The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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A sale that carries with it convincing proof that this is the center of greatest values in fashionable apparel Not another store in Oregon can offer garments of the cleverest style and equal quality at
similar prices. You'll find this a marvelous opportunity to secure stylish tailor-made and novelty Suits, Coats and Dresses, at one-third to cne-hali below regular values. We are determined to make a
clean sweep of the balance ot this season s merchandise, to make room for fall and winter apparel already purchased.
gantic Clearance Sale of Women s Coats, Suits and Dresses
- I .
(Nothing Reserved) Every Coat, Suit and Dress in the
House Yz to Yz Below Regular Prices
The time has arrived when quick action is necessary in order to start the new Season with new fresh merchandise
Glean Sweep
Women's Suits $19.75
Many attractive styles suitable for all oc
casions including popular sport models, all
well tailored and made up in good serviceable
materials. Nearly all sizes in this lot.
Women's Suits $25
This group is made up of Tricotine, Serge
and other desirable materials, colors prin
cipally -Navy and a few Tans and Greys,
37.50 to $42.00 values ,
Women's Suits $31 .75
Many exclusive models and phenomenal val
ues at the above price, fancy and semi-tailored,
tricotine models, beautifully trimmed
with embroidery, fancy stitching and but
tons, regular values $47.50 to $55.00. Glean
Sweep Sale Price
! $3.1.75
Sale of
Hundreds of New styles to select from and
every dress fresh, cool and new, fine Voile,
Organdie, Georgette, Messaline, Tricotine,
Serge and Jersey materials .
S18.75 to $21.00 Dresses, Sale Price $U.95
$23.00 to $27.50 Dresses, Sale Price $16.50
$30.00 to 33.00 Dresses, Sale Price $21.50
$37.50 to $42.50 Dresses, Sale Price $25.00
$45.00 to $47.50 Dresses, Sale Price $20. 75
Misses' and Women's Coats
at Lowest Prices Known
in Seven Years
$13.00 to $16.50 Coats. Sale Price $0.75
$18.75 to $25.00 Coats, Sale Price $13,50
$30.00 to $32.50 Coats, Sale Price $19. 75
$35.00 to $12.50 Coats, Sale Price $24.75
$15.00 to $50.00 Coats, Sale Price $31.50
New Jersey Coats $5.75
Complete assortment of colors and sizes. in
cluding Navy, Brown, Black, Tans, Red and
Better Grade Coats $6.75
Special group of Velour and Jersey Coats,
made with inverted pleated back and self
belt, various colors and sizes.
Veils 25c I Camisoles j Bloomers Organdie
Hill ud fun Mih $1 4ft i t? 9C
upoa ootua ntt vu. j gptelI, rroap MMi j Mmalta and Crepa da ! Half doitn Orndi and
la black. Brawn and : lin and Crap d Chtn i Chin Bloomers In whita VoU Draaes; slightly
'n. " aaaetal " . ' ' i Oaailaoloa la Flma aad : and flash ealnr. fli.u I AnmA mn i.-.
i S!!TlMis. rlMa mo color. Clean : damaad. Clean Sweep
: wuw wuij, ipvciu : sweep salt rnct : Bai rne
25 ! $1.48 $2.25 1 $5.75
Gigantic Clearance Sale of
Skirts and Petticoats
$5.00 to $5.75 Pongee Silk and Jersey
Petticoats, various colors and all
sizes, Clean Sweep Sale Price
Greatest of Ail Bargains
One hundred Taffeta Silk Petticoats,
also a few extra good quality Pongee
and Jersey Silk Petticoats, $7.50 val
ues, Clean Sweep Sale Price
i Sport Skirts
Great variety of Misses' and Women's
all Wool Sport Skirts, plaids and
stripes prevailing, the kind so much
demanded this season, speciaf for this
sale, $9.00 to $10.50 Wool Skirts,
Clearance Sale .Price
Silk Skirts $7.75
Messaline, Georgette and Crepe do
Chine Skirts and Petticoats, Tan,
Rose, Flesh and White, regular val
ues $9.00 to $10.50, Clean Sweep
Sale Price
Women's White Outing Skirts
j $2.98 to $7
Great variety of White Gabardine. Pique,
Poplin and Serge Skirts for street, sport,
and outing wear, made with fancy pockets
and belts and trimmed with large pearl
buttons, have them in all sizes. Including
sizes (or itouC figures.
Sport Skirts $9.75
High grade all pure Wool Skirts. In plaids
and stripes, light and dark colors, the
kind wanted to wear with Sport Coats,
rallies up to 115.00, Clean Sweep Sain
" Via. i-w
Remarkable Sale of
Waists and Blouses
Five hundred new and pretty Waists and Blouses, this season's models,
including a manufacturer's sample line and three special groups iust re
ceived direct from New York, purchased for this sale, also many pretty
models selected from regular stock away below usual prices.
Group 1 Blouses
Minonette and "Tricolette,
Blouses, charming styles,
colors and designs in t ir--baok
models, made with
round nmk and short
sleoves, sizes :?4 to" 4f.,
Clean Sweep Sale Price
Group 2 Waists
This group includes Pon
ses, Tricolette. Crepfe de
Chine, Georpette, Tule
Silk and Minonette
Waists and Mouses, valr
uos up to $5.5o. Clean
Swoop Sale Price
Group 3 Waists
RemsrkibU Tiloea in Georg
ette, Crepe de Chlae, Tricolette
and Taffeta SiJk ; Waists, in
new and pretty designs. Long
and short sleeve models, ronnd,
square and. V shape neoki. Tal
lies np to 19.50. Clean Sweep
Sale Price
CPA Hr dl Hf- mo rr m j Quid - M..l Mh A
I " i t i yv,,v it Y
Knit Sweaters
Shetland Wool Knit Sweaters, var
ious colors and designs; have them
in all sizes, $3.00 and $3.50 values,
Clean Sweep Sale Price
$7.50 Sweaters $4.95
Fine quality Shetland Wool Sweaters,
Brown, Grey and Tans, Tuxedo style,
all sizes, special - ,
Silk Sweaters $7.95
Tuxedo style Fibre Silk Sweaters,
various colors and sizes, $10.50 val
ues now
Bathing Suits for Women and .
Fine Worsted and Pleated Silk one-piece
Kathing Suits, light' and heavy weights,
all the newest styles including strap
thoulder effects. Bathing Suits, values
to 15.50, Clean Sweep Sale Price
Bathing Suits, regular values $7. GO to $9,
Cleato Sweep Sale Price
Almost Gi
Yen Away
It's the greatest opportunity to buy
High Class Millinery Salem women
had this season ; take advantage :
$3.50 -to $5.00 Hats, Clean Sweep.
fcaie I'nce
offered at
$7.00 to $12.50 -Hats
$13.50 to $18.75 Hats ndw offered at
e Economic Store 1 318 Court Street Where Low Prices Prevkil
Petticoab $1.23
(Jreat variety of Cot-;
tpn Petticoats, princi
pally plain colors, val
ues up to $2.25, Clean
$weep Sale Price
Smocks 75c
Broken lines in smocks
and middies, various
colors and sizes, val
ues up to $1.75, Clean
Sweep Sale Price
House Dresses and Aprons
Phenomenal values now offered in new and pretty Gingham Percale and
Chambray Coverall and Bungalow Aprons and House Dresses, some in
ecru color, neatly embroidered, also plaids, stripes, pink, blue, tans, etc.
$1.25 to $1.50 Values, Sale Price .... t$ .93
$1.75 to $2.00 Values, Sale Price ' " $1.13
$2.25 to $2.50 Values, Sale Price .... SI. 48
$2.75 to $3.00 Values, Sale Price $1.98
3.50 to $4.00 Gingham Dresses, Sale Price. .. $2.95
Middies $1.48
New White Jean and
Galatea Wash Mid
dies, soane with Navy
or Red Collars. Clean
Sweep Sale Price
Khaki Outing Togs
.. ...... UIlll M)r ryllsaeg ana women's Outlnfr Wear. Ours Is conceUed
largest and most complete stock of Misses ami vtno r.,- Ar.
Kverything needed for that trip Suits, Coats, Dresses. Skltts, Shirts.
Breeches, Hats. Leggings, etc., away below actual values
Khaki Suits. Special 91.75
Khaki Coats, full length !1!!jM.5
Khaki Short Coats, Special. !!.$28
Kbaki Skirts, all sizes. RneMal ' r.n
Khaki Coveralls, all sizes. Special !! Jtl2.5
Khaki Coveralls (sleeveless )j
rvnaki Dresses (one piece)
Khaki Middies, all sizes, Special
Khaki Breeches, full cut.
Khaki Outing Hats, Specla
to be the
Appab-ei in Salem.
if iddiea. Knee
Special 92.48
Special 93SKi
. . . t2r0
. . . . . .fluM
j Serge Bloomers :
He ' lot of Navy Serge
ploomers, varlons sizes
HBO and $3.00 values,
peaa Sweep Bale Price
.. a . . II
, : 31.45
Crepe Bloomers
Salmon color, Crepe Bloom
era bought to sell at $1.25,
CIcaa Sweep Sale Price
Voile Waists
About 10 dozen New and
pretty Waists, some trimmed
with lace. Clean Sweep Sale
u : '
(Old White
Corner fJuilding)
p,irr.Q wTs Annnrl Stnre
Aprons 59c
Broken linos ana discon
tinued numbers, in Calico,
, and Percale Aprons, Clean
Sweep Sale Price
Petticoats $2.48
Special group of fancy
striped Sateen, Petticoats,
various new and pretty de
signs. $3.00 and $3.50 val
ues. Clean Sweep Sale Price
Bloomers $1.69
Big lot of black. Sateen
Bloomers, formerly gold for
$2.50. Clean
Sweep Sale
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