The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' . ... Iad Daily Except Monday by
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Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
a wheeze out of the question,
-Whit Is tfce riame of the vice
president, has gone out of busi
ness.! "
t .
Will those who have promised
to furnish articles helping lo show
Salera's Importance as an educa
tional center please send them in
today', if possible. Tomorrow will
do, but it will be too late after
that. !
which will more when merely J fire languages; whereupon I' ha
looked at. Doubtless he is but j office cynic remarked that if th
capitalizing something that is j advertiser repaired Or urovi the
age-old arid has been understood j cynic's car he J nenj a" fit them,
for centuries. Of course then? I Yes!--Lo Aim -1h T iir.s.
is "power in vision. When a j?ir!
has looked at a man ip a certain
The importers of foreign goods in this country and their
attorneys and lobbyists, the free trade theorists, and some
well meaning Americans with a wrong slant, keep saying
that the imposition of the protective duties proposed by the
tariff law now going through Congress will prevent the
European nations from paying their debts to the United
States. : ,
:; They argue that since those countries have no money
with which to pay, they must pay in goods, and if we impose
an import duty which will prevent them from paying in
goods' they will not be able to pay at all
f And they conclude, with oracular finality, that the en
actment of the protective tariff law will prevent the United
States from collecting the billions now due from European
nations and the other billions that will become due in the
form of interest.
1 It may be conceded that ultimately the debts of other
nations to the United States must be paid partly in goods
But throughout practically all the history of the United
States this country, has sold to Europe more commodities
than It; has bought from Europe; the balances in favor of
this country being paid in services of various kinds, particu
larly in the loaning of capital, ocean transportation, the writ
ing of marine insurance, and the entertainment of tourists.
It is; not likely that for many years to come European
countries will perform great services to the United States in
the nature of loaning capital; and itfemains a question soon
to. be determined whether those nations will render great
services in the form of ocean transportation or marine in
surance ) T But it may be safely asserted that in the future as in
the past, and likely more extensively in the future than in
ihe past. European nations will render services to the people
of the United States who travel and sojourn for many pur-
Doses on the other side of the ocean
i And it is conceivable even that these services may be
sufficient to finally liquidate the debts to the United States,
and to keep up the interest till the debts shall have been 11
nallv wiDed out
Bat it is not necessary to conceive such a limitation; for
it has never been the policy of Republican writers of tariff
laws to impose duties that would shut out foreign commodi
ties entirely; or to limit their total volume even for the
free list, in past Republican tariff laws, and in the one now
beincr put through." has been and is long
And the purpose of protective duties is not to shut off
imports, but merely to impose rates that shall represent the
difference in cost of production Jiere and abroad, so that the
American producer will market his commodity in domestic
trade on an equality with his foreign competitor.
i If there be a commodity, for instance, which can be pro
duced for one dollar in the United States but could be pro
duced and shipped over here from Europe at a cost of sev
enty cents, there would be a margin of profit to the Euro.
pean producer of thirty cents on the commodity. That is to
say, if the American producer sold at cost the European pro
ducer could make thirty cents on a seventy cent article by
shippirigjt here. He could put the American producer out
of business by selling at 95 cents and still make twenty-five
cents profit." At that rate European nations could very rap
idly liquidate the debt to the United States, for, in the
face cl that kind of competition American mills would be
closed, American labor would go out of employment and
we would send our money to Europe to make profits for for
eign capital and foreign labor, which profits would be sent
back here to pay of f the debts. That would be payment of
the debt in goods, but at the sacrifice of American industry.
What Republicans propose is that there shall be practi
cally a thirty cent tariff levied on a commodity which can
be produced for seventy cents in Europe but which costs one
dollar to ; produce in the United States, so that if the for
eigner markets his commodity here he must cut his profits
and shall not be in apposition to force the American producer
out of business. To permit the producer of a seventy cent
foreign article to market it here in rivalry with a dollar
American article would not be competition, it would be de
struction. ' , . ' i
The Silurians who argue that
there; will be nb imports rrora
Europe, and therefore no debts
paid by European governments,
because the United States is fix
ing duties to represent the dif
ference between costs of produc
tion in this country and European
countries, are invited to wait and
watch. The imports will con
tinue the duties paid on them
will help to reduce federal taxes
in this country, : and, still more
important, our fountry will re
fuse to allow out industries that
must compete with Europe to be
killed by a competition that
would drive thejm to the wall.
That Is all there is to it, and all
there; will be; and foreign prod
ucts will continue to come to th's
country in larger volume than
ever before, owing to the larger
ability of our people to buy, be
cause! of their protection against
stifling and ruinous competition.
way hasn't his heart commenced
to pound at double pressure? !f
a fairy can do that she ought to
be able to make a pinwheel spin
by a concentrated stare.
to his broccoli, and he will be g
to pa?s the trick on to any grower.
Th-re must W away above -''
acrs of broccoli juowin? in U H
.Salem diFtrict--perhaps $2.",0.,Mto
worth t in tViruary
d he will be glad j March next, if all goes wen. i eai
will be &orng sumt?, for the rm
Year or an jnausiry aeveiuys!
- i . t - ill n
a st-jn, , 11
crease many fold next year, it the
present crop does, as well as -t s
or DO..stii
VSH a - m m w- w t
tight in their way. according to
the heal h authorities, but a mor
ning breakfast of bam .and eggs
jrets us over the rough places ia
the day's work. Los Angela
Henry Ford is maintaining hi
reputation as a price-cutter. Hp
has reduced freight rates 20 per
cent on the railroad he controls
However; as he is by far the larp
est shipper, he is still the chief
beneficiary of his own gener
osity. The average is- preserved.
Hugo Stinne-s. tHe industrial
colossus of Germany, is said to
own or Ctriiarol ho les than 13 1i
industrial corporations. If h-?
naintain.-; his, gait Ij-e wi'l nave
our Rockefellers WOkms like a f
icroup of peanut peddlers.
.THE priiLic KUXDS.
The Russian admin!stratlon has
been paying bills of 15.000 rubl.s
a month for feeding a pet cat in
one of the soviet departments.
This is the first evidence of ten
der felines the Comnfunists
have shown. Has the auditor
seen the cat? '
Sure England will pay its war
debt. It may take a couple of
thousand years, but did anybody
ever hear of Dritannia weldi
Th0 movement for the protec
tion and preservation of husbands
Is extending. Ajjury has decreed
life imprisonment for Mrs. Cath
erine Kaber at iCleveland. It is
not contended that she slew her
husband. She! merely hired a
crew of assassins for the job.
Some! time ago j the circumstance
that a woman j had grown tired
of her husband or preferred some
body else would have been ampl?
justification for blowing out his
brains or carving him into shreds
Seeking a job repairing or
driving a car, an advertiser in
The Times yesterday said, as an
added qualification, that he spoke
but tlie temper
different and
of the time is now
almost any jury
will give a husband a run for hi-
money. The wife may not evei
employ a croup of black-hander3
to dq her bloody work without
sharing in all its hazards. It is
a great triumph for justice when
the juries decMe that a woman
may not massacre her husband
without justification. Los Ange
les Times. j
of the island
a dusky little
own. ' Bohol
A pewspaper correspondent ac
company in g General Wood's peace
party In the Philippines describes
300,000 Or more inhabitants
of Bohol as having
paradise of their
is in the straits
north of Mindanao and is just
about the size of Rhode Island.
The people have all the rice, co-
coanuts and bananas they want.
The temperature is not too hot
and It never freezes. The inhabi
tant can easily assemble the
clothing which an amiable na
ture iProvides them. They don't
need j very milch, at that. They
raise; their owjn tobacco and they
make their own wine. They are
perfectly satisfied with the ad
ministration of Uncle Sam. What
more; can be asked?
Aa . w take it, the ? Japanese
government is afraid that the in
ternational -disarmament confer
ence is. loaded. -Exchange.
General Wood Is .likely, tolac
cept the governorship of the Phil
ippine Islands, i This is a job hs
can get without any preconvention
financing, Los 1 Angeles Times. -
The Turkish' national govern
ment of Angora has . demanded
the abdication of Sultan Moham
med VI.. But ths old rascal is bo
hard of hearing. . .;
William Howard Taft, the new
thief Justice of the tnlted States
supreme court, will taks his seat
at the October- meeting .of the
court Tatt will go down in his
tory as baring disclosed the un
usual and Admirable - citizenshp
that enlisted the: opposition of
Anamat, SI. Joint pirnie
of H.lcm and IfeUtaavill btuiw U
Johnson, Borah, La Follette and
Tom Watson. That is enough o
enshrine Taft in the hearts and
minds of his fellow countrymen.
Thl Is the season pt the year
when they have tornadoes back
east and impale, the cows on the
church spires. Let us giye thanks
that we are out of the tornado
Americans as a rule are ; not
given to bragging. They slmpiy
want to Bee things done in the
United States Better than in any
other eountrv in the world. This
Is certainly laudable.
American tourists in France are
being mulcted mercilessly by the
profiteers. They ought to have
remained at home and "seen Am
erica first.' especially the won
ders and beaities of Oregon.
It appears that, although Eng
land is owing this country $4.-
500,000,000, o!ur war department
is paying th British government
balance of 133,000,000 in cash
for' the transpbrtatlon of Ameri
can sildiera to France. Naturally
it is explained that this is a mat
ter of bookkeeping. Under th
war jcontract Uncle Sam agreed
to pay so much a head for tak
ing the American soldiers across
In British ships and this was the
balance still remaining in that
account. The fact that Great
Britain is owing us a few billion
dollars which We may never get
make's do difference in this set
tlement. It is red tape and book
keeping and therefore sacred.
Tl Chautauqua's ! the thing.
It's t!;p pr-at educational insti
tution brought t tif people
The Orpgon Growers Coopr
tivefis5f.Hattr.n sbld two cdrs
of loganberries at j4 cents a
pound, and peveral lots in i'oit
land at 4 Vi cents a pound.
The P.its for Breakfast man will
vniture tlu prediction that ot,r:ir
berries a little .higher
next ear; also, that growers will
bp able to make contracts at a
higher average pricn than ' bar
rulftl 'or the berritsi th's yar.
Th ' country will get th taste tl at
lingers in larger measure ihij
year than ever before, and the
market will te on expanding.
Two people applied to The
Statt-sman f f i- yesterday, watt
in? to buv lO.'Mnj to ;1 .1,000 hrxr
roM plants. Hut th?re are none
for sale, in any such quantity .
and very few in arty quantity.
Thcv should havf gotten the fever
V. V. Runcorn, at 19!'" I'air
Grounds road, has a (few broccoli
plants that he will Isoll or give
away. Mr. Runcorn juses a pota
to planter in applying fertilizer
xmkizi 4 Jsa m Pi? S-r-i - vi-w.'- )Pv
walrvf mms-. tzsmp meal
The new sugar coated Jhr:
' . arv V VAl
mw . w a m 1 a m -
io mi i III n - 1 ;-w w
55 fmA AoMrXrwy nnn0Pfnth
-1 lavorea sircar jacKei arouna
peppermint flavored cbewin cum
that will aid your appetite and dices
tlon. polish your teeth and eclstea
your throat. B122
Lenine's future is more uncer
tain than was ever the future of
a Russian emperor. With a wil
derness of blood and horror be
hind; him. with a highly volcanic
soil trembling beneath his feet
and jwlth clouds of inky black
ness j Telling tys future, few hu
man beings have ever been en
veloped in more tragie menace
and I mystery than this prosaic,
common-looking man. Outlawed
by every government, anathema
tized by every church, cursed by
his millions of victims, he can
never leave Russia alive, he can
not Stay In Russia and live. Ar
k an saw Thomas Cat.
This London scientist who
claims to have discovered a source
of power in the ray of vision from
the jhuman eye. may , not be so
much of a wonder,' after all. He
0 '
Is Attraction Men from
Far ami Near
Special Attention Will be Given to the Better Grades Such as Hart, Schaffner & Marxi
Michael Sterns and David Adlers Suits, Models lor Men and Young Men in Light and Medi-
uui vraguis, uiciuuing jurE,nure oiock, ivotning Keserved.
Following Are The Reductions
$30 Suits at j $23.95
The activities of Calvin Cool
idge are each, that the old-fash
lonei hnmorlst .who used-to get.xlaims to have perfected a device'
$35 Suits at $27.95
$40 Suits at $31.95
$45 Suits at! $35.95
$50 Suits at $39.95
$55 Suits at $43.95
$60 Suits at $47.95
$65 Suits at $51.95
Broken Lines From Regular Stock Suits
That Were Regularly Sold at $30, $35, $40,
$50 and $55.
Select From This Lot at
r r it
70 Suits atl $55.95
Oregon Cassimeres, ages 9 to 17 years, were
$10, $12.50 and $15. Buy them now at
Regular $12, $13 JS0, $15 and $lo
Special While They Last j
Five More.Days
Count them
nil tnJil
1 UudD
i mm
Sale Closes Sat
urday, fuly 30