The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Kvan I IVlcawMl t v
Jjnwa Cody Evanfa, who waa
aVifested Thursday nfoht pending
ant investigation . rtf 'charges
rtgalnsj him at Deerj Island and
here, i waa released yesterday
Yhcn It waa found tfiat the war
raat for his arrest for tha charge
In j Deer Island had j been, can
celed and that the -charges here
would! not bj urged. Evans was
originally wanted hjre to answer
a charge of taking ,a motorcycle
belonging to Harry ;scott outside
trjth county. The motorcycle
was returned to SctJtt, however,
imd tie dealer saidj that he had
no! wUh to prosecute, the letum
olth-s motorcycle being all that
he! asHcd. '
I 1 ;.'. r -
Llxt Var Farm " '
Vith Socolofsky.r.-AdT.
Special- . - s" '-'
i Roaft or fried aringschicken
dinner all day Sundajy at the Gray
, i " I ; v
Council Postponed;
pending the receipt of reglstra-
viuiis iur iceir annnai summer
camp .to be held at MLcCrodie hot
prints, the regular meeting of
thp eiecutiYG board of the Salem
round 1 nf tha Unv Kcnn ta fco.
postponed. The meeting should peea nria nen ffionaay tml
was lOftluOued in orcier in Five
flear isloddinir to the registrations
or the August camp.' Registra
tions if or the camp will close July
23 after which time the oiprutlva
board Is scheduled , to meet and
I Bebe Daniels
L .!-
I "Two Weeks With
! Pay"
Hartman's Glasses
Easier " and Better ,
Wear them and sea
fhoae 1255. T'-Salem, Ortgpn
Mnnifriivin i
IpiUlrs at U2 V. Commrcll stnet
Ck lny, BMdls and Art
i aa aiskaa, lc cma mA artnks
j - i Opn 11 jn. ta 1 -'
I Bpsctal Snndsy j
' i cmcmi pmaES j
rgalar 43.00 ' Tbor. 'Vacnnm
1 -. Cleaner, Our Price
J-:. fi fri2S- -
137 Coart St.; ! Phono 488
i1 !..!'.. :m
i i.
S Nasona Perfect Liquid Paints;
I i Reasonable Prices
tapal I'rnltore & Hardware Co.
' 186 H. Commercial Phone 917
Salts Cleaned .V. . . . . . . .81JJ0
'Suits Pressed ....... .. J50
L Salem Cleaners & Dyers
121S & Coml SL Phone 1888
i.l-' .TREES !
j Tot Eprinc 'Oriet Prow j
j 1 421 Oregoa Bolldlnr '
, Phone 17C3 k
We pay 2c abo?e the
market Drice for egg
and products
Home Builders
Take Notice
: k I- . T.-:-.:r..--M
We tan save yoa money oA
your Plumbing Supplies; It
will pay you to coma and
ee us about prices. We al
ways have a supply of all
kinds. i . " . j.
- ' 7 1-
Tents all sizes, prices
1 verjr low
1 i
I rrTTirr r inr,nn
..- i
Bargain House
We buy and sell everything
215 ChemeketsTstl:; 1 ,
arrange for the commissar4 de-
nartniont . . ..
auu iransporiai;On
Let Socolofsky I
O-ll . -
your property. Adv. ,
Frwh pcac h tarts J
cnocolate cream puffs i and
chocolate eclairs. Grtay Helle s
French Dastrv th&dn froah tnilav
Adv. s
MlnnesotAhs Visit i '
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ma'sten-
brook of Karson, Minn., arrived
Friday for a day's visit with their
old fellow citizens, Mr. and! Mrs.
B. A. Shaver. The Mastenbfooks
express great delig'at with Salem
and think it the most beautiful
little city they have ever j seen
while touring the west and visit
ing at Canby. Mr. and Mrs. 11.
ft. Shaver motored to Newberg
Saturday morning to participate
in the Berrlan celebration. From
there they will go to Forest
Grove for several days with Mra.
Shaver's sister and family) Mr.
and Mrs. It. S. Simon. ;
Let Socolofsky
Sell your property. Adv
J'itk Goat For Hah
Can be seen at 725 South; Com
mercial street or phone jlalU.
Adv. -
Visit CorvaU Friends f
Mrs. E. E. Fisher and son Ar
thur, accompanied by their guts,
Mrs. G. B. Coin, of Fort Dodge,
la., motored to Corvallis Friday
were they spent the day at the
home of Professor and Mrs; A. It
Nichols. Let Socolofsky
Sell your property. Adv.
M ilk Goat For Sal" .
Can be seen at 725 South Com
mercial street or phon3 : 1510.
Lewis To Toar Kant
Professor A. R. Lewis of Cor
vallis, a department supervisor
in thrj office of J. A. Churchill,
state superintendent of schools,
arrives in Salem today and will
confer wifh Mr. Churchill i before
leaving on a tour of educational
institutions in eastern states.
Jut the Thing for Outing :
No. 4 Victrola. Stiffs. Adv.
31111c Goat For Saf
Can be seen at 72a South Com-
mercial street or phone 1510.
Adv. West Salem Methodist Churcli
A; Hawthorne, pastor. Sunday
school, 10:30 a. m.; the school is
growing In interest and attend
ance, people enjoy progressive
work. A bie attendance is ex
pected tomorrow. There is a class,"
a welcome and a message for ev-
,rtmn TVirirtntii aama , and nrinr
your ehildren. Eporth league at
7 p. m4; i preaching P-iiu.
Mill Wood
Five loads of 16-lnch Inside mill
wood, 118.75. Buy now, prompt
delivery; also prompt delivery on
box -wood and planer trimmings.
Spauldlng Logging Co. Adv. t
m (
lllg-hway Kxcurnion
!t TAur reserve seat ; tickets
fn Iko rVlnmhli Hitrhwav QXCUr-
. . II ' J V.' ... - - - (
ion Sundav. Julv 10. Tickets i
on sale at the Ace confectionery.
Round trip . Journals maae
misprint. J. W. Tarker. j
Ret Makes of
Standard talking
machines at
Stiffs. Adv.'
Wants Oregon Weather j
Robert S. Gill., ex-4-L secretary
writes from Baltimore where he
was called to organize an associa
tion of the printing industry simi
lar to the 4-L that prospects for
his work are excellent but that he
would pay moonsnine prices tur
.- i
Leading Morticians
Webb '& Clough
? : Co. '
Funeral Directors
Weatherly Ice Cream
Bulk; 30c pint; Brick 35c pint
1090 Center St, corner! 12th
St. Valentine strain, tested
by Oregon Agricultural
' College .
$4 per thousand
Dr. C. II. Baffcy &' Son,
Koscburg, Ore.
"'v-. Do.yoa Ue
i -' IT sou why aott
No other baths" or treatments
can produce the pennaoent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable eold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths wUL! u
Open S a. m. uotU 9 p,in .
Lady and -Oentlemen ; attend
... . ants 5 -" I -'---
jUSt One little cool Tnrtlanf
breeze, ; "The heat here." he says,
"makes me feel that I'm rettin
an advance Installment on what is
probably coming to me.".
McClarcn Tire
Fairgrounds Service Station
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Is (anrt In Salem
Miss Elizabeth Cornelius of
Portland is a guest ot Mr and
Mrs. Clyde Tarker, 260' North Lib
erty street. She will return to
Portland as soon as a Quarantine
la lifted from the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Claire Simeral with
whom "she makes her home.
List Your Farm
With Socolofsky.
Koe Stiff for Awning
II. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ad?.
.Mrs. Sinirrnl Improvt's
Mrs. Claire Simeral of Portland,
formerly Miss Geneva Goodrich,
and well known in Salem, has
been seriously ill since tho death
last week of her little doughter,
Maxine and her condition, attrib
uted to grief, has been alarm:ng.
Reports received hero yesterday
by friends and relatives, however,
were that sho had improved.
Notice to Irrigaior
Irrigators on flat rate will
please observe the following rules.
All houses havinc even numbers
are limited to irrigate on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
odd numbers on Tuesday, Thurs
day, Saturday and Sunday. Hours
for irrigating, 6 to 8 a. nv, 5 to
9 p. m. Salem Water, Light &
Power company. Adv.
L!st Vour Farm
With Socolofsky. Adv.
Creamery Truck Damaged
A. Gardner of this city reported
to- the poll vesterday that while
driving a Marion Creamery truck
near Hazelau station he had been
Torced into the ditch by a Korl
car driven by J. D. Story of Inde
pendence. The Marion Cream
ery truck, according to the story
given the police, was driving on
the road south of town when the
Ford driven hv Ptorv attempted to
pasahim. The Ford came up just
as a big car approached from the
opposite direction, and before the
Ford could get around the truck,
the big car came within danger
distance. To avoid hitting the
bigger car, the driver of the Ford,
Gardner de'?lard, turned his car
tit the r'ght and in so doing forc
ed the truck into the ditch. The
right rear wheel of the truck was
broken and the front axle and
radius rod bent. No damage was
done the Ford.
Pianos for Rent
11. L. Stiff Furn.
Co. Adv.
Legal Blanks
them at. The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
George Schaap of Pratum pM
a visit to Marion county commis
sioners yesterday in the injures
of the enforcement of the Canad
ian thistle law.
j O. A. L"oe and son Oscar A. Loc,
of SHverton, transacted business
and visited with friends in this
cijty yesterday.
; Everett Downing of Sublimity,
wiis a court house visitor Friday.
Mrs. 5. R. Tandy and daughter.
Miss Martha Tandy of Jefferson
shopped in this city Friday. On
July 14 Mrs. Taiuiy will leave foi
a three months visit with friend,
and relatives in Missouri, Ala
bama and Kentucky.
Henry Downing of the Sublim
ity country was in Salem yester
day and while here reported that
everybody in his district is busy
making hay durins the clear wea
ther. i Frank Ilynes, leading broccoli
grower of North lloweil, was a
Salem visitor yosterday.
i William Murphy of St. Pan',
transacted business at the county
clerk's office Friday.
; W. H. Gotilet. Marion county
commissioner whose residence is
at Woodburn, attended court here
Today and
Another Special
With David Butler
Weekly Comedy
Where The Big Shows
' 1 f
All Day
i 1 :
A 0 Barber, State Marshal!
Compiles Report For
Towns of State
Four hundred forty-two thou i
and. two hurdrcd dollars was the;
total loss by tire in the staa ex
clusive or Portland, during the J
month of June, according to a re
port compibu today by A. C. Har-
ber. stale fire marshal.
The 1175.000 box plant Maze
at Astoria proved the greatest loss
anions the 2S conflagrations men
tioned in tho report, and the fire
which lappvd tip the crain and
wheat warehouse at My rick sta
tion, I'matilla county costin?
$150,000. came second. The ?3V
000 fire which broke out in a Kla
math count lumber mill, is Mat
ed third.
The largest number of fires re
ported originated from . unknovn
sources. Thre were 1 4 of these,
six resulted from defective fines,
two started from burning brush,
one from an overheated tearing,
one from matches, one from a
grass fire, one from spontaneous
combustion, one from sparks and
one had an incendiary origin.
Thirteen of the fires occurred
in dwelling, according to the re
port. Five 01 the .blazes were in
lumber jnills or in lumber, one
was in a warehouse, one was m
a ch'cken house, orfe was in an
an automobile, two were in barns,
one was in -i Y. M. C. A., one was
in an apartment, one in a wood
pile, one swept a business block
and one occurred in a meat mar
Three Thousand Listen
To Park Band Concert
Ideal weather anC a splendidly
arranged program of popular Con
cert numbers last ninht drew an
exceptionally large crowd to Will
con park to hear the band concert.
Over 3,000 people crowded the
park or listened from cars, the
line o which extended from
Waverly street to Church.
Mrs. Prunk sang a pretty love
song as her solo number.
The program follows:
March, -"Co-Ed" Zamecm'k
Overture, 'Orpheus".. Offenback
Waltz, "Xoveland" Holzman
Popular Numbers
Vocal Solo Mrs. W. II. Prunk
Selection, "Fausa" Gounod
The Glad Girl" Lampr
Overture. "Gypsy Queep" . , . King
March, "Washington Grays"...
"Star Spangled Banner"
Box is Stolen from Country
Home, Says Report to
Police Station
The loss of a 2 4-karat gold
jewelry box containing valuable
ccms and jewe'ry was reported to
local police j'vterday by Frances
Foley a resident of route 8.
Among other tLliigs the box con
tained a gold chain, two small dia
monds, a small box containing two
opals and 10 small chipped dia
monds, several gold coins, a little
silver, a man's ring with the ini
tials D. L. in it. a ring with a
black and white stone with the
initials E. K. ,in it and a gold
locket and chain with a Catholic
MARION II. L. Joy Chicago.
F L. Wieder. Albany; Mrs. O. A.
Thormle, Everett; Alonzo Morri
son. Portland: A. P. TalHev Ran
Frajicisco; Jake Pool?, San Fran
cisco; R H. Wassing, San Fran
cisco; Robert "K. Duniwav. Port
land: Raliesh -Taylor, Medford:
A. C. Rracken. Portland: Mrs.
'"mes M RHey. Portland: I. S.
Watson, Portland: H. A. Thome
Portland; A. S. Mundell. Port
land; H. C. Stevens. Portland; F.
R. Ravburn, Portland; J. J. Ward.
Seattle; W. H. Adams. Portland:
A. W. Glassford. Portland; E. T.
Sutter. Portland; Anna Rrrnk. Se
attle: J. R. Marsh. IeMoins: II
" FlannifTin. Cottage Grove;
Maude E. Halley, Cottage Grove:
A. L. Clem and wife. Dallas:
Mrs. R. H. Kehoe
Seatt'e: Grace
Henderson. Seattle; L. M. Wilson.
Oakland: U. A Farr. Portland:
t-m k Upright. San Francisco;
R. Tl. Rarr, San Francisco: J. A.
Reported by Union Abstract
Arthur and Annie D. Glover to
Alvin Scbmitt and wife. 40.15
acres P. Glover donation land
claim. S-l-W., $3.00.
Adelia Libbey to Addie I. Lib
hy. lots 6 and 7. block 8. R. R.
addition to Jefferson, 1 and
other considerations.
J. W. Mayo and wife to E. C.
Downing and wife, Iand near
Stayton, $600.
Grace .1. and R. E. Otjcn to J.
F. and Sarah K. Mirtker . lot l'.
block 1. Willamett" addition to
Sa'em. $1 and other considera
tions. Belle .Shant to lnora Flynr,
rart lots 1 and 2. block 8, North
Sa'em. $100.
IHdIa G. and C. F. Pattoii 40
W. N. and Mary ill. Thomas, 10
acres near Chemawa. $107 ' j
Martha A. Lewia to Frank K.
v .
Lnasnerger. San Franc!so;
uwight fl, Newman. San Francls
co; R. H. Raldnk. La Grande; F.
A. Burroughs, Conway. S. C:
Frankl n i Burroughs. Conwav;
Hury Burroughs. Conwav F 1
Miller, Jr. Seattle.
BLIGHj-w. J. EFtabrooC.
Kickreall; J. Vaqnet. Rottn-r.
lont ; V. Estur. San Franc ?-
ro, m. Kenth. L?lmnon-
; s w-.!
L. Wliite.!
Miiier. Portland; E
. fiMiiiK ,.irs. ornisn ana
daughn-rj Ved. jCal ; tl; E
Stewler.1 Portland : Mrs. lUlch.
Tacomfc: L. R Lyon. Portland
O. F. 'Goldchwaite. Portland- X.
U. lUrtlew, Portland; Frank
Gilla. Portind; .I. E. Ihivis. Port
land: V. . Fenn, Portland; Ja-k
il. Pebdlft:p. Portland; V. K
Myers Silt Lake: Charles M. An
derson,; Tl C Rorm Til
lamoikj ;.. 11. Oanfirld. lioo.)
River;, A .J. Whcaton. Portland:
A. A. Stall, Portland: Theo. An.
ter. Sain Francisco;
Services Announced
Monday? Night
Rev. Ward Willis Ixing, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church,
is ta be installed as pastor Mon
day night at S o'clock.
Or. 1L L. Bowman, pastor of
jthe First Presbyterian church of
Portland, will preach the instal
lation ssrnion. Th session wi'.l
be presided ove'ri by Dr. Wallis
H. Lee of Albany college, who
will ask constitutional questions.
Charge to the pastor will be de
livered by Walter H. Nugent, pas
tor of Central Presbyterian church
of Portland. Charge to the peo
ple will be delivered by the Rev.
! William Moll Case of Eugene, and
Uie installation prayer by Rev. U.
XV. Arch'or of Woodburn. Rev. R.
E. Kirkpatrick will lead the open
prayer. ( '
Mrs. Evangeline P.artlette Long
will sin a solo. "How Lovery Art
Thou Dwellings."
Part of the program will bo
the christening of the pasto-',
infant daughter by tho Rev. 11. L.
Bowman, D.I)., of Portland.
Postal Examination is
To Be Held in Salem
The United tates civil service
commission announces a post oT
"fice cJerk-carrier -examination, to
be held on A moist 6. 1921. for
the purpose of establishing an eli
gible register from which selec
tions may he madq to fill vacancies
as they may occur in the pohition
of clerk or carrier, post office ser
vice at Sa;ein.- Salary. $1,400 per
annum. All citizens of the United
States Who meet the requirements,
both men and women, may enter
tliii examination. Appointing offi
cers, however, have the lecal right
tn' specify the sex desired in re-
;j uestinii certification of elipibles.
Ace limits arc IS to 4 5 years en
the date of the examination. Ase
limits do not apply to persons en
titled to preference- on account of
military or naval service.
For further information and ap
plication blank apply to Paul W.
Miller, local secretary, board of
civil service examiners, Salem, 'or
to the secretary, Kleventh United
States civil service district, 303
post . office" building, Seattle.
Richard Sherri) Fleming
Dies at Olympia, Wash.
Richard Sherrill Fleming, the
It year old son of Mr. and Mrs. j
Sherrill Fleming, of CheTiafis.
Wash.. ; passed to the great be
yond Friday. July X. 1921, at St
Peter's hospital. Olympia. . Jlich
ard had been ill 'but a few days,
with an abcoss on the brain.
lie was born in Salem where
his parents were married and
lived until a few years ago, and
had been resident for a long
t'me' before Mrs. Fleming was
Miss Anna Giesy. Mr. Fleming
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Fleming of Salem, v
Richard was an unusually
bright iand lovable boy. and the
bereaved parents may be assured
of the; deep sympathy of a host
of friends in Salem.
, Funeral services will be held
at Chehalis Sunday afternoon.
Tremendous Pig Mounted
In Virginia Museum
i What is said to be the largest
pig ever rnised in West Virginia
has been mounted and is now on
display in the exhibition hall of
the department of agriculture
The pig, before it was stuffed,
was i inches high. S inches?
Ions and weighed pounds,
according to Its owner. S. S. Ball
of Ravenswood.
Six Week Summer Term
June 20 July 2D
Salem Schoo) of Expression
147 N. Commercial SL
Phone 1484J
d 4 111 IK''I'V1.II, 1
i - i . i , -
i .
letter is Writtrn hv Plnir-;
VHUtfl uy UilJII-
man Williams to Inspect-
of J, Vft Church
Tracks No. 2". and 24. in the'
new; Albina railroad yards, in
Portland, are designated as "hold !
tracks'" of the Oregon-Washing-!
ton Railroad & Navicatbni com- i
Pany, in a letter to J. W. Church, i
chief inspector of the grain in-
?pectitn department of the public j
service commission. , marto putdit '
by Frtnl A. Williams. ' of lite pub-,
lie service commission yesterday. !
The first conference.- relating !
to "ludd trai ls' . the lett r j.oint ;
ed ou'. was . held by the eommis-
s'l'ii in th-' oarlv part K 92'e
j but,! v ng to th unsettled s'i't-
us of the Portland union t-rm'n-I
at situation, th "bjdd - track"
program h;i b? :i delaed t. ru l
ing formtth'tie-n of plans lor t'te
interrelation and completion ot a
:ted location for the union -s-s":iger
and ! re j;ht terminal in
"The Portland market, v. !'t b
'ncreased facilities! for the hand
ling of grain, both as to export
and manuf icture, has. iiih it-1
naturpl shipping advantages,
expanded that very careful inves
tigation was necpssary be '.ore fil
ing upon the several 'hp'U
tracks'." Mr. Will'ams stated.
- "In .denominat'iig these 'hold
tracks' " he added, "we have bat
In mind the convenience of th
.hipper, th? buyer, the exporter,
as well as the f.rain inspection
department, so as not to retaru
the movemen: of the grain. V e
feel certain that the tracks named
will answer th? composite purpos- j
es of all interests." As soon- as
some ot the minor details are 1
completed, the commission wilt I
issue its final order, Mr. Williams
Although the grain Inspection
depart nient of the commission has
doubled' in the past two years.
Mr. Williams says he expects a
far greater peteentage of increar
;n volumes when the grain, es
pecially wheat, begins tJnovr
under the Columbia rate case
- offices ill cm
Headquarters Established
Yesterday in United States
Bank Building
Consideration of th details of
administering the loan features
ef the new Iioutis law, and the
discussion of organization profi
le!) :i were tlie chief items con
sidered' by the World war veter
ans state aid commission which
World's Fastest
No Children
Love and
D Wore a
C -.rtr, c:r
Sinking Cemcdian
in. ;
"Three Sevens"
m MS!
H II "Thre Sevens" S
Mr. Closed Car
Owner How alout those cush
ions in your car? Are
they soiled and dirty?
Do they look old and
shabby? If they do let
us clean them for you.
We. will clean them per
fectly and make them
look like new.
After your car has
been cleaned by us you
will be more than tie
lighted with the results'.
Those soiled cushions
Will have the same new
appearance and soft fin
ish as the day your car
was bought.
' Call us on the phone
and we will come out and
clean your ear fpr you.
You will be more than
satisfied with the re
sults. --.
Ish Ka Bibble
Cleaning Co.
420 Ferry St. Phone 1177
met in the governor's, dff ice ye
ttttiay. Headquarters of ; the
ccmraiiioQ .tfre established . la
the United1 States Katioual bank
building, adjoining the adjutant
peneraPa office. !
When the commission adjourn
ed after yesterday's session it was
i with important prelimrnary or-
sani2alicn vork distributed
annrng the several i members.
tR,?se in enjdane eaid. This
I foneoiidated j at the nett meeting
i Established 1863
' - L-
J ., i i
General Banking Business ?
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
I - ' -J.' ' - L ' ' ' ' S
lpemUB for
.:.! .
- M
Also some very good touring cars, with and with
out starters
Wild prices
260 N. High Street
Splasn !
' "' 1 1 1111111 1 r'L"1"1 ' ' i i Si
" r ' ' ' ' '" ' - '- ' 1 '
li : ji
lnk Pay
lie . IPor Eoiiii
II f Li 1 1 II I II II VwT - - . II '
Does she glide through the
water like a streak of silver?
And dash joyously out of the
waves, confident in her
charm ? Of course, she does,
She Wears a
Shipley features, the Portland made and nationally!
known Jantzen swimming suit with its form fitting!
knit stitch and its attractive features. Every color
under the sun.' Triced at ' "
i '--tx;
of the commlsyion. scheduled for I
next Thursday. .;
' The entire commission remain i
ed on the job all day:- Governor
Olcott presided ai ehalnnaa of'
the commission. Other members?
are Sanj A. Koxer. secretary ot
state; George A. White, adjutant'
general Arthur C, Spencer of
Portland, and Lyman O, Rice off
Tendleton. .Harry C. Rnimbanga
of Portland, secretary ot the com-'
mission reported- for duty and
sat through the meetinr. I
b n
for sale, both with and
on any of 'era '
Motor Go.
Phone 1995
to $6.95
Little Sister Says
I - 4 . 'e . I
"Kin J put on my Jantzen
and go bathing? 'N I don't hafta
dress when I lgo digging, do I, for
my suit's all wool and it dries and
isi nicevand Warm."
Oar Kiddies Bathing Suits
Range From
$1.98 to $348 "
Clcrer Bathing Caps
15c to 95c
it is a pleasure and a joy
lo shop
if 123 N. Liberty SU
DeWitt, part: lot 6.- block 1.
lent, i$10. - ; t
t" .