A, . :..!. . 1 : THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1921 J 1 9 ozAssmzo mumnaxTt ae rx wn gee laaortiaa, Se Three fanoortiana ,, M One k (su insert ions) Se vii stoats . , . fOe Mis rwitka' mtrKl, k eaeu18e IS MHtBika' nmiuI, m 1S tiatasuxe lor u; edverueemsmt 8&e NORWICH UNION SUE IXStllANCR. SOCIETY Ul. Hnlud Jk nunrhairdt fRcdoat A seat 871 Hurt BC. MONEY TO LOAN ' On Ral Eatsta . , T. K. FOHD (Over Lad d A Duth Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS L ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building m , - - LOANS REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE We, insure anything We rave the money tat loan Pay bark lik rant Out larpi and eity property lists ere com plete. Bee us f int. ' LAJXAB ft LATLAB. 04V? Oregon Bids. Phona 1644 jklfVou arc looking for a home L , , at.wsl UaIaim 49 ED. LOOSE ' 370 V2 State Street NEW TODAY TKrtMS 1200 TO $800 IWWN PAY -.Ik rat and yon. awn your own horn, after that your rant complete tba payment. If yon rent aee some nf v these. Berk Hendricks. 205 U. S. Bank Bids; rtm REST A rfRSISHED ROOM ; . modern conveniences, two blocks from state bouse. 253 North 13th. Phone t5-W. .- WANT 4 OR 5 ROOM MODERN HOCSE. Vve full description, price and terma Am in town for few dayg. Address . 1-68." fare Statesman. WANTED AT ONCE 400 POUNDS Lambert cherries. Phone 805. Eshle man's tlroeeqr. . SALESMAN IP YOU WANT TO OET einto something good where you can 1 make ion, real money see me at once, Mr. Cannon, at Great Western ' .Uarsga. ' " ' - I AM GOING TO BELL BEST OFFER. 6 room houae, 5 lota, 1421 Fairmoont. Also 13.V4 acres located between 22nd ; an Turner, south side Halem-Turner road. Might consider southern Calif ornia. Submit offrr. Cash or terma. : To your agent r addreee Owner. W . yr"ioa. 804 Buth, Ban Iicgo, 'California. DANCEFRIDAY, JULY 29 'unu Kin. Ayes Melody t DREAM Orchestra. tun t nmv, ita mraivrVTn TRT n urn i. iu ... .. - - 'day; would like one or two passengers. E.. K. Urake, Btiverton, urrfgn. 1FRH. E8CII AGENT FOR PRINCESS Coraeta. IMione ltMO-tt. o. FOR SALE FIVE ACRE TRACT. WITH good live room cottage.. Bear rat - line aad school. Owner coin- eaat; ( very aasloua to aelt. See W. O. Xrue ger. 'i9 Oregon Bide . 7oo CASH BUYS A NICK 5 ROOM bungalow with large lot. well located n ear and pavement. Becke llend ricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. , you Will find it advantageous m . v. MrMinaailla l' 'm fire rates , before renewing that nest insurance -policy. e manaicy roiey, i Bush Bank Bid. Phono 47. i HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND i m hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and rwsinng. CiH : and del iter. Ktsndard fcxehsnge, Hi North Commercial, mono n. If ro a a little tima morning, noon or birhi. wt are giau, a - i lkt vnn want c '-. when loan la available.' Get a line oa tor at ions, prices, cic... ao win. j turn t Jump eomea you ran pick in stead o( beint picked. We were in a the service and are at your service. BKCKK HENDRICKS - iUi V. H. Bank Bldg. ELMO 8. WHITE HAS MONEY TO lend. 402 Masonic Bldg. FOSTER 10e CIOAR AFFORDS A MILD pleaaant smoke that is really worth while. yr. BUY; BENT. 8EIX AND EXCHANGE Kodaka. C'apitot Drug store. , BARGAIN CHEVROLET IN GOOD ' .JiiinM ntAlA nverhauled. 2 new tire. A real bay. 9205. Bee Wood at Valley Motor Co. riS AND BROOD SOWS FOR 8 ALE. Phono 2'i. XOTICE Knir is herebr clren tbat 1 bare impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404 to-wit: One 6ld mongrel, black and white, maie. with collar, 1 weight about SO pounds. One young, brown snd .white, male, with - collar, eight about 30 pounds. One young mongrel, ; brown, male, weight about 10 prfunds. One old plU white," long haired, male, weight about 20 pounds. The .bore desert oea aogs wm uw .ti led if not redeemed by owners, ,pn or before July "30th, 121, as prorldcd in said Ordinance. K W.S.LOW, Street Commissioner. - EMPLOYMENT MLALB RERHIXGLINO DONE BY DAY OB JOB HatisfartMa guaranteed. Phone 2093 J t Freo eatimat , - .- - - ' WANTED ENERGETlV TOOSO MA who has had eiperience eelling life inaaraaea, stocks nr advertising. Musi be able to devote Ma entire time and m bo ambitioua for advancement. Mnfel have the cearage to present businea. propAaiuoa t merchants ana proieo gionat mea. Answer in year awa head writing elating age, educational anal tfVatioas. experieneo aa aoliaitor. eta AildrfI "a-t. Btateemaaeffieo MALg AJfD TEMAXK ANTED MEN WOMEN TO . take farm paper sebarriytioaa. A rt propnaitioa to the right people. Addreas the Paeifia Homestead. Statesman Bids tUtava. Ore. PERSONAL ,ACIAI-SCALP TREATMENTS; Via let rar; maaieoriar. shampooing. Or egon Bath houae. Phone 540. FOR SALE CANARY BIXDS FOR BAIjB CANARY x BIRDS. Night singers. Mrs. R. A, Beaseit. Pkons 1H. 1A!tn Chemelieta Classined Ads. In Tho . Statesman Bring Results FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPOETU5ITII8 FOR HALF GENERAL MERCHANDISE store, doing better than t60.oOO annual baaineaa. Stock now approximates 915.0OO. Can be reduced so that 10,0M) will handle. Own bnilding 6080 which can be leaaed. If you desire a good basinrss location inves tige.te thia buy. Addrrn N. Balig. Falla City. Ore, or rail 595 N. 14th, na tern, for fnrther information HOUSES CHAS. T. SMITH ALADDIM READY en, Ronaea. 4uv weo duiu LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A FIXE SO- AND EIGHT piga. Phone 53K33. rOR SALE TWO RKGISTKRF.D JKR- aey bulla: veal prices. C. li. McCully. Awmaville. tTegnn. rooLtar POI.'LTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO; rent stamps fr apecial three montba trial for the let and oMet journal in the west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northweat Poultry Journal. 213 Com mercial Wt., Kalem. Oregon. PIANOS PIANO BARGAIN LADY IN EAST will aell her fine piano, used only few months, at big sacrifice. Terma to responsible party. Call 450 Court St. Ask to see Mrs. Hansen piano. IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to The Pacific u . I u.i.m CimmwAn a a three months trial . subscription. Mention thia ad. i MiscrxLANEoca WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY. CHICKEN wire. Steinbock, S73 Court street. FOR SALE BALED HAY, OATS AND vetch. Phone 2091J. OFFICES AND STORES A BIG LOT of new books for aale at half price. Steinbocka. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT 201 Court. Anything Se. FOR SALF DEERINO BINDER, FOR LI. J ., t.,..L 1 Q 1 (h n.lal - let U I C saiitA btii ur fci u. bv . a 9 mjvuci good new. Phone 6F3. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good selection of the aonga you have been wanting with words and music complete. No mstter how msny aoagbooks you have you should have thia one, containing the Oregon songs. Prices: 8ingle copies, 25c; 16 cents each in lots of a dosea or more; 912.50 the hundred, poatpsid. Second edition printed since September- OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY" ' 2tommreJa8lnj0goi WOOD PHONE 1565 M FOR WOOD. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, 18.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phone 1467. WOOD FOR SALE GOOD, LARGE 8EC end growth fir at $6.75 per cord. Phone 470. FOR SALE OLD inch and 4 feet. Phone 1727. PITCHY FIR. 16 Keaaonablo yrice. WOOD FOR SALE PHONE 254 OR after office houra call 622. Call and get my prices before you purchase. GOOD WOOD REASONABLY PRICED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Victor Schnei der, Phone 53F41 evenings. . Turner, Oregon. DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW-big;-get our prices before buying else where. Osk, eld fir and second growth. Etther Bros. Phone 2046. DRY FIB AND OAK WOOD FOB BALK. Phone 77F2. FOR 8 ALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD. aswed even length, 12 inch or 16 inch. Special price on 5 cord lota. Reasoned mill wood. First clasa 16 - Inch old fir. Second growth fir. sawed 16 inch. Fred E. Wella. SOS S. Church. Phnne 1542. FOR RENT BOOM AND BOARD FOR RENT LARGE ROOM. RUNNING water. 2 meals day if rtleaired. Mra. Young. Phone 1627-W. WASTED TABLE BOARDERS, 553: Bo. 12tk street. Special Sunday dinners from 1-2:30. Phone 1120. Mrs. Geo. W. Smith. 0ARA0E GARAGE FOR RENT PHONE 1330-J. BOOMS FOR RENT PART OF DOUBLE H0U8E nnfcrniahed. Close in. No children. Phone 20B. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOM IN modern home, for gentleman. Close in. 4 47 North Liberty. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE ROOM, modern conveniences. Rent reasonable. 685 N. Liberty. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE ment, clean, neat rooms and apartments. 254 North Front St. j FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OF ROOMS, first floor, with private bath. The Alexandria, 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. rOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN in modern borne aad centrally teeat ed. Pleaae give same aad address E, care Statesman. HOUSES F. L. WOOD. 8 aetata, rentals. MTATB ST, REAL LOST AND, FOUND LOST 110 REWARD FOR INFORMATION that will lead to the recovery of 3A Graflex camera atolen from auto in Salem Monday or Tuesdsy this week Camera has Ziess-Tesssr lens, F4.5. series Ic. Advise Statesman Office Phone 23. ; WANTED KISCELXJUTSOTJS WOOD WANTED 10 TO 12 CORDS BIG old fir. Call 952. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co.. Phone 19. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second hand clothing. 320 N. Commercial. Phone 298. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY ing Black Republicans. Bings aad Lam berts. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED U8ED HOUSEHOLD GOODS ranges and eookatovea, tools, mea'e suits aad shoes. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Commercial. Phone 841. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HAKJe wsre and fimitnre. Beat prices paid ' THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. ; 2.5i N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory ATTO TOP AUTO TOPH W. O. WBJ0HT, 171 Booth High. AUTO TOP. UPHOLSTERY. WORK guaranteed. 653 South 12 Ik, phone 1126 . TIKES AMD ACCESSORIES BMITH WATKINS. 147 NORTO HlOn. rug. 8iiw.ft Cord. Uood tttra. pb; BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory USED CABS FOR SALE 1920 1 TON FORI (MIAS aia and cab, in good condition. Phone 512 M. . REBUILT IgED AUTOMOBILES IF yon tare looking for a good oaed car. I have it; and cara that are rebnitt like! new, and at a low price oa eaay terms. Write or phone Mr. kiltou, 390 Kant Ht Portland. i OARAGE AND &EPA.rK ACTO: ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TR00 ble shooliag. 239 North High. Phone 20S4 80CTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral! repairing snd overhauling. 4ZU B. Commercial Su, Salem. FAIR IGK4)UM8 UAKAOK TlUtCS. AO cesapriea, used ears. Uur work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Road. Pboae SOSj HOFFlMAN t ZOSEI. TIRE REPAIR khop: vulcanizing, retreading, iy7 S. Coininercial htrect. Phone 471. PRKStO-LITK BATTERY SERVICE station. Enpert battery and electrical work. Farris Bros. Phone 4403. 41o Court. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. BTUDE baker. HoHaon repairing. 17a Booth Liberty. Phone 88. TRACY'S 8T0RA0E GARAGK 144 Ferry etreet. LIBBY'3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 230 South Liberty, Phone 901. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER. 245 Center. . Phone 890. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 Hodtb 12th. I'hone 28. J C.i BAIR, RADIATOR8. FENDERS. Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry SABBEBS COZY NOOK BABBEB SHOP lSflS eitate 1 ! BEAUTY FAELOKS M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE; hours, 9 to 5, Sunday ; evenings by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House. Phone 640. 2028R. OREGONION BEAUTY BHOP MAKCEL waving, hsirdressing, Ida Boats Com mercial. Phone 477. OONJXCTIOKBXT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERT, HOME made caadma. confections, eigera, mag asiaea. 1272 State. CHINESE PHYSICIAN, DR. !L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 153 8. High SU Phoae 288. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. DRESSMAKING. TAILORING 2720 Cherry. Pbone 1678 M. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmsker. Phone 197 1W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Mission street. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRES8MAKINQ. 248 North Cottage. Phone 1552W. CARRIR FI8HER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer eorseta to order, 2 McCormack Bldg. ELETHA PRUETT DRE8SMAKING, 082 North Commercial. Phone 1931W. MRS. VARTY. DESIGN AND MAKER Ladies' Suite and Gowns. 7 atcOor ataek Bldg. DBUG 8TOBES BBEWEB DRUG Phoae 184. CO. 405 COURT: HEMSTITCHING 8ALKM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, ehainatltehing. pleating, buttons. 829 830 Oregon Big. Phone 879. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTINO AT tschment; works on all sewing mach ines; price, 82; personal checks 10c extra. Light Mail Order House, Box 127, Birmingbsm, Ala. HAT SHOPS HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 495 Court itreet i XNSUKAJrCS INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Poll protection. Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Buah-Breyman Block. GREENHOUSES P0BCH- BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for aale. Smith a 301 North Commer fetal. j FINANCIAL MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN jaaaoeiatiott baa money to loan at aix percent. W. D. Smith, aeeretary-troaa-hirer, 80S Salem Bank of Commerce. JOB PRINT ING YOUR PRINTING LET BERTELSON jdo it. "Y" Rldg. Phone 779. IaAOITDXUXS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8 Liberty etreet. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY iQuality work, prompt service, 1984 (Broadway Phone 165. I PLUMBUIO PLUMBING, REPAIRINf AND COIL work. Phcne 1517J. Shop, 127 Caion latreet. A. L Godfrey. PBTVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASKS Al 1 l . , . I I I . -m I private aoepiiai. wm wt viwi ment Phone 1959J. i FAINT. WALLPAPER SEE PORTER rOR PAINTS. WALI j aper and Picture Framing. Good work i men. 455 Court fit- Phoae 4t PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN i Work by day, contract. Wells. Phone 1611M. l)AVIS STKAvrBBATTOn GENERA I contractors ; paints, oil. wallpaper. S20 Boath Liberty. Phoae 901 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adama. Painting, paperhang Ing, kalsomining. Work gnaranteed. Terms reasonable. Phoae 1396J; rea. 43V Sonth Winter. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES BTJB SCRIP tions for all magasinea. S51 Bat. ITth street. Phone T1M KOOF RXPAISIKa ROOFS RESHINGLEB. CLEANED. RE paired, painted or tarred. Phone Kayea X4F r REP AIRING AND 8 AND SHARPENING hUTLEBT GRINDING. IJtWN MOWERS aafety rasora, I etc Htewart'e Repair I Shop, 847 COtirt etreet. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE ! paired. General aharpesmg. ehimeey n. tea."! N t7fn at., r-nooe lai-w -t. BH0E REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. j STUDIOS DB LCXK STUDIO, KODAK FINISH lea. 1 47 North Ooramereiat. Read The Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS afUSICAl. ALLIE , CHANDLER PIANO. North Cottage. 261 BEATRICE 8HELTON PIANO STUDIO S45 Marion. Phoae 12W. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, 894 North Churc.V Phone 178. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 27 Scotb 14th. Pnone 770. DAX F. LAXGKXBERQ. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 3079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1473 MILL Phone 1184M. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. S59 Crater 1'hoae 2016H. FBANKL1N LAUNEU PIANO. 26a North 17th. Phone 1415 JULIA MILLS WKIGEL. PIANO. 156" Houtb Church. Phone 139 IB. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN ; OTHER atring instruments. 419 Marion hotel LUC1LE ROSS PIANO. OKU AN. North Liberty. Pbone 1187W. MATTIE GI1.BKRT STRING 1NSTRU oitmta. 1572 State. Phoue 1156 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO player; dances, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUdlC All branchea taught, dip'ooia a granted. John K. Sites, director, 1237 Court Phone 626. TTJNXBS WENDELL HELM TLTrtNO. RIPAJK ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano toner. Leave orders Will's Music store. B. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER, PLAY era a specialty. Phone 852. Cher ring-ton Piano Houaa. PIANOS PIANOS. PLAYER PIASOS; NEW. uaed. J. W. Tallman. 121 So. Oom'l. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE, HAN dlea Buth Lne eelebrsted pianos 415 Court. Phone 852. STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRAMTER nnic Bldg Phone 178. 108 MAS- SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Bchiadler. 25 Center street. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER G ABB AGE, BEF vse of sll kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167. atyvta siove sx? airing STOVE REPAIRING. RESCTLT, COILS, connections. Will call and clean, pol ish at house. 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. STOVES REBUILT ATn REPAIRED . 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 2 to 28 ina high. Pain ta hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phoae 124. TRAN SrER HATTLIHQ MERCHANTS' DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city, 50c. CHAS CHANDLER (TENERAL TRANS fr; office, stand. Clark's Tire Houae. Phoae 74. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Bute St- phone 983. Distributing, forwarding and atorsge onr specialty. Get onr rates. TAILORS FBANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 294 North Commercial TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO., Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry alr.b. 16-inch wood for sale. PROFESSIONAL TRANSPORTATION PACIFIC CITY STAGE LEAVES CLUB Stablea 10 a.m. daily. For information call phone 7. SALEM SILVERT0.T STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silvertor O. R Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM-INDF.PENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.K. depot 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. I.enve Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p m. Special tripe by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J W. PARKER, Prop. Rea. phone 61 S Business phone T WHERE TO BAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, free dancing. Open 9 s.m 1 st night. 1104 N. Com' I. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT k POWER CO. Office, 801 South Com') St, Ten per rent discount on domestic flat rates aid ia advance. No deductions for ab sence or sny esuse anleea water is ahnt aff ronr nremiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U 8COTT, P. B. C. CHIROPRAO tor, 809-12 U. 8 Bank Bldg Phone. 87: Rea. 82 8 R. CHIROPODIST FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliances from individual impress iona Satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa E. Tatro. V. aanaic Bldg. Phone 442. SUOOESTOTHE RAPIST II. J. ANPER8EN. D.ST., SCIENTIFIC maaaeur, electro-magnetic healer and metaphyaician. Phone 1108. 416 Ore gon Bldg. fVnanltation free. OSTEOPATHIC PHT SI GLUTS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 606 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR W. U MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and aurgeon ; Kirksville graduate, 40 4-405 V. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. B19; Rea. 614. DR. JOHN K LTNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician nsd Smgeon, 403-404 Oregon Bldg: Pnoaea: Office, 1394: Rea ftP OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company 835 State etreet, opposite Ladd aad Rnah Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, eamp 5. Armorv. Firat. Third Mondava REAL ESTATE LAND IXXJATED IN MARION COUNTY for $n .'0 per acre and up. Magee, Room -J9, corner State and Commercial Over Bnaicks. FOR SALE We hsve farms, smsll tracts and city property at price and terma that can't te beat See na before vow bar THOMASON & ROWLEY astlt State .- " Read The- Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOUR ACRtS SIX MILES aoeth on paved Pacific highway, ail good land aadrr rnltiTa;tioo.. No iMiiieV inga 81,000. cash for -abort time only. H. Lynch, Bt. 2, Ualeat, Ore. 82.250 CASH BUYS NEW BUNGALOW. now ready to' more into. South talem. Bargain; terma if desired 8. R. Pear son, 4tii L. 8. Bank Idg. ; FOR SALE NINE ACRES NEARLY level on FairrHw areaae, witk good buildings, only a few flocks from car- line aad city limits, ! at a bargain. Kruegtr. 2o Oregon Bjilg. WHAT HATE TOC FOB TRADE! line la a Ve J-4 acrrp of land, most ly in fiiltivtB; jwdj lamily orchard. 10 room tmt Urge I hart. 2 silos, hop dryer, garage, good well, water io "Hituiii.,. i to-k goea with ).lace at the price of 25,00O. See L. Xi Ilayford, 305 8ate St. WANTED Small acreage trscta t0 s'''n. wilh improvements. SI tut be priced Tif hi ' r-T B for resnlta ARTHUR E, PETERSEN 229 Oregon flldc NICE HOME ON STREET CAR LINE will take sulo aa firat payment. 6 room houae on paved street at only tio.i" SQUARE DEAL CO. Phone 470 202 U. Bank WOOD'S BARGAINS Six room bungalow with paaement, 92400; 8 4KI caah. balance 920 per month. Choice lot near Slate houae, bargain. 12 acr close in, 1150 per acre. Good house, close in, f t?e lots, with fruit trees, ta.OOO. f House and t aa lota. 87T.O. F, L. WOOD 341 State St. TWO LITTLE BUNGAjLOWS NEARLY completed; with lights water, plumbing and about half acre each; nice trees, price very resaonsblej terms. Enquire office Kingwood Kntrance gatea. REAL ESTATE TRADERS .YOU CAN ' find a number of good propositions either aa trades.' or buys ia easy pay meate of land or bungalowa. Chaa. W. Niamey er. Masonic Temple, Salem. PUTNAM McLAREN CO. RELIABLE Heal Eatata dealers Room 21, 180 North Commercial Street. WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY FORM of contract offered o liatinga on realty for aale or for trade. i We eiake liberal open or special contracts as ia most fitting snd agreeable.; Reasonably pric ed properties are deaired. whether for sale or trade. Buyers are -nvited to se us en this bssi. A woman can buy as cheap as a fman. 'The FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. : Stock Ranch for Exchange 425 acre stock ranch. 1 100 acres now in cultivation, sll fenced, bouses, 3 Urge barns, s41o, stock scales, xliue.iter house aad other outbuildings; fsmily orchsrd sad berries, wster p ped to buildings, phone, good grsvel road, near school ; ' 4000 acres outrange adjoining. Not far from good valley town. Price $18,000; will take a to a Her place or city property to 810,000 and balance ling time at 6 percent. ! T PERRINE & MARSTERS 200 02 Gray, Bldg. ".WORTH IWHILE ONE FIXE BUILDING LOT1 ON PAVED street. $600. , i ' One choice eaat front: lot, close in, street paved. $JMHi.: We have a large litt of lots st very reasonable prices, j Several good propertii"s for trade MILLS & 331 State St. COPLEY Phone 175 BARGAIN! 13 acres, good 7 room house, hot and cold water, barn and other buildings. 11 seres of fine yenng orchard, good crop of prunes, onli 2 miles from Salem good road. Pririp, including crop, stock and tools, tpoW). Don't miss this place. Wfnre yon buv. THOMPSON 331 M Sfste St. GOOD BUYS Well improved 130scre farm' locsted cast of talein, 10.1 acres in crop, bal ance pasture aid timber: running water, fine set of I modern farm b.iild inca. 5tl acres fkll wheat, 50 acres oata. Thia ia a Mine -farm in firat class condition. Pjrice $150 per acVe: half rath, balance! 6 percent interest 10 seres, 5 acres s4t to logans, . 1 sere strawberries: on good road 4 mile south. Price $2,650. Well improved 9.69J acre tract located in Salem Height!: sightly location: modern 7-roora ho ie, barn, 8 Vi acres in fruit, about 90 bearing walnuts, tome apples, chrk-riea. peara, logan berries. Price $15,000. Improved acre trac' close to car line snd on Pacific Highway. New cot tage, garage. Price 82.100; terms. Good 7-roora modern home, close in. psved street, Pritje $6,500. Good 6 room eottsgel South Sslem. Price $6,500. f Good 6 room cottage, oil Commercial St. Price $2,950. If you are looking tjo buy, trade or sell, aee W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. SEVEN ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, f Mastered, lots boilt-in fixtures, two ota, garage; plenty fruit. South Sslem. Price $3,500; $509 cssh, rrst like tent. This is s bargsini 3 room plastered, modern houae. $1,600; easy terms. Can move right in. 3 acres, fine hom on Silverton road, paved atreeta, 14s exchange for city property. j Anything you; want: in city properly or screage. j New modern . bungalow under construc tion, good location ; sell right e.i xood terms. j A rooming honae. A money maker; at right price: and terms. Cslt snd see ua t JOSEPH BApBER & SON 200 Gsy Bldg Best Buys and Exchanges If this advertisement does not eonin what you want, please call on as. 303 seres, alt cultivated, photos of im rovements st onr office; best ot soil iV ill exchange for Kanch near Salem $125 per acre. 18 acres, all cultivated. 7 prunes. 3 log ens. 5 potatoes, house, barn. Want Sslem residence pot over $1,000; pricr or rancn. T,750; 12 acres rerr close to eiatera, A room bungalow, good barn. 6 acres bearing fruit. 5 acres timber pssttire, living water. $2,300 will handle. Price $7,000. 10 acres. 5 lorans. honse. barn, stock snd equipment, on pavement 3 4 mile trom halem. $5,20. 9 acres. 1 1-4 logaaa. '.4 strawberries 5 room house, barn, coop, mile to r- m r C 1 cAn 6 room a, partly modern, garage, largei tot. iruit. pavement, 5 blocks from snpreme court boiWing. 2 Iota in po tatoes. Trine for all $2,400. A real anan. 6 room bnngalow.i atrirtly modern, gar age, good location.: $4,500. 7 room atrirtly modern, garage, rar line pavement, 87.750.r 8 mam atrirtlv modern new buagslow Two firerlacea: beat of workaaanahip and finish.: targe lot ; very choice lo cation. $12,500- easy terma. Oar list e rity ani ranch property is complete ; exchanges oor hobby; call S0C0L0FSKY - 111 St1 Street REAL ESTATE $120O CASH BUY 8 4 ROOM MODERN bungalow without baseacent. on rar line. A rosy place, good as new. Terms if desired, s. R. Pearson, 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE ONE ACRE BEARING cherrie. o Fairview avenue, near cr line. A bargain. I squire owner, 800 K. Street. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL farm of real value, inquire about our 1H acre leantrd Linn county farm for .50O. A. C. BohrnateOs. 4oI Jaaaouic Temple, Salem, Ore $IH BUYS THIS .VRtHJM PLASTER ed houae, and iot 132x172, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, toil et, electric light. See L. A. Hay ford. :i5 Slate St. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTKT-: OF TIIK l.MWiOYK MENT OF XOUTIi C.U'iTOL STItKrrr FROM THK SOITH LINK fF SHII'PINC. STKF.KT' TO THK NORTH (TUB LJXK of madison sntKi-rr. Notice, is tereby plron that the Common' Council of the City ot Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient ?nd proposes to improve North Capitol street from the south line of Shipping Street to the north curb line o' Madison Street with four Inch Portland Cement con crete bse with two inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface pave ment at the expense of the- adja cent and abutting property within the sa;d limits, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement ot said North t'ap.tol street from the south line cf Shipping s'reet to the north curb line of Madison Street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed de scription of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any' time within ten (10) days from the linal pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice Is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the Cnmon Council and the date of the first publication there of is the 24th day of July, 1921. and the date of th- final publica tion will be the Tth day of Aug ust 1921. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF north fourth STREET FROM THE NORTH MNE OF MARKET STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OI HOOD STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of" the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to Improve North Fourth street from the north line of Market street to the south line of Hood street with six Inch Port land Cement concrete pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Fourth street from the north line of Market street to the south line of Hood street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, wliich are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the Improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter, This notice Is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council and the date of the first publication there of is the 24th day of July, 1921, and the date of tho final publica tion will be the 5th day of August, 1921. EARL RAE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF COURT STREET FROM THE EAST LINK OF FRONT STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF NORTH COM MERCIAL STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Comomn Council of the City ol saiein. Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to Improve Court Street from the east line of Fron; Street to the west line of North 'ommercial S:reet with four incli Portland Cement concrete base with two inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said Court Street from the east line of Front Street to the west line of North Commercial Street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file In the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby mad? a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against OREGON Maie WILL They will find lost articles, bargain if you want to buy the improvement proposed Berln may be made at any time within tea (1) days 'rora the final pnb I cation of this notieVla the man ner provided- by the City Charter. This notice is published lot ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion of the I'fi.mirion "Connc'l, and the date of the first- publication hereof is th? 24t.h day of July. 1921. ard the date of the final publication will be the 5th day of Auguat. 1921. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE. MKNT OH XORTH CXTTAK STREET FROM THE NORTH LINK OF 1 STHKKT TO THK SOUTH Li.XK OF MARKET NTItKET. Notice is hereby glren that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Orepon, deems It expedi ent and proposes to improve North Cottage) street from the north line ot D street to the south line of Market street with four inch Portland cement foncrete base and two-inch asphaJtie con crete wearing surface pavement at the expense of the- adjacent and abutting. property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans. specifications and estimates for the improvement of said North Cottage street from the north Una of D street to the south line ot Market street as heretofore adop ted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby re ferred to for a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by.-the City Char ter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant 1o a resolu tion of the Common Council and the date of the first publication thereof la the 2 4th day of July, 1921. and the date of the final publication will be- the 5th day cf Aucust. 1921. - EARL RACE, Ciiy Recorder. WHULt MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Salem, Oreffon Phone 2488 I salem'markets 1 Btrrrao rmioa Egge and rounry Kggs, 28c. - t Hiue. hear), 30e, Hens, medium, 17c. Hens, light, 15o Broilers. 18c 22e. 01 rooatera, a-lOe. Pork, Matton sad Beef Tog hogs, 12c. 140 to 230 lbs. iSows snd hogs, 11c. Smsll hesvies, ft 9c. Ilresaed bogs, 18c. 1920 Lsmba, Ic. 1921 milk lambs. 5 and 5 Vie delivers! Beet steers, 6 and &Vae. Cows, 2-4c. Bulls, 8c. Top veal, 1213c. ' -. - Hay Wheat. 7e sacked), Oats, 37C (sacked). Grata Vetch and Oat hay, $12. Clover Hay, $10. atii. revue. Wholesale Mill run, $34. Wholesale to Dealers Creamery Butter, 41 and 43e. Butterfst, 3tc. Whole milk, $1 75 ewt. rial! Oranges. $3 75-$5. Apricots, $1.50 crate. Bananas, 11c. lemons, $11 $11. SO. Grspe Km it. Cel., $3.50. Pates, dromedsry, $7 esse, a Florida, $11. Vegetables Oregon cabbage, 3 l-4e. Turnips, $2.00 sack. Apricots. $1.25 lug. Beana. 7c. Wax beana. 7c. Lettuce, 85c. Old potatoes, $1 ewt. Celery. $1.35 doien. ; New potatoes. 3c. Oregon onions, 75e ewt. Walla Walla onians. $'.'. Cat. ononi, ;2.2? sack, -Radiance, 0e Sokes b.iaehee. Oregon encumbers, . 50c. Oregon, 50c. do. Oregon honey, S0e lb. . Rhubarb, Ac. Parsley, AOe dosea baarkaa. Beets, - 60e dosea bunches. The Dalles tomatoes. $2 per lug. Honey, extracted, gos ls. , . Apples, $2.75. Green peas, 12c: Cantaloupe, pony, $3.75; sld.. $3.50. flat. $1.75. Melons. 2c. Green peppers, 24c. jtetatl Creamery butter, 43 s5e. Kggs, 32c. Flour, bard whesd. $2.5093.60. Flour, soft wheat $1 65 $3.00. Flour, soft wheat. $1.75 $2.00. Sugar. $8.80. Cuban Pineapple Crop Will Bring $4,500,000 HAVANA, Cuba, June 17. Cuba's pineapple crop for this year is estimated at 900,000 crates, valued at 14.500.000,' by port officials, who base their fig ures on recorded shipments from Havana. More than SO 0,000 crates have been exported over the ferry ships running between Cuba and Florida, while about 100.000 crates have been shipped to New York. STATES FIND ANYTHING will find a buyer if.you have something. - U. S. TEACHERS GO TO MEXICO I-,--' Reciprocity Offered By Ob regon in Returr for Stu dents Coming Here MUTUAL GOOD PURPOSE Plan Has Approval of Cham ber of Commerce and Trade Federation -. .- i IX)S ANGELES, jCal.. Jly IS. Exchange of students between universities of Mefxco I and the United States, a plan fostered ir business and educational workers In both countries id being encour aged and recommended by Prei dent Obregon i as la- means t Di-iDging about a ibettef under standing between the tw according to ad ice here. j In a communication o nation?. received from the Rhoades of Los Angeles, member of the committee having1 the plan in charge. It is said 0 offers 'rom American universities to Mexican' scholars have j been re- reived, that many bf the oportun- ities already have been! accepted. and that the oung Mexicans have been sent to this country to study. ObrtytoB Sends Invitation Recognition of! the jvalue or complete reciprocity, 1 however, and the advantage of familiaris ing the United States representa tives with Mexico, the Mexican president has asked that 12 pro fessors from American universi ties visit Mexico to study acheel ogy Spanish, geology, Mexican history and other subjects. The visitors are to hire their fare paid by the Mexican government and to receive the sum of 2000 pesos annually. f 1 i "The Melxran government."- the letter adds, 'will authorise these privileges la : exchange for the scholarships which the United States wilt five I to our students. We will work in eomplete har monv with the j committee . that Las been formed; In furtherance of the exensng plan.? i 4 oimnrroo (Twimber Arts The movement was aet on foot by the American Chamber of Com merce in Mexico, and . has been placed beforej the national foreign trade convention and other com mercial organizations In the Unit ed States, besides the universities. The executive secretary of tJNi movement in Melxcots O. R. TT. Cook, formerly I of Los Angeles, graduate of the University of Southern California. , William Jetinings , Bryan still thinks It a bitter insult for Great Britain to be maintaining the wet Bahamas so close to dry America. It is even possible to see the Da hamas from his now home In Florida with the aid of a strong class. Has any gentleman from Key West a strong glass? Col., Bryan Is ready to raise an army' of 10.000.000 men over night to seize the Bahamas from England and make them so dry that they squeak when stepped on. What?sa Summer Home Without The Statesman? Much as 1 The Statesman means to your Salem home, it means more to your sum mer cottage. ; ! j - It will tell you of the goings-on in your home town. Your friends at home are too busy to write you the hews, but your home paper will give j it to you. With its finely balanced assortment of news, seri als, short stories, and home features it' will be a welcome,! daily .visitor. Let the Oregon States man follow you to your summer home.! Tile Oregon Statesman thone1 583 - i i - MAN something to sell or will find a i . I .- i I I i ' ! . jire. .everything lor ante. i l ''--""!-:' J