SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 27. 1921 SpRICE: " . ' I , VlMllO t S I BID Exhibit Presented at Tele phone Rehearing Gives Figures for Many Cities ! With Oregon Second. r1 SENTINEL SYSTEM IS . KEPT BY COMPANY Day jOpens With Attorney Tomtmson Charging That Spies Are in Camp I Figures showing that out of 21 American cities ranging In popu lation from 200,000 to 500,000.' Portland pays the highest tele phone l rates of all, with the ex ception of Atlanta, Ga,, were sub mitted; in evidence , at the tele phone j rate rehearing yesterday, as an exhibit submitted by EL C. Willard. engineer retained by the city ot: Portland. ; This exhibit showed that in Portland the rate on, main line business phones averages (123 a year, ' 1 and two-party business phones, $99 a, year, and that in Atlanta ; the , main line business phone averages $126, and the two party line $117. For residence phones the table showed that in Portland the average per year for a main line phone is $51, and the two-party phone, ! $42. For Atlanta the main lice residence phone, $80, and the two-party phone, $48.. Wage Induction Possible. ' One! exhibit furnished by Mr. Willard Indicates that the city may ask the commission to re duce the wages of telephone era ployes If necessary to bring about a reduction in rates. The exhibit showed that the wage average for April, 11921, was 80 per cent higher than the average for April, 11917, and that the cost of living lor April, 1921, was only 41.7 jer ceAt higher, than, for April, 1917. It was shown that a . de crease of 10 per cent . in wages "would stilt leave the purchasing' Irower joe the dollar far greater on the comparative cost of living basis 'than four, years ago, and i-would result in a cut of $300,000 'a, year in the operating expenses j of the telephone company. A 'long lift of citation! was read : relative-to large, industries in the United States that have decreased wages In recent months. , ' McXary Raise Objection. At the opening of the afternoon session Attorney John H. Mc Nary objected , to Mr. Willard'a direct examination; taking the form ol' an analysis of the com mission' order .of. December 31, 1 1916, fixing the rate base or val uation of the telephone company at $12,329,507 He made his ob jection when Attorney Tomlin- son' askied the .witness what part i cf thl represented Intangible capital. In support -of his motion Attorney McNarjr read . from the j commission order which granted i a rehearing of the rate ase ' In I -which . It was stated that argu i znent of all previous orders was closed by stare " decls, and that L such argument could only- serve to cloud the Issue. Mr. MeNary Interpreted the move of the city as one toward an attempt to show ! that the commission had over iTalued the company properties, f Cousin . Interprets, i E. ML' Cousin interjected with the remark that he proposed to examine Into the correctness of the raluation and alsothat he would make an attack, on the fu ture Investment feature. After a short; recess the com mission ruled that any data could (Continued on page 5) Roach-Freeman Duo Are Funniest Women. Ever Seen Here; Natives of Somewhere When the Chautauqua manage ment put' the Roach-Freenraan duo on its program, astfun-mak-. era, it scored !a bulls-eye, To fun nier wonven would be hard to f'.nd and nobody would know what to do with them if he should find em, tor they . would be uncontrol lable. ,, .. V w. Miss Roach must have bean born of Scandinavian parentage in the city of Dublin in the "hairt o the Hlelanda."- She is certain ly a native of all these dialects. Pat, the foreman av the section gang, and Harry - Lauder, the canny millionaire who never spent halt a cent, and. Ole, the terrlblo Swede, jail shone there on the platform through, the: Roach in terpretations. s However, little Harry Lauder never looked like his Chautauqua counterfeit, but DEPUTY MM IS BY FRANK 11 the state penitentiary are searching for Frank Payne, 21 years old, who today gained his liberty through a forged note presented to the gatekeeper at the prison brickyard. ! " The note forged by Payne bore the purported signature of J. W. Lewis, deputy warden of the institution, and indi- cated thaf the convict had been yard to the highway gang Payne had made his escape the ficers throughout the state out for him Young Payne was committed to the penitentiary from Multnomah county on September 10, 1920, to serve a term not to exceed five years for! is described as having blue pounds, five feet eight mete tall, and wearing glasses. He was wearing a straw hat,! blue shirt and brown trousers. A man answerinir that IdescriDtion was reported yester day afternoon to have been been . . , . m ! 1 Portland aDOUt 4 nines iirom Questions-of supplies and re-1 oairs for the com in e year were the chief consideration of j the school board last night, For; the second time the matter of; a bud get was held over pending a meet ing at which all of the school board members will be present.! A large number of recommenda tions as to repairs and supplies for the coming year were referred to the committees holding their Jur isdictions the most Important Items being the contracts for sup plies for the chemistry ana pnys ics department and repairs of the buildings, especially painting. : : The supplies committee wa au thorized to purchase 10 new type writers for the commercial de partment of the high school and to arrange for the rent and repair of others that will bring the total number In the department up to 40, The board approved of a pol icy of purchasing 10 new type writers each year until the school owned all of Its machines. This year, contrary to previous custom, the number of each make of ma chine will be evenly divided be tween Underwoods and Reming tons. The! new. machines to be purchased will be of the 1 Under wood make. ! t The question of whether the board will be able to ; retain possession of the teachers practice house at the high school was an other matter given consideration, The present allowance made by the officials under the ! Smith. Hughes act Is insufficient to war rant the maintenance of the house next year. ' The matter was refer red to a special committee com posed of Superintendent Hug, Paul Wallace and Walter Wln$low, who are to conofer further with the board administering the ! pro visions of that act j In case no better arranagements can be made it Is held probable that the house will be sold.; i A letter was read from the com missioner of Indian schools j ob jecting to the action taken recent ly by the school board in com pelling students 'from the Indian school at Chemawa to pay tuition in the high school . The letter stated that such action if made permanently would seriously en danger the present high standard of the Chemawa school with, the result that many would be at tracted to other schools. It j also claimed that it was unfair fof the local board to allow Filipinos to enter without tuition and yet pro hibit the Indian. The action of the board was based on the fact that the school is outside of the - or - Other Perhaps that is to his own disparagement! Miss Ruth Freeman also is a versatile performer; with tolce, piano and violin. The musical skits presented by the pair jwere as fine as ever came to j Satetr. and their rendition of a number of old heart-songs rose from the common almost to the sublime. One forgot all the dialect and the mimicry and the burlesque, in the dignity of of these beautiful old songs, ao beautifully presented. And then they tumbled the house of cards to the floor with ye run nier burlesques. , j The wbble, performance V&a a laugh-maker of the highest jtyps. t ought to be worth $50,0001 to a community like Salem for Its fr getfulness of the dreary and its lightsome play in the sunshine of dreams. WARDEN'S FORGED transferred from the brick When it became, known that search was taken up and of were notified to be on the look- assault with intent to rob. He eyes, blonde hair, weighing 125 traveling in the direction of IV - J nere on me nver xoau school district and that the tax payers of the district were being torced to pay for their education. There were well toward 75 pupils from the Indian school registered at the high school last fall. The matter of tuition for the Chemawa students was made a special order of business at the next meting. is DOCTDR'S TRIIL Roseburg Sheriff Goes Into California In Search For Brumfield ROSEBURG, Or., July 26. Sheriff Sam W. Starmer left here tonight for northeastern Califor nia, where he will take up the trail of an autoist believed to be Dr. R. M. Brumfield, wanted (ere on a charge of murdering Dennis Russell on July 13. The autoist sought was iden tified by Dr. R. B. and M. J. Shoe maker near Crater Lake park as Dr. Brumfield. The Shoemakers say that they saw Brumfield last Saturday afternoon nine miles from the boundary of Crater Lake park. Harry Hildeburn, .a Roseburg contractor, well acquainted with Dr. Brumfield, was met by the Shoemakers at the boundary and he immediately went to the place where the car driven by Brum field had been seen. Me failed to pass the dentist on the road and did not see his car although he searched carefully for it. As there i a road leading east about a quarter of a mile from where the Brumfield machine was seen, it Is supposed that he took this road and went into' Klamath Falls or Lakeview. Mrs. L C. Brotherton Dies At Her Home Here Mrs. L. C. Brotherton died at 11 o'clock last night at the fam ily home, 333 South Church street, Salem, after an illness of several months. She had lived for the last 15 years in Salem. She is survived by her husband, and her son Donald Brotherton of Salem; her mother, Mrs. Joanna Wilson; her sisters Mrs. Mabel Bodaker. Mrs. Ruth Lyons and Fannie Wilson, of Lyons, Or.; her brothers. Hoyt Wilson of Oregon City, Claude Wilson of Mill City and Ralph Wilson of Mehama. Funeral arrangements will be later announced by Rigdon & Son. JOURNAL ASTONISHED TOKIO, July 26. By The Associated Press) The Koku min Shimbun, the militarist or gan, said today it is astounded that Japan la anxious to settle the Yap and Shantung questions be fore the proposed conferences on Far Eastern questions and disarm ament. BONDS VOTED MADERA. Cal., July 26. Llo tation of $28,000,000 irrigation bonds to provide for the Madera Irrigation project, was authorized at an election today. mm f p MIOTIC STORY RELATED HERE BY EXPLORER Stefansson His Own Best Companion, But Is In teresting Genius on Chau tauqua Platform. CIVILIZATION HELD POSSIBLE FAR NORTH Thrilling Recital of Adven ture and Discovery Hypnotizes Audience They say that a man Decoraes like-what he eats. The beet-eater has a red face aud a bass voice,; the muttonsr will be sheepish and apologetic; the vegetarian may b3 either a turnip or a cabbage. And t"he man who eats polar bear up beyond the Arctic circle would most likely be as cold as the North Pole even though he be as brilliant as thg aurora liorealis. Stefansson is that. Hut it isn't Rood for any man to flock ott by him.elf, for years at a time, with no companions save mu3koxen and the caribou and the bears he can kill and eat. The outslda creatures may be good food, but they'rs certainly-not social assets. Stefansson has learned to look. to himself as the great source of en tertainment guidance, strength. Maybe He's ; Us. lit . Maybe he's right. Maybe 4be civilized peop'e who depend on each other for their amusements, their confidences, thefr burial when they're dead, ought to go out into Stefansson's wilderness and run the legs off a fsw lonK necked "Nenooks", and drink the bear blood and wear the bear skins for clothes, in order to be properly reserved. Again, maybe he's wrong. Thera is a contemptuous, contemptible selfishness about the professional hermit that marks him for a weakling where normal roan should be strongest in his friendships, his friendliness. Stefansson is a sure-fire genlu3 of his kind. The man who could take his one rifle, and leaving fishhooks,, nets, shotguns, traps and the whole grocery store be hind, set out to forage his way for a tour of the frozen roof of the world alone, is brave: and i' he makes it, he's certainly capa ble. He may be foolish qulen sabe? Men have gone over Niag ara Falls in a barrel. Those who died were plain fools. Those who lived were heroes of their kina, for they showed one more new and bitter experisnce that a lucky man might live throusn. Even a barrel-man might be dec orated by kings, for being a brave genius who was lucky. Story Intensely Interesting However, the Stefansson story of the Artie as told at Chautauqua last night is of absorbing interest. With him, it is more than merely a place for Don Quixotic heroism, but a land whre there should &e homes, and farms, and cities, an1 mines and factories and pasture lands to feed the flocks of the whole world. It should be a breeding land and abbattoir fr meats to ko the tabls of all civi lization One can see that he be lieves in the Artie lowlands as the average Callfornian believes in his climate and his poppies and his native sons. Records Prove Claims At that, he has some of the records to prove his claims. The reindeer and caribou actually do live there all the year through. So do the muskoxen; these are fat ter in, January than they are in July. Eight kinds of animals live there, 500 miles beyond the Arc tic circle, through the whole year. The caribou, the musk ox, the po lar bear, the worl', the fox. the weasel, the mouss and the seal. Stefansson's party brought back 750 varieties or plants and flow ers from tha Arctic. Texas boast i only 700. The coldest recorded tempera ture at Point Barrow, on the Arc tic ocean, is '; Cegrees below zero. Havre, Mont., has bad it 08 below, and one point in Siber ia north of Irkutsk,' where they raise merchantable crops of cer eals and have a regular Caucas ian civilization, fhe record is 53 below zero showing that the Ca nadian and Greenland Arctic cli mate Is excessively mild. Tne summer temperature runs up to 110 degrees above zero. It has been that at Fort Yukon, within the circle. The average tempera ture of the far northland Is- thu shown to ba a fine average, like Pat romnarine himself to the Apollo Belvidere. P.egorry." (Continued on page 5) en p imm5 AB. IMAGERS INJURED WHEN ENGINE STRIKES TRUCK ON STREETS MEMBER NOT TO INDULGE j IN JUNKET Industrial Accident Commis sion Complies to Letter With Olcott's New Policy Because of the action of Gover nor Olqott. who recently issued a letter Urging economy on the part of state officials, the state in dustrial accident commission an nounced yesterday that the de partment would not send a repre sentative to the annual meeting of the; interstate association of accident boards and commissions t-his year. i he Sessions are scheduled for Chicago in September. W. T, Kirk, a member of the commission, had previously been selected o make the trip.. Wife of Albany Editor ! Dies at Pleasant Hill EUGENE, Or., July 26. Mrs. Wallace Eakin, wife of the city editor fat the Albany Daily Dem ocrat, died at the. home of her brother. E. B. Tinker at Pleasant Hill, near this city, today at the age of 26 years. Mrs. Eakin was a resident of Eugene for 12 years previous to her marriage to Mr. Eakin. j She was Alice Miriam Tinker, daughter of S. B. Tinker, and was a former student of the University of Oregon. NAME LEAGUE' OFFICIALS GENEVA, Switzerland, July i. The states to be represented on the economic blockade commission of the league of nations have named their delegates as follows: Franceji Jean Gout; Switzerland, Max Huber; Norway, Christian Sparre Japan, Minoru Oka; Cu ba, Dr j Aristide de Aguero y Bet an court; Spain, Pablo Garnica; Italy, Carlo Schanzer. LABOR COUNCIL IS DISPLEASED WITH HOSPITAL ACTION Declaring that there is an apparent effort to "browbeat all crafts of the building trades into working below the wage scale,' the Central Labor council of Salem at a regular ses sion last night issued the following statements referring to the reported controversy between the carpenters' local, of Salem and the building committee of the Salem Hospital association. "The!i Salem Trades and Labor j council has taken under consider- j ation the- grievance filed by the carpenters and will Investigate all angles pf the controversy appar ently developing in. the building of the Salem hospital. "Certain members of the hos pitAl board came before the labor body lafet year and promised the labor organizations of Salem that if they would get behind the hos pital movement that Salem labor would be employed and that or ganized labor would be given credit for its share of assistance as gived. "Repbrts are brought to the Central I Labor council that the members of the hospital board have succeeded in violating the carpenters' rules and intend to brow-beat all crafts in the build ing traces into working below the wa?e sdale. "Thej; Central Labor council doe not want to place the Salem hopitail upon the unfair list, but does intend to ascertain the identity of those members of the hospital board who have misre presented the attitude of the la bor organizations with apparent aim to prejudice public sentiment against; the right and, just stand taken by the carpenters' local of this city. "Organized labor desires to aid in building the Salem hospital, but it does not intend that the cheap tabor advocates on the hos pital board shall be unmolested in apparent efforts to scalp the working man's wage. "The. statements are authorized . T . mm PROBABLY DALLAS, Or., July 2G. .. (Special to The Statesman) Ab. Magers, a brother of James Magers of this city, formerly a resident of Salem but now living in Portland,! was injured, fatally, it is be lieved, about 1 o'clock this af-j ternoon when an automobile truck he was driving was struck by a Southern Pacific j freight engine. . I The accident happened on Church street just west of 3ak street in this city. Mr. Magers and a nephew named Roth had returned just before noon from a trip to the coast and had dinner at the home of his brother who lives at Oak and Church streets.! About 1 o'clock the party started to leave for Portland and had just started the truck across the Southern Pacific tracks along Church street when the engine hit the truck. Eye witnesses say they thought Mr. Magers did not notice the approaching engine which had been to the water tank as he started across the tracks. . It(-thL?aps From Danger Mr. Roth apparently saw ths approaching danger as iv leaped from the truck befor? the engine struck It and escaped uninjured. Mr. Magers, Vitxo is a large man was unable to leave the machine, and was caught between the starr ing wheel and the back of the seat as it was bent forward, and received what is believed td be in ternal injuries. An operation al so was made for trepanning this atternoon as his skull was brolren from force of the impact. The trucl', a new Stewart ton and one-half machine, was re duced to scrap Iron. That both men were not killed Is a miracle (Continued on page S) by the Salem Labor council." It ia understood that the hos pital building committee contract ed with C. Van Patten & Son,, builders, that the carpenter labor was not to be more than $C a day. The local scale lias been $7.20, or 90 cents an hour. The other rate would be 75 cents an hour. "This contract was entered in to in good faith," states Thomas H. Kay. member of the commit tee. "The committee has not been formally notified that the union has raised an objection to the wage scale set, though, we have heard some talk of such act ion." "The committee fixed this rate ol $6 a day, as a matter of jus tice to allvroncerned." said Henry Meyers, another member. "The members took into consideration the n.arket decrease in the cost of living, and feel that the price is just to all." The building' committee com prise William McGilchrist, chair man; T. H. Kay. Russell Catlin, Henry Meyers and R. E. L. Stein- It was stated from the carpen ters union that the matter had been discussed, but that no action had been made public looking to wards putting the hospital on the unfair li$t. ; A report from the committee states that only the most rigid economy will allow the building to be built for early use. The subscriptions are still approxi mately 115,000 under the total cost of the building. FATALLY OF DALLAS NORMAL POST NOT SOUGHT BY OFFICIAL State Superintendent Church ill Declines to Become Can didate for Position J. A. Churchill, state superin tendent of public instruction, Is not a candidate for the presidency of the normal school at Moji mouth. This was announced py Mr. Churchill yesterday, after he had been implored by many fof his friends to enter he -contest Tor the position. I "While I appreciate the con sideration of my friendg afd members of the board of regents," said Mr. Churchill, "I prefer to remain in my present position. The office of state superintendent of schools offers a challenge da!y iq ones energies and ability, md there is so much to be done in the way of raising the standards or education In the state that I ask nothing better than to be permuted to assist In furnishing me leaciersnip that will make the attainment of higher standards VVoman Injured in Brodks Accident Succumbs After ' Long Suffering Mrs. Roy Westley, of St. Johfis, Portland, died early - Tuesday morning at the Salem hospital trom injuries received July whett the car in which she was a passenger Was crashed into the fast-driven car of E. 0. by 6s- borne, Portland er, who is fac ng charges resulting from the 'add dent. Mrs. WeBtley Is the secolnd victim of the crash that occurred on ine racmc highway near Brooks, Rudolph. Samuelson, a passenger in the Osborne nja- chine, dying a few hours later of injuries received in the collision. Mrs. Westiey was 27 years old and i& survived by her husband. her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. f A. Maplethorpe, of Los Angeles, nbw in this city, and by her daughter. 4 years old, who sustained minor injuries in the accident. j Mrs. Westley formerly lived in this city. Funeral services wUl be held Thursday at 2 p. m. from the Rigdon chapel. Interment Will be at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. College President's Body Found in Deep Crevice . , . i CAL.GARY.Alta., July 26. T.he dead body of Dr. W. E. Stohe, president of Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.. who dissapeafed July 15 from Walking Tour camp at the foot of Mount Assiniboiiie, has been found at the bottom a very deep precipice. His wife is reported to hive been found alive. Body Found in Portland Is Identified by Friends PORTLAND. Ore., July 26. J Identification of the body found jfn Fulton park Saturday afternoon as that of Andrew Olsen. a Swede, $0 years old, was established today by the coroner's office on information furnished by a friend of Olsen Olsen had been sick since Christ mas ami .unable to. work. He dis appeared July 9. FOUR KTLLED ISRPEMING. Mich.. July 24. rnnr workmen were killed in an explosion here today which wreck ed the dvnamite mixing house arid the nitroglycerine storage house of the Hercules Powder companyj XEGIiO KIDNAPED TEXXARKAJS'A, Tex., July 26-i-Masked men tonight entered the dancing pavilion at Spring Lake park, a municipal pleasure ground, and carried olt Gordon Harrison; negro orchestra, leader. i WOMTTIi Capitulation of Illinois Exec utive to Take Place Today i In Offices of His Counsel In Chicago., f .'.I ! i , ' I -I- . , ACTION WILL BE ON ! ORDER OF JURIST Missive Says Official. Will Deliver Himself up Withf out Resistance SPRINGFIELD. III., July S Governor Small, from the offrce of one of his counsel In Chicago, Is reported tonight, ftccordlnrl to word received here, to have of fered to surrender himself with-! out resistance to Sangamon coun ty authorities on warrants chairg-i ing embeztlement of state tuadf while treasurer of Illinois. ' j j Sheriff Henry. Mester announce ed late tonight he had received the following message' from Chi cago: ' ' . , . j To the sheriff of Sangamon county: . v "This is to advise you that Gov ernor Len Small is ready to sab' rait! to you or any of your detu ties; or to the sheriff of Cook county, according to your dlrec tions. to any persons designated as agents at any time tomorrdw, Wednesday, July 27, 1921, ia tsiy office, Chicago, III., in submfs slori to the capias . which I under stood Judge .Smith has directed you) to execute on the governor, i In order to conserve all parties' j rights, please advise me henou ! will come to Chicago. i (Signed) "Albert Flak, counsel for Governor Len Small. fjovermor Leave CapltaL 1 i Although Circuit. Judge E. S. ' smith today held that Gorenlor Lenl Smairwas subject to arrest following indictment on char re of embezzlement and conspiracy to defraud the state, while stte treasurer, warrants had not bjen served tonight, and the governor left j the capital,, presumably for his son's home at Kankakee.- f t Sangamon county officials in-1 nounced that "diplomacy" woild' be used in causing the governor's arrest. . Attorney . General TJrundsre, impelling orce behind the trfcis ury probe, left for Chicago on tb3 same train with the governor, i . i Trace Itefod. s - Truce overtures by State's At torney Mortimer, who t suggested conference between county au thorities and representative .of f Continued on part 6V r COAST BASEBALL TMSOO IS. BAX.T LAXB 0 1 I SAM 1RAXC18CO. Joly 2.BlHkt ' Rail ; Uk 12 to O today, g.n Trntl$m l Hat won their tenth atralfht (am. Tbf lwl hit Goold'i offering f all tor-1 nr of tha let nd err teas s (he ' Frnei! toam hit aslr and aH-d i t a . Aw. Klluoa a4 KH mad hotnn rsn dorlar . tha sate, jail iniojleft fit-Id. j T j Iaff7 Lei, Rait Lak Mtfictdfr. tfm- tinned him batting Mmk mud fathered i two minglM and a Aonbla ia ,thra titae up. Ila bti now hit safely ia SI ran-j eml,ir Sanaa.' - ,..- -. R-'irjE.! Suit I.ak ..., o 7 i j San Franriro .. 13 14 (, i Hattrw Gould and Briar; O'Poul and. Xgntw. ' ' I AXGEL8 S, 8ACBAMCITTO 2 ! 1.08 tAMJKLES, J.!r 2. ftaoramcato hld a lead in Ita Itrat can at tha r aerw-k with 1 Anrelee until tha ev enth innitir when tha Wala nada three ran, the final, heiag K-raraTit 3. U An!e 3. ; Ia tha aerenth Grirra ami fraWford aifcjrlad, Neinoff aaerifired an.! doablea by I.inilimora aRd iialdwia tat threa rvaoera arer tha' plat. f Sarramrnto - j... - . ..., ,jJ.:.;'.r..'i. 4 i Iam Ancele ....... 's - 9 ! l ; Haftriea Kitterr aad Ooak; Aid ridM and Baldwin. . ! VEEKOW 7. MKTUira ' P0TLAJfI. r.. Jul as. Varan eaailjr defeated Portland today, 7 to: 4.1 aft-rl the Barere had arnaired a iwe run lead in the firnt on Haln'a homer With Urnin on He. lieOraw atarted for the; Titter bat in the -aeeotid, with two on ( and none oat wan relieved by froati a 1 reerait from tha north we. t, who hot onljr ! pitched lino ball hat made two hit ; in three timea up. Hyatt mada a iioine run on tne into. xn .core R, T . j T. t o: Vemnn 1'ortland . 4 lot S Uattertea UrGraw. 0ma and ICin nah; Johnwa, Ron and Baker. ! BTuronro or the clubs ' W. U T- nan. r ranetaeo t , : Raeramento Oakland , l-O 1 Anrelea v . , , , Seattle , Vernon Halt I.aka , - Portland. 74 41 6ft- : M : 4 61 41 W 4' T 5T 89 V U 63