rev THURSDAY MORNING. JUL,! s. EAT WORE " BREAD ' J' ',. , r ') - HOLSUM BREAD Is your -, r ; is your Best BREAD Beit food Bay more 'Eat more of it of it . i , CHERRY CITY BAKING ! CO. i Del Moro ;'"-. Havana Cigars, 2 for 15c A dgar made of the Im ported; Havana by-product from jflne Havana cigars. There la no better cigar for this price made.: Wrapped two in a folL Buy a Del Moro next time.. . For jSaleAt Alt Dealers SHOW ALTER & JACOBS Wholeaale Distributor 10 per cent. More Butterfat Ten per cent more hutterfat! That's what the Unlrersity of California', string of twenty lx cows tested after eating sil age rations. . Official Statement V. C. Agr. Bulletin 282.1 "Through addition of Indian corn silage or milo ajlage, to rations bf alfalfa hay. or alfalfa with grain ; feed, an j increase In production amounting to from ten to twenty-fire per cent was secured -butterfat was Increased by about ten per cent". '. : -''- j V-.4." - An Indiana silo will help you add this ten per cent to your cream check. Twenty thousand Pacific Coast . farmer earn treater profits with Indiana Silos. - y r ' l Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company Salem - - - - ! Oregon THE PHEZ CO. Loju Applju Pliez FRUIT BUYERS H. A. BAKER & CO. J. L Van Dorcn, Mgr. Trade St., near HigV If your EYES need attention Appeal to O'Neill Optometrist-Optician CoupletrtJrinding Plant on Premise Lenses Duplicated Over Ladd and Bash Bank VICK BROS. Trade and High MSOUNa I TIRES I SOUND ALL Salem's Greatest Asset Is Her Splendid Schools Salem was born a school town. Before Salem was, Willamette University was The idea was given concrete form on the ocean, by the company of devoted missionaries bound for a "foretm land," Oregon. And Salem was nursed as a school town; grew through childhood as a school town, and is going into vigorous life as a university city. Salem's greatest asset is her splendid schools The biggest thing in Salem is Willamette University, growing and destined to grow greater with the passing years ( Even now getting ready to accept the offer of the Rockefeller General Education Board which will add million-collars to the endowment funds. ! The splendid schools of music in Salem are attracting wide attention, and this development is becoming more and nore pronouced ! , And it w,.making, Salem,,, a music center. This is good business; it means earnest and talented young men and women coming to Salem in con i'stantly larger numbers, to add to the commercial prominence and the high cultural life of the city. We cannot make too much of our educational prominence; we cannot show our appreciation too loyally. ;;. ''The Salem Slogan subject for next week is Sheep. For Quick Action InReaj Estate and Fire Insurance Either City or Country See L. A. flAYFORD 305 State St Men Try Bishop's If you want the best ob tainable in men's clothes and furnishings. Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. Bishop, Prop. A Progressive Store Whose Slogan Is: VIERCHANPISE OP MERIT MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICE Dry Goods-Ladies Ready TWear Ladies' Shoes KAFOURY BROS. 466-474 State Street That Which You No Longer Use, but which Is .till useful to somebody, represents an asset which jou mar quickly turn Into money through a little ad vertising in the classified col umns. DIXIE SALT RISING BREAD SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street Statesman Classified Ads. Cost Little But Pay Big 542 'Salem, Oregon Piano Phonograph GEO. C. WILL Everything in Music and Sewin Machines 462 State Street, Salem Sheet Music ana Piano Studies Edison. Victor and Columbia Phonograph and Records USE BUTTER CUP BUTTER Capital City Cooperative Creamerv 137 So. Com! St. Phone 299 Our Idea : Oiir Method : The Best Only Co-operation Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the development of the fruit and berry industries of this valley OREGON PACKING COMPANY FAIRMOUNT DAIRY Schindler Bros., Prop. Dealers in Milk and Cream Wholesale and Retail Phone 725 Salem, Ore. Roth Grocery Co. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES North Liberty Street HOTEL MARION SALEM, OREGON The Largest and Most Com plete Hostelry in Oregon Out of Portland DRAGER FRUIT CO. Dried Fruit Packers 221 S. High St. Salem, Ore. Always fo the market for cried fruits of all kinds MANGISBROS. Ail Kinds of Fruit Car Lot Shippers of Potatoes State St Phone 717 U. S. Government Inspected Cascade Brand HAMS, BACON and LARD Ask Your Dealers for Them. VALLEY PACKING COMPANY Salem's Progress and Development Depends Very Largely Upon the Degree of Support We Give Local Busness Enterprises. Let Us Put Our Shoulder to the Wheel and Boost for Progress. United States National Bank Salem, Oregon An Institution that is Ever Anxious to Foster Worthy Enterprises Building Loans Farm Loans Fire, Auto, Life and Indem nity Insurance A. C BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple SALEM : OREGON Investigate the Pacific Fruit Drying and Hop Drying Stove Recommended by Oregon Ag ricultural College. Ask your neighbor about them W. W. Rosebraugh Co. Salem, Oregon We are out after 2 millions. We are now paying over three quarters of a million dollars a year to the dairy men of this section for milk. "Marion Butter" is the best butter More cows and better cows is the crying need MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. Salem, Ore. Phone 2488 SHIPLEY'S Women's. Misses' and Children's Clothes and Haberdashery r The Pay As Yon Go Plan A Useless Article can often be turned into ready cash through the Statesman columns. . a Trial Convinces FIVE ACRE NUT OR BERRY TRACTS Supplement your regular in soma by owalne a amall trait tract. ' We care for 4 for yon. us about "buying one now. Limited number tracts for sal. PEARCY BROS. Oregon Building Salem LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Capital $500,000 Long experience and thor ough understanding makes this bank able to give nnex celled assistance to all indus tries X DO YOU KNOW? That this big, busy store sells GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES AT LOW PRICES! We do a large volume of bus iness at a small margin of profit and sell for CASH PEOPLES CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St Sales and Service F0RDS0N TRACTORS VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 N. High State and Front RODGERS PAPER 460 Ferry St. Salem. Ore. Wholesalers of Paper and Bookbinders You can be accommodated in your own home town The bee lays away his supply of honey while the flowers are in bloom and the squir rel his store of nuts while the harvest is here. Should not we be aa wise as theyl Start, an Account Today I Salem Bank of Commerce 40 ACUS. ALL XX CKOP. KODW T iwa Ht saagalov vitk saesaMat. fire'plae. Uta. WU. lartri ku aad wtttr la all baikUara. bar with HO cow ituaiwi, tw. (ilea, all w.t.b wir. felted, lays wall, fra -W read, ek to pae raad, walkiac eittaar of Oreffoa .Ut. aormal aehaol well Uxml4 and a fia tea for 14.SOO; half f ta. erp (ova. Taraaa and rouetiwi eaa b. arranf.4 to Bait. BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSE DO ing Al buaiaaa. cumltly fBraiaa4 aad eapabi. af tireping aad aoardiag 65 persona. trat4 IB food taara u Wat taeati.a. Pri for, (jap Xitar. and baildisf. $750o. T.raa ca arrari(.a. S. Socoktftky, 141 Slat trC balaua. Fbod. iTO. Morris Optical Company, SV FARM LOANS 6 We loan money for five years. We allow you to pay $100.00 or multiple on the principal on any interest date We close our loans promptly HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building V. H Grabenhorst & Co. Farm and Fruit Lands Small Tracts and Invest ments Telephone 515 275 State St. Salem, Oregon DID YOU KNOW That Salem is an educational center of great and growing importance; that this city is the home of historic Willamette University, larger now than ever before, and on the eve of undertaking the raising of a new million dollar endowment fund, $350,000 of which has already been pledged by the General Education Board (Rockefeller), offi cially signed and sealed and delivered and officially accepted; that all our other educational institutions are growing sub stantially; that this city is becoming widely known as a mu sic center and as such is attracting students from all over the coast; that we have a splendid system of public schools, and that this growing reputation as an educational center is one of the great business assets of Salem, which was born a school town and has made progress in this line throughout all its history? Eat a plate a day WEATHERLY ICECREAM Sold everywhere BUTTERCUP ICE CREAM CO. P. M. Gregory, Mgr. 240 So. Com! St. Salem STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. r Bring Buyer and Seller together. The cost is small. Trv one in our next issue WILLAMETTE VALLEY PRUNE ASSOCIATION Prices obtained by Prune Grow ers. Organizations for its mem bers 1919 crop of prunes Willamette Valley Prune Association 203Ol .2285 30140 .1752 4050-.152 5060 .1357 6070 .1082 Salem Fruit Dnion 30 40 60 SO 40 .1582 50 .1332 0 .1132 70 .0933 "The Old Reliable" THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY Can Supply Yon With Well grown and renable Fruit, Not and Ornamental Treea, Small Fruits, Rosea. Good se lection of varieties Gur Trees Give Satisfaction ' 418 Oregoa Bids.. Salem, Ore. AddlUonal Salesmen Wanted ARE YOU WELL? If not, here is health for the sufferer, acute or chronic dr. o. l. scon Chiropractor ' P. S. C. graduate Class 1911 One of the largest and best equipped Chiropractic offices on the Pacific coast Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 6 p.m. Rooms 309-10-11-12 U. S. Bank Building F. E. SHAFER Harness, Horse - Blankets, Robes and Gloves Pnttees, Suit Cases and Bags Leather Goods of Quality W. T. RIGD0N & SON Progressive Funeral Directors SALEM ' We carry the following lines of PAINTS, Snerwln Williams Co. and Bass Hueter Co. Also Everything la Building Bfnterlal Falls City-Salem Lumber Company A. B. Relsay, Mgrv 349 So. 12th St. Phone 813 Made In Salem by experienced Swiss Cheese maker . Swiss Cheese Cream Brick Cheese ,. v Limberger Cheese Order from the factory or from your . grocer Salem Cheese Factory Phone 81F11 On paved reform school road,' southeast of Salem. Yours For Co-operation in the upbuilding of the Sa lem district SALEM WATER, LIGHT &potyERca. SALEU IS THE DEHY- nftATIOM CENTER OF THE WORLD 1 rvn tab realise what that means?. ft means that there Is a aur- ket. and a growing market for eery regetabie and fruit ;that caa be raised on the land la this territory. ? ' j And that means more thin Is apparent to tha strange? at first glance; for a create va riety of .fruits and vegetables successfully grown ihera than in any other part of this country or the world. -'j - s Dehydration Is the greatest thlag la the world, la food eon serration, j ; It take out the wateri the consumer pats It back, at any time in the future, anywhere under the shining sun-and then he has the fruit oe the vegetable as good as fresh, la every nutritive quality, and ta every other way. The saving will be billions, annually. And all the money comes to Salem excepting what is expended for the nails la the shipping boxes. v '-, Better than a gold mine!; for It will never "pinch out,' COMPACT;' SALEM 0KH005 (This company Is committed to the growth of this comma-: nlty, by a program Ua will make Its output tea timfes Its present output that wllj em ploy 1500 people at Its factory; that wUl pay to the growers 120,000,000 year for prodacta.) CLETRAG Tank-Type-Tractor As soon as the plowing job is finished, hook the Cletrao to the harrow and seede!1, and finish the job. The CLETRAO rides the top of the soil lightly and does not pack the ground, ! W. H. PATTERSON CO. Distributors 349 Ferry St Salem, Oregon Gile Mercantile Company ; Wholesale Grocers and Fruit Jobbers Cor. High and 1 TnJdo Sts SALEM, OREQON ! The Vrooman strain Ffaaquette m oui we sen the trees. iaB, jtoyai Anne and Lambert are. the ladnn m . v The Italian prunes j are the standard we can supply them 7, a"" ana any quantity " 0 iH. , , I j , Salesman Wanted Capital Gty Nursery Company r 1030 ChemekeU Street -SALEM : OREGON LIGHT-HEAT POWER At Reasonable Rates then Our contributions to the np- building of Silem! PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. I