FfliW nev pj;ay?mte for little jhis C? A?J? BRITISH AND AMERICAN POLO PLAYERS iN ACTIO: co, playing for the first time this season en eastern Courts, was car ried to three .tseiy coatested sets ia the second Srouad by A. H. Chap nierv ate s liard drive: produced Crai Details of Plan Are Made Public in statement by War Department was 5S. ga ; inati : Stanf i Thp winter of the toumampr.t j will meet Wiiliaii M. Johnston. ! of ?an Ptahcisco, former national : i champion, in the hallenpe round 1 ' on Saturday. f i - n in w sa ' ii ii ' v : . is iii snwisi i i i ii r , u . w w - ... in. Jr.. of ricgfield.. for-ifiarTrrjT-- "T.r.i K W 11 tU .. - ?4M " New England inter-collegi- 7 M -V isi V' V: 's W -IJ'.'.-V Ul'1 ingles champion. Both are ; utX I .,SV "ft wVCfvT bitters and; their terrific 1 AY ' Vt4- eff'o Stv?;' " ?' s and ; severe lover-hand play i E 5y A - " o'. rt 1 V ' V" Sfvvi-J- " ',?r,,-CTvT i. the feature match. i -,1 -"V r ' T '.V Vi . Biddie qf Philadelphia ' Q i v - r t .Vi y J . ,C 1 -"Hr-, V 1 y " - A ItV compel! to play a total of i h c .-?Ct J wet t?-.V'4f - -rf "V-.: : VA h aies in three Jets before elim- f 2 1,-- ff; J.'J V T , - " V , V -i III. tfg James 0avieS, Leland H -- - A h.SV'.rrgX. -'V,., ITt' 1 or-j star. i i Br-v , , - w r' j,,,. : vs? iiif- ; -r f 11 NO i ACTION YET TAKEN Lease for TOQ Years And Annual- Payments! Of $1,680,000 Included m: WASHINGTPN, July De- lallg bf Henry Ford's offeij to pur chase the . government nitrate plant at Muscle shoals, Ala.," for 000,000, and for a lease for 100 years v on completion of the Wilson and No: 3 dams, provid ing power for the project, at an . annual aggregate payment of $1,' 686,000, were. made public today by the "war department. No act ion has been taken by the gov ernment, although It was an nounced that no bids hare been 1 received. , . Government Keep Righto. The dare lease proposals lnr elude provisions to amortize in 94 years . the government Invest ment! In the Wilson dam, taken at $40,000,000, and In 97 years the 98.000,000 la the dam No. 3. ; The" offer- Is made subject to complete right of the government to plant, processes and personnel In the event of war and for the purpose of determining whether "the application of electricity and Industrial chemistry," to agricul ture, may not do '"what they have economically accomplished for other industries." Profit Limit 8 Per Cent, Profits of the operating com pany would be limited to 8 per cent, a board of farm organiza tion' representatives to check up the i books and also to supervise territorial distribution of fertili zer i produced with the federal trade commission as final aTblter on distribution disagreements in the jboard. Local Bath House Real ' I Vacation Right at Home ...;-. i.. : What's the use of paying rail road fare, wasting 'wages, getting a sun-burned back- that would ' make a lame rabbit bit the neck off la burly Bengal' tiger, taking a cold that snuffles' like a dia phragm pump, and mlllilg up with ' a lot of deadly Jazz vacationists , who have to do it all in only about four days though' it kills 'em, and trying to ' swim - up the whole Pacific , ocean . -withi. A .acraAchy bathing suit yhei tone can get all i the good .of swimming and bathing and' rest, and none of its ,: evils, right at .home? ' Salem really boasts of perhaps the! most complete both house in the state. - Qne can get all of the comforts of home, all the Joys of a hilarious vacation except the exorbitant bills, at the Oregon - Bath house.' where Manager Pur- dy has laid himself out to give the city the best service there is. It ' is enough of a credit- to - deserve ' extended . mention. , There Is a fine plunge, and shower baths and Turkish baths free bathing suits, and expert cassenrs for Turkish baths and for medical, treatments. There is a facial massage and manicure department, and swim miflg teachers: -Nothing; has been cycle G m The first boy or girl who secures a total of 23 new 6-months sub scriptions to The Oregon Statesman will be awarded a magnificent Harley- ' . Davidson Bicycle. j . -f J'ay No Money Collect No Money! Secure 6 months signed contracts and the cures a Total of 25 It . Oregon Statesman- Bicycle Contest Editor V.' . . . .. - ft - 4 j" - - . i An exceptional photograph of the polo match 1 ..vecn Great Britain and the United State3. showing all the ei?ht playera in action. As far: as we know this is the only photograph taken of the match to sh .v. both team In action. omitted to make it a real public enterprise. Manager Purdy has given to the people of Salem some rather un usual service ip providing such a "home-vacation" enterprise. The season hasn't been hot enough to drive people to the seashore to save their lives, and a really ade quate city bathing resort is such a time and money-saver for every body, that It fills a vital public want. burnell ford tells electrical wonders (Continued from page 1.) noon when the Roach-Freeman ADuo takes the stage. The duo will present a little of almost everything that is funny; music, story-telling, caricatures. r They are vaudevilllans of the highest type. ' Whose aim is to bring a laugh and they are . said to be a su re-fire success in this. Htefensson Tonight. Stefensson ' the rctic explorer. comes tonight. He has been given gold medals from almost every ex- ploring and geaographlcal society on earth for his northland travels. StefanAsson has not followed the plan of taking a trainload of, food to clutter up his travels. Instead, he set out practically without bag gage other than his rifle and plen ty of ammunition and the fact that he' lived through the years of wilderness : exploring in the far north proves both his sublime courage and his daring thought to do what no other explorer ever thought of doing. Stefansson is rated as one of the greatest carda on the American lecture platform today, and to hear him is to hear one of the rarest characters and philosophers of his age. M The sale of tickets- has been re markably good so that there la hardly a chance for a failure on the week's guarantee. AUCTIONS COXTIXUE LONDON, July 25. The wool auction sales were continued to day with offerings of 11,001 bales. The tendency was irregular, good wools being steady, while low cross breds declined from 1Q to 20 per cent. -Oh. "soft drinks." what crimes are committed in thy name! EXTRA! EXTRA! first any time since the beginning of eci cie Sp ai OICV ' V 9 J?mV. WEIR-OLD BOY After Wandering Two Days He Starts to Wade River 1 i And is Drowned EUGENE. Or., July 25 George Emerson Miller, the 7-year-old sor. of I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, fruit growers of Eugene, who wahdered away from the camp at Belknap springs Friday was drowned in the McKenzie river, near there, Sunday afternoon, ac cording to word received here to day. The boy had been lost, and seeing a man about two miles above the springs and on the op posite .eide of the river, started to jwade over to him. The man motioned for him not to try it as it would have been Impossible for; anyone to wade such a tor rent. The boy kep on and soon was swept off his feet. His re mains were found later near the springs. Campers who returned to Eu gene from the springs today say that the boy became frightened when a man playfully threatened to cut off his ears. It Is said the boy hurried ran Into the woods and was not seen again until the moment before he was drowned. Two Severe Accidents Reported to Police f - . ' - Two accidents, both of which reeulted In injury to those in volved were reported to the police ovr the week-end. iOn Sunday Mrs. Edith Grebe o'1906 Sixteenth street, Spokane, reported that while attempting to pass a Portland bus on the Port land road near the aVlley Pack ing company she had been forced "loj gt between the truck ana n Dodge car. In doing so she had hit tlr driver of the truck who was repairing a rear tire and knocked him against .T. R." New ton of Salem. The driver's ankle candidate that se the contest wins this ia son r5LT VV- iirSs5 NETS fl oiite 'ICS5 "v...'r. i " was broken and he was seriously injured while Mr. Newton su. fered slight injuries. The Doi&3 car was driven by John A. Kaker of Hood River who was travelii.g north. Carl Meaty of 872 North Com mercial street suffered minor in juries as the result an accident in which he was knocked from his bicycle by a northbound Commer cial street car. Beaty was report ed to have been riding on tre tracks in front of the car. When he came to D street he is said O have slowed down and attempted to turn west. In doing so he v., is knocked from his wheel. Bruisws were the main injuries. Dallas Man in Jail For- Bicycle Theft DALLAS, Or., July 25. (Spec ial to The Statesman.) Richard Wright of this city was arrested Saturday evening by Sheriff John Orr on a charge sworn out by O. James of the Janes Bicycle shop. charging him with larceny by bai!ee. Wright, it is said, rented a machine from Janes, stating that he was going to tide to Falls City. That was the last heard from him for several days when Janes claims he found out that he rode to Albany where he sold the bicycle. A warrant for his arrest followed, and he was caught by the sheriff upon his return to this city..., , This morning he had a hearing before Justice of the Peace Ed F Coad where he pleaded guilty and was fined ?50 and costs'. ' Kot' be ing able to pay the fine he was sentenced to serve a term of 25 days in the county Jail. S beat nam Score is 8 to 4, With Visitors Taking Lead in Early Part of Game By a score of 8 to 4, the Salem Sonators added another scalp to their colection Sunday when they defeated the Silvtrton nine at Ox ford park. Uettle was the star witness for rSilverton, keeping the local bov guessing despite sme grandstand work by the little Chemawa twiri er. The visitors scored early in the game, running two men -before the Senators knew that there was anyone on the biamond. BOX SCOUR. Salem AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McKenna, 2b 5 1 1 2 1 Reinhart, 3b 5 1 1 0 6 1 Hayes, rf 4 2 2 1 1 0 Nelson, lb 3 0 111 o 0 Knudson, c 4 10 10 0 Edwards, c 4 118 3 0 Miller, ss 4 0 112 0 Holmes, If 4 0 112 0 Dishop, p 4 1 0 0 2 2 37 S 7 27 15 3 Silverton AD. R. II. PO. A. E. Olsen, If . 4 1. 1 1 o 0 Stranahan, lb 4 1 Oil 0 2 McMorris, ss 4 0 0 2 1 o Latham, 2b 4 1114 0 1 Strachan. cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 ' Meyers, rf 4 1 2 0 O'O j Choat, c 4.01710 I Huchart, 3b 3 0v 1 1 4 1 ! Kettle, p 4 0 L&- f 2 3 'Hamilton 10 10 0 0 36 Batted for 4 7 24 12 Buchart in ninth. Summary: Tlome huns, Hayes; two-base hits. Olsen. Hamilton. Edwards. Meyers; strnck out, by Bishop 7, Bettie 6; base on balls Hettle 1; pass ball. Choats;' dropped third strike, Choats; stolen bases, Strachan. McKenna. Reinhart, Hayes. . Nelson, Ed wards 2. Miller. Bishop. Time of game, 1:40. fmpire, Davis. " Favorites True to Form In Annual Tennis Games nOSTOX. July 25. Favorites played true to form today, in the opening matches of the annual singles lawn tennis tournament for the Longwood bowl. Not withstanding the heat. t"he first round and all but two matches in tho scond round were completed. Willis E. Davis of San Francis- U& 7 Epworth League Session Draws Salem Attendance! A number of Salem young peo ple are spending this week at the i Jejferson Epworth League insti tute, held In the' cam) ground near town. 1 Rev. Blaine E. I Kirkpatrh k is one of the Bible instructors for the week and Mrfe. Alfred Bates has charge of the children's teach ing work Alpbetis Gillet??,!. su perintendent of the First Metho dist church Sunday school, is to present teaching met hods. His success as a Sunday school leader isi said to have hardly a parallel in the state. More than a score of young people from Salem are attending, many of them going as an inspiration for itheir life work in some form of missionary ser vice, f The laguers harve a complete tent city, under Careful chaper onage and kept upj in perfect con dition. Ah attractive line of games and social pleasures is be ing provdied, so that whilt it is mostly a week of ?eal study there is still enough social enjoyment to spice it up to tafte. Grand Priv is Won by American Auto Racer LE MAN'S. France. July 25. (By The Associated ' Press) "Jimmy" Murphy of Indianapolis won the Grand Prix of the Auto mobile Club of France today with two other American cars, piloted by Andre Dubonnet, French mil lionaire amateur driver, and Al bert Guyot; another Frenchman in fourth and sixth (places respect ively. Ralph De Palma and Julea Goux in French cars were second and third. Murphy led in af major!tyof the 30 circuits: of the course, making 323 miles in fcjur hours seven minutes and ten feconds, an av erage of 78 milek an hour. Mur phy passed e Pahha early in the race and fought f$r the lead with Chassagne, who drove a French car. until the Frenchman was compelled to drop enteenth lap. out in the sev- Geers Wins Th rd Race On Grand Circuit Tracks COLUMBUS, O., July 25. Four class races fwere contested today in ihe opening jprogram of the Grand Circuit meeting. A slight rain kept Peter Manning 2:02 from afteiiiptins to break the 5-year-old', gielding trotting record of 2:2 j held by Uhlan 1:58 and made on the local track in 1909. j The C. T. Dunkle sweepstakes for 2:08 pacers wias declared off, but two horses being on the ground. Ed. Geers won his third race of the year wheh he put over Wiki Wiki in the! 2: 06 trot after Arion McKinney ! had won the first heat and then wa3 distanced. The 2:18 trot wa split In two divisions. Baroness Hanover win ning the first division in straight heats and Edna Forbes the sec ond after losing he second mile to Great Excitement. Jay Brooks won the 2; 04 pace. Heavy Fines Imposed For Aiding or Selling to Liq uor Smugglers HAMILTON, Bermuda. July 23. The Colonial parliament has just passed a special (law to prevent liquor smuggling! from Bermuda to the I'nited skates. Anyone putting intoxicants aboard a ves sel bound to American ports in curs a fine of 5(. Local dealers who are found to be in connivance with the law-breakers are penal ized and may be deprived of their licenses. . This law, which is now in ef fect, was broughtjabout thanks to i the reckless mariner of carrying on illicit operations during the I past year. Not only were hiding places for booze! in all parts of, jJie ships utilized but the smug glers went so far as to open up barrels ,of potatoes in the hold and insert whiskey bottles. Discovery of this practice led to an outcry from local produce shippers who forefeaw interference with their deliveries entailing de lay and money losses. The Ber niudians were concerned over the possibility of having the liners held up at New York by Federal agents to the pefil of legitimate trade and the interruption of tour ist traffic on whih local prosper ity so largely depends. The recent capture, off the Car olina coast, of al schooner with 4." barrels of whiikey loaded here at St. C gorges, also had its ef fect in hastening! legislation. There are 3C2 jiigh priced em ployes of the league o nations at the headauarers in Geneva. Wonder what they are doing these days? Exchange. I I 0 8 f r-' r J" mi Ta 1 TIB- v " '-- WM-" : -i, , ii, n i ) I I I I - II I fi iiHii" i i -' ' ' "" " - r i if " " ,m MiMii nil Pir WT--nnn III r 7 f i i IT ii1 -TTfc iVIimi r "" A lie:? tnrtnisn hv Aster ws promptly appropriated by clt! and hrs a mild disposition. IS DAMAGED Bf FIRE Three Business Establish ments Unfortunate in Sun day Morning Blaze INDEPENDENCE. Or., July 25. This city was visited by another fire early Sunday morning, when the buildings occupied by Smith & Son as a pool hall and confec tionery store, Mallie & Watkins. barber shop and E. E. Tripp, real estate, was completely destroyed by fire. The buildings were all frame structures and through the he roic work of the fire department all adjacent buildings were saved. For a tim the entire business section of the city was in danger of being destroyed and men were stationed on the roofs of all build' ing3 in immediate danger and with buckets and small hose kept water flowing. Those occupying the buildings sustained a complete loss of their stocks. Smith & Son being the heaviest losers, entailing a loss of about $4000, with insurance of about one-half. The fire is supposed to have started in the barber shop and when discovered by the city nlghtwatch, had gained considerable headway. Funeral of J. H. Moran Is Held at Monmouth INDEPENDENCE. Or., July 25: (Special to The Statesman) The funeral of John H. Moran of Monmouth, was held Sunday afternoon from the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Pace officiating. Mr. Moran had lived in Polk county since 18t2 and lor over 30 years was constable and an Influential business man, being actively engaged in the real es tate business up to the time of his death, which occurred on Thursday evening at his home in Monmouth. For several weeks he received treatment in Salem, but later was removed to his home in Monmouth. Mr. Moran was born in tho state of New York, December 24. II Sir Rjistar TlAnns Governor-General her small son a z a playfellow. The 1S4&, his parents being of Irish descent, and he is 'survived b' three sisters. Mr.- Mary Stine and Mr:. KHen Thorpe of Monmouth, and Mrs. Kate lloaunan, of Spo kane, Wash., besides a brother. H. C Moran, of Brownsville. Or. Mr. Mairan was a member of 'Lyon lodge No. 29, A. F, and A. aiso a raemucr oi .u. o jiu.'ui Arch Masons. At-tho age. of 21 he was raised to sublime "degree of Master "Mason. ! In the death of-Mr. Moran Polk county loses a distinguished citi zen and one of the best known pioneers In this section. Keaney Wears New Hat, And Forgets About It When P, B. Keaney started to the Commercial club luncheon Monday, he said: "Now, be Jarge, Oi'll tak me new hat t him byes Is honest an' they'd niver play a joke on a fel ly." ' Well,' he did it, and they didn't and still when the luncheon was over, there was no hat left. "What kind of a hat was it?" Manager McCroskey was solicitous for his guest. "It was me ould hat that I've thried an furled for manny's the day," said the hatless one. "Well, now, I wonder if this Is it?" and Mac fished a fine new Panama off the rack almost the last hat In. the lot. Why nobody took it, is one of the usolved mys teriesfor good panama hats are fair game all the year around. "Well, now, don't that bato all ! Ol clean forgot that Oi Wore me new lid! What'll ye's have." . If anybody wants a' favor, he might go and whisper Hat!" in to the Keaney ar, and see what he'd get. Silverton Woman III, Is Taken to Hospital Taken seriously, ill at State and High streets while preparing ' to return to her homo in Silverton, Mrs. C. A. -Hartley was yesterday evening taken to the Deaconess hospital. She is reported to bo rallying rapidly frojn the illness. Mrs. Hartley is the wife of C. A. Hartley, manager of ; the Silver ton Food Products company. Which comes first, the- egfr .or the henna? Ask the yong lady who dopes her hair. Printing Time LACING YOUR PRINTING ORDERS IN the hands of a competent printer at the dull time is a matter of foresight for the business man. Now the rush is over, the printer has more time for your work each and every detail of the job gets the proper attention, and the satisfaction shared is mutual. But there is no satisfaction to share if your printer is a printer in name only. He must "be there with the goods" and also deliver said goods. ' Q This company has enjoyed a season of unprece dented prosperity through being able to turn but creditable printing. (J Equipment, up-to-date composition and auto matic press - feeding without the old-fashioned finger marks, is the combination that makes print ing. I Look over your needs; stock up during the "dog days."- A phone call will bring a representative. CALL TELEPHONE FIVE - EIGHT - THREE Job Printing De par t me n t Statesman Publishing Co. of the Seychllles Islands, to Lady tortoise Is several hundred years Finance May Steer General Ec onomic Ad ustment WASHINGTON;!! JttTy 2! Dnxon'con icq b UUH U U I UIVL 1 i ii iiiiii i nil i, .ii . T n Dr A nrRO y I U UL VlflULliLU ) It. . . i corporation , Broadening the po-ers of the war-. , finance corporation, matins it tne: great government agency tor; -bringing about Jh4 nece-sary cco-i nomic readjustments, wni be gested by President IlauHng to morrow in a special communica4 tlon to oongress,! according to forecasts tonight. V '' I -The special letter, It has been , announced, will Heal primarily . ; with the proposed jrinahcial settle ment between the government and, railroads. But. according to" statements by j administration leaders, it prohabjy will go-fur ther and recommenced not only; that the war finance corporation ; take chaTge of the railroad .set : tlement, but also that. It be placed in direct and pj-actically ro5i eharge of farni credits and export ' financing; , I Secretary Hoover : said today that he had recommended such a :. plan and that hlfi recoramenda-i tlon had been approved by Bee re tary Mellon and Eugene Meyer ; Jr., managing dlresctor of the war ,, finance corporatlpfi. 1 " : ' i; Brothers Get 10 Days For Disorderly Conduct U i -4- DALLAS, Or., jfily 25. (Spec- ial to The Statesjman.) Charllat and Albert WIlklerBon "were ari rested- by Sheriff prr late Satur day night on., a .c drunk and disorde large af belnj ly. After fill ing up on moonshine the broth crs went to the home of a friend in the west end jf town where it is Raid they gat Into a. fight Neighbors called n ine orricers. , This mornlng thej were given at' hearing before Po ice Juoge John T Vnrrf nrlwi fikial tliimrttn eacn rot being 4010 to pay the fine they were given a 10 days Jail sentence -1 Read TliR ClaksIHed Ads. If Ta ' " S ' I .III" I i. - . M to. I li ! 1. 1 : J :T 1 I - v V 1