n THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 27. 1021 1 4 4. . J EDNA M LUNDBERQ Guests for the week-end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hall, were: Mrs. -Hall's sinter, Mrs. William, 13. Gilbert ot Port land and his brother Lihdsley i. Hall, also of Portland. fl airs. T. B. Handley, and child ren, accompanied by Donnie Me Klnnn, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McKinnon, is leaving this wees lor Uockaway beach to spsnd the month of August. Miss Katherlne Applesate from Harrington. Wash., who has beer the guest of her grandmother. Mrs. Vrrginta Applegate, return ed to Portland to go to tb beach, with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus B. -Woodworth. I , During a recent visit in Port land. Mis Katherlne and her bro ther Lindsay, soared over Port land and the Columbia river, and Vancouver, in an airplane. Tlu-y pronounce it the greatest sport they have ever experienced. , Mrs. W. H. Pyrd returned o Salem last evening, after a two months' visU at her old homo in Owasso, Mich. On the trip homo she stopped in Chicago and Spo kane,' to visit friends. Dr. Byrd motored to Portland to meet her. " Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurt ai d Mr.; and Mrs.', P. E. Fullerton have Just returned from a three weeks' motor trip through Cali fornia. "They attended the Elks convention In Los Angeles, afterwards- visiting In San Diego, and the old Spanish mission at Santa Barbara, going as far south a 3 Tla J nana. Mexico. The trip down was, made through the Sac ramento valley, and they can.'i " home by the coast route by way of San : Francisco, . iDerkeley and Oakland.- They also visited at Davis, CaU with friends. About 30 young people from the First Methodlct Episcopal church attended' the Epworth league Institute at Jefferson on Monday. . . . . 1 Mrs. Ronald Glover, accomoan led i by i her niece. Miss Vera Wright." spent the week-end l Portland visiting with her neph ew, Rev.' W. N. Byars,, and also to ; see the musical comedy The Well Dressed Woman . Engraved Cards Wedding- Invitations and Visiting . '- Cards ' Prompt, , Satisfacrjr sefTlce COM3IERCTAL BOOK STORE 163 XortJ Commercial Special Six Week Summer Term , ' June 20 July 29 Salem School of Expression 147 N. Commercial St. Phone 14S4J,'; . A W. GAHLSDORF 125 N. Liberty SU "Irene" in nhich her niece, Miss LouJfe Thompson, has been ap pearing. Gen. W. M. Byars is r?coveriiR from a severe illness. He will coon be able to be up a part of each day. Guests for the week-end, at-the Harry -M. Styles home, were: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Read, of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Hariey Quint. also of Portland, and Mrs. J- I Your.g of .Maxwell, I.i. Mrs. Styles and daughter, Maureen, are to join Mr. and Mrs. Read in Portland th!j week and the yare '.o accoi.ip.in them on a mcor trip to northern Wtasuiagton ana Friday haruur. The Middle Grov? Missionary wvjety niet with Mrs. Adolvh Ha ven on Thursday afternoon. Af ter the song-, rrayer. and Bible reading, and the lesson from the Missionary Tidings, new officer were electel. Mrs. C. E. Gibson, president; Mrs. Charles aBrtrnff, vice president; Mrs. E. Wagon; secretary; Mrs. M avis, treasur er; Mrs. Robert Bartruff. recora- inr- cecretary. The hostess then served a sump tuous lunch. Those present were: Mrs. John Bartruff, Mrs. Joe Bartruff and daughter Merle, Mrs. Charles Bartruff, Mrs. Rob ert Bartruff, Mrs. Frank Schaf, Mrs. Will Schaf and children Katherine and Harry. Mrs. E. a gera and son Ralph, Grandma Kron, Grandma Hoven, Airs. Os car Hoven, Mrs. Otto Hoven and sons Lenne and Oliver, Mrs Adblph Hoven, Mrs. C. E. Gibson, Mrs. Frank Crane, Mrs. Mat Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers. accompanied by Milton Steiner, motored to Rainier National parK, for a few days outing. They ex pect to return the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dause, and Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson have re turned from a three weeKg motor trip to British Columbia. They stopped at Rainier National park. on the trip home. Mrs. B. T. Junk was In Port land last Friday and Saturday vis iting friends. She motored there returning by train. . ' Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano leave Thursday ; for the Tillamook beaches for a two weeds' outlr.g. The most ot their stay will be spent at Newport, but they will vls't Seaside, Rockaway and oth resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and daughter Frances have just re turned front Seaside vfhere they have' been for a couple of weeks. Thev uttended the druggists con vention at Seaside the first week they were away. The second week Miss Frances bad as her guest her cousin, Marjory Daly. - t Drv and Mrs. C. A. owns and three small children left yester day for Ocean Lake where they hare a summer cottage. The fam ily will remain during August but the doctor will retnrn to Salem in n few days. Mr. and Mr?. Archer Krewky and son Howard, and daughter Dorothea, of Centralia. Wash., were guests for a few days with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Flndley. Jour Hair of Rideefield. Wash., was al so a member of the party. They left Mondav to retnrn to their j i Tv lit. TY By GLORIA 8WAXSOX, ' Star la rarsamat PVtarea. I had rather expected, as skirts grew shorter and neck and sleeves visibly less In my frocks this spring.' that I should look unusually modest. STATE FAIR IS RES5ING UP Wiil Make Next Exposition One of Best In America the pfnk of propriety. i- my bathing : Improvements gracious! Bathing suits have changed, too! Makes me think of the soldier who said he had gone to war in the age of skirts and come bac"; in the age of tonics. The one in the sketch is a new French one I've just bought Not that loved Caesar less, but just ioveH tautious Money Manage- Rome more. No; the artist has not exaggerated it at all; it's just like that, only, ot coarse, the color isn't there. I think it was the color that in trigued me the most, anyway; it's such a lovely combination violet satin, trimmed with : The endervest, which makes fh bodice possible, is ot deep rose, with a bias band ot violet. The violet bodice Is bound with rose, as are the full little ruffles of the skirt, and the belt Is lined with the rose. Knee length bloomers rose show at the sides, where the two raffled panels ot the skirt fall prt in the most startling, though pleasing fashion. My cap is of alternate bands of violet and rose rubber, with two gay tassels of the same. Speaking of tassels, I saw a bath ing cap yesterday with tassels of cut jet beads. Very chic and clever, to be sure, but think how a big rude wave could slap yon 1 the face witL them! CARE BOARD'S POLICY ment Results in Marvel ous Ground Changes Visitor fair ths struck with year are KOing to be the many improve- Western Pipeless Furnace y; - n v t U i t . I I. I- I - ' ; I imiMim jBS: You should see this furnace before buying. This furnace is built for western fuel and is sold for less money than other furnaces of like construction; G S HAMILTON 340 COURT STREET FURNITURE FURNITURE homes. Mrs. Findley and Mrs. Kresky are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Kitts and daughters Jean and Nina, have moved to Portland. They havi lived here over a j'ear, the daugh ters have been attending school here. Mrs. H. H. Gooch, wife of Gen. H. II. Gooch. a wholesale dealer in flowers, of San Francisco, warf a recsnt visitor at the r ranklin- Dibble tulip farm. Mrs. Gray Kyle and daughter Edith Mary, of Portland have been visiting the past few day3 at the home of Mrs. Kyle s brother and family, Mr. S. S. East. They returned to Portland ye3terday. Miss Grac? Eoff entertained Mrs. R. It. Houston and Mrs. LJ1 burn Boggs and small daughter Gene, who are visiting here from California . to dinner, Saturday evening. A party composed -? Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Staley, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Aldridse, Miss Rose Stockton, and Miss Grace Eoff, spent Sun day at Mehama. MY HEART ID IW BAND Adcle Garrison's New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 12G WHY MADGE'S PLAN WAS SUD DENLY CHANGED. I sprang tc niy feet abruptly. 1 felt that 1 could not boar another moment of the inquisition to which my iriend was innocently putting me in her ignorance of the queer incidents just preceding Milly Stockbridge's death.' " She had evidently told me ell she knew of the tragedy, and it seemed high time to change the current of her thoughts in a de cided manner. ! Therefore, I an swered her query as to what 1 thought of Milly Stockbrkisre'd possible legacy of hate how well I knew the abominable thin? the dead woman had planned in al most a flippant manner. "I think that you're getting morbid, and that we've had en ough of horrors," 1 said decidedly. "Come on out into the kitchen with me. I'm going to search the refrigerator and fix you a snack to eat." "Oh. I couldn't eat a mouthful it would choke me!" she pro tested, and 1 knew that her pro test was sincere. She had been terribly shaken by Uve tragedy in which she. unwit- tinelv. was so deeply inoneci. but I knew that she practically had fasted sirce mornins, and was dtermined that sho should not lpavo me without food of some sort. "Well, it won't choke m?," I sorted, realizing that I won have to pretend hunger myself in order to induce her to eat. It was a dismaying prospect, in view of Katie's delicious supper, which I had Just finished eating, but I hoped to be able to manage with only a pretense. "I Must Get Home. "Why. didn't you have any din ner, either?" fib'? asked, startled, her Renerous Impulses aflame at (he thought of hardship to anoth er person. "Not very nuch," 1 returner, "so come on out and help me f x up something.!' "Hut I mnfet get home," she protested. "Why can't you stay all night?" "Oh. that would never do un der the circumstances!" she said come to you with the news, but I must go back home as soon as I can. Do you know fhen the next train goes? And that re minds me, 1 haven't repaid you for that taxi. You paid him when you dismissed him. did you not: "Yes," I returned, with a guil ty memory of my -folly in havin? even a slight altercation with the man over the fare. "P.ut suppos von don't bother me about it now. And don't worry about the train?. I think I'd like a cvl ride tonight; it's been so sultry today. After we have something to sat I'll get a Cresthaven taxi- thev're much better than ours. and take you home." A Key in the Lock. "Oh. I can't let you do that!" she protested, but there was no vigor in the words. I saw that she was in the condition of mind and body where initiative was al most impossible to her. and tht temporary domination of her will would be an easy thing. "Come on," f repeated cheerily, holding out my hands to her. She grasped them " docilely, pulling herself to a ttanding posture. I slipped my arm through hers, led her to the kitchen, switched on the light and pulled the rockin? cha'r which I provided long ago for Katie's use nearer the epen window. "Sit down here and play lady for a bit," I commanded. "Isn't this cosey!" she com ment3d. looking around the room with its white curtains, its small rug3 laid over the bright linol eum, U3 shining copper and brass and tin. "Doesn't look much like, the ordinary kitchen." "Thank you." I returned with a little glow of prid". for my kit chen is one of my hobbies. "A?ia now for some coffee. I won i get anything that will take ions, for I know you're in a hurry get home." "What will your husband ay to your taking me home at this hour?" she asked doubtfully. "Mv husband won't be home until 'the midnight train." I re turned smiling, but with a little inward feeling of thankfulness that I would be back before Dicky's return I dreaded the mo ment when I should have to te'1 him of Milly Stockbridge's sordid death. And just then 1 heard his k?y in the front, door! (To be continued) Three Suits Are Filed In Independence Court INDEPENDENCE. Or.. July 26. (Special to The Statesman) - William dawes is the complain ant in a case filed in Justice Ra ker's court against V. W. Spring. Mr. Dawes alleges that he sold an automobile to Spring under con- j tract and that the latter sold the; car while it was still the property of the complainant. In the same court another case was filed by the Knight Adjust ment company for the collection of a claim of $168.76 against J. L. . and Alice Chamberlain of Eola. ,;j(J C. W. Carter and E. J. Reglnbal nave nrougnt suit in the same court ior the collection of a lalor and labor accessories claim ag ainst Roy Whiteaker. raents to the buildin.es and the grounds. After the penurious al lowances made by the last legis lature for permanent improve nients, they will wonder where it all came from. The state fair is handled on a business basis that will probably set the pace for fairs and expo sitions the country over. There, all money received for cate re ceipts and concessions goes into tne fair treasury. There are no leaks. The marveious increase in receipts under the management of A. H. Lea, who has been 1n charge for five years, is remark able, dating from the first year Qf his management. He insti tuted a system of auditing and handling the ticket collectors and loney handlers that elimin ated all leaks, and sent the gate receipts up thousands of dollars. Cautious Policy I-?I. The fair board has been care ful in its expenditures, and has each year erected new buildines and other improvements from its funds without appropriation from the state therefor. One great monument to the fair board's management, to Mr. Lea and to Governor Withycombe, the preat friend of agriculture tnd the state fair, and who made it possible, is the livestock stad ium. Erected at a cost of $120, 000, it cost the state nothing ex cept an appropriation for seating after the.buildinsr was completed. How was it done? Of course there was never that much available money in the treasury at one time. But the manager and the hoard members went to the three Salem banks and on their personal notes bor rowed the money, for this gigan tic undertaking, thus giving to Oregon the finest livestock stad ium of any state fair in the coun try. The notes were paid off in two years from savings on the fair receipts. Rut It took close Heuring and 'rigid economy in all lines. Now the same thing is being repeated by the present board un der the guidance of Manager Lea. The flreat Machinery Hall. The last legislature appropri ated $20,000 for a machinery hall, This hall was planned and constructed and work started along the fence, south of the main west entrance. Mr. Lea decided that the new hall would be to tally incapable of accommodating the available exhibits. And he vanted them all to exhibit. So he jrot the board together, made Arrangements at the Salem banks t advance the funds on the sig nature of the board members and 'limself. and it went through. He ca'led the machinery dealers to gether and had them siern con tracts for space at a big rental, to he paid for in installments in ndvanee. so that the monev could be used in the construction of he building, thus greatly de creasing the amount necessary to borrow. Thus a machinery hall is being "rected 0 57 feet long and 34 feet wide, with a 30-foot cement road way In front. It will hold all of the exhibits, including tractors, farm machinery, farm lighting plants, and general machinery. It is one of. the most needed and most pleasing improvements that has ever been erected on the fair grounds. In the center is an nrnamental entrance, which will be the main entrance for auto mobiles from Salem, along thi road at the south end of the camp grounds. Poultry Buildings Fireproof The new poultry building- Is , nearin completion. It fs one o? ! : the finest, if not the best, poul- j I try esh.bit tuildings in the I'niteJ j ! States. It is -sm by 1 4 feet Ion? i 'wish Sl-fooi pillar?. The floor j ' .vili be of cerrw-nt. and the out- j side finished with cement ' plas-i h--1:-. uii h'Jilci tile wall ariti a i'-aff l't t iu ;hc center of ibe building ''ill be a pooi. with a fountain ip the shape of a duck, especially 1 t'e:-ipned lor th;s building. Cleai around the building the window? jre orn-imented v. ith rooseti j heads. It is a po'ul'ry building j t hrouehout. designed for that pnrpot-c. ami patterned somewhat after the Wisconsin building. It ras designed by Architect Folgei Johnson of Portland. lmnrnMiients at Stadium. The stadium has been fitted With horse stallst along the en tire east side, with running watei and ail conveniences, and elec tric lights over each siall so that lae. liorsts can be seen and ad mired in their stalls by the crowd-; in their seats at the evening per formances Tae south end of the stadium under the seats has been fitted uij tor tne boys i.ad girls' camp, and there they will he u.uariereu 111 litiuit, uo comtortably as in a hotel. There are laite separate keeping rooms tor boys and girls. with a separate dining room and kitchen. Twice as many young people can be accommodated as nave ever been in the .rounds lair week. The appropriation for the poul try building was $10,000, al though $25,000 was asked. It wa-s to be of wood, but the new tireproof building, built to endure tor all time, and a wonderful as set to the state, will cost $33,000, paid out of the fair receipts. The legislature was asked for a new sheep barn, but refused. Mr. ' Lea has completely rebuilt the old poultry building into modern shotep barn that will ad mirably fill the bill. New roofs have been put on four of the stock barns, on half of the grandstand and education al building, and on the automo bile building, and new floors laid in the swuie and sheep build ings. Miles of Cement. And roads and walks. Miles and miles of cement have been laid. Six thousand feet of 20 foot roadway and nearly four miles of cement walks, including eight J-foot walks through the camp grounds. And anotherr mile of graveled road has been constructed. nam? JLefer rain! It will have no effect on the state fair this year. Everything except the walks win be under roofs that don't leak, and nobody will be called upon to get off the cement walks and roads. The fair could be held all winter with perfect comfort to the exhibitors and the crowds. Miles of 12-lnch tile and later als have been laid to drain com pietely the low portions of the grounds, which formerly became lakes in the heavy rains. . Race Track Fenced. Ana lasi dui not least, a won derful race track fence has been erected along the east side of tha grounds, 1000 feet of it 62 inches high, with steel posts imbedde' In cement. This fence is a speci ally constructed Cyclone fa fence, built by the Northwest Steel works of Portland, and erected on the grounds without cost to the state, through the ef forts of Mr. Lea. He has also erected a vast amount of other fence. There are so many improve ments, all badly needed, that have been made or are In process of construction, that it is hard for one person to get it all In one visit, nor will the average visi tor be able to appreciate the mag nitude of the improvements made, but they are there and all will be appreciated and used by the exhibitors and the crowds. They will all go to make the 1921 fair the best in the history of Oregon and the Oregon state fair tin; best in the west, and one of the greatest in the United States. ELIZABETH RUPE pusses fen Funeral of Silverton Woman Will Be Conducted by Eastern Star was told 'tf Jay to L.' O. a former sjervlce man. tithg is incapacitated from worlr. and is rotjcivlng sfrsrnment pension, hiving made application fr a loan ot $3000 upon tb property trim the state (under tfce provisions if th net passed at the last election. He is a RlngH man, but expects! to occupy the place.. Crimihs Mr.Urit- SILVFRTOX. Or., Julv 2f..-- I Special to The -Statesman 1 ! W ord has b en received that Mrs Elizabeth Rupe died at Sellwooo t Msurday morning. Mrs. Gcorg'? j Hubbs received the n tice of :ef 1 death. It i.:so wts said that it j j a request ot Mrs. Rup? thtt the funeral exercises be under the tuspices of the Eastern. Star. Tuo Masons and the Eastern Stars are making th fur.erul anangemeuis but cannot name the cay for tt funeral until word has been oivni Irpm George Rupe of 'i.l orn'a. Mr. Rupo is a son of M;k Rupe and is expected to arrive at S.lverton tor the burial of his mo ther. Mrs. Rupe was about 75 years old at the time f her death. She Ms a native of Krigland but lor the pa.'t 40 yiars she had been a resident of Silverton. Recently she moved to Kuseue to make het lome with a son. From there she was taken to a hospital at Sellwood where she remained un til her death. Taylor,s Grove Scene Of Enjoyable Picnic STAYTON, Dr., July 26. Tay lor's Grove. 12 miles east of Stay ton, with Its alluring shade and cool bubbling springs,, drew a merry crowd of Stayton folk there for a day's outing last Sunday. A picnic dinner, followed by swim ming and water sports, made up a Joyous day. Those enjoying the trip were: M. J. Ringo and fam ily. C. P. Neilert and wife, G. A. Schaefer and wife, Q. A. Lutly and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Missler. ' Polk County Farm Bought Under New Bonus Statute INDEPENDENCE. Or., July 26 (Special to The Statesman) The 22-acre farm of W. E. Rev ens located in the Hopville dis trict a short way from this city Hakes STANDARD OIL COMPANY , (CALtrORNIAi id Stayton Druggist Off For Tour Through State STAYTON, Or., July 26 V. Dare Sloper, proprietor or the Sloper Drug company, left Friday for a motor trip through the sou thern part of the state. He will visit several days in Grants Pass where he will he Joined by Mrs. Sloper and a party of friends and proceed to Crater Lake and other scenic points. The trip will prob ably cover a period of two weeks. The LANG Best Range b Aiherica For wood "only and th only steel range made-with a 26 Inch oven. Patent draft construction al lows no cold air to enter range while baking. The fuel burns from the top and consumes nearly all the ashes. Cuts your fuel bill In half. Bums saw dust, bark, green, wood and is a perfect baker. Send for Catalogue PEOPLE'S FURNITURE . STORE 271 N. Commercial Street SALEM. OREGON m - 1 mr Utfarettes , To save.25s ohyriur cigorfettes is important VBut-to pleaseyour taste Is more important. Just buy a package find una out. ' 26. 1111 cigarettes :slii P ' : I July'hi 20; 27, 28,ht30i31 ' Tvelye Concerts!, j Ten-Lectures! Play: ."Nothinrr jbut the ' "Truth" I'" ' VilhjalmiiT Stetansson - Famous' '' IVrftic J - '" Explorer V ! ' ' I -' ..... Petif Clark M act ar lane oted 1 American 1Vriter 7 ; The Little Syn-nhonv i . . . i . . All-stringed Orchestra, created and coached by Thurlow ideurance Sail Lewis Compapy . Wcjish Tenor Season Tickets now on Pale at i" ' 1 - - HARTMAN BROS. JEWELRY BTORE Adults $2.72 Children $1.00 No IWar fTax nervously. "You r.e. I am a 1 most never away irom nonie, ai.u if the neighbors found it out tiey would be sure to connect it in some way with MillyV death, and con ulp about it. bf course. It is only natural, plausible, that I shouW Pythian Sisters Will Entertain at Falls City INDEPENDENCE. Or.. July 2. (Sp?cial to the Statesman) The Pythian Sisters of this ctty at the invitatioiy of the Sistors of Falls City, will atten-1 a basket picnic there on Sunday July SI. Invitations have been extended tc all of the Pythians of ttri county to participate and a grand time ie anticipated. Among the attractions will b1 n bull game between th "ColtV of this city and the Falls City tam. A man of 77 in an Ohio town has, never shaved nor seen a movie fchow.: The Buckeye state is get ting In the field rather early for 1324. IF PRICE' OF GOK 1 REDUCED . Now $9.50 per ton on two ton orders delivered anywhere be tween North Mill Creek and Mission Street -12th Street and the River. Don't wait too long before laying in your winter supply. TJere is apt to be another shortage this fall. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & ----.- ( - ' 4 ; 237 North Liberty Street : POWER COMPANY . . . ; '. ' - . i ; . -s ' I .: . 1 ' Phone 85 -4 r