The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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I - Iraued Daily Except Monday by
,215 8. Commercial Kf Silom flrocnn
j -
Olficc, 627 Board of Trade DuUdine.: Phone Automatic
t The Associated Press is exclasirely entitled to the use for repub
lication of all uewt dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in mis paper and also the local news published, herein.
It. J Hendricks. .
Mepnen a. Etone.
Ralph Glover
t ran Jaskosk . j. ......
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
: cents week, 65 cents a month. f
DAILT STATESMAN, by mail, in advance,, $6 a year, $3 for six
I months, $1.50 for three months, 60 cents a month, in Marion
r and Polk -counties; outside of these counties, $7 a year, $3.50
! ' for six months, $1.75 for three months, 60 cents a month. When
' :HOt bald In idranpfl. SO MRU a yrvar aIAIHnnal
win oe pent a year to anyone
Daily Statesman.
cents lor.tnree months; 25
-one month.
muM ii(ui;it a year in not paia in aarance, i.zj; &u
,cnl for six montha; 25 cent for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683
Job Department, 583
Society Editor, 106
Entered at the Postof flee In Salem,
( "!' -'!' ' ;-.:, - ,v : ; ' :;. '
The fellow who was saying, a little bit ago, that a pro
tective tariff would not help the cherry growers of the Sa
lem district bught to tell it,to the marines
, : And the California lemon srrowers.
A few jmonths ago the California growers of lemons
were dumping their lemons, or putting up signs telling the
passers-by tD help, themselves, and there was a moving pic
ture and there were magazine illustrations showing moun
tains of lemons piled .up; dumped to go to waste
Because the prices the growers could get, in competi
tion with the lemons of Italy and other countries, that were
coming In under a duty of only half a cent a pound, under
the Democratic Underwood tariff bill, were not high
enough in the markets of the East to pay the increased rail
road freight bills across the country. !
But something happened
Several; things happened, among them the shipping by
thd Panama canal route
; But the most important thing that happened was the
enactment of the emergency tariff law. mittinor a hirh dutv
on lemons; the most important
,: Now the lemons that are going tojthe East are bring
ing UD to $12 a bOX. With no fclVn nf a in Aamanr
and it looks like the whole sweltering population of the coun-
tfir Vutvnn1 !4iia Paa1,S Un. ...... "
v j "vyu;uc uviucauuu kuiic icuiuu ciaxy.
1 So Ithe lerton crowera of nalifnrnlftV.whn wra nn iha
ragged edge of ruin a very short time ago, are now bulging
into the plutocratic class. Their industry has been saved.
Thfe prices of lemons are so high in the East that the
lemorf importers are using the argument that the growers
of California are rolling In wealth and profiteering and have
no mercy on the consumerV-using, these f arguments in an
attempt tor work up sentiment for a lower .tariff rate on
foreign 'grown lemons in the main tariff bill now under con
sideration in, Congress.-J
The lemon growers of California do not expect a. tariff
rate on! lemons that will guarantee them around $12 a box
for their, product, t That would be as injurious to the lemon
industry as 14 cents a pound for loganberries for any great
length of time 'would be to the loganberry industry.
It; j would drive everybody with land . and climate that
would produce lemons into lemon growing; and the business
would be over done in this country. "
But they do expect a rate that will make up the dif
ference .between the cost of raising lemons in California or
Florida and producing them with the pauper labor of Italy
md other, lemon growing countries . ' .
' Afid they have a right to expect that
Just as our cherry: growers have a right to1 expect the
same thing. , " , -
It was written of old that the manVho looks not out for
his own is worse than an infidel.
The protective tariff is an American principle; it rec
ognizes the spirit that demands the upholding of the Ameri
can standards of living. It is the spirit that will maintain
this great nation in its leadership in all things ; for the
good not on of this country, but for all the world. We
cannot bring Russia up by going down to the Bolshevik stan
dards ; nor Italy, nor Japan, nor arty other country with low
priced labor and low standards of living.
We can be of service to them in all lines, of leadership
by maintaining here high standards ; by preserving our abil
ity to be of service. -
. ! . . ; i. ', : "!- '
The Salem Commercial Club will be supported. There
is no doubt of the spirit that demands this and will see it
through. - But it should be better supported than it has been
heretofore. The campaign that is started ought not to be
allowed to stop short of this. Make the support adequate to
the needs of the city aifd community. ! ,
Half-SolTent ; Half-Bankrupt
! ."iOU can't run a world half-solvent,
. ' 1 -and half-bankrupt. Neither can you
l a community, for" it's the general level
of prosperity that counts. v n ?
An institution like the United States
National, with its insistence on thrift,
Tits' .Ideal of a bank account for everv
resident jot this section, performs the
mgncst type; of community service. . i
v vr
. t., .
- 69) ;
. . .Manager
....Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept
great western weekly farm paper,
paying a year in advance to the
year; 75 cents for six months: 40
cents for 2 months; 15 cents for
two six-page sections. Tucdays
Oregon, as second class matter.
thing for the lemon growers.
Russia has recently exhibited
a fay of sanity; the soriets re
fuse to let Lincoln Steffena come
Grorcr Cleveland Bergdol! has
applied for, citizenship in Ger
many. Not we shall know how
depraved Germany really is.
The fool borrows money to go
on a vacation; and the wonld-be
wise man doesn't take a vacation
and borrows money to pay the
hospital bill.
Those S. 000, 000 individual
home owners in the United States
comprise the most powerful stand
ing array for national defense
against Bolshevism and Social
ism that has ever been assem
bled. .
Lenine says that the Commun
ist ideal has been vindicated in
.Rtlssia. Curious that Hobespierr!
should have said the sam thing
about the Terror of France just
two days before he was guillo
tined. Japanese diplomats were puz
zled two months ago when Pres
ident Harding sent General Wood
oh a peaceful mission to the Phil
ippines. Now they are wonder
ing why the British government
selected Admiral Jellicoe for gove-
eraor general of New Zealand.
City Beautiful is the Salem slo
gan subject for a week from next
Thursday, and the slogan editor
is calling for and expecting a lot
of help. All the people in Salem
who want this city to be the most
beautiful city ia the world will
please take notice.
'evils op nullification.
Dallying with a national law in
as dangerous as distributing
matches in a powder magazine.
To decline to obey a law because
one personally disapproves the
principle it codifies is to deny the
right of existence of representa
tive government. Patriotism con-
ists In putting the public welfare
before personal interest. A law
"S the expression of tha will of
the majority; it is the public will,
and to oppose th'e iniividual will
to the public will is to violate the
fundamentals of the American
The eighteenth amendment is
as much a part of the constitution
as the fifth amendment, which
provides that no person shall be
deprived of life, liberty or prop
erty, without due process of law.
The eighteenth amendment was
passed by 'a two-thirds vote of
both houses of congress and rati
fied by "he legislatures of three-
fourths of the states Its valirllt
has been attested to by the su
preme court of the United State3-
and it will continue to be a law
until an amendment repealing it
has been approved by a two-thirds
vote in congress and ratified by
,three-fourths of the American
Whatever one's individual opin
ion, the lid on . booze 1 nailed
down and reinforced with bands
of steel, and it is not at all prob
able that the present generation
will see the prohibition amend
ment . repealed. We are fully
aware that there are sections of
the country In which if Is not
popular, wkere local self-determination
would lead to its Immedi
ate repeal; but that is no justifi
cation for either violation or lax
enforcement. The, Volstead act
is regarded by many as a viola
tion of individual liberty; but it
is the will of the majority and
any violation of its provisions is
a criminal act.
Nullifying a law by lax en
forcement is taking dangerous
liberties with constitutional gov
ernment. In one of his messages
to congress President Grant said,
with that blunt directness of
thought and i speech that char
acterizes the i successful military
commander: i VThe best way to
get a bad law repealed is to en
force it strictly." Strict enforce
ment is the most certain way to
secure a repeal ot the Volstead
act, if one proceeds on the theory
that it is objectionable to a ma
jority of the people of the coun
try. There are hundred? of persons
throughout the country who take
delight in "making their own
booze." j They seem to imagine
that there is virtue in it. But
making a mockery of la is man
ifesting contempt for the law.
The question Involved is of far
deeper significance than that of
prohibition; It is one of support
ing the; fundamentals of Ameri
can constitution. "
Americanism is taught by ex
ample jrather than by precept;
and the foreigners in our country
who see. Americans violating with
Impunity the eighteenth amend
ment will find In that condition
sufficient: justification for them
JlT 9S, Satwrdny - Mor : cMittf
SonrtiiT f-tiet pirair. MU r rrvmnU.
July 25 to 81 Sln ChanUav '
to violate other amendments.
Civil liberty guarantees to each
individual the right to live ac
cording to the laws of the coun
try, not according to the dictates
of his conscience or his opinions
about what laws should orshou'd
not be.
Possibly the worst offender
against constitutional government
Land public morals in lh4 country
is the public official, sworn to
enforce the law, whq winks at
violations of the law and fails to
use due vigilance in its rigid en
forcement. Next in order comes
the citizen who helps others vio
late the law or shields them from
just punishment when aware of
their infractions.
It is not within the right or the
power of any citizen to modify
the laws of the land. They are
written by a process clearly de
fined in the federal constitution.
If there were no laws there would
be no country and no civilization.
Respect for the law demands the
observance and the enforcement
of all laws. In this way alone
the good ones will grow in the
public favor and the bad one:?
will be repealed. There are parts
of the country in which the Vol
stead act may not become popu
lar within our lifetime, but there
were parts ef the country in
which the emancipation act was
not popular for more than a gen
eration after it "was passed.
But few cared to show their
opposition to the fourtenth am
endment by continuing to keep
slaves; the government enforced
its terms without lear or favor.
And it is the opinion of every
good, 100 per cent American citi-
hten that the government should
show equal diligence in compell
ing the enforcement of the 18th
amendment. Permitting minori
ties to destroy what the majority
has created is lending encourage
ment to violence.
The legal functions of the pres
ident's office are so eminent that
he cannot escape the responsibil
ities of executive action, however
much he may be inclined to avpii
them. His constitutional pow
ers alone make him the pivot
upon which all the administra
tive machinery operates.
He appoints the heads of de
partments and may direct their
major policies. His power of ap
pointment to all the, greater of
fices is far-reaching. He can re
commend, shape and veto legisla
tion. His control over foreign af
fairs is virtually complete. Ho
!s commander In chief of the army
and the navy. In short, he is tin
most potent constitutional func
tionary in the world.
All these constitutional pow
"rs have been' vastly augmented
by practice and custom. The
president today can do innum
erable things that George Wash
ington or Thomas Jefferson
would never have dared do, even
if they had thought of them.
. The constitutional conception
of the president is that of a chief
executive, an administrator; cus
tom has added to thi3 conception
that of leadership, of initiation.
Samuel P. Orth in Yale Review.
At the national convention of
American caterers much refer
ence was made to the fact that
prohibition or something had
changed the appetites of so many
men and women. It was declared
that the average person had
tbrned to salads and sweets and
left the red meats and heavier
foods. The man who wanted a
blocd-rare steak may now appeasa
himself with a chocolate eclalre
and a bit of water cress. The
only gentleman who once de
manded his raw hamburger may
now soothe himself with a mor
sel of French pastry and a jigger
of malted milk. Whether he is
the better off for the change is
something for the doctors to
fight about.
Explorer Stefansson was about
the one man in the world who
did not know that the big war
wa going on. He went into the
frozen silences before the Serb
ian explosion and did not come
out until after the armistice. But
he is concerned with world prob
lems and he now declares that
what we call the frozen north
will be the world's meat market.
The best mutton in the uni
verse can be raised in the Arctic
circle, and the explorer says that
Jn less than 20 years Siberia.
Alaska and British Columbia will
all , be stock-raising territory.
much or tne so-called polar counA
try has wonderful agricultural
possibilities, and the explorer in
timates that he may jet be ra's-
ing violets at the north pole.
All that we nml u ifin.n...
" - v I V J
line to the north pole lo make
!t a popular resort. It scents
that the pole Is about ,17. .degrees
warmer , thaa ;jLLwa when "sir
John Franklin was looking for
it. At the rate the Icy zone is
thawing out, in 60,000 years it
will be hot enough at the -: north
pole to go without an nnder
shirt. : -
The Chicago employment bureau
reports that women clerks are
monopolizing positions in that
city because Ihey are better and
more efficient workers. It de
clares that women clerks don't
put their feet on the desks; criti
cise the boss, waste time reading
the sporting news in office hours,
leave the office to smoke ; clear
fttes nor gather in grouim JO
gossip, swear, flirt or boatt.
Time was when there Was no
fuch wholesale testimony ;tn fa
vor . of - the woman rlerkj For
years she suffered under the ridi
cule and criticism of her male
rivals. But in Chicago, at least,
she has evidently lived; it all
down. It shows that sboi t skirts
and lipsticks have not done her
any serious harm? or perchance
that the short skirt and lipstick
variety don't go in for clerking.
We sent our sons to sink or swim
Upon the bloody fields of
Their lives were subject to the
whim !
Of heartless Fate and fickle
For days unnumoercd they en
dured The agonies of hellish strife.
And bled that we might! be as
sured ? k
Pursuit of happiness inilife.
'Mid beating drums and 'bugles'
"We welcomed ; to our shores
Those heroes strong and brave
and fair.
Those "Yankee Doodle super
men. !
And now that once again there
shine , S
The welcome lights of Peace on
Earth, I
Let no man dare to undermine
The creed America gave birth.
Th creed that to a startled world
The principles of freedom
nd Into space forever hurled
The host of autocratic thought.
With this one creed that right
makes might
Our , country - grew until it
stands j
Before the world a beacon Ughl.
The mightiest of modern lands.
A land of hope, of love, of peace,,
With jno wild dreams of, world;
ly power. :.:
; Where roads to happiness in
crease ;
With birth of ; each succeeding
hour. '
I$ut once aroused by those who
seek .
To place obstructions in il3
A land no loncoj- hunible- meek,
A foe relentless in its wrath.
Thus when a ' German tyrant
sought f
To sit as sovereign over earth,
America sailed seas and fought
This brutish beast of human
birth. :
Morris Freeman.
Lloyd Davis Taken to
Home of His Brother
(Spec'al to The Statesman)
Mrs., Tom, Davis is visiting her son
Lloyd who has been at the open
air sanitarium for several months.
He has recovered sufficiently to
be moved to th? home of hs bro
ther. Henry DaVis at Portland.
Miss Mable Robinpon! of Dal
las is a guest of Mis3 : Maurine
Charles Strand, a Univrs ty or
Oregon student, is spending his
vacation at the Silverton saw
Mark A. Taujso.n is teaching at
a preparatory school at Portland
during the nimm?r vacation.
Miss Eva D'gerness is vls!tlng
friends" at Spokane.
Mrs. O. A. Salie and son Ernest
are camping at Wilhoit Sprin".
Mr. and Mrs Lou Ames of Ful
lrton, Cal., are now at ilverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames, former SH
vrrton residents mahe an annual
visit to Silverton. Mr. i Ames is
a brother of Sam Ames of the
Ames Hardware store
Miss Mary Lee DcWitt of Ok
lahoma City. Okla., is visiting Sil
verton friends.? ,
Mr. and Mrsi F. M. Evjnson and
family are preparing to move to
Portland for the remainder of the
Rev. L. C. Foss rf Seattle who
is attending a Lutheran church
circuit meeting at Woodburn this
week motored ;to Silverton to see
the new pine Organ which is be
ing installed In Trinity church.
Tor The
At! the Special
Matinee Saturday
10 a. m. for
lit tier Greatest
"Through Hie Back
DooVV - '
Rv. Mr. Foss was highly pleased
with the organ. He is president
of the Pacific district of Luther
an churches.
J. L. Misner. who lives in
Portland, sold his Fisk street:
llroperty to Mr. and Mrs. John
Gill who recently arrived at Sil
verton from Bridal Veil.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edison and
two sons, Howard and Charles,
have returned from their motor
trln'in PrrHtcer Vah
Miss Althea' Meyers is on the j
sick list this week. t
J. YV. Hyatt, accompanied by
hi ?ltrr. Mrs. M. E DeC.ulre. is
cam pin it at'PeUnrp Springs.
W. L, I'pniin of Portland i
visiting Silverton friends.
Mr, and Mrs. AHr-d Dawn
hvn pnrrbned the AmUIrr f.irm
on th Ablotm.
llev E, H. Ford or Dnfur. Or.,
la visiting at ! C. W. HKer
home. Mr. Ford w a minister
at the Silverton ChrMInn rhurch
a lew yesrs flgu.
Zionists Aid Movement
To Restore Palestine
SHANGHAI. July Kfrctlve
old Is belnjr, given, by the Zionist
association of the Far Kast In
support of the world wide "re
turn to Palestine" movement. Fol
lowing the departure of a first
group of 42 Hebrews, hound for
Palestine from China, steps are
betng taken to arrange transpor
tation and. other details for fur
ther groups to sail from Shang
hai in coming months.
Most of the members of the
first party were war refngees
tr Russia. Poland. Lithuania
and Rumania, and they included
merchants, farmers and artisans.
The traveler were to disem
bark at Port Said and there board
the newly constructed British
war-time railroad for Haifa. Jaffa
and Jerusalem. They will be
cared for at their destination by
representatives of the Zionist Im
migration committee. s
Briit, intelligent boys
with bicycles wantea to
carry morning routes.
This is an excellent op
portunity for ambitious
boys to get a start in
business for themselves
and also make some
money for- their very
own. f
Apply Circulation
Together with our illustration of inc omparable money savers, has met with
great enthusiasm by the cities, towns and country side ,? -
Resulting in A MarchinB
Of These Greater Bargains
$1.25 Values
Now. crisp and clean are
those newest Polly Prim
Aprons, fashioned of finest
quality count percales, new
patterns too that arc sure
to please.
Values to $5.00
Consisting or all wool Sport
and Dress Sweaters made in
novelty block weaves with
collar and cuffs trimmed in
contrasting designs.
$1.50 Values
The richness and simple
ne;s and yet the harmoniz
inK and contrasting colors
and trimmings are sure to
interest eveW woman,
' Values to 1 5c yard at
Including the finest grades
f Valiennces and -.point
laces from one-fjuarter to
two inches in width, assort
ed designs.
$2.50 Values at
Made of finest quality wash
materials and rreaUy trim
med )n very fine color fast
materials. Dig run of sizes
at this prica.
$1.00 Values
MertTized btthing suita of
finest quality, made with
skirt and overslcirt ia a
great a rray of! colors and
patterns, all slies.
i 98c CT Il L h3
"A Sate Place to Trad" I 1
- ,. '1
Fancy Packed Cherries for Shipping
What would your friends in the East and Middle West
appreciate more than a box of the wonderful eherries
from the Willamette Valley. Bings, Lamberts, Royal
Annes packed in 10 pound boxes ready to ship .
$1.25 PER BOX
Give us the name and address, we do the rest j
'. r --'tWatennelons. '.'
Imperial Valley Watermelons, fine red meatej fellows
Cantaloupes, 2 for.. . 25c
Oranges, doz.. 50c and 65c
California Grape Fruit,
3 for . ...,..25c
Bananas, pound....... 1 5c
Binsr and Royal Anne
Raspberries and Black
Caps, Loganberries ; . t! :
Demonstration 1 '
Friday and Saturday we will have a demonstration of
Booth's Crescent Sardines in largaoval tins, packed in -mustard,
tomato sauce and spiced. j
Special for this sale 2 for 15c; 6 for $1.25
Picnic Goods
Our Delicatessen department is always prepared to sup
ply you with ready cooked ioods for picnics, outings,
lawn parties, etc. V - : .. . ; . ' .
Potato Salad ,
Club House Salad
Shrimp Salad
Red Rock Cottage Cheese
Tillamook Cheese
Cream Brick and Lim-
Bluhill, Piemento and
Kraft Cheese in tins -Sliced
Boiled Ham-
A big supply of those fine
day Mocha, rrune, Nut,
Just received a nart of ft
guaranteed acid-proof ; all sizes from V to 20 gallons.
Rot fa Grocery j Ooi
Phone 1885-6-7 No charee for ilirv
Our Yesterday's Ad. Reading
Valour Sport Tarns !
n i ... Kefe;ula$3.50 Values I !
Made of finest' nualitv Vulnur rvmnJin
1 vUAf UVIUI.O 111 till
sortment of colors, Green, Red, Blue. White and
Ladies' Silk
Keguiar Values ?3.75 i '
Ford s style, made with frill pleats on sale at ,
$1.98 I ;.; .
Ladies Drop Stitch Stockings I
Regular Values 35c ! I
Colors of black, brown and white and pthers, priced
AH Wool Jersey Sport Coats
i ii i i Regular Values to $12 I
in all latest, colors, and new styled plated backs at
Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords
t n i , Regular $5.00 grade
. In black and pretty brown, high, low ant military heels '
$2.98 1 '
Women's Suede
, . . fcVKuiar values to $9.0
v.wi:, in. sty ie ana make, high hee
It s no use talkingwe lead them all; our :
If you saw our hjg atf. in yesterday?; Journal you !
would be convinced. Remember: :
Grocery Prices Are The Lowest 1 I
i m i " ixi ii ill "lii i i ii i
Cucumbers, Tomatoes,
v Local Cabbage, Head Let
tuce, Bunch Carrots,
. .
Beets, Turnips, String,
Beans, New Potatoes
Sliced Corned Beef
Lunch Tonguej
Minced Ham
Pressed Veal Loaf ;
Sweet, Dill land Sour
Pickled Souse
Ripe and Green Olives
Paper Plates,' Napkins
Spoons and Forks!
home - made Cakes for Satur
Cocoanut, Angel and Sun
Par nf llniilnm 5i
. 1 : I i' ;
Pongee Blouses
Strap Pumps
is, latest vamp,
! v:.
i : ....... I
' f. . ,
u. .r.
i 1
- Ii 1 r
- . I !
i i .
" """ - - - - - ; fTrI ' ; " "