The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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Tne Statesman receives the teased
wire report or f the Associated
Tuesday: , Fair; moderate west
erly winds.
Press, thej greatest and most re
liable pre$a association - la the
seventy-first: year
- t
Technical, Very Much So,
Are Words Employed By
Attorney Shaw In Tele
phone Rehearing Case.
P. Newell Joins Corps of
Experts Sitting With
The technical aide of the testl
nony In the telephone late case
became ultra technical yesterday
fternoon - when Attorney Shaw,
, during the cross-examination, was
boring Into Major , Hancock, wit
nets for the city of Portland.
Uabcock referred to toll charg-
ea before the airline rates were In
vogue as tTatchwork" charges.
"Tha't term.", said Shaw seems
something Akin to ray term "ding
bat" to which you . objected so
strenuously this morning when 1
was referring to the article your
company makes In Seattle."
: bhaw Vocabulary Good
"No, I am not even with you
yet." laughed. Babcock.
I think you ought. to, be fa
miliar with 'digbat'," Shaw said.
"Surely you remember all of tbote
, good old descriptive terms like
'doodad.' 'cadoory,' . 'doorlicker.'
dingus,'. 'hickey and dlncbaf."
All of these scientific words-
went Into the records.
Cartentler had his round. So
did Attorney Shaw In Salem yea
- terday. Me had Major Babcock
on the defensive all afternoon and
apparently so tangled (n (he ropes
at times that It was necessary for
Attorney Tomllnson now and then
to drop a remark to tfulde.hlm out
of ' the ma of harrassing ques
tions that were being shot at tnc
witness by the telephone lawyer
! Attorney mays to labile
Attorney Shaw's main play yes
terday, wag made with a view to
its effect on the newspaper read
ing public as well as the effect the
i recorded proceedings will have on
.the commission. .This was an at
tempt to drive the representatives
of the city of Portland into an ad
mission that they are seeking an
Increase in the telephone i toll
charges for the relief of the gen
eral mass of users. This he at
tempted to do throtrsh the quoa
" tlans which he was prodding the
. This caused Attorney Tomlln
f' son to Intervene with this explan
ation:; "Our contention is not that any
' rate be Increased- But If It
' should be necessary to Increase
' any rate In trder to afford an ad
i eq-uate return to Ahe company we
, contend tbut the burden should
fall on the toll lines Instead of on
' the small users." :
i'i NO incrimination Intended
' !Mri Tomllnson explained fur-
ther that this could not be brand
, edl a discrimination because of the
, TM,hit Tiatnra of toll line usage.
This was preceded by an attack
by Shaw on Major Babcock's sugr
t peation.. made on direct examlna
t tlon, that tool lines would be the
'logical point of Increase, and cu
bing the fact that the toll charges
'of the Puget Sound Telephone
'.company are 40 per cent higher
'than the toll chargesf the Pa
' citlc company In Oregon. Shaw
'did not succeed In trapping the
' Witness Into an Inadvertent state
' ' ment that he had recommended
40 per cent Increase in Oregon in
toll line charges.
("Have you made any study.
Snaw tasked the witness, "relative
' ta what wonld-be the -economic e
lect in Portland of an Increase in
I toll rates?" ; - ' ,
' .. Small Citie Mentioned
' ("Only in a general way," an
swered the witness, j .
. ifVVhat would be the effect t
. Increasing from 45 to 65 cents the
'.tni rat between Portland anil
Balem, or raising the toll rate be-
1 tween Portiana ana renauuuu
from $1.60 to $2.25. Do you
thlnv the Teonle of Pendleton
would have anything to say about
that?" u-. . .
Attorney Tpmllnson came In
, with the Ptatement that Major
Dabcock had made no study or
' any particular points. -
i "That Is becoming very appar
ent," Shaw answered sarcastically.
! Unfair. Says Tomlinson.
He tasked the witness If he
would be willing to work out
. what he considered a fair sched-
. ale between Portland and any
'other city. '
"I "contend that It Is unfair,"
Tomlinson interrupted again, "for
counsel to demand that a sched
ule be .worked out between any
s two given points. That Is for the
, engineers of the commission to
-i do and it may require them many
weary weeks after this rehearing
Is concluded."
, "I have to say." Shaw return
ed, "that this Is the first time In
' my experience that anyone has
ruggested an Increase la toll rates
s without knowing what the econ
omlc effect -would be."
lontinued on pace 2)
DES MOINES, la., July 25. Mrs. Ida Crouch Hazlett of
Nw York, national Socialist orator, was grabbed and hauled
away in an automobile here tonight as she was about to be
gin a speech from the steps of the city library, by men, who
Chief of Police Saunders declares were members and officers
of the local post of the Abierican legion.
She was taken to police headquarters where efforts were
made by her captors to have her detained. The police, how
ever, refused to place hep under arrest, and she was releasd.
She accused her captors of attempting to kidnap her and
made an unsuccessful attempt to have them arrested.
That the office of state treas
urer has been and is being! con
ducted economically consistent
with the demands of the public
for efficient service, wasi the
statement made yesterday by O.
P. Hoff, state treasurer, following
the publication of a letter written
by Governor Olcbtt urging the
heads of all state departments
and state institutions to guard
against any unnecessary expendi
tures. -"There has appeared In recent
Issues of the newspapers a letter
from Governor Olcott," said Mr.
Hoff's statement, "requesting
strict economy in the conduct of
state affairs, and apparently im
plying that there is extravagance
that can be prevented.
Cat to Done Claimed j
"That there may be misunder
standing and that the public may
know that the office of state; reas-
, . t
SILVERTON, Ore., July 5.
(Special to The Statesman')- It
has become quite a fad around
Sllverfon for Ford cars to dis
appear from their garages during
the night and come to light again
the next day with tires missing.
The strange part of it is that they
are usually found about aj mile
from town on a well-traveled
During the past' two weeks
around 10 cars have disappeared
and all but one has appeared
again. It seems that work of
this kind has been particularly
noticeable on the prairie west of
of town. One farmer of this lo
cality who learned of thej cars
disappearing arranged his car so
Dr. James Lisle of Salem was
one of the faculty of the second
Chautauqua assembly in the bi3
tory of America.
The original Chautauqua, at
Chautauqua lake New York, was
established as a "comp meeting".
In 1874. It rather limped
through Its first two years; but
by 1876 it had established! a ra
ther enviable local reputation.
The idea looked good enough, that
Chaplain Lozier, one of the oir?
war horses" of the Civil war.
an array chaplain of great ability
Changes Announced in
Visible; Grain Supply
NEW YORK. July 25. Te vis
ible supply of American ; gram
shows the following changes:
Wheat increased ti,3SX,0Q0 bu
shels. Corn decreased 1,481,000 bu
shels. Ooats Increased 1,481,000 Bu
shels. Rye increased 12fi,000 bu
shels, j
Harley increased 20,00( bu
DALLAS, Or., July 25. (Spec
ial to The Statesman.) Roland
Truax, aged 19. and Goldjte A.
Bevens of the same age, both res
idents of Airlie, were licensed to
wed by County Clerk Floyd D.
Moore this morning. This has
been . an unusually poor month
with the county clerk in the mat
ter of issuing marriage licenses,
this morning's license being the
first one issued since the first
of the month when . two; more
were issued In one day.
urer needs so such caution and
that economy in that department
has been continuous and consis
tently practiced during my term
of office and not spasmodic, I am
directing attention to the follow
ing facts:
"That I am the only elevtive
state official, with the possible ex
ception of one, and exclusive of
those whose salaries were raised
in 919. who did not permit a bill
to be placed before the 1921 legis
lature to increase my salary,
eeeihtstht vdu ldr bnl oate ziir
Salary Hasp Ix)w
"That I am criticised at the
sate house because of the maxi
mum salary I have established in
the treasury department, the
same being lower than the salaries
paid in any other department
Still efficiency is obtained in the
(Continued on page )
Ahat when the crank was used
the horn sounded. He was
awakened Friday night by the
sound of the horn but the thieves
had undoubtedly become fright
ened at the noise for they were
gone by the time the owner of
the car could reach his garage.
He found the door open and a
new tire, which had been fastened
on the back, was gone.
The latest' car reported to have
been stolen was that of Charles
Schmedecke. Mr. Schmedecke's
car disappeared from his pad
locked garage late Saturday night.
It was found yesterday close to
-the power house. The tires had
been taken.
It is said that so far no trace
of the thieves has been found.
and indefatigable industry, decid
ed to introducs it in the west. ,
Clear Lake, la., was selected
for the work. A rather notable
collection o' lecturers was gath
ered and held a ten days' sessioa
in the camp. The fame of the lit
tle Iowa association grew almost
fast enough to catch up with the
original Chautauqua name.
But It didn't travel fast enough
to name the idea, which was al
ready established. There are a
thousand Chautauqua assemblies
today, and the Clear lake name is
almost forgotten.
Four-Year-Old Boy Lost
Officers Find No Trace
Mrs. W. E. Hobbs of North
Twenty-second and Nebraska
streets reported yesterday abo.ut
2 o'clock that her little 4-year-
old son Emery, had been lost
since 9 o'clock. Up until late
last night no report of his re
covery had been made. He is de
scribed as having "brown eyes,
brown hair, and wearing a pon
gee waist, blue, overalls and a
sailor hat'.
Morris Brothers Trial
Set for October Term
PORTLAND. Or., July 25.
Trial of the principals Involved in
the crash of the bankrupt bond
house of Morris Brothers. Inc., on
criminal charges preferred against
them by the Multnomah county
grand jury, will probably be set
for the October term of the cir
cuit eourt, it was learned today.
The congested condition of the
trial docket during the month of
September, the first month of the
fall term of court, will prevent
earlier trial, it was -said.
i i
Marvels of Electricity Dem
onstrated to Large Crowd
On Opening' Night of Sa
lem Chautauqua.
Juniors Organize Today -Stefansson,.
Arctic Ex
plorer, Here Tonight
Some or mis marvelous story of
the part electricity played in war
was presented at the hautauqua
last night, wheniiurnell Ford, late
of the government service, snowed
a few of the achievements of Am
erican electricians. The war quit
almost too soon for the good of
science, for, driven by the fierce
spur of war, they were preparing
a series ol electrical surprises
that had all the terror of the su
pernatural and the realities of
mathematics. Electrical science
made the greatest progress in -the
few years of the war, than for a
century before, Mr. Kord saidj
and the science has only gotten
far enough along to show what
vuster marvels yet remain un
proved. Wonders Yet to Come
"These boys who rear that all
electrical wonders have already
been discovered by Edison and
Marcont needn't worry a Uit," he
said. "There is infinitely more
ahead of them than there Is al
ready known, and it is infinitely
easier to get, with the momentum
already gained.
"There are millions of hor3ei
power all around us. that we need
onlyAo know the secret of to un
loose for the benefit of all man
kind. Water power is not sur
ficient. The sun, with its ligbi
and heat, will be a vast source of
power; yet there are other giant
powers that we can develop t
and we are developing them now."
Marvels Demons! fated
The speaker presented many
marvels of high tension electric
ity. The high tension current
that he used carried 3,000,000
volts and it looked and sounded
as scarey as a cave full of rattle
snakes. But with it the speaker
performed many startling experi
ments, demonstrating how this
high voltage current can be made
to serve the arts, the sciences and
the trades. With it he was able
to show how the submarine boat,
torpedo, or even the cruiser or
other boat can be controlled from
cne central station. Mr. Ford
was one of the governments
right hand men in developing the
electrical defence and offense ag
ainst the German submarine. The
process has been carried to such
perfection that only a few days
ago one of the British dreadought
battleships was maneouvered by
wireless through the whole fleet,
without a soul on board to con
trolu Its course"
Wireless Photography Iredictod. ;
Wireless messages. wireless
transference of heat and power
were presented on the stage by
various forms of apparatus. he
less telephony was explained,
and wireless photography a thou
sand miles away was predicted.
A clever expose of slate writing,
"weejee" board prophecies and
various spiritualistic .phenomena
was given. It was simple enough
once one saw it; the electrical
apparatus, and the trick slates ex
plained themselves, once the clue
was given. '
Tent Is Citmded.
"But you wunt to keep away
rom thisi spiritism,'' warned the
speaker. "The spirits of Chris
tians could not' como back. If
they could, they would not coniS;
in these foolish ways, if they j
could and we would have them.
The ouija board and the things
it represents account for a vast
and growing amount of mania.''
Almost every seat in 'the great
tabernacle was filled, and many
people were standing at the rear.
It was a remarkable opening
night the greatest in the history
oi the Salem Chautauqua.
"We feel that if we had pre
sented any one other than Mr,
Ford for an opening night, we
should have robbed the public
was the statement of Manager
Taylor, in introducing the prin
cipal speaker. The lecture was
listened to with breathless at
tention, with round after round
of appjlause for various startling
experiments, and no one chal
lenged the introductory speech.
Junior Or&aniiers Today. .
The Junior Chautauqua is to be
organized this morning by miss
Mildred eBach. junior superinten
dent. She will give the children
a. whole week of games, stories,
pleasures of many kinds, a veritar
ble bower of flowers from every
Dlav-earden of the world. The
junior tickets cost only a dollar
each, and a large number have
been sold.
A novelty program of rare ex
cellence is promised for tbis after-
(Continued on page 6)
Jury That Will Try Mrs. Agec
of Portland Selected After
f I Difficulties
PORTLAND, July 25. Twelve
men to compose the jury had been
accepted when court closed today
to try Mrs- Louise Agee, charged
with having slain her husband
by cutting his throat with a ra
zor as rje slept. Considerabla
difficulty was encountered in se
lecting af jury.
Judge R. G. Morrow, before
I whom the case is being tried, an-
nouncea ;-inai an immature boys
and girls would be kept out or
the courtroom during the trial.
Salem IMan Must Answei
Contempt of Court Charge
By Former Wife
In an brder signed yesterday bv
Circuit i Judge Percy R. Kelly,
August 10 next is set as the date
upon whjch J. F.- Hutehason must
appear and answer an allegation
of contempt of court made by his
former wife, Pearl IJutchason. -
In an saffidarit filed yesterday,
Mrs. Hutchason alleges that her
former husband has not paid
June and July maintenance am
ounts laleged due for the sup
port of bis son, J. F. Hutchason,
Jr., and j his daughter. Dorothy
Pearl Hqtchaaon. both minors.
The affidavit asserts that the
June and July allowances of $30
a month, for support, of the boy
and $25 as the July stipend lor
the maintenance of the girl have
not beenj paid. The specified pay
ments were incorporated in the
divorce j decree awarded Mrs.
Hutchason on August 10, 1920.
Portland Woman Injured
Brooks Accident Un
able to Recover
With hope for her recovery do
spajred of, -Mrs. Roy Wetley, vi :
Urn of the auto crash at l'.rooRs
on July '2 is at the alem hospi
tal. Word received at 1 p. m. this
morning was to the effect that
Mrs. Westley was very rapidly
losing the '.rail strength that has
sustained her during the unequal
battle of the past two weeks, ard
death was said to be a matter ot
Her hubband, Roy Westley, and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jar"
Maplethorpe, of Long Beach, aCl.,
are at the bedside of Mrs. West-
ley. . i .
K. G.; Osborne, driver of th?
"death, car" that crashed into the
Malcolm Ramp faniHv car 'n
nci'iiionl' thnt rpsnlted in the
ueain oi liuuuipii sitiuucmun nu
injury of five othT persons, is
under arrest in a Portland hospi
tal. A coroner's jury found Os
borne guMty of reckless driving at
the inquest over Samuelson's
Delaney's Car Battered
After Theft at Dallas
DALLAS. Or.. July 2.",. (Spec
ial to The Statesman.) An auto
mobile belonging to Tom Delaney
was taken from near the Chau
tauqua tent Saturday night
where Mr. Delaney had parked it
prior to 'attending the evening
lecture. The case was reported
to the sheriff who, after sending
deputies to various parts of the
county and telephoning officers
of nearby towns, found the ma
chine near the Woodman hall.
Kvidences of hard driving were
on the car but the persons who
took it were missing.
hate is err.
PORTLAND. Or., July 25. As
a result of rate slashing by rival
steamship companies operating be
tween Portland and Astoria, a
passenger rate of SI between
these cities was announced to
day, ij
ROSEBURG, Or., July 25. Roseburg officers were
flooding northeastern California with telegrams tonight,
warning the police authorities in that section to be on the
lookout for Dr. R. M. Brumfield, alleged murderer of Dennis
Russell, whom they believed to be headed in that direction.
A man positively identified as Rrumf ield by Dr. Shoemaker,
a local physician, and his father. M. J. Shoemaker, was seen
by them Saturday afternoon about nine miles from the boun
dary of Crater Lake park. He was seen again yesterday af
ternoon speeding south through Alturas, Cal.
Dr. Shoemaker and his father were retumimr home bv
way of Crater lake after spending a couple of weeks in the
vicinity of Yellowstone park. Both are intimately acauainted
with Dr. Brumfield, Dr. Shoemaker havingoffices in the same
building with those of the missing dentist.
They were on their way from Bend to the lake when
they noticed a car a short distance ahead of them coiner in
the same direction, they reported. As they approached, the
other machine, which was traveling at a leisurely gait, the
driver drew his automobile out beside the road, giving the
Roseburg tourists-ample room in which to Dass. As thev
drew near they noticed the man
burg pennant on their car.
side but they thought nothing
abreast oi mm.
As they reached the car
Dr. Brumfield, they stated.
of clothes, and was wearing an
gles and his face was covered by a several days growth of
Late this afternoon, Sheriff Steuner received a message
irom Alturas, Lai., that a man
aetly with that given by the
tnrougn tnere bunday atternoon.
Kid Kay May Try to Come Back;
McMinnville Rotarians Want to
Stage Go With Gloves at Picnic
When the McMinnville Rotari
ans invited the Salem dub to meet
them im a peaceful picnic, to be
held at Wheatland ferry August
31, some of the McMlnnvlllalns
urged that Tom Kay come and
meet some of their selected
champions. Thereby hangs a
Mr. Kay used to live at Mc
Minnville, where he attended
school before he had a business
of his own. They never put out
more peppery boxers than the man
who late became state treasurer.
Oregon used to be a lot wider
open country than it now is. The
saloons used to be the headquar
ters of the sportive elements, and
they nearly always found some
one who thought he could scrap.
Sometimes he coifld; sometimes
it was an altogether fale alarm.
Kay never joined in these
brawls but a man with a pair of
TO IKE. 110
"This jury fails to agree."
Such was the verdict returned
by the jury yesterday in the case
of the state against G. G. Quack
enbush," local dealer accused of
selling gasoline short measure.
Charges against Quackenbujh
were filed Saturday by J. F. Jones,
deputy sealer of weights and
measures for the state. Attorneys
for Quackenbush elicited state-
ments from E. M. Mack that after : small quantity over five gallons,"
purchasing gasoline, he had driv- j Quackenbush stated. "The sale
en his car to Nineteenth street, j in question was made by &n em
The witness claimed that th-3 ma- ploye, but seals on the pump have
chine was driven on gas from the i never been broken and to the
car's emergency tank. best of my knowledge it has been
That this tank was of the "vac-j delivering gallon for gallon."
uum" type and that the missing J ' J. F. Jones testified that there
half gallon of gasoline could have
len drawn into this tank and
feed pipes was asserted by de
fense attorneys. The prosecution
maintained that gasoline pur-
Automobile Plunges Over
60-Foot Embankment,
Driver Unhurt
What afrnot amounted to a
miracle saved James Wood, an
employe of the Salm Rand &
Gravel company, from serious in
jury when the roadster in which
he was riding plunged over a 60
foot bank, turned completely over
and righted itself with only mi
nor injuries to Mr. Wood.
The car was parked Sunday
near the edge of the bank of
the Willamette river near Den
nison's Bath: house and next to
the gravel company's rock crnsher
at the foot o Chemeket'a street.
Mr, Wood had climbed Into the
machine and was about to back
the car Into the road when, fo
a reason ' he , cannot explain, the
start when he saw the Rose
He dropped his hand to hid
of the action until they came
they recognized the driver as
He was dressed in a dark suit
enormous pair of vellow goer
whose description tallied ex
Shoemakers was seen speeding
boxing slaves on his hands could
always find an argument In the
Kay back yard, or out In the
grove. There are twisted nose.4.
and cauliflower ears, and gold
toothed faoeB. all up and down
the coast, that once thought they
were a match for the Tom Kay
that tised to trim 'em around Mc
Minnville. Some of the visitors
were pretty good men. A few
were- ven professionals, though
there weren't many of these fel
lows trailing around hunting for
free matches, so he usually went
against amateurs like himself.
The 'McMinnville Rotarians re
member this early prowess, and
they'd like to see him in action
once more.
"Wll, I'll match 'em. If they'll
pick mon of my age," says the re
doubtable Kay. So it may be
worth while to stick around for
the Rotary picnic!
chased by the state's witness had
been emptied from the ar tank
and that it had measured four and
one-half gallons, whereas lve gal
lons had been paid for. V
On the witness stand in his own
behalf, Mr. Quackenbush stated
that If the sale in question had
been short-weight he could not
acconut for It.
"The pump is now throwing a
, had been several complaints with
regard to gasoline sales at the
Quackenbush Vat ion.
The date for re-trial of the case
has not been Bet.
car shot straight ahad over the
bank, turned a somersault, and
was caught on its side by come
brush. .
Wood climbed out only slightly
scratched. The car was badly
scratched, the radiator smashed,
the windshield broken, and the
top cut. - t was impossible to as
certain all of the damage to the
car. .
The car was the property of the
sajid and gravel company. Wood
Is employed as a dredge operator.
Cooperative Marketing
Measure Has Substitute
substitute for the house coopera
tive -marketing bill for agriculture
producers, reported favorably
today by the senate judiciary com
mittee. The substitute bill draft
ed bv Senator Walsh. Democrat.
Montana, contains a direct provis
ion prohibitir.g agricultural asso
ciations from setting up monopo
The committee added a new sec
tion anthorizlng cooperative ag
ricultural associations to deal in
products Of non-members, but cot
in larger-quantities than secured
from its own membership.
Nothing Less Than' Nations
Independence Acceptable,
Assertion of Official Pub
lication of Party .
Important Concessions Tc
Irish Feeling Are Said
To Be Certain
LONDON,! July 25 (By the
ated Press)-
Nothlnr les:
than independence will content
the Sfna Fein leaders. The Iris!
Bulletin, official orcan of th
Dall Eireann. makes this declar
ation J from the headquarters lr
Dublin. ; j ; 7" ' ! ...
While I nothing :. Is ; actual!
known of the government's pro
posals beyond the general out
line of dominion home rule am
fiscal autonomy, the Bulletin con
tains! an outburst against the as
sumptions of the British pres
concerning j the . negotiations,
which appears to show that the
negotiations are unsatisfactory a
far as southern Ireland Is con
cernedjt . '.
Mere Outburst, Perhaps
Resentment Is expressed at the
hints; In the British newspapers
that there would be a rvti
fane 1'mIHtary terror" nutu.
So-caled "concessions are accent-
,vVi:decUre the bulletin.1
the Irish people will agree to
nothing which denies the ancient
unity of Ireland or seeks to im
pose; on the nation alien dominion
of any kind." , i
This outburst, which Incidental
IT, ItPQd,atM ny wish to coerce
Lister, Is taken in certain quarters
to be more M an expression cf
Impatience with th patronising
air jot some London .newspaper
than; an Indication of a breach lr.
the jnegotlatlons. It at least ton
firms the Impression generally
held! here that the path of peace
Is likely to Dror Inn an Arr
CUltJ - : : ,
i Valera Meets! Cabinet
According to Assoclatl p.
dispatches from Ireland, the gov
ernment proposals ta lnlnclude s
plan to reorganise the Irish poiic
on a civil base, elimlnatmc th
military element and ' dlsbandln?
me auxiliaries. This would be an
Important concession to Irish feeling-
"l-,., . - -
Eamonn De Valera, republican
eader, took up with the nnmhon
of his cabinet, today, details of
the British proposals preparatory.
It is understood to; submlttln
thern to the Dall Eireann.-,
i-aruament May Conclude
The British cabinet council to
night decided to end the session
of parliament August; 29 "unless
an jlrlsh Settlement makes ar
autnmn session necessary.'
Tnia provincial decision is taker,
to tnean that the government Is
still hopeful of peace r In Ireland.'
1 ne day was without DrorreB
towards a solution and the public
was iert to flounder In the realm?
of . conjecture, for the premier
could only promise the house of
commons ; a future statement or
thej situation and to , warn . th
house against reliance' on unoffic
ial reports. He declared that al
the: published statements regard
ing the terms of settlement wen
inaccurat, . -"; ; ; . , j
I Truce Violations Charjccd If
Complaints received' from offle-i
erst of the Irish republican army
regarding violation i of ' the tru
conditions by British soldiers ha v.
not been fully considered. They
are said to be rather technical.
Apples and Pears Will
I Yield, Heavily, Report
PORTLAND. Ore ' Julr 2S., '
Apples and pears will yield so'
heavily this season In Rogue Ri
ver and Umpqua. valleys that be
tween 1600 and 1800 cars will b
mpved to market, JJ A. Ormandy,
assistant general passenger agent
ot the Southern Pacific lines I:
Oregon stated today.
rfln at Portln4. i ' " i ,
Oakland at KeUl. ' : i
Halt fak il flu Franriar. - ; i
Sarrumtnio at Loa , Aagatea. j
San Franeijw 4-13. Portland 2. i
Oakland 6-3. Fait Ikr S 15.
Vemoa 0-3, Hacramnt 1-4.
Lm itple, H, Keattta 4-2.
Second fan caliad and f Si
-. -.; . . ' w. l. r
fb i raoeiae
Sarrameato ;
' ft
' S9
Lot Anfelw .
Vfo , , ,.
Rait Laka
Fortlsnd ......
.) 4