The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 27, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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ches and hundreds of other art!-!
cles. Sheriff Bower said tonight
that he had no clue to the iden
tity of the robbers. Entrance was
effected by breaking down two
doors, and the loot apparently was
carted away in an automobile.
Men Charged With Conspir
acy to Throw Game Will
Go on i Stand
Eddie Cofottee! Says He Felt
j So Badly Fatal Game
I Was Easily Lost ;
CHICAGO, July 2. The de
jenae: in' the baseball trial will
fend at leant four of the former
pbicago White Sox players charg
ed with "conspiracy to throw the
1919 world series to the. witness
Hand to testify. It was announced
tonight a the state , entered the
;ast half of the ninth inning in iti
Ireaenation of evidence.
t Chick (Jandil, named by state
HtncPHes ! an organizer of the
aliened $100,000 sell-out; Buck
Weaver, third 'b.-tseman; Swede
Rlsberr. 1 shortstop, and Happy
frelnch. cente fielder, are the men
It was announced, would testily.
I Btate Finishes Today
i Eddie Cicotte, Joe Jackson and
plaude Williams, the three play
rs who confessed to the grand
lury that they were paid to throw
tames, also may take the stana
The state will finish its case
omorrow. " ' -
The defense announcement
am ' after the confessions of
Llcotte, Williams and Jacksofr had
een read to the Jury today.
Mrmt of the White Sox team
hare been called as witnesses and
odav "Dutch Ruether. now wnn
ha Rrooklrn Nationals, but who
bitched the first game or the
rorld series for Cincinnati, was
ubpoenaed by, the defense.
Confessions rrraw-a
Court adjourned this morning
k hile the attorneys went over the
brand Jury confessions, eurainat
ng all names except; those or tne
men maainK. mem ana a iew
names of men not Implicated in
he ease, but which bad to leu to
breserve 1 the , continuity 01 tnr
statements, v i
At the afternoon session tney
Were read to the Jury by a state
attorney iwlth court stenographer?
Who -originally took -them down
becking the reading from their
horthand notes.
The actual transcripts of the
onfesslons varied but' little from
he frequently published reports.
Horns Conflrmcdt -i
Cicotte confirmed some of Bill
Burns testimony, mentioning the
tneetings Burns said were held In
Sew York. Cincinnati and Chicago
M though mention of Burns or of
rthcr nlayers said to have have
been present waa stricken out.
I .The former pitcher told of hit
ling Rath, the first man up in the
first game, while trying, to walk
plm; but said he played his best
arte mat. . ,.i .
I.. "I pitched my best afterwards,
tie said. 'I didn't care what hap-
Jiened. They could have had my.
heart and soul If I could have
pollen out of , the deal I guess
hat was the' trouble; . I tried loo
ard and played poorly as a re-
ult. i. - u
Cicotte Wan Sorry. s
Speaking of another . game, CI-
tootle said that while playing he
'wished someone would come out
and fhoot him.-." .
3 "I lay awake ' all , one night
(thinking and wishing that, there
wa3some way I could go out and
hi In that series myself', he sail.
j"I would gladly, have given back
with, interest,, :-:r t ;r
j The confessions of Jackson and
Kvilliams told how they were giv
en ,15,000" each after the fourth
jpame, being promised $20,00')
(each. Bolli denied making inten
tional errors, but said they
'might;, have tried harder." .
j i It Came Easy
I Williams, in referring to the
second game, which . be pltcnea.
'I didn't have to marte errors.
I iust walked Borne men and then
! . . . 1
borne basehits came aiong ana me
game was. gone. , -- ;
P Tomorrow the state .will; an
bounce j either that it will finish
u ease or will put BUI Manarg
lot Philadelphia on tne stana to
rive- testimony designed to cor
. . m ntii
vASnn a 't&fi lesumoay oi urn
if Maharg does not go on-io-
raorrow he and Joe Oedeon, for
mer StJ Louis player, win De useo
by the state in rebuttal testimony
The defense nana to ia'
morrow that the case against
Carl Zork of St. Louis and Ben
Louis Levi of Kokomo, Ond..
be dismissed on the ground that
insufficient .evidence naa oeen
presented against them.
our Run-Away Boys Are
Picked up by Police
Four runaways, one of whim
had come as far as Butte, Moul..
wers p!ckd no Mondav moirilnr
about 7:30 ty Sargeant Ellis of
the pblicp station snd are now be
rg held in the city jail pending
wordi from their parents who
lavej been notified by telegraph
n th"? meantime the four were
apparently none the Trorse for
their confinemfnt and were yes-
Urday playing ball with a pillow
part of th time and the rest (
tlto time anius'ng tbemerves by
exercising their vocal organs.
All of th boys have bumml
their way here. Their names ard
tpe'r future deslnatlon as soon
the'T parent. are heard from at'!
some means of transportation are
fennd are: Cus Hammel. 14. jM
North Fourth street. Yakima.
Wash.; Joe Kujawa. 15. 1511 Cal
ifornia street. Butte. Mont;
Ralph Robinson. 16. 314-orth
l-'ourth s reet. Yakima; Kim-r
Hein, 16, South Knob Hill Yaki
ma, route 4.
Supreme Court Holds With
Executors in Every Par
' ticuar of Case
Proceedings to Set Aside In
stituted by paughter
Of Late Publisher
othrr dafnties that make such a
therinKs worth while.
Between the hours of 9:30 a.
m. and 2 p-'ni., everyone enjeyid
the luraea, races and other itenu
oa the program. What a tinia ev
ery man. woman and ch id had
all vied lor the prizes offered:
Uitpr the pitni menu v.-g. tack
led anu jiup, nu's. prPttefs, am1
grare-Juc; lost out in the con
IHct. Ted !',mncr and Morris SchoI
nick Norvrrgian baritoiifs. wore
No 1 ar 1 2 on the musical pro
pram Their most hhy ap
plauded effort n duet, -Shop
where the Crowds Buy."
That Henry I,. ! Tit took, foun
der of the Orpgonian, apparently
had vciry much more influence
over 'tie defendants than they
had ovr him. that his word was
the law of his business, aud that
it was theirs to obey and not to
influence or dictate, was one of
he important conclusions of the
Oregon! 8iiprpme Hurt whih yes
terday ihanded down an opinion
affirming In eTery particular the
lepatity; of the will of the late j
publisher. The opinion was writ
ten by Chief Justice Burnett and
was concurred in by all members
of the Icourt. i
Mr. Pittock died in Tortland
January 2X. 1919.1 leaving an es
tate valued at approximately $8,
000. 000. Under j the provisions
of a wjll dated AuRust 23. 1916.
he cave all of tils property of
every kind to G. A. Morden, busi
ness .njanaper of j the Oregonian.
and OJ L. Price, confidential sec
retary jto Mr. Pittock. in trust for
a period of 20 years.
Family Provided For.
Provisions were made in the
will, however, that the trustee
shonld; pay the sum of $1000 per
month! to Mr. Pittock's widow
during her lifetime, or until the
termination of the trust, and the
further sum of $500 per month
to each of his five children. The
children included four daughters
and one son. Payments to tha
children were td continue dur
ing the life of each, or until the
closing of the trust. There also
was a i provision jn the will that
in rfltrn n . ki. ,i.n.i
. 1 1 rl 1- In thlt I . ' .1 ....... .1
Tne ptane. viain. iifh '"".should die durinc tho
Recruits Come Rapidly
For New Aero Squadron
PORTLAND. Ore . July 26.
In one-third the time anticipated
hy those behind the drive, the full
ipiota of 114 men for the iirst
provisional aero squadron. Oregon
national guant was reached twlay.
O. L. lfferts, acting adjutant, ;tn
r. mi need.
Bernrtina: will continue, he
anid. on a waiting Hrt basis. Appli
cants will be numbered in the
classifications they seek to obtain
and ar. vacsn'-ier. app?r in each
department the next man on thf
wait ng list will be enlisted, Lu
ferts taid.
National Foundation to Erect
$3,500,000 Home in
Washington! D.C. -
Douglas Clark Hangs By
Toes Whiles Machine
Scoots Through Space
The human fly, who daringly
scales the walls of America's tall
buildings, and the daring high-
diter whose thrilling leaps of 100
feet or so used to draw the crowds
mnst one and all give way to
Douglas Clark, "wing walker."
who yesterday thrilled several
hundred persons gathered at the
avlatiorf field near the state fair
Clarkj in an airplane piloted by
Capt. Charles R. Parmelee, ap
parently made sincere efforts to
break bis neck while the plane
banked and Bwerved over the
field. Out on the end struts of
CHICAGO. July 26. - Oorce
Tvler, southpaw pitrhT of the
Chicago Nationals and Oscar
"u 'ey. coach, tonight were given
their unconditional release.
Object is to Turn Enfran
chisement Into Dynamic,
And Useful force
I -.
Woman's National foundation, re
cently organized, heroi as a means
to focus the interest! 'of the wo
rn on of the country
in co-oper
ation with women's organizations
dollar tract .
of the Can-!
dential dh-
I.ONOOV. July 2fi. There
were 10,476 bales offered at the
wool auction sa!es todav. Biddins
m r i
was active ana prices steatij.
There was a better demand for in
ferior grades.
Water1 Temporarily Shut
Out: of Salem Power Ditc!
hreeze with only alternate toe and
hand holds on th braces to pre
vent his being whisked off the
machine for ; an inevitably fatal
flop over In horizontal flight. The
i Although only 9 years old,
Clark is known, as one of the
most' daring -of. aerial- perform
ers, , and .has. been 'featured' by
Pathe and Fot In news -stuata and
special productions. w'?.
The performaweea- at thefalr
grounda were ' given - Monday., and
Tuesday evenings, there being no
charge for admission of individu
als or cars to the aviation field.
"Wednesday will be our last
flight day here," said Captain
Parmalee last night.
"Tomorrow night we will stage
an aerial aiuni mat oas uerer
been put on in this city at any
previous time. This will be tha
famous "vertical reverse," witn
Clark ridmg the plane's top when
the machine makes a complete
flap over in horizontal flight. Th
only money that Clark gets out
of thla stunt Is the sum contrib-
tted by those who witness ma
We have been warmly praisoft
for our exhibitions here," sam
Parmalee. "and wish to extend
this invitation to all Interested
in rlanes to visit us at the field
at, any time Wednesday."
has bought a million
cf land in the heart!
hecticut avenue ires!
trict and r'ans to erect buildings
costing about $3.50(0.000. The
s te of the home of the organi
zation irf the old iJean tract on
Connecticut avenue ;';hill. It
Jrobably tho last remaining es
tate of extensive grounds in the
region which has nojt yielded to
the up-town march j of business
ana apartment hotels!.
I'plift Is flhject.
Mrs. C. C. Calhouii, president
cf the foundation, has described
its objects in an address to its 30
founders as follows:
'"Our purpose is a co-operative
work for humanity, j I heard a
man say that a tremeiridous dyna
mic force has been liberated in
the world by the enfranchisement
of women; that the greatest
statesman would be the man or
woman who could use that force
to the best advantage and help
to direct it. We are the mothers,
wives and sisters of the race, the
natural housekeepers of the na-
. ( '-U & J:
t ! v 1 , jA f
1 A UXU v, - 1 I l.-. H,
committee ko direct th work of.
the organisation. I The "vice pres
idents include Mr. Stephen U.
Elklns, Mrs. James Carroll Frv
xer and Mrs. John Hayes Ham
Parachute from Sky
Startles Watchman i
Tioto by TJnflerwood tTB(Jrwoo4.
Arthnr Griffith and Eamon de Valera, "President of the Irish
Republic," photographed in the court yard at Mansion House, in
Dublin, during a recent conference which resulted in the decision
to meet Lloyd George and talk things over in London.
redforD. England.' June is.
A night Iwatchman at the royal I
airship hangar at! Cardington. near
here got the surprise of his life
when he jaiw a parachute dropping i
from the sky in the early morn- j
ing a few jdays ago. j . ' , '
t Iwtil tipre?" asked ;
. an a v. w w -
a cairn votce. , i L
The parachutrst waa Air Com- ,
modore E.!N. Maitland, , on his
wav homeito Howden air station
'from Epsofn aboard the dirigible
R-33 which had acted as oinciai
traffic coaftroller and wireless
station at the Derby races.
Commodore Maltland explained
that he nan suaaeniy reraemmsr
ed that hei had to attend an Im-
portant xncfting at the Cardlnfton
station m ve eru iuuiuu.
. .m. 1- u. r.t IhAM In
time was tb Jump right orf," he
said. . : . '! :': '
Two Cent Cigar Will
Be Sold to Italians
; i -;'
ROME. July 25. Somehow the
I Italian government has solved tho
problem of la cneap national n
gar. Prices of tobacco have been
soaring to such luxurious heights i.
that the ordinary cigar smoker
rntiM not niirchase. Accordingly. ,
& i experts wer assigned the task of)
t getting up ja new cigar. x i ney :
. have just hnnounced their ac- ;
. complishments of the task. The
new cigar will soon be pui on j
the market land Will sell for two j
cents. It will resemble the Pitta t
Executive Committee Makes tion, and it behoovfia us to see
Plans for Circus and
Auto Contest
that our house is put in order
and kept clean. It!! is not our
purpose to try to dirfect the poli
cies of members of the foundation
but as a body v politic to give to
stand with a solid front acainst
the insidious propaganda that is
endeavoring to disintegrate us.
Work Is Supplementary.
"One of the objects of the
foundation is simply to invite
clubs and club members who de
sire to fe?l that they have a club
"Then we. plan; a theater or
cpera hou?e. Our auditorium will
not in any way interfere with
the plans of the George Wash
ington? memorial, which Js to i be
the mneh-needed convention hall
with space for patriotic societies'
Blackmer Temporarily Blin
ded by Explosion of Pow-
der While Blasting
20 vear3.
the payment to that person wai
to be (continued to the children
o! the dereased child hut it
mere were no such children, the
payment to that one should cease
sirs. Pittock died before her hus-
Undue Influence Charms!.
The proceedings to set aside
the will were instituted by Caro
line Pi Leadbetter, a daughter of
Mr. Pittock. It (was charged by
Mrs. Leadbetter that the will was
the product and! result of undue
influence exercised over the tes
tator by teh men he appointed as
trustees, o that in fact it was
their will instead of Mr. Pittocks
The court held that this part
of the contest was not supported
by the evidence adduced in the
case, and, that Mr. Pittock assum
ed the initiative in framing the
will and dictated its tprms ac
cording to his own notion.
Will Vofrl, Claim,
As a matter oi law tho con
estaant maintained a further
Kround of attack! to the effect that
the will was void on its face, due
to the contention .that the trus
tees were Vf-sted with unrestrict
ed and unlimited discretion, that
the will did not specify with stfT
ficient certainty! the beneficiaries
of th trust, and that it was a
contravention orj the laws of Ore
gon and against public policy be
cause jit directed the trustees to
r?K,.h? 8tock the Oregonian
Publishing comriany In favor of
themselves as directors of tho
company for 120 (years.
Other opinion handed down hy
tho supreme coikrt today were:
pr:iiani Pulley company i
rrbert J. Tlree- ct at. an;
iho women of all parties the op-
pvBnmite. capsicum and lots of portunities to study itheir repec
old fashioned lest was shot into tive platfofni3 and t realize ''just
local plans of Capital Post No. 0, what they have before them now
American Legion, at a meeting of that they have takeA .up tne U'J- r0od ' restaurant
hotel wijLh will provide the
. A i . 1
1 Ilal cue iucui y l itmt. iaviuiiu& uav n. nir; uiu ioiun-it o i i
suitable club rooms and niiiFt dards and the high Ideals and to ! reasoDle prices-to uicnioers
cf their own at the nation s cap!-'I headquarters. We shall have,
also, an open air auauonuui- wi
sylvan theater."
lirancliCH Planned.
It is the purpose to establish
centers or branches of the foun
dation in every part of the coun
try so that the most remote vil
lage or farmhouse may have a
fact i club ' proprietary interest in. the club
f . - . i . . i . ; .. li'. ..I. : ....
U , CHIPS III ttSMUMljiuu,
There will be a board of 40
tal. We are not going to attempt
to subordinate any club, l?ut the
foundation wiil supplement their
work and add to it. In this cen
tral club we shall have every
thing that will he a convenience,
including a swimming pool and
evmnasium. rest-rooms and a
governors with" the president, six
Tire, presidents an an executive
burgh stogfcj in
Now 30,000 American s
In Republic of Mexico
mexico city. July 25.
Thero afe approximately 30.000
Americans iii Mexico and of this
number SOOCj live in Mexica City,
nccording to ja recent estimate by
the department (of immigration.-
The number In Msxico City rep
resents a riedrease of 65 per rent
from pre-vAlutlonary days. Am
uricani outnumber all other for
rlgners with rthe) exception of the
Spanish. j ' ' ' -
It is also estimated that since
rarranr. wait overthrown tnoro
than 5(00 American business men
have visitMl
Read The
the republic.
Classified Ads.;
Francis Blackman, 38 years old.
who is' employed on a ranch at
Kelier Bottom, was brought to Sa
lem yesterday noon suffering from
serious injuries sustained inrougn
a premature discharge of powder.
At the time or tne acciuent
Blackmer was dishing out some
powder with a spoon preparatory
to setting off a blast. He was
rendered unconscious and blind
cnad staggered up the road for
a quarter of a mile where he was
later found by neighbors.
Physicians said that he prob
ably would recover his eyesight,
although he was reported in a ser
ioui condition.
While on the operating tab'e
LBlackmer requested that no infor
mation regarding tne acicaem ne
riven to his wife, who yesterday
was taken to Portland for a minor
apopal tirom Mult
county; action tb recover money
Opinion by Justice Harris. Judcc
George G. Pingham affairmed
Pacific Livestock company, up
ppllant vs. J. p.; I5alcnmh et a I
respondents; action to protect wa
t?r. rights; opinion bv Juci-ca
Heanj: Judge Dalton nifrs re
versed and case remanded.
Noll vs. Cariih, appeal from
Crook countv; action for damages
for allienation of affections; opin
ion by Justice Johns; Judge T E
J. Duffy affirmed.
Palmer vs. City of Astor'a. ap
peal from Clatsop coanty; tUit to
recover money; opinion by Justice
McPrd; case remanded to low
er court for plaintiff to amend
realize this determination by the
last of the present year was ex
pressed by members cf tho com
mittee. Max Page was named ad
jutant and plans formulated for
raisinc the necessary funds for
the club project.
In the near future, local legion
aires will be asked to sanction
an auto contest the proceeds from
which will po into the post's
.treasury. Another coin-securins
. ....
plan that meets with tne approval
of the executive committee Is to
launch an entertainment modeled
after the famous A. E. P. Circus.
This will probably be put through
in the near future. One feature
of the "Circus" which will be
made up entirely of home talent,
will be that the only currency ac
cepted for admissions will be du
cats and francs of French coinage
end issue. This currency will be
obtainable at tho "circus" pates.
Starting August 2, a two week's
"Member Get a Member" cam
paign will be under way. Prizes
are offered for the best recruiters.
First, second and third award;
wiil be $5, S3 and S2, respect
"Cannot give all the details of
tho clrcu3 at the present time,"
state Commander IS. F. Pound.
last night,". but it . wMl have Al
Barnes and Solls-Floto backed off
the man. Salem citizens little
suspect the strange denizens that
inhabit the district. These will
all be there, chained and trained
to walk the lwk-tep.";
Members of the fund-raisin i
committee are: Miller McGil-
christ, Allan Kafoury and Jacob
Fuhrer. Allan Uynon, Carle
Abrams and Hex Stewart were
named members of the special
publicity committee at List
night's meeting.
Totaling $510.00 Cash
r!S4PT 7e' cMp Low tears Had low rice A kings h!elp
: . I .:0
"1CIesr- ?????????????? ???????????? ???????????
80 'OF EiyiPL
STAYTON, Or., July 26The
era tor waa turned out of the baiem
itch company's ditch Sunday Jo
enable j C. E Taylor and hH
workman to put in a- concrti i
foundation for the new building
wh'ch is undercourse or coniru
.t - Qnni imi llirh streets.
Dozens of small cnuaren y -in
the Bhallow water of the e reels
ibed during Ibe entlro day.
Valuable" Merchandise
Taken From Aurora Store
Prowlers early yesterday morn
ing entered the mercantile cs
t,bl lament or Saddler Krause
t Aurora and appropriated mer
chandise valued at approximately
' 000 Included in the loot were
CO bolt, of silks J?t1,atinn.rrs
. a half dozen shirts, 45 pairs
' uadcrwear, rings, ' wat-
j DnP HnnHrorl flftw
Dallas Water System -iu "r. . -
13 Uilbll IIVIW
DALLAS. Ore., July 26. (Spe
cial to Th Statesman! New
wtr pi nr Is being laid in a part
of the city's water system in th
coast range of mountains west of
this city near Canyon creek. The
work is being done by It. V. Gates
of Hlllsboro, lessee of tho plnt. A
large amount of new pipe has aw
been , put down within the city
limits during the past month on
the streets, that, a re to be hard
surfaced this summer. : -
los '"Angeles. July 26.Mrs.
Lulu McBrldd, tried for the mur
der of her stepfather. Charles E.
Everts, wras hcquitted by a Jury
here tonight ' ' '
Outing at Rickreall
"The milk you've been selling'
me," complained the young house
keeper, "is watery. ZOW, I '
"Pardon me, ma'am," Interrupt
ed the foxy milkman, "I was jest
going' to tell you about that. You
see. the cows got into the salt bin
last week an' it made 'em awful
thirsty, but it won t never accur
AID A6iat freat Morie Trodneer, Cesar B.
l3 PeMiHr, to his hstfd riTsl, Morie rro
ilurerijCsTid Warkfirld Griffin, "I hare
ji ;i wjlspd four of ihe kreatcit itoTinj
Urtnre .'r in America tjr my cxt lag
linf lficture Play." Of rmirse this made
3ritfin ajhSTy bsrause he likrs to be the
Crrvirst f all the ffreat Movie Produrers i.i 1
e tried is lnst to prnade DeMiller to tell
him the rtUmes of tlw great Moie Star. Jv-st
. taiitaUe him, 0r 3. DeMiller csT
)Ttd 4rkfie!d Otiifin fenr . recret eodea
t ?reentjpg the names of the four J4oie
lirs 'e d catraged end told bim that if he
t'i braiitl enough to w'sroer tie 3sm from
tr,ee serA-t cdei Se d;i?rTed to inow tliein.
It waa 'o mu.h of a puzrle for Griffin, so it
is said helralled in Gotland Yrd nd offered
them a 'housand doliars if ibey -oald dis
cor thelra-nes for lrm from the four ferret
eodea taajt D?MiI!t-r hd given bim. Th;
eaT job for the freat Sratland Yard
etertie Iroree, and in lesa than an boor
t!ey had 1 the four ntries. They gave the
names in Griffia and also ge him their ayt
tu ier trkmg out their cluea.
One hundred ani fifty persons
returircd from Itickreali park
Sunday In that "tired but hap
py" state ascribed Sto pirnirkeis.
th- world over. Th hundred and
f'.ftv wero employes of the Peo
pien' Cash s ore including o
course the families j of the c.n
ploycs. Every person present renor3
thorough enjoyment of the. pro
gram of entertainment provide!
hy A. Iouis olof. manager ot
the People's Cash stores.
- The picnic, crew jonrn?yed In
trucks to Rickreall, the position
of honor being assigned to th
large vehicle that carried the pies,
cakes, chickens, ice-cream . and
. - - :, 4-zz L
1' ' ,-.
3 , .
1 , tosi
j asffajivU ijy-'..?,:-J
It's easy." aaid Chief-of I)etecties
O'Flyna. "1 haa worked out our ir.mi
which ;ou ice beneath each one ot the four
"Aid np thee fonr snms snd y on r totals
give j on the fonr clues to the four samea,
"Vou its al'Out it this way. Each aecret
code has .t n letters to it. fiach letter repre
sent! number. The first letter of the code
represents 1. the second letter represents 2,
the third letter represents 3, and so on. ."The
tenth Inter in each code represents the cipher
0 instead of 10.
"J-.aj-h, as 70a see, instead of Dumber,
is made up of Utters, but it contains only the
letters that are contained in the coda aboTS
it. -
"Now change tfis letters of each gam into
their equivalent numbers, according to the
code aboTe, putting them down linev by line
from left to right eartly as the letters; for
instance, the first letter of tha first sam is X.
X as jou will see is the first letter of the
secret cod abors that sum and therefor rep-
TliiGreat Con test Is Absolutely FREE of
Expfense. Send In Your Answers To-day!
yMents. flnmbfr 1. IT, tM sesend tester la
tKe first lm of tha first sora la VUt", eigkth
letter in th cad abT it, therefor tit rep
reaents number 8. j j
"After you bar changed STer' letter of
the s-jib into a nomber, add up th sqns jvat
exactly as yon would any ether sam f if
are, and (h total tha yon get gia yoa
your clues to th names f th Moi Stars.
"Then work oat yonr clues this wair)
"Beginaing at tha left-hand side pt th
total of yonr sna chang each figar f th
total hack to its letter as represented ;is tb
secret code shore the stun; for inst4on, I
can tell yon that the first number of the total
of the first sum is 7. Th letter Oil tb
serve th letter in, th code abors th first
sum, therefor th first letter represented by
your total is letter C. New change r am
ber of your total ia th ssm way asd )
will bar tb nam of th htori Star: rear
sntd by that snm." " j ,
This is not as rsy problem, bat patiene
and persereraac may find j th Baax (
the great Mowi Stars. . rr th bat aaiwers
sobmitted w will par th follawtag prises:
This rseat contest V,irtir m.n4n..4 v.
Tie Htatisraan Publiahing Co, Salem, Ore
rvn on bf th Urgent and beat known pub
lishing hnses in Oregon. This is your
guarantee that the prises will be awarded
wtth absolute fairness and squareness to you
sad every other contestant. Franklr, it is
intended to introduce Th Pacific Homestead.
Oregon's Greateat Farm Xacatine. and The
rthwMt Poeltry Journal, the leading pool
try magasme of the Pacific Xorthweat on
tay enter and win th best of prises whether
you sro a subscriber to either of these pub
lirationa or not and moreorer, you wiil
either b asked rior expected to take these
ragsines or spend a single penny of lour
pney to compete.
Her is the idea Th Pacific Homestead
. .oMest and best farm rascsiine pub
lished in the Pacific Northwest, iasued week
ly, it has a ery lsree numb-r of readers.
The Northwest Poultry Journal is also rery
widely read snd baa the large.t circulation of
!"..n,fI,n ' published in the
J acifir Northwest. But our motto is one of
eir magazines i erery home. AV want more
readers to become acn isinted with these
lemons pnblica (iods. Therefore, when we
r,M''( your entry t the contest and
a mm
trodnctioB plan by showing yonr copies to
just four friend or neighbors, who will ap
preciate these really worth whil magaiines
and want them to core to tbem regularly
two readers to The Pacific Homestead and
two readers to Tb Northwest Ponitrr Jour
nal, or any other combination yon like to
mak fonr. You will easily fulfill this aimpl
condition m a few minutes of your spar time,
and we will eren send copies to each of your
friends if joa wish.
re on5y one side of the paper that con
tains nsmes of the Morie Stsrs, snd put yonr
name and address (stating Mr, Jlrs. or Miss)
in the upper right hand corner. It you wish
to write anything bnt your answers, us a
separate sheet of paper.
Three independent judges, harinr no con
nection whaterer with this firm, will award
the priif-s. snd th suawers gaining 250
pgints will take the First I'riie... Yon will
get 2a points for erery nam completed cor
rectly. 40 points wiil be awarded for geooral
neatness. atie. spellmg, punctuation, etc 10
r"'" 'or handwriting, and 100 point for
fulfilling the conditions of th contest Con
testanu must agree to abida by th dec is o a
01 the judges. .
The contest will clo,, t 5 p. m
W ?0. lKi, tmmdiafelT after which
SW1W, b io'1e,, Prtitea award-
r uiwFTi toaay to:
ra know yonr standing for the prises, we
shall send yoo without cost a eopr of our
ery latest issue. Then in order to qualify
rrii on nir tne judging snd
warding of th grand prises, yon will be
aa ia carrying on this big in
The Great Movie Mystery, Statesman Publishing Co., Salem, Or.
These Prizes
1st "
2nd . .
3rd - .
4th - -
5th . -
6th -, - -
7th, IS.00 Ctsk
8th, SS.OO Cash
th, tS.OO Cash
10th, $5.00 Cash
11th, VC0 Cash
12th, tSllO Cish
13th, 5.00 Cash
Hth, i5 00 Cash
ISth, 15.00 Cash
16th, 15.00 Cash
17th, $5.00 Cash
$200.00 Cul
100.00 Cash
CO.00 Cash
25.00 Cash
15.00 Cash
10.00 Cash
HUt. SS.OO Cask
1Mb, fi.00 Cash
80th, tVOO Cash
Slat, SS.00 Cash
82nd, SS.OO Cash
22r. $V00 CMh
84th, $6.00 Cash
8Mb,. $s.00 Cash
SSth, ts.00 Cash
87th, SS.OO Csh
28th, $9.00 C$ah
S. ; Parker Gilbert. Jr., Asinlst
ant Secretary, of the Treasun
has bn nominated to the ttwir
created office of Under i Secre
tary or tha Treasury.