THE OREGON STATESMAN." SALEM; OREGON FRIDAYMOSNING, JULY 29, 1C21 . 1 :'! ' i , t i I: 1 -...i i. si I I t 4 1 f j I : i 1 -. 4 i . fi 1 j' t U' ft' r . ii"' n i 1 GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF Look In right hand column on the clasHiried page for bargains under "Just lor Saturday." Ad. Hydrant Under Inspection a Inspection of all or the city hy drants U being conducted by Chief "Buck" Hutton of the city fire department. The hydratt-i are inspected semi-annually in or der that they may be kept in f!rrt class condition for efficiency in case of fire. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness and death of bur father.! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shalt. AdT. Jut for Haturday V , Heads a column of merchan dise reduced In prke.' This ' Is made up of sereral-different ar ticles and flrms.-i-Adf. Two Doth Ticked V Two boys who gare their names as Jefferson Boone and Thomas Freeland. both of Everett. VVa.h.. were taken to the police station early yesterday morning by the night , patrol officer to explain . their presence on the street3 at the early morning hour. The boyj told ofricers that they Were "just traveling around the country," having gone as far south as Weed, Cal.. and were now on their way north. As! they were considered too young to be tramping, they were lent to their homes. nAr. .".moo i f Douglas' MacLean itf- i .1:1 "One a Minute" "SNOOKY" Fox News - Hartm&n's Glasses Easier and Better Wear them and ee !1 .11 HARTMAN BROST hOM 1255 Balem, Oregon iNOMKING 'J. j batata al 16s H y. Oommrrtil timt my, BMdlM sa4 AmarW It H (w !, Im ciua sa4 attakailJ 3 5: Jjl'LazS:- tegular $45.00 Thor Vacuum v" (j Cleaner, Our Price Ml $25 ; : 4 Ivtvopnin utrinm A KHGUIEEKIXQ CO. Court St. rhone' 488 Salt Cleaned . . .i. .$ 150 Batta Pressed r Salem Cleaners & Dyers XlU 8. Coml 8L FHona 1818 TREES wu --I.. Wutlif ftrimr rim . Th SALEM KTJBSEBT fJO. j ! 43S Orca Bufldlnf iLIK ti OB IS O H Phone 17 CS ' K x .; QAVF J i iiniL tU all ell 1 buying your hardware and furniture at me uapiiai nara--wtre & Furniture Co., 285 N. Commercial street, r none We pay 2c abore the market orice for ti andprodacts PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Home Builders I Take Notice We can save you money on jour Plambtng Suppllei; It will pay you to coma and see us about price. ' W al ways b4Ta a iripplx of all ainda, , i , . Tests, all sizes, prices j low ' CAPITAL Bargain House We boy and sell everything Paona HI, v , -'; ?1I ChemekeU PV' Hill Military Academy Portland, Or., is the only pri vate military academy in the northwest. Adv. One Accident Iteirtel Th3 only accident , reported to the police yesterday was a colhp ion between cars belonging to H. Fl. Stanton. and Ray L. Stifflcr. Stanton is said to have been going east on Marion street and Stifflcr to have been driving south on Capitol when the two collided at the intersection. The Stifflcr tar hit the rear left wheel of the Stanton car, breaking out two spokes. The frame of the Stifflcr car was bent. A Classified Ad- Will bring you a buyer. Xolb-p Notice Is hereby given to tho policy holders of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York and the public that J. F. Hutcha son of Salem, Or;, is no longer the agent for said company. Any and all moneys due said company should be remitted directly to Alma D. Katz. manager for said company, Portland, Or. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New. York, by Alma D. Katz, manager, Portland, Oregon. Adv. I. 1-tii Vial to Miss Florence Reardsley, who last vear was DrinciDal of thn Sa lem Heights pchool, wai a Salem visitor from orvallis Thursday. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catolog on application. Adr. A Oreat Clearance Sale Of millinery and dresses, the smart styles which have been the best selling of the season, now offered at cost and below, to make room for remodeling and for fall merchandise. The French Shop, Masonic Temple. High St. Adv. Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Tables and k counters. Jack's Cafe, 163 S. Commercial St Adv FUNERALS. The funeral service 6f Albert n. Maeers. who died vesterdar In Dallas as the result of injuries received when a truck he waal driving was struck by a freight train, will be held tomorrow at .2 o'clock from the Rlgdon chapel, the Elka lodge being in charge of the service. Interment will take place In City View cemetery. Funeral services for Wayne C. jJackaofty killed la action at Chat eau Thierry, France, will taae place Sunday. July 31, from Rig don's, under the auspices of Cap ital nost No. 9. American legion, Rer., Lee ; of f iciating. ; Interment In City View, cemetery, ' The body arrived in Salem yesterday af ternoon:;! .-u't ',,(. 'V; f V; M r W Tha fnnpraJ services' nf the late Albert G. MAger?; Dallae, and fori merlv of this city -will be neia from the Rigdon chapel Salem., Friday, July 29, at 2 p. m. No. 336 U. P.-O. E. will have enarge. Burial will bo at City View ceme tery. Adv.' ' - : i RIGDON & SON Leadings Morticians Webb '& Clougb Co. Funeral Directon Weatherly Ice Cream Bulk 30c pint; Brick S3c pint THE LITTLE LADY'S STORE 1090 Center St., corner 12 ta Do yon take . TURKISH BATHS It not, why not? Nd other batha or treatmanta can produce the permanent re lief to ' the person suffering from dlitgreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turklan Baths will. Open 8 a. m. until p. sl OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Oentlemen attend ants Do not confnse ISH KA DIBBLE cleaning with any other method of carpet cleaning. There Is no other method of cleaning that does the work aa good or as thoroughly as ISH KA BIB BLE. ISH KA BIBBLE cleant 4ng is done by hand, and not by a machine. . Being done by hand and done by an ex pert cleaner it. eliminates the guess work or imper fection of any machine. Ish Ka Bibble Cleaning Co. Ira Mercer, Mgr. 420 Ferry St Phono 1177 CLEAN CARPETS Baled Clover Eight bales of clover were tak en from the Charles Mumpers farm north of Salem Tuesday night. Complaint of the theft has been filed with Sheriff Oscar Bower but no trace of the last clover has been reported up to the present time. The French Shop Remodeling sale, disregarding cost we have taken one-half and more than half off on every price. Here is a real opportunity to get style, quality and value in mil linery and dresses and all our summer merchandise is included. The Masonic Temple, High St. Adv. Quayle Visits Son tjeorpe Quayle of Portland, ex ecutive secretary of the state chamber of commerce, was a Sa lem visitor Thursday on publicity business. H's son, Wayne Quayle, is a resident of Salem, engaged in battery and electrical repairs on North Commercial street. Save Money By looking at the bargains in column "Just for Saturday," please tell these merchants that you saw the ad in The Statesman under "Just for Saturday." Adv. Hot a Han Lunch Today Walter Jenkins, Portland sing er, who is to 1m? one of the Clta tauqua progTam today, will be an honor guest of the Salem Rotary club at a luncheon at the Marion hotel at 12 o clock noon. All Ro tarians who are able to avail themselves of the opportunity are expected to be present. Alabama iuct Here Guests for the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lew Is are Mrs. W. K. Andrew and children of Haleyville, Ala. Notice to Irrigatoi Irrigators on flat rate will please observe the following rules, All houses having even numbers are limited to irrigate on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday; odd numbers n Tuesday, Thurs day, Saturday and Sunday. Hours for Irrigating, 6 to 8 a. m., 5 to 9 p. m. Salem Water, Light & Power company. Adv. Xoran Improves Residence John Noran, foreman of the state asylum farm has finished paintings and improvements cn his residence on the Garden road. On Buying Trip Special Pay In right hand column on the classified page you will find un der the heading "Just for Satur day" several firms that are of fering articles at a very low price. Adr. Mrs. Esther Solof, of the Peo ples Cash stores left Tuesday for Seattle, Tacoma and other Puget sound points where she will in vestigate market conditions with a view to making, purchases tor the Salem business ; firm she tep resents. ' ln , Full Line IngersoU' Watdhcs Tyler's; Drug Store.Adv. i : IERS0NALS. 'I John Hyatt. Silverton banker, transacted business at the Marlon county court house Thursday. Attorney Virgil Massey of Stay ton, was a Salem visitor yester day. : -4 I HOTEL ARRIVALS I MARION Guests registered from Portland were: C. E. In in, G. A. Bye, George N. Cosmus, W. S. Baker, Mary E. Raker, William R. Hughes, G. W. Johanpon, Ruth P. Adams, F. A. Ford, George A. Cable, E. L. Melton, J. T. Green and wife, E. J. Condon, Ray E. Wenger, Tom Gorman. J. M. nrugn, and wife, C M. Milan, Harvey Jones, Thomas Lynch a:.d wife, Cleo Montye, J. T. Wallace, H. D. Olsen, William Cavanagh. Others registered last night were J. S. Williams and family, San Jose; C. W. Wiedr, Albany; W. H. Campbell and wife. Tillamoot; W. IL Wllborn, San Jose: II. T. Engraved Cards Wedding Invitations and Visiting Cards Prompt, Satisfactory Service COMMERCIAL ROOK STORE 163 North Commercial ONE! of the greatest Joya In this Hie comes to a man through his ability to read. When It becomes ne cessary to strain your eyes to take in what is on the printed page it becomes Just as necessary that you con sult an authority on op tometry. Have us build tor you a pair of glasses that will give your vision the proper accommodation. Mil!lfd:UiH i HI PO YOU 'l Vv I enjoy yiSPi Wald, Seattle; J. Dutton and wife, Iseattle; C. A. Danatiul. Chicigo; C. F. Hensel, San Francisco; v. A. Ferguson, Vernor. B. C; Mr?. L. P. Junk. Seattle; E. A. Clack more, St. Louis; A. J. Mercier, S P. Comapny; H. O. Her?1or. S. '. Co.; R. W. Lead, San Francises: J. J. Reibel. Chicago; .M. R. Eak ins and famUy: Peter Smai! John Gayskl, Henry Kryroricn. Thomas Gorup, John Plese. James Peruslck. all with the Elliscc White Chautauqua. BLIGH E. L. McKinley, G. E. Winterileatham. G." M. i?ullard. G. R. Broe, J. J. Robinson. V. H. Opdemyer. Jr.. A. G. Reach, Charles F. Eennett, Delia Mullin. M. W. Armstrong. H. I). Olson, A. I. Piaison, C. F. Miller, A. J. Wheaton, all of Portland. David Walkiem, San Francisco; R. VV. Taylor, ScottsMuff. Neb.; Mrs. M Muth. Centra! Point: R. F- lh am and vlfe. Seattle: C. L Stamy, Pendleton; M. B. Wood ruff. Los Angles; H. Gooslitig. San Francisro: J. M- Moore. Stay ton; C. A. Barnes, Goldndale; A. Wiedemon, Scotts Mills; T. O. Leary. Seattle. DIVORCE SUIT Claude Clayton Sharpe Suc ceeds in Having Transfer From Clackamas Alleging that his wife had filed her divorce complaint in the wrong county, Claude Clayton Sharpe has' succeeded-In having the suit transferred from Clacka mas county to Marion, upon ordc of Circuit Judge J. M. Campbell. Sharpe, as defendant in the suit filed affidavits to the effect that defendant, plaintiff and the main witness involved in the action were residents of Marion county. In allegations embodied in her complaint. Goldie May Sharpe as serts that herself and husband vere married in Salem on April 7, 1917. and that he went to work in the shipyards at St. Johns dur ing the war period. There are two children, a son 3 years old and an infant daughter of about 18 months. The wife's complaint holds that f;he husband possesses a "dan perous and usly temper," and that upon several occasions Sharpe cursed and struck her and that at other times he failed to provide a comfortable 'home for herself and children. In a signed affidavit Sharpe refutes his wife's assertion; that their "mountain .home five miles south of Salem was a veritable hell." asserting that at all times their home was attractive and supplied with the necessities of life. "; i . :! BAJfi) concert; t Popular numbeiswill agaia.bj4 tfi feature of tonight's band coiwJ cert inWillson park. Mrs. Wi W Priink will be the soloist. v' The program announced by Di rector Oscar Steelhammer yester day follows: March, "National Emblem". . .. Bagley ' Overture, "The Golden Scepter" Schlepegrell "Wedding of the Wind'?(by re- ! . quest) Hall Popular numbers Vocal solo Mrs. V. 11 Prunk. Overture, "Jolly Robbers". .Suppe "La Roge de Castello". . .Rciter Overture, "Life a Dream".... Ellenberg March. "Hostrausers' . ..Chambers "Star Spangled Banner" Contracts With Teachers Are Covered in Opinion I. H. VanWinkle, attorney gen eral, in an opinion yesterday, held that, when a vacancy is declared in the office of a school director, the remaining directors have au thority to enter into valid con tracts with teachers. Also that the board, after the election of two new members, has no authority to invalidate such contracts. The attorney general held that the board is a continuing body and in contemplation of law is always the came board although its per sonnel may change from, time to time. Hence, it is bound by prev ious contracts. Move on Foot to flecall Circuit Judge J. A. Eakin Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, yesterday advised J. L. Fin ney, secretary of the Columbia River Fisherman's league, that it would be necessary to obtain the signatures of 1464 of the qualified voters of the 20th Judicial district before recall proceedings could be instituted against the circuit Judge mere. Mr. Finney's letter to the secre tary of state was 6aid to be the first public information that a move was on foot to recall Judee lames A. Eakin, according to Mr. Kozer. s REALTY EXCHANGES Reported by Union Abstract Company BROUGHT HERE Albert and Katherine Basrh kewskr to John J. Red well. 13.H acres Eli Cooley die. 5-lw, $6500. J. J. Kramer to George Grlmps. lot 4. block 12, Hubbard. J29M. Laura L. Townsend to J. C and Lydia F. Sturkin. part of block 73, North Salem. 11500. L. R. and Jane LeFurgy to I. F. Shirley, 70.96 acres, section 12-8-3w. $1. J. R. Miller to Luunda B. Mil ler, lots 1, 2 and 8. block 6, Whit ney add. to Stayton. 11 0. W. E. and Etta M. aPul t T. NT. and E. Boyd, lot 12, block 2, Durllngton, S1Q. - - . . - P COUNTY TREES DIG Freeze of Two Years Ago Has Surprising Result In Orchard Belt ALARM NOT WARRANTED Many Can Be Nursed Back To Health in Opinion of County Agent DALLAS. Or.. July 28 (Spe cial to The Statesman!- Paul Carpenter, agricultural agent for Polk county, has made the dis covery during his trips throughout the county in the past few. weeks that a lare number of fruit trees of all varieties, and especially :,prunes. are dyinc in the orchards in great numbers. Mr. Carpenter was greatly in terested in the reports given out by fruit growers to the effect that the trees were dying and made a thorough examination of a num ber of orchards and found that the freeze of the winter of 191 i was responsible for the destruc tion Just becoming felt in the or chard belt of Polk county. 1020 Crops Heavy Last year the trees were appar ently in fine shape and bore big crops of prunes. This spring they blossomed and leaved out and the prunes grew to be quite large when the trees suddenly began to wilt, the leaves to turn a (teep yellow" and the trees finally died, all within a few weeks time. Nearly every orchard visited by Mr. Carpenter bore the same tell tale marks of the big freeze and it afected the older trees aS well as the young ones. Salvage Work t"r" 1 Mr. Carpenter, during his visits to' the orchards found trees that had been bearing large crops for from 15 to 20 years badly infect ed with borers and having loose bark which had turned black cn the inside, the result of being frozen. He states that' the fruit growers should not become alarmed over the situation but should give their orchards better attention than they have ever had and nurse those trees that were affected health. ' by the freeze back t I rv 'I Wis Beautiful Tributes of Respect To Mrs. J, S. Vandeleur ' - . Of Aurora . i "fleicur, held on Sunday afternoon at Butteville, was attended by many more of the sorrowing fiend3 of the saintly woman than could find room inside the walls o the church that stands by the side of the road leading down to the old town. In another respect the funeral was a notable one in respect of the sermon delivered by Rev. O. C We'ter of Woodburn and Auro ra. The regular pastor of Mrs. vande'eur was away, and tele graphic and telephone messages uiifd to reach him; and at the last hour, almost; Rev. Weller was called to conduct the ser vices; and so his address was ex tempore. But it Was such a finished ser mon touching on the issues of this life and the continuing life of the spirit after leaving the dust of its temporal home, that the words must remain in the memory of all the large crowd of people who heard them. No preacher of old or modern times ever painted a word picture more true, more simple and direct, more under standable, concerning this life, about our living in our present temples of dust and about the continuing life of the spirit when HIE FIERI rjsr i PRICE OF CO Now $9.50 tween North Mill Creek and Mission Street 12th Street and theRiver. ' -r- Don't wait too long before laying in your winter supply. There is apt to be another shortage this fall. .j ?; PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY 237 North - ' this dust shall have returned to its original elements. And the tribute which Rev. Weller paid to the saintly woman who had moved among the peo ple of that community for over 30 years, and claimed each and every one for a friend, for she radiated friendship and good will, and harbored no unkind thoughts for any creature, was made doubly eloquent and touching be cause each one who knew it kne w the words were literally true. There were no dry eyes, and there were no misgiving hearts. Mrs. Weller sang -Some Sweet Hay" and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" most appreciatively. The spirit of the saintly woman passed from the frail body at Aurora, at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Diana Snyder, postmis tress there, on Tuesday, the 19th. hut the funeral awaited the arri val of her only .son from Boston, Mass. The interment was in the Butteville cemetery. Marianne O'Connell was horn March S. 1S4 3. at Quebec. Can ada, and, departing this life on July lf, 1921. was aced 7- years. I months and 12 days She was married to John Scott Vande Ipiir in 17 4 at Quebec, and they moved to Renfrew. Ontario, where they mad? their home until 1 when they moved to Portland, Oreuon. and to Butteville in IM'ii. where Mr. Vandeleur was ensase.l in the general mercantile business until his death in 190". Mrs. Vandeleur went to Aurora to re side with her daughter in 1911. She left a sister. Mrs Diana Mc Donell, Portland. Oregon, ami two daughters. Mrs. Marian Grace Johnston of YardJey. Wash., and Mrs. Diana Snyder of Aurora, and a son. .John Scott Vandeleur of Boston, Mass. There are eight grandchildren. MEAT CAUSE OF Take Salts to Flush Kidneys If Back Hurts or BlaiMcr Bothers If you must have your meat fevery day. eat it. but flush your. kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tails us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyses the kid neys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They beconn sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the back or tick headache, dlzizness. your stomach sours, tonguo is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated", obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablc spoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts . is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kid neys, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not injure, and makes a delight ful effervescent lithia-water drink. Adv. C Vaudeville and Alice Cahoun in The Charming Deceiver" o KIDNEY TIME TV IUTI "Larry II ool J$. REDUCED per ton on two ton Liberty Street Supreme Court Opinions 'y. Will Come Down Saturday Members of the Oregon Sa- preme court, at a conference held x. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1S6S General Banking Business Office Honrs from 10 &.' m. jo 3 p. m. , SATURDAY SPECIALS No. 10 KaroA...u .. .i.. ..u....: $ Corn Meal. .sack........... . English Walnuts, pound ,.... . f-oz. Vanilla Flavoring j No. 5 Lard ... A. . Inra Pwatal IVkiln in I 1 ' . ' . V. .i I lt I tl 111. I .Large package Sea Foam.. nnimHc Knit- Cffot -' J 'U U.IV v.. . ... V. . . .... O Yl.. ff . - jariHgFs vwh runs 2 cans Salmon..:,.: 2 cans Peas 2 cans Shad 3 lbs. M. J, B. Coffee ... .......4... Matches, per box .j.... 25c K. C. Baking Powder.. j.... 1 lb. Calumet Baking Powder....... 1 lb. Fresh Peanuts.................;.. 2 9oz. glasses Jam.............. 1 doz. Jelly Glasses.......... .... 1 lb. Best Creamery Butter Solid Pack Tomatoes, can .. Fancy Pineapple, can Highland Phone 496 " Western You should see this This furnace is built sold for less money than construction. Furnace ..' " l . '''' fX$ - ---- - A .i .. 1 , Qt. f,t; y: j ' '-;- f . t - - (X I i ' I! C.S; HAMILTON 340 COURT STREET FURNITURE - .- M ' ; .1 orders delivered anywhere be yesterday, dclded to adjourn tor ' the August Tacatlon-sometlme Sat. urday.. It was said that a number of opinions Fonld be handed down prior to adjournment of the court. The court will reconvene Septem- her 1 .33 J!5 2. .75 1.00 - ' ... . i m.u 4V.f .., 25 ! trn. .... ..... .... . . i I .50 . .23 .25 .23 .25 X" 1.10 .05 .22' .27 .15 .35 .50" .40( ;.u: :i8 ......X... Grocell I 746 Highland Avenue Pipeless . ( i furnace', before buying. for western fuel and is other furnaces of like FURNITURE : Phone 85 ' 9 I rtr, :'u'.--y-