2 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 22, 1921 STATE BID IS i IT BEOf pen -Biennial Pamphlet of Horti L cultural Body Available For Distribution The 16th biennial report of the Oregon state board iot horticul ture, im. Is aTallable for dis tribution; ; The volume contain 200 pages and is illustrated with many full page cats, in addition to many entailer ones which j accompany r pedal articles. The report outlines the work done by the board In the past i two years as it was conducted by commissioners of . the fire dis tricts. The state horticultural ; and quarantine laws are given in full, the nursery law is stated ; and the apple and pear grading I law presented. The : more recent quarantine regulations of .the United States department of ag- : rlcultnre are given. Many articles by prominent fruit pien of Oregon are found In the work and a large section is uevoiea to description of fruit diseases and pests, with the best means of controlling them, much of the material coming from Ore gon Agricultural college. Useful tables state the proper time and spray to use for all of the common disease and insects on apples, pears, prunes, cherriea and peaches, and directions are given for making sprays and grafting wax. There are also tables of infor mation containing statistics which the fruit grower so often has need of. Channel to Sea is in Best Shape in Years PORTLAND. Or.. July 21 There ha Jer-n less shcaling ot the channel from Portland to the sea i this year than in former ormer years.'with the result that t wll Irequire less dredging to place tbe channel at project width according to Manager I. R. Pol bemus of the port of Portland. Three dredges of ths port and two of the United State-; army en gineers will be at work remov ing shoals from the channel next week. Th- five dredges are no'.v preparing to begin operations and several will start this week. Dredgin? vnj bein a month earlier than in 1920 an I as there is leps to be dona it Is expected the channel can be cleared cf a'l obstruction in a short time, thus perm'.tting of additional perma nent work in widening and deep ening the channel TOURIST i PURCHASES HERE George Mansfield Buys Home in West Salem After Camping Herd City; Mr. and Mrs. S. McAlerander Milton; E. C. Foster. Portland; Kae r'or.ter, Portland; Mr. .and Mrs. V. A. Kemn and family. jtlrants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. H. .Thurman and family, Fayetteville. iind.; Mr. and Mrs. I'. IJ Smith and family, Portland; Hugh Thur jnian, Fatetteville, Ind.; and Mrs. John ISush. Powell. Yyn.: Mr. and 'Mrs. 11. Willis. Portland; Mrs. S. Ueojielle, Portland. KELLS 'REUS F ROM SEABECK t George Mansfield, another tour ist at the Salem anto camp ground who became attracted by alern during his stay here, returned to Salem e3terday and purchased a home in Kingwood bark. West Sa ltm. The four-room bungalow on the west side of the river was pur chased through the Robertson real estate agency. Che family cop us from Pasco. Wash. j. New prospects for' future Salem residents who came to the: tamp yesterday were: T. F. Migart. Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Poppleton. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mclionald. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Farring ton, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Ford, Sacramento; F. M. Brown and family. San iiieo; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Halvorsen, Sarn 1'ran cisc ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Coytes and family. Kingsburg; Mr. and Mrs. C. It.' Jomer and family. Salt Iake Lockhart Store Again Entered by Burglars 'Secretary of Y.M.C.A- Re ports Exceptionally Fine Annual Program eral or them with wives and fam ilies, about 150 in all. R. R. Board man, tbe new direc tor ot boys work for the "Salem Y has just finished a like course in the summer school at Lake Gene va, Wis. He is due here almost any day, having planned to leave Lake Geneva about July 19. Mr. Bardman brings a wealth of ex perience and enthusiasm that promise to make him a wonder worker in the way of building in terest in the local Y. M. C. A. DISPLAY ARTIST VISITS 111 CITY Mrs. M. J Wessels Widely Known as Industrial lnT " terior Decorator For the second time within a itwo-mcnths period, the second hand Jtore of H. C. Lockhart at 502 N'oith Commercial street was ransacked Wednesday nisht and Roods vali'ed in the neighborhood of 150 were stolen. A suit of clothes, a watch, two razors, a chain and a flashlight were the ar j tides known to have been taken. ! Entrance to the store was jrain je' through a rear door after the i thieves had made their way into !a: adjoining r;Mtn occupied by ;the Western Junk & Hide com. pany. Police a yet have no clew as to the identity of the thieves who some believe may be the same who ransacked the salesroom of Lee L. Gilbert, local automobile dealer, recently. At the time that Hie Ioekhart store was broken Into before about $100 worth f Jewelry was taken. ! Secretary C. A. Kells of the Sa lem V. M. C. A. returned Thurs day from his 10 days attendance 'at the Seabeck. Wash.. Y. M. C. A. i training school. He had been sent 'by the local board of directors, as a pood investment in' methods and enthusiasm and he says be be lieves it's going toay usurious re turns in Y benefits. I "It was the greatest of all the more tha na dozen great conven- 'tions I have attended." said Mr. iKeils. speaking of the' Seabeck program. "Men t national and international reputation were there, and the ginger they put in to their work would certainly make any one go to his own limit in emulation. We'll be petting Mood from this convention all through the year." ; - j One hundred Y directors and workers were in attendance, sev- Outings Are Planned By Residents of Silverton SILVERTON". Or.. July 21. (Special to The Statesman) H. IMcken3, Miss Nina Dicltens, Miss Vera IJickens. Miss Vivian Dick tns and Clarence Dickens are camping at Newport. They wilt be gone about two weeks. They made the trip by truck and took all the necessary camping para phernalia along. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Turrell and 'nr.iily and Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Kubberness are preparing; to mo tor to the coast to spend the week-end. They wilt make the trip in Mr. Kubberness' automo bile. The Silverton farmer have al ready begun tha--harvest of their era n. Several acres of wheat have been out and shocked In the Scanty region Mr. aid Mrs, S. C. Bostwick of ' Fvrt Wsh Mr. and Mrs. D. jarl Pearson of Portland and Mrs. :M. J. Wessels ol Portland, made la brief visit Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lisle, lusi South Thirteenth street. Mr. Bost wick is an attorney of Everett and Mrs. Wessels is bis: sister." Mrs. Wessels Is one of the fore most industrial interior decorators of America. She and. her husband the late M. J, Wessels of Spokane, did some wonderful work for the state of Idaho at the St, Louis ex position, in 'painting" pictures and decorating with grains, grass es and fruits, for which the state gave each of them a grand gold medal and the thanks of the leg islature. ; . For many years they, were in constant demand all over the country, for decorative and, fruit preservative work.- Mrs. Wessels one year put up 1500 jars of fruit Cnr tha Croat Korthern railroad exhibits hugs Jars, up to several gallons apiece and the road of ficials said it wm the best adver tising they ever iput out. She has had such work; in California, at .11 tha treat national, state and I district expositions for a number oi years, mu uu m u the country as jaxhlbltor ot pVod ucts. She,taas len asked by Mrs. Winnie Bradenj manager of the Oregon exhibit C Portland, to as sislt in preparing the most won derful display of state products ever gathered Ifor the Portland world's fair in M 2 5. and is now looking for material for this mon umental presentation. ,. Mr. Wessers, who spent a life time in this decorative exhibit work, was gtlledj in an. automobile accident three jyears ;: ago, since which time' his gifted wife has carried on the vjrork with conspic uous success. FThey had worked together for mijre than 20 years alal over the orthwest and in California. j - ' -.. , Recognition otf Soviet: j , r Demanded of Harding MANITOWOcl WislJuly 21 A resolution calling on President Harding and congress to recog nise the soviet j government ot Russia was passed by the state federation of ttbor today. The soviet government was declared to b-s the only one that has 3 a "WOrKers gCTrnnunit. Ladies Fall V Millinery Now' on Display At Lowest Prices A Big Splash of Dollar Saving Bargains These are the days of our Clean Sweep Clearance Sale We ltave voiced our decision that all summer merchandise MUST MOVE OUT. I, ; This Dollar Day Opportunity for Friday and Saturday u a natter of drastic action. Dollar. nd half, two dollar to three dollar values are ordered at ONE DOLLAR for the purpose of hastening the ffreatj clearance. mr mmd m B.cw u mis) AU sections of the store join hands in the making of this most successful clearance; only a few of the many dollar values available are listed here, bat yon will find hundreds more equally and even more so attractive than listed in this Page in every department throughout this great store. $I GROCERY 15 LBS. SUa AS Pure cane For canning use .... 64 LBS. COFFEE Special blend In bufk 10 LBS. COCOA People's Cash Store Special In bulk ........ '1 '1 28 BARS WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP J Luna Soap The favorite, forlaundry use .... 22 CANS AMERICAN OIL Excellent for your picnic . . 4 LARGE PACKAGES ALBERS C ROLLED OATS V Regular.33c package at this price 1 1 '1 1 5i2l LBS. ENGLISH BREAKFAST C TEA P Regular 3,1c bulk quality... SPECIALS $1 1 1 1 1 1 3 DOZEN GOOD SIZE ORANGES J ; Regular price 40c; dozen ; ;.. 3 LBS. FANCY BREAKFAST A BACON J All our mriats gov't stanipotl and in spected ... j 6V2 LBS. SODA CRACKERS C ; Flaky and Crisp V An Oregon product j I i 6 CANS NO. 2 PORK and BEANS J Pierce 's Pork and Ikans arc nuide with tonialo sauce ..J ? 1 5 CANS NO 212 YELLOW FREE-C fl ; . STONE PEACHES $ 1 Another favorite for your picnic... JL : PADJ -MEN'S 75c SUSPENDERS 'Firm and heavy elastic thread; buy your necdsj now from etra large selection v Dollar Day Opportunity price 2 LADD23' RIBBED UNION SUITS A regular 75c quality, 3 styles to select from;( tight and loose knee, short sleeves and band) tops -. .....-. .7. 4... : " Iollar Day Opportunity price 1 LADIES' $2.00 HOUSE DRESS Made of finest Quality Ginghams and Percales-C made in ,a Hover styles, all sizes, great arrayV of patterns 'V. i .......... , ' Dollar Day Opportunity price CLOSE OUT OF ALL VOILES Bl5-Ta,ae t the low cost prices. 4 yards 32-t 36-40 inch in light and dark colors. RegularV values to 50c yard , Dollar Day Opportunity price 2 PAIRS TENNIS SHOES Mta A MeiS' WomeTI and Children's: on$ aie Friday ami Sainrj.. . T Dollar Day Opportnnlty price 1 1 1 1 1 5 PAIRS MEN'S 25c DRESS SOX uality.J - Dollar Day Opportunity price Firemen's and .engineer guaranteed q cotors oiacK, brown, gray, white, etc. . 2 REG. $1.00 WHITE SERVING APRONS Made with fancy ruffles, trimming and no.-ltyt effect 1 : P j Dollar Day Opportunity price 6 35c HEAVY TURKISH BATH TOWELS- Medium large ,slze. extra heavy jweave. large$ quantities sold at this very toW price f Dollar Day Opportunity price 1 1 1 2 $1.75 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES In plaid and plain Ginham, neatly trimmed, ariS Bizes to 12, at the low . .' v Dollar lay Opportunity price 1 1 YARD 32 INCH IMPORTED PONGEE Heavy and firm weave, regular $1.50 q meat iur me uiaKing oi jiiouses anti earmenta Dollar Day Opportunity prirc GEE uality;C m under-V I 2 YARDS $1.00 VALUE KOBE SILKS ! In the new bright and conservative colors, all go on the sensational clearance '. Dollar Day Opportunity priice 2 YARDS 75c 3C-DXCH BLACK SATEEN An exceptional heavy and fine quality, bestS material for lining; no limit , Dollar Day Opportunity price 1 1 9 YARDS FINE PLAID GINGHAM Fast colora, 32 inch in big assortment ot pretty 4 patterna. Thi3 fine quality at the season's? I lowest price B Dollar Day Opportunity price 3 YARDS BLUE OR GREY DENIM Extra heaYV weieht. fineet nnnlitv 3R inrh wiitth U - . - V lt - II VI V The regular material used in makiug overalls IKlIar Day Opportunity price $ 5 YARDS 30c HAIR RIBBONS C Fine assortment of pretty patterns , that are? mostly desired by misses i loIlar Day Opportunity price ' 14 YARDS 15c FINE CALICOES J In light and dark colors and figures at this? astounding low - Dollar Day Opport unity price 5 YARDS 35c NEW CRETONNES 27 and 36 inch new and desirable patterns; some of the new colors that are much wanted Dolar Day Opportunity price 1 1 1 1 1 5V2 YARDS 35c FRENCH PERCALES 36 inch width, the prettiest colors of the season are now included in this immense selection. . Dollar Day Opportunity price 8 PAIRS LADIES' COTTON STOCKINGS Black andVwhite only; made of fine cottonj: 1 thread, an extra fine value I V Dollar Day Opportunity price j A 3 LADIES' RIBBED VESTS Regular liOc value, very fine mercerized fmish,J all sizes, lowland high neck, bodice top... -4- Dollar Day Opportunity price 3 PAIRS LADIES' 50c BURSON STOCKING- One big lot brpwn, black and white, including out sizes; mjany ribbed top lots included... W Dollar Day Opportunity price 7 PAIRS CHILDREN'S 25c STOCKINGS In black, brown and white, heavy and medlumjn ribbed; sizes te all first quality - Dollar Day Opportunity price 1 i 1 With purchase of any 1 MEN'S SUIT OF CLOTHES At the low nolo price 11 Additional w ill buy any silk shirt, value to $3.03, or any pair of hooA valnt to SA.OO THIS IS DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY DAY 3 YARDS BEACH CLOTH AND CREPE Ideal for. the making of smocks and middles orj dresses ; in blue, white and pink . . , . . . . .Y . Dollar Day Opportunity price I 11 YARDS 32 INCH PERCALES At the lowest price ever attempted; buy, them J without reserv or limit i V . , Dollar Day Opportunity price i 3 65c MOCILPS PILLOW CASES j Sizes 36x4 2. finest heavy quality stitched pll-J low cases a ereat valua " 11 t ' ) - Dollar Day Opportunity price 1 1 1 '. 1 . . . l ' 'nriV' ' - " fix 'ji'1 " w.if . J V i : . "Tvi j Mi f W MQ II i'Zto r II iff X f . U -0v V - II I1LT sic, . - m ft. w 3 w m m r m b. if i ..ii j tti. mm. x r r m $ 1 Basement Bargains $ 1 12 15c ETCHED GLASSES On Sale in Bargain Basement $2.00 SUGAR BOWL AND CREAM t PITCHER On sale in Bargain liasement 79c GRANITE SOUP KETTLE ANDC 59c STEW PAN r Both on sale in Bargain Basement.., B9c GRANITE WATER PAILS ANDC 59c WATER PANS Both on sale' in Bargain Basement.., 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1.50 GREYSTONE ENAMEL TEAC KETTLES j T On sale in Bargain Basement...i. $2.00 ALARM CLOCKS t On sale in . - T Bargain Basement j,. . 3 75c BEST HOUSE BROOMS j C t Bai-gain Basement ..: L: A i ia 25c 18x36 HUCK. TOWELS On sale in Bargain Basement ..... 1 64x76 WOOL NAP BLANKET Price .... t .. ,: Dollar Day Opportunity 3 YARDS 45c QUALITY OIL CLOTH ! in handsome amv t i:. dark colors, your favorite pattern in l wiir opportunity price J $ i i $2.50 LACE SILK STOCKINGS An excellent value In pure silkj thread, figured lace stocking.... Dollar Day Opportunity price 2 PAIRS SILK STOCKINGS Ladies' finest quality fiber silk stock-$ Ings; in ail colors and sizes, on sale -, Dollar Day Opportunity price 1 1 $2.00 BATHING SUITS For men and women, mercerized and c . any color, on sale. , . , . - Dollar Day Opportun $2.00 KABO CORSETS The , ideal live model ; corset,- ail ' aro ii expansion top, rustless slays .... ,:i , Dollar Day Opportunity price ton in Hy price ' 4 t voar $ 1 1 r t i V ! 1 ? . ! r t i