i Tim OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY- MORNING, JULY 9. 1921 I i t ' 1 ! . i if - iUMima srxmTuzxxm " - I J ' mu rr war. ?er raawrtioa : ' ' : So ibroo i"" Mk (si ItHrtiwi). Mill, Oe " oaths' contract. DOT 15 1 Ok . a ' - ' minci, per mo lie iwr P HTwIMMII IH t . NORWICH UNION JUIB INSURANCE I SOCIETT ThioUoB, Iloland BtMYtuardt ByMcnt Agent - 871 Btttfo) St. . jMONEY: TO LOAN' i ' ., On Real EtUti ... . ' -1 j I T,X FORD i (Orer Ladd Jb Bush Bank) FARM LOANS ? HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building LOANS REAL ESTATE" V ; INSURANCE We lasure anything We bava the money la lean Par aa back j lika root Our fata and ciay property i liata ara cam pleta. Wee us first. K XJkfXAB at UUXAR -408-7 Oraioa Bldg. Phono 1644 NEW TODAY l ul K f ii,aa i ii:r. L.iri J, tal Umg titer. la rt 1, t t they're . i dune. .. ' WANTED -H I.OOAXBKRRT PICKERS. iPay lVa rents.; Phone 12F25. TRADE 1918 MODEL f'90" OVER . lajd SO'' touring ear: S almost new tifaa; near battery. good paint, in very - igeod condition: for open er enrloaed 'Kurd, hark a A Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Hank ldr. ? !: . i lAWMXO. VNOON AND tVEMNO akoke "Foeier'a" 10c rigors. At our dealers, i .' ; AT (NEWPORT COMFORTABLE Qi'AR Mrrt. best location, 3.00 per da?. ' Addresa . Jesnetle Canon. WASTED TWO WEN f FOR HAT allocking. Phone 208 U. LOST; ' i WEBB l GENERATOR CHAIX " for liata ear, between Ha lam and Hot '"kins, July a. Leave at Overland gar . age, , Krward, .! s'ltOOM COTTAGE. MODERN. PLA8T- -ered, bath, electric lights, pavement, on -car line, close In. $3,ooO:$5oo caah. Beeke llendrirka, 205 V. 8. Bank Bldg. j . rfRE INSURANCE 18 OUR EXCLUSIVE business. Oar motto ta aoand prate am. t low tut ' Btandlcr Polar. Arts, MfMlnnvlllo Co., Bush Bank is Bldg. Phono 841. Ws writs uraty i" '. bonda. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BUKOAlW 1 iliaw, vail arranfed, fireplaca. built-in (atarca. Phone 12T4J. Owner. . FtR 8AI.B FORD TOVR1NO, START r, new robber, Al condition, fSOO. Kaiy terna; alo dandy roadater, $223. .phono 1341M. . ' BALK OR RENT H 1 FOI.'R FOOT .wall tmt. 2011 Maple A ran a e. & ACRES. Mi MILE FROM PAVED tf ram Halem, 2 arrea bearing -atrawber-1 fiea, 2 arrea oearmf Mfanoerries; n balanro in eherriea; air 5-room bonae and aoma fair out bnildinn. 3.00O: easy tenaa. Berko Hendricks, 20S I. 8. Baok Bldf. po lO anew in.l inr n.. pirnvu m r9-paaaanRr Wiilya-Knight ear and are 'ow ready for pirnie trips, all day rotintry or eity and any other trlpa. Phono 640. iHtand. O.H.Deot. - r ' FOR REST -4, ROOM FURNISHED nsrtmvnt! ilnaoiro eenins. 8oO Marion atreet. . . . apbes new BriLirnos. 12 CUL- tiated. Party wanta to come to Salem. " . V t a a Xlmmm,m .. . Koom H9, comer Stale and Commercial, ec , Husick a. . ' ' . A SNAP FOR SALE. GOOD 7 ROOM - house if taken at once. Call 664 or 1310J. - i ' sv- -a v FOR 8ALE TWO UJTS NORTH 8A xWm, alone to arhool and chorch. H Vlub ! jaa ruliulL IU ta Other. 'err rrasaaable. by owner. Phone ' 1058M. Call 1045 Norway. - SO ACRES OF VERY GOOD JIR TIM lier, mile from patrad highway, rock wroad down bill haul to Salem: about OO0 rorda of wood on place. $6.51X1; Beck Hendricks, 203 f. S. Bank - t,Bldgi r- ' V- ;-- LOST LONG BROWN KID GLOVE; - please'' return la 804 8. Commercial itroc-s. . FOR RALE GOOD ' SIX ACRE .TRACT, " IimUjIImm mU An nnnM near 1 Hon th Commercial street earl inc. Close ia.' Prk-e, vitn furniture ana isrm .-machinery. $4,250. Terms. Kraeger. ZU9 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 81f. RirBCILT USED AUTOMOBILES IF .m Ukkt turn ad used ar. J have It; and rara that are rebuilt like new. and at a low price on easy " terms. Write or phone. Mr. Kilton, 890 .Kaet Btfc St. Portland. . MR RENT A GOOD 8EVEX T ROOM -bonae at 6611 South Capitol atreet, with parage. , Enquire at 91 rionth Capitol :; 'aiiatreeL '. '' ''-" "- - '"" ' ' lt0 ACRE FARM MILES FROM-SA-.'lem, paved Jtigbwar, 80 acrea in fali grain, 13 arret fruit and berries, good ' 10 room plastered heaae. large barn. tlOW ner acre. Becke ' 4t Uendrieka. 205 17. 8. Bank Bldg. rtiADnfnilRREn LLEWELYN I SET- ; 1 t era for sale; eligible to regiatratwa. t i Phono . 11 1F3. Howard Jones. f, Biggest Snap in Salem 191? FORD, UTS Ye mutt tM it i i i OLESON MOTOR CO, I f, EMPLOYMENT I'. FEJCAXZ ANTED A WATTBE8S AT THE HUB Loneh Roum. li 8. High. UXZX WANTEDl WOOD CUTTERS WILL 7. furnish drag saw. On BJverton road. j M. D. MtyfKld. .- ' STATIOKAK and traction. 1IOI8T- . tr !" ' engineer wanta position. I Walker, Bas 14, Independence, Ore- SALESMAN WITH AUTOMOBILE TO W sell auto lasaraaee la .Marion county, i Frank Maradith, Co. BuahBreyman ANTED ENERGETIC TDCNO MAN who baa -had eapenenee Bailing life taaaraaea, stock, advertiain. Mas be able to devote kit entire timt aid be ambitiou (or adTtneoment. Most """" wraga to pros eat easiness proposition to merchanta and prof ea Mwal men. Answer in ranr own band vrfcinr tUHng tgv aducational floal i7t,""'e'??wU" aa Bolieitor. eta. iff uHMisni f"t-JT""" v MAXB AND FMAXB - WA11TD-" UZh WOMEN TO ;4 Uke farm paper abaerhtloaa. A good I TZ??lt!?? if th 't poopU. Adireaa iead The Classined Ads. PERSONAL CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY! Partieulara free. Addrrsa Home Hub, i Box 23, Grand Uaitida, jtirS. FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS; Vio let rsy; maaumrinr. abasapooiac. (Or eveo Hatb bouse, r-kwiio ft" FOR SALE OAHART BIU FUR SALE CAXAR1 BIRDS. Nlfht ingara. Mra. E. A. BeaaelL Pkoao IttJ. 10SO Cbemeteeta. B0V8ES CHAS. F. SMITH ALADDIN READY Uit bonaea. 400 Oretoa Jttld ' OUltB.T" " " THE NORTHWEST POULTRT JOUR al. The bicfeal and beat la the : waat. Tha fia ns(axlns for lite rBeltryamn. 75a a year; $1.00 ia alee. Send 5 eeata for eaatpte today. Iha NorUweat Poultry Journal, Salem, Orefoa. Mention thia ad. riJut tmB IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, tend 15e to Tha Pacific Homeotead. Saiem Orecoo, for a tnree auontba trial anbaeriptioa. Mention Uia ad. . LIVESTOCK EIGHT WEEKS OLD Pl8 FOK SALE. - Phone 254 or ftr office hours 62. MaSCEXULHEOUb DFXLINE IN PAINT BTNGALOW Mu O. Baren, 178 North Cunnnercial. 1 OFFICES AND STORES K BIG LOT of new book a for aala ft half price. Staiabocka. FOR SALE 40 YARDS OP BATTLE ahip eork linoleum at a bargain. Phone 70-SM. TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH IT 111 Coort. Anything 5e. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An especially food selection of tha tonga yon have been wanting with word and music complete. No, matter how many aongbooka yea have yon should have thia one, containing the Oregon conga, .riceo: Single copies, 25e; lo cents oseb in lota of a dosen or more; S12.SO the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed tinea September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 15 8. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN virev Steiiiboek, 873 Court street. WANTED EVERY ONE -TO ITRT Naaona paint a and stains sold at the Capital Hardware ft furniture Co. 885 N. Commercial St. Phono 947 aseaaaBuaanBuasmssBSssmauuBUHaeaBBUBamBseaBUui WOOD PHONE 1565 M FOR WOOD; WOOD, FOR SALE PHONE 254 OR after office hours call 022. Call tod get my prktea before you purchase. DEALERS INi WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW log; get our pricet before buying else where. Oak. old fir and second growth. ' risher Bros. Pbono 204S. . DRT FIS AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Pbona 77F2. i FIRST CLASS 16 INCJT OLD GROWTH fir. M.60 per cord. Phone 1467. FOR 8AL LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, aawad even length. 12 inch Or 16 . Inch. Special price on 5 cord Iota. Seaaoned mill wood. First class 16 inch old fir. Second growth fir, sawed 16 incb. Fred E. Walla, 803 S. Church. Phone 1542. FOR RENT' APARTMENTS NICELY FCRNISHED 4 ROOM APART ! Mali, June 22. Phono 1168J. i 104? South Commercial. BERG APARTMENTS ONE SINGLE boaaekeeptng room ia rear. Batching quarters, 812 month. 555 Marion. Phono 1524. , . ROOMS HOTEL REX, 75 AND UP. NEW MAN age meet. 462 Stat. i 1 1 I..., i,. RUTLAND HOTEL 148 NORTH COM p ercial. ; Rooms 50e up. FOR RKNT TWO ROOMS FURNISHKD for light housekeeping. No children. "811- S. Cottage, phone 1063J. i ii. it - i LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE :, ment, clean, neat rooms and apartments. 254 North Front St. i FOR RENT LARGE 8UIT OF ROOMS first floor, .with private bath. Th . Alexandria, " 1080 . Chemekota atreet. .'"Phono . i- FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern noma and centrally, locat ed. Please give nam and addreea. K, earn Statesman. - t - BOUSES MODERN 8 ROOM WELL FURNISHED for rent. See Mr. Stiff at H. L. Stiff Furnitare Co. - F. U WOOD, an TAT ST, ; RXA1 eatate. rentala. ' LOST AND FOUND LOST REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF third Liberty Bond. $100, Serial No. - 15654 lost in Kalem Bank of Com merce. Phone 1877J. M. J. Hnnt. WANTED: MISCELLANEOUS CHERRIES WANTED WE ARB BUY- ing Black Republicans, nines ana Mm berts. Drsrer Fruit Company., WANT TO LEASE A PLACE CI.0SE IN Must have a few acres of good , garden land. Would buy equipment. Address 'Land,' car Slateeman. ) WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ranges and eookatovea, tools, ' men't totta and sboea. Liberty Kxehaaga. 241 N. Commercial. Phone Ml. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOP AUTO TOPS W. O. WRIGHT, ltl South High. - - -' t - ' AUTO TOPS. UPHOLlTTERlXtAUTO painting. . uiu tw p ; AUTO TOP. UPHOLSTERY. WORK . . in Sooth 12thl aihone 11 12. TaUtTOfaSb ILXCtKIOAla USL BATTERY SERYICK ittatiui Expert battery an ei.cinc.i . Farrio Broa.. Pbono 108. 41$ Q"t "tiKXl AND ACCE8S0EXSS GRAY AUTO CARPET MAX O.iBUREN 17. . commercial., " . -. i - 8M IT H-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH JMOf " ? ait 4fa.-l f Ihawl glfltM BIT g IgtaL. s3I WVTW awa vv - tiraa. Everything for auto, i HOFFMAN OKERBFRG TIRE f;An shop; woieantting. rir-ui-B i - rvmerch.1 ptwff "4. ? USED OARS rORjULK OR TRADB-A BU1CK . SIX. VhABI Vd n . vt FOR SALE OR TRADE OLDSMOB1LE viii cc-"' iana or lighter ear. oil TT.vter. Dallas. - . , FOR SA' K VERY REASONABLE CASH uuurfi of aonal value, lvis Mitchell Vf pataenger auto, cyeTbanl iA tw rubber throughout. weU uip ptd Bo uick for a bargain Mirk ITson RealtT CilT. Ors. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory TRUCKS 1 TON O.M.C.. OVERHAULED. GOOD tires., Must be sold at once. Term Se A. T. Stein-r. Telephone 793. Ha lent. Ore. 2 TON ! RKPl'BLIC TAKE A LOOK AT this one. Price is rikht. See A. T. Steiaer. Phone 793. Must be suld this WH-kj Terwts. i GARAGES AMD nMUTAlR TRACY'S ST) RAGE GARAGE Ferry street. 844 CAPITAL GARAGE BCICR". 8TUDE baker, Hudson repair is g. 173 South Liberty. Phono 8a. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE OEM eral j repairing and overhauling. 42U S. Commercial St., Salem. AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 238 North High. Phone 203. ' STANDARD AUTO REPAIR SHOP aerooa from Argo, Cbemakota atreet. Phone 12SO. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. Ac cessories, used rara. Our wark guar anteed. 2641 Portland itoad. Phone 808. LIBBY'3 AUTO, REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty. Pbouo 9ul. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER. 245 Center. Phone 8uO. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 South 12th. Phone 211. 1 C. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS. Bodies repaired. 444 Fairy. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER 8HOP 1266 State. JtEAGTY PA-BAOHA M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE: hours. 9 to 5, Sunday ; eveniuga by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House. Phone 540, 2028R. OREOONION BEAUTY SHOP-MARCEL wsviag. bairdressiog. 185 Bonth Oom- mereial. Phons 477. ? CORSET 8 AND HOSE NEW BRONZE SHADE OF 8ILK HOSE. A. E. Lyons. 318 Court SL CONTECTIOWERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERT. HOME made eaadiea. confectiona, cigars, mag- asinee 12 72 Hum CHIXE8B PHYSICIAN DR. U M. BUM CUKES ANT KNOWN dtaeaaa. 153 8. High Sc. Phone 88 1- DRJESSMAJLIMO DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. DRES8MAKING. TAILOUINO 8720 Cherry. Phono 1678 M. MRS. R. CARTER . EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 197 1W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Miaaion street. RUTH Me ADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. ELATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North Cotuga. Pbono 1552W. UARRIR FISHER DKE88M AKIXQ. deaigning. Spencer ooraeta to order. StMcCormack Bldg. ELETHA PRUETT DRESSMAKING. 682 North CommereiaL Phono 1931W. MRS. TARTY, DESIGNEH AND MAKER Ladles' Suits and Gowns. T MeCor mack Bldg. ! DRESS GOODS FULL LINK 8PRING. SUMMER DRESS roods Mra. Each. Pbona 1471. ! ' , DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. 405 COURT: HEMSTITCHING 3 AT EM El.rnB HEMSTITCHING, ehaiaatitching. pleating, buttons. 829 830 Oregoa Big. Phone 379. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTIXG AT . tachmeot; works on all sewing mach ines; pries $2; personal rhecka 10c ettra. Light Mail Order Iioute, Box 127, Birmingham. Ala. BAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hata reaovateo and bracked 495 Court street. INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection. Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Bnsh-Breyman Block. r GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDfJINO PLANTS for salt. Smith's $01 North Commer cal i FIHAKOIA1. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aasociation baa money to Ipsa at aix percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-trees arer. 808 Salem Bank of Commerce. JOB PRUTTIKQ YOUR PRINTING LET BERTILSON do it. "Y" Bldg. Phone 779. XJkUlTXiRIXS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest larguat beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY BTEAM LA UN DRT Guality work, prompt tervica. 1284 HmaHwav Phone 165. PLUMB IBO PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND 0011 work. Phcno 1517J. Shop. 127 Unloa atreet. A. L. Godfrey. f PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES Al private Moapital. T have, best of equip Pient. Pbona 1959J. PAINT. WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOK PAINTS, WALI apsr and Picture Framing. Good work man. 455 Court Si. Pbona 485. j PAINT CONTRACTORS WALLPAPER SALE ROOM LOTS, H off. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial PAINTING THIS SPRING! GET MY ? rices. Ws ass lead and oil. Phoni 61 1M. Wells. DAVIS 8TRATWBArcm GENERA 1 roatractors: painta. oil. wallpaper. 22( .South Liberty. Pbono 901 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR 70 Ulena L. Adams. Painting, paperhane leg. kalaomininc. Work amaranteed jTerme reaaonabla. Phono 1896J: rea 1425 Konth Winter. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP liont for all nagatinet. til So. 171 litre-. Phone 741M. Boor REPAXRnro ROOFS RESTtlNGLED. CLEANED. RE - paired, painted or tarred. Phono Kaye nam. xxPAiunro and sharpening CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN M0WXR8 .safety raaora. etc ' Stewart's Repair Shop, 347 Coort atreet, BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE j paired. General sharpening. ehtaane 1 sweep 1485 N. 17th at Phone 141 AW SH0B XEPAIRXNG WILLIAM'S SHOE 8HOP 195 SOUTH Read The Classified Ads. BUSINESS' CARDS MUSICAL ALL1E CHANDLER PIANO, 851 North Cottage. BEATRICE 8H ELTON PIANO STUDIO 45 Marion. Phone 12W. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, 894 North Church. Pbono 176. T. H. ROBERTS PI ANO, ORGAN. 270 South 14th. Phone 770. DAN F. LANG EN BERG. VOCAL Darby Bldg. Phono 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phone 1184M. MO!. 1. 1 E STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 859 Center. Phone 20 ICR. FRANKLIN LAUNEK flANO. 2 North 17th. Phone 1415 JULIA MILLS WEIUEU PIANO, 1560 South Church. Pfaoa 1391 R. F. U MILLER VIOLIN: OTHER string instruments. 419 Marina hotel. LUC1LE RUUS PIANO. OKU AN. 4VO North Liberty. Phone 1187W. MA1T1E GILBERT STRING INSTKU v meata. 1572 Mate. Pboae 1156 K. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diplouia'a granted. John R. Sitae, director, 1237 Court I'hone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUSTNG. REPAIR ing. Phone 492. K1IWAKD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave ardera Will s Music atore. K. W. BALLANTYNE, TCNER. PLAY era a specialty. I'hone 952. Cher nagton Piano Houae. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. uaed. J. W. Tallmaa. 121 So. Com I. CHEKRINOTON PIANO HOUSE, HAN dies bush i-ane celebrated pianoa 415' Court. Pbono 352. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO. KODAK FINISH inf; 147 North Commercial. tBjTokAPHBAI PUBLIC STENOGRAl-nCR 408 MAS oaie Bldg. Phone 178. STOVES STOVE KEPAIRXNG STOVE REPA1RINQ. RrrBILT. COILS, connectiuua. Will call and clean, pol len at houaa. 271 North Commercial. Pbona 734. STOVE8 REBUILT Am REPAIRED 40 ywara experience; Oepot ; Natioaal fence, aisea 20 to 28 ins. high. Painta oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Pbono 124. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har aeaa, collars, collar pari a, too la, and chains. Fred Schlndler. 258 Center street SCAVENGERS 8ALEAI SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF aso of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167. TRAJtBPEK HATJXJNO CHAS CHANDLER CENERaL TRANS fer; office, stand, Clark's Tire Houaa. Phono 74. MERCHANT COOPERATIVE DELIV cry Co. Trunks, 50c, 2, 75e; 3, $1. Any part of city. Messenger service, lOe, 15c, 25e. Parcel delivery, 25c $1.00. 179 South High atreet. Phone 280. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and atorage our specialty Get ewe rstea TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 2X4 North Commercial. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO.. Liberty Ferry- Pbono 77. Dry Irb. 16-incb wood for tale TRANSPORTATION PACIFIC CITY STAGE LEAVES CLUB Stables 10 a.m. daily. For information rail phone 7. SALEM 8ILVERT0K STAGE Leavea Leaves Salem Silvertoi O. E Depot Newt Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1 :00 p.m 5:00 p.ra. 6:15 pm. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.K. depot 7:00 a.m.. 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Ieava Monmouth Hotel 8:15 am 1 :00 p.m., 6rt5 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m.. 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p.m. , Special tripa by appointment. Seven passenger rar for hire. J W. PARKER, Prop. Reaghone 615 Business phono WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, nootllea. fret dancing. Open , 9 am. 1 at night. 110(4 N. Com'l WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Com'l St. Tea per cent discount on domestie flat rates jaid ia advance. No deduction for ab aenea or any eauae unices .water it shut aff your nremiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. P. a C. CHTROPRAO tor, 809 13 U. 8 Bank Bldg Phone. 7: Re. M28R. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliances from individual imurestiom Satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa. E. Tatro. Maaonie Bldg. Phone 442. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 006 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. OR W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa and aurgeon: Kirkaville graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Res, 614. R. JOHN U LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physijaa aad Sutgeon, 408-404 Oregoa Wide- e-hoaea- Offw. 1894: Rea. 8aF5 OPTICIANS JLA8SE8 FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dette at the Bow Optical Company. 825 State atreet. opposite Idd aad Bush Rank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, ramp 5. Armory, First Third Vondtya HEAL ESTATE SEMI BUSINE&S AND RESIDENCE Property. This property consists of a frontate of 50 feet on commercial St running through to Liberty, within one block of the paper mill.' It it an ideal location for a garage., warehouse, or - atorage plant, facing Liberty atreet. There ia a fine aix room boase in good condition.' Price $6,500. A. C. Bohrp sle.lt. 407 Maaonie Temple. Salem, Ore. A BARGAIN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD 8 aero place close ia on Garden road. If so. we bave It at tha low prica of $1,700; cash. $200. See L. A. HAYFORD S05 Bute Si. REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS Improved 20 acre tract, fecaied 8 milea south, a room bouse. bath, electric lighta, water, 2 seres strawberries, at, a-res prose, cherries, familv arrhard. runuins utter, pasture and timt.r Prn-e fg.Goti-, terais. Well improved 3 acre tract close ia lrt ruw modern basse, Kool barn. 7 acrj-s Luzan, 2 3 4 sere straw b-rr ies" will take guod house aa part pa) -vent Price $.VMl. Improved 5 . r. tract nearly all in bear ing frui htrous ing fruit. ho and barn. Price $3,000 Good 7 room : modern haaie ia Portland to trade fnr" Ood Salem home. If you are looking to buy. trade or te.l it W. H. Grabenhorst & Co- i i 27 State Street REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAS find a number .. of gnd propaaitiOBa aituer aa tradea. er buya in aaay pay ''' of hiad or buagalowe. Chaa W. Mamcyer. Maaoaia Tew pie, Saiem. $300 DOWN. 3 ROOM MODERN PLAS tered house; close in, possession aoon. Itsrtcaiu. $200 down, 4 rwa house. 2 good lota Price tftoo . jr $.',io down buys good cash grocery with I pleasant living roon.t. Rent $20 mouth I nav many wi.oi.rlul bargains on easiest of terms. It wili pay Ta to louk we up. S. R. PEARSON 408 IT. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 914 PUTNAM McLAREN CO. RELIABLE Real Estate dealers. Room 21. 180 North Commercial Street. GOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE AND 5 LOTS for quick sale, l,4.rU. 3 acres, good bourse, garage; lott ef fruit. $l.ooo. 1160 arrea. 12 per acre, $1,920. LUUSE & PATTON 870 H State 7 ROOM HOUSE ON MARION STREET fireplace, electric ligbta, living room diaing room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, bath toilet, large lots. Thia is a bargaiu al 82.5U0; terms. See L. A. Harford. 305 State atreet. WORTH WHILE 35 arret fine land, all in cultivation. 1 room house, barn 30x5o, 2 acres orch- ard 4 mile to school, 1-3 of erep gees m-.ih place. Price $4,000; $2000 cash. 117 acre piece of river bottom land. 15' acres ia cultivation, - ti room house, good barn, some fro it. Price only 4.750. Good terms.; Some fine building lots very cheap. If jou want a good home at very reas onable price see us. MILLS & COPLEY 331 H Suit St. Phono 175 FIRST CLASS BUYS Good 20 acre tract close in, about 12 in cultivation; about 5 acres in logans, balance in crops. Team, wagon, cow, fowls, tools, fsir set farm buildings, good well. Price $5,500; part terms. Good 6 room house, hot nd cold water. Baru. fruit, garden, on gravel ttreet Price $l.00. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Grsy Bldg. TRADES A Portland . house for' Salem or amall acreage with houae. : ' An improved 40 near Cashmere, Wash, for Salem property. A homestead near Gold Hill, Ore , for .Salem property. A 73 acre farm for rooming house in Salem. - Cor sum property. Turner property and . Weodburn property ; for Salem. A good stock rsnch, fully ejuipped; will take parti 8s lent property. A store building with good income at Boise. Ida. for property in thia valley. Pome good farina where owners will take haleiu property in part pat., A gad cherry rnd prune orchard a roils tram car; ownr will take a goou town nous part pay. ' I0-I other trad, gathered recently come in and see -ir. ' . FLEMING REALTY CO. 1st 1909 341 State St. 5 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE IN FINE condition and rooint well arranged. Living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath and toilet, if you art looking for a home; let us ahow you this. Price $2,00O. Cash to haadle $1000. See L A. HAYFORD 305 State St. A ROOM HOUSE, $W0 DOWN. REST like rent. Price $2.o0. ." room modern plaxfered houxe. close te car line and school, price 2.'0; will accept good uaed car part pay ment. Good small tracts near S!em wanted for cash buyers we have coming from the east. If you want' to sell list th-.'m with us, also a few good homes in S" Jos. BARBER & SON. 20O Gray Building BEST BUYS 26 acres in cultivation, 4 acres pmnes. .buildings, '-i mile station; price $4t00, 625IMI down. 11 acree in fruit, 7 good prunes. 2 cher ries, alsO logant. and strawberries, buildings, 4 mile' school. $3,750. 6 room house on paved street for $1,475; t cash. 94 acres with good .buildings. 2 miles town: $7,000: terms to suit. 280 acres, 4 miles -town ; 150 cleared, lO-acres prune, fine buildings, good soil. 4 mile school. $H0 per acre. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, new, sleeping i porch, garage, fruit; $4,750: terms. Resutiful modern. 7 room home with sere lot. at carlinc, tuust sell. $7,0oo; terms, ft room modern house on gravel street. carline. $2,500: $500 down., 10 seres good land. - all in cultivation: $1,500. ' 5 acrfa best toil with small building: mile carline. all' in cultivation. 1 ii acres Strawberries.' Only $1,700. S0C0L0FSKY S41 State street Phpne 970 Choice Property For Sale 5 acres all in cultivation, good family orchards running water. god soil, 4 room house and barn. $1,500; terms. 15 acres 5 miles out. Logans, rarp berriea. prrnea. 4 room house, barn, garage: with stock, furniture, an;o and farm implements. $5,500: tortus. 24 actea good improvements, etock and tools: running water, good orchard, rropa go. $4,000 terms. 30 acres. 8 in cultivation, tome berriat aad fruit. 7 acres good timber, good pasture, r new 4 room house, good barn, ' running; water. 83.00O; terms. 44 acres $ miles out, 6 acres prunes. 4 teres ttrtwberriecj 2 acres logtat, 1 tcre appLs, peart and cherries: 2 cow, lheifer. 3 horses. 60 chickens, all farm implements. 2 springs of water. $ room houae; $8,500; terms 68 acres, 5 acres logins, 2 aeree prunes, balance in crop; 6 room, house; good barn. 99,000; terms. I2.- acresj avia crop. S vin timber, a room house, barn, fruitboose, family orchard, stock, fnrnipire and iroolc ments go. See this one. It's the best buy in Marion County. $15,000: terms. ; t I have 21 acres pear Cbomsws with good improvements: all in cultivation. $7,500; easy terms. A swell St, acre tract Joining cty lim its, modern boprevementa. All kinds of fruit and shrubbery. 15 acres an Pacific highway, modern iat proreirents. All In fine'bearinT fruit and berriea. If yon want a real coua trr home, let me show yon these. ARTHUR E.: PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg, REAL ESTATE WOOD'S BARGAINS Cbaice lot three blocit from State haoae 81.50U. Large lot Fairmouat Park. tl.OOO. Six room house, light aad water, twa lot. $?5v: temsa. 15 acres with bungalow, hot aad raid water and bath tl ciM. 7 room kodrru h-Hise, corner lot. aw ell kn-atwa. $..iiNJ. A few cheap iota. F. L. WOOD 341 St! Street 1 ACRES ON 0K)D GRAVELED ROAD near Saiem. Price $I.(mmi 1 acres,' good buildings. fruit; near Pacific hicbwav st $4 OOO SQUARE DEAL CO 202 V. S Bsnk Pbone 470 FOR SALE We have a Urae list of farms and small tracts that are priced to sell: aha hon.r. in all parts of the city on ea.yl t.ru.. M Have a $1400 mortrage to trade on a good house or small tract. THOMASON &. ROWLEY 3.11 Stale Street WANTED GOOD 5 ROOM MODERN hoa.e in Saletn in exchsnge fer lit well located lots in South Kalem. Will pay duference if north it. Joseph Barber & Son, 2O0 Gjay Bldg. FK SALE EIGHT ROOM MODERN bouse except furnace en North Church street, near carline. A bsrgsin at S'J.tioo. Krueger. 209 Oregon Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICK OF ASSKSSWKXT Notice of Assessment for the Im provement of the Alley in Hlock 70 or the Original Plat of the City of Salem, Marion County. OreRon. from the North Line of Center Street tot the South Line of Marion Street, Notice is hereby Riven that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about s o'clock p. m. on the 18th day of July. 1921. or at the same hour at any subsequent meeting of the Common Council thereaf ter at the Counell Chambers in the City of Salem. Oregon pro-" reed to assess upon each lot or part thereof or parcel of land liable therefor, its proportionate thare of the cost of improving; the alley in Mock 76 of the orig inal plat of the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, from the north line of Center street to the south line of Marion street. All persons interested in said assessment are hereby notified to appear at said time and place be fore the said Common cbunrll and present their objections. If any they bave. to said assessment and apply to the said Common Coun cil to equalize their proportionate share of said assessment. Datdf of first publication here of is July 7th, 1921. By order of the Common Coun cil the 5th dav of July, 1921. EARL RACE. City' Recorder. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Notice of Assesment for the Im. provement of Trade Street from the East Line of High Street to the West Line of Church Street in the City of Saiem, Marion County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about 8 o'clock p. m. on the 18th day or July, 1921, or at the same hour at any subsequent meeting of the Common Council thereafter at the Council Chambers in the City of Salem, proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof liable therefor, its proportionate share of the cost of improving Trade 6treet from the east line of High street o the west line of Church street in the City of' Salem. Marion County, Oregon. All persons interested in the sa'.d assessment are hereby noti fied to appear at 'said time and place before the said Common Council and present their objec tions, if any they , have, to said assessment and apply to the said Common Council to equalize their proportionate share of said assess ment. Date of first publication hereof is July 7. 1921. By order of the Common Coun cil the 5th day of July, 1921. EARL "RACE. City Recorder. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 SALUM MARKETS ' I 1 scrriwo raics Eggt sad Touttry Hens, besvy. 20a, -Ml'JBL'M Heat, medium, 17c ticks, light, 15s Broilers. lsc-22e. OM roosters. 8-lOc Pork. Mutton aad Reef Top host, 160-270 Ibt. $8 73. Hows and stags $5. . Dressed hogs, lie. 1920 lambs. 2 He. 1921 milk lambs. '.5c delivered. Beef tteert, 5 tnd jc. Cowe. 3H-4e. Bulla. 3H-4C. Top veal, $12-13'. Bay Oat aad vetch hay. $18. Cheet hay, $13. Grata Wheat, O0c. Oele, 45c. tjp Wholesale Mill run. $38 00. Wholes aio to Dealers Creamery butter, $39-40. Buttertat, ' 32c. Iran Oranges, 14.50 and $5.00. Ran ansa. 1 1 c. Lemons. $8-$9. Grape fruit. Ca! $3.75. Florida, $10.50. VscttaMot Oregon Cabbage, 8 He. Onions. Oreroo. $1-41.25 cwt. Turnips, $2.00 each. Carre ta, $1.28 Bach. I t to re, 80c dotea. Old potatoes, $1 cwt. New potatoes. 3 He. Radishes. 40e dosea bunches, Oregon honey, 80s lb, Rhnbarh, (. Parsler. 50e dosen anches. Reeta. 75 dosea hwncbea. Tomatoes. $2.50 per htg. Honey, extracted. lot to. Strawboreteu. S-oe. Apples. $2.50. Cantaloupe. $4. 00-14.50 crate. Melons. 2 He Jtotafl Creamerr butter, 43-45e. Frrs. 25-27C. Flour, heed vrbead. $2 5-$S M. Floor, soft wheat, $1 65 $2 OO. Floor. wheat. $1,75 $2.00. Sugar. $8.80. 1 Iff ill MY BID Itfete Grrloai"o .New rtutma Of REVELATlDWb OF A WIFE CHAPTER Ul THE -XKWjS." THAT AWAITKIJ RITA xiRpN'AT HOME. Rita Hrowo was fmijlng lo her relf as she tame out of the phar macy where she had telephoned. It was the sort of set smile a wo man uses when she withes to con. vince eople of her complete con-1 tentmt nt. . "Did you get-him. old dear?" Dicky asked as he opened the door for her to enter the ear-i-we had returned from our own little! 8hopng errand u a minute Be fore her appearance. j She looked at him steadily, to all a prea ranees with nothing but cool amusement in her gaze. Hut 1 guessed that she fell ljke claw ing his face with her tlnger-natli or indulging in some other tem pery performance. "I don't think I mentioned the x of my telephone call," ah?' drawled. "But aa H happens i did get hhn', thank you. She seated -herself in j the ton neau with the air of an, empress holding a levee, and for the rest of th-? drive and during; the very good .little dinner -Dicky1 ordereu at a wayside Inn she kept up the tame semblance of haughty aloof nef s. Dicky, who was In one of his gayest, irresponsible raooda, was determtnad, to tease her, but I managed tc -signal him deter minedly that he-must restrain his raillery, and for a Wonder toe obeyed, devoting his teasing ,ln atead to Alfred Durk.ee and Leila in the' front seat. - '. - - - " 1 Tense, Momenta. j I am a'rald, however, that this latter perfortiiance was even more irritating to Rita llrowa'a nerves than .th? raMlery directed against herself would have been. She could have given vent to her re sentment If Dicky had I been ad dressing her dir?ct!y, but she, had no execuse ice objecting to the re markn he was addresisng to Al fred Durkee, yet they must have been full of barted needles Tor her self-love), . J For Dicky., with ths? grayest face and the most fatherly man ner imaginable was admonishing Alfred to be careful in his driving, to look at the road instead of in to, his companion's "eyes, to re member that, he mustj use both hands ror the wheel, and a Dum ber of similar nonsensical ean t!ons. He kpt Leila Fairfax's cheeks at a carmine ttnge, mad? her s'sler and myself smile la amusement, caused Alfred Durkee to grin sheepishly when he was not throwing back caustic re torts at .Dicky, but which did not alter Rita Brown's unsmiling hau teur. ; t ; . The situation was a tense, un pleasant on. I was glad Indeed, when we finally turned into the dr'.v leading ,to the- Durkee ve randa Little Mra. Durkee, who evidently had beard the sound of wheels, fluttered out to meet us. ' , A "Prophecy" Fulfilled. Oh. Rita!" she excValmed. "There's an urgent telephone mes sage for you. Here's the number and they want you to call as soon as you can. They've called twlca mr vnil anA thn wnman wlin calling said she had an urgent1 message for you." ''. , ' ' "Oh, dear, I wonder what can C harter No. 58 Re.4rve Dlstiki Xo. 12 Report of Condition of the " 4 t RALKM BANK OF (DMMKKCR ' i at Salem, ln-the State of Oregon at the close of business, June 30.1 1921. .-' . - . .' ,r? ; v-v.,, .;.r'--,,M .,;..r ' Resources . ' ' 1. Loans and discounts, including redisconnts shown In ,: ' 'j item 31, If any. '.....$.41,907.69 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 1,244,741 3. U. S. Government securities owned. Including those'' ' shown in items 31 and 36, If any ............... 1 ICS, 00.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities. Including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., in- . ' eluding those shown In items 31 and 36, If any,.;t 168,727.29 o. uanaing bouse, $Z3.500.o; rurnimrt. and fixtures, $2,000.00 ...... .......... ... .......... . j,- 9. b) Amount due from banks, bankers and trust com- panles. designated and approved reserve agents of this bank ..: ........... , ' .;........,.,... ; 10. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting; bank and other casli items. 1 .......... . ... . . . . j 11. Exchanges for clearing bouse and Items on other,.) banks in the same city or town as reporting bank, 12. Cash on hand in vault. j. i. Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12 i ...132,24.6' Total iUabilitlea 17. CapiUl stock paid tn . . . . I ft fliirnlHff fitn I 19. a) Undivided profits . . (b) Less current expenses, interest and - taxes paid ...... j 17.200.SJ 4.C54.CS DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to ( '. reserve:. .. "'..' - . ; .,;)' -vvS: I 24. Deposits due the State bf Oregon, and deposits due j county or cities and other publie funds....,...). 239.40S.S4 25. Individual deposits subject to check, j. 334, $19.74 27. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable - on demand .......j 10.844.99 28. Certified' checks oustanding ................ ,.J . ' CC2.S4 Total of demand deposits, other than , ' bank deposits subject, to - reserve I ' Items, 24. 25. 21, 27 and 28.. .. . .$585,432.81 1 . TIME AND SA1XGS DEIHWITH, subject to reserve Wv and payable on demand and subject to notice. - ) - ' 29y Time certificates of deposit outstanding.. .... j. i 36.843.25 30. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice..... 134.913.65 Total of time and savings deposits pay- ,1 r t able on demand and subject to notice, ' ' ' ' Items 29 and 30...4....... ...... ,171,55C90 ToUl STATE Or OREGON, County I. II. "W Compton. cashier of the above named Irank. do solemnly swear that the above statement, Is true to the best of my knowledga and belief. ;' !i CORRECT B. L. Steevca,! . '. . '..) W. W. Moore '- S. B. Elliott. Director. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1921. S. M. END1COTT. My commission expires Dec, 10, 1924. Notary Publfc be the matter! ! Miss Brown's tolce was high -pitched,- excitrtl. With Dkky a suggestion mind, it appeared arililcial. al though 1 doa't know that other wie 1 voiiid have suspected It sincerity.- . s. . i : ' "Don't worry, dear. motherly Mra. Durkee was i frtendl.aesa 1. sl '. although 1 knew that h rra I ked the girl. Hut the kindly lit tH woman's prejudices always fail before an eme rgency -. : "It prtib ably is Just Jtome business call." With a curt 'Pardon," Rlf Brown rushed into the hous and a moment tater we hesrd her, at the telephone. i "What did 1 tell you?- Dicky murmured to we. "Oh. Vr the wise boy, I am you've got ta: slip it to me! Jo.t watch her come out now. and d the tKr ful act that ahr'a been calld away and can't be with us long er." ! "No doubt yon are a prophet and the son of . a prophet." 1 . laughed, but a few minute !atr I acknowledged the truth of uls forecast, tor Rita Urown appearM In the doorway apparently muCl perturbtd. "V;il It be poisibl't fr a t1 fet a train to ,N"3 Ynk tortlghl? fhe asked. Entirely possible" Alfret Durkee r?pliei conrttusly, "Or we can take y.iu n.i lit h t rar if the tran chedub lin't sa'tsfac torr. What is ih matter? "Just a 'mmojie, from a 'rlend n troutie wh chll cannot tllre gard." $heturned vlituuly. "But I am ds utel to cut mv v'a it short this way, for it will impossible to come let': A tron -1 r'4 I : ited iirn LeMa Fair ax's face, but hor voice w 14 'ni t k. ! v "We will go w!th yon. Rita.' the said bravely but the could not disguise the regrMful note la hef-vo'.ce. . - " ;:. -, " k (To be continued) .V MIXED METAPHOR Speaking of mixed metaphor an exidouglihoy , was relating f i experiences aomewhere over here, ... - :.'. v:.V;V;',v',,.1-.j . .' "111 nay.lt was some battle. "I was Bp, in the air, for the . time being with-mr baelt against thn wall, but T resolved to die In th d'tch rather than yield an Inch, so I continued to advance regard less of the Jerries who were press ing me from the rear.". Hartford Times. What's a Summer Home Without The Statesman? Much m The Statesman means to your Salem home, it means more to your sum mer cottage. . j ' : ; It will tell you of the goings-on in your home town. Your friends at home arc too busy to write you the news, but your home paper will give it to you. ' ? , With its f indy.l'balanced assortment: of newsy seri als, . short : stories, , and home features it will be a welcome, daily visitor. . Let the Oregon States man follow - you to ; your summer home. - -.." -oj :; " ' The Oregon. Statesman Phone- 583 . , ' - 2S.C00.00i C4.2C1.04 ' 01.69 1S.199.S4 C2.194.29f I32T.C44.29 GO. 000.00 13,000.00 $21.85$. 64 ,9824.644.39 of Marlon: IL .V. COMPTON Caehlar Attest: f - S i ! T t