The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    Stte Traffic Inspector Tells
Of Methods of Enforcing '
kaws in siate
Taking Away of Drivers' Li
cehs6sroduces Desired v
- - Effect Usually
''Make Oregon sate ta drive in."
i the slogan of the traffic en
foirrrment department of the
Mate, according-to Tv A. Ratfety.
. hiff state trattte Inspector.
re -trying to teach people
v trol'y the traffic laws because
I'icy are sane laws' and ' mean
niety to everybody and injustice
to! nobody who drives 1 the
ubKtauce of the statement by Jay
. Kitlltzm'un, inspector, who "ranges
li over, the eastern half of the
. i So Pussy .footlujc
(The two statements -mean ex
actly the Ha me thing. They're
. not sleuthing around the state,
cajt-footing with a dark lantern
arid mask and - bloodhounds
i trained to follow every little law
foi getter not a-talL They're
trying" to make more people un
derstand that the "laws are ra
tlc ial. and that 30 miles an hour
is, a reasonable speed even on a
god road, and that there afe
careless drivers and inexperienced
drivers whom the better drivers
may have to nurse along, and pe
destrians who can't always move
: 90 mile an hour to get but of the
'way of two roaring, whooping
cars at the name time.
"We don't want to arrest any
body," said Mr. Saltzman. "We
try to get people to see the rea
sonableness of the laws, and obey
them without friction. We'd far
rather have a man leave his speed
at home or leave the extra ton
nage of r his truck, than to catch
him arter he's, broken, the laws
and maybe somebody's neck, and
then punish him for his acts. The
man who 'doesn't drive recklessly,
of overload h-U trucks, or violate
, the traffic ordinances, needn't be
afraid of any spy or sleuth." .,
- tyverloadem Target !
I The department , la going a'ter
the truck overloaders with blood
In Its eye. The last legislature
passed a law limiting the speed of
trucks according to; their tonnage
and tire equipment. A 3-ton
truck, which i a standard size of
freight machine, loaded to its le
gal limit, will weigh upwards ot
.13,T00 pounds, and) the legal lim
it la 2 mites an hour lot solid
tires and IB lor pneumatic Urea.
' As thera ta hardly ne pneumatic
tired truck of this size operating
on the Willamette valley roads.
' this limits the legal' ' apeed for
these machine with solid tires to
l t mtlea an hour, i Several makes
t trucks with ipeclal speed gear
ing, aim to make ,20. 25 or eran
more miles per hour. A 3H-ton
truck loaded, made tha run from
i-iah Francisco., to Xos Angeles
had- back early last year.
almost 1000 mllea at an average
pfeed of more than 25 mHea. The
Oregon law was aimed to stop
these excessive speeds and the
traffic commission expects to AO
. St.- Tb friendly tip Is J
the drivers and owner of these
big machines that somebody "
. looking straight at them., and
that something is likely to happen
tber than congratulations,
j AVelghln Jack Com v
tv. m lnxtometer. or welgnt-
teatinr Jac! being installed for
the traffic department's use Is go
ing to be a real detector of crime.
The machine weighs 49 pounds
per unlt-i It is built with art alum
inum frame, on a circular base
abont a foot In diameter, and two
oMbe Jacks can easily carried
In! an official The lifting
mechanism is practically a screw ith a ratchet handle, and
an oil plunger registers the weight
. At.i ninte The department
Is to try out the machines In a. day
or two. It they saUsfy the otf
.. tn thtir accuracy, they
Iwtll go out on the Wghroads and
beat a tew of, the bus plcious look
kn machines and it isn't likely
'to be easy with the offender. The
I. ini of one man who
bought a two-ton truck, loaded It
hrlth seven tens or pis iron,
CT-ir--r.. nnnrotected railroad
tratk and broae a spnu.
then he kicked to the truck com
ti the machine was no
irood. Any such of fenders as this.
are to be tair bic i
flc squad; there's no closed sea
son for 'em. 1
Fast Ones Grow Fewer
" 'There aren't as many real 60
nn&.nn.ttiur : runs maae as one
hears of by rumor,, said. Agent
iSaltzman: "There are oniy a iew
cars built that will aotually make
that Bpeed; and few of those that
jcould do it, ever do. The modern
ihlgh-speed motor sounds terrifi
cally fast, i even when tne car u
not traveling at an excessive rate,
I have found only one man whom
I knew to be traveling a mue a
'minute. ' He had a Stuts, and he
was sure stepping on the throttle
i like a racer. I guess I must have
ibeea going, toe, tor I waa able to
j gain a little on him, but a road
grader outfit that ducked into the
road Just behind him, held me up,
and by the time I got clear the
j Stuts was out of sight. He sure
was a going fool and I guess he's
going yet."
; . The police and peace officers
all over the state are taking most
kindly to tha enforcement of the
traffic laws, according to Mr. Salts
man. A year ago, the traffic laws
were ljttle noticed. They were
not much .understood, and were
generally Ignored or even deflea.
But today, the driving public is
being educated by th iui mUa.
to that there are not nearly, as
many flagrant violation, a. t
perly. Chief' Motmt, ot Salem,
addS'hts testimony to the tate of
ficer's, that the public is fast be
coming educated and amenable to
the traffic laws, and that safety in
travel Is in easy sight.
I.lrenftc Taken Away
There is nothing that will stop
ignorant driving; though the tak
ing away of driving licenses is
having a powerful effect on the
ignorant and careless chauffeur.
Over in one of the eastern Oregon
towns, a short time ago, a big
Haynes car, driven by a woman,
came 'plunging down the street,
miraculously missing another car
at a street intersection, but driv
ing full tilt into a store building
as the driver set foot on the accel
erator Instad of on the brake. It
drove through the wall, hit a 600
pound steel range and knocked it
nine feet across the room. The
traffic officers took away the
driver's license and the echoes
of the wail over that loat'license
have not even yet died away- in
that part of the state. But the re
vocation of driving licenses is be
lieved to be one of the most ef
fective ways of curbing foolishness
and instilling skill, for one to
drive a car after the revocation of
one's license, might subject the
offender to a fine up to $400 and
a year's imprisonment. j
Heavy Fines Imposed
One fine of $150 was imposed
for speeding, and another of $100;
they don't usually get that much.
but sometimes the judge finds the
conditions so flagrant that he
soaks 'em the limit. A $150 fine
ought to give almost any man
pause especially as another oi
fenge might mean the revocation
of his license.
The traffic officers found one
locality in the state where many
high-powered trucks are used, for
lumbering. Owners had failed
to take out truck licenses, on the
ground that they were operating
only 'on their own forest grounds.1
and not using the public highways
to make them licenseable. The
traffic officer got the county as
sessor, and they swooped down on
the trucksters with the two-horned
dilemma: Either take out licenses
to the state, or pay taxes as prop
erty to the county. The public
got the truck money, in one way
or another; but the truck owners
haven't yet figured out whether to
be glad as citizens or mad as losers
in a clever game.
Most Protect Roads
"The Oregon roads are for
everybody to use, to enjoy; but
there are too many people using
them, and they cost too much
money, for a few to misuse them
and make them unsafe for the
others. We're trying to muke the
Oregon roads the best in the
United States, and we're asking
the public, to help with these, their
own roads."
S. O. S. call for everybody to
(Continued from page'l.)
principal powers on limitation of
armament and Far Eastern sub
jects. There appeared reason to
believe that the Japanese states
men would reach a decision favor
able to a discussion of questions
arising out of the Orient, with
Hughes Meets Ambassador.
The informal' conferences be
tween Secretary Hughes and Am
bassador Shidehara are known to
have gone far towards convincing
the administration that the Jap
anese government will agree to
enter the conference without ma
terial reservations and that the
general questions at Issue will be
approacheed frankly and freely.
Insistent suggestions that Bel
gium should be given a seat at
the conference have not served
to alter the opinion of the United
8tates government that the dis
cussion should be limited to he
principal allied and associated
powers. It was declared that in
maintaining such an attitude
there, was no intention of dis
crediting Belgium and that the
conference always will
ing to hear representations of
any nation not a member of the
conference, where her Interests
were affected. -
: London Session Unliqcly.
Reiteration of the suggestion
that a preliminary conference be
held at London failed to cause a
favorable reaction here.' It was
Indicated clearly that the United
States believes that such prelim
inary discussion as may be neces
sary should takeplace heie.
It is understood that Novem
ber 11, the anniversary of the
signing of the armistice, is re
garded as peculiarly appropriate
for convening the conference.
Seattle Player Puts Out
tngraham of Rhode Island
VANCOUVERr B. C . July 22.-
Aiarsnaii Allen. Seattle player.
eliminated from the semi-finals
Will ngrahamr the Rhode Irian
and Oregon star? at today pre
liminaries of "the Mainland tennis
-champions here. Allen - won In
straight sets, 6-3, 6-4, but was
forced to the limit in both sets
Allen s volleying , and. . placing
aroused the spectators. ,
The majority of other matches
today were decided In straight
sets. -Two San Francisco men,
Welnsteln and Suhr, contended in
a orisK matcn which was captured
by Welnstein 6-3, 6-3. Wilton
Smith, Seattle. lost to Cardlnall.
Vancouver, b-3, u-u. Fhu eBt
tems. San Francisco, defeated
Verley, 6-1, 6-2. Mrs. Milne won
her way to the semi-finals by out
pointing Mr3. Rigby. In the
mixed doubles Mrs. Graham and
Cardlnall qualified.
Mail Car is Robbed on
I it i .
' Missouri Pacific Road
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. July- 22.
Robbers held up Missouri Pacific
passenger train No. 205, running
between Memphis and St. Louis,
near vandale, Ark tonight, forc
ing the express messenger to
throw out the safe : containing
money packages and also robbing
the mall car,
Japanese Question Breaks'
1 . . .. I
Out in Congress; Hawaii j
Is Also Involved
Message from Sacramento
To Publisher Precipitates
Long Discussion
WASHINGTON". July 22. The j
Japanese exclusion . question j
broke out in congress again toilaj . ;
Informed that Hawaii was being)
flooded with Japanese, the house!
immigration committee asked the,
state department to turnish tie- '
tails of the "gentlemen's agree-;
ment" of 1908. with respect to;
Japanese control of immigration
to the United State3.
Diplomatic correspondence
leading to the understanding,
which the committee was told
does not apply to Hawaii, never
has been made public, and the
committee decided to investigate.
i McOatdiy Enters Figlu
Despite contentions ot some
members that discussion of the
matter at this time might impede
plans for international conference
on disarmament and Pacific ques
tions, the committee decided to
go into the 13-year-old immigra
tion arrangement after it had
heard J. V. A. McMurray. chief of
the division of Far Kastern af
fairs of the state department and
had received a telegram from V.
S. McClatchy, Sacramento pub
l'sber, dealing with the general
subject of Japanese immigration.
Mr. McMurray told the commit
ted' that Japan had never regard
ed 1 the agreement as applying to
Hawaii and added incidentally
that inasmuch as it was a volun
tary proposition from Japan, this
country was diplomatically bound
until the other party to the
agreement should wthdraw.
Regulation Claimed
His statfment concerning Ha
waii brought from Chairman
Johnson the exclamation that the
time had arrived for a declara
tion that "Hawaii is a part of the
United States with respect to aJ
pah and all others." -
Mr. McMurry said that the Jap
anese government had regulated
the number of laborers to whom
passports to Hawaii were issued
through an informal arrange
ment worked out with the sugar
planters of the islands by the
Japanese consular offices, who
were informed each season of the
number required. Mr. Johnson
interrupted to say that he under
stood the number allowed to go
to Hawaii tach year waa really
below the requirements, a position
taken by Japan In order to pre
vent a break in wages.
Statement Ienied
The statement concerning the
agreement between the employers
and the Japanese governmnt was
immdiately denied by Royal D.
Mead, special labor agent ot the
planters' organization.
From tnai point, everj "-
of the exclusion quesUon was
touched on in some form or other
and members of the committee
freely expressed dissatisfaction
with loopholes which they said
apparently vere left in the agree
rr . , v. yr fo
ment, iney aeuuuuccu .uc
tice of permitting "picture brides
to enter this country, which prac
tice continued, said Chairman
Johnson despite the oipionmi".
Answers Are Guarded
Because of the delicacy of the
subject, Mr. McMurray answered
most questions guardedly and
some were not answered at all. It
was said if the correspondence is
forthcoming, it would be gone ln
tq behind closed doors. Mr. John
son was not at all certain that the
diplomatic exchanges would be
supplied hy the department and
ho planned to confer on that
phase with Secretary Hughes and
other department heads. He
aid. however, that he saw no rea
son why the documents should not
be mad?? available to congress auu
deplored the fact that talf a doz
en or more such understandings
as that entered into with Japan
had not required ratification by
the senate.
i Mr McClatchy's telegram which
was read prior to Mr. McMurray's
statement warned of Impending
racial, political and economic con
trol by the Japanese In the islands
unless the American government
acted immediately.
At Philadelphia R. H
Chicago 2 la o
Philadelphia 1 9 2
j) Ponder and Daly; bedgewicK.
Baumgartner. Betts and Peters.
At New York R. II. E.
Cincinnati n "
New York 2 1 0 4
i Luque and Hargrave; Douglas,
Causey and, Smith.
At Brooklyn R. H. R.
St. Louis T, 7 2
Brooklyn . 6 1 jk 3
Pertica and Dilhoefer; CadoreT
Schupp, Ruether and Kreuger.
At Boston R. H. E.
Pittsburgh 1 5 1
Boston 2 8 0
i Hamilton and Schmidt; McQuil
lan and O'Neill.
! Second game R. H. E.
Pittsburgh 4 11 0
Boston "3 8 0
I Glazner and Schmidt; Filling
Ira and Gowdy.
I A man went to his office smil
ing contentedly and looking alto,
rether happy. Ilia partnr asked
him. what had happened to make
Wm look so cheerful. , 'Why.'' ha
answered. " "any man would be
happy if his wife said to him
what my wife said to rae ibis f
morning. She said thit I was a (
mcJl hu.-bund. lrn t that otue- !
thing to make a man cheerful V
"Oh. 1 don't know." replica the;
partner', "it depends altogether on j
i-wnat she raliy means." He took I
a dictionary from the shif and. j
bi in
of th
liter a moment s search, rad !
"Model - a small Imitation j
io rai thinr r.iTintLnrol.
( Continued from page 1.)
of. said Jack Dempsey, world's
champion heavyweight pugilist
in 'commenting upon the testi- '
mony in the divorce case at Paw- !
huska concerning letters which
Mrs. Helen Bouianper said she
had written to Dempsey.
He declared that he had never
seen any letter from Mrs. P.ou
laneer and doe? not know her
either under that name or the
name of Sleevy, which she was re
ported to have testified that she
was known by.
Sometimes Sends Photo.
! 'We :ret hundreds of letters. '
i tellinp how beautiful the women j
1 writers are. and everything, but !
we don't pay any attention to j
them unless they ak for a pic-I
i ture. and then sometimes we send '
la picture." said led Hayes, who
i is handling Dempsey s interests
"If this woman ever wrote a
better and didn't ask for a pic
ture, it went right into the waste
basket and Jack didn't know
about it any more than about the
hundreds we throw away every
Bouquet is Slipped to
Gingrich by Halvorsen
A rare floral piece was present
ed to Oscar B. Gingrich at the
close of his solo at the concert in
Willson park last nsght. The artisr
tic masterpiece, made by C. B.
Clancy, local florist, was present
ed to the artist by Mayor George
Halvorsen on behalf of his fellow
Cherrians to the strains of a fun
eral march.
It was in the form of a rosette,
formed of carrots, pea vines, and
other greenery. The delicate pe
tals of the rose were formed of
garlic and the entire surmounted
by pretzel buds. With strong
words appropriate to the occasion.
Mayor Halvorsen presented the
bouquet. Mr. Gingrich responded
timidly with a few words of appre
ciation and then sang "Old Black
Joe" at the request of Mr. Hal
vorsen. The local artists' interpre
tation of "O'Sole Mi'o" and "The
Spanish Serenade" from "La Pal
oma" won loud applause from the
large audience. His stirring ren
dition of the Italian chorus was
worthy of the highest comment
and his full baritone voice thril
led his listeners when he swung
into the chorus of "LaPaloma."
Federal Authorities Allege
That Management ViolT
ated Contracts
NEW YORK. July 22. Five of
the largest and finest steamships
in the United States merchant ma
rine, which has been chartered to
the United States Mail Steamship
company, were seized tonight by
representatives of the United
States shipping board, because of
an alleged violation of contract.
The seized vessels, all former
German liners, are the George
Washington, America, Susqne
hanna. President Grant and Aga
memnon. The shipping board representa
tives were accompanied by United
States Attorney William Hay
wood and United States Marshal
Thomas McCarthy. A representa
tive of the shipping board and a
deputy United States marshal were
left on each ship.
Failure of the steamship com
pany to pay rentals which in the
aggregate up to the time of the
seizure, would amount to about
$400,000 was given as the princi
pal reason for the board's action
by Elmer Schlesinger, its general
Four other vessels also under
charter to the United States Mail
Steamship company, which are
now on the high seas, will be tak
en over by the shipping board as
soon as they return to American
ports, Mr. Schlesinger added.
Fourth Heat is Required
On Get-Away Card Friday
KALAMAZOO, Mich., July 22.
It required a fourth heat to de
termine the winner of the 2:15
trot on the get-away program of
the Kalamazoo Grand ircuit meet
ing and bring Guardian Trust,
starting for the first time on any
track, a winner over Neva Brooke,
the favorite and The Great Miss
Morris, the heat winners. The Mc
Mahon colt won the second heat
and took the overtime driv.
"Pop" Geers won his first race
of the week when he "piloted Lil
lian Silkwood to victory in the
2:10 pace, Abbe Hal finishing sec
ond up.
Hal Malone won the 2:03 pace,
taking first and second heats from
Roy Grattan, but finishing second
to the Murphy entry in the final
'Peter oley annexed the 2:05
trot after omet had taken the first
heat in easy fashion.
Best time: 2:05 trotting,
2:06 1-4; 2:15 trotting 2:07 1-4;
2:03 "pacing 2:04 1-4; 2:10 pac-,
ing 2:06 1-2. v
Read The Classified, Ads
President Will Submit Ad
ministration Program
Early Next Week
After Three Weeks,of Nego
tiations Atmosphere Be
gins to Clear
President Harding will submit to
congress next Tuesday the admin
istration plan for funding the
debts of the railroads to the gov
ernment and meeting without ad
ditional appropriations the claims
of the roads growing out of fed
eral control.
An understanding has beeni
reached between the roads and the'
administration, it was learned to
day to facilitate speedy settle
ment of the claims of th carrirs
without any new arrangement or
modification of the war-time con
tracts with the government.
Act Gives Authority
Authority to fund the debts of
the roads, it was explained, is
given the president by the trans-
portaton act, but it was deemed
advisable to acquaint the congress
with the methods under consider
ation. After three weeks of negoti
ations, the basis upon which the
railroads' claim would bo quickly
met, was said to : have reached
through the roads acceeding to
the administration's request to
waive claims for ''inefficiency of
labor" in work done on the lines
by the government before return
ing them to private control.
KMimaiea Are Iirge.
Debts of the roads to the giv
ernment have been generally esti
mated at about $500,000,000
while their claims have been put
at various figures. Director Gen
eral of Railroads Davis, in a re
cent estimte to congress declared
that while all the claims were not
in, it was thought the total would
be $1,250,000,00(1 which if set
tled on the basis of about 40 per
cent as heretofore, would approx
imate $500,000,000.
Patriotic Program to
Be Staged by Knights
CHICAGO. July 22. James A.
naherty, head of the Knights
of Columbus, today announced
ttiat a monster patriotic demon
stration would bo held at the in
ternational conveiiitiou of tha or
ganization In Sati: Frauchjco Au
gust 2, 3 and 4. j
: The Knights also will launch
their $5,000,000 hospitalization
and educational work for former
service men in San Francisco, and
their .$1,000,0001 movement to
popularize the study of American
Missing Girl Charged
With Theft of Horses
SEATTLE. July 22. Seventeen-year-old
Lillian Westlake, of
Everett, Wash., I missing since
Thursday, was charged with steal
ing a horse in a warrant issued In
Snohomish county today. Ac
cording to the proprietor of an
Everett livery stable, the giri
hired the horse , Thursday, rode
away and has not been seen since.
She is said to have ridden to
wards Seattle.
Alleged Moonshiner Carries
His Grievances to Sup
reme Court
Appeal was taken to the su
preme court yesterday in the case
involving Peter Suster, who re
cently was sentenced by County
Judge Bushey to pay a fine of
$50 and pass six months in the
county jail on a charge of having
liquor in his possession.
Sustar was arrested by opera
tives oi tue uregon Anti-Saloon
league and on the same night ap
peared before Judge Bushey and
entered a plea pf guilty. Appeal
then was taken to the circuit
court, with the result that Judge
Bingham affirmed the decesion of
Judge Bushey.
In his appeal ;! to the supreme
court, tusiar sets out tnat he was
brought into Judge Bushey's
court late at night, was not ad
vised of his rights, and pleaded
guilty with the understanding
that he would receive a nominal
fine not to exceed $50.
Argument of the appeal proba
bly win not be taken up by the
co'trt until after the August va
Sustar was arrested, June 30 by
Special Agent jSandefer. At the
time of his arrest the law enforce
ment officers stated that it was
necessary to take a cocked pistol
from. Sustar before ' they could
seize the still, mash, liquor and
containers on his farm east of
Spotts Mills.
Rickard in Trouble
Over Movie Contracts
NEW YORK, ; July 22. Tex
Rickard, promoter of the Demp-
seyrCarpeatler bout la
City July 2; today was served with
a subpoenae to appear before th
federal grand jury Monday in con
nection with the investigation in
to the alleged transportation of
lao'tii pictures of the contest to
poiisSs outside New eJrsey.
A local theater has advertised
thatthe pictures would be shown
tomorrow, F. C. Quimby. who has
an interest in the film rights and
bad arranged lor tomorrow's ex
hibition here, contends that the
bout was a boxing match, and as
there was no federal statute to
prevent motion pictures of it from
being transported from the state
to another for exhibition.
Reports that Mr. Quimby's at
torneys had obtained a ruling
from Attorney General Daugherty
that the exhibition was ptrmiSs
ible, were denied by Federal Dis
trict Attorney Hayward.
Woman Found Dead in
Road is Identified
SEATTLE, Wash., July 22.
A woman found dead on a high
way near here today, believed to
have been struck by a motorist
who failed to stop, was identified
tonight as Mrs. Catherine Okun,
53 years old, who lived near Kent,
Pieces of a broken headlight
lens were near the body.
James M. Barnes .Wins
National Gold Belt
James M. aBrnes, professional of
the Pelham Bay, N. Y. County club
won the national open golf cham
pionship here today with a score
of 289 strokes for 72 holes.
Nine strokes in his wake came
Walter Hagen of New York, cham
pion in 1919, and Fred McLeod,
professional of the local course,
each wth a score of 298.
National amateur champion
Charles (Chick) Evans of the
Edgewater club of hovago, was
fourth with 302. the first ama
teur to finish. The second ama
teur, Robert T. (Bobby) Jones ot
Atlanta, tied with the profession
als, Alex Smith of New London,
and Eminett French of Youngs
town, O., with a score of 303.
Of the half dozen foreign en
trants only one, George Duncan,
winner of the 1U20 English open,
finished well up.
Salem Man Bound Over To
Federal Grand Jury at
Hearing in Portland
"He said God had told him 1
belonged to him," is the reporteU i
testimony of Frankie Edwards, Sa-j
lem girl who testified against
Rev. Fred Royston at Portland'
yesterday in the hearing at Port
land before United States Com
missioner Frazer.
Following the hearing, Royston
was bound over to await the ac
tion of a federal grand Jury, his
bail being set at $1000 and this
sum not having been furnisneu
yesterday he is held in the Mult
nomah county jail. It is report
ed that relatives are endeavoring
to raise the amount required as
bond for his appearance until the
grand jury convenes. A
Miss Edwards, according to re
ports from Portland, is under
$500 bond as a material witness
against Royston. This sum was
furnished by B. E. Edwards and
Miles Edwards, Salem relatives
who have stood loyally hy the girl
since her escapade with Royston
and subsequent hike to Centralia,
ash., with the Salem minister.
During the hearing- at Portland,
Miss Edwards' reported testimony
is tq the -effect that when they
stopped in Portland. Royston
signed for them on the register
as "Mr. and Mrs. R. eKlly."
Miss Edwards' story told in
Commissioner Frazer's court dis
closed Royston's acquaintance
with her for the past tnree years
or more. She stated that at many
times during this period she had
refused Royston's attentions but
his persistence won.
California Rural Section
To Be Canvassed by Squad
Thorough canvass of the rural
sections of California will be made
by two squads of five men r?ach
who will assist ex-service men to
present claims against the gov
ernment, it was announced today
following a meeting of represent
atives ot twelve organizations and
the newly consolidated war risk
bureau and public health service
and the federal vocational train
ing board.
Large cities and soldier hospi
tals will not be touched by either
Of tha squads, it was announced.
Wallowa County Man is
Accidentally Electrocuted
LA GRANDE, Or., July 22.
Clarence B. Sailor was acciden
tally electrocuted while working
on the F. D. McCully ranch near
Joseph last Tuesday, according to
word brought here today. Sailor
was busy raovi-ng a hay derrick,
the top of which came in contact
with a live wire, resulting in his
Big Increase Shown in
Portland Postal Receipts
PORTLAND, July 22 Receipts
of the Portland postoffice for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1921,
thowed an increase of $231,
451.29 over the receipts of the
fiscal year preceding, according
to a report today , by John M.
Jones, . postmaster.
Another - Appeal Reaches
Great Britain from Gov
ernment Sources
PXRIS July 22. (By The As-S27
soviated Press! The French gov-jiU)j
ommmit iat this evening reiulr-
ed Colonel -De St. Aulalre, French
ambassador to ureal unum
to insist that the British govern-
ment consent to the spnuing oi
reinforcements into lTPPr S'.lesia
and to a meeting of experts to
consider the Upper SUesian situa
tion be'ore the assembling of the
supreme etKincil.
The British reply to the latest
formal note of Premier , Briand
had not been received late to
night and the French govern
ment's action is declared to be
based unofficial, though authen
tic reports that the reply of the
British prime minister would be
a reaffirmation of his position
that the dispatch of further troop3
to Uppef Silesia is unnecessarY
and that a nveeting of the 8U
preme council to dlscviss the Si
lesian problem should be called
in the near future.
Eugene Has Highest
Temperature of Year
EUGENE. Or,. July 22 The
highest temperature yet recorded
in Eugene this summer was 90
degrees this afternoon. This is
one degree higher than the mer
cury reactvsd at any previous time
this year.
No prostrations are reported in
this section of the valley and all
harvest work and other outdoor
employment hag proceeded with
out interruption. ;
Paper Mill Employe is
Drowned at Oregon City
OREGON CITY Or.. July 22.
A. L. Parker, an employe ot the
Crown-Willamette aPpr company
was drowned in the Willamette
river here today whjie bathing.
The body .td not been recovered
tonight. ;
Parker came to Oregon City, last
September. He is the son of Mr
and Mr3. G. F. Parker of Weed,
Cal., and was 20 years of age.
Peace of World Said
To Hinge on Ireland
DETROIT. Mich.. July.22 De
claring the peace of the w'orld and
freedom of the seas depend upon
independence for Ireland, resolu
tions adopted at the 52nd conven
tion of Ancient Order of Hibern
ians today asked President Hard
ing and the. American :congress
immediately to recognize the Irish ,
republic. ' The resolution de- j
clared: "In the last few hundred
years England has destroyed ev
ery continental power whose com
mercial rise she believed a men
ace to her. Schemes now are be
ing made to destroy America."
I.W.W. Gang is Fired
From Sidney, Nebraska
SIDNEY, Neb.. July 22. A
hundred members of the I. W. W.
who have been gathering here for
about a-week and demanding $6
a day in the harvest fields, were
told today by Sheriff McDaniel
either to go to .work at the pre
vailing wages or leave the county.
Most of them left, '
Six Fatal Accidents
Are Reported for Week
There were six fatalities In Ore-
iron due to Ittdust-fal accidents
during the week ending Joly 21.
according to a report prepared by
the state industrial accident com
mission. The victims .were Ray
W. Burt, construction worker,
Portland; Edward Erlckson, con
struction laborer, Goble; George
H. Dayton, laborer. Grants aPss;
Chris Hoyt. construction worker,
Portland; Stephen Stewaet, road
worker. Riverton, and John Cle
mons Lewis, lineman, Silem. Of
the 357 accidents reported 327
were subject to benefits under the
compensation act, one was from a
firm that had rejed the law.
and 29 wora from uublic utility
corporations not subject
to the
Heisley Hospital at
Silverton Remodeled
RTT.VF.nTOX. Ore. July 23
fsDecial to The Statesman). Drs
O. F. and Etta Heisley have been
remodelline their sanitarium and
mfdemiziflir it.. In every way. In
the-beginning the house was a 13
room building. Now it has 30
rooms. The exterior is also being
redecorated. '
Chambermaids, Waitresses
May Get Lower Scale
OLYMPIA, Wash., July 22.
Modification of the present mini
mum wage for women of $18 a
week to permit chambermaids
and waitresses in this state to
work for $14.50 a week, was re
commended here tod ay. by a ma
jority of a conference consisting
of employers, employes and pub
lic representatives. The matter
was submitted to Edward Clif
ford, state director of labor and
industry, who took no action pen
ding further investigation.
The conferees were recorded
also as favoring wages of $2.50
a day and 35 cents an hour for
certain, other classes ot . feminine
Mjss Alice Lord of Seattle, rep
resenting the Waitresses' union,
said she favored reducing the
minimum wage because many wo-
i meu-'Wert-r ttue4 work at the
: s ' ..i
Oatatory ecafcv -Three oat the-l ,
nine coufereeis .voted against any J '
cut. -fc i--" f I "
NEW HAVEN, Conn. July S2.-f v 1
The eastern ione 1C yards chani-t -plonship
of two hundred targets? t
was won todajr by William II. Fat-) "
terson of Buffalo. I Ills score wal-.
19S. his marik being 99 out
100 yesterdayj and today.
ROME, July 22, From 25
persons hare been killed dur-i .
the conflieta between extreme? 1 ' '
Nationalists and Carabineers andi
Communists at Sartana, proveincel
ot uenoa, according to toe latest;
reports received here.
Coast League Baseball
Given Setter Patronage
Close to 100,000 more' people had!
patronised thej Pacific Coast Base-
ball league this season up! to Son- I
Ann Inln 17 !K .! ..
""j " !-uau ism BBnnuu up
to the same date. William H. M-:
Carthy, prashUent of th league .
said today. This record was made '
despite the fa,t that Portland and
bait Lake are not drawing as well i
as in 1920,. h said. ' V
Three reasons were given by $
McCarthy for the increase; pubic
confidence in khe integrity of the V
game, better baseball and better A
times. v-"-':' - - -K
The figures do not Include free fm
admissions givn women and chil- r
dren on certaih days. ' i . 1
Former Coljege Hurler
Signed by McCredie -'
OAKLAND, aL,: July 22.""
Russell Ellison former Untvtisity
of California pitcher and : who
Went to the Cleveland Indians in -
the American league and remained -with
that clu a few months, tew
day signed si .'contract with the5
Portland club in the Pacific coast ,
league and ws immediately pres. ,
fed Into service by, Managerial-
ter McCredie. j He appeared on the ' -
hill In the game against the San
Francisco Seats. - '
. ) i . ' '
Jacks' Deposition Is f : ' ,
Taker! in Will Contest;
SALINAS, CJal., July 22. The
deposition of Will JackaJ Monte-'
rey, Cal.. one lot the subscribing '
witnesses to the rjHirpdrtetf - will !
of the late James Hurray, Mon-;
tana millionaire, was taken to-
day by Countyj Clerk Joyi Jacki
stated he sigiMHl .the instrument,
in the presence of the testator,!
at the latter's Request, j " v i.
Anna M. FlinnV a ulec of tb
deceased and one of those con 1
testing the wilt, notified the court I
today that a jiry trial would bt -demanded.
t Tlie date for the con.
test hearing Will be' set on Aug- s"
ust 4 i ; I
Bremerton Ball Jearri ;
Wins State Elk Title s
SEATTLE, July 2 2. Bremer- i
Bremerton's bkli team' won thei
championship 6f the Washington -
State Elks association today by
defeating the bine from the Ta-
coma lodge lCj to 4. Other con;
tenders had bien eliminated yes
terday. ; j 1 r U
The big feiture of the state
convention today was the picnic '
for boys. On this occasion Wll-f '
liam W. Mountain, exalted ruler
of the grand lodge, said:
"The greatett work of Elkdom t
Is what it is (doing for boys to
bring them up jgood men and good v
Americans." j i - .
-r ' ,
Col. J. II. Slaverly, the old-
time minstrel magnate, 'once con
ceived the idda of having Mad
am PattI for ai concert tour under '
his own direction and Icalled on m
her to make ' contract. She re '
eeiyed him most cordially and tha
conversation went along swim-?"
mingly until. f hey began, to talt
terms. '!! -,.:?,?. 4 : ,
"May I ask j your terms or
n'ghts. MadamJ Pattl!'r asked Col.'; -Haverly.
- - 'Jj-tVv ; , . ,: j
"Four thousand dollars a night V
or $200,000 fpr 50 nights, one-i '
half to be deposited upon' signing;
of the-eontracjt.n said Pattl gllb-4'
ly. . H--. ':- . ; .
Colonel Ilavferly swallowed with U
difficulty twoor, three timee and . j
then managed to speak. i
"Two hundred thousand for 6K. w
nights!" her exclaimed. Heavens ( ,
uiauam: Tnai is just tour um
wnat we pay tne president of tM
United States!? 1 f
Well." said Pattl. "why don't,
you get the president to 6ing for
Drr Simon Fjejtner, head of the
famous Rockeffller institute, said J
at a dinner in Philadelphia:
"Don't be surprised at the faith
cures you hear-about. Even In le
gltlmate medicine faltn plays a f
large part. j ': i .
"A friend of mine treated an ?
old Manayunk Woman tor typhoid
fever. At eacx visit he put bis .'
thermometer 1n hef mouth to take '
ber temperatqre. i She Improved,
and finally a day came 'when my
friend could dispense i with his
temperature taking.. That day h ;
merely prescribed , and departed.
"But he hadn't got far from the
house when It he old woman's
daughter ran after him and called
him back. : -s.
"'Mother's much worse.' she
said. ' ' .-!. ; -,..'., , .. -
"My friend Went back to tha '
old woman. She looked at him re- ?
proachfully frtim-her pillow and
moaned; . j ; , .v., i ; ,
" 'Doctor, why didn't yon glm 4
me the Jigger under me tongue to- -day?
That ddes me more good" '
than all the rekt of yer trash'." 1
Washington St4r. " 1 .
b ' !.
General Pershing gays the lame
ducks in the national guard must
go. Is he golig to deprive that .1
command of all Ug dancing and :
mincing stepped UeutenanU? 1 1
he i
i A