The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    . Lv :IlLil J'L!, , . : - - Saturday morxixg. JULY J)J.192l - v"
Superintendent Ounsford
. May Post Sfen of Mixed
vvoou' toi oaie
"Nllxed wood for sale." .
- That' what; the many loads of
trimmings from the state houwe
trees would be mixed, and then
ionic. A load of common Oregon
firewood classified as "mixed"'
in' Vht contain a little fir. a little
fink, some ash. a ntlck or two of
alder and maybe aj few piece of
-poplar and that kind of nonde
Kcrlptfns would make it Irredeero
and unsalable. Hut a load of
"jscd" trim things from te state
liouso grounds! might contain 120
varieties. ,' '
. Georgd A. Dunsford. supervisor
ot itrpuuda, alms.' to give the whole
f rounds a good going over every
! t.'ol..yart,'..wIiet'ker they need it
or pot. Hut this year, as u result
oi tUo great (rene of Ueceriiber,
101'J, he has had to a far
tlger Job" that Usual. Alany of the
mora sensitive , trees have feebly
tossed up u coin whether to live or
die! following that catastrophe
ami, xome or them did one, Home
! the! other., !, . i.
j, T"hey hadn't all decided which
"it Would be until thU spring. Sow
They, will find Jost articles
bargain, if you waAtvto Jbuy
.- 'IT 1 "Hl " "
'1 f. e T '( k Vi
... . ...."!.. . :
m ,i -f i .
? i. ,M ,,.i.y
T He real chip low in tears Had low rice A kings help
lUaoa f- ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???t???????
SIXO 'hat rrst Itovi rndaer, Oeaar B.I
DXlllr, U hU bated riTl, Pro
4ocm CTld .Wkrtfield Orlffia, "I kT
tU a(cd fear ( - th rMtaat Krinc
JPIcinr faun la Aaacrles tor 7 fictsr PUy." Of. onr Utia md
Oriffia MPT ' UcaM lik U H tkl
Craaiaat f all th fraat Marl Produera 1
teM Via kat to paraaad DeMSIIar to tdl
Him tli Baaaaa ot tbo put Moll 8tara. Jost
: t taataliao btm, Oaar B. DaMUlor
' David Varkfil4 Grhfin fear oeert codes
LroaeatUif U aanos f tia four Woria
( tHara tm kad aarafad ud told him thaa if ba
. nd hnuaa aaoagk to tiaoavar tbo auooiea from
: taaao aacrot oodaa ik desarrad to know tkam.
! It H Nm Hovh of pnila for Griffin, ao it
ia laid ka eallad 1a Scotland Yard and offered
: ba a thonand dollar if tkay ootdd dia
'aarar tho Samoa for hm from tho foor aoorot
oodaaUat lMUlar had rrvea hfe. Thia
wa aa aaey Job for tho freat Scotland Yard
Aetectrre roroa, aad U leaa thao aa hour
, y had - tha-foar oa. They t9 tho
namaa to OraTfia aad aiao gur him their aja
tom for workiat out thai claaa.
Thia eteel nantt
Tho Stotoamsa labJiahior Co, Balam, Oro
rxa, oao of tho larfest and boat know pab
liahlar house ia , Oreroa. Thia ia your
uaraatee that the prise will be awarded
with ahaolote fairness aad eqaareoeea to yoa
Intended to wtrodoco Th Pacific Homestead,
Oreroa' Greatest farm Uaraslne, aad The
Korthweet Poaltry JouraaL the leadiaa oal-
every outer mmiui. STOnciy, it t
Korthweet Poultry Jouraal,
try aaeaaalae a the Puifi
ry aaareaime .of the
kaay enter aad Win tho
fee are a euoscnear to IUr M toes pu
leatieat ' or - not ad moreoeet. yoa wiU
either be asked nor xswcted to Uhe theae
. aaacasjaea r apead alarla'peaay of your
awnr o aompete.- '
Hero ii i -tbo idea The TacifWr Homestead
?f A JU1f?,,,,. frm maratine pub
lish d In the Paeifie Northwest, fawaod week
ly., it ko a eery larro aamber of reader.
The Itortbweat Poaltry Journal I also very
Widely read and kaa tho larreat circulation of
any maraaine ia it claaa publiabed ia the
radfi Morthwost. Bat oar motto i oao of
oor marasiae to ovary bom. W want more
reaaers to Booomo
sameaa paMieatioaa. narerere, whoa we
ekaewlodn Tear eatrr a tee - ui
you know your standinr for th prises, w
bhafl ead too witheat cost copy f oor
oery lateat iasaaa. Than ia order- to amalify
. your- entry to bo Mat en for too Jadrlnr had
Vru,C of U fnad prtsea, yea will bo
ted to assiat ao ia earryia aa this bi ia-
Jhe Great Movie
' 1 ' -
the axemen are going throngn
grove with eagle eyea ah'd razor
llko.&xe. cutting out every !i
and'tru'iilo aad"KrooD that Hn t
niakni; 'live jf itTTJie quantity
ot wood; that has been cut away
Ih surprising. It would give the
O. T.'a to a Nebraska or a Kana
plainsman who live SO miles from
any tree- rafger thaii" a-goa-berry
bush, to nee green stufr cut away
like that. -But it has 10 be rut
away, for the good of what's left.
It used to be sard that there
were 217 varieties of trees ami j
woody Kb rubs growing on the!
Capitol grounds. A census taken
last winter, when an elaborate
map of the grounds was made,
shows a much smaller number:
120 in all, according to the piat
index. It la known that some; of
the more tender semi-tropical va
rieties have perished, though the
number had not been pupnlarly!"1"'1"!1"1' tuy";"'.r "-' """ '
supposd to be so large
The gro'inds are about the most
popular place in town during thin
hot weather. If there's anything
innr reitfnl than lvinir down !
there on the. green sward of a hot
afternoon, it Is staying on through
the evening to follow and listen
ing to the hand concerts on Tues
day and Friday nights'
A city youngster was payin;; hi
first visit 1 to his uncle's farm.
Among the animals on the jda o
wan a rather small colt.X
Ab the hoy stood gazing at t In
Uttie cratur hist uncle said:
"Well, what do you think ot him,
"Why why, he's all right."
said Johnny,, "but w here's his
lockerp?" Cleveland News.
dll find a if you have
something. , ' L
"Iff - May," ald C9iMfatoetiroa
O'Flynm. "I hava worked oot foor aama
which 70a aeo beneath each oao of tho tear
oode. .f . .' ;;'' '"
uA.ii p tiei fovr ran and yonr total
rire J0 th foar cm to tho four oaaea.
. 'Xoa co aboat .it thia way. Each aeeret
oodo baa tea letura to it. Bach latter npn
aenta a aomber.' The firat letter of the code
roproaaatt 1, tbo aeflond lettar rapmecu 2,
tho third leu at rapreaenU A aad ao a. The
tenth letter ia each codo reproaaau tbo-cipher
O instead of 10.
'Kaoh ran, aa yoa tee, inatead of mnmbers
k mod up of latter, bat it contain only tbo
letter that ore contained ta tho odo obOT
Ik f
-"Tow ebaaro tbo letter of each ama into
tkete . oqairalont anmboro,- ooawOnaf to the
eodo obove, patting them dewo line by lin
from left to richt exactly aa the latter ; for
iaataaao. tho firat letter of tho firat sua U N.
aa yoa will aee ia the firat tetter of tho
aeeret -oode above that asm aad tberoforo rep-
ntestls AbsolutelvFREE of
oendin Your Answers To-day!
la hat m-mAnm4mJt V-
trodnotieo vlaa Vr
last four friead or amrbber. woo wiU ap
preciate theae really worth while macaaine
aad want taem to cean to them rerwlarly
two readers to The Pacifie Uamatea4 and
twy twadera to Tho Northwest Poattry Jour
aal. or any other eomblaatioa yao like to
mak foor. Ton wfll saciiy fulfill thia siispl
eoaditioa in a few miautea of your spare tiava.
f wiu en seed eopies to each of your
friead If you wish. r
. TJso euly-one side of the paper that con
tains aamea of the Jfoeia Stera. aad put your
oa-o aa addreaa tatettnr kr, Hra. or hfias)
ia tbo upper right-hand comer. If you wish
to write anything bat your anawers. use
para hheet of paper.
Three iadepaadeat jadres, ksrias o eon
aeteoa whateeer witk Uis rirm, win sward
Paetfie Merthweat. Tea
beat of prise whether
peinte will take tho
" iwe aa
111 take the
aei m bihiii isr
recti y. 40 point
oeqaautoo with t
TSEV5S. w a -v-m.
LS.Jtwfli9i.2,KU-r oftw.Wbie
2 TJTf1 Prise 'aw aid
ed. Addrea Swar-oosaMia tea.
Uysteryrgtatesman Eublishmg cb jSalem, Or.
, .
Fhlwntn Prenar'ntion Made
For Coming of National
K. C. Council
SAN FflANCISCO, July S. ----Klaboratn
entertairiinent-; are
planned by the local Knights oi
Columbus councils for tiio v;sit-ing-
delegates, knights and ladies.
who will attend tlie t h annual
the Knights of Columbus.- to take
place in Saa Francisco, August 2.
.-, and . In addition to the bril
liant receptions and social fvinc-
lions planned by the general com-i
mlttee handling the details of the i
snprente council, the two local ,
councils w. s,,o,.... .-i.jiu,. u.- , j brought forth;
!ii is. scheduled for every 'n.ehti. U.;1V of ,.,....
during the week nl the conven-j
. "
it ,i v-. cci, ;
t1', ; l7',,"f"' 0f V .'l
K.C.'s hold open housu ever
alternoon and ey. .ng wt h I
p . ...
tors. Their heaiittfnl clubhouse
will be thrown open to the visit
ing knights and ladies, and in
formal garden parties will also
take place on the spacious lawn
surrounding the council home.
San Francisco council. No. 615.
the pioneer council ot the Knights
something to sell or will find a
; .
Totaling $510.00 Cash
reaent oromber 1. H, tfee eaeend letter fa
the firat lin ot th firtt ium ia th eighth
letter ia tbo code above it, therefor it reB
reaeata wain her 8.
"After yoa bv ehaared every letter of
tk cam into number, add tip tha sob jait
exactly a yoa would any other com of fir
urea, and the total that you ret rrvea yoa
year etaea to the namea of the MoTie Stara.
"Then work eat yoor cleeo thia way:
"Berbminr at the left-hand aide of tbo
total of your anm ebaar each firnre of th
total back to it letter aa repreaented ia tho
aeeret code above the mm : for inataaea, I
caa tell yon that tbo firat namber of the total
of the firat aaai is 7. Tho lettar O ia th
aeranU letter ia th cod' above th firtt
am, th ereore th first letter represented by
roar total ia letter a Now ehamre every num
ber of year total ia the same way and yo
win haeo tbo aame of tto Iforio Star repro
eoted by that mm."
Thia ia not aa easy problem, bat patWaco
and perseveraace mer find yon tho aaeaea of
toe treat Morio Stars. For the best answer
, abaitttod w wiU pay the foUewmr prmeu
These Prizes
sheerta mn mU
, lth,
me answers caiatnr 250
Tint Prise. V , .01
Pirst PriseT
will bo-
seed eor-
rded ta- . ...I
a, atyle, apelhac. im-.t-. u. in
of Columbus, on the Pacific coast.
will also declare open house in Its !
magnificent downtown -building,
jet.tertainnient aud daueing to take j
(place every evening of the con
vention, t
The two local :K.C. councils.
; California No. ami Han Fran-;
j cisco No. 615, are to join hands in
ia monster njioker lor their own
eiurs. Friday n-ming. juiy 15.
ill lit" imiikiu.s 111 niuiiiuun juui- ;
turiuni. ISO Golden Gate aven'ie.
K.C's frtJia all part.s of the state j
liuvw been invited to the high j
j jinks, which will he' the firn social j
affair in which these two council '
have participated jointly tor sev- I
,cra! years past. A splendid enter.
; iaiuiiif ut piarom h planued for
i that evening. i
are enlisted;
(Continued from page 1) ;
curred. A round-table discussion ;
ut' ftiu t'f it -i nri lirnUIfim :ltrl tlmi
. mnin(!lt,n an .,, i
' ( lu) for f urt,u.rance of
(.. vj. , ws occupied almost a
", . . i
. nhs riutlonx. and in pledges for
committee work on the many hun-
- lreds of Salem citizens who were
, banquet. ()nH
linf of ,.. ssary additional
i re v.-li nv; tfi Ti;i off I hi
club in-
, ,. , ' , ..... ' . '" l
dehtediiesu and rehabilitate it for
the coining year, was raised on the
spot; it is bHieved that the next
few days will see the whole sum
provided for, and the club given
enough revenues to adequately do
its work in the .future.
"They did wonderfully well,"
said Manager McCroskey. follow
ing the banquet. '"It's been hard
times, and nobody has. the money
he had a year ago. Hut now is
the time of all times to sell our
community to the outside world,
to get reaily for the turn when
the turn corned. It is almost here,
and we're pulling through wit.h
more credit to your city of Salem
than any other city in the north
west can boast. We've done more
helpful, courageous things, on
from one-half to one-fifth the
money, than any other city of like
size in the whole west. Once we
can get the outside people awak
ened, who are a? much (Interested
as those who attended this get-together
meeting and who always
pay their share and more, we'll
have tho banner community or
ganization of the whole country."
The evening opened with the
150 guests filing into the dining
j room and setting to work on the
nrsi course oi saiau. uan lan
genberg led the singing. In an up
roarious volume of sound in which
almost every orirf sang whether he
could sing or not. "Shii's in 8tie,
All the While," '"The Old Greg
$200.00 Cash
100.00 Cash
60.00 Cash
25.00 Cash
15.00 Cash
10.00 Cash
Z. , Jvv -v.
Amazing refelatlons as tend
ing to show the existence of a
concerted effort on the part of
upliftera, educators and minis
ters, together with I. W. W. agi
tators and Socialists, to precipi
tate a revolution In thi3 country
and stop the participation of the
United States in the world war
are contained in the report of
the Lusk Committee, which in
vestigated seditious activities In
this State. In the report la print
ed correspondence to sustain the
charge.that the opponents of the
war had willing aids in the War
Department, on the Fo-Ieral
bench and in Congress.
trominent among the tnany
Identified with sympathizers
Mare, She Ain't What She Used
to lie," VJingle Bells," "John
Brown's Body," and other stan
dard favorites wt-re Sung. Mrs.
A. J. iialin led in "Just a Song at
Twilight' and san another solo.
"I Know a Maiden,'' in splendid
quality and volume o( volte, a
mezzo soprano resonant as a cello,
deep-bosomed and magnetic and
strong like a Wagnerian Brunnhil
cla that -brought tremendous ap
plause. Tbe rest of , the b'anquet
Professor" Miller was presented
and plunged at once into the heart
of his subject.
"I'm like fhe fire chief to whom
his fellows were going to present
a fireman'R horn as a gift." be
gan the speaker. "They had re
hearsed the .whole scene; but
when the? event came off, the
chairman forgot his speech and
all he coujd say was, 'Well Bill
here's the horn! Kire Chief
Bill, too, was a splendid forget
Ier as a speechmakor, and all he
could say was "Why, why Hell,
Joe, is this the horn?' Well, I'm
the horn, and here I am."
He spoke of the increasing com
plexity of" society aa it Is organ
ized today; of the marvelous
growth of jsocial institutions since
1760, a pdriod of 150 years, dur
ing which; time' society had made
more advances in many ways
than in all, the 7000 years of pre
vious recorded history. The loss
of the old-time personal .contact
of the workman, with the em
ployer, of the producer with the
consumer,: brought about by the
development' of the necessary
collective consolidation for hand
ling products in quantities and to
great distances; the development
of the tremendous city pothula
tlon, with 52 per cent of Ameri
ca's people now living In eities
above 5000 population; the I'60,
tiOO miles of railroad necessary
to serve the people of this nation,
and the Incredible use of tele
phone,, telegraph, airship and oth
r long-distance communication,
show ho- the Jasf century and
a half has grown away from the
simple- civilization of a century
ar.d a half ago.
The Tact that the demand,
for fruit jn Europe, hits instantly
the grower in the Willamette val
ley, whereas there used to be no
relation whatever between place.?
so far distant, was' mentioned as
oro reason for a better recogni
tion of the need for cooperation.
11'ere is joa .great a gulf between
nations, between the workers and
the eaterw, in the present period
of development of' the corpora
tion kUttirttiediary,' the speaker
There is too much, difference
between jhe points of view of the
great corporations themselves,
and the hien wlo work for thorn
One great railroad system, that
does the tmlk of its business 000
n iles away, ho!d3 its directors'
nietting?; in a little Kentucky
U wn; the railroads of Brazil are
practically controlled from a meet
ing in the state of Maine. .With
the' necessary loss of .sympathy be
tween live two parties at interest
because ;f this great distance,
they can not harmonize and work
The speaker dwelt especially
on the niatter of getting a bel
ter understanding: of one's own
l-fsiness? problems; as a training
for the bigger service to the whole
community. He instanced a town
in Washington where two plumb
ing filing had broken themselves
i.nd nioit of their neighbors, . by
a blind bidding on 'contracts with
out considering their overhead ex
penses. It would take only a lit
tle while, he said, for any bad es
timator! to go-through his own
n sources, and take the money
from wife and family, by not
knowing his own business condi
tions. This lack of knowledge, he, was responsible for most of
the personal aqd community fail
ings men failed to realize what
they owed and what it cost to run
rcrsonat and community business.
A better live-and-let-live study
of the tax problem, the speaker
said, would result in some form
of equalization of burdens. The
inequitable income and surtax
have driven hundreds of millions
of dollars into ;new channels,
many of them specuwlative and
unpafo. ' because (conservative iuJ
vestmerits were so heavily pen
alized, i This reckless speculation
ha3 rocked the foundations of so
ciety, he said. -,
"The one great business prob
lem Is to bring back some ot the
old time relationship between em
ployer, jor capital, and workman
or the baying public. The devel
opment of the great hydro-eleefric
resonrces of th9 west depend on.
the under stan dine; between capital
a. Cj... 3ivA m. ' iZ
who are shown to have been
anxious to brius about the over
throw of the (Jovernraent
tstablish fn this country a orist
and consumer; the consumer mus"t
come in for a fair share o the
benefits and confidence, if he is
going to invest in 1his develop
ment. The United States Steel
corporation has for years follow
ed the policy of interesting its
workers to buy its securities,
knowing that this will insure sta
bility in interest and market."
The possibilities of better per
sonnel, and community, and na
tional cooperation are almost be
yond imagination, the speaker
said, if the right men and princi
ples prevail. To understand, to
bo loyal, to'cooperate with those
around him. to hold on with Pa
tience and eonrag-?, expect biK
ger and better things to come ut
ter giving one's own best service
I for years and years, means to be
successful, to be the leader ot
"I doubt not," proclaimed the
speaker, "that If you were o
name-six men who are most pro
minent in our community, or in
any community, you will name
the en who giv .public service.
Profits will almost keep step with
service and the man who gives
most, may expect to get most; for
services does not interfere with
business public service builds
back into the business interest
and they must prosper."
The speaker was givn an ova
tion at the close of his address. ...
William T. McCoy Says San
itation is Education for
American Youth
v CHICAGO, July 8 School
buildings should Americanize by
setting before children standards
of cleanliness, attractiveness una
sanitation. Neither American
nor foreign-born children should
be exposed to the effect of living
daily in schools with grimy walls
and dirty floors.
These were outstanding feat
ures in recommendations made
by William T. McCoy, vice presi
dent of the American Federation
of Teachers, in rendering to the
Chicago high school federations
his report of; the easten confer
ence of the organization held re
cently in Washington, I). C.
"Onr schoo' p'ant should ba
models of neatness and sanita
tion," he said. "The easting de
terioration of the school yfiteirj
throughout the country makes if
imperativi that teachers then
selves establish standards desir
able fo. fitnool buildings. W
note with regret that pup and
teachers, are be.or.i5ng sicci!--tomed
to surroundings o low the
standards of their home environ
ment. The socia'. mn?.ce wo se"
in this fc'lualion is that the pub
lic school wtl! not- cont.r.uc! to b
a civic '.node! but a symbol of deg
radation. "The following stan(,ar'.s for
school buildgs were subniitfil
for adoption by tea.-hers through
out tho rinvi" States:
"Rest ' -oo ns for iris and
"Lunch rooms for pupil? aor
-Clothin.' tl.rts for riciitttCo
for dryn;: and vontilatiou.
"Drlikir.s fountains ro adjust
ed that iiili i-iioii from th's scurce
will be in. possible.
"Hot water, .HjuiiJ or powdered
"Absolutely sanitary conditions
in toilets.
"Thorough cleaning or. clas3-
rcoms at least once a month.
Abandonment of use of c1as
rooms without natural light and
nure air.
"Insistence upon systems of
ventilation, heating, and sweep
ing which do not dry up or con
taminate the. air.
"Maintenai.ce of nen!au re
pairs within' buildings and of a
neat appearance outside.
"Strict conformitv to regula
tions established by the fire de
"Onlv as American teachers s
the standard that school buUdings
shall be safe and clean can tnev
b Raid to ncrform their dutv fn
tfutrhrnir civics. The building
will speak louder than the teaeh-
Little Bessie, ated fire, after
calling "her mother several tues
during the night and receiving no
rvpy, said: "Motherr are you
really " asleep or are i yon just
p'tending you're a telephone
Siil!" Argonaut.
1 i.y7:rt
Miss LI LU AN O. WAlr3"
gorersmect on the Ba'me ltae
as In KussU were Mls LlUlaa
Wald of Haary SU'eet Seltl
meat. New York: Jaae Audanu
of Hull House, Chicago: Darts
Starr Jordan, former president
of Leland Stanford University ot
California, and -'Senator Robert
La Follette and former Repre
sentative Claude Kttchia. They
were part of the movement witll
Fcott Neartng. Morris Hmqalt,
"Dig BUI" Haywood. Victor Ber
ger &od othem Who luv tet
either ta Jafl tff vteUttol tt
esptoDaf ax or Eh eleetrr
eerrlce act or aweow out on
bail awalUnj the oclconje oi
their appealt trora Ihelf co ii v lo
tions. SS
Remarkable Demonstration
Made on Voyage from
Roads to Boston
WASHINGTON", sluly 8. A Re
markable demonstration of tli4
peace-tirtie value of the . radio
compass, a war development, was
furnished during the recent pas
sage of battleship division 5 of
tlie Atlnnltf flet from lam nion !
Roads to Boston, according -to
an announcement at the navy de
partment. The entire voyage was
made in a heavy fog and naviga
tion all the way was. aceomptisli-
ed by shore radio compass sta
tions, submarine- bells and sound
ings, not a light or fixed aid to
nav igation being sighted on the
trip. -
"From the time departure -was
L taken until Boston- lihthip. was
picked up not a light, vessel or
lighthouse was seen." says a re
port, from Vice Admiral If.- P.
.1 ones, com niati d iii g the bat tl esh ip
force. "The fos was so dense
that during most of the passage
the ships astern of -the division
tLtgshipi .wer . jij visible.
"Mail it not been for the radio
com pass situation the arrival of
the battleship division -6Uld
have been greatly . delayed. . This
practical demonstration of radio
direction finding is a clear indi
cation of the military .value of
radio compass stations and of the
necessity for continued develop
ment along this line."
Radio compass stations have
now been established along, this
coast so that vessels at sea in
foggy weather can communicate
with, tho stations and in a few
minutes establish their correst
position. About 2500 ships now
receive the service each month,
it was announced. -
"Mama, this paper says that
cattle when' wilti other cattle eat
more and fatten better than wlien
kept alor.o." '-.j
"Yes, my child. I guess that
Is riht."
"Well, mama, we must be like
cattle." , r
"Why, what do you mean,
"We always have more to c?.t
and eat more when we have com
Jiar.y." fhieasb Ledger.
LATE.1:! tLiCiQ CF KhvG
viv w. ,.v-.-. .w . ... :-,,-.
w4:- fcaWMIMIJl'v " -;
-S i '
r - , : - ; ? ! -
v -. -r;. j- - J
Tlie latest pnotograph to arrive. In this country of King Ceorga vsl
CJoeen Mafy of Great .Britain, taken wWl they attended tho opeilnf
f the- g-eat Red triangle aub at Plalitow; 5-They were the gnest t
Lonor; and to the TEClng fell the task 0f making th opening BpeecbJ, -
I NlUUlll-MU
i' ' ... t. ;'-. ... ' j J
Mistreatment Causes . Nat-
ional Assembly to At-
- tack
Many Camps Hold Person4
Who Are Merely Dis- 1
: liked by Officials , J
! ' ' ' '!
- 1 1.
nUDABKT. July 6. The gOT-!
ernmeiii ha lately been attacked
by members of the national 0S4.
fembly becjtttsv' of the "fact that
H) 000 per.orw axe in internment
tamps in Hjungary. ' !
lnternmebt isS powerful wea "
on in th Jiands of Hie govern-t v
iiient. ' Anybody can be interned ,
by a siniplej'deei'ee of piilioe dlH'
iwtor or Euerirf, without a pre-t
vious jiulicihl inquiry. ; There art
cases wberej people, have been In
n in
terned upon anonymous informal .
irmai ;
lion that they entertained ,Uolv
shevik sympathies. ;
, . - . it
ommwaiMiH 311st re km. - '
Bishop Glesswein was Joudlr 4
applauded )n the assembly th$
other day when he declared thaC."
some of the 20,000 persons -ln
tcrned in the camps had been de 1
tained two y ea rs w i th ou t having.
trate. He
stated that former
hre nol -releasetf - ?
upon having V served , their' sena
tences in prison out uauauy, ar i
transferred in Tofffe. ot the internr; j
It is chjirced'that these camp
hold many, fwlia: merely' are dr-- , J
liked 'by r government official !
The canfps are isolated from tho I
outside world, the prisoners ,pa.sltT
their time in idleness and itha' I
deputies y-wej-e Informed are be
coming hot-houses for the breed- ;
ing of commuuism. , -
vs Ktippmtsrd, CTaljn., '
Members the assembly adsff ?
complain against the censorship .
and charge jthat.the local news !
papers are rpubject; to a .mintit '
and ignornnit application of ; thA"
law resulting In tho suppression '
cf news an comment. "wnlcb. arxr
tinptea-sant to the government.,;
The telegrams ot.forelgnineir- -paper
correspondents are no mow.
exempt from;. the' vexations of cm-,
worship, than are the local news
papers. . Commercial dispatches
are ' censore" and the censor fre- ,
quently pretenU the delivfirjr, ot
nessages using code words. ivi
It Is rTiaPirel In thn KarnvMr
that there is still a. strong, cur ,
rent of ;neniJofncial. trend .agafnsJ
the Jws The Chief , of Budapeft
ponce recently undertook , a re
vision, of thf moving--, picture' 11
enses on the ground that-a store
Just : distribution : "was ' desiredu
Licenses were taken from 20;Je'i
and assigned to new . petitioner,
These act .are no, longerrTieii--ed
with indifference but hate
been rebuked by deputies, Therb
are indication that public opinion
is veering democratic and liberal -principles
and that It has become
out of sympathy with the ultra- -national
and pltra-Christlaiv war
cries of street corner politicians.
"The Hungarian nation yearffa
for the air j ot liberty," declares
Count Apponyl. ' . j4
' ; -Hf-
"What's going on here?- .
"Jt looks j like a bank; robbeirjr
said the phlegmatic citizen. L
"Aren't you going to InterfeteV
"Nope," said the citijen as Jie
thrust his hands in his pocket and
spat Into .the gutter. "The presi
dent of that there institution ence
refused to lend me $50 on a note
endorsed 'TjyUfour of my,, friend.
If this gang .cleans him. out it'll
serve him" right."- Birmingham
Age-Herald..' . J'"
G0RGE AND QUEt.. i,.ivlVi
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