The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    the man had jtafcen i ;.iuU of pa-
bruid'ofi tlwni. trappfd muiotrtr.
,rr?s sfo t 1 hem atd oo J e4
up the bottoms to lve irouser
.te-l. -nt Ukinit off tiU bat.
hoe and btUt. the man. . was;
reaujr to go lb bHl. . 1
Mr. Hlrd i sought: so : troll t;
the. ingenuit) ?of the man. who
Had defeated the hot f weather
tlut he gavj order tor ifTfril
thousand morv najaman to tw ds
inbuti ho no Hnian nttd wear
his heavy, shabby winter clothes.'
rw HE" Mothers' class o'
I First Methodist church
1 an nultlocr meetine' Tup
(lay ot, las', week.; in Mariou
square. It wan the regular month
ly meeting .ind was a' very pleas
ant one for felt. There was a pa
jier on 'Mm her lve," read by
Mrs. S. HhankH, and a round
iabie talk on "Community Life",
vhicb was very interesting. . TJhe
Committee sorved refreshments at
'the cloe of the meeting.
I " .
I Mrs. A. n. McLeod' returned
Tuesday from a seven week! visit
t ith her mother, Mra. A. E. Whit
ney of iturllngton. Wash.
i -
: Mrs. A. Kozer returned Sun
day from a vlait with her mother.
Mrs. It. A. T.elcher, of Portland,
ilrs. Kozer, was away lor two
i ;
- Miss Mildred Meredith. i visit
ing two Reboot friends MlH8 Kliza
teth Hankst. and' Mis Klissabetii
Keiktl. of Yakima. Wash. Shi
the will be away a month, j The Mer
hadlediths formerly lived in Yakima.
the eluh, who is in Handy, with
her husband who hafr elargTf
the Mt. Hood loop construct Iob
work, being lon" by 'the' state
highway department.
r- !
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, and 1
...... ' 1 Him . U t 1 1 , M I
le West. Mrs. K G. Brock hr
son Perry and daughter. Doro
thy, and Miss Myrtle Watsel, wcr-
a- party uho returned Tuesday
night from Pacific itv from a
Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Sykes re-,;
turned last night from Seattle, j Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton
having visited with Mrs. Syfce '. i will spend nxt week in Seattle,
sister. Mrs. C. K. Sh-nk of that'; and Victoria. H. V. They will "b
place.' ; accompanied as far as Portland
j by their daughters, Jeanette and
The Woman's Home Missionary j Marie, who will spnd the week
society of th? Jason I,ee Methodist j there with Mrs. Patton's sister,
church, will hold a meeting this : Mrs. O. Hatton.
artrrnoon at the home of Mrs.!
Hell Roberts.' This is the regular' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry and
monthly meeting, and a good at-j children. Kenneth, Vernon and
tendance is desired. , Leon, motored to the Tillamook
Atlel Garrtaoa'a New Ptuu Of
i irom oar Alii! little perrorm- r
j aace' this af tetrwon ' thai ,-1. w,sj
! quite !ed up d-tlie Urowtf
proposition, aqd Ir.tfhdiai to cast i
bt? glances in janotfcer ilir t lion." ;
i t
j Ha tirky Intuition?
; f av'e an iiripatient litil, iph
at p.t'kt's tlriKtous biatiir. fut i
had ; ItartK'd v'Ktlotn v;th lh
ynra 'and diia't v-dicp irrin
tiou, instead ll dcVil(d my min i
Jo the mental; translation of u s
jargon. )
'You rea'ly; think he's attract
ed by Lfila?? I askvtl :ipfrly.
forfeit ine; Uita Urown for the ino
menjt in thi hint of a romatic. ,
I)Icky cast p vhimfical glance ,
at nip. !
I "Oh. no. lie; doesn't know sh'
on tarth,'' hj bgan 'isinply
thu abrupt'y 'chajiaed his raan-
a i n r. :
Russian. Officer With Cane
And Monocle Struts
In Pajamas
Six Week Summer.. Term
, June 20 July 29
Salem School of Expression
i ";;i4T N. Commerclar St.
f Phone 1484J
X2S N.' Liberty" St.
Mr?, n. J. Miles is spending two
weeks in Portland, the fjuest ot
her son, Roderick C. Miles, and of
her daughter. Mrs. W. A Knight
Mrs. Miles will return this week
end. Mr. and Mrs Miles Miller and
Miss HiUW Kelson" of Portland,
have been guests at the: IT. S. Mil
ler home on High street, the past
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy . Mills, were
In Portland Tuesday and Wednes
day, on a shopping tour. Mr. and
Mrs. Mills and little daughters,
Alb-rta and Ha, leave Saturday
for Newport where they will havQ
a cottage for the summer.
Mrs. Oeorge II. Alden attended
the conference board of the M,h"
odist missionary work, held In
Portland Wednesday at the Port
land settlement center, where
they minister to 25 different na
tionalities. Two national bureau
secretaries were present; Mrs. N.
n r.tgn nf Sun Francisco, who
has charge of the OrJojntal work I
of the society, and Mrs. f. .
Eeggs or Topska. Kail., who has
charge of the Indian Work for the
W. H. M. S. .
The Modern Writers club met
Wednesday night .at the public li
brary, ' The club expets'to go to
Randy, Or., in two weeks tor tbe
next meeting, to visit; Mrs. Fred
erick David Eason. a i member of
beaches for their holiday vaca-,
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Pound re
turned home Wednesday night
from a camping trip of a few days
near Nastucca bay on the coast.
They had as their guests Dr. E.
L. Ketchum and children. Gene
and Verne of Independence, and
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Stidd of Port
land They report a very enjoy
able outing with lovely weather
for their trip.
Prof. E. C. Richards is in Ber
keley, Cal.. for the summer, at the
1 niversity of California. He is at
tending lectures, getting inspira
tion for his winter's work. Pro-i
fessor Richards is head of the
rhetoric department at Wlliametee
' Mr. end Mrs. George F. Rod
gers and daughter 'Margaret, mo
tored to Portland this morning to
meet Miss Margaret's friend. Mls
Marjorie Brush, who is coming
from Brookline. Mass.. to spend
tbe summer at the Rodgers' home.
"Here's your drug Fhoi."
Alfred swung the car to the sid
of tho road, drew up in front of a
village pharmacy as if he had been
driving a car for years.
"And here's your matnme."
held out a bill.
"Oh. I don't want that! Ill
only have to get it changed. "' Ri'a
Brown spoki petulantly. I sur
mized that she was glad of art ex
.cus? to vent her resentment
against Alfred Durkee.
"Allow me, old uear " Dicky ( Roniebody
sprang to his f?et. held out some ! somebody
silver to th girl, then opened the i village to s-nU h r an urgent
door and assisted her to the (summons home tonirbt."
ground with a sweeping flourish! (To be continued)
of his, hat. "May I assist you fn i ''
. i i i s i . . . . !' :
iii)noiiuiK, noiu uie re etver io ;
your shell-like ear or any little EdiiCatOfS frOlX! East
tning like taatT I shouut so uko
to help you." Dicky's voice ex
pressed the most elaborate con
cern. I wished that be would forego
his love of teasing in this particu
lar instance' for the gtrl's, eyes
were smoldering with wrath. She
was in no mood for pleasantry of
any description.
"1 don't recteniber cv r s.e;r:T
old ;AIf quitrvso. sitting up ana
tzkfng quit-' much notice." he
said ref Jnctiveiy. "1 only hope
the Fairfaxes j won't go when tht
Brown departs "
'"Whar'matees you think she"
going?"' persisted.
"Intuition. :life-of-me-hart. I
know as well as if t:were l'stenlag
to fcer that she's arranging with
in 5 old Ueafi'taometao
in klear old llnieuwicli
At Hock Bottom Prices
Dicky Would Bet.
We are closinp; out our entire stock of summer millin
ery at a great sacrifice in prices. We are not; looking
for the cost; but must move this millinery in order to
make room for the fall stock soon to arrive, j
$2.00 Children's Hals....! 85c
Xadies Hats, $5.00-$12.00 values ...$1.85 to $5.00
i"i : if ' .. -. i
Our notions are the best
in the city. Just received
a fine line of D. M. C.
crochet and embroidery
thread, all kinds.
i Hoke
Extra good values in la?
dies' silk' fibre hose,
black and brown.
Children's Hose ...-10c
j 152 North Commercial Street
"Get Into the Habit of Trading Here
Maurice Sells, who is attend
ing the summer term of the Pnf
versitv of Oreeon. spent a few
days here this week with his
mother, Mrs. N. Selig of 1115
Marion street.
Miss Ora Merrifleld is here
from Culver. Ore., islting at the
home of her auut, Mrs. H. F.
Shanks. She is also taking violin
lessons while here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop have
returned from a delightful outing
at Newport, Nye Creek, and Agate
bench. They report that they en
joyed the novelty of-being in the
light house at Agate beach, and
that they met .several Salem peo
ple who. have cottages at the sea
side for the summer. Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith has the Thomas
Ryan cottage at Nye Creek at this
Mrs. E. E. Pattock and daughter
Dorothy, and Mr. George Taylor
of Seattle, visited yesterday with
Mrs. William Staig, a sister of
Mrs. Pattock.l The"motored over
from Fndependeno where they are
spending the summer.
Mrs. Glyda Klstner of Ontario,
Cal., is the house guest of Mrs
R. B. Duncan. She came last
Thursday and will remain for the
Miss Jessie Farrell. accompa
nied by Mrs. Hughes and daughter
Esther, motored from Portland
this week and were guests of Mrs
J. L. Stockton of North Summer
street. Mrs. Hughes Is the widow
of the late BishOD Hughes of
E. W. McCann of Colfax la
guest at the Harry M. Styles home.
Mr. McCann is a pioneer of the
Very: Special - Selling
, . Of Women's Aprons Yofle Dresses
and Children's Dresses
' New Ones JiistUnpacked
Aprons 69c Voile Dresses $1.98
Hundreds and Hundreds To Choose From
This sale is the result of a special purchase
on which we secured a great concession, and
on which we give you the,ene!it j the savings .
we made. ,When you consider that the prices
listed just cover the cost of their manufacturer
and the styles are Very good and desirable, the
materials of good fast color Gingham and Per
cale. this sale will seem all the more remarkable
to you. Pay i a visit and judge for yourself.
She had accepted the silver
coins with s- cool, criso "Thank
You." SIih turned on Dicky now
with a look that spelled anger
rising almost to the danger point-
"Suppose yon close your trap
and bolt it'" she said raucously,
with a reversion to the type from
wh'"!! I suspected she had oeen
bred, and turning upon her- heel
walked haughtily into the drug
'Dear chee-ild! I'm so afraid
she's upset about something.
Dicky's face was like an under
taker's, his voice a piping fal
setto. "What can H be? AUie,
you naughty, naughty boy, wjiy
didn't you let hr have tbe seat
by your side?"
Alfred spread his hands toward
Leila, nodded h's head smilingly,
but vouchsafed no otjier answer.
The Virginia girl's cheeks vied to
color with the berries she had
been hulling before tha tldfc.
Dicky regarded hr quizzically
I was afraid he would make some
other teasing Remark to her, rose
to my feet quickly, seizing the
first excuse I could think of to
divert Dicky's attention.
"Oh, Dicky, there's a display oft
inose ruDners ior in ramiiug
iars which mother i
kee wanted so much? See. in
that grocery window
n't get them In the Martin stores,
Let's hurry. We can get tbm ftyTf,,
the time Miss Brown finishes her
"Anything to oblige you, petty-J
dear." WOien Dicky is in a teas
ing mood he generally invents
some ridiculous "pet name" with
which to address me, knowing my
abhorrence of public endearments.
Rut as we walked toward the gro
cery store he dropped his affect-
ed manner abruptly.'
"Bet you a fiver we. see the last
of Her Grace of Greenv.ich to
night," he said in a voice meant
for .my ear oniy. .
"What do you mean?" I askea
"What I say. She'll fly, the
coop tonight."
"But she's made all plans to
stav days longer."
That was wh-?n she stilT bad an
Idea she might cop old Alf out
wien he wasn't looking, or. had
forgotten to cross his fingers. But
she isn't quite bone from "r
neck up, you know, and anybody
who wasn't solid ivory above the
shoulder blades would deduce
Visiting at Silverton
: .i I
SILVERTON, Ore., July 7.
(Special to The Statesman) Mr.
and .Mrs. Oscar Tinprlestad and Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Tinclestad and'
baby daughter arrived in Silver
ton last nisjhtj to make an extend
ed visit with their parents on Lib
erty hill. Mr. and i Mrs. Oscar
Tlnglesad lfve at l"eeorah. Ia..
where Mf.'Tiiiglesta! is instructor
in pecorah colleiMV Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Tinglesfad are from South
.Dakota where Mr. TingJestad was
principal $f 8 nigh school. The
trip was made by motor car.
Roth of the Tinclestad boys
have lived in Silverton and arr
Veil known .here. Mr: Edwin
TJnglestad aMo hSaiTe-her home at
Silverton for $ointime a few years
ago. She will be remembered as
Mias Ida Fjejd.
SjLVERTqx. Or., July 5.
(Special to The Statesman.)
Clara Brendcin. the baby daugh
ter of Iver Brendon, was buried
from the P-redno home this mor
ning. Rev. George Henrlcksen of
ficiating, i
Mr. and Mrs. O. Rerg of Port
land spent the week-end at Sil-
Terton a4 guf sts at the Hans Jen
eeri home. I
O. Gustafson was injured at
the mill early this morning. His
ad was crushed. He was taken
to the Silverton hospital and it
is Uhought he will not lose any
at - his fingers.
Dur- Rev. and Mrs. George Ileurick-,
iB i eon mn'trired1 to Wrtnrlhnm foilav
We could-ip attend a church meeting.
4 '
sii.vk(TU., or., July (.-
TSpeflial to The Statesman.) Due
to: the railroad time changes re-
eentlyi made: the Silverton rural
taail carriers now leave the post-
f Office one- hour later than for
merly. . 1 '
- ' ' '
inland empire and -expects to lo
cate In this valley. At present he
is looking for a location near Sa
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn are
on a ten days trip to Lewiston,
Ida., to visit Mr. Kuhn's brother
It. B. Kuhn of that place. They
are to motor bv way of Pullman,
Wash., where they will also visit
with friends and relatives.
Eveiy mail order receives our prompt
and personal attention. We: pay the
postage - or express on .every order.
I We guarantee you satisfaction on ev
;ery purchase you make at this store
lot cheerfully give you your money
"XI i" k 466 State Street-
Nol-odv T'in Tell Wltrn oti
Darken Jray, Ftuhtl Hair
- With Sage Tea
Roy Livingston Sentenced
After Hearing in Justice
' Court Yesterday
pajamas are being converted Into
jaunty street Clothe b're fcy-,iH
t,vniH l.u-xfcvn rfge u2terf
Hush S, SHnCttcssurrr of th
lied Cri-js, -when "here on a .viwU
; of iiinpevtrtm "to lisps of a large
! qaantity i j;;?piilieft laid up ill the
j jri:hf!ii''v-!. is a spTck nJ Sl'au
niotme'.eil Russian of'Utr, flour-
i.'hiiig' a ral.ti ftii fanning him
! self -w'th a tiaw hat. at the local
't Cio'-ss orfl;es asking lor some
The officer looked so wV1!! pat
up that Mr. V.ird stopped feeling
- Anieriran Red Cross and army
jiirrv ;.r hv Ru?s.":any for a mo-
mont. until tte'took a sHNnd looS
at his hes.
ile ,sa then thai
Classified Ads. In The
Statema. Bring; Results
Grandmother kept her hair
beautifully darkened, glefesy and
attractive with a brew of age
Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her.
hair took 'n that dull, .faded or
streakwl appearance, this simple'
mixture was annlied. with won-
itor'ni -rtttaft I'v 'nBlctntr At any
.1 . . i ' l ' , . , ?i ill
ui ufi more tur jriii s .-aft
Sulnhur Ccmnnund". vou Will g?Cl
a large bottle of this old-time
With tears rolling down his
cheeks, Roy? Livingston. 20-year-
old Salem taxi driver at rested on
a;charge of; larceny, heard a 30-
f4dy sentence Imposed upon him
by Judge vnruh In the justice
court yesterday. Livingston was
Utrested Tuesday on a charge of
rtealinz three motor meters and
two auto tires.
: I couldn't get a job ami I was
broke I hid to have the money,
young Livingston told the judge
ye&terday when asked in his ex
antination why he had taken the
goods. "I never stole anything.
before, but: I had to have shoes
tand clothcsi"
"How much did you get for the
oods," hejwas asked.
Seventeen dollars.' he replied,
"IT, one time and $1" another
. In the story which he told the
4fourt yesterday Livingston said
that last Saturday night Lee Da-
tis, local taxi driver for whom
the had previously worked, asked
! Vim nttt i t tllO C V 1 Hrt
link with him while he took an
other Dersen to the dance, lie
consented find rode to the rink.
there, he ?iid, he had seen the
meters and the thought entered
his mind Sthat he . might steal
Chetm and jbuy food and clothes
tie nulckly took them off and.
otag bacH to the car, rode into
town with: navis. lie claimed
ihat he had not gone to th rink
Mr ith. an' intent to steal, but that
iesperaliori led him to take, them
recipe, improved Dy tne aaaiuoivy ed why ne nad not sold the
of other ingredients, ail reauy rnneters. he; replied that " I didn't
use. at very mils cost, mis snn-'ijave i jieJ
pte mixture can be depended ui.
on to restore natural color and -j
beauty to the Jiair. ?;
A well-kuown downtown drug
gist says everybody rises-Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound now
because it darkens so" naturally!
and evenly .that nobody can tell
It has been applied it's so easj
to use too. You s'mply dampen
a comb or soft brush and draw it
through the hair, taking' onj
strand 'at a., time. By mornin
tbe gray hair
another anflHcation or two. It 'S
restored to ita natural color, and
Thomson's Gloye-f Uting Corsets :
Phone! 877 1 1 "Oil
looks glossy, soft and beautlfttLfcCoEnTf "JalL,;:
. ?j . ' . , J." , Lv t - .i r, .1,nl" ii".i rtt
-ftvjgiv,.,iiiilii JkJBm, mmiJi mnHMUS ,- ,
1 Livingston's . family lives in
ihis city. He related, in court
yesterday how several years ago
his family! had tried to take him
io Rosebifrg. and when he had
t-evolted tBey had him sent to the
reform school "to learn a trade."
f 'in.. T JLln't 1 r.n nntliin'v
j mil , Mtuu . iraoi mij luiug,
lie said bitterly. "The judge told
tne that they would let me out in
tlx monthfi, but; they didn't." .
disappears; aftcflSijd.Wnruh, gaj jht?i he mini-
,mum aenience ior jarcvy. r.
i-ill seHri h9 sentence 1 In he
-I '-. ?;
, ....... . : . .
i 4 r ' ' ' 1
1 ime
; N
the hands of a competent printer at
dulltime is a matter of foresight for the
business man. Now the rush is over, the -printer
has more time for your work-reach
and every detail of the job gets the
proper attention, and the satisfaction shared is
mutual. But there is no satisfaction to share if
your printer is a printer in name only. He must
'be tfiere with the goods" and also deliver said
goods.' .,-..
Q This company has enjoyed a season of.unpreer ' '.
dented prosperity through being able to turn out ' '
creditable printing.. , Vn '
Equipment, up-to--date composition And auto
matic press - feeding without the oldffashicmed
finger marks, is the combination that makes print- ;
ing. '' - '
Q Look over your needs; stock up during . the "dog
days." A phone call will bring a representative
Job tP,xiriting Dep art m ent
Statesman PublishingG.
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: ' ' For ' i r,..:;'.-t
Friday and Saure Tl
120 Pairs Men's Army Shoes
Munson last, best of leather, white oak soles regularly sold from ?7
to $10 we will sell these shoes until sold out at
100 pairs Women's White Cloth Shoes, all.sizes, regularly sold at
$3.50 to $6.00 to clean up, while they last
These shoes are in our bargain basement Come b and get a pair f
and see the other wonderful bargains we have to offer. ! ,
' ' -v." ,1 . .'M:'i
Every Shoe in the store on sale, excepting Hanan, Bergmann. and i
Ball Band.
Setoy Start i'' jf
DtJt&aOa, lf
Sz6 sSMfaaiDUflikDatSjA
.1 .i