALE 40 ACRES 10 MILES north of falem; about hair enltivatea. ! One acre lorana, more set out; bouae, , barn, ehfckrn boaaea. f'aoi. toola. i rrepa. d,l0. Jottm EUwarda. tier- -Tata, Bt- . Boa at. ' Ay ANTED " AT T1IK OREGON 8TATE Tabermloaia hoapital. Janitbr for boa at nital floor. Addreea K. 5, Boa 2. V ; Balem. Oregon.. ; - : yoU WILL T1SD IT TO YOVH AD vantaM (t the MeMinnville Co t ' 'rate when neat in need of fire in a aaranra. Call 847, Standley k Foley. , Agta.. Bnah Bank Bldg. vr AFPAIR ALL MAKES OF KODAKS j and fountain pena. Capitol Drm Store. 3'OU CAN TREAT YOUR FRIENDS f with a "Foater lOe clar. At your . i dealera. ' - - hLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ELMO H. While, U'4 Maaoaw umg. kAROAlN 8 ROOM COTTAGE, P.I.EC 1 trie liftrbtnv rity water, pared t.trt. on ear line. 1400; terma, 1K CrnUr hi, . h 100 DOWN- BUYS A BEAUTIFUL lltighta lot tnai you idouiu tee touaj i' You'll aa a bouie on it a year fron j ' today - beranae it'a riitht all waya. Becke llendricka. 205 V. S. Bank Bide ! WANTED $2,500 ON OOOD FARM . aeearlty. New Vallding. f good : well. f 7 intreat. Report .to'. Square Deal Realty Co, . 202 IT.' 8. Bank Bid. BEST BUYS aAr yx look in r for brand Jiew home, modern In erery respect, good location. ,1 block to car. . 11 you are tbia you i will want it. . ' f .' - . : 7 room heuae on Caroline at a barfain. ' Mrat be aold. Make na an offer. -AVe hae aone buya in farma that can t be beat. - .' , : fl4UO enntraet paya 915 per month. To trade for bouae and lot. M room houxe. anan at rtlOO. good teroia. ; , ; THOMASON . ' Sm State St. EMPLOYMENT MALE WANTED WORK FOR ONE TON g. track. Alao long diatance Joba. 1436-J : STEAM AND OAS TRACTOR EXGIN ' eer wanta work. Addreaa '1-71." care , . Htateaman. BESHINGLING DONE BY DAT OR JOB Satiafactioa guaranteed. . Pbone 2083-J . r Free oatiiaate. - ' eWANTED ENERGETTV TOVNG MAN ;, who hat had xperleaeo telling lift Inauraaea atocka r odrertieiog. Meat bo able to derate hie entire tune and be ambitieaa for n4eaeecaent. Mnat . have the eourage to preeeat bnajneer propoaitio to mercbnnU and profea if tioeal ui. imwer In your own hand ; wTitiat tUtlng aga. adacat tonal anal If icatioaa.. trperienca aa aolieitor. etc Addreea I Ke. el. - Btateamao off ire AVD rSMAUS WANTED MEk a WOMEN TO take farm paper eaheeripttoaa. A nod tf iht eopleu Addreo Fefio HaaaeatoMt. Butoamna Bldg : fleleea.. Ore. PERSONAL rACIALSCALP TREATMENTS; VIO . u rJ',M,em,i! thampootaf. Or eeow Bath bouae. Paene 40 - FOR SALE CAXAKT BXSJDtT iiMlAW w8ntD8- 'i POR BALE GENERAL MERCHANDiar "tmeaa. otock now annrv im,iu , f 15.000. C. bo rucAM1,' 10.000 will handle. Own bnildi S 60.80 which e. U uSd.-T jyS , - deaire a good baaineaa location in Tea tirtUlhia buy. Addreaa N Beltg. . FaMt City. Ore, t call 695 K lltt -Ca fitat4Muuaa ClMHOnea 51 FOR SALE HOUSE! CHAS. F. SMITH ALADDIM BEADT out bouaa 0 Or--oa Bide. OXTl.TRT iOIJLTRYMEN 8ENI EIGHT TWO cent atampa 5r apMial Ihrre montha' trial for U Wat and oldcat journal la tha wcat. The artirlca and advrr liarnu-Dta aro of "p-ial Uitrit to the poultry bredra of tha clrthweat. Xorthweat Poultry Journal. 213 Com Bifrtal Ht., Bal-m, Orvgon. TULM fA?EB IP TOO WANT TO GET THB BEST fara paper, aond 15 to Tho Paeifia Hoaaataad, Balam. Oretoo, for J thrv Bontha trial anbacriptiom. MaoUoa tliia aA. LIVESTOCK SIX COWS POR HALE AT A BARGAIN. K. L. Kobiaa, llPjwell,ambjll!Co. "iuacEixAwBoy a " BALED VUnXtn HAV. S12.50; STORED at 1387 N. Winter. WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY. CHTOKBB wiroT 8tinbek, 7S Court ttroet. OPriCES AfD 8TOREH A BIO LOT f aew book for aalo A half priea SMlnboeka. RED RASPBERRIES FOR SALE Phone 37P21. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT J61 Court. Anytbinc 6c. POR SALE DEERING BINDER. POR table and tongue truck. lttltt model; good aa new. Pbone 6F3. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Am especially good aalection of the aonga . you hare been wanting with worda and maaic complete. No matter how many aongbookt yon hare you ihould have tbia one, containing the Oregon conga. Single cop lea. 25e; 18 V4 eenta each in lota of a dosen or more; $12.50 the hundred, poatpaid. Second edition printed tine September OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 B. Commercial Bt. Balem. Oregon WOOD PHONE 1585-M FOB WOOD. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. aecond growth and aab. Phone 1467. TOR SALE OLD PITCHY FIR, 16 inch and 4 feet. Reasonable price. Pbone 1727. WOOD FOR SALE PHONE 254 OR after offica houra call 622. Call and r get my prices before you purchase. GOOD WOOD REASONABLY PRICED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Victor Schnei der. Phono 63F41 ereningi. Turner, Oregon. DEALERS IN WOOD AL80 WOOD 8AW ing; get our prices before buying else where. Oak. old fir and second growth, ruber Broa. Phono 2046. DRY FIB AND OAK WOOD FOB SALE. Phono 77F2. TOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD. ' aawed eeo length, 12 : inch or 16 inch. Special price on 5 cord lota. Beaconed mill wood. First class 16 inch old fir. Second growth fir. aawed 16 inch. Fred E. Walla. 805 8. Church. Phone 1542. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT 735 N. COM mercial. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED apartment and garage. 1040 Leslie. ROOMS LEONARD HOTEL NEW VAN AG E- ment, clean, neat rooms and apartmenta. ! 254 North Front St. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OP ROOMS, first floor, with private bath. The Alexandria, 1030 Cbemeket street. Phone 1280. FOR BENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN In modern homo and centrally lecat ed. Pleaae give name and addreaa E. care 8tateaman. HOUSE! f. U WOOD, S HTATX BT, estate, rentals. BXAL LOST. AND FOUND LOST LOST MAN'S WATCH. MAKE-ILLIN ' oia Hunting rase. Phone 23P13 or leave at Statesman office. LOST AT P08T0FFICE , SMALL black purse containing; money and vie tory Loan receipt. Finder leave at thia office. Reward. LOST ON HIGHWAY BETWEEN 8A lein and Portland Tuesday night, a large leathea grip containing Tadi' wearing apparel and gray shawl. St . tify H. R. Hargrave, Hotel Nortonta, Portland. Liberal reward. FOUND FOUND CAP FROM OIL FILLING tube on Briscoe ear. Inquire this office. WANTED laSCEXXJUTBOTJS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co., Phone 10. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinda of aecond hand clothing. 320 N. Commercial. Phone 298. WANTED 8-ROOM APARTMENT BY married couple, no children, to occupy about Sept. 1. Care "I-t9," States man. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY Ing Black Republicans, Bings and Lam berta. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS ranges and eookstoves, tools, mea'i suits sad shoes. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Commercial. Phono 841. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 185 N. Commercial St. Phone 9" BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPSj 1UTO TOPS W. O. WRIGHT, 171 South High. : . .-, AUTO TOP, UPHOLSTERY, WORE faaraatead. 658 South 12th. phoni 126 TIKES AND ACCESSORIES , HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ahop; valraaizing, retreading. 197 8 Commercial Street. Phone 471. SMITH-WATK1XS, 147 NORTH HIGH Flak, BilveKon Cord. Hood extra ply tfeee. Everything '-fee an to. USED 0AM BARGAIN 190 SEVEN-PASS ENGEB Bnirk. Good ahape. Ron 1800 miles ' Writ Bos 745, Dallas. Oregon. REBUILT U8ED AUTOMOBILES IF yon aro looking for good uaed ear. I have It: and ears that are rebuilt like new, tad at a low priro on oaay terms. Write or phono Mr. Kilton, 890 Kaa,t ' Portland. GARAGB AND XEPAIB AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROO bio ebootisg. S3 North High. Phone 208. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. Ac cessories, te4 car. . Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Read. Phoaa SOS. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory OABAOEB AND REPAIR SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 B. Commercial Kt- Balem. PRESTO LITE BATTERT EERV1CE nation. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Broa. Pbone 4403. 418 Court. CAPITAL GARAGE BL'ICK. BTUDE baker, Hudaoa repairing. 17a Bwnth Liberty. Pbone bit. TRACT'S STORAGE GARAGB 44 Ferry ttreet. UBBT'3 AUTO REPAIR 8HOP Soulh Liberty. Pbooe Ml. -220 AUTO REPAIR SHOP L, MILUB, S4S Center. Pbone 8U0. SALEM AUTO RADIATOB SHOP lb South 12th. Pbone 28. J C. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS. Bodiee revaired. 444 Perry. BAB.BBK8 COZY NOOK BARBER 8HOP 1S66 State BEAVTT PAJLLOaa M. MYKTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE; houra, 1 to 5. Huudav-; eveninga by ap r ointment. Oregon Bath liouae. Pbone 40, ifltsR. OKEOONION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL waving, hairdreaaing, 185 South Oom mercial. Phono 477. COBTXCTICSXBY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candies, confections, cigars, mag asinea, 1272 Btato. CHINESE PHTSICIAH DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaeaee. 153 a High 8t Phohe 288. CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Comets. Phone 1043-K. 891 S. 12th DBBSSMAKIBO DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING Cherry. Phone 1878 M. 2720 MRS. E. M. ASHLEY. DRESSMAKING, will go out by hour. Phone 1436-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phono 197 1W. JOSEPHINE FAXON 1414 MiesioA street. DRESSMAKING RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRE8SMAKING. 248 North Cottage. Phone 1662W. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. 8penrer corsets to order. 2 MeCormack Bldg. ELETHA PBUETT DRESSMAKING. 682 North Commercial. Phono 1931W. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNEK AND MAKER Ladies' Suits and Gowns. T MeCor mack Bldg. FANCYWORK WANTED TRANSFERRING AND stamping fur fancywork. Phone 1470-W. After six. DKUO BTOBBB BREWER DRUG CO. Phono 184. 405 COURT; HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEM 8T ITCHING, ebalnstitching, pleating, buttons. 829 830 Orccoa Big. Phono 879. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT1NG AT taehment; worka on all sewing mach ines; priro 82; personal cbocka 10r extra. Light Mail Order House, Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. HAT SHOPS HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bate ranovateu and blocked 495 Conn street. INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange Full protection. Reduced ratea. Frank Meredith Co. Bflsh-Breyman Block. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANT! for aalo. (Smith's 801 North Commer eial. ' FINANCIAL MARION-POL K COUNTY FARM LOAN aasociation has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treat orer. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. JOB PRINTING YOUR PRINTING LET BERTELSON do it. "Y" Bldg. Phone 779. i LAUiroaixa SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Eatabliahed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, 1264 Broadway i Phone 165. fLUMBINO PLUMBING, KEPAIRINW AND COIL work. Pbcne 1517J. Shop. 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITAUI WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT priests eoepital. I have best of equip ment. Phone 1959J. FAINT. WALLPAPER SEE ' PORTER FOR PAINTS, WAL1 apor and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phone 485. FAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract. Wella. Phone 1611M. 9AVI8 8TRAvrSBArOH OENERAl contractors ; painta, oil. wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phono 901 IUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESBOR 70 Glean L. Adams. Painting, paperhang lug, kalaomining. Work guaraateed Terms reasonable. Phono 1396J; res. 425 South Winter. PERIODICAL KISS GOODHUE TAKES BUB SCRIP tions for all maraiinea. S51 Be. 17th street. Phone T41M. ROOF BXPAIBXNQ ROOFS RE8HINGLED. CLEANED. RE paired, painted or tarred. Phone Kayos 84F8. BXPAIRTSQ AJTD aHAJLPKKINO TUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWKRf safety rstors, ete. Suwart'a Repaii Shop, 847 Court street. SEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE psired. General sharpening, ehimnej sweep. 1485 N. 17th st Phone 41W SHOE BXPAXBXXa WTT.LIAM'8 SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. STU7IOB DK LUXE 8TUDI0, KODAK FINISH Ing. 147 North Commercial, SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and ! shoes. Also do , cleaninc. pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange. 342 North Commercial. . Phone 13b8-W. M hi BUY. AND 8GU. SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar as. cellars, collar pads, tools, and chains. , rred Bchindler, 25S Oemtar Uat Stafeamaa OaaslfXed Ada BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL ALU It CHAN DLER PIANO, 151 North Cottaga. BEATRICE 8 II ELTON PIANO BTCilO 345 Marion. Phone 1299. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Church. Phono 178. r. S. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 Scots 14th. Phono 770. DAN P. LANG EN BERG. VOCAL lMtrby BUig. Pbone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. Phone 1184M. 1472 MILL MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO. $59 Center Phone 2016K. r RAN KLIN LACKER flANO, 268 North 17 th. Phone 1415 JULIA MILLS WEIGEL. PIANO. 1560 South Cfaurth. Phone 139 IK. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER string iastrumcnta. 419 Marion hotel LLCILE ROMS PIANO. OKiAN. 498 North Liberty. Pbone lt7W. MATT IE GILBEBT STRING INSTRU menu. 1572 ftate. Pbone 1156 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO player; dancea, ail occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BALEM CONSERVATORY OF AIUBIO All branches taught, diploma s granted. John R. Sitea, director, 1237 Court Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNTNG. REPAIR ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. K. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER, PLAY ers a specialty. Phone 352. Cher rington Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PIANOS; NEW. uaad. J. W. Tallmas. 121 So. Com'!. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE, HAS dies celebrated pianos 415 Court. Phone 852. STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRAPTaKR 406 MAS onie Bldg. Phone 170 SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REP nee of all kinda removed. Cesspools cleaned. Pbone 161. BTOVEB STOVE KEPAI&XNU STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT, COILS, connections. Will call and clean, pol ish at house. 271 North Commercial. Pbone 734. STOVES REBUILT ATvie REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 ins. high. Psinu oil and varaiahea, ete loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Worka. 250 Conrt street. Phone 124. TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS' DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city. 50c. CHAS CHANDLER TEN ERAL TRANS fer; office, stand, Clark's Tire House. Phono 74. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 126 State St.. phona 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty Get eie rates TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 294 North Commercial. TAJU DIRECTORY LANHAH TAXI COMPANY PHONI 640. " THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO.. Liberty A Ferry. Phono 77. Dry tlrb. 16-inch wood for ssls. TRANSPORTATION 8ALEM SILVERTO.T STAGE Leaves leaver Salem Bilvertor O. E Depot Newa Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:80 a.m., t:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. ' Special tripe by appointment. Seven passenger ear for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Res. phone 615 business pbone ' WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, free dsncisg. Open 9 a.m. 1 at night. UOlfc N. Com'L WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office, 801 South Cora'! Bt Tea per cent discount on domeetie flat ratea aid in advance. No deductions for ab sence or any cause unless water is shut nff your nremiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS' OR. O. U SCOTT. P. R. C, CHIROPRAO tor, 809-12 U. 8 Bank Bldg Phone. 87: Res. 828R. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliances from individual impressions Satisfaction guaranteed. Chat. E. Tatro. Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. SUGOESTOTHE RAPIST II. J. ANDERSEN. D.S.T, SCIENTIFIC masseur, electro-magnetic healer and metaphysician. Pbone 1108, 416 Ore gon Bldg. Consultation free. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 606 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon; Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Res. 614. Da JOHN U LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phvshiao aad Bmgeon, 403-404 Ore ran Bldg; Phoooa: Office. 1894: Res. 68F5 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dette at the Bow Optical Company, 825 State atreet, opposite Ladd and Bnah Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN 8, camp 6. Armory. First. Third Mondays REAL ESTATE $1300 -CASH BUYS 4 ROOM MODERN bungalow without basement, en car line. A coxy place, good aa new. Terms if desired. S. R. Pearson, 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR BALE ONE ACRE BEARING rherriea. on Faipview avenue, near car line. A bargain. Inquire owner, 660 E. Street. IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL farm of real value, inquire about our lOO-arre improved Linn county farm for 84.500. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. FOR 8ALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, f irst rlasa condition, good location : living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room downstairs, three- upstairs, five closets: hot and cold water, electric lifhta, baaement. Three lots with fruit. Inqairo owner,. 860 E street. REAL ESTATE WILL BUILD SEVERAL SMALL BCN galevs. four to six rooms, with bath, electric lights, walks. eLf . d sell like rent, PboBe l5a, 9 to 12. morn ings for Appointment WOOD'S BARGAINS Choice 20 acre tract located three miles from Salem, goo4 soil, about two acres in orchard, fair tatldiug. creek on tl.e place, spring water piped to build mica, gbed rvad. It will pay yea to ifawfc st this Have one of the best farms ia Polk l'UBJ'. 1 acre well located, land tiled, modern house, large bars aud oatoeiMmrs. OocJ water system. Iriee rijrht. Pite room modern bungalow with ce ment basement, two loin with bearing fruit treec tate aulo p.rt pay and give terns. A good farm at 8C5 per acre; a few choice lots. Want to buy house ni lot close to business district. F. L. WOOD 3U State St. I room modern plastered bonse, two fine lots. 1 block to Commercial street car line and paved streets, cement base ment, lota of truit. This is one of the Wat hemes in south Salem, price only IS. "00. Reasonable terms can be bad. To see th home ia to want it. If you want a good home see us. as we have j,e best for th monev. JOSEPH BARBER & SON Cray Bldg. BEST BUYS IS Vi acret valley loam, on River Road 41x miles from Ssloni, seme oak lim ber, buiidines. well: 1 mile Keizer school; price t6,M)0, tl.Oon down. 20 acres olf Silerton road, 7Vi miles Salem, no buildings, all woven wire fenced, well- price 12.250; cash. 9 acres s miles from carline, 1 acres loeaiis, hi acre strawberries, . room lioutte, chicken house, hogpen, good well; price a,5w0. 176 acres oak grub' pasture land. 2 miles from Koseburg: " trade for soiuethiug near value here;; price SS.OOO. 173 acres with 27 acres prunes, 14 acres logant, 7 acres peaches, fui set im provements, drier and warehouse; i wile school and town, rock road: $175 per acre; trade for business, re.idence or acreage, near Salem. Let us know voir trades. SEE SCCOLOFSKY 341 State St. SACRIFICE BARGAINS Good modern 6 room cottage, nice lot, barn, fruit, near carline. Only $1600. Fine five acre tract, good 8 room liousf-, barn, garsge, orchard, berries, nice lo cation. $4,50O. 12 acres close in, 7 room house, barn, fruit, rows, fowls, tools, feed. $6,800, easy terms. We have acreage to exchange for city property and houses in town for acreage and farma. Call and see our PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Bldg. FOR SALE NEARLY NEW FIVE ROOM bungalow, with basement and fire place l4 block to car line. For price see, Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. $2,250 CASH BUYS NEW BUNGALOW, now ready to move into. South Salem. Bargain; terms if desired. S. R. Pear son, 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. TWO LITTLE BUNGALOWS NEARLY completed; with lights, water, plumbing and about half acre each; nice trees, price very reasonable; terma. Enquire office Kiogwood Entrance gates. REAL E8TATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number of good propositions either aa trades, or buya in easy pay ments of land or bungalows. Chas. W. Viemeyer, Matonie Temple, Salem. PUTNAM MeLAREN CO. RELIABLE Best Estate drslers. Room 141, 180 North Commercial Street. WE WILL MEET Ojt BEAT ANY FORM of contract offered on listings on reslty for aale or for trade. We make liberal open or apecial contracts aa it most fitting and agreeable. Reaaonably pric ed properties are desired, whether for sale or trade. Buyers are invited to ae us on this basis. A woman can buy aa cheap aa a man. The FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. WORTH WHILE ONE FINE BUILDING LOT ON PAVED ttrpet, $600. One choice east front lot, elate in, street psved. (H00. We have a large list of lots at very reasonable prices. Several good properties for trade. MILLS & COPLEY 331 '4 State St. Phone 175 LAND LOCATED IN MARION COUNTY (or $6. SO per acre and up. Magee, Room 29, corner State and Commercial Over Busicks. FOR SALE We have farms, small tracts and city property at price and terms that can't be beat. See us before yon bur. THOMASON & ROWLEY 331 4 State St. $16O0 BUYS THIS 5 ROOM PLASTER ed house, and lot 132x172. living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, toil et, electric light. See L. A. Hayford, 805 State St. I AM GOING TO SELL BEST OFFER 6 room bouae, 5 lots, 1427 Fairmouat. Also 12 Vs . acres located between 22nd and Turner, south side Salem-Turner road. Might consider southern Calif ornia. Submit offer. Cash or terms. To your agent or address Owner. W. W. Morrison, 864 Sixth, San Diego, California. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELIN quishment (timber) 160 acres 16 miles west of Eugene, good auto road, plenty of good timber and cord wood; house 16x20 insured for $600; all goet for $54M. Addreaa Box 842, Eugene. GOOLT BUYS Well improved 130-acre farm located east Off Balem, 105 acres in crop, bal ance , pasture and timber; running water, fine art of modern farm build ings. 50 acres fsll whest. 50 seres oats. This ia s fine fsrra in first class condition. Price $150 per acre; half cash, balance 6 percent interest, 10 acres, 5 acres set to legsns, 1 acre strawberries; on good toad 4 miles south. Price $2,650. Well improved 9.69 acre tract located in Balem Heights: sightly 1 mat ion: modern 7 room bouse, barn. 8Vi acres in fruit, about 90 bearing walnuu. some apples, cherries, pears, logan berries. Price $15,000. Improved acre tract close to car line and on Pacific Highwa.v. New cot tage, garage. Price $2,100; terma. Good 7 room modern home, cloae in. pared atreet. Price f 6.50. Good room cottage. South Salem. Price $6,500. Good 6 room cottage, on Commercial St. Price $2,950. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell see ' ,W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 27S State St Tou are the only girl I erer lored," he exclaimed fervently. She snuggled closer. "Ill take a chance on that being true," she replied. "If it is. you must have saved , a lot of money." Town Topics. Statesman Bring Results WHULL MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I BUYnro wem Eggs tu rosotry Egrs. 2 He . lleue, heavy, 20e, lieu, medtaaa. 1 7e. lien, light. 15c Broilers, loc 22c. OmI waters. 10. Pork, Mnttoa and M Top h.r. 12 1. 14u to 230 Ibe. fe aitd kog, l tr. fcmal! heavi". -9c. lr.ed hot:, ltic. ' lyju i.atuu. Sc. 1I milk lambs, 4 -c. Beef steers, ic. IVsi, 2 iic. Hulia, 3c. Top veai. 12-1 Sc. orans Wheat, 95c (sacked). OaU, 38c (talked). & Vetch and Oat hay, $12. Clover May, S10. ' Mm Fee, Wholesale Mill run, $34. WboMSSJe to DoJrs Creamery Butter, 41 and 42e. Hutterfat, 34c. - Wliole mils:, $1.75 rt. Tiuvt Oranges, $3.75 to $6.00. Apruota, $1.50 crate. Bananas, lie. 1-euMjut. $11 $11 50. Grape Fruit, Cal., $3.50. Dates, dromedary, $7 caae. Florida, all. Vegetable Oregon cabbage, 3 14 to 4 Vic. 'luruiba, 82.0U sack. Beau. 7c. W.t beans, 7c. Lettuce, e. Old potatoes, $1 ewt. Celery. $1.25 dosen. New potatoes, 2c. Oregon onions, 75c rwt. Walla Walla oniaus, 12. Cal. on ous, $2.25 sack. Kadiahea. 4Ue oaea bunches.. Oregon cucumbers. 50c. Oregon, 50c. dos. Oregon honey, SOe lb. Rhubarb, be. larslev. Oc doasa ouarhes. . Herts. 60e dosen bum-bea. The Dalles Tomatoes. $1.75 lug. Hooey, extracted. Sue U,. Apples, $2.75. Cirern peas, 12c. Cantaloupe, pony, $2.75; ttd., $3.50; flat. $1.75. Melons, 2Vsc Green peppers, 24e. j&etail Cresmery butter, 43 45e. Eggs, 32c, Ptvur. bard wbead. $2 50 $2 60. Flour, soft wheat. $1.65 $2.00. Flour, aoft wheat. $1.75 $2.00. Sugar. 86 HO PUBLIC NOTICES ' XOTICK OF THK IMlKOVK MEXT OF XOKTi: t'Al'ITOL STHKKT FROM THK SOl'TH LINK OF SHU'IMXti STKKKT TO THK NORTH (TKH IJXK OF MADISOX STRKKT. Notice is fcereby given that the Common Council of the City ol Salem. Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve North Capitol street from the south line of Shipping Street to the north curb line of Madison Street with four inch Portland Cement con crete base with two inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface pave ment at the expense of the adja cent and abutting property within the said limits, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Capitol street from the south line cf Shipping1 street to the north curb line of Madison Street as Heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed de scription of said Improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed bere'.n may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the linal pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Comon Council and the late of the first publication there of Is the 24th day of July, 1921, nd the dite of thr? final publica tion will be the T-th day of Aug ust, 1921. EARL RACE. City Recorder. XOTICK OF THIS IMPROVK- MEXT OF NORTH FOURTH STRKKT FROM THK NORTH I.IXK OF MARKET STREET TO THE SOUTH LIXK OF HOOD STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common" Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to improve North Fourth street from the north line of Market street to the south line of Hood street with six inch Port land Cement concrete pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Fourth street from the north line of Markit street to the south line of Hood street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to tor a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council and the date of the first publication there of is the 24th day of July. 1921, and the date of the final publica tion will be the 5th day of August. 1921. EARL RAE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE ArKNT OF COURT STREET FROM THB EAST LIXK OF FRONT STREET TO THE WEST LINK OF NORTH COM MERCIAL STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Comomn Council of the C-ty ot Salem. Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve Court Street from the cast line of Front Street to the west line of North Commercial Street with four inch Portland Cement concrete base with two Inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said Conrt Street from the east line of Front Street to the west line of North Commercial Street . as heretofore cdopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder which are hereby referred to for a more particular nd detailed descripVon of said improvement, and . are . hereby mad- a part of this notice. Wr:tten i onions ranees against the impruxercerH propesf d herein may be made at any t.'ma within ten (10) days ,'rom the final pub lication of thfs notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. Th;s notice is published for ten 10) days pursuant to a reo!u tlon of the Common Council and the date of the first publication hereof is th 24th day of July. 1921. and the date, of the final putTcation will be the Sth day of August. 1921. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE 1T.1PROVK MKNT OF NORTH CtrTTACJK STREET - FROM THE NORTH LIXK OF I STREET TO THK SOl'TH LIXK OF .MARKET STRKKT, Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It expedi ent and proposes to improve North Cottage, street from the north line of I) street to the south line of Market street with four inch Portland cement concrete base and two-inch asphaltic con crete wear.'ng surface pavement at the expense of .the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Cottage street from the north Una of I) street to the south line of Market street as heretofore adop ted by the Common Council and on file in the office f the City Recorder, which are" hereby re ferred to for a more particular and detailed description of said Improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any .time within ten (10) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Char ter. This notice is published tor ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Common Council and the date of the first publication thereof is the 24th day of July, 1921. and the date of the final publication will be the &th day cf August. 1921.- EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE Notice is hereby riven that I have Impounded the following de scribed does In compliance with Ordinance N,o. 1404 to-wlt: One om mongrel, black and white. VHINGS THAT Key .jus ' - ,,-ve-se Vy 111 wm Your Summer jOuting is a matter of importance to Yoi Where you will spend it ia a matter of interest to us Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares are now In effect to the following de! for Kest, Recreation Newport , On the Pacific Ocean and Yaqulna Ray lis this charming old place where thousands return yeir after year to ipend 'their vacations. Crater Lake A worM wonder lit th P.flfxrif-TA Tltin9tm Vfss ! mile abore the sea Is this iu iu tiBtci vi m uuguv ui vuu lesViiio Tillamook Crnnty neyona tne uoasi uange Mountains .sie unspoiled places where the Other Resorts Detroit (Breiten bush Hot Springs, ML Jefferson bounty), - Aicureaie not springs. Josephine County Caves, Shasta Mountain Resorts. Yoaemite National park, J . ... , j "Oregon Outdoors" Is the title of our new summer book let which describes he different resorts in western Oregon and includes hotel and free on request. For further information Inquire of ticket agents : Southern Pacific tines : 7 - JUSt FOR SATURDAY ARljlCLES ADVERTISED la this tolama are eXTered at a red action ei act lets than i$Va from rag alar retau frrtca. .. i GROCERY i STORES Jest 4atnrty Heyal baking Powder. 33r; regular 4uc. Hert B. tableman, li tiouth t oaisierrial. i - IDRU6 STORES I..., Sklanlx Se U'S.-k Mnujuu IW rhone Ji Tyler Img Ca. 1,1 t Just Katerday 8 T.l Powder. ipaay. the. fhr-ne as. Tyler lrsr cw OFFICE SUPPLIES Just Saturday- 504 be I tie of Yyple, 40c, Just the thing; fer cleaning r typewriter typo. , i'ahl Sim. 141 North Hick. I ! male, 4ith collaf, weight about SO pounds. One young, brown and white, male, with collar, weight j about 30 pounds. . One young ( mongrel, I brown, male, weight about 20 pounds. One old Spits, White, long haired, male, we.gut j about itd pouuuo. Tua above described dogs will be kil led it not redeemed by owners, on or before July SOth, 1921, aa provided in said Ordinance. j ! W. S. LOW. Street. Commissioner. . Pacific! League on Rocks. Is Denied TACOXl A, July 28. ilumore that the Pacific International Raseballl league was on its last legs were denied here recently by Louis 114 RnrnettJ Tacoma, presi dent ot t the .organisation. The league wll play out Its full sched ule, which concludes on Labor day.- - ,- - - "I wish to dispel these rum- ors," -Mr. Burnett bald,' "for I am do the league no good, ate I an! positive every sure theyi Let me a club on the circuit will finish with colors fly "There ng. have been several try but everything is now over and the crucial ing places) smoothed points pat. . Jack Rlthet. the Vic toria clutt backer. Host consider able this! year, but is going to go through. The Tacoma club la in rood shape. Vancouver will go through because Rob Urown. its manager, is a good business man, and Yakima, the fourth club, is in good condition." Read T;he Classified Ads. NEVER HAPPSi'i rr N.k YOUR. SMOKTl ENOUGH, tWWAY Ightfut places and Am usement beautiful asbre bltt lake. et these new and V - - . . r- ocean and fdrest meet. camp, in ormation Copy JOHN M. SCOTT ! Ceneral ;Passenger Agont ;; Cae 8UttaMmaai ca gained Ada !. i . .i :A7. -V '-,5 -V. :-V; ' "