The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    i. '
DflDTIilhin IMIMCl
i uii i lhiiu mm
Three-Day Conference First
of Western Marketing
C. J. Lewis of Salem Slated
For Address on Subject
I -Of Advertising
The first meeting of the West
ern' Fruit Marketing conference
-Willi he held In Portland, July 1,
12, and,, 13 at the rooms of the
Chamber of Commerce. There waa
keen competition for the conven
tion; among , c.ties of the north
west and it is felt that Oregon Is
fort una to In -, securing the first
meeting! of tho conference, which
in being sponsored, by the State
Farm liureaue of Oregon,. Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana, Utah and
California. i
' Better Market Aim
The purpose ot ;:ie ineetlni is
to secure better marketing meth
ods t and, facilities and all phases
of i storage, transportation and
distribution will be discussed by
speakers front all parts of the
west, many ot whom are of na
tional reputation in their lines.
It is hoped that there will be a
large attendance ot growers and
others Interested in fruit market
ing and all who can do so are be
ing urged to be present at the
, conference.' :ji -'
The program will be as follows:
Monday, Jnljr 11. .
io:05 a. mi. -"ddres-i of wel
come., fiayor. of Portland.
10:15 a. m.i ilepoue to wel
come and statement of purpose of
the conference. W. B. Armstrong,
president Washington Farm Bur
eau1 federation; Yakima, Wash.
lociion of permanent chair
man aiid secretary.
Il:(j0 a. xa. f'Furidamental
Principles of Fruit 'Marketing"
Pri Hector v McPherson,, director
office pf farm market, CorvaJlis,
Or f 'tfll'i ;.',.: -V
J: SO P. m. "National Prob
lems of Frn It Marketing," Dwight
L. Woodruff, ; manager Wenatche
District Co-operative association,
W'enatthee, Wash.
. i:30 p.. m. "Developing' and
Maintaining Stable Market," , by
(a) study of markets 'and market
-reportt: (b) ' elimination of con
geftioa;, (c) control of car diver-liona-f
Dr. H. Walker, "presi
dent California Farm Bureau Fed-
eration. Willows, Cal.
3 : 3 0 p. ' m. -"Is It Timely and
Practical for ' Western Fruit
Urowwr to Pool Their Purchases"
r-Ir.iW. H. Walker., ,
!.: I Tuesday, July 12
10:00' a. m. "History and
Evlla of the Present Fruit Market
ing Systems' Charles ' E, Bas
U. field manager North Amew-can-
Fruit Exchange. - t
a. in. "Methods of dls-
semination Among the Grower--,
'information of the Principlec
Proper Marketing Systems" V.
r-iHMrer," f.esiaent Idaho Fajin
Bureau Federation, Lev.iston, IJi.
2: p. m. "Increasins Eifi
c.'eney ot Distributing Agencies'
C. H. Swigart, manager Yakima
Fruit Growers' association," Yaki
ma, Wash..
' 3:00 p. m. "Amalgamation of
Existing Co-operative Marketing
Associations and Organization of
Additional Units" George A.
Marrslield, president Oregon Farm
Bureau Federation, Medford,
Ore. :
4:00 u. m. "Financing the J
Grower, and Acceptance of Fruit
Paper by Local and Federal fte- '
serve Banks" K. A. Duncan,
president Yakima National bank,
Yakima. V.'ash.
Wednesday, July l'I
10:00 a. m. "Advertising"
! Prof . C. I. Lewis, assistant sen
'fcrai manager Oregon Growers'
Co-operative association, Salem,
i 11:0.0 a. m. "Elimination of
Wastes in Assembling and Ware-
hou.ini,' Fru:t'.at Shipping Point"
Ed. Pierce, manager SDokanc
Valley Growers' union, Opportun- j Pacert'i
lity. Wash.
1:30 p. m. "Refrigeration
K. R. Pailthrop, United State Spe
cialist in fruit storage and rail
way, bpokane, wash.
1 1 i i i
Pacer Makes Fastest Time
Of Year in Grand Circuit
Races Yesterday
Black Burns Captures Sec
ond Division in 2:20
Classy Pacing Event
LAND, Ohio, July S. Pacing the
i fastest time or the year. Single
io, o'iied by V. It. fiarefitt, Cam-
I ridse City, Ind., defeated one of ! earlier
the most formidable fields of)
in training today in the ;
free-for-all pace sweepstakes, tht- .
nature of the Getaway Grand
Circuit card at North Randall .
beats that of the trotters for the i
Hal ilalone furnished the onlv i.
! competition, but he was not good
enough to worry Single G, an I
odds-oa favorite. Whenever Hal
Malone got close to Single G, Al
len let out a wrap and Single G
was equal to the emergency.
SinKlc G Ro'd for $200 in a
li'Su auction pool. Peter neiler
was the only other favorite to
win. '
Black Burns took the second i
division of the 2:20 class pace in'
straight heats-. Donzo captured
second money by virtue of hps ;
victory in the third, alter BUick
Mums bad been ruled osit. Gov
ernor Harbin. Jr.. was raced un
der protpst pending establish
ment of his identity. He finished :
third in the first mile, second in j
the ivext, and seventh in the final,
attfr setting the pace to the
t:tretch. i
Only three ov r-ie original field
of eight which started in the 2:20
Hot raced in lb" third hfat. Th--
vmt wont to Peter Boiler. vh
changed hands several days aso ,
for $v.'.mi. Because of withdraw- ';
rsl.-'and others beintc distanced
WiKsins Worthy, Just
Tramp and Sadie Silver were the
f.nly -starters in the final heat.
Chinese Regard With Sus
picion Suggestions on
Shantung Question
he said. "If she proposes to make! others, not omitting the coolies
conditions for sJch restitution she j who went to France, who have re
shoald likewise frankly announce -turned with new and more' pro
those terms for all nations to pro-I gresslve ideas." - -uounce
judgment upon them. i ; : '
"Furthermore China does not
wish to jeopardize .her right to:
carry the Shantuiig uuestion to ;
the Loasuc of Nations by entering j
into direct negotiations. China:
does not propose to permit Japan;
to cite stun negotiations in sap
port of possibie opposition to sub
mission of the question to that
Americr. Considered
Internationalization of Port
Of Tsingtau Would Have
PLKIXG. July S. The Chi-
.... ...
peop'f regard witn suspic.on
Japan':; t 'ingestion that China and
Japan enter into negotiations re-
2:15 p. m. ' Storage at Points
ot Origin and Destination" F. W.
Graham, assistant general agricul
tural development agent, Great
Northern railroad, Seattle, Wash.
3:00 p. m. "Water Transpor
tation" C. Devere Fairchild. sec
retary deciduous bureau Pacific
Coast Producers' association, Yak
ima, Wash.
rardins tho bhantung question, j ti, iHHv Inithu .li potion lie
realizing that in the past China! with China and not with JaDan."
For the first U me' s.'nce Tnion i always ha:: lost either territory or' Future Held Hom-1ii1
Trottinar association niles go-1 prestige -as the result of negotia-: Dr. Yen sees a hopeful fufure
nmol harni Iioisf rarlnr in ihia iin: (ive'r international rontrnver- ! fur rMm roi,irHUcn nt m-ocont fl
. ....... --- ..... ... . . i.... .11111. .Ul IHV O.l l . J1 V. . 1 1V 1
His victory came in straight neats rircuit aj nf today's winnefs Is e. and they turthef believe that ; nancial difficulties.
rid Allen took the veteran out j fame in straight beats. Lord in this instance there ic no occa-1 "The welfare ol tho country."
in front early in each mile and he i Hushby. winner of the 2:14 class sion for negotiations,1 according to ; he said, "rests upon the thrift
never was headed.. He naced b pace, which brought the meeting ' Dr. W. W. Yen. China's minister land stability of the people, and
tirst mile in 2:01 , and the sec- to a close, was the fourth of the or" foreign relations, in a statement ; th-j people are making 'preceptible
ond in 2:02, winning easily. The ray to capture his event in made to The Associated Press. j advancement economically. They
last quarter or ;ae final heat was straight heats. - J rank statement JVMiam!cl are better educated, live better,
Three Fatal Accidents
Reported to Commission
Three fatalities- were among
the 2 77 racc.dent3 reported to
the state industrial accident com
mission during the week ending
July 7, according to the commis
sion's report tuade public yester-
China also would be lacking in rdy.
nroner consideration for the na-i The three men -who lost their
tiens which have interested them- lives Were E. IK Ose, a logger of
Dallas; William Hauser, a labor
er of Klamath" Falls,; and Eugene
Peterson ot Manistique, Mich.,
occupation unknown
Of the total number reported.
2 3'. were subject to the provis
ions of the compensation ' act, 10
ere from firms andj corporations
that have rejected the provisions
ot the compensation act, and 31
v ere from public utility corpor
ations not subject to the compen
sation act. One of the mon, 'Eu
$;ene Peterson, was killed 'when
it would bfistrucK by u tixln.
interest; but
selves in the Sliaatuna settlement
should she undertake to negoti
ate directly. This is particularly
true with reference to the t;nate
and people of the United States
who hav evinced a friendly de
sire to see China's interests Safe
guarded. "lnternat:c:i:iiiztion of the
port of Tsingtaa would meet with
.approval ay C'afim. it is in line
v ith China s declared policy and
action in throwing' open various
ports to international trade, and
it is realized that
Benton County Ordered
To Maintain Crossing
Praetfcally all of the stables' "If Japan intends to restore the think more correctly and are more
leave tonight or tomorrow for To- ' German leased territory in Shan-j thrifty than ever before.
paced in 29 seconds.
Had Single G been pushed ; ledo. j tung and the lnaiienaoie ngnts "Th reasons for this advance-
here is little doubt but that his Best time: ,2:20 pacing, sec- and privileges lormeny enjoy eu ny port Of Tsingtau woul dmeet with
time would have been faster. The
time for the two miles not only
the fastest paced, but als
At DetrpU' R. H. E.
Boston 6 10 . 2
Detroit ... 3 4 6
J. Rush and Ruel; I lolling and
Bassler. '
At St. Louis R. H.; E
Washington 2 7 'J
St. Lou! 12 1h; 1
Zachary, Schact an 1 Gharri y;
Davis and Collins. s
At Chicago R. H.' E.
New York .1 10 0
Chicago 4 9 )
' Shawkey ahd Schang; Kerr and
Schalk. !
At Boston
Boston ... ... .
Lnque, Coumbe
Scott and Gibson.
R. H. E.
0 5 3
5 1 1
and Wingo;
Al Kewr York R. H. E.
Chicago .0 3 1
New York .., ....I T 0
f AHexandcr and KUlefer; Nehf
andlSmith, Snyder.
At Brooklyn R. H. E.
Pitt$burgh! 6 t 0
Brooklyn 3 10 1
Cooper (and Schmidt; Schupp,
Mitchell and Miller. j
lie one ot the" prudent
ones. 1 Don't continue to
be held up by the com
bine. .Trade at, the. In-,
dependent Market. We
have no bargain counter
Where we handle inferior
quality. The prices i we
advertise apply to any
meats in our market.
Irime' Roasts, lb. 1254 c
OhQfcVBoilinjil'Bccf, per
M lb;uJ..: 8c
Tender Round Steak, per
endcr Beef Steak, per
Ifrcsh Weiners, 2 lbs. 35c
Choice Veal Steak, 2
j Ibs . ..-....33c
egs of Veal, milk fed,
lb.l.;,.:,.. ..-U-L.20c
Ifrcsh; Ham Roasts, -center
cuts, lb...-. .20c
Pork Steak, lb. ..... 18c
Fresh Sausage Meat, per
A full line of all kinds of
fresh fish. We ship all
qur stock direct from the
tr-ppt which insures you
fresh fish. Try us.
fancy Kippered Salmon,
j ; lb.... U .-25c
Sliced1 Chinook ' Salmon,;
F lb.....-----. 20c
i At Philadelphia--ton's
... ...
R. H.
.4 7
.9 13
nn r n
nn 'n ji
Originators of low prices
331 Sta.e Street
Not in the Combine "
P.elfer and Schultz; Ring and
Druggy. , j
Lakeview Wants Water;
! For Domestie Supply
: :
The towa of Lakeview, over in
Lake county, needB -water for its
domestic use. In ; Its application
for 'permit to appropriate it,; filed
with. Percy A. Cupper, state engi
neer, it asks that it be allowed to
take water trom three sprngs and
from Burnt creek. 1
Other applications filed were:
By the Portland Railway
Light & Power company, of Port
land, covering' tho appropriation
of100.00 acre feet from the
main fork of Clackamas river, for
Lthe development of 58,600 horse
power in Clackamas county,? at a
cost of approximately 12.000,000
r By Erwln H. Gardiner of Echo
covering the appropriation of wa
ter from Gardiner spring; and
pond, for Irrigation ot 60 acres in
Umatilla county.
By J. T. Folker of Unioni cov
ering the appropriation of water
from - Catherine creek for irriga
tion of a small tract in Union
county. !
lly M.'A. Zellar of Hood Itiver
covering the appropriation of wa
ter from unnamed springs for ir
rigation of a 10-acre tract in Hood
Ulver county. . !
Dy Joseph Mosthat-of Riddle,
covering trie appropriation of
water from Mitchel creek, for i-
riKation of a five-acre tact; and
fo domestic water supply in Doug
las county. 1
By Harry Sordy of G a lice, cov
ering the appropriation of ;water
from Friday springs, for irrigation
and domestic water supply in Jos-,
epnmo county. i
By It. L. Owen ot Takilma, cov
ering the appropriation of ; water
from Long Oulch creek for irriga
tion of 20 acres in Josephine
county. i
i,By W. II. Condit of Grants Pass,
covering the appropriation of wa
ter from Soldier creek, for irri
gation of 20 acres in Josephine
county. j
By T. C. Dearinger and? Daisy
V Dearinger, of Hereford, cover
ing the appropriation, of (water
from seepage from the Big Flat
ditch and north fork of Burnt riv
er,, for supplemental supply for
irrigating;; 40 acres in Baker
ond division.
ting, 2:07
00 ; 2:20 trot-
free-for-all, pac-
Germany, without conditions., -Ja- j more advanced nations, the press
pan should .announce tnat ract to j and the railways, and the influ-
injr. 2: (H : 2:14 pacing, 2:03i. the world in unequivocal terms.") once of thousands of students and
j Denton county is granted au
thority to construct, install and
'maintain a crossing over the
Southern Pacific railroad tracks
at railroad mile post No. 692.6.
in an order made public by the
public service commission yester
day. Fred A. Williams represented
the commission at the hearing,
and County Judge J. O. Wilson
and Commissioners Scott W.
Kichard and R. CI von Lehl ap
peared for Benton county.
in her latest production 4
DirectkanlJpidrbdand ",
Alfred GieeaScehorr1orion ,
achieves 'another undenr
able success in'wWch ; f
sue rums ;5aaness inro
gladness, darkne ss mfo
vwii ; 4ii iiwuw iiiiv iuyu
Starts Sunday
Waseda Defeated Again
By Washington's Team
! SEATTLE. July S. It 4ras an
off-day In the field for Waseda
university of Japan and the Uni
versity of Washington's niae, hit
ting, two Japanese pitchers; hard,
won' today, the fourth gahie of
tho series 10 to 2. The Visitors
got .1Q, bits, but Leonard kept
them Ecattcred, and Washington
made two errors against Waseda'a
five..: Washington stands in the
Berles 3 to 1. I
5Zc7Z13 Cg
SlsSk - 'iS&fwi'?, 1'
Eliminate a Lot or Hot and Tiresome
Work By Using VIM Flour
We Guarantee No Failures When VIM
Is Used. Sack $2.25
. -. - , rj :
You will be surprised to find M. J. B. Iced
Coffee so delicious
One lb. Vacuum packed 39c
Three lbs. Vacuum packed, per lb. 38c
Five lbs. Vacuum packed, per lb." 36c
For those who like strong Coffee, try some
of our fancy bulk, one lb 35c
Fancy;. Bulk, three lbs. $l
Choice Bulk Coffee, very strong and of ex
cellent flavor, one lb. 25c
Five-lbs. $l
Standard grade Bulk Coffee, six lbs $ l
Ceylon Tea, bulk, lb. 45c
Spider Leg, bulk, lb.. 45c
Gun Powder Tea, lb, 47c
Upton's Tea, VL lb 42c
Lipton's Tea, one lb. 80c
Regardless of any advance in the market
we will sell 100-Ib. sack of best Cane
Sugar Saturday for $6.30
There has been an advance of 3c per pound
in butter this week; regardless of this
we will sell Best Creamery Butter Satur
day at, per lb. , ...37c
Libby's Best Red Alaska Salmon, full one
pound size, Saturday..,. 29c
Full one pound pink Alaska Spring catch
Salmon, per lb. can 10c
Breakfast Food for warm weather
Puffed Wheat, two pkgs. 27c
Puffed Rice, two pkgs. 35c
Grape Nuts, two pkgs. 35c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, two for. 23c
Post Toasties, two pkgs. for.. 23c
Crumbled Bran, pkg. 20c
Ralston's Bran ;17c
Jell'o, all flavors .10c
Jiffy Jell, pkg. 10c
Knox Gelatine 20c
Two cans Ever Green Corn 25c
Two cans Wisconsin Corn 29c
, '"I': --. ' !' ' I-' .(
Two cans Fancy Corn......... .35c (
Royal Club Corn...... .........J..:.39c
Two cans Fancy Peas. . . ...
Two cans Peas..
Libby Pineapple, large cans, three for 89c
Del Monte No. 1, sliced, two cans . 39c
Shrimp, very best dry pack, two cans 49c
Del Monte Catsup, large.. 23c
- . f
Crystal White Soap, for Saturday only, 20.
large bars..... 99c
Don t confuse this with the old 8-oz. bar-'
this soap is a 10-oz. bar, and we are sell
ing it Saturday: for Jess tan you have been
paying for the small 8-oz. bar.
(3 O
l do
it i
1 s.
-; - . 4
- -.... j . -.- . x J , . -v .1