The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    i- t
! I
Invited to S"Ilvroot !
Thw Sellwood Methodist Eplsco
pal church has invited Attn J
Hates,! pastor of the Tualatin and
lWslonvllle Methodist churches to
preach; on Sunday. July 31 at
Sellwood during, the vacation ot
the pastor, Rev. W. S. Gordon.
C'anl of Thanks
We i wish t thank, our friend
and neighbors for their gindness
and sympathy during the ijilneis
and death ot our beloved husband
and father, M. T. Rape. Wife and
children. Adv. j
Two Arrefdedi by Moffllt I
HrK. Engles and a Mrs. Staf-
fdrd. Jioth of ; Independence,, were
arrested Saturday- night by SChiei
Moffltjt for registering in a l-wal
hotel 'under an assumed name
Mr. Elngles was forced to deposit
20 bail for si appearance yester
day and Mrsj Stafford was - re
quired to pay 110. Iloth forfeited
their bail when they failed to ap
pear pe'ore i Judge Itaco at -
o'clock yesterday. ,
turned to Salem yesterday and is
staying at the homo o his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin,
114 SSaglnaw street. Martin s
last -enlistment was served '
tb 80th Field artillery at aCm;
Xiead, Md.
Trouble) Ix.t Agali
C. V. Xeimeyer reported to po
lice Saturday that hia bulldog
"Trouble," fcsd again strayed and
asked the police to keep on the
look-out for the dog. Hr also
reported that someone had stolen
a little red auto from his son
which he described as having n
auto horn, a light, and a patr ot
license tags.
Films In Today
By 4 p. m., out tomorrow at 9
a. m. Tyler Drug Store. 157 South
Coml. Adv.
Three Final Account Accepted
Judge Bushey yesterday signed
final account orders In the follow
ing named estates: John Mumm
estate, C. Y. Mumm, executor;
Mary A. Cowan estate. Joseph It
Albert, executor, and the O. K.
arby estate, ePrry Darby, administrator.
Car Strike Wagtm
H. Lundun of 2425 North Hign
street reported to the police Sat
urday that while driving his car
souths on. the Portland road near
Woodburn he had struck a gravel
wagon The wagon had backed
wiloout giving a signal he said.
and as the! remit he had struck
the rear Ids of th-? horse. The
horse was not badly injured, he
and do every single little thing
that Rotarians can do to show
how round they are.
Visitlne Friends II
Mrs. W. T. Dickey of Lo$ An
geles and suns, Walter and Har
old, arp v'siting hr aunt, Mrr.
Anna It. High in Center street.
Mrs. ickey is a tianghtr of Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. HiBJsaker of Tur
ner and has made her home in
Los Angeles for the la.t 1 5 years.
Htreetj Light Iteporteri Oat
Tb4 street! light at N'ineteeuth
and Kansas streets was reported
to be put Sunday night and a com
plaint was, sent into the police
headquarters.) The matter was
referred to the power house of the
light jcompany.
Returns From Army S'rv it o
After a service of four rears
and six months 1n the United
Mates army, Hugh . Martin re-
Henry Estate Appraised
Maria E. Pruner, Mrs. Angle W.
McConnel and J. R. Ryan apprais
ers of the Olive E. Henry estate
yesterday reported to the county
court that the personal property
of the estate will itemize) al
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catolog on application,
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Worick Kstiate CIomhI
Bert Peebles as administrator
of the C. C. Worick estate has
been discharged from his duties
and the estate declared sttld,
according to an order signed yes
terday by County Judge W. M.
Bushey. I
Card f Thanks
We want to thank the many
friends for their kindness, assist
ance, and beautiful floral otfer
inta. We especially thank the
American legion. Elks, and R'Sg
Optical company ot Portland,
and also Mrs. Hallie Hinges for
her sineine during the last sad
rites of our beloved son, Robert
V. O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. William
0'Nill and sons. Dr. C. B. and
IWlliam L. O'Neill. Adv.
Will Attend Institute
Mrs. S. S. (Heist returned to
her home here yesterday after
spending a nipath with her son.
Rev. A,. A. Heist, .at his home in
Astorfa. ReV.j Mi. Heist accom
panied, her bokne on his way to
Jefferson where he will attend
the Epworth League institute of
the Methodist icharch there..
Will Visit in Portland
Mrs. Maude I Hal vorson and son
left Monday for Portland where
they will remain for the rest of
the school vacation. Mrs. Hal
vorson is a teacher in the McKin
lty junior high school and has
been re-employed for 1921-22.
Dog Wanders Into Station
A small white dog wandered
into the police station Sunday,
end like many other visitors, was
detained. Yesterday he was tak
en into the custody of Walter
Low, city pound master.
Wyndhtun Itur-m Arrested
Wyndham Buren failed to ap-
1 pear before Judge Race yester-
oay to answer jia charge of violat
ing a traffic ordinance and for
feited a $5 bail which, hs had de
posited when 1 arrested by Chief
Moffitt Saturday night.
Fresh List of Government
Needs on Bulletin Board
At Postoffice
Last Times
in .
"The Traveling "
i -
Ilou neatly Estate Filed
K. P. Marcuin was appointed
executor and O. M. Sniderhorn. is
E. Brune and Minnie Richatdi
named as appraisers in the estate
of Rosa A. Beatty. according to
an order signed Monday by Coun
ty Judge Bushey. Real and per
sonal property involved is valued
at $600. Heirs are Mary aJne
Nealeigh. Margery Ann Beatt,
Andrew Moore eBatty, Emily May
Beatty and Walter eBatty, oil
Portland .residents, and '.George
Anthony Beatty. of Hood River.
Persons Secures lMvorr'e
Judg Percy R. Kelly has is
sued a decree of divorce in the
case- ot Howard W. Persona
aga'nst Hclene Persons. Mrs. Per
sons, dereniiant in th? case, did
not appear at. yesterday's be-ar-'ne
Howard W. Persons testi
fied that the marriage occurred at
Seattle, aJnuary 24. 1920. The
counla were separated July
1920. Tersons alleging that he
was not of legal age at the time
of h!s marriage and that his par
ents had not sanctioned the nup
tials. He also testified that hts
wife was flight years his senior
and had obtained the witness who
bad represented Persona to have
attained his majority.
Stolen Ford Is Found
A Ford automobile, wnicn is
said to have been stolen from
William Eetak of this city on
June 12. has been recovered in
Portland, according to word re
ceived by local police.
IjOhps Auto AcceiMirien
D.- P. Scharf of route 8 report
ed to police Sunday that while
he had his car parked qn East
State street near Dreamland rin,
? front cushion, a robe and a
suitcase had been taken from it.
The cushion belonged on the
front seat and the suitcase is de
scribed as being of black leather,
containing working clothes.
Saw Active Service
Corporal Clinton G. .Tuttle en
listed with the United States ar-
Ivseane of Two Jloys Reported
Officials of, the feeble minaeu
school reported to 'local ponce
t. if-mattnTi that will lead headquarters Sunday that uoya
1 I . ,o A T Dlnt.n
tT liraiieT .acii-ry. in, unu jam"
$10 Reward
tyiv in infi nnit was' discharged J .i ntn in i?lpm I 1 had escaped from the institu
irom me ssrvice -iajr " - wonaay r ucouoj "- i , V , , . . .
rHfientA TilediCamera has ZIess-Tessr lens f wearing Kuam iruusns
i . n . j o. , nffltoloi niilKos whiln Rhnten Was
with County Clerk Bover yestcr- aerie. dressed in blue overall, and is
have his heaa cioseiy
" v -v . .j - - - 1 . no
day. Tuttle served overreas with Pnone
said to
i shaved.
Haxtman'i Glasses
d4?& wear them and ee
rhone 1255 1 Balem, Oregon I
the 162nd Infantry and was in the; rmllni in I'roeresi
A. Va r. irum weceinucr xi, vjti auiufi neo ----- i ,
m ii in al. Rteadilv around the new Lausanne ir. Prime Retorts Prowler
ir lZ-::".ZZ hall so that in some places the A prowler which had attempt
V." yiL, 1a d ntl eronnd is almost ready for per- Ud to open the front door of the
rB":rKW: aneht seeling. The work makes Uome of Dr. Prlme of 890 Oak
nf ;;,,na7 ,n. At nresent he live,, a vast improvement in the appear- 8treetf was reported to police
- - I m 1 II J in(V If
at Gervais,, route 3.
ance ol tha building.
Gale to Seattle
Lawrence Gale of Gale & o.
has gone to Seattle to attend th.v
Northwest Merchants Convention
Roolr li-nm New IMrt
Mr. and Mrs. T. . twign anu
little grandson, onald tjoro.i
Bligh returned Monday Irom .1
two weeks visit at isewpon.
Pimrlav nieht for investieation
Officer White answered thecall
but was unable to find the intrud
?I1IITT At his home four miles
eaRt of Salem. John W. Shutt,
Julv-23 at the ageof 70 years
Ha was a E-ovemment harness
maker for a great number of
VctntA KIiowh Gain
Marearet P'eeley. guardian of
Frank Feeley has filed final ac
count of her guardianship, Frank
Feeley haying attained legal a?"
in hor roiinrt. the sruardian states
tint whAn entrusted to her on Oc-
the estate was vai
Reorts Cow Ixose
Fred Ktover reported that one
of his cows was loose and he had
been unable to find it. Officers
were requested, to keen on the
lookout for the animal.
years; Services will he hld at tober V, J! loWUh dSb!S
the Webb & Clough chapel, ued at $7310 50. y,dJ??n"?
feftktra at . ComreUl stmt
Chop atty. boooim
Ohm 11 t.m. to 1
ciai uuu7
TiiAsdav. Julv 26. at 2 o'clock.
Rev. R. L. -Putnam o'flciating
Interment will be in Odd Fel-
Pterv. Services will
be In charge of Webb & Clough
mnt r,f 1330.24 the final sum
turned over is itemizea at
tegular $43.00 Thor vacuum i
Cleaner, Our Price
ttv Court St. mone w
KntlcA to Initratoi
irrigators on flat rate will
hospital I please observe the following rules, owner Dad caught the horse
Loose Horse Causes Complaint
A complaint that there was a
horse loose in the neighborhood
that was doing minor damage was
sent into police headquarters yes
terday by ,Mrs. George Johnson,
445 Meyers street. Officer Birt-
chet was sent to investigate the
complaint but reported that the
t t- praotin t tha !TA I Alt nOUSes DaVlUK CTCii
W Ul V " . .! 19. - fcv n , I
Of 72 years, services win u -1 are limncu " 7 I v ompiains oi itegga!
weanesaay, r nuay au 7,7, ' ' l. j . simerai reported to po
odd numbers n Tuesday. Thurs- iioe yesterday that a man was
day, Saturday ana bunaay. nours begging in the neighborhood of
f Irrlrntln?. 6 tO H a. UJ -. O to
9 n. m. Salem Water, Light &
Power company. Adv.
SulU Cleaned
finita Pressed jr.
Salem Cleaners & Dyers
1118 & Coml St. Phone 1S68
Tu Bprtaf FUatla Odw Tnm
held at the Webb & Clough
rhanpl Julv 2fi at 3:30 D. HI.
Rbv. Thomas Acheson will ofli-
iaA Arraneements are in
charge of Webb & Clough.
In charee of Webb & Clough.
Tnterment will take place in
Odd Fellows cemetery the Re-
bekah and Odd Fellows to con
duct the services.
. i4a$0r...BMlntBSO01
Phone 17S
SAVE $$$
by buying your hardware and
furniture ai ine vapimi
ware & Furniture Co., 285 N.
Commercial street. Phone 9 7 .
Leading Morticians
Funeral Directors
SIahI Front Tii
A Mr. Aitken of Portland seni
in a report to local ponce taiui-
iav that someone had jacKea ui-
hi Tinink ear wnue ue nan i
parted in Salem Friday night and town
y,nA titon a irnnt Lire j rum
left wheel. He gave the number
of the tire as C14S162.
MiU and High rtreete, claiming
that he needed money for an oper
ation. Officer liirtchet was sent
lo investiga ued reported that
the man ha. evidently left the
vicinity. Xo further complaint
of that nature reached the police
during the day and it was be
lieved that the man had left
T? .,n Prnm lirifjsh Columbi
lr and Mrs. O. A. Ols n anu
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson and Mr.
Mr vv.lmer Daue returneit
a.iil - - . . . . . , . . v.
c. frnm a trin into Iirili'i
nninmhin ptvendinz over a perioa serip-tion
ttiriw weeks. Thev made the Oliver Kupper of this city
J & v - . . ... I m r . . .
trip in Dr. Olson's auto, visum,;
all cities and points of interest,
hnvinff a inuruusuijr cwjj"--
Ricjcle Ix?ft on Road
A green bicycle left on the
river road about 3'z miles north
of Salem was the basis for a re
port sent to police headquarters
yesterday. Police reports showed
that the bicycle answered the de-
of one belonging to
A new and imposing list of gov
ernment jebs has just been post
td on the bulletin board at tho
postoffice. They are so hot "they
almost burn the fingers, for they
appeared only yesterday after
noon. There are gasfitters. steamfit
ters, printers, electricians, clerks.
and fully other classifications
of labor called for under the last
sweeping calls. They are classi
fied down so fine that if one s
specialty is the sewing of four-
-ved buttons on the left sleeves
of dark spotted governmental
shirts, one is likely to find just
such a specification. The regu
lations are nothing it not par
ticular. Some of these jobs mlsht be
secured by application for blanks
at the local postoffice. Th'
authorities are in some cases
authorized to paSi on certain qual-
ficatiuiis without the applicant
going to Portland or Washington
or other far-off races. Some
have to be passed on from head
quarters in Washington, but the
posted circulars give most of the
information necessary to get tn?
applicant started.
Some clerks are to be called
for In the Salem postoffice: not
that there is any immediate va
cancy, out tne reserve is aown 10
the point that it would not take
care or an extra rusu line mat
of the holiday season. In many
cases there is little distinction
made in the sex of the applicants.
In Portland the work is enough
specialized, and there is so much
light clerical work that must be
done anyhow, that women clerks
can be used as well as men. But
in the Salem office and others of
like class, where the almost In
variable practice is to start the
newcomers at the bottom, wrestl
ing the mail sacks for the night
runs; it's pretty strenuous work
for most women. The mail sacks
weigh up to-135 pounds or even
150 pounds, and they have to be
handled by one person. It takes
a good, husky man to handle
thses heavy mail bags, and the
examining officers are allowed
the privilege of designating the
sex of those who can be accepted
for examination.
Under the congressional regu
lations still prevalent, the gov
eminent is paying a bonus of S20
a month for clerical jobs that pay
not more than $2400 a ysar. This
brings the clerical jobs up into
the semi-plutocratic class, and
makes Uncle Sam a mighty good
paymaster. With the annual va
cations, and the short hours and
theis cq leave, and the holidays
that are inviolate, federal lobs
ADDOinted bY Governor are at a Premium One never
lias iu uintuuui mn jjujt tuevrv 3
and the civil service makes it
rossible for a man to hold his
lob though he reaches the age of
r laces the total tonnage of cots
tl be, handled al 2 7& tons , Esti
mates f the peach crop of asso
ciation an embers are placed at
"5.000 boxes, apple nearly 40..
U0 boxes, pears.;, 4000. and
prunes 200 tons. -
The Dalles district has 99
members representing over 1100
acres of bearing fruit and vege
table land, and the association
will handle 75 per cent of the
fruit and 35 per cent of the vege
tables in that locality.
New York. Chicago, Boston.
Pittsburgh, naltfmore Cleveland
end Minneapolis markets received
the bulk of the cherry "crop from
The Dalles. 25 car loads ot Royal
Annes and 10 of black cherries
going to these points. An ad
ditional seven cars went to other
markets making a total ot 41
cars shipped during the season.
They carried through well and
arrived in good shape In the
MARION Guests registered
from Portland!: F. H. Story. L.
T. Lovelace. John Mc-Dolph. Miss
K. liersell. Mrs. Word. M. M. Mc
intosh and wife, W. II. Lutz. M.
M. Israel. A. !M. Olcson. C. L.
froyer and wife. D. W. Proebstel.
J. A. Oass and wife. F. A. Albert,
A. Muhdell. W. J. Temby. Miss
O. H. Smith. !p. C. Taylor, Will
T. , Xeill, Sol iRicherbach. C. P.
Ross, H. L. Dickerson, O. 1).
Smith, I). H.l Diamond. G. M.
Locke. II. V. .Walker. Mrs. May
bell R. Reed. C C. Young. T. C.
Taft. j. H. Lyons. Pat Blake. C.
K. Hickman, 0. C. Spencer. E. M.
Cousin, A. H, Lamen, Alva W.
Person. Others registered were:.
Herbert J. Flagg. Olympia: Bur-
fnell R; Ford.pnd wife, Chautau-
pua; L. A. j Drown and wife.
Tleno; L. P. Herman, Eugene; J.
G. Stoce, Cleveland; L. II. Lock
man, Chicago;' Joseph T. Brennan,
San Francisco- F. W. Marks. Eu
gene; K. F. Bloom. Albany; T.
T. Petty. O. K. Lyman, S. Rice.
Pendleton; Wi. L. Campbell, Till
amook; E. Galera. Chicago; Gar
rison Babrock'i Seattle; M. Erick-
son. ban I-ranciscoo; W. F. Kan
dolph, Ashland; B. F. - Salisbury,
Ashland; E. Neuton and fam
Hy, Corvallis. i .
BLIGH W; II. Woodworth,
Armour & Sop, M. E. Shilts and
iamny, Dallas'; Joseph T. Tozier
Portland; Mrs C. H. Snyder, Al
bany; C. D. Harlan, Falls City;
E. F. Js'uttall.f Seattle; C. M. Lee,
Portland; D. L. McConough. Van
couver; PeterlP. Berry. Mill City;
A. F. Brook.; Mill City; LeRay
Ledgerwood, Mehama; S. Z. Wag
ner. Alpine; Willis Harty, Sheri
dan; H. W. Wendele. Marysville
Kan.; W. K. Bukorth, Seattle: C.
F. Miller, Portland; R. E. Bow
er, Portland: W. A. Abernathy
and family. Redding; C. A. Ruff
and family. Redding; A. Wheaton,
Kedding; It. A. Long, Wenafchee;
W. C. Dewey, Portland; Edna
tiessanette. Eugene; J. Radema
cher. Portland.
Wi - i
Indemnity Company Takes
Over Car Donson Stole
Representatives of the Byrd &
Byrd firm of Portland-who are
acting for the International In
dempity company of I--OS Angeles
arrived yesterday trom Portland
and took the Chevrolet car which
Archie Donson, who was arrested
here recently, is said to have ad
mil ted the theft of. The car is
now the property of the Ls An
geles indemnity company as its
original own-r collected from the
company the $600 insurance
against theft which he. had on the
Archie Donson whose arrest
here was a triumph for th9 local
police now faces a federal chars
n the Portland courts. He la I
' ji
of State Kozer
Of $2,252,332.40
Disbursements by the secretary
of state during the month j ot,
June aggregated 2.J52,SJ2.40t of
which check far 153,524.17 were
issued last Saturday, according to
a report filed hy Sam Ai Kotter,
head ot the state department.
These dlsbursemtVita Included
653, 070.65 j from the general
fund. $502.70 jfrom tho federal
vocational aid fund. $1,412,366.5
from the statel, highwaT fund.
$136,652.22 from me industrial
accident fund. S45.6Sl.z irom
the seererated accident Jund and
$4,030.59 from! the rehabilitation
Last Saturday's disbursements
represented 38$ claims, which, is
tot the business ot
department ot the
state's office for a
a fair average
the disbursing
secretary ot
Bingle day.
be tried on a
taking a car
world's record
charge of unlawfully
from one utata into
girl established a
when she mad a
parachute Jump of 15,200 feet
but some of this June brides have
dropped more than- that.' ?
Soda Springs Board is
Governor Qlcott yesterday an
nounced the appointment of Wil-
lard Marks of Albany, A. II. Par
rish of Sodaville and M. D
Shanks of Lebanon as members
of the! board bf trustees to serve
for the purpose of improving Soda
springs and grounds owned by the
state and located at Sodaville in
Linn county, j-
Under an act of the last legis
lature! an appropriation of $M)0
was made for the improvement
of these springs, and the abutt
ing grounds. t
Mr. Parrishj one of the appoint
ees, is a grandson of Thomas
Summers, who made the dona
tion of the sode .springs and land
to the state. Mr. Shanks was for
merly state i senator and Mr.
Marks is a prominent attorney
Oregon Growers Report on
Operations in Eastern
Oregon Territory
was notified of the re-
Wepay 2c above the
market mice for eggs
p . and products
Do yon take
II not. why nott
No other hatha or treatments
ean produce the permanent re
it f to the person suffering
from disagreeable eoia or m-
ments of the fiesn or ooay uae
the Turkish Baths ma.
Open 8 a, m. until 9 p. sa
Lady aAd oenuemea naa-
nttr Pirn lr llanned
"'ft . . , . , in-. Tv
Salem ana Mc.imuuie
tarians plan for a great picnic at
Wheatland Ferry, August a.
Thev wanted to make it 50-50, so
. j ,
ih divided tDe aisiance uc-
tween the two towns and there
thev nroDose to camp. They ex- tn cambol o'er the green.
r!iihr round the festive board.
Reported by Union Abstract
Home Builders
- . . - '! '-.
Take Notice
We can save yon money on
your Plumbing Supplied It
will pay you to come and
ee us about prices. We al
ways hare a mpply of "
i-' -;- .I
TeaU, all met, pneet
V .'very low j
Bargain House
We hay and sell everything
Phone 191
Jit Chemeketa Bt.
When carpets are cleaned
by ns the colors are ongui
ened. the nap Is raised and
the sizing is left untouched.
We kill all moths, and dis
infect the carpet. Cleaning
done either In your house or
in our shop. Call ns up and
let us figure on your clean
ing. We are carpet clean
ing specialists.
Ish Ka Bibble
Cleaning Co..
Ira Mercer, Mgr.
420 Ferry St Phone 1177
Office Outfitters
f Filing
Several thousand square feet
of oen and covered platform are
being added to the packing plant
of the Oregon Growers' associa
tion t The Dalles to facilitate
handling the large fruit crop
The Shell Oil company of cai- there. Vi v;l!
Shell Oil Company Makes
Report to State Secretary
ifornia has eremitted to the sec
retary of state a check in the sum
of $5,022.57. covering the tax on
sales Of gasoljne and distillate by
the corporation in Oregon during
the month of June. The sales'
aggregated 248,138 gallons of
The apricot season is about
half over and the fruit has been
coming in at the rate of 15 to
2 tons a day. M. O. Kvans,
field manager of the association.
2jy Cabinets
U. S. Duplicators
Steel Safes
Adding Machines, etc.
Commercial Book Store
163 N. Commercial St.
Bright; intelligent boys
with bicycles wanted to
carry morning routes.
This is an excellent op
portunity for ambitious
boys to get a start in
business for themselves
and also make some
money for their very
own. -Appty
, Manager
Barney Sitke and Joe Sitks, lot
s. block 4, Cardwell add. t
lem. $10.
Emma and H. G. Sonneman to
BenJ. G. and Annie A. Wells,
one acre in Hubbard. $4000.
Franci3 L. O'Neill to Dora
Foreman, lot 4, block H. Simp
son's add. to Salem, $500. !
Wm. McGilchrist Jr.. to A. J
Griffith, part block 16. Nob Hill
annex to Salem. $70.
A. J. Griffith to Elmyra M.
Thurman, part block 16, Nob Hill
annex to Salem, $10.
Klmyra M. and C. W. Thurman
to Roy Hlggins, part block 1.
Nob Hill annex to Salem. $1.
A. I. Eoff to State of Oregon.
6.12 acres W. Hauxhurst die, 7
3w. $10.
Zenarde Meyers to C. E. Lee. &
acres I. N. Gilbert die, 1-3 w. $2.r
Paul H. and Pauline 15. Hoebei
o Robert George McKay and wife
lots 13 and 14 Rose Acre tract.
Charles F. Bon9 to A. L. BonP3
land in Turner. $1.
J. M. ..nes to A. I,. Hones,
land in town of Turner, $1.
Georf" O. and Gertru-le Rehinrt
ler to C. M. Crittenden and F
Conrand. lot S. block 2 Addition
"A" Woodburn. $1000.
Joseph II. and Jessie D. Albert
to George N. aPtterson, part block
1 Universltv addition to Salem.
$10 and other.
George F. and Nancy O. Peed
tn Gottfried Horn, lots 3 and 4.
block 3. Boise's First add. to Sa
lem. $10.
S. A. snd Anna Ness to Ol! and
Esther C. Solum, land in Silver-
ton. $500. .
Stee T. id Mirirsre aa" to
Alva I Beeson, lot 8, West Hoi
lywood, $662.
Suzanne (in the L.ouvre art gal
lery) There, that is the famous
Venus of Mllo at last. Isn't it
splendid !
Dorothy j Humph. Her waist
and bust measures are twice too
big. No corset made would fit her.
if I
Your Best Friends
Treat Them As Such
Don't abuse or misuse
the greatest friends you
have your eyes! Mod
ern business and present-
day business tax them
severely. Watch them.
They are constantly
changing and weaken
ing whether you know
it or not. Play safe. See
an optical specialist. You
may not need glasses
still, you may. He will
know. You ought to.
Eyesight Specialists
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest, Most Mod
era. Best Equipped Ex
clusive Optical Es
. tabllshment.
Established 18C8
General Banking Business j
Office Hours from 10 a, m. to
S p. m
YOU know folks that live thlt way
never have a cent laid agide get
along very comfortably as'llong as
things go all right but wouldn't you
hate to be always on the verge of a
precipice? ' !
The man who every payday deposit
few dollars to his credit at thj United
States National isn't in constjant fear
of what may happen he has solid
ground under his feet.
Join the ranks of thrifty men
men by opening a savings account here
and wo- If
aft- tggsg
Extraordinary Value in Waists .
$3J98 . ' -(
The realjy wonderful val
ues thati we are giving
you, in feheer Georgette
Crepe da Chine, and Pon
gee Siljc Waists, will
bring ypu down to our
store early in the day.
They were bought by us
at, ad dnder the market
price, and we will sell
them at he LOW PRICE
of $3.98.1 J
Priced for this
Sale at .
The Georgette and Crepe
Waists come in shades of
Pink, Light Blue, Old Rose,
Navy, China Blue, and high
colors. Finished with pleat
ed frontsruffles, and dain
ty lace trimmings. The ma
terials are of good quality.
All Waists are well made.
You will find a full range
of sizes.
Quality Merchandise
There is a Reason lo Pay as You Go
Popubr Prices
- '