!;.. i4 '. it . . - - w w. w -, rr . rvrt - .. I T1IE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23. 1921 . . 1 CUP IS: I BIGGEST EVER I Only One Ada Roach - : - . I l!i This I Familiar Saying About Noted Entertainer Who Comes to Chautauqua With Ruth Freeman 99 Local ManagerOutlines Pro . gram for Entire Seven Days of .Visitation Th year' Chautauqua which opens In Salem ilonday night Is the biggest I have ever seen, and 1 hay been Yltally connected with Chaulauauas for a number of years, .. . 7 ! M. S. Taylor waxed enthusias tic as: he outlined the programs .that are to be presented this year .at the Willamette .unHrerslty cam- "For a well-rounded .program of music, entertainment, fun and good lectures, I consider the Kl- Jiijon White seven-day Chatanqua. the big league circuit of America." he continued. "Take any of the lecturers, and you will find them top-notchers In-their particular field, rand the same is true of the musical organizations. And the play company Is one of the best that j-will visit Salem In many moons. Little Is known or Burnell Ford Vho-i)pens Chatauqua with his electrical demontrations, for he Is of i all men most modest. Mr. Pordi however, has made an en viable reputation in the electrical i world and brings to Salem a big' part lot his laboratory equipment with j which he will demonstrate the wonders of this unseen. force When one realizes that he brings one of his machines with which it .lai possible, by properly attun ing It, to send a ship ten miles out to make It manoeuvre at at. will and return to a perfect : landing without a single person aboard, and uses that machine to perform a number of Interesting ; experiments .In wireless- control, one cannot but feel that this and the rest of his startling experl ; ments ar worth the seeing. Truly ! his te a most spectacular program and a plenUld feature with which to begin Chautauqua. Tne, second day brings the Roaeh-Freemnn Cuo for a Jull af ternoon, of Impersonations, com- edy, songs and raudevilllan stunts of all kinds. - ' And in the evening Stefansson. Mr. Stefansson Is one of the big men! In the world of exploration. and! as a speaker Is making a wonderful Jmpresslon wherever he goes. His Is a most interesting storv. with a splendid list of pic tare Illustration and he ' holds his audiences as few speakers can. through a marked personal mag netism and a most Temarkable story. To miss 8tefansonn la to ml mi one of the high spots of Chautauqua. i The Orpheus Male quartette, which gives a prelude Wednesday afternoon and a full concert in the! evening is the i organization which won the $3090 grand prize at the San Francisco exposition In 1915 for the best quartet there, j These boys are a valuable asset to. Chautauqua and are rated in the; east as the best male quartet In; America. -- ! . . Followlng-the Afternoon pre lude Dr.-'J. F. Jennes gives an in spirational address on "Wh is an American." v r ! Signaller Tom Skeyhlll and the -Jugo Slav orchestra are' the at tractions for the fourth day. Fol Jewjn'f the prelude by the' orches tra in the-afternoon, M. S. Taylor delivers his message, "The Psy chological Side of the Sex Prob lem." In the evening Mr. Skey hill gives his first hand story of conditions in Russia. , '. -the feature for the fifth, sixth and seventh days, brggest days of Chautauqua: with a . real comedy played by a nftew York company, more good music and lectures win be explained in tomorrow's issue Not least among these attractions are Father D. J. Cron'n, lecturer and Walter Jenkins of Jfortland, community song leader. - Considering the greatfy reduced cost to patrons of Chautauqua who purchase season , tickets, it seems that everyone who expects to attend as many as three num bers on the program will see the economy of the season ticket pian because three eveping numbers total more than the adult season ticket it seen on the single ad mission plan. . t Reserved seats as well as season tickets can be procured at the 'Ilartman Jewelry store all day today. Season tickets are also on sale at The Spa, Grey-Belle. Pat ton's and-- the- Commercial Book Store. i Last vear. and some other years some of the later Chautauqua tic ket buyers have found all tho re served seats sold, and they have to' sit on back rows and have the goody strained out of some of the lectures and concerts by the. eager auditors in front of them. 1 jThere will be no increase in the number of reserved seats sold, and there can't be enough of then " to give every applicant a reserva- tionJudging from the present aa Vance demand for seats. But everybody will have an even break for a chance at the best seats, tor the reserved-seat ticket sale does ot niira on til 10 o'clock this - mnrnlnr at the Ilartman Brothers store, where the books will be opened and everybody who comes will be served in turn as long as the seats last. The season tickets have been on sale for several days to that all buyers have had op portunity to supply themselves fud be on an aqual basis for the reserved seat privileges. . r Season tickets will be on sale along with the reservations today, so that all who apply at once will ' lave an equal chance. But after this morning. u comers will to take what is left. , T "he program throughout looks like a liberal edniAtion in music , nd art. and sciences ind philos I phy. The ran re ot talent is ex ceptionally wide, and the quality - . H "said to be the best the Chau tanqua has ever sent out. It promises to he tae most successful "Dnlv one Ada . Roach" has Jtrown to be a familiar saying in the Chautauqua world. This inimitable entertainer has truly reached the top round in her profession. When Ada Roach smileslevery one Bmlles with her; when she stags, every I heart sings wltfi her; her stories and impersonations have the sparkle pf true genius. 4 Ruth Freeman, "runnings mate" with Ada Roach fof years, is abundantly able to present a complete program alone. She com bines real talent'as a violinist with exceptional ability and as an un usual artist In mjmicry and dialect ntimbers. t i year in the history of the) Salem Chautauqua. y The big tenuis to be put up today. The equfpmentls the same as has been used others years, except that better seat-bracing is to be provided than ' or ptner years. . . -: PATEfsTS ARE vHibDEN FROM OREGON PHONES (Continued from. page 1.) vice of all c'tles" of that' -'class in the west. ' - Corey Interrapts "But Hood Rivers plant was one of the first In the state to ask for an increase in rate9," in terruntedvCommlst'lot?er torey. "That "la explained," - replied Babcock, "by the fact that the Hood River territory is the most difficult to serve in, th-.t the ser vlo is to Mve and ten-acre farms and not. to 50-foot lots. While It stands unique ior it; ser vice, Hood River could never be an example o? low rate5l7 OcvAk ino conditions" In ho Portland exchanges. Major Bab, ffct said that while he t bad not the time tq investigate the entire xvstem he had found no device in the exchanges he vlsitod that la controlled-bv the rights of lh American Telephone & Taieg-rapn comoanv to. Its pent-up patents. therefore nothing would, warrant the exaction qf any payment, oi royalties. . , ; ; " Tribute Paid Engineer As a further point to show that the Oregon public is victlm- zed by the American Tejepnono a Telparranh tombany. and tnai the Pacific company is under the thumb of the parent monopoly. Major Babcock declared that "in his opinion the -engineers of the Pacific, company are unable tact- ullv to recommend anytnmg, in'. dneo not come through, what known as "engineer'ng service'." Incidentally he paid warm iriu ute to the (MiKln-TS of th Pacf 'c system, declaring that those, he had met were men of s'iperior at tainments in the engineering sv trm who conld not tolerate the fered y Mrs. Agnes Johnson the previous day relative V a test made by her of .the jdervice in Portland. -Major Babcock said that the average of 30 calls a day made by Mrs. Johnson fchould not overload the line. "Tne percentage of party line's in Portland is so low' he said, "that the number should not be an appreciable load on any line. I would cuasider 1000 cafls a fairer test in two weeks than the 339 made by Mrs. Johnson.? Asked his opinion da to what constitutes satisfactory service. 'Major Babcock said tlfat. for the suoecrioer tnis depends on nis point of view and hlsi experience with telephones. "Butllf I were a manager,,r he added, " would not ! consider I was giving service, even if there were no complaint, unless f gave -the patrons the; advantage of very modern device! that could economically be usedf' In .this obsolete system in Oregon should be legislated or ordered out of business.. i Asked to elucidate on the semi automatic system of service. which Is advocated by, Major Bab jcock, he defined the three types jof service. These, he explained, i are the full manual, which re ! quires extreme operator labor; 'the full automatic, which requires ) extreme subscriber labor; and the ! semi-automatic, which requires a j minimum of labor both by the I operator and by the subscriber. S itchboarUH Attacked. This led Major Babcock to a vitriolic attack on the general switchboard system in Portland, even to the assertion that he had found Rei-ond-band obsolete switch boards being installed which had the appearance ot Laving been discarded in some other large city and sent to Portland lor use. ; The major took as his first ex l ample the Main-Marshall ex change, which he said is unecon omical in that one exchange is serving a territory that should be served by two. The congestion of linos in this exchange, he said, is very pronounced. "These switchboards are known as the jack-per-station type," said Major Babcock, "which, I ini ad vised, is the standard fqr the Pa cific, company, but which i con eider a very extravagant specifi cation. It places a great burden upon the operator and results in errors in giving service. It dis courages the economical four party service. I have never seen bui one switchboard anywhere that was more congested than the Main-Marshall exchange in Port land." Kast Exchange Bad. ft Mr. Babcock then took up the East exchange which he declared presents a more deplorable con dition than the Main-Marshall exchange. "At the East exchange," he said,, "the company has proceeded with a system of emergency re lief diametrically opposed to the Main-Marshall exchange, but equally bad, and- which is a dis tortion of ordinary practices of engineering." This reference was to the raised multiple at the East ex change which the majoj declared "is Indefensible on any basis to which my imagination may ex tend." Overload Serious. The overload, he said, is very exaggerated and involves an ad dition to costs and poor service. It was here that Major Babcock found the second-hand switch boards which he opined had been removed somewhere else and thrust upon the Portland public To illustrate the economical ser vice which he said would result from the semi-automatic system. BAY CITY POLICE ' LOOK FOB DOCTOR Mechanic Tells Detective He Believes Brumfield Was In Hotel: ' months ago when he brought Wil liam Bowne safe to land when be was almost beyond recall. Ben jamin Beall saved the life of a young woman at Spong's landing la.-t Sunday. The court of houor has-awarded these medals to the Scouts who have so splendidly lived up to their creed of unselfishness and helrfulness. and the award is made public iu the desire that proper recognition be given the Sout spirit that has found so capable exemplification in these Salem lads. It was especially iitting that edit n MALL S SIL IS REINS Small is Not Yet Served With Arrest Warrant at Springfield 'HONOR MARK TrAOTS KW, SAX FRANCISCO, July 22. the same court of honor should I "'..ut "; T"4f "Int Herbert H. Brecht, a mechanic, award merit badees to two other ; governor -amau u- " reported to Captain of Police IX- Scouts. Tristram Kdi..undon and for emberzleme nt ap d-JJ rf tectives Matheson today that he! Hubert Erickson, for proHcien- to .defraud .the trft',lB'fcJJ J; believes a man who; addressed cy in swimming. These medals triumphantly at the ead ot tne are awarded for the ability to " VJ Jrr unT next twim 100 yards. to master at and apparent . y "LJ?. least time .wimrnin slakes, to Tuesday, at leu, from, Interfr dive cieanly and etfectively. and J -V to swim at least Go feet on the Lack lrorioienc- in swimming ,ulem tump wmiin ia. iai , are,P(1 that the him in a hotel lobby her last Tuesday night and t&eir burried from the place, was Ur. . K. M. Brumfield, dentist oC Roseburg. Or., sought for the : murder of Dennis Rassell. , Following Brecht s feport, Cap tain Matheson detailed detectives to search hotels in the southern part of San Francisco on the theory that Brumfield may be in hiding here Brecht told Matheson that he had formerly lived at Roseburg and was personally acquainted with Russell but not with Brum field. Tuesday night, he told Matheson. he was sitting in the lobbv reading when a nu next chair remarked: i "I see they got old lady Ka ber." t Brecht said that without look ing up he remarked: f "Well, I hope they? get Brum field. who murdered niy old friend Russell." Instantly, Brecht declared, the man arose and hurried to the street. Brecht stated that last October he had lived in Roseburg and knew that Brumfield !many times had attempted to hire Russell to Mow up some stumps with dyna mite. He said Russell had always refused because he did not un derstand the use of explosives. The governor, without reced- swim at east So feet on tne 4mmunl4v k. W.Hi thrW lives saved by j m : t ron. i bj Vto?SS!St fioienc y in swimming in the j JZl ,mmunitton. ?m tump within thf last few !enaus" t, .u .t thr montbs these a.,uat.c meuah are - ,s ,be reach of most timely encourageaiont to all ' 8.v , "r ... :. . ,, i,a, thPv l tie law. mau n appeared betore Judge Smith to day as -friends of the court" to offer opinions but not to present the boys to swim. Loss to Closed Bank licny nioiions. neavy, uiuciai wanteu Their appearance as friends of connection he mentioned party lines which 'would ecpnqmize on tliA niimhfr of lfnp t h pnmninv would- be required to extend101! "aocock submitted figures through, tne territory jsefved MEDALS ARE AWARDED (Continued from :page 1.) CHICAGO, July 22. The loss an in tho to the Michigan Avenue Trust Company bank, which was closed Thursday in the- absence of its president, Warren C. Spurgin, will be more than $1,000,000 and may reach $1,500,000. - These figures were Riven out to night by G. M. Reynolds, chairman of the continental and commercial national bank's board of directors and uncle ot Spudgin. who had not been located late tonight. No action has been taken against Spurgin and the audit of the bank books continued today. At a meeting of depositors it was decided to try to save the bank rather than force it into the hands of a receiver. The bank had close to 14,000.000 in depos its and the auditor has found $214,000 in cash and a quantly of stocks and bonds. . . the court was accepted wuu thanks by Judge Smith, who de clared that he had no motion for a ruling in the case and therefore could make none. In recessing his court the judge declared that "nothing will be don before next Tuesday." V 1 Xv j . f . j ' . ' ' 5 In ithe. forenoon Major Babcock averred, that the service -system of the' Pacific Telephone i& .telegraph system. In Oregon iS 'cfbsolete, and he declared that the ompanv dis courages four-party Eine develop ment' which in otherleitles is af fording the masses a economical and adeqnate service. 1 Seattle Compared v in i Portland, according to Major Babcock. four-party development jrepresents only about 1 1 percent of, the total number of patrons, while; in. Seattle the proportion is 5 9, "percent and in EyeVett, Wash, it Js St. percent. However, t. he said Jth&f, Seattle, like PorUaml. still has perpetrated! upon it the nuisance t party liae rings. Major Babcock1 ajaid that his observation . in eastern, middle western and some fegtern cities, shows that fouw-parfy line devel opment makes a lower rate and a service that is o much more value to the community. . 'Discouragement i. of this sys tem,!" said the witness, "seems to be peculiar to the Pacific Tele distorted system in Oregon un less luejr . nho Jt, Tol..nl. k a in replying to another ouestion ; - VheiV DrTvdetrT. m. i A a w r rron I iih itiv. i. . - ine majui ' - ' - neiifve there is any excosec for thls,j as the modern selective rlnE; .1 ill M.. V.a I . 1 ltlsT HVUfPTll haq honni , i.a i o achievement if it were free from S Z'r :,: rantno V T Mm f . ' ' "vpn.iu IV-Vll IV. ' : ... I ComDanv. ouhpH hv'ihu Am,r,-.on rates per staon cou.u Telethon & TrirL. tnwrd The Western . Kieetnc IT7 T . .? rr w . I WUIL I HIMII IIU'FIV T n A fm U t A VkrY. manillfiP'l " " " V"V ixiv, con,pa"' "IU ;V' I . Pnr. has patents foverin lures iiib . . modern .viiinmnf ? erican company, cuu.u The obsolete service wW. .ha tur vr """" - f ea to by the maj than 11 aoe, oui vuai. " vil nf contml fr,i, .. .. IU huee field to which territory ooo mTie hv mTln ' independent con- . . - - - "-" . . j vi,. st oLcm ui curresDonaence nl:lX?kV-n at equip- i m en i n nnnmt irnti nn ... i ... T"r" . T "J'wmuiar roil roiiii inuutTO source, with the lookl ,vtam i, i ne wiwes w "i"1 i me : no voicn in th m ,,. u ion ot the policy, whereby only 30 submitted as an exhibit a list of oer cent or ine revenues irVui tu.t Z71 patents held by the W'eatern lines goes iu lUB.rBnut.tumifoiij. uecinc company, i including thn contained in a report which he compiled on the Chicago system. For Portland he said the semi- automatic system would brins about proportionately greater pood results ip Chicago, and the Chicago results were shown as follows: (a) . Retains operator service. (b) ' 100 per cent efficient oper ator service. (c) 66 per cent reduction in operator costs. (d) Add 20 years more life to $11,350.09 worth of present an nual equipment. (e) Avoid additional invest ment pf $17,705,600 (as com pared with full automatic cost ) (f) A net saving ($11,350.- 069 increased life, less salvage C4 Jl, 100. 000. or net of $10,250.- 069; and $17,705,600 additional automatic cost) of $27,9r.r,,669 of plant cost to the telephone users of Chicago. Patent Ownership Detriment Attorney Tomllnson asked Ma jor Babcock to comment on the ownership of the great list of pat ent rights held by the American Telephone & Telegraph company, "My opinion." said the witness "in view of the obsolete equip ment and other deficiencies in Portland, is that it is nothing more or less than, a detriment to the public of Portland, because the company owning them hai not availed itself of the opportunity to give the public the advantage of improved service. It is estimated that the hear ing will require at least another week. anda, portion of the session il is believed, will be in Portland The general plan has been to take all technical testimony' in Salem, I he case of the hotel men and certain eastern Oregon testimony probably will be submitted in Portland and shell, the wounds and the years of possible trture from ghastly wounds, thftt make the deeds themselves stand out. To offer a life that a nation, an army, a friend, might live, isn't the way of base humanity; it is the mark vjf divinity and this divinity is still so rare that man can't help wondering at and hon oring it' as a thint sublime. The records show? that Arthur Hamilton put his iown life in grave jeopardy last summer when be went to the rescue of Lindley Edmundson, who was drowning. Keith Draper did likewise two HOTEL ARRIVALS J Mrs. Mildred Clemene Scnenck ha recently been jmade a fellow In the Royal Geographical So ciety of London fojr btr explorer tlont, travelogues jand wide dl- eml nation of geographical knowledge. . Mr.! Schenck It a cousin of the fainqul humorist. Tulsa Chief of Police Found Guilty by Jury He replied that since the toll rates are too low as compared with oth er rates, the percentage is too low At Everett, Wash., he said the toll rates are 40 per cent higher than in Oregon and the people are sat isfied. Commission:-.- Corey interrupted with the observation that because modern devices. J Vnderdevelopmf M Caused The first question put to Mr Babcock by Attorney Tomllnson related to the effect of low toll rates and low ratfs for big busi ness pnone It has the effrt of underlie I Willi me ouservaiioii urn volirmt ,kn .ti lot the sparsely settled condition SLXt hn Oregon there are n two town B&bcock Wanted, Clean Apartments By married couple, no child ren. v ill be permanent. Call Berg apartments, 5 55 Marion cireei, Api. o; pnone ia24, or phene Adams, 362. Marion Auto mobile Co. Adv. i r,,,.!,),, to Rworott r ""v.K. . leiauveiy low .u. yr ' .."'"r'T. Business rate operates to mk r"aE.u i ,.w:s ih tei wPensive 83 rn hr u nuddl & the v that the are uiahln to not use the toll lines, but would use the telegraph lines instead. Forrt. Amply Lrge Attorney Tomllnson submitted a large number ot diagrams furn ished by the telephone company in Its various departments and asked earners enjoy the prlvilegf of the utility because the utility mast secure an adequate revenue! and II this ia not procured froii the large user in proportion to he service given men it must be corresnnndiniv Major Babcock to give his opinion higher for the leps fortunate r.r as to wnetner me company is over- idential users. If the toll service officered. His general reply was is efficient and Entirely satlsfac that the company in Oregon has toty the gross rivenuea may be a "a very ampie, extensive ana com- great deal morefper station plete organization." fThe burden of the large users . "If outside control and red tape and the toll plants should " be were removed woiild that force be heiivy in carrying overhead items sufficient for efficient service in of jt telephone service, and tele Oregon?'" asked Tomllnson. , phbne service to the small busi "I believe the number Is suffl- neiss man and the moderatPlv neni, ue iuc hiiik., "ui ibuii.sui citizens snould be verv Car Reported on Highway Mrs. Starr, who live four miles north of Salem on the Pacific highway, reported that there was a car standing on a side road near her home. The license num ber was that of the car belonging to D. H. Moser. TULSA. Okla., July 22. John A. GustafBon, suspended chief of police tonight was found guilty by a jury o- having failed .to take proper precautions for public safety on the night and day of the recent race riots, and also guilty on another count of conspiracy to free automobile thieves and col lect rewards. The jury deliberat ed six hour3. Read Ita Classified Ads. ULIUH -Those- registering from Portland were: G. T. McKinney. J. Ilinnel. W. F. Walker. N- Rose. W. A. Shone, C. W. Fenn and wifp ll. R. Demmon. C. F. Mil ler, Kdward Dort, Violet Kerns, W. C. Dewey. Other guests were Laura York. Oregon City; Edna Watts, Grants Passr; , Mae Gres bach Seattle; T. F. Ratchford. San Francisco; A. E. Dorsett and wife, Indianapolis; F. W. Herrin, Ashland; M. D. Ilammel, . Falls City; B. Tk Johnson, Independ- ence; Albert vreeieyana iauiu. Muuire. Ind.; R. M.. Trezewant and wife. Fort -Worth; Mrs. Mac Bennetts Los Angeles; H. Adams. Scotts Mills; D. R. HelheyK ScOtts Mills. MARION Guests registered from Portland were H. I) Far mer, G. F.-Dwyer, Kirk Thomp son, Tom Booth,, Edythe L. Reist, M. Pator. C. A. Wlgholm. W. 11. Adams. E. J. Hall and wife, E. R. Bakinger and wife. F. O. Lindstrom, R. R. Weiss, C. K. Gillis, F. R. Chapman, James Murray. II, V. Hopper, . Eugene; F. J. Sleeper. San Francisco; F. E. Newton, San Fjranclsco; Rob trt W. Reist. Denver; j Marie 8. Johnson. St. Maries;! F, J. John-. son. Seattle: H. j E. Mlmn, Medford; Charlep V. Furlong. Pendleton: C. B. lrown and wife," Los Angeles; Freda Johnson. Marshfield; H. J Mclnnls, San Francisco: T. J. j Delano, Saera mento; U II. MMuetry, Sacra mento; Wayne Schwab, Sacramen to: H. O. Pratxman.j Sacramento; Ann Johnson. Eigepe; Jeanette Johnson, Eugene; Laura Johnson, Eugene; Enid Vest, Eugene; Ros- coe N Green ahd wife, Rose burg -i rr- WORSK AXt AVORSR. Kansas Taper ; (We wlt.h to apologise for the toanper-In which we disgraced the1 beautiful wed ding last week, (Through an er ror or the typesetter we were made to ssy "hej roses were punk." What we should have said was "the noses were pink Boston Transcript.- ! - f And TWENTY-SEVEN OTHER BIG PRIZES; Totaling $510.00 Casli -TAID 'ht treat Mori Producer, Cesar B. v3 DeMilier, to hU hated rival, Morie Pro dui-er liarid Warlttield Griffin, "I have jv u aasaged foar of the treateit iloTint Victure Stan in America tr 1117 next big a: ins Picture Play." Of eoune thn made 3riffint an cry batauae he likea to be the (reateat of all the treat Movie Producers and tried his best to persuade DeMilier to tell Win th ames of the great Movie Stars. Jint tJ tantalise him, Oaar 3. DaMiller (sve Avid f Varkfield Oiiilm fcir rcret codes i. jyreaeibtinf the Barnes of the four Movie burs '- had engaged tnd told htm ttat if lie .-d brains enough to Cisco ver the aames from tlieae secret cdes ha dsaerved to know them. Jt waa oo nioh ot a putsle for Griffin, so it is said be called in Scotland Yard and offered them a thousand dollars if ihey tronld dis cover the rasies for h-m from the four secret codes that DeMilier had g-ven bim. Thia waa an easy job for the treat Scotland Yard Xetective Force, and in leas than an hour they had the four namea. They far the Dames to Griffin and also tve him their sya tHu fcr work in t out their clnea. HEM IS THE WAT THEY DID IT. "It's easy," said CMef of Detectives O'Flyna. "1 have worked out 'our auma which oa see beneath oach on of the foar codes. "Add np these fonr stuns and your totals give yon the four clues to the tour names. "You to about it this way. Each secret code has ten letters to it. Baca letter repre sents a number. The first letter -of the code represents 1, the second letter represents 2, the third letter represents 3, and ao on. The tenth letter in each code represents the cipher 0 instead of 10. "Each mm, aa you see, instead of numbers is made np of letters, but it contains only the letters that are contained in ths code above it. "Now chants the letters of each sum into their equivalent numbers, accordant to the code above, puttint them down line by line from left to ritht exactly aa the Utters; for instance, the first letter of tho first sum is N N as yon will aa ia tna fi.t l..... .l aeeret code above that ansa and therefore rep- This Great Contest Is Absolutely FREE of Expense. Send In Your Answers To-day! renenta aumber 1. H, tee second letter hi tLs first line of the first sum is that eithtk letter in the code above it, therefore j it rep resent number S. i "After yon have changed ever letter of ! tho sum into a number, add np the earn leaf k7 aa you wouia any omer ana) oi Ilf ores, and ths total that yen ret gives yon your clues to tho names of the Movio Start. "Then work out your does this way: f "Betinning at the left-hand aidof of tho total of your aum change each figure1 ef th total back to its letter at represented ia tho secret code above tho sum: for instance, I can tell you that the first number of tho total of the .first aum is 7. The letter C ia tho seventh letter in tho code above the first sum, therefore tho first letter represented hr your total ia letter C. Now enange every num ber of your total ia the same war and a will have the name of the hie via Star repre sented by that sum." , This is not aa easy nroblam, bat Wtrcne and perseverance may find yoo the name of the treat Movie Stera. For tho beet answer submitted wo will pay the following priseng Collide With Street Car M- J. Wilbur-of 1770 Broad way reported tf police that while driving his truck south on Col lage he struck a street car which was traveling east on Chemeketa. A tre blown out on the Wilbur truck and the end gate torn off was tho only damage done. Charles Atwater Will Receive Spine Treatment DALLAS Or., July 22. (Sper cial to The Statesman Charles Atwnter of th:s city le t this week I am not able to pass on the qual- light. Telephone service shniiia' Taroia where he will enter Ificatlons of all the engineers beP on a basis broDortinnmo listed." use. This involves the develop- Earller he had given the opin- mnt of party lirtes. My obtierva ion that the pacific company tidn is that thisa policy does not -"ve verv feneroua nse of the exjst in Oregon j which indicate term "engineer" and that many that a prejudice Is being operated employee so listed m'ght not be against the email business man able to qualify as euch. ; and the residents." T JohMowrTf at )wiiestt i W.- IjiyiMtUm Needed -;' k Referring to the testimony ot- Majdr Babcock opined that the . ' ' -:l - V " a m'litary hosnital for the treat ment of his pine wh'ch was in jured while Mr. Atwater was with tb? American army in France. Mr. Atwater was reriously ill dur ing the time he was overseas and it is the supposition of physicians that he carried too b?avy a pack on h's back on long marches while his bones were still weak from the long Illness. Thia arrest contest ia boinr rnnAnrA H The Statesmsn Publishing Co., Salem, Ore- f jn, oao of tho largest and best known pub ishing houses in Oregon. This ia your guarantee that the primes will bo awarded with abaolute fairneaa and aquarelles to you and every other contestant. Frankly, it is intended to introduce The Pacific Homestead, Oregon's Greatest Farm Magasina, and The Kortbwest Poultry Journal, the leading poul try magaxine of the Pacific Northwest. Tou Biar eater and win the best of prises whether you are a subscriber to either of these pub lications or not and moreover, you wiU either be asked nor expected to take these .agi xines or spend a ainglo penny of your p-i aty w compete. Here is the idea The Pacific Homestead Is the oldest and best farm magasin pub liahed in the Pacific Northwest, issued week Jy. it has a very large number of readers. The Northwest. Poultry Journal is alao very widely rad and has the largest circulation of any magaxine in its class published in the Pacifie Northwest. But our motto ia one of our magaxiuee in every home. Wo want more readert to become acquainted with these Janioui publications. Therefore, when we acknowledge your entry to the contest and you know yonr ataading for the prixea. we hall tend yon without cost a copy of our very latest issues. Then in order to qualify voor entry to be aent on for tho judging and awarding of the grand prixea, you, will be as1" I assist us in carrying on thia big in troduction plan fcy ahowing yonr copies to just four friends or neighbors, who will ap preciate those really worth whilo megxiines and want them to coma to them regalarly two readera to Tho Pacific Homestead and two readera to Tho Northwest Poultry Jour- ; mt uunr comomaiiea you like to . iou win easily foinil thia simple in a few minutes of year spare time. make foar. 1 : . coDuiuoa in a lew minutes of year aparo time. 7 , T BU Maa eopiea to eacn of your friend if yon wiea. HOW TO BEHD TOTJB SOLTJTIOK8. Us only one aide of the paper that con tains names of tho Movie Stars, and put your name and addresa (atating Mr, Mr, or Miae) inybe upper right-hand corner. If you wiah to write anything but your answers. ne a separate aheet of paper. Three independent judges, having' no con nection whatever with thia firm, will award the prizes, and tho answers gaining 250 points will taka the First Prise. Yon will get 2a points for every name completed cor rectly. 40 pointa will be awarded for teneral neatness, styie, spelling, punctuation, etc, 10 P'nU. 'or handwriting, and 100 pointa for fulfilling the eonditiona of tho contest Con testants mast agree to abido by the decision of the judges. . The content will elose at S . o Kovem ber 30. mi, immediately afler whh nwe wjl1 idd and tho prixo. award- --- j vur answers today to; JhejGreat Movie Mystery. Statesman Publishing Co., Salem, Or. WIN" These Prizes 1st - 2nd - . 3rd : . . 4th - - 5th - - 6th - - 7th, 95.00 Cash 8th, SS.00 Cash eta. $5.00 Cash 10th, SS. 00 Cash lltn, 98.00 Cash 12th. 98.00 Caah 13th, 98.00 Caah 14th, 96.00 Caah 16th, 98.00 Casts lth, 9 00 Cask 17th, 98.00 Cash $200.00 Cadi 100.00 Cash 50.00 Cash 25.00 Cash 15.00 10.00 Cash Cash 18th. 900 Caah lth. 98.O0 Caah 20th, 98.00 Caah 81st. 98.00 Caah 82nd, 96.00 Caah 83rd, 98.00 Caah 84th, 98.00 Caah 86th, 96.00 Caah 86th. 98.00 Caah 87th. 86.00 CaU 28th, 98.00 Caah PRIZES GUARANTEED L. ' ' 'I----. . t . ' "I ' - , s -i ' J : ! : ' M i -a . i t I f IV 4 -i t loves ' rcul chip( . Low in tears - Had low rice A kings help Scire This nhcaeelchalora loeownltnl a i had o ioerrow ka igakhgesa tirtinr OOERLHOALLCOEA OLTN INTWOLOW HAR I AAHRWI 0 A ISGNAEHNHA - , mUVlb NOHCLAERONOEAR L I NTN IW0LTAR HDLWRC I0DA .L KNLEHGK INSE WsVTTDV -NRNOREALCH IHCL OWTEARAETIWW HADWOLAIRCA KKNG I ISGENS J1I JlLlAI NNREAUEROEHHO L OA INNTEAI T E HHLWIRWROAW "AAGNSHLKHKA UcClues ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? U