The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Society ' Slogan ahd Classified
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Sacred Heart Academy in
With a Long History and an Enviable Record of Use
ful Work Mt- Angel College Is One of the Great
Catholic Schools of the Entire United States.
Tht Salem slogan . editor of
ITbe Statesman claims as the Sa
lem district all of Marion and
Polk counties, and parts of Clack
amas, Yamhill, Linn and Benton
) - And, by this sign Mt. Angel is
clearly a close-in part of the Sa
Jem district, only 15 miles north
cast of Salem, and well connect
ed by rail, and by next year to
be connected by paved highways
which will make it in the na
ture of a suburb of Salem; or,
jithall ft be said, this will make
Salem a suburb of Mt. Angel?
i Mt. Angel, established by the
.Benedictine Fathers, has become
one of the most' Important Cath
olic centers of learning of the
entire west; with Mt. Angel col
lege, Mt. Angel academy and' the
parochial schools. ' These insti
tutions' represent . an investment
of a million dollars. They draw
students from all over the west,
and there Is being built up around
tMt. Angel one of the greatest and
most ' prosperous - Catholic com
munities in the whole of; the
United, States.
; Kacred Heart Academy.
' .This iaa Catholic institution of
learning established In Salem in
1863 for the education of girls
and has been conducted all the
time since by the Sisters of the
Holy Names. In Jts prospectus,
jthfs Is the opening statement:
1 "Sacred Heart academy stands
if or the physical, the Intellectual
and the moral development of
'young girls. It is a Catholic in
stitution, but welcomes 'Students
of other creeds,' avoiding - all at
tempts to influence their religious
i convictions. The Sisters of the
I Holy Names aim at ? cultivating
' those virtues' which . are woman's
abiding glory wanting which, no
degree of mental culture can
ever a boy's school is established
i manhood." " - ' ' ; '
H "Thr Academy1 irToraTed Tn Me
;of the most beautiful and promi
nent residential, sections of Sa
lem, has a fine brick structure,
jwith modern , conveniences T and
artistic curroundings, command
ing a magnificent view of the
westward, and the past, year has
seen many- fine improvements on
the buildings 'and .grounds.
The teaching course covers the
grammar and high school grades,
also a commercial course, with
special courses in music under ac
complished teachers.
During its 58 years in Salem,
Sacred Hearty Academy has en
joyed universal confidence - and
respect and has been recognized
Six Week Summer Term
' June 20 July 29
- Saltra School of zpression
147 N. Commercial St.
ij i .phonrl484J,'
125 N. Liberty St.
,vV. 'v'-tv
w i ;
Salem Is a Fine Institution
as a valuable factor in the edu
cational life of the Capital City.
In that time over 150 graduates
passed through its portals, while
many hundreds more took partial
courses. - -
The Academy is primarily a
school for girls, but because there
has been no parochial school the
Sisters have accepted the boys up
to the age of 12 years. When
ever a boy's school is established
the academy will be exclusively
for girls;
Last year there were about 226
pupils altogether, 150 girls and
76 boys. Of the girls. 26 were
boarders and that is nearly the
capacity of the school, which can
comfortably care for 35 boarders.
The prospect for the approaching
school year is that the attendance
will be at least equal to last year.
Independence Road Case
Aired in Kelly's Court
Judge Percy It. Kelly of the
Marion county circuit court yes
terday heard arguments of attor
neys with relation to a motion o
make more specific a complain
filed by certain residents of in
dependence, who seek to halt
work on unimproved' sections of
the West Side Pacific , highway
The motion was prepared and ar
gued for the state by J. M. Dev
ers, attorney for the highway
The original complaint alleged
that the county court , or Polk
county erred when it designated
certain sections' of the West Side
Pacific highway as market roads.
Also that it exceeded its legal au
thority by Incurring an indebted
ness of more than $5000 for the
Improvement of the 80-ealled Dallas-Salem
highway. -
Requisition is, Issued
r ForiVlan HeWrin Seattle
' Requisition papers were issued
at the' governor's offices yester
day asking Cor the return to. Ore
gon of E. L. Hinson, whs is want
ed at Albany for the theft of an
automobile. Hinson is under ar
rest at Seattle. '
J. Q. Rogers, a member of the
Albany police force, left yesterday
for Seattle in quest of the pris
oner. Mr. Rogers said that Hin
son was not known In Albany and
probably was a transient.
Secretary Kozer Will
Climb to. Hood's Top
Sam A. Korer,"' secretary of
state, will leave Friday night for
Portland whtre he will join a
number of persons from that city
in a climb to the summit of Mt.
Hood. Sunday Mr. Kozer will
leave for Helena, Mont., where he
will attend a-meeting of secre
taries of state and state auditors
from all sections of the United
A part of the program arrangad
for the conference will be held
in Yelloystone National park.
Frank Payne Captured,
Returned to Penitentiary
Frank Payne, 21 years old.
who Tuesday made his escape
from the prison brickyard, was
captured Tuesday nist.t by peni
tentiary guards in a h o camp
between Tumor and Marion He
was returned to the prison at
While en route to Turner,
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: ? r i- Mt. Angel, Oregon
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This picture of Mary Eaker Eddy, the founder of Christian
Science, was taken in the early years of her work in establishing
her church. The baby she is holding is the child of a friend. Her
centennial was recently observed both in this and other countries.
Payne met a :a'lroad patrolman,
whom ho cfeiCd a fountaii. pen
tt a low !'i;ie Thi patrolman
was suspickSS of the stranger
and later telephone the otlicials
at the prison. Guards vrere tben
sent to the hobo camp where
Payne was taken without any re
sistance. Payne made h!s escape
by means t a forged note to
which was. affixed the purported
signature of J. F. Lwis. deputy
warden of the prison. The note
said that Payne had been trans
ferred from the prison brickyard
to highway work. On the strength
of.the forged note the gate keep
er allowed Payne nis liberty.
Payne wac committed to the
pr'.son from Multnomah county to
serve a term not to exceed five
years for assault with intent to
Loadometers Are Tested
By Traffic Authorities
State traffic officers yesterday
made a half dozen tests of the
loadometers received here recent
ly from the east. All of the experi
ments were staged in me unim
of Salem, and the truck involved
selected at random.
With the aid of these devices an
effort will be made to determine
the weight of loads of all trucks
operating in Oregon. Persons who
violate the laws with relation to
the operation of trucks will be
prosecuted. None of the truck 3
involved in . the test here yester
day were found to be violating the
T. A. Raffety. chief inspector
for the motor vehicle department,
said that the loadometers would
be sent to all sections of the state
and that all traffic officers em
ployed by the department had been
instructed in their use.
The law regulating the opera
tion and loadinr of trucks was en
acted at the last session of the
It is proposed to erect a series
of dams in the Mississippi river
for the generation of electrical
energy, fn the days when Mark
Twain was a pilot on the water
way it was full of dams, but they
were of the profane variety and
Mark furnished his full quota.
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C, Van Patten & Son
Build New Dormitory at
Industrial School
C. Van Patten & Son, Salem
contractors. yestgrday were
awarded the general contract for
erecting' the girls' dormitory at
the state industrial school for
girl.-. The contract for th-
plumMinp and heatins: was award
ed to the Lebanon Plumbing t
HoatiriK company, whfle th? aiec
trical fixtures will be installed by
the MainKlectric company of
The entire cost of the dormi
tory, including the general con
tract, plumninjr and beating, elec
trical fixtures, architect's fees, ad
vertising pnd furnishings will ag
gregate $4?. 960.35.
Ten proposals wore rece'.vfd
for the general contract work.
Wlork on the structure will start
at once and should be completed
early in DecemtM-r, according to
theprovisions of the 'contract.
The last legislature anpropriat
ed $30,000 for the erection of the
dnrmitcrv. irrludine the furnisn
ings. It was estimated today that
(ho fiirnisnines would CObt
Highway Department; Will
Meet in Portland Today
Members of the state highway
commisison, will meet in Portland
today when contracts fori several
Davine and trading projects will
be awarded. Bids also will be
opened by the commission for the
nnrohasp of hichwav bonds. Em-
nloves of the local highway de
partment said the business prob
ably would be completed tomor
. lit it . s h ! S, L.
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" At 3
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A motor and hiking trip was.
enlovert bv a artv of Salem folk
ovjer the past week-end. They
j there hiking to the upper Wah
Keena ians, coming back, by way
of the Multnomah trail. Several
smaller trips were taken along
the way. Those who enjoyed the
trip were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hale. Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Stoner and son George Jr.. Miss
Viola Larson. Miss Joy Turner,
Mrs. Delia Jeffries, Mrs. Julia
Weight. Frank H. Turner and
Byrd Tucker.
Miss Susan and Miss Lula
Pearson of Itirmin;ham, Ala.,
are tho house guests for the sum-
Inier of Mrs. S. S. Snedecor. The
ladies have been on their journey
t hprfl fnr t hrpf tt- f tr q ttnnnin tr or
Denver, Salt Lake City. San Di
ego, Los Angeles and San Fran
cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Pruitr
and son Alan are visiting friends
and relatives in Salem, and Mr.
Pruitt's mother, at Claxton. Or.
They motored from Detroit, Mich.,
coming by way of the Yellowstone
national park.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Goodrich of
Stockton, Cal.. are visiting Mr.
Goodrich's sister, Mrs. E. C.
Fatton. They arrived here Sun
day and will remain about a
month. They motored, coming by
way of Crater lake, and visiting
Klamath hot springs, Shasta
sprincs and other places of in
lerest along the route. They also
visited relatives at Madras. Be
fore they return they will visit
at Portland and at the Tillamook
Mr. and Mrs William Bell and
children. Dovoihv and Margaret,
v.ho have spent the past month in
Victoria, h-ivo returned to Salem.
Early yesterday morning the
H. L. and R, W. Marsters famil
lea, accompanied by Miss Dorothy
Orcult of Roseburg, who has been
a guest at the R. W. Marsters
home, motored to Spong's land
ing for an early morning swim
and a campfire breakfast. Miss
Orcutt went to Portland for a
week's visit and will stop here
a-rain oh her return to her home
at Rosebui.
Mrs. T. L. Wharton of Roe
burg passed through Salem yes
terday on he' returt to her home
at Roseburg, after a - isit in Port
land. She was the house f,ues(
for a week of Mrs. R. W. Mars
ters before her visit in Portland
Miss Mabel Marcus is spending
two weeks in Portland visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Marcus and
daughters Helen and Marjorie
and Dorothy Smart, leaves Satur
day for the coast.
Mrs. M. D. McAllister is spend
ing the summer at the home of
her father, H. M. Finley near Cor
vallis. Mrs. McAllister will be
away during the mouth of Aug
ust, also.
Mrs. H. H. Gooch, wife of Gen
ll. IL Gooch, a wholesale dealer
in flowers of San Francisco, was
a recent visitor at the Franklin
Dibble tulip farm.
Mrs. Gray Kyle and daughter
Edith Mary, of Portland havo
been visiting the past few days a
the home of Mrs. Kyle's parents
Mr. and Mrs. S. East. They re
turned to their home this week
Mrs. Grace Eoff entertained
Mrs. K. B. Houston and Mrs. Lil
burn Boggs and small daughter,
Gene, who are visiting here from
California, to dinner on Saturday
A party composed of Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Staley. Mr. and Mrs.
Lew Aldridge, Miss Rose Stock
ton and Mrs. Grace Eoff spent
Sunday at Mehama.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steusloff.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. . Marcus and
daughters, Mr. and
Chambers and Will
Sunday at Mehama.
Mildred Week Is
Mrs. E. F.
Cole spent
visiting her
friend, Kathryn Grady, at Oregon
City. She motored down on Sat
nrday with hesr parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Week, who returned
to Salem the same day.
Dr. and Mrs. E E. Fisher and
little son. Mrs. G. B. Goin and
Miss Mina Cook motored to Wat
erloo for Sunday.
A party who spent Sunday at
Mehama were Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Minto, Jack Minto, Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Jory, Oras and Priscilla
Try. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hartley, Mr.
ahd Mrs. J. B. Craig, Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Wain. Keene Wain.
Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Poisal and Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Downing.
7 Mrs. Maud Tucker of Clarks
ton. Wash., who has been visit
ing Mrs. A. E. Huckestein. left
for her home yesterday after a
two weeks' visit here.
' Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh and
daughter. Miss M. I. Downing, en
tertained Mrs. R. B. Houston of
' , - - - -
Santa Rosa, and Mrs. Boggs of
Sacramprln Pal nt lnnrhpon vp.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCroskey
spent yesterday in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McMeahan
go to Portland to attend the For
estry convention. They will be
away over the weok-er.d.
Dr. and Mrs. Chalmer George
have gonp to Hreitenbush springs
for a two weeks' outing.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davles were
in Portland yesterday.
Capt. and Mrs. Allan Bynon
have returned from a three days
outing spent at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hodge are
spending a few days outing this
week at Neskowin and they will
visit several of the other Tilla
mook beaches.
Miss Ada Miller is spending
two weeks at Rockaway beach as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ber-
Mrs. G. A. Nye. who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. W.
Schwab for a. month, is expected
to return to Salem the last of this
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Miler Wimer
and son, who have been visiting
at the home of Mr. Winter's par
ents for the last two weeks, left
3:esterday for Portland for a short
visit with friends before proceed
ing to their home in Pendleton.
T. H. (Bert) Merritt of Duluth
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Blackwood of 545. North 18th
street for a short while before
returninc home bv wav of Seattle.
Try Shopping With
the Crowds
A Sweeping Clearance Sale
That is sweeping all other events aside for super
Bathing Suits
We have especially priced
our entire .stock for a
quick disposal and Clear
ance. We have them in
all the attractive colors
as well as a good selec
tion of grades. Priced
for Thursday from
49c to $2.98
$1.25 Polly Prim
In pretty Ginghams,
French and Count Per
cales with alternating
trimming effects, on sale
Thursday at
$1 Men's Silk Ties
In the latest narrow de
signs and fashions direct
from New York. This lot
includes a large array of
patterns, each
?3 Khaki Riding
Of a very heavy khaki
material, well shaped
and finished, and the as
sortment includes all
sizes, on sale at
. $1.69
75c Ladies' Union
Three styles to select
from, tight and loose
knee, short sleeves and
some with band tops, on
sale each
Big Yamhill Herd is
Hit by Tuberculosis
Pr. W. 11. !.ytl state veterin
arian, rctunic,l ycsierdr.y troiu
Carlton, , Yamhill county, where
he was summoned to make an in
vestigation of some cattl. Out
ot'a herd of 35 examined by the
veterinarian 2$ were found to be
' . .. - :i r, i -i: . ZIH
Rub 9 Em!
Tub Em!
' J , . "i ;'' .r -ii .'' ;
If you want a plain model -we havo it. for you. If.
you prefer one that is pleatedthpt, toojls waitinj?
here. But whatever the style or (he finishing, you
can oe sure of one thing. Shipley is offering you a
real value in these white wash 8kirts and you just
can't help liking them. Every one is finely tailored.
IF the proof of the pudding is in
thproof of PAY AS YOU GO lijis in its' success.
Super Value Giving
Diamond V, Coffee
3 lb. can
No. 2 Del Monte
Corn, 2 cans
No. 2 Strained
Honey .
25c ,
2H bars white laun
dry Soap
We1 have just re
ceived a car-load of
sugar from , the
Western Refinery
Co. Make arrange
ments to get your
supply immediately.
We expect another
rise in price.
Final Clean-up for the
Organdy Dresses
This event will absolutely overshadow all former at
tempts to slash prices for a final Clearance!.
Fashioned of finest quality Voiles and jn thejnewest
colors, trimmed with white and colored Organdies,
and the novelty effects they are sure ito please the
most discriminating. Regular $15 values. For
Thursday's Special Selling
with tuberculosis. .Th
cattle were ordered coc I
and will be killed. Cat
emned and killed by or 4
tie con
ders. Jot
the state veterinarian ar
paid foif
out of Ifunds approprlatl
ed l?y the legislature.
Another need! of the country 1
to be ab to satisfy a chicken ap-j
petite with an oatmeal outlay. )
They Come Out Smiling k
to $4.98
1 M
v t 'it
the eating then
Better Values
for Less
value giving on quality.
- .
In our Economy Basement
Store ; .. .
We offer big ieapirig tables
loaded with over
5,0q0ARDSf ;
of remnants of every" descrip
tion. This offering includes
of our besl
t Voiles, Ging-
hams. Percales;
Cretonnes and,
yards of White
and Ticking,
hundreds of
Goods besides
numerous other!
items too nu-
merous to mention because
have simply and ruthless
gathered materials whose
values range to
49c the yard
-1 -
and with a smi
marked them
Thursday only
e on our iace
to sell for
lit the yard
Season on En
ire Stock of
Try (one of our
Ice Cream Sandwiches
and! Soda Pop
: on Ice All Day
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