j i .THE WEATHER' The Statesman recelTet th leiaed wiire report of i the Associated Fjress, the greatest and most r lijahle press association v la ta florid. . .',.1 - ':.s .'Sf';' Fair; warmer except near th1; 5 coast; gentle winds mostly west- i.-- . SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY. 22, 1921 PRICE:! FIVE CENTS run LTL 1 ff aiMPFIF HULL iKQX&r, may mem 111 TELLS ABOUT TESTS IN PORJLAND 1 . .. is Testimony Valuable to Low er' Rate Petitioners Given 1 By Former Operators Of telephone Company. ATTACK LAUNCHED :B BY ASTORIA LAWYER First Clash of Day Results In Williams Overruling ; Utility Counsel A captivating young matron ot . Portland, Mrs. Agnea Johnson, for 12 years In the employ of the Pacific Telephone , & Telegraph company, ( first witness for the city of Portland In the telephone Tate rehearing, helped the pe titioners for lower telephone rates to chalk up several, credits in the afternoon session yesterday, and did It so gracefully that the polite j Mr.-Shaw, attorney for the phone .company, did as well as any Ihlvalrous man could do to draw Conflicting testimony from the witness. -1" ! - ; , I . Mrs. Johnson, however, eould not be trapped into making, any concessions that were damaging to the 'petitioners. She bad as an offering In the Investigation the i tabulated results jf a telephone test made In Portland during June and July under the direction ' of the city attorneys office, and which showed that' complaints at the phone service and at the high rates are the usual order in Port land.: -, l ' Annoyances Are Numerous. Whiiw engaged In the test Mrs. Johnson made a total ot 339 calls. ; asking each person called a series of Questions relating to the tele phone service. She said that some ot the operators knew her voice, and recognizing her as a former operator, doubtless gave her bet ter ' service than Is accorded the average person. Of the 329 per sons called, 141 complained that they were often compelled to -wait an' unusual long -time for central to answer when they wished to place a call. About an equal number complained of un usual annoyance In being given 5 the . wrong number. Complaint was registered by 131 persons that they were compelled -to wait an unduly long time. for reports ; from the operators , when they failed to get the numbers called. Called to the phone when their number was not the one wanted was the plaint of 196 persons, and 169 declared they were cut off far more than the normal 'number of times' while convers ing over the telephone. . $ Pew Obtain Relief. ; The trouble was reported to the "company by over 100 persons and C6 declared the company never ; had done anything to relieve it. Sixty-nine patrons declared they had - suffered Inconvenience or I loss by the poor service. Of the calls made, 282 were manual calls and the remainder automatic. Mrs. Johnson used a aton watch while. makintr the calls ' and, observed that an average of 5.5 i seconds elapsed before the operator answered when the man nal system was used and 12 sec .t (Continued on page, 3) Degree Peddlers Get Set-Back in Letter From Olcott Who Refuses ; i to Give $25 tor Pretty Diploma Peddling degrees of a nnyer i slty, at $25 each, much in the I same manner as a merchant would dispose of his wares, does not meet with the approval of Gover ; ; nor Olcott v i J This was made plain in a let , ter .prepared by Governor Olcott : yesterday in responso to infor mation received from the Cen ' tennlal State -university at Den ver, Colo., to the effect that ha had been voted an honorary de gree 'of doctor of laws, and that . ho would receive an attractive diploma upon' remitting the sum of tZ to the trustees of the in stitution. '! Personally." tatd "the gover nor (n bis letter, "I have always . considered an element of sanc tity. should hedge about issuance 'hi degrees, and in 'the main I LOCAL COLOR IS ADDED TO ARCTIC TALK McMinnville Man, Who Ex plored With Stefansson, Greets Him at Dallas ! DALLAS. Or., July 21. (Spe cial to The Statesman) Yester day was ono of the biggest days of the Polk County Chautauqua which is in session in Dallas this week. The afternoon's program was given by the Roach -Freeman Duo and was greatly appreciated. The evening's program was en tirely taken up by Vilhjalinar Stefansson la recounting "His Five years in the Arctic." The lecture was interesting to Dallas people on acount of the fact that a young man of McMinnville, Lor en Knight, also well known in this city was one of the party with Mr. Stefansson on his last trip lb the polar regions. Mr. Knight was with Mr. Stefansson last night. The big Chautauqua tent was filled to its utmost capacity to hear the lecture and there were not enough seats to accommodate the public many of whom had to stand during the lecture. J. W- Kubberness Reports Butterfat on Upgrade; Plant is Busy -1 SILVERTON. Or.. July 21. (Special to The Statesman.) J. W. Kubberness of the Silverton creamery said today that cream ery prospects look good. ' "In fact," he added, "It Is long since they have looked as good as they do at present. Butterfat is steadily gaining In price. There is little fear that it will soon go down." A present the Silverton cream ery is receiving 400 gallons of cream a day. It turns out 900 pounds of butter dally. Silverton alone consumes half of this. The other half Is ship ped to Portland. The creamery also has an out put of three tons of ice a day. A large share of this goes to Sil verton merchants. The remain der is sold to Mt. Angel, Moni tor, Marquam and Scotts Mills. Labor of Love Before Court of Honor Today A labor of love is to come be fore the Court of Honor. Boy Scouts of America, when the court convenes this morning to consid er three cases of heroism on the part of Salem Scouts who Ihave distinguished themselves in offer ing their lives to save others. The first is that of Arthur Hamilton, who saved the life of a companion who was drowning at camp a year ago. The second was that of eKlth Draper, who Just in time pulled a comrade out of a watery grave, in Mill creek in Salem a few weeks ago. The third is that of Beniamin Beall, who saved the life of a young wo man at Spong's lanaing last un dir. The court of honor has these three cases of bravery to consider. All the facts have been laid before the board, and the award or signal honors for all the young heroes la considered certain. believe such to be the case. I know a number of gentlemen holding these honorary degrees who are eminently qualified o accept them, but I am certain their qualifications were entered, Into and deeply considered by the proper persons before the de grees were issued. "In this case ; it seems to be a mere matter of barter and sale; a proposal whereby I send you $25 and In return you send me a neatly engraved diploma ?which will convince my posterity that their forbear, as a doctor of laws, was. an intellectual giant of great mental attainments. "To be frank, i I am rather as tonished at this proceeding and must decline to enter into my end or the agreement.: Such degrees should not be considered mer chandise." - ! CREAMERIES lit BRIGHT PROSPECT BUILDERS ASK UNION BALLOT IN ALL LINES Walkout Held Only Available Weapon to Obtain Rights and Bring Peace to Unset tled Industry- PARLEY YESTERDAY FAILS TO DECIDE Whether General Strike Will Be Called to Be Announc ed Saturday SAN FRANCISCO, July 21. A resolution endorsing .the policy of a general strike of organized labor in the San Francisca bay region "as the best available weapon to obtain bur rights," was adopted late today by 'a confer ence of 4 00 building trades work ers formed to bring peace to the unsettled building Industry. Conference Fails. The resolution was adopted af ter a special committee reported that meetings with the builders' exchange, made up of contractors and the Chamber of Commerce, failed to reach any understanding that would aid in settling differ ences that have crippled building activities in the region since May The chamber, however, in vited the committee tr) return to morrow for anothercohference, it j was announced. r Many Locals Moot. Building trades unions meeting tonight are to be asked to put the general strike resolution to a re ferendum vote, and the San Fran cisco labor council, which meets tomorrow night, will be asked to take similar action. ' The newspapers estimated that the number of workers affected by a general strike I would total 100,000. IlifC Committee i Called. The conference cpmmittee of 4 00 will meet again Saturday to hear reports as to how the indi vidual unions looked on the pro posal. At that time also, it was announced, a decision will be made as to whethejr the generai strike, if called, will be a protest against the open shop alone, or against reduction of wages as well Street Work Hajted by . Shortage of Cement DALLAS, Or., July 21. (Spe cial to the Statesman) The hard-surfacing of tl blocks or the resident section Slreets of this city has been halted indefinitely by the inability of the contractors to; secure cement.! Practically all the grading in the street has been finished an 1 the streets are in condition to have the concrete pavement laid. The work is sup posed to be finished by the first of October but with delays such as the one now being experienced by the contractors it will proba bly be along in the winter before the job is completed. Frank Chapman and W. T. Grier, two Salem business men were Dallas visitors the first of the week. j Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Patterson, Jr., of Corvallis are visiting at the home of Mrsj Patterson's Bar ents, Mr. and Ms. Eugene llay ter on Main street- Dr. and Mrs. ft. E. Lee Steiner o Salem were j Dallas visitors this week with Old friends. J. C. Hayter who underwent an operation at the Dallas hospital two weeks ago Is improving rap idly. Mrs. George Spere has returned to her home in Seattle after a vis it with friends to this city. Inheritance Tax Fixed In Mrs. ffughes Estate . . , i An order fixing the inheritance tax at $249 23 wa? issued yester day by County J)udge W. M. Bush ey in the estati of Emma P. Hughes. Estate property is val ued at $34,723j.ll according to the report submitted by Lulu H. Bush and J. Frank Hughes, exe cutors of tha estate. The will of Mrs. Hughes made the following bequests, including real and personal property at the values Itemizedj: Lulu II. Bush, daughter, $3,639.49; J. Frank Hughes, son, $8,589.49; Gene vieve Hughes Mackle. $8,416.35. The will also provided for various small bequests j to Other persons. BURTON WILL GET HEARING HERE TODAY Man Recently Arrested at Cor vallis Expected to Enter Plea of Not Guilty Kichard Burton. 23, recently ar rested at Corvallis on a statutory eharge will be1 Riven a preliminary hearing at 2:30 p. m. today be fore Justice of the Peace G. E. Un ruh. Burton was arrested upon com plaint of District Attorney John Crrson upon evidence of alleged impioper relations witn Myrtle Ennis, 15-year-old Salem girl. It is reported that Burton will plead not guilty to the charge which he faces. In statements lo his attorney Burton declares that the whole affair is a mistake an 1 that- he has had no relations with trie Ennis gal not of honorable intent. ' The charges against Burton bave attracted widespread atten tion and a large audience is ex pected to attend the hearing. Two Cases Will Come Before Unruh Today Two cases will come up before Judge Unruh in the justice court today. John D. Hafferly who is charged with attacking Guy 11. Smith with a dangerous weapon, a knife, wil be arraigned sometime this morn ing although no definite time has been set. The alleged assault oc curred Wednesday night near Chemawa. " . " At 10 o'clock the case of the state vs Bush will come up before a jury. Bush Is charged with the attempted assault and battery of a neighbor, a Mr. Dingee. Bush was arraigned several days ago when he pleaded not guilty. The alleged assault was the result cf an argument which occurred near the farm of the defendant on tie Garaden toad. i IT HUSH STAGE Variety of Methods is Used in Preserving Big Valley Cherries Lambert cherries are now com ing in by truck loads, for treat ment by all the methods of pres ervation known to the trade. Some are being canned, some are be ing evaporated, some are going into sugar alter being seeded and stemmed. The evaporated product per haps represents the smallest ini tial expense, and it makes a fine, marketable product, though it has not found quire as large favor as the canned fruit. The Lam berts are hardly past the peak of -their production. Logans are decidedly past their biggest production; though large quantities will be brought in be tween now and the close of the season. The hot weather of the past few days has ripened the ber- dies rapidly, and it has likewise brought the vines nearer to :heir yielding end. .stiffening-up of prices for these 'later berries is noticed, and some of the last ends of the crops have lrou?;n a decided advance, more than enough, perhaps, to care for the higher price demanded for pick ing after the peak of the crop is past. Sugar has taken the expected raise in price, and has gone "P 55 cents a sack, with the proini.-iJ of going ' higher. Those who bought at the cellar price of $6.0 are pattins themselves on th3 back for their Solomonic wisdom. With the logans demanding more sugar than any other fruit of the year, tiie tardy buyers have lost one good chance to make some easy money. High Water Damage in Oregon at High Mark PORTLAND. Or.. July 21 Damage from the recent hiph 'a trr in the C lumbia and Vilram ette rivers reacher $275,000. Kd ward L. Wells. wcath?- forecas ter, estimated today from reports of individuals and firms affected. In Portland the total damage to property was estimated at SB,"'', while the loss to business and in wage's is et at $i90Q. Damage outside Portland, including prop erty on both sides of the Colom bia, -was considerably greater, Mt. Wells' estimate being 1 37 944, the figures covering loss in crops, prospective crops, live stock, business and wages. TS m Dean Cromwell, Trainer of World Champion Sprinter, j Is Spending Summer Herd ARREST ORDERED OF ANYONE DISPLAYING PICTURE OF I.W.W. SUPERIOR. Wis.. July 21 District .Attorney Kennedy today ordered police to ar rest anyone distributing, dis playing, or having in his possession, pictures of Ar thur A.s McDonald, suicide, hanging n his painted cross. McDonald hanged himself Tuesday.; Before he died he took photographs of himself, pos ing on the cross and sent them toil. V. W. headquar ters in hopes, his friends say, that he might become the "I. V. W. Christ." EH DEAL WIS H01RS ON TURF Salem Boy Appears With Big i Time Company on Brig ohuse Park Track Word has been received that Elmer Xeal, a Salem boy. Is "mak ing good"! as a rider in some of the fastest company in America. A newspaper report tells of his appearance on the Brlghouse aPrk track, Ontario, as an apprentice protege of Les-Galbraiih, a well known turfman. Track experts at Brighous rate Xeal as'one of the most promising riders who has ever appeared thgre, and ?he outstanding class of the new-comers of the saddle world. They predict that he and other promising riders on the Brighouse-track would re making the top places on the New York and other famous tracks, within the next two years. They are young and unseasoned, but com ing fast and showing the ability to reach the top of their profes sion. Elmer Neal's father. R. E. Xeal, lives at 1201 North Seventeenth. Salem. A cister, little Miss Le ona Xeal. wa? a winner in the re cent Statesman pony contest. The love of horses, and the ability to own and; direct them, seems to run in the family. FLO! PARTY IT E Salem Beautiful is Enhanced At One of Season's No table Gatherings The Salem Floral society staged last night one t-i :Tie most de lightful partis T the season at ihe home of Mrs. W. P. Lord, T'.1 South High'street. : It's too warm tor indoor galh- erings, these nights, evrn in Oie Kon So the party was held out on the, spacious lawn, which was iie.auiir.tliy decorated with elec tric ; c:;ndl'S until it resembled a lower garden of the gods. A ptocram wis prsentl. whi.-h included several numbers by a mal.? quartet tha- rendered its selections most acceptably. Miss Elizabeih Schreiber gave a series of costume dances. rer'-M-sentins: the Spanish, the Egyptian and th' Oyp.-y schools of dancing, that were received with unal loyed npp'-( c'ation by fie delight ed audience. Mrs. Ed. Paker presided -ver the coffee urn. assisted by Mrs. William Lytle. Miss Margf et Itodjrers and her h use truest. Miss Brush of Oambr:djre, fass.. had charce' of the ptinrh owl. Mi. Knnls Wait, assisted by Mrs. Tweedale. served the ices. Four teen young women assisted in the presentation or the refreshments and other features of the even ine's entertainment. The proceed? of the evenins's sales It's almost a debacle to speak of vulgar finance in con nection With such a delightful so cial erent will ro into the Flor al society treasury for Salem beautification. More than 200 guests were In attendance durinj th.a evealng. ELM Lurin 1 I5y WILL CARVER.' l'ean Cromwell, trainer of Charley Paddock and seve ral other world's lilL hold ers in the athletic field, be lieves that Charley Paddock will bs there with "both feet' at the Olympic games to he held in Paris, France, in 1924. Cromwell is now in Salem. "There has been a nation ally published report that Charley is going to tie a pink ribbon about his track shoes and retire while his title is safe, said Cromwell yester day, when asked if Paddock would stay in the game. "That boy has the fastest pair of lees in the world and nothing can curb his whole hearted interest in clean sport." Charley Paddock, wonder sprin ter who at the ace of 19 years took the world's title at th Olympic games at Antwerp in 1919; Earl Thompson, who took the high hurdles record in 1916; Howard Drw. colored sprinter, whose 100-yard sprint on, the Berkeley oval, took the title in 1914, and Fred W. Kelly, who in 1912 put Pacific coast on the athletic map by taking the 120- Jail sentences totaling about a year and fines aggregating near ly $150 a have been the results ot the campaign of prohibition en forcement instituted two months ago when County Judge W. I. Bushey Issued his edict that boore operators in Marion county would have troublous times and defend ed the work accomplished by anti-saloon league agents who had brought in stills and liqmr oper ators in county-wide raids. That the ant'-saloon league law enforcement men are on the job is shown by Tecords cf arrests and seizures related by court records and the collection of stills and il GOOD RECORD IS MADE BY COURT IN PROHIBITION GASES SUNDAY SCHOOLS ALL READYTO ENTER FESTIVITIES Last-word reports from all over the county, indicate lhat at least 50 per cent of the almost 10U, Sunday schools of Marion county will take part in the bi Sunday school picnic at the state fair grounds Saturday. The committee in chrifRe of the parade urj;es that all delegations lie in their aissiKtied places adja cent to the line of march; not later than !:1j or at the latest It: 30 o'clock Saturday morning, so that, the parade can stit prompt ly at 10 o'clock. Pur-ado Formation Shown. For tho convenience of those who may not be quite certain where they should take their A meeting of the executive council. Hoy Scouts of America, held at the Scout chambers last night, was productive of an ex ceptional lot of important camp legislation. One matter was the formal an nouncement of the sinple instead of the divided camp for this sum mer. I5ecaus? of so many boys I bcinc busy picking berries or do- i ins; otner necossar wom u,r mis season, the attendance win not be quite what had at first been antij cipated. It will be posioie to care for a!! the boys in one group in Cherry Street Macadam Is Ordered at Dallas SALEM BOY SCOUTS COB DECIDES OH SIIEE CAW PUN FOR SUMMED DALLAS. Or.. July 21 (Spe-j gathering of . Jersey breeders rial to The Statesman ) The ap-jof Lnne anri Linn counties, was portioning t.f costs for the pro- ,,rk a(. nelTl .near Albany. Thurs posed improvement of Cherry,, - several h-ndred Jersey pno- nircn aim irajifi mj.vis in m S in til weRt'-rn prur o f Dallas wa mirle at this week's council meeting. It is proposed to make an lR-foot improvement of macadam and the balance of the street will be grad ed. Tbe contract for tha work will be let soon. w ) DEAX- K CROMWELL. yard hurdles tn 15 seconds at thd Stockholm Olympic meet. . These iim nves of holders and, for 4 mt-r holders of world records ata Known to all followers of ath- letics and behind them is the; personality of the man who put; them in the running for these achict emenls. IMH-trrs An . Avoided. This iii an' is Dean 15. Cromwell, (Continued on page 6) licit booze wv in the hands of 'Kiu-nty officers.- On . Saturday 'deckct iu depart ment Xo. 1, of circuit court, the following rases are docketed througb the :of fice of District At torney John Carson. Ray Clark, 'charged with selling liquor and John Doe 'Christian son violation of prohibition statutes. At l':::o. this afternoon, John aKysrr, Pratum farmer, and Arn old Weidormau,, Scotts Mills farm or,' will appear beforo County Judge, llu'slwsy On charge of vio lation of stPte prohibition stat- (Continued on page fi) places, the assignment of space is here given.. Salem district will assemble on North Commercial from Center north. Donald and Hayesville district, form on Center, from North Com mercial, east. Jefietvon and Red Hill, form on Marion, from North Commer cial, east. Santiam district, form on Front street, from Marlon to State. Silverton and Wood burn dis trict form on Cnion, from North Commercial, east. The parade Marls at 10 a. m.. (Continued on page 6) stead of two.. This camp is to-be-pin Aucust S, and will last for two weeks, instead of the first di vision starting next week as orig inally planned. The Scout council v-iil attend the camp for the last two days, and will furnish autos to brins; ail the boys back to their homes. The resignation of V. W. Craig, one of th enriy and most enthusi- fisti. scoutmasters of the Salem organization, was received, and the .council ."parsed, resolutions of (Continued on page 6) ' Jersey Breeders Have Big Picnic at Shedd j , . nttdntanAn t f . .n tl' . P' "' ' - n elatjorate picnic cinner, some good epeaking, sand air the good things that go with a picnic among people who are perfectly satisfied witn their aims in life. VOTEGOUNTED Measure Now Goes. to Sen ate, Where Alterations Are Expected for Later Approval by Lower Body. OVATION IS GIVEN CHAjRMAN FORDNEY i Representative ; Garrett At tacks Methods and Calls Act Monstrosity WASHINGTON. July 21. The Republican protective tariff bill, estimated by Chair man rordney to raise around $500,000,000 in revenue annu ally was passed tonight by the house by a vote of 289 to 127. precisely the vote by which, the Democratic -motion for elimination of its American valuation j provision -was. de feated. ;: y;. .. Seven Republicans" ; voted against the measure, while the same number of , Demo crats supported it. Oil, hides, cotton and asphalt remained on the free list. The Long worth dye embargo, backed by a ilepublicanmajority on the ways and means commit tee, was thrown out, 209 to il93. .Aided by Republicans not Satisfied with all the bill's! brovisions, the Democratic minority made the most of its :hances, and . the ways and neans Committee lost out on hree of the five amendments aid before the house. " J There was not much chance f imposing a duty. on hides 4nd cotton after the kousc, in committee of the whole, had defeated amendments Srrying compensatory rates their manufactured prod-- ucts. When the oil amend ment was reached there was . such a shout of noes that a (Continued on page 4) COAST BASEBALL I joAl rBISCO 11. POBTLA1TD 7' K LA Nil. Joly 2lr Hun Fm nri.ro t4k nintir of the wildn of Ku Kllmon, new I'ertland piu-br, sod wtlkrd itwfuy with today' gmt again! tha H'Wtrr'a It to 7. Kllinon "ras nnnaady, anti Kan Kranruo arerd tout runs in Oi4 firat inning, two in th acn4.nl foiir in th tnirrt. Coleman, wba re ! fil. -d Klliaon, allowed bat oa run and Hue hit in nix plan t innuif,, O'jtauid, Hu(i Kranriarw moundamah, waa bit freely nui Bcia un . in tiiti Lunelle. R. lf K. Portland .j ' ";p ..' T II 0 hai franciaco .......... 11 1 "0 ISattfTiea Klllnon, Colvman and t'lak- vri UDool and Tell. i SACRAMEHTO 7. VERSOS 8 $ACBAM.ViO, July 2 Marraroent wu(i a free hit tins rente! from Vernoa ht-i- today 7 to 5. Hmith and Kyaa bit hoitie runs.' Ihe pifhinjr-of . Crona, re- rit wto reiierea Dell, waa las featar son- mumi. i i ; o r. n. k. Veinon ft 12 . I Ha ram-nto m . 7 10 t Httprit tifll, Croat and, Marphy; 8 ALT LAKE 10. OAKLAND A: HAI.I LAKE CITV. Jlr 21. Battine rlli' by the. halt Lake dab in iiie Kirbth and ninth inninrm. rate tha loraia ihefr first victory f the aeriea, 10 tn 9. Leverecs wai will and tha Oak' tall na were largely (Joe to hi lack mf "otitrer ie aliowina only six h,tm film. tin Und Hd, fimt two batammi to Imrm Kriimrr. bit bomera. and Jenkins hit another in the eighth with t n. r if jt Oakland ..... U Sa! l'ke 10 U 3 attrie Krame . Arlett and Atiua: wcri. tioold and Jenkin. , AKGEX.8 1, 8EATTLE OS -ANOfcLKS, Joly 21.8tttmDr Willi throw of UrAulf-r'a a in tie waa th -rror in Ittc axtl-loa Anelea c t re tcdajr, and it" reunited in th run whkh sure th Angela tha game, le the Anrcla played irrnrln. ku I. .ni Whji th.r .r enaUlrd to realun mlr ,i,. nit out of nine hit, tb northcjfei r ing fout doubl play. ,: ma fdni ; : - - 7i' T r; Anitelea '-, . 1 atteriea Vrancia aail lJ.m. bud. Baldwin, , , , STAKDINO Or IHE CLCTf.3 P.t. . it .533 .495 .85 Ha Franeiaeo 70 . At 8ar t-aroento 4S 4 4A 44 65 67 ,71 ' Gall land -I. ' 60 67 S4 beafttle loa Angele Vefnon Ra lAka a, Portland 24 s , i I 7 r I i ,