The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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5 .
ItHurn From Festival
f Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Shaver of
!)Z9 Center street, returned yes
terday from attendance at 4he
3?errlan celebration held by the
jtlty of; New berg. They report a
kenuin festival v. event, during
which time thousands of boxes of
fruit were distributed to visitors.
Upturn to Kasfcrn Oregoi
i J. Robertson llrooks. who with
' liin small daughter Gertrude Mil
'dred, has been viBiting at the
home of his mother, Mrs. M. II.
Brooks, 909 Center street, re-
.nnil Til 11 V in Vila iatAa at
laker, vr. ,
Gohp1 tn Sontr. aiwt Story
The tent uieetirg, conducted by
the Scandinavian church, Willam
ette campus.' Twelfth and Ferry
Mreeta, commencing this evening
at 8 o'clock. Don't miss It.
Adv. ! ,J.
Thursday afternoon are to the ef
fect that two cars, one a Puick
and the other a Westeott, were
badly damaged. Reports are to
the effect that although there
were fceveral passengers in each
machine, no one was injured. The
Westeott machine, which bore a
Lebanon, Or., pennant, was re
moved to a Woodburn garade
late Thursday evening.
Stork Itringn Son
To Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Rodg
ers of 2624 Oak street there ar
rived a son, weight 9 pounds, on
July 13. The youngster has been
named Glenn, Jr.
V. O. W. Attention
Special meeting tonight at Mc
Cornack hall. Installation of of
ficers and feed. Adv.
Teacher Hear Mr. Fulkers!
Mrs. M. L. Fulkeron. superin
tendent of Marion county schools
and president of the Oregon
Teachers' association.
Thursday from Corvallis. Wed
nesday evening Mrs. Fulkerson
addressed fafhers attending O.
A. C. slimmer school on the pur
poses and work of the stare- teach
ers organization. ;
worth league methods during the
10-day session from August IS to
2".. He is an enthusiastic worker
among young Dfople and is. con-
returned ! Mdered an authority on methods
of interesting young people in
that !in of church work.
Gridley; California National bank
.Mouesio: Nippou bank, Sacrameu.
J. W. L. Srn ih Vi-lts
John V. L. Smith, formerly
supervisor of Marion county
schools, was a Salem visitor yes
terday. Mr. Smith is completing
a course of training for the Smith
Hughes vocational aiJ work.
SutHriiitcnilnt R-tiirn
j Mary L. Fulketson, county i
school superintendent, returned;
from Corvallis yesterday here i State FOfeSter InCreASeS Or
she has b-en visiting the summer.
school in session there at Oregon ;
Agricultural college. !
ganization to Fight Fires
In Timber
i Poller Serena nt Krtnrnit
After t two weeks' vacation
inpent at the Payette lakes In the
wilds of Idaho, Desk Sergeant
Clyde Ellis has returned to his
; duties with Salem's police depart-
roent. A healthy coat of tan, a.
gain In avoirdupois of 22 pounds
and .several hundred ounce of
fish are checked to the police oY-
..ficer's credit as a result of his
. j - ' .
- Machine IUdly Wrecked
Meagre details of an auto col
llsloa occurring three miles south
iof Woodburn an the highway on
Gain 2; Pay $3
Attorneys for Sam Lorenzen,
plaintiff in the suit recently filed
against Night Patrolman Grover
Yates of Silverton, found yes
terday that to the victor the
spoils may be rather scanty. A
jury in department No. 1 return
ed a verdict awarding to Lorenzen
the sum of $1, with $1 as costs
to be collected from the defend
ant Yates. At the same tint.
plaintiff is required to pay 2 as
trial fees, thereby balancing the
Fire Damages Warehouse
Fire. believed lo havo been
started by rpaik.s fro a chim
ney, yesterday damaged the ware
house of William Gahlsdorf. back
OI ine ferry aruf? store, causing j el:tielj
a loss estimated at '. raper
plates and oth-r paper goods were
among the principal articles dam
aged and a hole about six feet
square was burned in the roof.
Hash Pleads Xof Guilty .
; Otto Hush appeared before
j Judge Fnruh in the istice court
yesterday and entered a plea of i
! not guilty to a charge filed j
: against him by Samuel Dinger, j
72. of assault and battery. The
charge was made following a j
! quarrel between tho two which j
in a fist fight. Buli s
said to have received a bad cut ;
necessitating several stitches. Fri-
day, July 2 2. was set as the date
for the trial.
hankers. Bear Creek; First tate
bank. Brockway, reopened . May
10; First 'State bank. Chester:
Circle State bank. Chester, re
opened May 10; State Bank of Cul
bertsoa Culbertson. reopened June
1; First National bank. Cut Bank;
Farmers State bank. Havre; Hing
ham State bank, Hinehatri. re
opened February 24; First State
bank, Jordan; First National
bank. Opheini: First State bank,
; " Ovando: Sheridan Countv State
bank. Plentvwood: State Dank of
LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE Etockett. Stockett, reopened
.iarn 26; hirst International
- bank, Sweetgrass, reopened May
lit; First National bank. Thre-
Campaign Expected to Make Forks-reopened June
Careless Camper and In
cendiarist Scarce
Portland; T. W. Murphy and Trife,
Portlands A, Marnold. 42mtland;
to. reopened May 15. W. A. Pearson Portland; C. John-
Montana First National bank, j son Seattle; R. E. Smith. Port
Baylor; Clark Wright company, 1 lainl: l. D -McCanaehn. Vancou
ver; H. GraTy, San Kranci?co; F.
Green. Chicago; D. P, Peartnan.
Mills aty; O. Krfe, Portland; J...
J. Harbaush. Eugene: f Harry t
Korin Eugene; -Alfred Korn, Ea-'-gene:
S. A. Carron. Portland; Ray
I. Binegar, Albany; J. Radeniacb
er, Portland; Jba. Sberroer,
quina: V. C. Dfwey. Portland.
Special Prices for Groceries
Winston ChurchUrs
"The Dwelling I
Inace or fcigni n
A Ken j. Hampton H
Production I
Here Sunday fl
Wallace Held "
Notice to Irrigarors
Irrigators on flat rate will
please observe the following rules.
All houses having even numbers
are limited to irrigate on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
Odd numbers on Tuesday, Thurs
,i..r Qntnrr'av 0nd Senday. 'Hours
for Irrigating, C to 8 a. m., 5 to
p. in. baiem water, L.ignt &
Power company. Adv.
IN nair f lrs's, Home Begun
Repair of the nurses' home at
?.U?, South Winter street, which
was damaged by fire a few days
npo. was begun yesterday. It
will be necessary to repair parts
of the poutli and west wall and
also parts of the roc.f.
jr.; Sii ' 1
Many applications for official j
fire officers and camp and dis
trict wardens are coming in to ;
the Male forester's office. Froi.i ;
ft) to la abDfiintments are be-
inic made dally. Each commis- Maiof DllPnhlirV PfflisPS
t . . I i .1;..,. -
13 lbs. Sugar L $1.00
Kugar, sack.. . $6.63
1 pint Mazola .... . .. J. -..3.1c
No. 3 Lard...... ... J ....75c
21 cans Sujrar Teas 1 . '. j......-.S2.70
1 dozen Pttst Tcastits ..... . ; ...4-
.1 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee... : : . , . $1.10
1 dozen cans Sardines.... L . -59c
1 dof n Medium Van Camp's Pork and Beans,.$10
No. 10 Karo Syrup . . i ; --G7c
Da ir y Salt ....... i . 69c
Work Done By Oregon
Units at Camp
Chicken Dinner Every Sunday-
Tables and counters. Jack s
Cafe, 1C3 S. Commercial St. Adv
Major Humphreys Here-
Major Lester Humphreys.
United States attorney, of Port
land, passed through Salem yes
terday as a member of. a fishing
party bound for the upper waters
of the McKenzie river.
Shorlff lirinffs IXerrrtls
Sheriff Ferguson of McMinn
vllls was a Salem visitor yester
day. havlne brought from Mc-
Minnville records to be used in
an action now being reviewed In
the supreme court.
Attorney .Wyatt Visit
J. R. Wyatt, Albany attorney
transacted legal business at the
Marion county court house on
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
t '
1 l.l
I ' i
A A - 1.MI..I
rtniiieiie r.siaie r ut-i
Instruments in the Cuslck t .
Arquette estate were filed with
Count v Judfe W. M. Bushev yes-
HartUian's GlaSSeS terday and Sarah Arquette, widow
heir, was appointed administrat
rix, filing a bond in the sum of
$200. The estate's holdings item
ize real prooertv in Marion county
valued at $1200. .
Intoxicated Man Jailed
II. P. livers of Dallas was ar
rested by Officer Victor last niht
on a charge of hems intoxicated.
He gaye a bond of $10 for his ap
pfarance at 10 o'clock this morn
ing and was released.
; sion canies with it full poltte
j power in all fire matters. The
i warden can commandeer aii
' crew, anv individual, within ,hts
; jurisdiction, and require them to ;
i join the fire brigade the same as j "
a sheriff may command the serv- j ..The wonderflll pun shoo(.
ices of r.nv Htizen for oolice dutv. i;nn ... . n
Kntwtnv T. J,Aro 1,o nlnnx tn r.r- I - ' r '" i aimi-ij
'"J " r
panize a Hoy Scout troop. On
30 lbs. Half Ground Salt... .
1 lb. Calumet Making Powder....
6 oz. Vanilla Flavoring.....
Cream Separator Oil. per gallon..
Machine Oil, per gallon.. ..4 . .45c
Zerolene, per gallon. 4
riu I.J .... T..n t
jut van 1 uin mm .... L
"Kik to Orstanlze Troop
Harold Cook, local Hoy Scout
executive, will leave for Stayton
These wardens are paid in vari- .has biven the oreogn j tKird a real
Monday he will sp'-ak before
parent meeting at Woodburn.
Jennings (iiven lied
Mat Jennings war, given'
in the city jail last night.
a bed
Asks Release of Extate
Frank Feeley, 23. filed a pe
tition Thursday with County
Judge W. M. Kushey, asking that
his guardian. Margaret II. Feeley.
his grandmother by marriage, file
final accounting of her trustee
ship of his estate. An order issued
by Judge Kunhey asks that the
guardian appear in court July
26 and show cause why final ac
count should not be filed and the
estate turned over to Frank Fee-ley.
Cox I Visitor
A visitor of some note In the
city is W. A. Cox of Albany who
c.'ime here to siend a few days
with his son-in-law. Harvey Love
all of SS'. South Oak street. Mr.
Cox came to Oregon in the year
that the state capitol was built!
MHl aided 111 us construction. tu : lhaf cst
son-in-law recontiy purcnaseu a
local barber shop.
fifgal niauKs
Get them at The Statesman of
?'ce. Catalog on application.
Easier and Better
Wear thpm and tee
fhone 1255 j Salera, Oregon
IptUtrt at 182V4 K. CimmrUL ttmt
Chop iaty, noodlti tnd Amtrl.
ta dUttca. let crm ana drlak
, Opn 11 a.m. to .nu
.-1': Rpclal BBBdT'
temilar 1 13.00 Thor Vacuum
'A Cleaner, Our Price
'-.f :! - $25 ".
tir Court St. rhone 488
i Nasoni Perfect Liquid Palnyi
Reasonable Prices
1 . 1 1 i r
rnmkare A Hardware Co.
11 K N. Commercial Phone 47
Rosa Martin 'nutate rloswl
Upon hekTins the final account
of Jessie Martin as administrat
rix' of the Rosa C. Martin estate.
County Judge Hushey yesterday
issued an order closing the estate
I and relieving the administratrix
from her duties.
Skiff Wins Verdict
After hearing testimony In the
civil action of Mark S. Skiff vs.
John Peyree, in department No,
1. circuit Court, Thursday, a Jury
decreed that Peyree pay to Skiff
the sum of $900 as the amount
due for an engine sold to the de
fendant, Mr. Peyree.
Estate Valued at I-.IH
Mrs. John W. L. Smith has
been appointed administratrix of
the estate of I). F. Harrison and
her bond of $12,r00 accepted, ac
cording to estate procedure in
county count yesterday. Iteal and
personal prope rly valued at $5910
Will be appraised by J. W. Helle
rung,. Osa Iagg and Edgar H.
Purvine. Heirs and next of kin
are Dr. E. F. Harrison. Carlisle,
Ark. ;t Rev, C. B. Harrison, MI11
ington. Ills; Hugh Harrison, Rose
burg, Or., and Mrs. J. W. L. Smith
of Woodburn.
Minx Findlejr to Speak '
The Tualatin orchestra, with
Mrs. H. S. Logan, soloist, will
contribute, to the musical program
at the Tualatin and Wilsonville
Methodist Kpiseopal church on
Sunday next and Miss Mary Find-
ley of Salem will speak. At the
Wilsonville service the quartet
composed of Messrs. Aden, Hrobst,
15atesand Seely, will Eing.
.91.80 1
- .50
Suits Cleaned .......
Suits Pressed s
Saiera Cleaners & Dyers
ISIS 8. Com! St. Phone J868
rr Bprtaf Plwitlaf Order from
Af Amm. TtnlUlnv
B A LM It : J O K 1 0 0 H
Phone 17IS-
SIMPSON At the Dallas hospi
tal Thursday morning, July 14,
John Simpson, ago 57 years.
Besides his wife he leaves two
daughters. Mrs. Zelma Wil
: Hams of Alrlie. and Mrs. Ruth
Wagner of Corvallis. Mrs.
; Etta Simpson Is a daughter of
the late J. C. Johnson of Corvallis.
Webb '& Clough
Funeral Directors
We pay 2c above tie
market nrice for eggs
and products
Leading Morticians
Weatherly Ice Cream
Bulk 30c pint; Brick 33c pint
1090 Center St., corner 12th
Home Builders
Take' Notice
We can save yon money on
your Plumbing Supplies; It
will pay yon to come and
see vs about prices. We al
ways bava a supply of
Tents, all sizes, prices
tery low
Bargain House
We buy and sell eTerythlnr
Phone 191 v
Late Model Franklin
Touring C&r, Cord Tires,
Good Paint and Upholstery,
Excellent Condition
Gingrich Motor Co.
371 Court St.
Bivlion Aids fifjv
C. P. Bishop. 340 North Liber
ty street, contributed $" to the
citv treasury yesterday when he
failed to appear before Judge
Race and answer a chaTge of
parking his car incorrectly. The
complaint alleged that Mr. Bishop
narked his car on the east side
of Liberty street facing south, be
tween" Center and Chemeketa.
ous ways. Some of them are asked j reputation,'
for by lumber companies, and iDusenbury.
paid by meth. the appointment ! lust night
being merely for the purpose of .Seattle, to
I getting state police backing for
i fire protection service. Some are
paid by associations, or districts,-! weeks, from July 15
: and some may eventually be paid
j by collecting . damages from
j ranchers, hunters, campers or
other incendiaries who may be
proven guilty of setting out fires
iiioiiev to lie put out.
Since July 1 several fires have
Ueen reported One was over in
the Silver Falls lumber company's
holdings, a slashings fire that
threatened to becoie disastrous, I
said Major James S.
of .Salem, who left
or Fort Wordi-n, near
serve a:s instructor of
1 dozen medium1 cans Libby's Pork and ltcans...$ 1.40
1 dozen Port and Beans..;. i .90c
Vallev Flour, per sack... ; .. I .....$ 1. GO
" ; - -. '!",.-'!''..:
Highland Grocery
Phone 496
the Washington coast artillery
unit. He will be there l;r two
to 30; fol
lowing which he will go to Los
Anueles. as instructor and inspec
tor for the California big-gunners.
Major Dusenburw credits the
artillery companies from Albany
and Newport. Oregon national
guard, with being among'the star
civilian performers of the whole
United States. The shooting they
did with the 10-inch guns at Fort
Stevens recently, puts them up at
fleneratrr Xcnrinjr Completion
The new $11,000 gas genera
tor being installed by the Port
land Railway Light & Power com
pany in the local gas plant, is
nearing completion and will be
ready to serve patrons within a
month, was fthe announcement
made yesterday bv, Manager W.
if. Hamilton of the local office.
About 21 days is required to heat
the generator before it can be
brought intjo actual operation. As
soon as the new one is put into
operation the company plans to
cool one of the others and repair
Tire1 and Ilim Stolen
A. C. Coonradt of Portland re
ported to police yesterday of the
loss of a J im , and Goodrich tire
from his car which he said was
taken while it was parked the
previous night in front of the
Argo hotel.
Salem I'astor on Faculty
Among the faculty of 13 at
the summer school of religious
education to be conducted at the
College of Puget Sound is Rev.
Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, pastor of
the First Methodist church of this
city. Mr. Kirkpatrick will be the
bead of the department of Eu-
Stock Ranch
243 acre, in Adam County, within
2 miles of the county fut.
133 arrfs under ditrh with xrl
Vnt wtPr scrricp. Adjacent to th
Wiser forest reset-re for cuttle.
100 arr of alfalfa, 15 timothy mnil.
clover. 5 room house, lurn. '1 Bprinj?.
near honne: good community, achool
and churches. Address B 15Tj
Chemeketa Street, Saltm.
Anderson Returns !
Gus Anderson returhed Wed
nesday from a brief visit with
Harry Rowe- nt ttrownsville. The
boys sang I t 't'tiir in the Wil
lamette quartet for four years,
and have been close friends for
a much longer time. Mr. Bower,
who was graduated from Willam
ette two years ago, has been
superintendent of the Milton, Or.,
schools since he left college.
but it has not done much damage.
The fire season is coming on,
which 13 the reason for the un
usual activity in the appointment
of wardens. A larger number of
men will eb put on this year than
ever before, as the value of timber
is being recognized more and
more every season. California is
making not only a like vigorous
fight to keep down the fires, but
has a wonderfully trained coins
of. forest sleuths who ate making
the careless camper and the ma
licious incendary mighty scarce.
Heavy punishments are being
meted out to the California fire
builders. They have less rain, a
much longer fire season, a small
er area of higher-priced Umber
nearer to nif.rket. and t lie state
is making a belated but stren
uous and winning fight against
thefire evil.
It is the opinion tnat as Ore
gon learns more of the value of
its forests, the fire hazards will
fecome le,:, because people will
take more pains to make forest
fires impossible.
the top of all the gunners any
Major Dusenbury, who is a
graduate of West Point with a
record of 20 years service for
I'ncle Sam, served during the war
as a colonel, and was in some of
the fiercest of all the fighting
along the German line. He is a
native of South Carolina, but since
the war he has been detailed as
instructor of artillery, being as
signed especially to the Oregon
guard, but because of the success
of his proteges, being now in de
mand for other state organisa
tions. He has bought a home in
Salem, and expects to make this
his permanent residence.
New Tax Law Explained
To County Superintendents
J. A. Churchill, state fuperin
tendent of schools, is sending out
to the county superintendents of
the sjtate the necessary blanks to
be used in complying with a new
law Kovernins: the voting of taxe3
in the school, districts of Oregon.
Instructions from the state super
intendent's o'fice accompany the
Oregon Three Listed as
Closed North Dakota
Leads in Failures
Rirths Rcpot-tci
From the Deaconess hospital
is reported the birth of a son to
Mr. and Mrs. George Lomax. He
has been given the name of Eu-
Although Oregon has had three
Shanks to close in recent months.
the state really belongs to the
same class with six other states
that have had but one bank fail
ure each since November 22. 1920,
according t oa report received by
Frank C. Bramwell. state superin
ijoy M$&
SIS Chemeketa SU
Do yon t .
If not, why not?
No other baths or treatment!
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person affertnf
from disagreeable eold or ail
ment of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths .will.
Open S a. m. until 9 p. m. p
Lady and Gentlemen attend
V - ' ants ' '
ONE of the greatest Joys
In this life comes to a
man through his ability to
read. When it becomes ne
cessary to strain your eyes
to take in what is on the
printed page It becomes JuFt
as necessary that you con
sult an authority on op
tometry. Have us build for
you a pair of glasses that
will give your vision the
proper accommodation.
gene Whitney, b roni the saraeitf,n(ipnt nf hank? frnm tbp federal
place is announced tho birth nf a reserve bank at San Francisco,
son to Mr. and Mrs. George Yar-iMr Bramwell explains that the
ear of Independence. He arrived dosing of the Crook county bank
yesterday. ;at Prineville was a real failure.
,The closing of the Bank of Jack
sonville is attributed to misman-
a- ' iagement, and tne r irst Mate c
PrPCflVif C I (Savings bank of Klamath halls
r CIQJllL,Q J 'jwas reopened March 14 last.
j Thirty-four states had one or
imore failures. North Dakota leads
J. C. Wageman of Woodttirn
transacted business and visited
friends in this city Thursday.
Hev. J. H. Jeffery, who has
been attending the Methodist
Episcopal pastors school held in
this city, has returned to his pas
torate at Chelan. Idaho.
Ephriam Shepherd of Jefferson !
visited friends and relatives in !
this city yesterday.
the list with CI bank failures. By
states the number of failures fol
lows: Arizona. 7: California. 2: Colo
rado, 5; Connecticut. 1: Florida.
1; Georgia, 7; Idaho, 15: Illinois.
!f: Indiana. 2: Iowa. 18: Kansas,
Louisiana. ?: Massachusetts
11; Michigan. 6; Minnesota. 4;
Mississippi. 2: Missouri. 3; Mon
tana. 16: Nebraska. 14: New Mex
ico, 4; New York, 3; North Caro
lina. 10; North Dakota. 51; Okla
homa, 6; Oregon. S; Pennsylvania.
3; South Carolina, 3: Soutn Da
kota, 2; Tennessee. 1: Texas. 40;
Utah. 6; Virginia, 3; Washington.
8: Wyoming. 1.
j In Washington, Idaho, Califor
nia and Montana the banks that
to Irene S. i closed were:
13 Englewoo-i j Washington State bank. Black
Diamond: First National bank.
Chas Keil and wire to Fred M- :Ciarkston reopened July 2; Citi
Ke il and wife. 42.33 acres in nw:zens feank Georgetown Station.
4 sec 11-4-1 w, H. ISeattle; Kelso State bank. Kelso;
Chas. Ke.l and wife to Hugo P ;N-0rthside State bank. Seattle;
Keil and wife 4 2.334acros In 89- j Scandinavian-American bank. Ser
ar? T e - , a r' . nh iatt,e: Scandinavian - American
Fred M. Keil and wife to Chas ank Tac Central Bank &
Kell w,fe42 3 acres in nn Tru Yakima.
Wq n 1 i' e' f xi. in Idaho Overland National bank
St. Benedict s Abbey of Mt. An- , . s.ato hanV n,.
gel to fat. Josephs. Aid society of, Mn . lnno 9C. - v -
MARION Guests registered
from Portland were M. C. Howes,
W. M. McConnel, J. II. Jenkins,
C. P. Ross. T. C. Tart, H. McGreg
or, G. J. Parker. George Lanabee,
K. B. Bansa'.l, E. Walkington. R.
W. Slingerland, Harrv Jones P.
V. Mohlir. D. D. Phillips, Tom
Harth. W. R. May. T. H. Peck and
wife. N. E. Mathews, V. H. Red
mon. G. M. Rss. C. B. Gillis, V.
G. Oliver, G. E. Fry, J. W. i ian
cy. A. N. Wysong. Miss ?L Trav
ers. Miss M. Baynton, L. E. Stev
ens, Al Stewart, F. A. V'oeitman.
H. liolcomb. P. B. Hargard,
J. W. Wat sop. Others registered
v.'itv: E. L. Wieder, Albany; R
E. Smith an I wife. Klamath Falls,
A M. Oleson and daughter, Klam
ath Falls; L. H. Hermann. Eu
gene; F. V. Wenzel. Long Heach;
K C. Dukman. Seattle; W. Y.
Weaver and wife, Ros-'burg; .
M. Clopp. Sxn Francisco: C. A.
Wyman. Eugene; Oorse Laskell.
Bremerton. Wash.; Lisle Brown,
Seattle: W. L. Erous. Seattle;- II.
A. Wadsworth, Berkeley; Henry
Krogh Spokane; K. L. Jones and
wire, Hilleart'. Mont.: Mis K. Br
chan. H'llearti;- II. II. J. Read,
Los Angeles.
l'.LIGH L. J. Renn, Portland;
William Duien, Portland; George
Fitsfh. Portland: I. L- Read.
Reported by Union Abstract
C. W. Wheeler
Nash, lot 3, block
add. to Salem, $10
Office Outfitters
U. S. Duplicators
Steel Safes
Addinjr Machines, etc.
Commercial Book Store
163 N. Commercial St.
Mt.-Angel. .23 acre in Mt. Anget.
John II. White to F. W. Stock,
east 60 feet lots 1 and 2 block 1
Eddy's add. to Salem. $4 00.
M. A. McCorkle and wi'e to A,
A. and H. A. Keene, lots 5. 6, 7,
block 12. River'ew add a"d lots
1. 2, block 7, Comon'g add. to
Katm '!.
N. Degerness to J. F. and Min-1
nie R. Fish wood, part of lot 12
north of Main street. Silverton,
Harvey P. Heater and wife to
n. J v aS. r-oiUU cr aauw aaa wm- .
Commerce, Burley, opened June
as Commercial State Bank of Bur
ley; Coeur d'Alene Bank ft Trust
company. Coeur d"Alene; First Na
tional bank.fairfield; Grangeville
Savings Bank & Trust company;
Granageville; Kamiah State bank.
Kamlah; State bank. Kooskla;
Commercial and Savings bank.
Mountain Home; Fidelity State
bank, Orofino; State bank. Peck:
Bannock National bank, Pocatello;
Stockgrowers Bask & Trust com
nnv. Pocatello;: Bank of Stites,
Stites. .
Bright, intelligent boys
with bicycles wanted to
carry morning routes.
This is an excellent op
portunity for ambitious
boys to get a start in
business for themselves
and also make some
money for their very
""Apply Circulation
- Manager
Sacrifice Sale
- , ' - ';i - Z "! ' N;
"' Of j: "
Used Calf s
We Must Sell Them
We Will Sell Them
4 t
Reduced Prices
Worth' Reduced To
425.00 : $ 275.00
$ C00.00
..........$1650.00 $1450.00
...$1650.00 $1550.00
$ 585.00
Reduced Prices
ALLEN (New). ..........
OLDS "6" Dem..........L......
OLDS V'6" Dem.
OLDS "8" Dem (7-Pas.).: $2145.00 $1925.00
Liberal terms on any of above cars. Salesroom will
hold open each night this week until nine o'clock.' Come
early. Select the car you want v ' j r
Oldsmobile Sales Co.
183 S. Commercial Street ' Phone 380
Wouldn't You Lite
To Wear a Blouse
Like One
of These
, at
They are of Pongee silk, with a lovely sheen
and lustre. They come with high or low col
lars; with pleated teonis; in jaunty Peter
Pan style. They are well made but that isn't
all they are the keenest thing? we have in
.thrs-liriev -K" V--'f
-I ....
; : i -
And By The Way. 1
While we are talking of Pongee, have you seen the
new bloomers we have for women and misses,
fashioned of Chinese imported silk Pongee and
made with knickerbocker knees! They are priced
from- --...$2.40 to $2.98
Where it is a pleasure to shop"
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
California First National bank
- -T . - : : i- -t :
- ' c