The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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foe Statesman receives th leaded
wire report , of the Associated
Tress the greatest and taost re
liable press association - la the
world. I
i' Friday fair; moderate westerly
i winds.
i n Fo) (c?
Jomlinson Corkscrews Ad-
mission uut ot racmc
Telephone Vice President
In Rate Rehearing-
Adjournment Will Be Taken
To Convene in Portland
; Next ' Monday
II. M. Tomllnson, attorney for
the city of Portland In the tele
phone rate case, had a difficult
time yesterday corkscrewing out
of II. D. Pillsbury the amount of
the latter's salary. But by per
sistent boring in he finally got
from Pillsbury the information
that he receives 118,000 a year.
Plllsbury is rice president and
general attorney for (he Pacific
Telephone company, having charge
Of legal work and commissions.
I 1 Tumlinaon Unrelenting."
i PJlIsbury was called! to the
stand by Mr. Tomllnson and ob
jected to stating his salary, de
claring that It was personal and
tould be obtained from the rec
ords of the public service com
mission. 4 Attorney Shaw of the
telephone company also objected,
but Tomllnson Insisted.
"I claim I am wfthin my
rights." contended Tomllnson.
"This company is a public utility
and with its officials Is dedicated
)to the public service. ;Yott al
ready nave stated that the people
of Oregon pay a part of your sal
fcry I Insist that, you tell your
Salary so that it may go into the
records ot this rehearing."
k i Records Inquired Into.
Plllsbury yielded.
I Tomllnson asked Flllsbury a
ilone series ot questions relative
fto records ot the Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph company and
its predecessors. It was agreed
that all these on the Pacific coast.
with the exception of the general
ledger,! were destroyed In the San
Francisco earthquake and tire of
1906, but Tomlinson'g question
was to the end of bringing out
whether . duplicates or records
mounting to duplicates, are not
extant in New York. lie could
not elicit this information.
Filltttmry IHNelaimn Knowledge
Neither could Mr. Pillsbury tell
j Mr. ' Tomllnson who Is in posses
sion of the general ledger saved
out of the fire of J1906 and the
question was referred to all other
representatives of the ' company
who were present at the rehearing
yesterday, but no one knew. At
the time of the fire the! prede
cessor company, known as the Pa
cific States Telephone & Tele
graph company, was in operation.
' More frank negative answers
came; from Pillsburw than from
any, other witness who has been
on the stand. Tomllnson hopes
to bring out information that in
past years the company or its
predecessors have bought up' nu
merous small companies as Junk
and thrown them into its valua
tion for rate making purposes,
and also to be counted" in declar
ing dividend payments,
r Kantern Trip Frequent.
Asked if in the past he had
charge of the purchases of plants,
Plllsbury said that in conjunc
tion with the president of the
company he had. He was asked
if he makes frequent trips to New
York, and replied in the affirm
ative, lie was unable to recall
the number of trips in 1919, 1920
and 1921. He said he had been
general attorney for the company
or1 Us predeceesars since 1906,
and vice president since 1913.
Fotmerly he said he was connect
ed with the New York end of the
American Telephone & Telegraph
company as a legal advisor.
"My business was to give them
legal advice and they almost got
Into trouble following it," said
Plllsbury with a smile.
Missing Ledger Wanted.
.. Tomllnson went into minute de
tail to ascertain Plllsbury's knowl
edge cf .the records, even to ask
ing the material of which the
building, was made that was de
stroyed! in San Francisco On
most of theso Pillabury disclaim
ed knowledge.
5 "I hate heard so, answered the
.witness.! , ' ' v. '
f : "Where is It now?
: "I don't know f
"What was the new figure of
valuations used after the San
Francisco fire?"
f- law . 1 ..
'v i aou t Know. ' i
, "1 think Mr. Phelps, the gene
ral auditor, might know," answer
ed Pillsbury.
! Sherwin In Boston.
i "Who was auditor at the time
(Continued on page .6),
$2,000,000 HIGHWAY
PORTLAND, Or., July 28.--Bids were opened today by
the state highway commission for an issue of bonds to the
amount of $2,000,000 and also for the improvement of 60
miles of highway, including the pavement of an eight-mile
section of the Pacific highway in Linn county. The issue was
awarded to John E. Price & Co. and E. H. Rollins & Co. for
Last Month Beaten
The price offered is a shade better than that obtained
last month by the commission, reflecting an improvement, in
the money market.
Regarding the Roseburg-Coos
mission decided to adopt what is known as the Brockway
connection with the Pacific highway on condition that Doug
las county build a good road to Dillard, the nearest shipping
Bids were opened on a number of road projects.
The bids follow:
Carstens & Earles, et al., Se
attle: short term SVi per cent
bonds at$ 100 0.05 per thusand;
long term 5 per cent, $1003.90
per thousand.
John E. Price & Co. et al. Se
attle: short term, no bid; long
term, 5, per cent bonds at
$1001.47 per thousand.
Ralph Schneelock Co. et al.,
The Commercial club is taking
in about $100 a day in additional
subscriptions, according to the re
ports of the committees who met
Thursday noon at the club lunch
eon to talk over financial prog
ress. Not all the money that was
deemed necessary for the payment
ot old Dills' and the proper ex
tension of new business, has been
Tho biggest beanery in Oregon
is now in operation in Salem. It
gets its beans by the truck load
and the car load, and It prepares
'em 24 hours of the day. The
old boarding house song, "Beans
for breakfast, beans for dinner,
beans for supper; beans, beans,
beans!" is the only gong they sing
In this huge food factory.
This is the Salem King's de
hydration plant, where string
beans began to come irf Tuesday,
and while they will not be in in
full blast until the middle of next
week, theplant will be stringing
along until well along in August.
The product is very good, and
the string Jean is one of the fin
est of.. -all the fine dehydrated
products of the King process.
Logan Benson Soon to End.
Blackberries, too, are coming
in in appreciable quantities, al
though: the logans are still in the
market but tapering off so that
they will probably end some time
next week. But the blackberries
H, T, Lowe Succumbs to In
juries While on Way to
28. (Special to The Statesman.)
H. T. Lowe, aged 30, who had
been employed at Camp 1 on the
Valley & Silets railway, died on
the train today while being taken
to this city, from injuries re
ceived while operating a donkey
engine. v
The accident occurred while
workmen were engaged in pulling
in logs. The cavle is some way
lost Its hold . around the log,
striking Mr. Lowe with terrific
force, breaking one arm and
knocking him - to 4 the ground,
causing concussion of the brain.
He regained consciousness and
gave his address and other infor
mation, but died before reaching
this city. His body was sent to
Vancouver. Wash., for burial. He
leaves a wife and several children.
Mr. Lowe had been employed at
Camp 1 for about two months and
was a donkey engineer by profes
sion. . lie formerly . worked at
Deer Island near Portland.
Bay highway, the com- i
Portland: short term, no bid; lon:
term, r, per cent at $102,102
per nuhdred.
United States National bank et
al., Portland: short term, G per
Cent bonds at $100 077 per hun
dred; long term, 5 per cent at
$100,777 per hundred.
A. M. Wright, Tortland: short
(Continued on page 6)
secured, but the campaign has
been fruitful enough of results
that the goal seems Sn sight.
I Another meeting is to be held
at the club today noon to report
yet further on the campaign pro
gress. A number of good pros
pects who were out of town when
the first drive started, have re
turned, and they are coming
through in a satisfactory way, ac
cording to the reports.
are goine: strong and they will be
getting better for a number of
dais. The berries are especially
fine this year, huge, shining big
black fellows, brilliant and lus
cious. The tame berries are. com
ing in iirst. After them will come
the wild evergreens, and they will
last well through August.
Rase Price 4 Cents.
It is understood that a base
price of approximately 4 cents a
pound is to be paid for blackber
ries I on the Salem market, with
the tame and the evergreen ber
ries on the same price basis. This
is well in advance of the average
price for logans, but one explan
ation for this is that as the sea
son has progressed, tho general
business oonditions of the country
have grown better, and the future
market more assured so that the
trade .knew what was ahead of
it. , Four-cent blackberries isn't
at all bad for the producers, es
pecially for the wild evergreens
that require - only -picking and
Requisition Issued for Re
turn of E- L. Hinson 'from
Puget Sound
Alleging that E. L. Hinson,
alias John Doe Patterson, is guilty
of the theft of four automobiles,
taken in less than six weeks time,
officers of Linn and Marion coun
ties are congratulating Deputy
Sheriff Lee Morelock upon his
work In tracing one of the cars,
with the result that Hinson was
located in Seattle.
Upon requisition issued yester
day, Patrolman J. Q. Rogers of
Albany, is bringing Hinson from
Seattle to the Linn county city
where he will face charges. Should
Hinson be released from Albany
he will in all likllhood he rear
rested and brought to Salem as
a grand larceny charge is pending
against him? here in connection
with his alleged' theft of the car of
William Setak of Salem.
In addition to the cars at Al
bany and Salem, Hinson , is
thought to have been Implicated
In, the theft ..: of tyo cars from
Corrallis recently;, t
Skeyhill Not Convert to Com
munism, But He Admits
It Has Accomplished
Some of its Aims.
Father Cronin Will Speak
Today on Great Things
Of Literature
"Soviet Russia i3 today in tho
last throes of in:il-nutrition,"
said Tom Skeyhill at Chautauqua
last night.
' "Communism is better than no
government; and there is nothing
but chaos, nihi'ism, utter ruin for
the social fabric of the world, if
Lenine, who is communism, were
to be killed.
"Communism It a challenge to
the capitalistic system of property
which Is the system of ownics
property and getting pay accord
ing to what one can produce. To
martyr communism is to enthrone
it, to let it prove Itself a failure
while the other system prospers,
is the rational way to meet its
Idleness Is Tragedy
"The tragedy of Russia Is the
fact that, the rewards of industry
being destroyed, production has
stopped. Transportation has brok
en down, because no one cares to
either produc or to trans-i
port where there is no reward.:
Starvation, hunger, disease ,cpIdV
stalk through the land unchal
lenged because no one can care
to check them for others and re
ceive no profit for himself.
"Lenin cannot write or talk;
but he is logical, and courageous,
and honest. He works hard, 16
hours a day; he is morally clean;
lie does not sympathize with re
ligion, but he allows it, un
touched; he believes in what he
preaches, and he is the whole of
tire communistic government.
There is no one to take his place;
kill him, and his experiment falls
to plunge Russia into yet low
er hells than she knows now.
Large Hearing Given.
"Everybody who believes in the
Russian soviet experiment, ought
to go there and help it along. It
is not on trial in America, or any
where lse. It's theirs; let them
demonstrate its right to live." j
These are a few of the thoughts
presented by Tom Skeyhill, Australian-American
poet, soldier, lec
turer, to a large audience at last
night's Chautauqua. It was a two
hour lecture, full of beauty, pa
thos. Idealism, sordid bestiality,
suffering, and a few rays of warm,
heartening hope for the Russia of
Sixaker Is Word Wizard.
Mr. Skeyhill is a wizard with
words. He is not quite a finished
lecture; he sees too many things,
thinks too many various ways to
say them, to be a finished "ora
tor." And yet he has a message:
He has seen life in the raw; quiv
ering from .the hospital, the
scourge, the overtoil of the fac
tory or the field, staggering from
starvation and shivering with
cold. He stole his way into Rus
sia at the risk of being shot ; the
companion who went with him,
was shot' by his side, -and his face
eaten off by street dogs or rats.
He starved for months in that
dreary, hopeless land, experienc-j
ing all the misery of a sympa- ;
thetic man who dies a thousand!
deaths in helpless rebellion against i ck Kyan. who it v. behoved
the injustices he sees. One could jin wanted in Portland on a charge
not well tell such a story in or-j of holding up Paul Fulton of that
derly, placid fashion: and Skey- .,- rtv votrlav mornine. was
hill does not try the impossible
Rut his story is one that will lonK
stay with every one who heard
Land Chen Fanners.
"The communistic government
has accomplished many of the
things it set put to do." the speak
er said. "It has given to l&
farmer his lands. It gives to the
workman his shops, and hi short
hours and it ha3 brought to the
soldier the peace he said he de
sired. The chnrthes are full of
worshippers; the schools were
never as well filled; the art of
Russia would even now be Jlour-
shins if they could Ret .material.
to paint and draw; music and the
stage are as busy as they ever
were. There can be np revolu
tion against some of th6se condi
tions. "And yet, communism in Soviet
Russia fails to meet the demand
even stronger than that for rest or
food or- clothing the human cry
for Jhe appurtenances of life, the
nice things, the sense of owner
ship, the desire for opportunity
JContInued pa page 6)
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GOVERNOR LEN SMALL of Illinois, who was indicted by
the Sangamon County Grand Jury, charged with em
bezzlement and conspiracy to misappropriate public money,
has surrendered and given bail. The governor says he is the
victim of a political plot.
After shooting his wife In j
the arm, inflicting a slight wound, i his wife's action, which in he
Thomas Hampton, 6, retired ; lieved to have brought about the
lumberman, wrenched himself
free from the grasp of his brother-in-law
and shot himself through
the head, dying instantly.
Hampton yesterday was dis
charged at a sanity hearing after
a complaint brouuht by his wife.
Man A rested Here on Sus -
picion of Robbing Pedes
trian in Portland
arrested here yesterday by local
police officers and is beinfe heid
here pending the arrival of Port-,
land authorities. A total of
$162.79 in coin and currency was
found on his person, a few dol
lars short of the amount taken
from Fulton.
rariy esieruay -.ulchsuuh tor
Tortland office called the Salem',
chief and asked that lie watch for j
a nan answering the dftKC! int b:i i
of Ryan, who it was believed had
boarded a Southern Pacific trail:
fbound or here. Local offices
were sent to watch the train and tion by flood waters which had
finding Fulton who answered thei'Fe.d out practically the entire
description given them. they
brought him to the station.
When asked to hand over all
of the money he had. Fulton gave
the police but $2.7D. but they
later found hidden in his coat
more money. He told the police
that he had come from New York
City and that ho was locking for
He is declared to have expressed
himself as deeply humiliated by
shooting, bhe testified at the san
ity hearing and asked him to deed
her half of his property, valuei! at
$f)0,i(.i which be refused to do.
When she went to njr former
home for her c'.othes, the shooting
took place.
; Flood Swoops Down On
Toil! 1st Party Camped
Wyoming Canyon
j OMAHA, Xcb., July 2-S.- Two
! persons wre drowned in a cloud
'burt that practically wiped out
Beulah, Wyo., a village 14 miles
jwest o Hj"i arfish, H. 1)., early to
I day. according to advices reaching
i Opih ha late today.
! The known dead are Mrs. Win
Mower, Missouri Valley, la., and
i John Mow er, her grandson, Chad
i ron, X(.b.
The two wore members of a
'fburist party bound for Yellow
i stone park which had camped for
if be night in a canyon near the
a relief train left Chadron late
today laden with supplies for vic-
It will be several days before
H-ire communication can be re- .t-j : i... .. . .1 L ' ,
j Pterins fjpearfish told of destruc
Village consisting of about 100
inhabitants. Loss in livestock on
ranches along thf. Spearfish can
yon wiil be breat, reports stated.
DETROIT, Mich, July, 28.'
Captain Bob Roper, Chicago, won
the newspaper decision in a tea
round bout with, "Chuck" Vlgsias
of Indianapolis.
Iv 8. Deputy Sheriff J. F,
Cha,t field is dying in a hospit al
here tonight and J. Ander
son, a Canadian, is held in tht
county jail charged by tho po
lice with beine his slaver as
the result of a revolver battle
near the Canadian border, two
miles east of Blaine, Wash.,
this afternoon. Alfred F. L.
Tool, said to have been Ander-j
son s companion at the time
of the shooting, is held as a
Chatfield, accompanied bv
Richard Drain, was scouting)
for liquor runners when hd
came upon Anderson and Tool!
who claim to have been;
searching for hope smugglers. 1
When ordered bv Chatfield toi
throw up his hands, Anderson!
opened fire with a revolver,
according to the police, shoot
ing Chatfield through the ab
domen. Chatfield emptied his re
volver at Anderson as he fell
but the bullets flew wide. An
derson and Tool then submit
ted to arrest by Drain.
Wilson and, Haledy Believed
Ta Have Held up Bou
ners Ferry Cashier
28. Two men were captured a
a thick' t two milt-s south of here
this rveninp; after one had Otseti
wonnded in the legs by birdshot
antl are held In the city jail to
night "charged with the robbery
of the F'rst State1 bank lisro
shortly after noon today. -i'ho
mn nave their names as Robert
Wilson and Harley Haledy. '
Tim two men were traced to
thir hiding1 place by James Mc
(Hocklin, county truck driver, W.
C. Reed, county assessor, and C
W. McGuire. They were ordered
to surrender, but Haledy is said
to have fired at his pursuers, the
bullet going" wide.
McGlocklin immediately dis
charged his shotgun, peppering
Haledy In the legs.- The men
gave themselves up.
Upon entering the' bank today
the two men ordered John A.
Hansen, cashier, and Mrs. A.
Stwart. the feller into the vault
where Mr. Hansen was command
ed to open the safe. - The robbers'
if moved $00Q in currency and
$ 1 0 . 0 f i 0 in liberty bonds and
locked the bank' employes In the
vavlt. " '
A telephone in the vault en
abled Mr. Hansen to notify coun
ty authorities, and the prisoners
were released in about 10 min
utes by J. H. Brody, county audi
tor, to whom Mr. Hansen com
municated the combination. The
robbers bad escaped before help
One hundred men were scour--ins;
the surrounding conntry this
af tTiio!i . before the two men
were finally located. T'.ank offi
cials stated tonight that all the
loot had b.-en recovered.
Portland Woman Killed,
Slayer Commits Suicide
PORTLAND. Ore., July 28.
Mrs, Anna Baird. about DO years
old, was shot and kilcld at her bo-
el h ere by a man fctid by the po
lice to be George Crowl, who then
shot and killed himself.
Friends of Mrs. Baird said she
had rejected the attentions of
Crowd, and that this led to .the
Gas Explosion Causes
Panic At Los Angeles
LOS' .ANGELES, July 2. A
pas explosion of unexplained ori
slv. damaeed th olant
j of the Los AnzeUs Gas & Electric
company here today, injured five
employes and temporarily threat-
i ened a serious fire. It afso cur
tailed the gas supply of patrons,
but arrangements were made to
supply natural cas until the plant
could be put back to manufactor
insr. ;
Windows for -n block around
crashed in. Some. lumber piled
across the street toppled ; vef,
and persons working In s- nearby
buildings were thrown ' to the
ground. A near panic resulted,
but was quieted when the nature
of the trouble, was made known.
Northcliffe Informed That He
Is Not Wanted at British
Embassy and Expresses
English Newspaperman At
tributes Treatment to"
Recent Publication , .
; WAjSlUNGTON', Jnly 2S. .
Lord Nurthcliffo.' thavBritisb nnlv
lisher, now In the United States,
in a statement issued here tonight
said that f'for reasons ot which
he is not. nwir." Invitation v-
tended hiin to stop at the British
emDassy and to attend a dinner
there tonight had been with
drawn..:. I ' -" I '1
"Knowing the methods in India
of Lord Curt on, the IJrltlah for
eign secretary," tho statement do-
certain that Lord Purson has
aaopteu theso methoda hero. "
The Ilrltlsh publisher's atato.
ment conveyed the Impression the
matter Involved In tha reported
cancellation of invitation, was an
outgrowth of the controteray be
tween Ixrd Northcliffe and Lord
Curzon. i
Attack Recalled
Soon arter President Harding
made his overtures for a disarma
ment conference,? tho London
Times, leading, paper published by
Northcliffe. bnoaed thai
tion that Lord Curxon be appoint
ed one of the British, delegates 4.0
the proposed j conference and at
tacked both the foreign secretary
and Premier Lloyd George; ;
This attack was followed by
snspenslon of privileged rights en
.loved for venra hv tho . ij,.4a.
Times, a Northcliffe paper, in th
ontaming or news from the Brit
ish foreign office. .
InHcturftfe. Says Kmboaay.
Iord Northcliffe issued bin
statement tonight after Questions
had been asked him concerning,
rumors that l&rlttinn tiiii
him by the embassy had been
u narawn on instructions from
London. The ;only from ment ob
tainable from the embassy were
that the reports were "inaccu
rate.."' .! d '
It was established, however,
that Lord Northcliffe had gone to
a local hotel on his arrival here
early today from New! York. , Ho
fContlntid on pare )
FEISCO 7, iSAXT UlKfi 1 f '
stopWI lhiffy twfc'- bUJn trk to
rty. nd 'Kan KnnrUr Wi.trl .
Uk 7 to 1. Lrtt ha J,jt in 89 ron
jwutivj irnroM, bull today Hcou blanked
h'ra- , Kllio w Jiwpoiulbl for six of
thv fcal run, and taken eat in
th ith inninr, mtttr be ha4 forr4
in Kamm by allowing walk with th
basra full. . ., ."
Salt Lake j ' " i
BatterlM Kairi'"Om''d"Md Domu;
4U(r, .,j . t
won iw rm from 0ktnd making
inre airaicui r)rx0rtr; the rr b
mg 4 to 8 and . to 8. A donhlo hf
WitriU, who pmk hit in tlit
mmh KroTvd l ranker and m th
f hut me for Hattt. Tfta arond rm
wan a pitrhent' ballla belwn Oartnr
and Krpoier, a three ron rail bjr Ka
lie in the aevnth deriding tb rntt.
Fimt cam ! R. II. K,
nhkantl y 3 1
S"tttr ......... ..t...,. 4 n 1
Iiaftrir Alttn and Koehher; Schorr
and 9'n!in. i
Krrond rama i II W
(Oakland .L.... ' JO 4
H-ttt8 ,. -.... " :t 1
i HattfTit-aKrerni-r ad KHliIr; (iartb
Infr and Adaua. I -
l;kTLAI, July Jortland dron-
d anntbr to Vrrnrni today a to 3k
Plnmmr, tb Oakland birb arbool ,boy
t ii i f - v....,t, piu-.utra kiwi
f.all for aix inning, bat poor aapporl
... .....-,., ,, ,,, y, la r0n ana many
pf th bita eaint htm. Hmith bomM
into Mt f ild b'earhfra in the ninth
With Locker om baa ahtad of fcim.
L B. If. T..
Fernon N 14 1
rorlland ft. ii 3
! BattfrifT, Ietl and Murphy; Hammer,
tins and Kiaher. : r -. j
XAH A NO ELKS, (al . Wsty 8.Txm
fi tMlk m nt mm B - . .
.. .. - - ii,uKlllV
Ofly 4 ta 4. Th honi ivmm made on
... Mi.t, in,n in una prnma mi)ton
M HarrornU trlpM. Slollwita aapyi-ri-rt.
tirr ainrtod, I (Joolc waiked and
fon dimtilp-l them Jinroe. - -j
j Io Aft(tlR tonk; the lead train In
fhn third whn, with! Htata aad Mn)y
n, Carroll triplt-d end firlgg singled liiin I
i ; ..." . k. jt. k.
Lo Aacflm . 4 B O
j Baftirim Knn and Cook; Craa.lait
And fcUnaira. . , ! -
nan rranriaco ,
7' I' 42
67 ! 4
uoa Aoeeles .
Oakland -
412 61
Nalt Lak
58 6T
40 71
24 5