a - . . " r'- "n : , - t. j. gift pjjCflgn 01sttscrmt CLLUmZD ABTXITZtZXXVTl :' War Ttr laewrtim, le As One Mk (six insert ieaa) Se 2 -V Y"T 8 toatha' eoetraet, per me15 JAf,atha wAreet, " ne19e Jsninnua for an j advertieemea S& n iff) n Norwich uxioit , f FCUS INSTTRAKCB BOCIETT XhfelMB, Roland 4 Ikirgiutrdt Resident Agent 871 State St. M0NLY TO LOAN On Real Estate ' T. K. FORD . . (Over Ladd A Bath Bank) i i FARM LOANS , HAWKINS dr ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building LOANS REAL ESTATE" , ' INSURANCE1 We linn anything Ws have the money ia loan Pay na back like rent Our farm aad eitjr property list are eom plete. See "first. ULTXAa xjltxab 40S-T Oregon, Sld(. . Phoaa 1644 SK you have property to sell and will list it at the right price we will sell it. Y " ; ED. LOOSE ' 370 W State Street TT NEW; TODAY' r-" BAROAIK- 5 - ROOM HOUSE, AL.tr HO dera except tument, tut front, pave ment, garage, ear line. $2,100. Becke Hoadricka. 805 U. S. Bank Bid. SEE ELMO ft. WHITE Ir IN SEED at loan, 402 . Maaonie Bldg. TOR BALK NEARLT SEW FIVE BOOM . fen nr. lew, with: basement and lire place H block to ear line.. For price see, Kirueger. 209 Oregon Bldg. PROVIDE 'FOSTER; 10 CIGARS FOR v roar guests. : Ask your dealer. 10 ACRES, KO BUILDINGS, FINE HIGH ...ground, closa in, sooth. $2,000. Becke 2r Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank Bide. - , WE REPAIR ALL MAKES Or KODAKS . and fountain pens, Capitol Drug Store. . " ' .. t TOR ' JtKXT MODERK BUNGALOW : ' ; one block frem, , pot toffies. Phone ' "" ' iS M. ; - -" - LOST A SILVER MESH BAO. IN OR , near Willsoa Park Wcdnmdar morn ' -"' Inf.' Reward, Room gll, Marion hotel. WANTED TO BORROW $700 OS 8000 security, farm property. ' Git least ' possible Interest rn firs letter. Ad drasa 'I-7a" care fitatetman. : - , STEAM ASD GAS TRACTOR ' ESGIN : mt waata work. Address "I-71." care : ttatawina.'-'.o .. ,-r.v. BALED CLOVER IUT, $12.50. STORED at 1887 - K. Winter. ' ', FOR SALE . NEARLY, NEW - PAIGE : Sadaa, Tery reasonable; will trade In light ear.. Phons 1455-W. - 17 ACRES EAST, 10 ACRES FRUIT ' fair house snd bsrn; will trade for - - koase. Bocks .k Hendricks. 205 U.S. r. ; Bsak Bldg-t p . i WANTED B ROOK APARTMEXT BY married- coapto, no children, to occney aboak Sept. .1. Care "I-t)9,". Btstea- i LOST-e-OX HIGHWAY BET WEEK SA '.. i lea and Portland j Tnesday nijht, lsrre leather rip eonuininc Udi" ! wearing apparel and gray shswl. Kc tify H. K. HargraTe. Hotel .KortOnia, f I Portland. Liberal reward. . ; ; LOST BR0WW JAPANESE FOX rUB 'in Willsen Park. Taesdsy night. Yl ' der .please, return to .Statesman office. W1IY CARRY T0CR OWX RISK WHITO r insarsJkce' la m eheaot Cnll 347 for - jour rates, . !n the McMianvill C ftndly a Foley, AgU4 Bash Bank i Bldg. . t - ' ', 2.0T WAATED ROOM. HOUSE ON ' pared atreet ; ' will take" good Taeant lot as first payment. Becke A Hand' ', ricka, S05 U. 8. Bank Bldg. : LOST AT POSTOFTTCE SMALL blsek purse 'Oontsinlng money and vie " torn Lean receipt. Finder- leave.. at ' ' this office. . Reward. , WILL BUILD SEVERAL SMALL BUN n galowst foer ts six rooma, with bath, lectrie lights, walks, .etc and aell ' like rest. Phone 1958, 9 to 12, mo ra in rs for appointment. - BEST BUYS- 18 arret valley loam, on River Road dVs.milea from.' Salem, some oak tint , ber, buildings. ' well; 1 . mile Ketser school: price $6,000. 81.000 down. SO seres off BiWertoa read, TVs . miles . : Salem,, do ' buildings, all woven wire fenced, well r price $2,250 eaah. 9 acres hi mile from carline; I1! acres v tosrana. - - acre strawberries, 5 room boaae.. chieken heuae j hogpeav good wall i nrire 83.600. 176 acres oak s-rub naatnre land. 2 miles from. Roseborg; trsde for aomethin ear valse hers r price $5,000. 178 aeree with 27 acres priuaee, 14 acres logana, T ' acres peaches, full set . im provements, drier and warehouse; U i 'mil school and town,, rock road; $175 . pea aero; trade for basin ess, residence or acreage, near . tsalem. . "' Lei es know yeur trades. ' " SEESOCOLOFSKY $41 Bute St. - 'SACRIFICE BARGAINS Good modem 6 room cottage, nice let. barn, fruit, near carline. Only $160(1. Fine five acre tract, good $ room bouse, - barn, garage, orchard, berries, nice ' lo- ewtiaaV'i s)400 ;. ... - . . 12 seres close in, 7 room honse, bsrn. fruit, cows, fowl, tools, feed. $9,800, aaa terms. ' . -i - ' - -" '.-' We have .acroaa-e to ezehange for , eHy . property and boesen in- town for acrescs and farms. Call and see our .PERRINE & MARSTERS ' 211-12 Gray Bldg. ' ' T rotaa modera' plastered house, two fine . t lots, 1 block to Commereial atreet ear , . line aad paved streets, cement bsse tnent, lotg of frutt. This is one of the tMMt homes in south Haleav prtna only J, 700. Reasonable terms can be bed. Te in this home ia to want it. If yen want a good home see us,' as we - hsve the best for the money.' JOSEPH BARBER & SON ' : 200 Gray' Bldg. ' ' v '.WOOD'S1 BARGAINS: Cboiee 20- aero tract located three miles from Salem; good aoiL about two acres via orchard, fair buildings, creek on the nlaca. soring water pined to build ' Jan. good rood. ; It will pay you to Have one of the test farms In Polk eouaty. 141 aeree well located, land , tiled, modera houae.- large barn and , wuMiidinn, Uood water system. . Price risht. rive roan : modem' fcnntnlow - With re- meat basement, two bate with bearing ." rees; will take auto part pay . .e terms, :'" f i'" an $6S per acre; a lew to V houaa and lot close to "" oistrict. F. L. WOOD, Ptete St. Caoaoa, liX5 3.-Coauaeitial- BtT -V -:;-,--CY. ; YY Y- Y -THE OREGON- STATESMAN, EMPLOYMENT HALE WANTED WORK FOR ONE TON track. Alio long distance jobs. 1436-J RESinNGLING DOSE BY DAY OR JOB Sstisf aetioa guaranteed. Phone 2093-J ; - Frea ettimate. . WANTED ENERGETIC- TOTSO MAN who haa had experience selling life insurance, stocks or advertising. Most be able to devote bis entire time and bo ambitions for advancement. Must ' hnee the. eourags to present business proposition to merehanta and profes sional men. Answer in yonr own band writing stating age. educational qual- ' ifieatioas, experience as solicitor, etc. Address I Na. SL. Statesman office. MALE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN AJt WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg. Salem. Ore. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TREATMENT'S'; Vio let ray; msnicurmg, saampwui. v- s-on Bath honse. Phona 540. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE CANAR1 BIRDS. Nlgbt SlngSTi. mra. . uennsw. 12U. 1080 CbemekeU. BUSINESS OPPOBTTJHITIXS FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store, doing better man ou,uuu unui bosiness. Stock now spproximates 1 15,000. Can be roduccd so that $10,000 will bsndle. Own building 60x80 which csn be leased. If you desire a good business location inves tigate thia buy. Address X. Selig, Falls City. Ore, or call 695 N. 14th, Salem, for further information. HOUSES mi a t BVTTH ALADDIN READY cat "booses. .400 Oregon Bldg. POULTRY POCLTRYMEX BEXD EIGHT TWO- eent stamps :or. special xnm njonin. trial for the best and oldest journal In the weat. The artielea and adver tiaementa are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Xorthwest Poultry Journal, 215 Com mereial St., Salem, Oregon. FARM PAPER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sena le so ine x-acuio Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three months trial aabscription. Mention thia ad. - ' livestock: SIX COWS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. K. 1j. Konms. Wopeweii, ismniii. o. MISCBJLIiAKBOUS WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN wire, steinoocav toun iuwi. OFFICES AND BTORES A BIO LOT of new noou I or saia at sin price. Steinbocka. BED , RASPBERRIES FOR SALE Phone 3721. , TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT SSI Court. Anything be. FOR SALE DKERINQ BINDER, POR- table and tongue truck, itfiw moaei; good aa new. Phone 6F3. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good selection of the songs , Jon, hare been wanting with words and moiio eomplett. No matter how many : aengbooka yon have yon should have this one, containing the Oregon songs. Prices : Single, copies, 25e; 10 ft cents : each In lota of a dozen or more; $12.50 the hundred, poetpaid. Second edition printed sines September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. Halem. Oregon WOOD PHONE 1585-M FOR WOOD. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR. $8.50; 4 , ft. second growth and ash. Phone lo. FOR SALE OLD ' PITCHY FIR. 18 inch and 4 leet. Keaaonable price. Phone 1727. WOOD FOR SALE , PHONE 254 OR after office houra call 622. Call and get my pricea before yon purchase. GOOD WOOD REASONABLY PRICED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Victor Schnei der, Phone &SF41 evenings. Tnrner, Oregosw . DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW. tng; get our prices before Duytng else where. Oak, old fir and second growth. r isber Broa. rnone 2040. DRY FIB AND OAS WOOD FOR SALE. Phoaa 77F8. ns BktV T A DAP A TT XTTT.T.' WflAn aawed even length, ia .men or io inch. Special priee on 5 cord . Iota. Seasoned mill wood. First clasa 16 inch old fir. Second crowth fir. aawed 14 inch. Fred I. Walla, 805 S. Church. Phone 1543. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR BENT 7S5 N. COM mercial. FOR . RENT MODERN FURNISHED apartment ana garage. ivv i.esue. ROOM. AND BOARD WANTED TABLE BOARDERS. 558 So. 12th BtTeet. i - rtpeetal etunaay oinners from 1-2:30. Phone lizo. 3i.ru ueo W. Smith. " BOOMS t.w.ONAUD- HOTEL NEW MANAGE' meat, clean, neat rooms ana apartments. 254-Berth rronv ew FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OP ROOMS. .. . Mt j.w : . l.il Iirsi Iieor. Wlin (rie - itni Alexandria. 1080 ChemekeU atreet. mono liou. rOR RENT A FURNISHED ROOM': modern conroniencea. two Dtocka from atate houss. 253 orth 13th. Phone ' 885-W. FOB RENT ROOM , FOR GENTLEMAN I in .modera home ana eentruuy eeat- l ed.. Pless give name and; addreaa S cere cHateauieB. HOUSES r. L." WOOD, a$v HTATI bt REAL aetata., reataia. 1 ..... LOST ;AND FOUND LOST LOST MAN'S WATCH. MAKETLLIX aia Hunting case. Phone 23F13 oi leave at Btateame" LOST ON HIGHWAY BKTWEEN NEW . a l .il.1.,1. 1 . . . vara .. . . . . iM lag heavy linen bag and articles of Irate with Daily Statesman, Salem. FOUND FOUND CAP FROM OIL FILLING . tube oa Briacoe car. Inquire this office. WANTED inSCELLANEOTJi WOOD WANTED 10 TO 12 CORDS BIG Id -fir. Csll e$. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding L Phone 19 HIGHEST TRICES PAID FOR ALL . kind of aeeoad hand- clothing. 820 H, ' Commereial. Phone so. v ': . u i vTrn wvr-nTTHTNTi tx Habtv. ware and furniture Best prices paid. M. am . . n. . . I tlf11T .HI, . liii. iii'iMii iiiwnua r j. AND PLTRN ITURE CO. . i 285 N. Commercial Sk Xhona 947 ' Y : J j X w Y SALEM, OREGON WANTED IjCISCEXXAKEOTS , CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY ing Black Republicans, Biags and Lam berte. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED-4-U8ED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ranges and eookstovea. tools, men's sens and shoes. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial. Phone 841. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS ACTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT, 171 South High. AUTO TOP, UPHOLSTERY. WORK guaranteeo. oaa oosio uu, pooac 1128. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES HOFFMAN & ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR shop: TUlramzing, retreaaing. Ji o. Commercial Street. Phone 471. SMITH WATK3NS, 147 NORTH HIGH. risk, Silverten cord, iiooa extra piy tires. Kverythlng for auto. USED CARS BARGAIN 1920 SEYF.X-PASSEXGEK Bairk. Good shape. Rnn 1800 miles. Write Box 745. Dallas. Oregon. REBUILT USED AUTOMOBILES IF yon are looking for a good used ear, I have it; and ears that are rebuilt like new. and at a low price on easy terms. Write or phone Mr. Kilton, 890 Esst ?'b t Portland. OARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU- ble shooting. 238 Aorta iligk. Phone 203. SOUTH COMMERCIAL OARAGE GEN- eral repairing and overhauling. eO S. -Commercial St Salem. PAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES, Ac cessories, used cars. Our work guar anteed. 1 2641 Portland Road. Phone 808. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. Expert battery and electrical work. Farris Broa. Phone 4803. 418 Court. CAPITAL OARAGE BUICK, STTJDE- baker, Hudson repairing. 179 booth Liberty, Phone 88. TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 844 Ferry 9 treat, i LOBBY'S I AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty. Phone 901. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center.! Phone 890. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Phone 28. J O. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS, Bodies repaired . 444 Ferry. BARBERS COZY NOOK: BARBER SHOP 12S8 State. ! BEAUTY PASXiOES M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE ; hours. 9 to 5. Sunday: evenings by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House. Phone 640, ZQ28K. OREGONION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL waving, hatrdressing. 185 South Com mercial.. Phone 4777 OONTECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made csn dies, confections, cigars, mag ax ines. 1272 State, CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN diseaae. 158 8. High SL. Phono 288. CORSETS MR 9. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone 1013 R. 891 S. 12th DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING 2720 Cherry. Phone 1678-M. MRS. E. M. ASHLEY. DRESSMAKING. will go out by hour. Phone 1430-j. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 1971W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Mission street. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 Booth. 12 th. Phone 1824-M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING, 249 North Cottage. Phone 1552W. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. designing. Spencer corsets to order, S MoCormack Bldg. ELETHA PRUETT DRESSMAKING, 082 North Commercial. Phone 19S1W MRS. VARTY, DESIGNED AND MAKER ijidiee' tsuita and uewna. 7 aaeuor- mack Bldg. FANCYWORK WASTED TRANSFERRING AND stamping for fanrrwork. Phone 1470-W. After six. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT; Phono 184. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, ehamatitehing, pleating, buttons. 829- su vj reran xilg. Phone 878. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING AT tsehment; works on all sewing mach ines; price $2; personal checka lOe extra. Light Mail Order House, Box i7, uum ingnam, Ala. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hata renovate and blocked 495 Court street. INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Orecon Auto Indemnity Exchanxe Full protection. Reduced rates Frank Meredith Uo. Busb-Breymsa Block. . GREENHOUSES PORCB BOXES BED07NG PLANTS for ale. i Jmtta a aot Aorta commer cial PTNANCIAX MARION-POLK, COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaoeiatioa has anoaey to loan at aix percent. W. If. Umita, aecretary-treae' nrer.. 80S , Salem Bank of Commerce. JOB PRINTING YOUR PRINTING LET BERTELSON do it. "Y" Bldg. Phone 779. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 16 8 Liberty street. Phone ax VHaest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, grosapt eervico. 1304 n roadway. pnoae swa. , PLUMBIMQ PLUMBING. REPAIRLVff AND COIL work, pacne lai iJ. oaop, m tnava stT-.et. A. U woarrer. PRXVATB BOSPrtALS WANTED CONPTNEMENT CASES AT private hospital. I have best of eqaip- meut. Phone iaJ- PAINT. WALLPAPER SEE PORTER POK PAIKTK, WALL a per aaa Picture rraming. uooa work a uours bv 1 aoee esa. PERIODICALS utbi nnomirr, takes bttrscst . tiena tor all augaiiaes. $51 So. 17th . atreet, pnone reiau Ce StatcsmAm ciasincX Ads- BUSINESS CARDS SCUSICAX. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO, 251 North Cottage. BEATRICE SH ELTON PIANO STUDIO - 5 Marioa. Phone 12M. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, $94 North Church. Phone 178. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 Scatb. 14th. Phone 770. DAN F. LAXGENBEBOY VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phone 1184M. MOLLII STYLES VOICE. PIANO. S59 Center. Phone 2016B. FRANKLIN LAUNE& rlANQ. ' 288 North 17th. Phone 1415. JULIA MILLS WE I GEL, PIANO. 1580 Boutn enure n. rnone iihik, P. L. MILLER VIOLIN: OTHER string instruments- 419 Marion hotel. LUCILE ROSS PIANO. OKOAK. 498 Sorta Liberty. Pbona 1187W. MATTTK GILBERT STRING IN8TRTJ meats. 1572 State. Phono 1154 B. MISS. MABLE SHEPHERD, PIAXO- player; dances, all occasions. 257 X. Liberty. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches tan fit, diploma s granted. John R. Sitea, director, 1287 Court Phone 626; sa TUNXRS WENDELL HELM TUNING. RXPAJR- ing. Phone 4v. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Sisno tuner. Leave orders Will' tusie store R. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER, PLAY- ers a apeciaity. i-none So'i. Cher rington Piano Houae. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PlASOS; NEW. nsed. i. W. Tatunan. izi bo. Own 'L CHERRINGTOX PIANO HOUSE. HAN- dies xtusn-ijane eeteorated pianos. 415 Court. Phone 852. PAINT - CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract. Wells. Phone 1611M. DAVIS 8TRAVBBAUQH GENERAL contractors paints, oil, wallpaper. 229 Booth Liberty. Phone 901. AUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adams. Painting, paperhang ing, kalsomining. Work, guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 1396J; res, 425 South Winter. ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLEB. CLEANED. RE- Sairea, paimea or tarrea. Phone &ayes 4F3. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS .safety raiors, etc Stewart'a Repair Bhop, 84T court atreet. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE- paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 N. 17th st, Phons 1418W SHOE REPAXRXNO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. STUDIOS DE . LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FINISH- ing. 147 ota t. ommercial. STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRApnER 408 MAS- onie Bldg. Phone 178. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing snd repairing. , Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 343 North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, aad chains. Fred Scbiaaler, 26S Canter atreet. SCAVENGERS SALEM 8CAVENGER GARBAGE. REP aso of all kinds removed. Ooaapoola cleaned, rnone 107. STOVES STOVB REPAIRING STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT, COILS, connections. Yi ill call and clean, pol ish at house. 271 North Commereial. Phone 784. STOVES REBUILT A?ri KEP AIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sues zo to xa ins. aign. Paints oil and varniahee, etc- loganberry aad hop hooks. Salem Fence and Steve Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER BAUZJNa MERCHANTS' DELIVERY. 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city. 50c. CHAS CHANDLER rrENERAL TRAN8- fer; office, stand, Clark Tire Houae, Phone 74. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St phone 933. Diatributing, forwarding and atorage oar apeciaity. Get one rates. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 294 North Commercial. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO.. Liberty Ferry. Phone 17. Dry also, 16-inch wood for sale. TRANSPORTATION PACIFIC CITY STAGE LEAVES CLUB Blames iu a.m. aaiiy, for information call phone 7. SALEM SILVERTOX STACK Leaves Leaves Salem Silver-tot O. E Depot Newa Stand 7:00 a.m. g:i5 tn. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m.. 11:00 a.m., 5:00 pan. lave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m- 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m.. :S0 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger ear for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Ree. phone 615 Buaiaeee phone T WHXRB TO EAT WHITK CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA diahea, noodles, frea dsnclng. Open 9 a.m. 1 at night. UOfr k. Com'L WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office. 801 South Com'l St. Tea per eent discount on domestie flat rstes paid ia advance. No deductions for ab sence or any cause ""jsg water ia ahut off your nrvrmisea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. F. & C, CHTROPRAGt tor, 809-13 U. 8 Bank Bide Phoaa. 7: Bee. 828R. irma-m. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST ppuiane xnnm waivraua imriiaosisni n alia fact ion guaranteed. rim K. Tatrev Maaonie Bldg. Phone 442. STTOGESTOTHERAPIST H. J. ANDERSEN. D.S.T, SCIENTIFIC masseur, electro-magnetic healer and metapnyaician. 1 none 11 08, 416 Ore gon Duos, vonsuuaiioa ire. Read The Classified Ad PROFESSIONAL " osteopathic; phtsiciass DBS. WHITE AND MiRCTTtt.T. oe U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad eurgeenj -. Kirseeiile rradnate. 404-405 U. S. Natioaal Bank Bldg. Phoaea Office, 919; Ran. 61 A DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa aad Surgeon. 403-404 Oregon Bldg: Phoa.ee: Office. 1394: Res, 68P5. OPTICIAN GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. .BUB dette at the Bow Optical Company, 825 State, atreet, opposite Ladd aad Bush Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY . UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN 8, caaup 9. .Armory. ' irev inira jsoaaaya. REAL ESTATE $1200 CASH BUYS 4 ROOM MODERN bungalow without basemefit. on car line. A coiy place, good aa new. Terms if desired. S. R. Pearsoa, 408 U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE ONE ACRE BEARING cherries, on Fairvirw avenue, near ear line. A bargain. Inquire owner, 860 E. Street. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL farm of. real value, inquire about our 100-aere improved Linn county farm for $4,500. m A. C. Bohrustedt. 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Ore. $3,250 CASH BUYS NEW BUNGALOW, now ready to move into, . South Salem. Bargain: terma if deaired. S. R. Pear son, 408 I'. S. Bank Bldg. TWO LITTLE BUNGALOWS NEARLY completed; with lights, water, plumbing and about half arre each ; nice trees, price very reasonable; terms. Enquire office Kingwood Entrance gates. REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number of good propositions either aa trades, or buys in easy pay ments of land or bungalows. Chaa. W. Niemeyer, Maaonie Temple, Salem. puTNaM McLaren co. reliable Real Estate dealers. Room 21. 180 Korth Commereial Street. WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY FORM of contract offered on listings on realty for ssle or for trsde. We make liberal open or special contracts aa is most fitting and agreeable. ' Reasonably pric ed properties are desired, whether for sale or trade. Buyers are invited to ae us on this basis. A woman can buy a cheap aa a man. The FLEMING REALTY CO. S41 State St. WORTH WHILE ONE FINE BUILDING LOT ON PAVED street, $000. One choice esst front lot, close in, street psved, $800. We have a large list of lots at very reasonable prices. Several good properties for trade. MILLS & COPLEY 331 H Stste St. Phone 175 BARGAIN IS seres, good 7 room house, hot and cold wster, bsrn sndj other buildings. 11 seres of fine young orchard, good crop of prunes, only 2 miles from Salem good road. Priee, including crop, atock and tools, $6,500. Don't miss this place, before you bur. THOMASON 831 State St. LAND LOCATED IN MARION COUNTY for $6.50 per acre and op. Magee, Room 29, corner State and Commercial Over Busicks. FOR SALE We have farms, small trsrta and city property at price and terma that eaa't be best. See ua before von buy. THOMASON & ROWLEY 331 State St. $1600 BUYS THIS 5-ROOM PLASTER ed house, and lot 132x172, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, toil et, electric light. See L. A, Hayford, 305 State St. I AM GOING TO SELL BKST OFFER. 6 room hou&e. 5 lots, 1427 Fairmount. Also 12 Vj acres located between 22nd aad Turner, aouth aide Salem-Turner road. Might consider southern Calif ornia. Submit offer. Cash or terms. To your sgent or address Owner, W. W. Morrison, 864 Sixth, Sah Diego, California. - FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELIN quishtnent (timber) 160 acres 16 miles w-rst of Eugene, good auto road, plenty of good timber and cord wood; house 16x20 insured for 8600; all goes for $500. Address Box 842, Eugene. FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, first rla&s condition, good location: living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room downstairs, three upstairs, five closets; hot and cold water, electric lights basement. Three lots with fruit. Inquire owner, 860 E street. NICE HOME ON STREET CAR LINE will tske suto as first payment. 6 room house on paved atreet at only n SQUARE DEAL CO. rhone 470 202 U. S. Bank GOOD BUYS Well improved 130-arre farm located - east of iSalem. 10. acres in Crop, bal ance pasture and timber; running water, fine set of modern fsrra build ings. 50 acres fall wheat, 50 acres oats. This ia a fine farm in first class condition. Price $150 per acre; half caft, balance 6 percent interest. 10 acres. 5 acres set to logans, 1 arre strawberries; on good road 4 miles south. Price 82.650. Well improved 9.69 acre tract located in Salem Heights; sightly location: modern 7-room house, barn, 8 acres ia fruit, about 90 bear in e walnuts, some apples, cherries, pears, logan berries. Price $15,000. Improved sere tract dose to ear line and on Pacific Highway. New cot tage, garage. Price 92,100; terms. Good 7 room modern home, close in, paved stn-et. Price $6,500. Good fi room cottage. South Sslem. Price tfi.,-,00. Good ti room cottage, on Commercial St. Price 92.9.V). , If you are looking to buy, trade or sell see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stste St. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OP NORTH CAIMTOL HTRKET FROM THE SOUTH IJXE OF SHIPPING STREET TO THE NORTH CTRB LINE OF MAD1SOX STREET. Notice is Irereby given that the Common Council of the City ot Salem. Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to Improve North Capitol street from the south Hn of Shipping Street - to the n6rth curb line of Madison Street with four, inch Portland Cement con crete base with two inctl asphaltle concrete wearing surface - pave ment at the expense ot the adja TTTT rbsn AY MORNING. JULY 28, 1921 cent and abutting property wltnta the said limits, in accordance with th& plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Capitol street from the south line ef. Shipping street to the north curb line of Madison Street as heretofore adopted. y the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, .which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed de scription of aaid improvement, and are hereby made a part 01 this notice. , Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the linal pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Comon Council and the date of the first publication there of is the 24th day of July. 1921. and the ate of the final publica tion will be the 5th day of Aug ust, mi. EARL RACE, City Recorder. NOTICE OP THE IMPROVE MENT OP NORTH POURTH STREET FROM THE XORTH LXSB OP MARKET STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF HOOD STREET. ' Notice Is hereby glren that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve North Fourth street from the north line of Market street to the south line of Hood street with six inch Port land Cement concrete pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, In accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the Improvement of aaid North Fourth street from the north line of Marktf street to the south line of Hood street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the Improvement proposed' herein may be made at any time .within ten (10) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice Is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council and the date of the first publication there of Is the 24th day of July, 1921, and the date of the final publica tion will be the 5th day of August, 1921. EARL RAE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF COURT STREET VlUf THH EAST IJNE OF FItOXT STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH COM- MEIlOALi STREET. Notice ia hereby given that the Comomn Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve Court Street from the east line of Front Street to the west line of North Commercial Street with four inch Portland Cement concrete base with two inch asphaltlc concrete wearing surface pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the Improvement of said Court Street from the east line of Front Street to the west line of North Commercial Street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final pub lication ot this notice In the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Ccmmon Council and the date of the first publication hereof is the 24th day of July. 1001 end thA date of the final publication will be the 5th day of August, 1921. EARL RACE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF NORTH COTTAGE STREET FROM THE NORTH LIVE OF D STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF MARKET Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Rim Orftcon. deems It expedi ent nnd nroDoses to improve North Cottage street irom me nnrth linn of D street to the south line of Market street with four irf.h Portland cement concrete base and two-inch asphaltic con crete wearing surface pavement at the expense of the adjacent and ahuttinc- nroDertv within said lim its, in accordance with the plans. specifications ana estimates ior h improvement of said North Cottage street from the north lina nf n street to the south line of Market street as heretofore adop ted by the common council ana on file in the office of the Cit7 Recorder, which are hereby re ferred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ir f1A rlavn from thn final Tinh- lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Char ter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Common Council and the date of the first publication thereof is the 24 th day of July, 1921. and the date of the final publication will be the 5th day cl August. 1921. EARL RACE, City Recorder. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404 to-wlt: One old mongrel, black and white, male, with collar, weight about 30 pounds. One young, brown and white, male, with collar, weight about 30 pounds. One young mongrel, brown, male, weight about 20 pounds. One old Spits, white, long - haired, , male, weight about . 20 pounds. The . u , I- i. - i' above deacribed dogs win be kil led If not Tedeemed by owners, on or before July 30th. 1921, as provided In said Ordinance, " ..... j. - - - Am Street. Commissioner. WHULt MTLK ,v- AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Froduc Co. ' " ? Salem, Oreffon Phone 24SS SALEM MARKETS BTJTXxro rxxcx Eggs and roanry Eggs. 2. - liens, heav), ZOO. Hena, medium, 17a, Heaa, lucht. iSe Broilers. 18e-ie. Old roosters, e-10. Park. Matte aad Beet,v Top hog. 13c, 140 to S3-lbs. Sows and hogs, lie. r Small heavies. 0 9c. e Dressed hoga.' 18c. 1920 Lambs, Sc. 1921 milk lambs. S and 5Vc deliveret Beef iteert, 5 end 6 ft e. Cows. 2-4c. Bulla. 3c, Top veaL 1213c. - - orata Wheat, 93c (sacked). Oats. 38c (sacked). Ha Vetch and Oat hay, $13. Clover Hay, $10. - Mm rotaa, wxolaaala Hill ran. $84. Wholes me to Peatera Creamery Butter. 41 and 42c. Butterfat, 34c. Whole milk. $1.75 cwt. rratl Or snares, $3.75 to $6.00. Apricots, 1.50 crate. Bananas, lie. Lemons, $11-$I1.S0. Grape rruit. Cel., $3.50. Dates, dromedary, $7 case, . Florida. $11. Vegetablea Oregon cabbage, 8 1-4 to 46. Turnips, $2.00 each. Beans, 7e. Wax beans, 7c. lettuce, 8ac. Old potatoes, Bl cwt; Celery. 41.25 dose. . New potatoes, 2c. Oregon onions, 75e cwt. Walla Walla on iana. $2. Cat. on one, $2.25 sack. Radiahea, 40c dosea bnaeb.ee. Oregon encumbers, 60c. " "" Oregon,: 50c. dos. Oregon honey, SOe lb. Rhubarb, 6e. Paraler, B0e dosea lunches. Beets, 60o dosea bunches. The Dalles Tomatoes. $1.75 lug. Honey, extracted, loe lb. Apples. $2.75. -Green peas, lie. 'Cantaloupe, pony, $2.75; etd $3.50 fist. $1.75. Melons, . Ureen peppers, 24e. atatall Creamery batter, 43-45e. gs, 82e. Tour, hard whead. $1.80 $3.60. Flour, soft Whest. $1.65 $3.00. Flonr,. soft wheat. $1.75 $2.00. . Sugar, $6.80. ... SALEM SCHOOLS ARE WELL EQUIPPED (Continued from page 3. ) l-A, l-B; Lyle Murray, principal, t-A, 2-B; Hester. Oram,. 3-A. 3-B; Esther Troxel, 4-A, 4-B ; Annie E, Ellison, 5-A, 5-B; Marry S. Pal mer, 6 -A, 6-B. Garfield Margaret Cosper, principal; Grace Shields, l-A, l-B; Minnie V. Duncan, l-A, 2-B; Ruth Stermer, 3 -A, 3-B; Georgia Ellis, 3- A, 4-B; Maude Korkner. 4-A, 5- B; Ocie Brown, 5-A, 5-B; Greta Phillips, 5-A, 6-B; Ruth Ives, tf-A, 6- B. -Highland Ellen Currin. 1.A, l-B; Bertha Allen, 2-A, 2-B; Ma bel Allen, 3-A. 3-B; Isa belle Bart lett, 4-A, 4-B; Emma Kramer, principal, 5-B; Mae Dann 5-A, 6-B; Ruth Muraay, 6-A", 6-B. - Lincoln Mabel Curry, l-A, l-B; Julia Iverson, 2-B ; Violet Rotsien, 2-A, 3-B J Jennie Wil liams. 3-A, 3-B; Alfa Roeenquest, 4- A, 4-B; Mabel Temple, 5-A, 5-B; Louella West, principal, 6-A, 6tB. Richmond Adella Chapter, l-A, l-B; Anna Fischer, 2-B, prin. cipal; Maybelle Burch, 2-A, 3-B; Adona Cochrane. 3-A, 4-B; Zella Langdon, 4-A, 5-B; Phebe Mc Adams, 5-A, 5-B; Anna Robbins, 6-A, 6-B. Parle Grace Lick, l-A, 1.B; Mildred Trlndle. l-A, 2-B; Jessie Martin, 2-A, 3-B; Elsie Bedding field, 3rA, 3-B; Lavlne Sheridan, 4-A. 4-B.. Amy Martin, 4-A. 5-B; Maude Moore, 5-A, 6-B; U. S. Dot- son, 6-A, 6-B, principal. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY WAS HERE BEFORE SALEM (Continued from page 3.) looked forward to : as musical events. , . - . Miss Lena Belle Tartar, teacher Of voice. StUdfa in th - nnrhiti- Hughes building Miss Tartar is a graduate ot the School of Music of Oregon ' Aerlcnltural erMfp nA has taken a special course of ad vanced work in Portland. She is also a graduate of the American Conservatory of Music of Chicago. She is supervisor of music in the aiena public schools and is alto director of the choir of the Chris tian church- During the summer this year she is taking, a special course with Carl Paige Wood of Seattle. Miss Joy Turner, teacher of vi olin. Studio at S3 5 North Capitol. Miss Turner has been a teacher of the violin here for many years and manv of her nnnila hav sit,ln.l considerable prominence both In saiem and elsewhere. Mrs. Julia Mills Weibel. teacher of piano. Studio at 156a South Church street. She was a student in the Boston Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Laura Hahn. She Is also a atnrlent of Herman Gruendler, the famous oerman composer, and with A. J. Guile of the Emporia School of Music of Kansas. She is ai stu dent of the well known Progres sive system of. piano instruction. Miss Elma Weller. teacher of piano. Studio at 695 Nrorth Lib erty. Miss w eller is a teacher of the Dunning method of imrno. lion, her work dealing especially with beginners. She is a graduate of the Willamette School of Music and holds a degree . from Emil Inkier of the Nashville rftiw of Music of Nashville, Tenn. For six year she was a student under Fannie Bloom field Zeisler. the world renowned pianist of Chi cago. , .-. ,'V..;(,v. Mrs. Lillian Hartshorn, teacher of piano and Pipe organ. Studio at 394 North Church. Mrs. Harts horn Is a graduate of the Pills buiTi ConseTvatory of Owatonna, Minn., and at her mdnxiinn awarded a two yea? scholarship for XrgTilanau Vorirat that eonserC " vatory.i sae was also a atuaem of the ChlcaRO Musical College. tt ; University of J Mlnnesou. mad $ stadenfr. of the : pip , organ under Dr. Rhys Herbert ot St. Paul. Sh$ ' Is now; organist at the Congrega Uonal church iot this city. . Prol John IR. Sites, teacher of voice, Ipiano. f violin celld, hgri mony.iand theoretical subjects, in la head ot thej Salem Conservator or iluWc at 1237 Court. Durit an extensive tour abroad. Prof Sites studied With' Prof. Stock han sen. Dado Brachens ot the RoyaJ Operal ot Leipsig, Dr. Carl Reia. ecke, I Friedrlch Herman, an( many pther equally noted artists. Besideahls work at the conserta tory he Ms director of both tb. Symphony Orchestra and tie Apollo Club. ; , t 1 i i if 'mo Adda Garrison New Phaae of REVELAtIOjNSToF. A WIFE CHAPTER 127 - l - ' i HOW DtCKY I HELPED M ADGS wimiAUCE HOLCOMBE 1 "There's rry husband now," I exclaimed, affecting an enthusi asm not xjuite genuine, for ; a dreaded I the moment ot exptana tion I s!aw, bfore- tne, "Pleasi pardon eie a moment. i I rushed . out of the kitcha, hearing as I did a nervous mnrn bling oh the part of Alice Uol combe. l felt my shoulders sbrng with v momentary Irritation.- The shock of her ; old playmate's death, the danger in v which she Imagined Kenneth ; Stockbridgd seemed s to have robbed her of the poise which always had been brr pride. . jjnji';.'-'":;v's : Dicky was only fairly inside Jih door when 1 met him, and with a finger o ray j lips, drew; hlra into the livfg room. , ' "Wht the jde ? I drew bU head dpwn, smothered the lmprt action fw a klsa. ' , "Whp's sick? was his next art. tated query.: "Junior? Motherr "Keep still until I tell you, i admonished in a peremptory whit. per. fAllce llolcombe is ia tha kitchen." v , , ' Dicky, grinned mischievously. He evidently was in a Joyom mood. I ' ' , VGoIng to: try a highbrow suc cessor! to Katie?" he queried, bit he had the grace to keep his voice to a Idw murmur. "I warn you her bl$cults f" " -U'.-. n -."Pleas," Dicky, don'tt I n treate, and II think he' realized that something was amiss, for o stopped chuckling; and bent h!i head to mine. ; 5 ' - . - ;. ; I'.i !' V - What Madge j Forgot. -if Til be good,' he whispered, "What is it?" "' .- "Mrs. Stockbridg was 'tons. dead tonight poisoned (" i m VWat!" Dicky's tone was tn Incredulous protest, - "I know it aounds - lncredlblfs, but Ufs true. Miss Holcombi came over to tell me about it. ani as she; hasn't; had anything to fit since biorning I'm fixing her up, something before I take ; her home.?' ' , X''"J:-- '-" - : "Before you take her home? Can't she stay all night?" ' i, i "Shs says r that's Impossible, on't bis crossj Dicky. It's a lovet night tor g tai ride. 4i ''! i "Taxi! What's - ' the matter with Our own half-interest car?" Really I had forgotten It. Dicky,' I confessed. . "That wSl be splendid.' Come on 'out info the kitchen. tr r -;h .-v?; Alice lllblconibe Brightens. ' M ) "That's the best thing ; I've , heard j yet," . be responded, "1'Jii : I about .the hungriest anlmlle in tba ! world,' - I hope you've scared so something good," "I haven't had time even to put onj the coffee pot yet," I ball. "but I; think Katie has somo good things) in the refrigerator. ' "Shf'd better have," Toe retort ed. lf; she. Wants to Ireep her Joh tomorrow. s Ah, Miss ilolcombe. glad to see you. but mighty or iT to hear: the news Mrf. Grahaci tells mo you Ibrlng." ! ; . hi!4t I feit the flash of pride thrW me wh"ich always follows' Dicky'$ handling of any social emergen'V. , He is iso perfectly at his ease, dexterous In putUng other peoplS at theirs, that' I can always contt on hln). . ',"'.;:'-:':' t i Even Alica Holcombe's trouble! ; countenance brightened - percepO bly at jthe entrance. He gav h?' ) no chance tol dwell upon her ta4 1 1 errand, but jsnatched up the vol- ) fee pot Instead and looked into it lugubriously.; I. knew the t Ire was deliberately making a. diver sion, that ho had sesa , how strained, how near to breikirtf down ,were the girl's. nerves. , "Hcfw.long must we wait fc this thingumbob to boiU Madge?" he demanded. "I warn , you 1 shall begin' on you It you don't; hustle, Bome; eats around' hr prettyj quick). No Belgian refu gee eyer had anything on me & the hunger Jlne tonight!' f- (To be continued) '. Announce Schedule . .., For '0: A. C. Bcvr SAN FRANCISCO, July 2C least j eight football , games win be plfyed by the OregdTr"AgrIcul tural College1 team this fall, Klro mie Richardson, manager of ati leticsjat the Corvallis, Ore., school declared while here recently. . t Mr Richardson announced th? Aggida schedule aa follows: 0t. I Chemawa , Indians ' Corrallis.' Lwv.-1 .. ' J Oct- 4 Multnomah Club Portland at Corvallis. ' - Orjt. lB-fWRlamette TJnlver Ity st Salem. " X: ' . 0t. 2 2.-f University of Was" -ingtdn at COrvallls. : ; ; Ott. 2 i .-i-SUnf ord Unlvers! at Stanford- s . . .. V Npv. 1 a-- Washington BU College at Corvallis. , Nov. l.-Unlverslty of Soot era jCaliforuia at Pasadena.. 5 i ; l