The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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,'- : -I'-
- p. . , )
blrjel you will he proml to own. Strong, durable f rami- of be. quality sU-rl tubing. KxtcnUon handle burs, ThotiipiW tires, Troxi I puddvd
spring neat, roatr brake, dropsdile guards. Completely equipped with tool ba and frame pump.
Get One of These Famous
iA You must procure at least thirty new 6'tnonih subscriptions.
S B All subscriptions must be taken irom persons who are not regular subscribers of The
V ' Oregon Statesman, 1"; ! V T'
i: - , ' V :
5 C AH subscriptions must be for at least six months.
D This offer is good during the Summer Vacation.
! i4s soon as yoar order are verified you will receive a Harley-Davidson Special BU
cycle FREE from Harry W. Scott, "The CycleMan," 147 Soath Commercial street,
Salem. '
F In case yon are not able to secure thirty new subscriptions, you will be given an order
on Harry W. Scott, for value on subscriptions to apply on purchase of a Harley-
Davidson Bicycle or paid the cash on all subscriptions secured in accordance with
the cash option schedule. ;
There Are No Restrictions ?Any &oy o r Girl in The Pacific Northwest Can Have
f One of These Bicycles. Read How Simple it is For You to Get! One
' Just Secure 30 New Half Yearly Subscriptions
Think of riding a beautiful Harley-Da-vidson
Bicycle. Make your vacation
days count Start at once to get sub
i . '. scrlptions ;
It will be but little trouble to get 30 new
subscriptions for The Oregon Statesman.
This is your golden opportunity
Imformation to Cdntestanta
When you are soliciting subscriptions, don't ring the bell and ask the lady if slit want
to take the paper. The better way is to first ask her if she wants to help yod "Gtt a
Bicycle Free." Have a copy of the paper wit h yoa and show her a iciareof'THEHAR-
LEY SPECIAL. Tell her that it is a $65 Bicycle and one of the best manufactured in the
world. This will interest her and if she is not already a subscriber she will probably sign
up for a subscription. T P,;- M v
Dcn't wait until your entire book is filled. Send in your subscriptions as fast as you se
cure them so that we can verify them promptly and start delitierinjt the' paper, Bear in
mind that you only have to get (30) subscriptions and we will deliver the bicycle to yoa
at once. I " M ,
i T . 1
tt'ijn, tin
Pay No.
You Are Not Required to Collect Any Money Simply Send in the Blank With
Subscriber's Signature
The Harley-Davidson The Best Bicycle in the World
Fully Guaranteed by the, Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Cash Option Schedule
A contestant who does notjsecure enough subscriptions to win a bicycle will be paid for thesub
scriptions securetl on the following commission basis: " 1 , . '-
Number ;.-( , : -':; w':.r; !
1 to 5 subscriptions. . 25 cents for each subscription .
5 to 10 subscriptions 50 cents for each subscription '-V
10 to 15 subscriptions G5 cents for each subscription . ,
15 to 25 subscriptions..., 75 cents for each subscription!,:'
25 to 29 subscriptions ...!.........$1.00 ' for each subscription - ' "
If a contestant secures a total of 30 subscriptions and prefers the cash to the bicycle, we wil
award that contestant $10.00 cash in instead of tha bicycle.
Country Boys -- Country Girls
fei and Women h$$&'
We are offering to the boys and girls who do not live in Salem the same opportunity to win a Bike, Absolutely Free
of Charge. If you live outside of Salem and want to enter the contest, fill in the coupon printed beloV'and mail
promptly to The Circulation Department of The Oregon Statesman. Subscription cards and all information' will be
sent to you by return mail. Start at once. Get your friends and neighbors to subscribe. In a short time you, can
get the required Thirty and as soon as we verify them this wonderful Bicycle will be sent to your home free of charge.
Circulation Department,
: Salem, Oregon
I want to win a Harley-Davidson Special Bi
cycle. Send me full information on how I can get
one Fit EE. . ,
'! J-'i Name '. ...I................. ...?
t r ' Address . ;
; City...,.
r State:-.: -
"The Cycle Man
147 South Commercial St.
Salem, Or.
land inspect the beautiful display of Boys' and Girls' Special Harley-Davidson Models
A Bike for Every Boy or Girl
Small ones for the small boys and girls Larger: ones for the larger boys and girls
Don't let the boys get
U .11 fit AC A hi.
cycles. Remember that
ri the beautiful Harley-
Davidson in a special
model for girls is also
offered. ..
Rhone 583:
1! 1 1 "
'I "
' i