THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON I - FRIDAY MtfMffKG. JULY 8. 1921 ? ' I ; - - Issued Dally Eleept Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 215 8. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon . rortland PI flee. 627 Board of Trade Building, i Phone Aatomatlc : rK -:.-:.: 27.(9) :; ' . MKMI1F.II OP THE ASSOCIATED IHf8 The Associated .Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub- cation of all news.dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited this paper wna also ,tbe Jocal news pupiisneonerem. J. Hendricks....... Itephen Ai Stone.. talph Cloter . .... frank JasfcoskI . . . , Manager , . .-. . - Cashier Manager Job Dept. 3AILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents week. 45 cents a month. pAILT STATESMAN, by mail, in advance, $6 a year, $3 for six months, $1.50 for three months, 50 cents a month, in Marion and Polk counties; outside of these counties, $7 a year. $3.50 for six months, $1.75 for three months. 60 cents a month. When not paid in advance. 50 cents a year additional. HZ PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, . wilt be sent a year to anyone paying a year in advance to the ; Daily Statesman: UNDAY STATESMAN, $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months;- 40 cents for three months; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 cents for one month. i . h'EEKLTl STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance, $1.25); 50 r' cents for six months; 25 cent for three months. ducers hav- headquarters ;in Washington, but Vary a consum ers' league. Yet we wonder why prices of so mny things are tti'I so high. Wood row Wilson has been ad mitted to practice law in Wash ington and New York without ex amination. ,A man who can preach it with such distinction hhould be able to practice a law without question; MAXIFKSTATIOXH OF PATIUO "I T1SM. TELEPHONES: I Business Office, 23. Circnlation Department, 683 V Job Department, 583 . Society Editor, 10 Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. IS THIS SACRIFICE NEVER TO END? As war's alarums recede an.l the thought of the country is at tracted to the arts of peace we must beware lest the demobili zation of troops and the conver sion of the weapons of war into implements 'of industry should lead to a discontinuance of the manifestations of patriotism. The flag of our country is' just as glor ious in peace as in war. It is not a relic to be stored away and for gotten like bayonets in their sheaths when the guns have ceased to roar. The sword may rust in its scabbard, but the Stars and Stripes should be ever pres ent, ever new. Men who always stood uncov ered when the flag was carried past by troops on their way to I rights, not human wrongs. Not all those living in our country, not all those born here, are 'Americans at heart. This condition is partly due to con genital perverseness of mind and largely to misdirected education. There are associations that place the red flag in epirk above the Stars and Stripes; who make a mockery of patriotism, who would little I inspire contempt for the emblems of government in order that gov ernment itself might be more easily destroyed. It is by exam ple a3 well as precept that this l ernicious doctrine should be con luted. True Americans are not ashamed of their patriotism. They do not carry their love of per sonal liberty to the point of ex pressing contempt for national unity. They regard personal ser vice to their country alike as a privilege and a duty. They re move their hats when the na tional colors go by; they stand when the national anthem is played and they condemn tho3e who, for any reason, abstain from similar manifestations of patriotism. OFF TO EUROPE TO HELP REBUILD LOUVAIN. . f i .-""V l5- H N ! K -xXv&n- ' I if 'At ! i 4,.'- v.,, Ml WW n DISPUTE . , . ... j. Pretty Problem Comes Up For Solution irr Courts' , . In Massachusetts ; .... .:: - t TIIK DR1DLY AVEILUiK. - o Automobiles killed 2 8 persor3 in the street traffic of Los An- the training; camps or returning geiC8 during the month of June frOm . the battlefield sometimes I The deadly average appears to b neglect this act of patriotic hom- gteadily maintained. Year in and age when tne late oi me country out each day takes its toll of I no longer rests on the issue of at least one life as a sacrifice- on battle. Patriotism is not a pose; :t; is not a sentiment to be- in voked only when our nation is fighting for, its honor or its ex istence against foreign foes Xeither is It a garment to be donned only on gala occasions. It is the heart throb of our com mon country. The flag is the symbol of national unity, of na- ibnal existence. To us it typi fies the spirit of freedom which should impel us in peace no less than in war. The heart that re-, sponds not to the sentiment, "My Tiag and My Country," and the hand that , gives not an . outward the altar of speed. Ordinances and regulations have no material effect in shortening the list. The old man with the scythe in his hand is at every corner. Los An geles Times. MIMICAL NOTE. There may not be much har mony in the Knocker's Quartet but there is considerable volume. The instrumentation include? Sen ator Borah on the harp; Senator Johnson with the bull fiddle; Boo La onette ana the snare drum, and Tom Watson with tht expression of it are the heart and bazoo. Their last ensemble work the hand of a slacker; and this hreed is even more numerous and nore pestilential In peace than in war. Insidious forces are always at work, to undermine the heroic was in sounding a protest aeainst I the nomination of William How ard Taft to be chief justice of the supreme court. It wa3 not very etrecttve. Tn3 nearest ap proach to harmony in this in-lRarl Hohitc nf Din DirA Kn snlrlt that Is the euaAntv alike 1. v I ui.-uiy unu MIC . : - i siruuicuiaiiuu is wiitru t'Ht n uer1 if our existence as a nation and tur present; high position as one of the great powers. Some cheap en thtir patriotism by keeping it always on parade. Others pack j it away in moth balls and forget former is playing a different tune. When they all get together on the notes of the "I Am Feeling Blue" the effect is discordantly depressing. If they should ever ry to render "The Star Spangled1 Banner" together the audience merging it into a maudlin inter- cnase them aIl ovcr the piace. Exchange. . Secretary of the Treasury Mellon advises congress not o pass the bonus bill. He says the cost will stagger the nation. --f! r : -: ' ! ' '-. ' Mr J Mellon is rather short-sighted. It is to be hoped the r.d ministration will not take the same stand. t 1 ..... . Mt HoW easy it is to forget! This onus should be iigurea n nrmj rf fnaf fn enrh inHivirlnal in tlo TInitpd RtntAS. &nd P.rhat would it amount to? The little sacrifice necessary for each individual to pay his share would be as nothing. I ! Thej real sacrifice, the really overburdened treasury, is the treasury of the ex-soldier, who sacrificed his time, his hioney, his job, his business, his prospects for the. future, his bpportuhities for promotion; went into soldier camps, trained land drilled and performed service for sixteen hours a day, faced the terrors of the submarines in crossing, the ocean, hvent into the fight on, the western front in a perfect hell of Icombat,! night and day, that it is impossible for any man to fpicture by tongue or pen, and that it is impossible for any man to understand and appreciate who has not been there. When they went over there," they went expecting to bo sacrificed every one of them, to be blown into smithereens by shot and shell, to be gathered up in shapeless masses and dumped into common craves marked "unknown. i Seventy-five thousand of the boys were left over there ' i i i ' tt .j : r ." j j ine Daiance aisumyea, mucn to ineir surprise ana reiunitu .ilany'of them got their jobs back; many of them did not. A Dercentaire were found unfit by physical disabilities caused by their wounds or the rigors of the service, to hold their old jobs or to make their way profitably in the world. Some of them started hi again where they left off, with out particular handicap except a net loss dt from one to three years out of their lives ' never to be regained, and lor wnat: . For the magnificent remuneration 'Of one dollar a day, nearly All of which was taken up in paying for insurance, fort where they have laid it. a few allotments for the support of the home folks, or for Liberty would rob it of its virility by would not only rise but would bonds to further help win the war. (If the home folks had subscribed as liberally as the soldiers, according to their in-J romes, the entire cost of the war .would have been met by c ver-subscription of the first bond issue) There isn't any use trying to tell of the sacrifices and losses of these men from that service. It can't be done. There isn't any use trying to reimburse them for those losses- - , ; ' j -vi-.-'i --1' " It cant' be done. . ' . . . And the soldiers don't ask it and don't want it. They ask for no reimbursement, but for a pitiably small readjustment to help them get a start in the world. ,. v. i The government and the people have an obligation They owe this much to the soldiers. The cost to. our country of one month's continuation of the war would, have been more than the cost of this entire bonus. -vf'i'-:. i IH'vvN ' :'.;' :K" " v5- A1 European authorities expected this war to continue another year. It was because the American doughboys fought like hellions, beyond all. precedent, beyond all possibility of expectation, that, the power of the' Kaiser was broken in No vember, 1918, instead of in the summer of 1919. v The money that was saved to the people of this country arid tcf the people itif Europe by, this early peace makes the cost of this bonuSjlook like a Chinese copper with a hole in it. ; It: is estimated that the cost of another nine, months war to the United States .would have been more than the en tire cost previous to that time, yet this country would have ptood it and several years more if neaessary, and it would have weathered the storm. ; ' ' Why . such . cant ; and piffle as , thb ' attack by Secre tary Mellon, fostered in the Senate by the Democratic leader, Senator Underwood? Why didn't they think of this cost! while ,the boys were over there? Why were the boys kept in the trenches at one dollar a day, most of which the g6v ernment' took back, while those who remained al keme be came profiteers4 beyond their wildest dreams? Men whose, normal earning capacity was two dollars to three dollars were able to earn fifteen dollars and upwards. Little! contractors became great plutocrats. More than a thousand millionaires were-made. More millionaires were made by the war in the United States than existed before the war in all the' world combined , ;v s ..And it wasn't right. ;" V , ; It was a sin to turn the home country into, a perfect orgy of extravagance and grrt and plunder at the expense of the government-rat the expense of the men who had gone across, and at a cost of thousands of lives bv decreased efficiency. .Isn't it pitiable to hear this cry at this time? It is mere-' ly another move to protect further the profiteers at the ex-i pensd of the ex-service men. None of those profits went to thenv They found themselves shut out of it when they re-? turned home and even their jobs gone. . i Is this sacrifice never to end? ! . r. A i 7 '-TV Us i . i r At' A? - ' 'i'i ' s ft thm dark void above. City offic-- . ials assert that the passage ia not' a part of the tunnel and that it ' any income is to be bad from It -the. city is entitled to It. - ' Thft passage or gallery as the, railway company describe it, came into being because the Ros ton rapid transit commission which had charge of the construe tion of the underground system built this section of, tunnel nqt by boring but by digging froi the surface and found it cheaper later to roof ft over under the, - street than to fill in the cavity. , BOSTON, July C Property rights in a hole in the ground under Winter street in the cen ter of Hoston's retail shoppinj; district are in dispute letween the city and the Boston Elevated Railway company. The hole is pn underground passape. the ex istence of which the dispute has made known for the first time to thousands of persons who travel daily tlirouxh the tuftnis. sub ways and suB-subways in-thecity.-it was built some years ago and runs the whole length of Winter street, lying between the roof of the Cambridge-South Boston tun nel and the street surface. . jit has never been used. j Attention has recently Jeen called - to it through a petition of the railway company for sanc tion of a plan to repj. the space to abutting stores for storage use. - The company contends that inasmuch as it holds a lease of the Cambridge-South Boston tun nel, it has a property right In Read The Classtled- Ads. CORRECTION In our ad. in the Capital Journal of last evening's issue we erroneously ad vertised Pictorial Pat terns for July. We should have said Ladies Home Journal'.. Patterns - for July. t i .1 ; PEOPLE'S, CASH STORE Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, who with Mrs. Iiutlur ami il.-'fr daujh r, Mi33 Sarah Schuyler Butler, sailed for Europe. wlir Dr. Puller iil .iddress a congress of Premiers in. London and participate, ia Jia vemoiiiea preliminary to rebuilding of Vie Lonvain Library. 1 T i Board Appointed by (John! Burroughs Reports To President Harding GOOD DEEDS ARE SEEN Over-Balanced by His Progressiveness ! the president of the United States sitting as a judge in the case, that these birds should not die, but should be allowed to remain alive in their native haunts, with no legislative sentence hanging, a dread menace, over their heads. "Signed: Harold V. T. Roach, Edward It. Tindell, Esther J. Kogers. Charles Keene. Jr.. Ham ilton Bradley. Dorothy Sheckells, Merrill K. Clementson and James B. Bradley." nationalism When the national anthem i; played and the national colors are unfurled tfue Americans ' never Hesitate to stand up and be count ed. No written law demands it The one who remains seated or with head j covered violates only his conscience bat it is an outward manifestation of the inward lack of the patriotic spirit. It is not a question of the purpose of the parade or : demonstration. The flag Itself may be carried by one BITS FOR BREAKFAST j 4 Coming right along V S AH the paved road3 builders. S Even Polk county will get some more paved roads, if her people will quit quarreling. H. Field, just east of the state hospital (asylum) nas 8000 to 10.000 broccoli nlants for sale pt doubtful loyalty, aitnougn tnis i Her phone number fa 106F3. Not President Hardin? to get! rid of Is suggesting an instance that j a single broccoli plant should be the owls at once if there (are afly WASHINGTON?, VJuly 7i The wis can live: The Johns 15ur roHghs club jHry appointed by President Harding when visiting the hite Honso some time ago to consider the question, slays so. and the jury so reported today n a memorandum liled hy the youngsters with George Hi Chris tian, Jr.. the president's' secre tary. The finding of the jury is based upon the' club's Investi gation and upon hundreds of briefs filed with the American Forestry association for the club from every section of thf cotin-j iry. : Owls Kill lVs's. 1 These briefs: to ox up every phase of owl values as pest de stroyers to their fabied irifluenee en th; lives of human j beings. Some of the writers called unnn Blackberrying Favorite Sport With Silvertonians SILVERTON, Ore., July 7. (Special to The Statesman) Blackberrying has become a. popu lar sport among Silvertonians. Every day sees groups of men, wo ;;ien and children with their pic nic diners motoring into the hills and forests in search of the moun tain "blackberry. There is a larger crop of these than usual and the berries are tar per and finer flavored than in former years. Love is a disease of the heart that affects the head. Very rarefy occurs; it may be used as a camouflage for a demonstra tion that is the antithesis of pa triotism; f the anthem may be played by musicians who are not Americans; but they do not cease to be the Bymbols of our common allowed to go to waste. in the White Hduse grounds andJ -m -m predicted all kinds of bad luck The money that will roll in for his administration. The John f nut .I,. k.i.nnnll n w n n t n rV. I f . . . . 1 I 1 . lui iuc ui rK.ju iiuii i ii rcuiuair iiurioiiens ciuoi however rnn- and March will come mighty han- sidered only the economy valup y- - Jof the owls, ffirjthe question put V "W to them by "Judge" Harding was i-roi. uouquei aavises mat no in regard to birds that nrv ' j , t .v " applications of fertilizer bo ap- other birds being allowedUo live country and it is to the symbols plied to broccoli fields at this . The findings of the furv as ana not to tne inuiviauais inai i s. hc u wcu hkioi auom nied atthe White House todav the homage Is rendered. TV M fin. n 'Aciricuve iui 111c 11.5 ouu mi the nationatanthem Is a funda mental of Americanism that should be Inculcated in the mind of every American boy and girl from infancy. There should be jm0nth a place for the flag in every Am erican home and it should be dis played on national patriotic anni versaries.; There should be a flas broccoli maggots, and when his follows answer comes, tne two letters will in spite of the fact that these u i,uu,ucu. o!rds destr0y other3 of lfeir Qwn " . . M'k. the have to their credit and ine way lne pavea roaa is in defence of their lives the fact f"W"! aJ.?.fm ""J fe"er-' that they are of much ex-onomic I .7, "V- . v V , lcc " value and have cert That will be fine. N N" Now, hurry all the paving that will -accommodate the state fair visitors and some one suggest bow to close up the dusty hiatus In every schoolroom to be dis- down by the Valley Packing Co llogs.islogan next week, Tho loga editor wants your help, if jou are not a jhog. r. . , Imaginary conversation: Den by to! Sims: . "All I want from you is silence; and damned little f that.'.' .National TrlbrniB. N It the ITnltetl Etatea senate w, l'Upp-d with a magnavot this JJsaag;s: '" 1 ' 11 r- 1 would country for a man Who loved his peace and quiet-" Carry on; keep on keeping on and the fruit crops will all b saved. The Salem spirit of coi operation is greaL " . : FUTURE DATES ! " i:..v io,wi in ixl.Mi. ''' '"Huf Mri rnnnlf V- t, I '. . tt t . -., About the only thing accom plished by the recent bombing tests was the killing of 22 avl; atoae. Tletter get the Inventor ti sell his patent-16 Japan. '' .J.J played on occasions when the pn pils are taught lessons in patrio- tism, a part of the curriculum that is too often neglected. It should be preserved in its purity; a bedraggled flag is ah ensign of bedraggled patriotism. Misuse of the flag and of the national ' anthem should . be pen alized by legislation. They are sacred things that should be sul lied neither in form nor in spirit. Familiarty will not breed con tempt, provided the spirit of pa triotism is invoked when its em blems appear. Using the lag as an advertising medium or as a belt for a pugilist is an offense to the eyes and the spirit of every loyal citizen. Respect tor the things' tat deserve respect should bo, taught in thb classroom and should not be forgotten in after life. Immigrants should be made to understand that tho Stars and Stripes are the emblem of lib erty. Some who have lived under tyrannical governments regard their national colors as a symbol of tyranny. It is by example that they must be taught that the gov ernment of-the United States Is plant. Let every foot of the Pac ific highway in Marion county be paved. Two Collisions Are Reported to Police Two accidents involving trucks were reported to police head quarters yesterday. Rudolph Follon. driver for the Timmie Transfer company, re--orted that while turning south on Commercial street from Union street his truck had been rammed n th rear by a Ford bearing a Canadian license. The Ford suffer ed a broken windshield and a bent fender while no damage was done to the truck. J. Radeinacher reported that while driving on the Pacific high hv about one mile south of Ttrooks bis automobile had bren booked by a truck, tearing oft a ua&gaKe earner on the back of his car. A suitcase and Its contents were also damaged in the accident. N'elther of the drivers was Injured. ercinizationi'of pro- "I. wonder if dyeing one's hair is really as dangorons as the doc tors say?" said Watts. "You, bet It is," replied He.i peck.' "An uncle of mine tried 'mil In 1m -4ht Ik. .1 Ik. l'n,l.,J 0 " and'that'thc-natr iypinci'hnmaBtTOfk Globe. ' ain other Qual ities in their favor. i t'row in Doubt, f "We shall take for Instance the crow, whose value in lessln ing the number pf harmful insect was so great that for a long time scientists working for the gov ernment were ijnable to jsay that his bad acts counterbalanced his ood deeds. i "Next we take the great horned own. whose bad habits are well known, but even he kills rats, mico and other rodents : "Finally we tome to the coop ers and sharp-skinned t hawks, who. especially ;th coopers hawk, have brought wrath and f hate up on the heads of even the less de structive birds of prey of the country. "But then. Can we convict a whole class ofcnl's creatures be cause a few havo been known to slaughter thein own kind? Gan that inexorable t law of nature, "the survival: of the ! fittest." which has been since thp world becan. be broken by usfwho owe so much to it. j;en un tot our very evistence? Drt we put a sen tence of death on all bears be cause a few hve been known to at domestic ijnimflls? f We kill thtn if we know they ar cuiltv, that is all. if we -destroy thV feathered mur)erer wt huist alo pass Fentence on the? parasitic vine, which ent-irclfs 'and saps tho life from the feturdy forest tree! Gors W3H FollofeU. "Nay, it is !not for his to d these thines. If it wer God's will j they should perish, it would ho. unnecessary for us to pitl mtr puny j selves against the countless rtoeka! o'er otir nation, therefor w tbni New John Burrnueba rluf. r i.'r,m,l : .... tfcchool, wish toi state to his lwaovfLr Made to Measure Suits Priced From $30 to $60 And each suit is perfectly tailored to your measure by first-class workmen from the best fabrics made in America today. Our guar antee stands behind every suit we sell and assures sat isfaction in all ways. - Our garments are of PURE VIR GIN WOOL; are WELL TAILORED, STYLISH, and CORRECT IN FIT, and com bine quality with economy, because with every suit or dered irpm us now we will make an - Extra Pah of Pants o .the same material at .ab solutely no increase in price. Take adva-mage of this gen- uinc offer today. Scotch WOOLEN t KILLS - 42l' Stale Street . -.Salerri, "Oregon. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 . , General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m. 1 1 Rostein & Greenbaum Thread Silk Hose, not fibre, Black - Cat Brand. L:i i. ...$1.23 and $1.00 Outsizes, Silk Hose, special, good quality at......$l.15 BATHING SUITS Pretty colors, nice fcjoods, quality and style, all sizes also bathing shoes and caps. SOME SPECIALS 56-inch Broadcloth, in Navy, Brown and Grey, yd. $1.25 Toweling, all linen, natural shade, extra heavy yd: 18c $1.00 Curtain Etamine. ...: .50c,! 75c Marquisette :..;'...L'. : ...; ;..35c 50c White Gabardine for Skirls, yard i.39c $10 Black Sateen Petticoats Colored Organdies, beautiful shades ' 1 STANDARD BRANDS :.90c 1- j- Devonshire Cloth Percales, Ginghams, Romper Cloth and Indian Head 33 inch, 36 inch, 44 and 54 inch, Drilling, Canvas and Tickings. r j .' . : y ' i 240 and 246 North Commercial St. FaairinioOaaG3 ' AT 1819 SOUTH 13TII STREET, , . Saturday, July 9th Commencing at l o'Clock SharpAll the Furniture in ' a. 7-Room House . i -. 4 beds, 3 bed springs, 4 good mattresses, C oak dining chairs, 7 kitchen chairs,, 4 rockers, 2 oak dressers, 1 good sewing inachine, 1 Axminister rug, linoleum 12x15 a.4 good as new; inlaid linoleum, 12x14 ft.; 1 couch, 1 large quarter sawed oak dining table, 2 kitchen ta bles, 1 oak buffet, 1, kitchen cabinet, 1 home comfort range stove, 1. Cascade range stove, 1 good heater, 1 set: of; harness, 1 cultivator, 1 wheel barrow, II lot of glass jars, kitchen utensils, 1 hack. A Jot of garden tools and a lot of other articles everything in the home. I am leaving the city. c . This Furniture Is All In Good Condition ' Come and be on lime at 1 o'clock sharp; 1819 South 131 street, Salem. To arrive at sale take the twelfth street car and get off at 1800 block; go one block east to thirteenth street to sale. Terms cash: I V " SeeSattcrlee If you" want to sellj QVEEfyQ?. J ' G.SATTI! RLEE, Auctioneer