The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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V - ' ' A W aa.aeaV Mr A. A W Jk 4.V 1 V ft. jf V- A. aVS AM4
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ACTv -i. T a . . U,I" ."nus. 10 .vir. Amos Mnitn, Rfllf lirinT 1111. 1
i . -If A "Ve -J- BV. 4 -Vk. T-TT A V W -V
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Henchly and
r,on, o' Fullerton, Cal., are visit
ing at the home of Mr. Lenchley';!
aunt Mrs. E. C. Cross. They mo
tored from California coming by
way of eastern Oregon, through
the McKenaie Pa3a, and expect to
remain 10 days or two weeks.
They expect to return through
th-5 jWUlarnette, Umpo,ua and
llxjup river valleys.
Mis Helen Snyder Stnd Miss
lla McCain of Corvallia are vis
iting with Mis8 Iren Curtis this
I ' I ;
Mrs, L. G. Cui-.-s, Mrs. Hattie
Alien and Mrs. AV, W. Taylor
have returned from Long Peach.
Wash . onth-s Columbia river,
from a two we,eks" outing. Mrs.
Alien visited with her son, C. H.
Allen who 'is the proprietor of the
Long Peach bath house.
Mr. andi Mrs. pan J. Fry, Sr.
Six Week Bummer Term
June 20 July 29
Salem School of Expression
147 N. Commercial St.
Phone 1484J
125 N. Liberty St.
' Summer Excursion
i Rates
To Eastern Points Through "
Tickets on sale June 1st to August
15th inclusive. Limit three months
from date of sale, with final return
limit October 31st. For full particu
lars write, telephone, or call at office.
E. E. Penn, General Agent,
Passenger Department,
55 Third St., Portland, Oregor
- I " . j
iTlie World's Greatest Playground
anil Museum of Natural Wonders
Magnificent hotels and commodious camps? 300 miles of!
Improved highways;, all In the midst of .matchless scenery.!
Its hotels are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty!
little tent villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order,;
comfort and simple, informal living. An ideal place, for!
vacation, pleasures. Send for our beautifully illustrated book-;
let telling all about its wonders in word and picture.
' ' t
Operated DAILY during, the season between
By the
- .
Commencing Saturday, June 18, Leaving Portland 5 :00 p.rai
Jt oar rpr.nenUtivcn explain the tbt
ioiu tonn which roablA Tiitor to ce
th" . VrllowHtono no comfortably nt t
miniranm ront; p'o ipioto fr", prepare
your itinerary nd make your reserva
tion. J. If. ft'NEtr.Ti, Traveling rsmcT
Afnl, with hvart'iuaMem at 7t Wrlla
Jareo busline Portland, will h e!al
t jwraonally on anyone wikhine to
uit Yfllawatonp, and arrant all de
tails.' lrop iiim a card or addrcsa.
WU. MrMlTtRAY. Ornrral Tasftcnscr
- Agent, I'ortlandf Oregon
Orris Fry nrul Pripcilia Fry, Mr.
and .Mrs. H. V. owning, -Mr. ar:d
Mrg. .1. H Cra'n air! daughter.
Iternifc. Mr. and Mr.-. Henry oPi
snl. Mr. arid Mr.. A. T. Wain. Mr.
and Mrs. K. i!:n ti y. and SaT.
K'ifne tormed a pi: n c party w jh
spent Sunday at Mcfcaina.
The 0 T. Pr family arc
spf-ndint; ; week's f Isliing an ! out
ing trip a! th"- Huiiinu-r home :ol
his brother. J. T. Price .eor Hu
gene The r:. mp is situaP'd ion
the upper McKenzie river. :
Mrs. W. O. Alien returned from
Newport to spend a few days j In
Salem. Shf will return to their
turamtT cottage In a few day. :
Mr. and Mr.-. William Everett
Anderson returned Thursday from
a two wee'is trip to tti- I'u?t
sound eountry. They visited Mrs.
Anderson's sister, .Mrs, J. A. Ford
in Tacoma.
Miss .I-ssie Thompson is tho
Sliest of Miss Lillian Auld of Ku
gene thi. week.
Dean and Mrs. George H. Alden
have been in Eugene and Alban
the past few day3. Mrs. Alden; is
on business for the missionary so
ciety of the .Methodist churph.
and Mr. Alden is representing
iWIIanrHte university, of whlen
he i3 dean of the college of lit
erature, science and arts. ',
Mrs. E. . Ludden and little son
Dennett of Klamath Falls and
Mrs. H. H. Ragan of Portland,
have been house guests of Mrs.;E.
L. Meyers of North. Center street
tor a week. ' i
Mrs. G. W. Lewis or Counci!.
Idaho, la visiting with Mrs. H.'C.
Stover and other Idaho friends
for several days.
Announcement has been re
ceived by Mrs. Linn Smith jot
South Commercial street, of tha
mar r lace of her sister. Miss Bcr-
di42 Yantis, to Mr. Amos Smith,
at I the home of Mrs. . E. Yant's.
in j Peoria. III., Saturday, July It.,
at 1 1 1 a. in.
Mi3s Yantis is well known here.
Shj2 is also the aister ot lava Yan
tlsj of Pt. Lru-3. Mo., ard a tv t.
s'sjer of Mrs (Jr-ortf (Ja-lir or
o, NT. I)., who are f.oth wfU '
iTTipwil. her?.
Ilvjed hero at
the farn! v having i
one time. !
Mrs. G. (,. I!;ngham has bee-;!
in Portland the past lev da vs. ;
jurs. .1 A PishoTj 3.r.d dau?ht'-rj
Hazel lia'.f just returned lv:n .
Mrjunt Rainier Natiorr.l park.!
'A'i-h.. v, ii'-re they hnve b"f-n !
easnping and sight-slug, for th'j
pajit. two weeks. They r ;)'Tt a j
veifv pP-a: ant outing. j
i j
r. and Mrs. Mark Tarkin.hg
to. Mr. and Mr3 (lrr;ver Power.-;,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernard!.
Mrp. Gene Pomeroy, and Jess1"
Kuippert. formed a party who
spent the week-end on a combined
fiFhing and outing trip, at Alsea.
and nt-ar Five Rivers, toward the
.judg" and Mrs. Henry L. Pc-n-
sor fre spending a
Shfpherd Springs,
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mri and Mrs R. C
few davs at
Wash., thi
A. lternardi.
Crcsiel. Mr,
ami Mrs. K. Donaldson, tormed a
M?hirig party who spent the week
end on the Blue river, near Scio.
Friends of Mrs. Theodore
Arentz of Portland, will be sorry
to jlearn of the serious illness of
Mrs. Arentz' littli son. Norman.
Helhas had dipthria and has been
'n a critical condition, but Is now
thought to be out of dang-er Mr3.
Arentz formerly lived in Salem.
.Joseph A. eVecmon, of San
Francisco, will arrive in Salem
tomorrow to he th-? guest of his
sister, Mrs. John Jlayne and fam
ily,! for a week. Thi? will be a
pleasant occasion for the brother
and sister, being their first meet
ing; in nine years.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Parton,
iMsp Lucille Barton and Miss Lu
lu R. Walton sp?nt ths week-end
last1 week in Portland. Damascus,
and on the Columbia River high
way. They visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Dallas of Damascus, and
Sunday they spent on the Colum
bia ; River highway, enjoying a
picnic dinner at Kasle Creek
camp, on the Columbia.
Miss Lulu R. Walton leaves to
morrow for Breitenbush springs,
where she will spend the remain
der of the summer.
Chadwick Social club, Order o
the Eastern Star, will hold one of
their pleasant afternoon meetings
today in the Masonic club rooms.
Hostesses are Mrs. C. A. Lytle,
Mrs. W. C. Knntner. Mrs. Eugenia
insmore. Mrs. Ella Royal, Mrs. Lo
retta May.
Mr. Henry Johnson of,
la., and his daughter, Miss Char
lotte Johnson, a nurse of Chicago,
111., were guests last week of the
Charles Parker, and Re.v. H. E.
Pemberton families. Miss John
son and Mrs. Pemberton were old
college friends.
Mrs. W. G. Allen is spending- a
few days in Salem this week. The
Allen family are . spending the
summer at Newport, where they
have a Cottage, having been there
almost a month already.
Mr. andMrs. William Hartmai
of South Liberty street, and
neice Violet Peters left this week
to spend an outing of a week ai
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Connell of
Portland, are spending a few days
with tho R. 1). Gilbert family ot
North Liberty street.
Members of Salem chapter.
Eastern Star, will join in an al
ternoon ' entertainment in the
Masonic temple here today. A
special program has been arrang
ed and refreshments will be
served. Members of the commit
tee in charge urge that all mem
bers of the chapter attend the
State Stenographers Go
On Trip to Alaska
Miss Violet We(born. stenog
rapher in the offices of Governor
Olcott; Agnes Bayne, clerk in the
state corporation department;
Mildred Trindle, Salem teacher;
Mabel Savage, stenographer fn the
offices of H. S. Gile & company,
and Mrs. Ethel GIttins, stenog
rapher in the state corporation
departtmnnt, will leave here Fri
day for a vtrip to Alaska.
They will sail from Seattle on
the Steamer Spokane, and will
be gone for about 10 days.
daaint carry ASS M IJ
bomt and waiat fa -waaura
(otm clotkiac) mm ra
amd yoo for trial. Pnataiw pempmUf
PwK.W arrirTac Wrw f ffc
Adele Garrison' Now Phase of
co.Mi;iy .?K.-:r) madge.
'!:'- l quetr thing ibout that
: lr h ! ne.' Al oe Molcornbe said
t ef leetivo!y. unconsciously ans'"r
in my mental query as explicit
ly as :f ! nad e!ethed it in words.
"T'.jt? cird v.ct, pulled away iro:n
the a?o as ;t some one had yank
ed it from its connect' on. Ken-'
n"th thinks Miily might have
grasped W as she fell it is right
n?ar the tpot but of course, no-,
body kn --w.-; how it happened."
"SSut that pi'i ni; a ruost p'.aus;-!
hie so'ution." I said eagerly, de- j
lerminea to tiue the ainust cer
tain knowledge I had that the tej-
phon cfird in Kenneth' St Cam
bridge's home had not been jeri:
ed oift by h',3 wife's struugles. but
earlier when soniethting sinister,
threatening, had peremptorily
stopped her abusive language.
"Yes. it doec." she returned in
differently, and I saw that the in
cident of the telt phone disconnec
tion was but a minor detail to her,
that her brain and heart wore Tull
of some other phase of the trage
dy she was re'ailing to me. In
another moment she had given ag
itated voice to her fears.
But th-? thing that frightens
me most of all is Kenneth's com
mand to you and me to keep away
from him." she said, eyeing me
wl'.h an oddly furtive air, as if she
wished ti wrteh my reception of
her statement.
Mr. Stockbridge's Message.
"Suppose you tell me just what
he said." I answered quietly.
"He onlv sDohe to me once the
whole evening," she returned
obediently, and then he seized an
opportunity when the others were
so engaged that there was no one
within possible hearing.
" 'Alice.' he said, and his voice
was so mournfully solemn that it
chilled me. 'I must tell you some
thing quickly and you must pro
mise to o'.ey me blinrtly, for f
haven't time, even if I could, to
tell vou the reason for my request.
Neither you nor Mrs. Graham
must come to see me or try to
communicate with me in any man
ner until I give you leave. I
shall nt return to school for a
few days' he hesitated so pddly
when he said that 'and you must
carry on the work jointly as best
you can. I will transmit any
mesage for you through tho
school board. Now, understand. I
want you both to go to the home
of Milly's parents, send flowers
and do anything you can to show
your respect for her. But I must
be taboo for both of you for a
time. Tell Mrs. Graham to keep
those records of mine until I send
an accredited messenger for
them. She will understand what
I mean.' Do you?"
"I I Am Afraid."
Sh'? hadn't meant to ask me the
question; it had burst from her
irfadvertently. and I could see that
she was unconsciously harboring
a feeling- of jalous resentment be
cause of the fact that Kenneth
Stockbridge had entrusted me
..-; . v. .. kvc .Vttr.v Tif knew
"Oh, surely!" I returned care
lessly. "Wo were discussing the
work of my classes some weeks
ago, and he was kind enough 10
lend mo a number of papers
had compiled concerning those
particular branches. You know
how methodical he was about
those things. I suppose h wish
ed to send me a reminder to tak
care of them, or else feared
might iaaovertently return them
at this time when for his own rea
sons he doesn't wish to see us.
As I saw my fri?nd'n face un
consc:ousty brighten at my rare
full v concocted excuse I said to
myself grimly that I was fat Be
coming a champion falsifier. But
there seemed to be no other
course open to me. 1 coftldn w
break faith with my unhappy prin
cipal lest th's woman ho lovoJ
so devotedly guess the secret
which he had kept from her for 5o
manv weary years.
"I wish I knew the meaning or
it all." she said drearily after a
moment's pause. "I I am so -afraid
but I mustn't think i
that. But one thing is certain.
Millv must have left some mes
sage about us. done something in
her crazv jealousy, or l.e would
n't have s-nt us this caution.
What -do you think?"
(To be continued)
(Special to The Statesman) Mrs.
Guss Miller and children, and Mr.
and Mrs. Hart, parents of Mrs.
Miller and "her brother, have just
returned from the summer vaca
tion spent at Netarts.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattison and
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Irvine, motor
ed Neskewin Sunday, to spend the
day with Charles Irvfne and fam
ily, who are enjoying their vaca
tion there.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Gillisp'e and
son Franklin, of Centralia, Wash,
who motored here last week for
a few days' visit with their daugh
ter. Mrs. Walter Smith, left this
morning for their home. The
Gillispie's were former residents
of this citv.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Walker left
Sunday for a fortnight vacation
at Spokane, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Drexler,
who have been spending the sum
mer with Mr. and Mrs. Keelan
of Portland, returned home Sat-
companied them and remained for!
an over-Sunday visit, leaving f or ;
their Portland home today.
D C. Andrews and family and
Mrs. Anna Andrews of The Dalles,
were Sunday guests at the W. J-
Clark home on Sixth street. The
..... j !
f. '-.-. - ...... ..... . I I
; I - I I j
j : ii - I j' '
i:' 1 - - - 1 11 -f
Miss Agues M. Craig, valiant battler against rent profiteers has
announced her candidacy for the bench to succeed Judge Robert C.
Ten Eyck of New York. If she succeeds in her fight Bhe will b the
second woman magistrate in the metropolis.
Andrews and Clark's were former
residents of Bedford.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carbray,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark, and
two sons Bob and Horace, motored
to Eilendale Sunday where they
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Eakin and District Attorney
Helgerson. They were joined at
Dallas by Mr. and Mrs Hort Eak
in. A featlre of the day was an
enjoyable dinner, a swim in the
afternoon and a fine catch of
mountain trout.
C. L. Stidd of Portland, field
manager for the Union Savings
& Loan association, was in the
city several; days last week, calling
on old friends and visiting rela
tives. Mr. Stidd formerly lived
SILVERTON. Or., July 25.
(Special to The Statesman)
Mark A. Paulson of Portland
spent the week-end as a guest at
the M. G. Gundeison home on
Church street.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Bolie, July: 19, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Welch, who
have been visiting at- the Einar
Anderson home on Paradise road,
left for their home in Nebraska
Mrs. Axel Larsen, who has been
spending the past two months
with her mother, Mrs. I. Gopher
ud. lef tfor her Montana home
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tintdesiad
and daughter, Helen, of Jefferson,
passed through Silverton Sunday
morning enroute to Wil'noit
Sprinps. They returned Sunday
evening to jit tend the pipe organ
concert given at Trinity church.
Pi of. and Mrs. Charles Swen-
xon of Portland were week-end j
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. G un
dersoil. I
Prof, and Mrs. Oscar Tinglestad
of Dceorah, la., who are visiting
the former's parents, Mr: and
.Mrs. B. Tinglestad on Center
sire-e;, made a motor trip to Bel
linghsm. Wash., last week. Pro
lessor Tinglestad returned to Sil
vertOn yesterday to prepare for
his return to Iowa. Mrs. Tingle
stad will visit a short time longer
with Washing-ton relatives.
Miss Henricksen Honored
At Dinner for Friends!
SILVERTON. Or., July 25.
(Special to The Statesman)
Honoring their daughter. Miss
Dora Ilvriricksen, Rev. and Mrs.
George Henricksen entertaiired at
a luncheon yesterday.
Covers were laid for the fol
lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Johnson, Miss Olga Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. 0. J. Moe, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Funnie. Mr. and Mrs. M Gil
bert Gunderson, Mrs. O. Paulsen.
Mark Paulson, Prof, and Mrs.
Charles Swenson, Miss Dora Hen
ricksen, Miss Louise Henfickson,
Miss Esther Lowe and-.Rev. and
Mrs. George Henricksen.
Sustar Appeal Must Be
Delayed by High Court
The case of Peter Sustar. now
serving a term of six months in
1 he county jail hre for having
liquor in his possession, will not
be heard by the supreme court
prior to the August vacation. This
was announced yesterday by Chief
Justice Burnett. Sustar original
ly was arraigned before County
Judge Bushey. pieaded guilty and
was fined $5O0 and went to jail
for six mqnths. He then appealed
to the circuit court, with the re
sult that Judpe Bingham affirmed
the decision of the lower court.
Following; Judge Bingham's de
cision tho case was taken to the
supreme court for final determi
nation. '
, Ambassador Herrkk has lii
received with bra von .by the en
thusiastic.!. French capital. Quite a
change from a half -century aro.
when Myron T.mothy Herrick
mdo his living peddling bells in
the western reserve of Ohio. Some
of the bejls now calling the har
vest hands to dinner in that what
belt were sold by the present am
bassador J
Former Practicing Dentist of
Salem Succumbs To
Burns in Explosion
Dr. W. W. Condns, at one lime
a member of the Oregon state den
tal board, and for 15 years prior
to 1 8 8 a practicing dentist in this
city, died in Mexico City Sunday
the result of burns sustained
through the explosion of a gaso
line torch on July 7, according to
a telegram received here.
Dr. Condris was known in all
sections of Oregon. He was a
member of the Salem lodge of
Elks. Lhriners and other fraternal
organizations. During his resi
dence in Salem he took an active
part in all chic matters, and held
a number, of honorary offices. .He
was about 5 5 years of age and is
survived by a widow and two
daughters. One of his daughters
is married and resid?3 in Mexico
Reports from Mexico Ciity indi
cate that the dentist was working
in his laboratory, when a gasoline
torch exploded. His clothes ig
nited and ho was terribly burned,
lie was taken to a hospital for
treatment, but s:radually grew
weaker until Sunday when he
Cupper is Invited on
Trip With Engineers
Percy Cupper, state engineer,
lias received a telegram from I).
!'. Henney, consulting engineer or
tho United States reclamation
sere!arna;ion service urging that
he accompany a party of foderal
representatives on a t.ip of in
spection over the entire Deschutes
ii ngaiion project. It was said
that A. P. Davis, director of the
j rclamution service had agreed
to make tfle tour. He resides in
V. as hi pgr on.
The Deschutes project is one of
the largest irrigation program's
now under development in Ore
gon, and includes many thousands
of acies or valuable agricultural
Calavan Returns to Salem
After Inspecting in Sev
eral Counties
.1. E. Calavan, industrial field
work' r ir'-m the '-tat d- nartnient
01 (.'Miration. returin-d yest-rday
uftcr a trip to Washington, Clat
sop, Yamhill and Columbia couu
ties cinctinz and investigating
the boys' and girls' club work.
Mr. Calavan said good work
was being accomplished in sewing,
rookery, poultry, pig and calf
raif iiig a Waluski. Ft-rnhill, Ves-;
per. Brownsmead. Lvwis and
Clark. Knappa. and Silvindale
sch-'ol districts in Clatsop county.
A county-wide picnic will be
held at PrdwnrnieRd August
The program will consist o( dem
onstrations, stock judging by the
club memb'Ts. a dinner and ad
dresses by prominent people from
various sections of the state. Mr.
Calavan isited thf 100 per cent
Tic-ard rabbit club at the home of
E. t. Traffit-r. Mr. Traffiter 13
thr- P-ndr of the Tigard club. He
is a rabbit fancier and has about
pure bred rabbits and gave
iluir oral re:-sons !or Cue placing.
Aft r the jKli:icr Mr. and Mrs.
TraifiUT c.:ve tli-m a banquet.
Each of the 1 i -nemh'T;.- gave a
Bhort talk and al! joined in snap
py yells.
Six of the eight members of the
Island school blub in , Yamhill
county have nearly completed
The W ell Dressed Woman
ny r.i.ow f wa$, ,
Star la iSnttiMaat ricturea, '
Th ve4cu ar agmfn the, rogtte.
I think thy Vary iu style to eutt all
the ti.rr.ra: Uotks aicce time -De-came
a m.vCar of self -determination
In every town and hamlet the coun
try over.
This spring -the very last wordj In
pendast fashions was to string ypur
pendast ra a silk cord to match your
frock, or maybe aa Invisible on of
flesh color, and nowwhere are
those cords? Gone like last year's
roses, leaving never a trace.
Beads arc good, as they tare been
three projects, in sewing, cookefy
and home-making. Heatrits
Crane, one of tha member.
takinr tin r-nnninf hor fourth nrt
ject. Much credit is due this clu
tor its splendid efforts, according
to Mr. Calavan.
The clubs at P.irknfeld. Clai
skanie. Yankton, St. Helens arjd
Soartrtonse f'nlnmhia ennntv. are
finishing some good work In sey
tk f-olfrv rinnltrv rahhit.
calf, pig and garden projects. SeV-
erai or tnese1 ciuns- win compie
their work 100 per cent.
Attractive Garden Party
Is Enjoyed at Silvertqn
SILYERTON. Or., July 25. 4
( Special to The Statesman) 4
Quite the event of the week wis
th garden party held Saturday
afternoon and evening by the St.
John's league on the epacioes
lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Micheal Olsen at East Oak arjd
Mill streets.
One of the features of the gar
den is the enormous walnut tree,
from the branches of thia add
other trees lanterns and flowers
and fern baskets were hung. Ta
bles were placed here and thee
under the trees. Ice cream and
cake were served. The-proceejl
of the evening were $47. I
Grande Ronde Oil Firm
Files Corporation Pape $
The Grande Ronde Oil company
with a capital stock of $10,000,
has been incorporated by I). 3.
Fletcher, A. G. Fletcher and
Clinton H. Hartson. Headquar
ters will be at La Grande, Unin
county. j
The Bean Gap Cranberry com
pany, with headquarters in Port
land, has filed notice of dissolu
Supreme Court Justices
Preparing for Vacation
: - - !
The supreme court will adjoutn
some time Friday for tho monjth
of August, according to announce
ment made yesterday. j
Chief Justice Brown will fe-
You Can Be
Lyko brihgs the happiness
wmcu .nasiu Botirce in good heaJtni
HaDninesa and hnlth miU anJ
woman con tented and tendtomakd
her more attractivemore mag
netic in her personality, fcykq
ttta and tones thr body ftoiihoaJlbmaanl
- - - ' i ' . .. .
TM Qrca! Coeval Tonk
Lyko keapa a woman
looking rcuufr by k-epinr!
too tKKliiy I net ton. ib mc-
trial condition. It ia a rr-tl
aid ia removing waitra(H
U-r arwl totve- ud the dirst-l
ivcomiw. Ko woman nMtrf!
look or fl oi-t beyond bcrl
wbrn a taxativatooiej
like Lyk ran be pnr-i
cmaH that will help herto
retain perfect health.
. Lyko i a comb -i
nation of laxative and
tonic dratra of reemr-j
nixed thempeutir vaitte. i
The formula ia the re-1
alt. of e treat ir.any:
experiinenta b7the beet!
chemiata, Ko renxdy ia i
better none more;
effeetive aa mild;
'laxative toaie.
Ask Your Druggist
Lko ia aotd ooty b theriirl .
It ia bo ltd la our own laboraloriM Kmier
the mot hiwie .rHr. M Uwiltfte
s t.. M to V porf et rmammauiK. n a Dot"
Uetmlart VoortfruKXia; Kiiiit.
Sol MaMrfactwTwr
NewYork KameaaCitT
For sale by all druggists, al
way in stock at Perry'a Drug
Store. - ; -'' -!--':. ..-:,:'fr'
a .V1V
for seme seasons and will be alwari
for who dress like the French
woceo. :Bdir14ualljr and wita abso
ii:t;y no regard for any fashion tht
does cot suit their type. , Lf
We hare come a long way fren
the period when diamonds wert
worn for their own sake, without r
jrard to color and aometlmei -tri:
suiuhility. In fact, the wealthlar.
women Jem U. entirely correct U
trear paste or mock Jewtla wnea
ever ther best uK their colo:
scheme. S. ; vi :. ",-';-" .' . -
Not tfc&t jewels tutTe become les:
devirable, but merely that they bare
takes tliclr place as costume acces
soriea, and are no longer regardet
as an end. but ft mesas. ,
And. cf course, from the sew poln'
of view, colorful and smart pendant:
Jaave gTeallf grown la our regard.
Two tLat I saw recently struck ts:
as particnlarly typifying . the ne
point of view. One was decidcdl:
a Chinese Inffect: a large and beau
tt fully carved but' ugly head wa
hung on a narrow strap ot soft tat
suede, with huge tassels of the sued,
failing from either side of the heat
The other called to mind the Tan
Ishcd silk cord it was so different
A rather wide black satin rtbbor
with gold edges held a huge triang!
of celluloid, lovely little yellov
flowers, formally - - grouped - iaald
their triangular frame.
cuperate at . Roseburg, ; Justice
Bean will work on his ranch In
Umatilla county, -.. and Justice
Johns will pass two weeks on fish
Ing streams In Southern Oregon.
Justice Benson will divide his va
cation between Salem and Tort
land, while Justice .Harris will
pass his entire vacation period on
his ranch near McKeoile bridge
In, Lane county.. .'
July 25, 26, 27,
Twelve : .
' Concerts!'
Ten Lectures!
Way: "Nothing but the
Famous r
Arctic I. ,:
Explorer M
Peter Clark
Macfarlarie '
Noted ' "
American -.
Writer :
The Little Sym
phony 1 V
All-stringed Orchestra,
Created and coached by
Thurlow Lleurance '
Sam Lewis ,
Company t
f Welsh Tenor" . -
Season-Tickets now on
Sale at . 1 : r.
Adahs $2.72
: Ctildren
No Tar Tax
1 .
9 ,
-.' -fit fw :
1 .v--s"'i" -f