The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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receives th lAwed .
report or the Associated
Press. the
greatest and most re-
Fair; moderate westerly winds.
assoclitlon In m
I 4
! -
I I, 1 1 t i
Witriem Telephone ftate
ft'eh'eanng Case Tells of
Schemes to Boost Cost of
Service In State.
Equipment Declared to Be
Obsolete Through Mon
opoly Manipulation
. ine patents, owned or con
trolled by the American .Telephone
& Telegraph company. Is the
greatest list In the world under
the control of one concern. They
should He there In that book as a
monument to that company which
Witaiixeg the Inventions of oth
ers and keeps them out of use."
This wa a thrust taken at the
telephone monopoly yesterday by
Major , Garrison Babcock, star wit
ness for the city of Portland in
the telephone 'rate hearing, as be
Indicated' an inch-thick volume
that lay before him containing a
; list of modern telephone patents
7 devices which are not in use In
the state of Oregon, for. the rea
son, doubtless, that if the were
more In use the telephone busl-
: nesa could be operated much more
economically and with consequent
lower rates than It is in Oregon
at the present time.
Patents Enumerated
A count of the patents in the
list showed 2501 owned or coni
trolled by the American Telephone
& Telegraph company ; 244 to
which that company has exclusive
or- practically exclusive rights;
1391 under which it is licensed to
operate; a grand total of 4136.
Discussion of patents in the af
ternoon session started when At
torney Tomllnson, representing
Portland, read a lengthy article
from Lima; (O.) News tinder the
caption "Lima Telephone ServicH
Spreads Fame of City Throughout
World." It was a story of re
markable efficiency cf a plant
. that stands unlqao In . American
- cities from the point of view of
satisfactory . public service, so
much i that when the Lima Tele
phone & TelesTaph company In!
formed Its, patrons that it would
petition for an increase In rates
.the , people Joined with the com
pany In Its petition.
Portland Could Have Money
Lima uses the semi-automatic
, system, a type which the Ameri
can Telephone & Telegraph com
pany is privileged to use.
! "The American Telephone &
Telegraph .company has had op
portunity to use. without royalty,
all the devices that have brough
about the situation in Lima." -was
the comment-of Major Babcock.
("What would W the" effect of
toe use of tire semi-automatic de
vice in : Portland?" asked Mr.
Tomllnson .
: "ir the i party 'line selective
ringing system also were used,"
was the answer, "the present out
side construction In Portland
would serve at least 33 1-3 per
cent and possibly 50 her cent
more patrons than It now nerves.
- The economy of tire move would
more than offset the investment
in the plant."
System Fcatblrt Here
Asked it the serai-automatic
and selective ringing system
would be ..feasible in Portland.
Major Hancock replied that it
would "be absolutely feasible."
"Would If be feasible In bther
. cities in Oregon," was asked.
"Yes. The smallest city where
I would recommend its use would
be in a city the size. of Hood RIt-)
er." He explained that the sys
tem In its earlier stages of devel
opment is now used .in Hood Riv
er which .is considered . to have
about the' most satisfactory ser-
(Continued on page 2)
lli ! Is
Polk County Youth lis Cited for
Bravery With Army of Occupation
IXALLAS,vOr., July22. Word has been received
here1 that Joseph Dennis, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Dennis, Oakdale farmers, who is serving in the
American army of occupation in Germany, was cited
recently for bravery for preventing an explosion.
Large oil tanks on a barge in a river near where
young. Dennis was stationed were in danger of explod
ing from, a fire on the bank nearby. Volunteers were
called for to release the barge from its moorings, but, be
fore anyone 'could respond, Dennis was seen swimming
put to the barge and in a short time it was f Ipating down
the river out of jthe danger zone.- The heat was so in
tense that mariyj times the swimmer was obliged to dive
Sunder the. water. L
' -
Chemewa Man Will Take Youngsters Back Into Unwritten
History of America When Moccasins Were Traded for
Arrows or Wampum With Never a Spoken Word
They're going to go back more
than a hundred years into the un
written hiHtory of America at the
Boy Sc6ut camp in the national
forest, which begins August 8.
It's a mighty interesting story.
George P. Dent of Chemawa In
dian school is a genuine Chey
enne Indian chief of the bluest
and reddest blood that ever flowed
in th west. From his people he
has learned the ancient sign lan
guage; everything that they ever
knew of communicating without
the use of -spoken or written sym
bols. Perhaps one might not explain
the wireless, or bolshevism, or a
problem from Euclid by these
immemorial signs, but every liv
ing fact that had to do with daily
life on the early plains is there
as plain as the dawn. Mr. Dent
has all this Indian lore that is
today almost a lost art. .He is
going to teach it to the Scout3
in their camp, and they are to
have a rare and altogether unique
Arthur Hamilton and Keith
Draper, two Salem Boy Scouts,
were yesterday awarded the Scout
gold medal, the highest award
possible in the Scout code, for
risking their lives to save com
panions from drowning. Benja
min Beall was given the Scout
bronze medal, lesser only in de
gree and not in kind, for the
same unselfish service. !
One of the most wonderful ser
mons ever preached in Salem was
given two weeks' ago by the Rev.
wimam Mitchell of Philadelphia
at the First Methodist church. He
cnose ior his text the whole chap
ter of Chronicles, reciting the
deeds of the men of war who
served David, the great king;
men who fought against odds;
"Find Harry Sines and ' send i
him, free If h will come, bound
and boxed tight .if necessary;
we've got to have him."
This is the substance of a paid
up telegram that came from Hood
River to the American legion post
of Salem Friday.
They were skeared. about their
comrade. What desperate i. deed
had he done? Had they harbor
ed a dangerous person who might
cut their patriotic throats I while
they wondered what it .was all
But It wasn't anything so very
bad. Indeed, it was mighty good
from start to finish. Harry Sines
was the original b9st-in-theworld
cook of the Hood River company
that went off to war. They throve
mightily on his viands. His pies
and roasts and plain and fancy
cookin became the talk of whole"
regiments nnd brigades and di
visionsand that's really no ex
aggeration. They could .; have
Seattle Woman Leaps i
From Train to Death
. MILKS CITY. Mont., July; 22.
A woman identified by Milwaukee
train officials as Eileen Connor of
Seattle, either leaped or fell from
a Milwaukee passenger train near
Selby, S. D., about 9 o'clock last
night, according to Information re
ceived here when the train arrived
this morning. Section men found
the body today. .
privilege In getting this teaching
from a real master.
Mr. Dent i3 exptjctlng to intn
duce some of the ancient Indian
boys' games, the games that the
boys may have played when Col
umbus was still bunting for a
king with enough money to send
him off to discover the new
world it was even then an old.
old world to the Indians, who hvid
been using this sign language
and these boys' games for ages,
native American games, and the
games played by the original boy
scouts of America before the Pil
grim fathers ever dreamed of ex
The entire Scout summer camp
activities will be centered in one
big camp, beginning August 8, in
stead of two camp3 of two weeks
each, commencing August 1, as
originally planned. Commandant
Bent sends the S. O. S. call to
all the Scouts to come ?tj and
swell the membership and make
it the biggest camp in the his
tory of the- west. -
men who counted not their own
life when a cause was at stake;
men to whom only the object to
be attained was worth while, and
to whom their own risk and suf
fering counted not at all. "King's
men" they were, who devoted
their lives to a cause and in the
cause they became deathlessly
Some of the most thrilling lit
erature of the late world war is
found In a bald, official volume
reciting the deeds of the soldiers
to whom were awarded the dis
tinguished service cross and'other
signal military- honors for brav
ery. It is necessary to read into
these bare official records the
terrifying din, the gas, the shot
(Continued on page 2)
licked the whole Hun empire on
a rew more months of his man's
food cookery.
They couldn't forget him. When
the Hood River American legion
boys planned to make a climb up
Mount Hood next week, they
thought of Harry Sines and his
soulful; pies and his sturdy viands
that had halped so royally to
humble the Hun.
"Get Harry for our cook and
we can jump clean over the dog
goned old peak." was their ver
dict; so they started out to sleuth
for Harry.
He has been living in Salem, on
South 'Twenty-fifth street. The
legion; post, relieved or its first
fears, located him, and he is go
ing toook for his buddies when
they make the big climb. If any
one pees a flock of tan-colored
buds pirooting up over the top of
old Hood, they'll know that Harry
and his jazz meals are at work on
the job. .
Alleged Divine Healer Accus
ed of Violating State
Blue Sky Law
PORTLAND, July 22. As a re
sult of investigation conducted
by T. R. Handley, Btate corpora-
tion commifsioner. Rev. John G.
Lake, who has been operating
Portland several months as a di
vine healer, and his eon. Otto R.
Lake, were arrested tonight on
a charge of violating the blue
sky law of Oregon.
The specific charge against
Iake and his Bon was that they
hav sold stock without a per
mit. It was alleged that they
tad sold $1000 worth of stock
in the Leadville Milling & Min
ing company of Kitchener, B. C.
to Mr. and Mrs. John Broetje of
Oak Grove, Or. Commissioner
Sandley said he could site other
Bales of stock aggregating many
thousands of dollars.
Lake said that the stock sold
tc the Broetjes was his own prop
erty and that he was perfectly
V within bis rights In selling it.
Another Meeting Between
Sir James Craig and De
Valera' May Be Brought
About in Near Future-
rnn tinnirr mil c A rH
run nuiviL nuic hui
Leader Goes to Dublin for
Week-end Conference
With Colleagues
LONDON, July 22. (By The
Associated Press) Tho future
course of the Irish negotiations
seems to turn on two important
points first, whether another
meeting between Sir James Craig,
the Ulster premier, and Eamonn
De Valera can be brought about in
Ireland.and, second, whether Mr.
De Vaiera can be induced to con
sent to a solution of the situation
through an amendment of the ex
isting home rule act. presuming
that such a solution can be worked
Tho second question appears to
hinge on a desire on the part of
the contending parties to hold to
their ideals. Mr. Lloyd George, as
a concession to the Unionist sec
tion of the coalition, wishes to
save the home rule-act and Mr. De
Valera and his party, on the other
hand, would prefer to destroy the
"partition act."
Pe Valera To Dublin
Mr. De Valera is expected to
spend the week-end in Dublin in
miuruiai lain. wuu nis colleagues
and probably. will summon a meet
ing of the Dial Eireann next week
to examine the government's of
fer. The convening of the Dial
Eireann, it is understood here,
would be an indication that the
offer was regarded as the possible
basis for further negotiations. Tbe
supposition is that if the draft of
fer is not approved by Arthur
Griffith and other leaders, the Dial
Eireann will hardly be convened,
while if the leaders accept the
draft the sanction of the Dial Eire
ann is certain to follow.
Developments 'Delayed
Among the Sinn Feiners in Lon
don no definite development in the
negotiations is to be expected for
10 days or more. The terms of
the government's proposal appar
ently will not be announced with
out a prior agreement between
Premier Lloyd George and Mr. De
According to apparently inspir
ed statements, however, they are
of a somewhat tentative character,
intended to indicate the lines on
which the government considers a
solution of the situation possible,
provided both Ulster and the Sinn
Fein are able to agree and request
the government to amend the act.
Delaware, Lackawanna
Western is Wrecked
Near Glenburn, Pa
SCANTON, Pa.. July 22. One
person was killed and mon than
20 injured, several seriously,
when the Lackawuna limitoki. fast
train on the Delaware. Iaskawaria
x western rauroaa was 1,mi":u!mPt Boulanger
at Glenburn, ner here' todaiy. j ... .hnncht
The dead:
Charles Coolbaugh,
ciig neer,
Scran ton.
I The most seriously injured:
j Jacob Glehsbman, fireman,
Gouldsboro, Pa., scalded.
Oscar Snyder, Stroudsburg. Pa.;
mall clerk, crushed.
R. H. Hart, Hacketstown,
N. J..
j mail clerk, crushed.
I James Simerall. Hinghaniton,
inN. Y.. conductor, badly bruir-ed.
The wreck occurred when the
baggage car jumped the track and
fell across the roadbed. A mail
car was also derailed and toppled
across the other tracks. Two pas
senger coaches left the ra,ns out,
eastbound and traveling light
crashed into the wrecked mail car.
A relief train brought the most
seriously injured to this city.
Railroad officials said the acci
dent was caused by an inch and a
half nut placed on the Yail.
E. M. Rine, vice-president and
general manager of the Delaware.
Lackawana & Western said to
night that further investigation
would be necessary to determine
whether the nut was placed , pn
the rail maliciously.
Clarence Newton Cannot Re
covery Is Opinion of Physi
cians Who Attend Him
Clar ertee Newton,, an inmate of
the statf hospital tiere. yesterday
climbed upon the window sash of
h!s room' and plunged head, first
to the cement .floor b?low. His
neck was broken artxl the physi
cians sa'd he eonld not recover.
Newtpn was committed to the
state hospital from Multnpmah
county, and was said to hare a
brother and father residing at
Gr?8ham. Hospital authorities
had beep unahle to pot into roni-
munieat'ort with them last night.
He h
ad been a patient at the hos
pital for some time.
Short Measure Mistake
Declares Mr Quackenbush
Complaint that he was selling
a short measure of gasoline was
lodged against3. G, Quackenbush,
of the Quackenfeush Auto supply
shop, byJ. F. Jones, deputy sealer
of weights and measures..
' In the complaint Mr. Jones cited,
the specific case of a Mr, Mack
who had paid for five gallons of
gasoline) but had received only;
four and one-half gallons.
Mr. Quackenbush was not ar,-J
rested, h'.s attorneys appearing in;
Judge Unruh's court. Jate yester-
day morning ana entering a piea
of not guilty to the charge. His1
case will be tried hefore a jury in
justice court at 1:30 Monday aft
ernoon. Through his attorney Mr. Quac
kenbush; stated last night that the
Incident was a "mistake" and that
the seal on the gasoline pump had
been disturbed or that the appara
tus had been adjusted in a Way to
prevent its "throwing gallon for
gallon.'!.? . ' '
Attorneys ,flash sf
Preliminary Trial
of Richard Burton
Clashes between District At
torney John Carson and Attorney
Allan Bynon, eonnsel for Burttn.
marked yesterday's preliminary
hearing i of -Richard r!urton23,
in the court room of G. K. Un
ruh, justice of the peace. Burton
va? arrested recently on charces
filed by Prosecutor Carson.
At one point ofjttfe hearing At
torney Bynon, while ere:ss-exain-ining
Myrtle Ennis, 1"), principal
witness for the state, had asked
her to define a court term used:
"I object to this line of -questioning,''
Carson exclaimed.
"Her explanation might aid in
outlining facts in this case," said
"I don't need her aid or any
of yours in vhandling this casV
retorted' Prosecutor Carson. "This
line of interrosation is question
able as Its effect would be to em
barrass i the witness to the ad
vantagfNof the sweet-smelling de
fendant' At the conclusion of the hear
Grass-Widow-to-be Writes Champ ,
to Find Out it Dempsey Has as
Many. Freckles as Folks Tell Her
t .
PAWIH SKA. Okln.. July Li. (
Defending a divorce suit brought
by -Stpvp It. HoulanEer. weanny
ipsage Indian. Mrs. Helen Bou-
langer today admitted that she
i had written to J:iik Ilpmpsey.
! world's champion heavyweight
i pugilist while she still was living
I under her husband'? roof and gave,
las a reason that she. and Demp-
sev naci Deen int-uua
I was going far
' awav anxl would never see my bus -
! ban aKbin said Mrs. Roulanger.
j I 01(1 11:1) I " n".
(Jack was in Los "Afigeles but. I
j intended to go there and hoped
I to 6ee him. He as an old friend
land I did not was any
I harm to write to tiim. knowing
was going to leave my husband."
Know Him in Show.
: Mrs. Roulanger. U was learned j
outside the courtroom, ctatmeu ;
she had met Demrjsey while she
was a member of a show company. '
her name then being Mrs. Helen
I Sleevy. :
! In her alleged letter to uenip
. Boujain:er was reported!
to havei said:
"The people argue to me that
you have lots of freckles. If you
have. I don't remember you as
havlnc them. Maybe you looked
jso good to me that I never no
I ticed them Jack, I sure would
i nu t vmi hrfnrA von CO to
EuropeJ I don't want you to give
me away to my husband as I have
not lef him yet, but the day Is
coming.' I waited to bear from
you anJ waited.
"I am Just, crazy to see you and
i i
Time Later Than Next Ar
mistice Day Desirabr&tb
Dominion Premiers Who
Call Meeting in London.
Insistent Suggestions Made
That Belgium Should .r
Be Given Seat
LONDON. .Inly 22. A meeting
of the dominion premiers was
called hurriedly this afternoon to
consider, it is 'understood, a ''re
ply received from Washington to
day to representations by . tbe
British government relative to
postponing the disarmament and
Pacific conference to some dite
later than November 11. The
meeting wad private and . there
has been no indication of the na
ture of the reply. (
WAS 1 1 1 NGTON. July - 22. t'n-
less checked . l y unexpected de
velopments at Toklo, .the Cnited
States government, it was under-
Btoodtoday, 'will act without fur
ther loss .of time in perfecting
its plan for a conference of the
(Continued on page S)
-' . f ' r
ing Judge Unruh bound ljuTton
pver to the Marion counfy' grand
jury, setting his bain at '$2300.
At a late hour last nrght Burton
had failed to furnish bond and
was In tho county jaiL
In a statement made by Barton
during the heaiing(the girl's story
that he had wjonged her was de
nied. 1
"It'p just the result of jealousy
on Myrtle s part as my relations
with her have been beyond sus
picion ' stated Burton. Counsellor
Burton called' W, F. Ennis, lafh
er ef the girl, to the stand, ex
plaining to the court that the in
tention was to show by testimony
of the girl's parents that there
had beeu ho admission cf unto
ward action by Hurtoa during his
i-tay as a boarder at the Burton
In reply ta the only questions
asked. Mr, Burton ststed that ho
was not at. home on the .dates
mentioned. JThe mother of Miss
iOniiii was tpo ill to appear in
court, court officials reported.
I want you to answer this right
away and tell me whether my
cake is dough or not."
Mrs. Boulanger, 2:? years old,
declares she left Houlanger Feb
ruary 21. principally because he
int " arniBPi! htr TOnef ully Of
iralproper conduct with men. She
ftkx for J2i O'.mi.
Don't Know Ht. Sys Pug. j
LOS AXCiKLKS. July 2 2. Let-
ters at the rate of a day, 'j
mostly fro;n wonieii. 'come to him.j
1 that ho naver
j his manager a
ooks i'- hut wnica
siitant8 take care
(Continued on pa tee 6
Walkout- on San;
Francisco Bay Disap
proved at Conference
The San Francisco labor council
tonight declined to approve a
project for a general strike of all
crafts in San Francisco, advanced
by a delegation from the buildinj
trades council of tbe city and re
ferred the proposal to its execu
tive committee, lac step, mem
bers of the council said, virtually
killed the proposal. -
' -Vr.
Assistant Department of
kdurKn,at Columbia Uni
. verslty Is 'Mentioned
Report wereurrVSt .hero to
day that K. : ,; Evenden; now assis
tneo Dr. Stfayer.-.nead of the
department of edo cation of Colum
bia '.university; Sew York, prob
ably will bo offered..the presidency
i, tne state , normal school at
Moamoufh to satcceed J. H. Acker
T'pr. Evenden, is a, graduate of the
L nl verslty .of ". Qregon, and later
was employed as Instructor at the
Monmouth Normal school.' Subse
quently he:. vent east and 'after
holding several minor positions in
C-oiumbIa university was appoint
ed assistant" to Dr. Strayer.
l ha members of the board of
regents of the, Monmouth school
will hold their: meeting sometime
ip August '" when action will be
taken toward selecting Mr. Acker
man's successor,
Tourists, Will" Now Have
Hard Time Finding Flaws
In Local Park
Twelve of the 20 new tables
which are being installed In the
Salem auto camp ground by the
city park commission are. now com
ppieiea ana are Demg puv to use.
The others are expected to be com
pleted within a short time which
wUl bring the total for the whole
camp up to 40. .
rractteally the only flaw which
tourists have been ablo to find
with the excellent accommodations
at the camp ground in the past
has been Its .scarcity of tables and
with this possible objection re
moved the ground will make a
strong bid not only for being the
beet equipped In Oregon but the
best on the Pacific coast.
New registrations yesterday
were Mr.-and Mrs. A. M. Brown
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. E. C
Volland, "Pocatello; Mr. and Mrs
J. W. Alsworth and daughter, Ta
coma; Ir. and Mrs. A. K. Judson
and-daughter,' Tacoma; Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Habell. Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. Carol Fowler ard family
Duost, Cal.; C. I. Hart, Tulalre
Cal.; F, W. Hart. Tulaire; Mr
and'Mrs. It. Townsland, Koseburg
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McCrancy. Se
attle; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clark.
Aberdeen; Mr... and Mrs. C. A.
Warner and family; Twin Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. A. Franzke, Belling
ham. Wash.? Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Flu it and family, Sacramento; Mr.
and Mrs- M. Hartson, Aberdeen;
Mr. and Mrs. James Oneal, Seattle,
A. Osweridson, Everett; I. Wil
liams, Everett; Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Neerson, Twin Falls; Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Butcher. Ixng Beach; F.
King, J. Osborn. B. Parker, all of
Portland; G. Morton. M. Thayer,
I). Moreuey, all of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Ityan, Banning,
Wards No Longer Designat--rcd
by . Toots, Says Chief
Harry Hutton
"What section of the city I
that fire whistle designating?" ;
During these. hot days whon ,
stray f parks.', burning' flues and
grass fires are rampant, inquiry
'is irefiuemiy nearu rroni some one
- who remembers the old tbiys when
the whistles gave certain signals
for fire alarms from various
, Now-, when the big siren Is
sounded at the Spaulding mill
, -there are many who try to decode
j the various toots, honks or ding
! donga or whatever a siren sounds
jlike in print.
The fart of the matter is that
the call is merely a signal to fire
men on the reserve force to re
port in lor duty at the station or
j at the scene of the blaze. When
the men oat duty are called out on
an alarm. Chief Hutton has made
arrangements for the siren signal
las a general signal to the fire
I fighters, that there -Is something
! doing.
m MI". Minn.. July 22. In
the ,prlmipariCs of the North
western .:. .international ' . Tegatta,
rpwed Here todar. the Duluth Boat
club's entries finished first In four
events, with - Thunder Bar and
Winnipeg ..winning in two other
mproyement of Court frorr
Commercial to front Re
motes Unsightly; Spot ii
Business Section;
AlderrhenjSay fW6rk-oh:AI
Projects Will Begin With
obt Further Delay !
Awafid. of. street' paving con
tracts the total rains of which i
nearly f J9.008 wasr tnade jit th
special . session, of the city conn
cil tok , at, the ciV ;oall, la
Uight. J Bids have, been, receive
and tabulated by. the commute
on streets and work df approvln,
the lowjoet bids was accompllshei
In short order. ;
The i O. Herrold company o
Salem a the only local biddr
receiving contracts, being award
ed a contract to pave Fourt!
street between Hood and Markt
at the liid or 15,659.25.
Virtlaadf.Virm lnvi
ThV United Contraction coir,
pany o Portland was awards
pavement of 'the following etre
sections at figures given: Nort;
Capitol between ; Shipping -. sr,
Madison . streets. $16. b 04.3 j
Court street between North Co::.
and Front , street:
$7,28l.S5; North Cottaje etret!
between! D and Market' Btrect
$10.65865: ' , r - t. m,
The improvement of the thrc
unpaved Mocks of Worth Carit
street 111 leave only the one
block jdg on Madison and a fe
score fie t of North Summe
ctreet as the unpaved portion o
Pacific highway north to Felt
ground jroad. ; ,C i-j
tbslhtlr Spot die J V
, The orth. Cottage and Fourt:
street pavements-will add aboc
seven blocks M perfect aurfacei
street to! North Salem, not lnclud
ing the Capitol street work.- i
By saving the unsurfacd
block oni Court between Front an
North Commercial streets one c
the most unsightly 'steps in th
central business district will t
Work on . the various projec'
will start at once, it is announced
CHICA00' Ju,jr 22.Tlve Vi
sona wire . killed tonight whe;
their automobile was struck by ;
train. Tjhe victims were two men
a vroniad and two small children
raiBOO 5. rOBTLAVD 9 : t
KAN FRAN-CISCO. July 83.--Th fi
F'ranniiro HraU took tbrtr fovrtbi. straigb
same from Portland's Vcaora todsT -io
O. The local atarted with two riil
in the dood. aror'd ea fovr htta,.
atolcn baan and i) 1'ortland irnn.1 I
the aventil inniDZ Cnamnlrr. J1 ciul
r. hit thrifirnt ball patehad for boos
run. Portland a aix htta vera rattr
an4 Crumrilrr wm fivta exeelleot au. -
. it. it; i
,.i O
. 11
nd Kuhf t ;
San Krani-iiro-
lialtri-fe Johnson
Croinpler aud Yelle.
l-DS ANUK1.KS. Julr 22. Orlrr
started thj ball rolling for La An'li
ry rrrn an orrr int inn lor i
homr in rtn fourtb inning itiinr
Saltle tew today ana ina Anrri wk
they um jnp again in tho fifth follow'
ttif litad blr adding litre ckrenita to that
Ktire in iwhi h Urlgga conlriHntod .
two-liaggri Thus the locals again do
. R. IT. E
.Hattle a 7
!-o AngU S 11 i:
Battn-iri DvmarMi, Mack and Kuan'
er aiorioge ana ttaiawm.
" ... m v, t-, r i ,n - i r 0 . 1, 1
SALT 1LAKK CITY. I'tah. Jul 22
all T.irc a nin ivn
Halt Lakej by neana of a batting rail
in the sUth Inning, won from Oak Un
today 5 to 8. Tha gamo was huttiai1
wait plarM aid aa IntrrratiBg an
nappr axbibitioa. AU at Oak land' a rn:.
wro doc) to two homo rim drivra .
Jai-k Knqeht, onrm with a ranner ' n
(itrald pilfhed effertrtely. Th krtg i
now fTcn. ard rtun narinc won t.
gtmpjL Thrm wifl b donblo halr
tomorrow j and Sunday,
, , : R. K. :
Oakland i a fti i
Salt Lake!, 6 10 l'i
Bttria Alten, Kraaae and Kothltr
Gould af Byler. , , m, ' ...
ACRAjM EN TO, Jaly Sa. Vernon wo
7.t;2iTfl'-'tTamto UkIm
I" .?S5 -r -wbirh .tarted wit)
Hyatt omo rn In tho inn,nE
The Tutef. bit Kans hadly la the ami,.
jono thrM rang. The Vernon rarrui
MedraV. t.ltkajl m a,uJ
- I. - rm err
r. iT.'r
2 , 1
aad Hannah
Kant and
Fab Tradriaeo
Oakland j , T.,.
Los Aiijie4e
Seettle i
Vernon --.
Bait Laki
Portbad ! .
W. I.. Jrt
71 5 41 .:m
60 -.48 , .8',
6 ' 4 .5,v
-69 41 -.S-.
55',.fi5 " -37
67 .:
...... 21 -i