THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 30, 1021 ' I 1' "- t ? 7'V. J . BlfllBS READY TO MCE Two Salem Cyclists Will En- ter in Side-Car Events S At Eugene Satuul ty Rtuel Smith, who profuse? Mir" ,be hurt his leg 'all..,, out ..r .1 'I -well, wy that '"J"''".- . ,, I W 8 now well, enough J .... M Klii ' M mai - " - -, in Saturday, to run ''iii the side-ear races I. Hiram Smith ni-o; .Y V I rum kd an en i u i . Shop at Kafoury's BARGAIN DAY Fine words do not make fine values. So in the simplest,, most straightforward statements we can make, ?we want to remind you of the importance of this eventful bargain day. It is an all inclusive, once-a-year selling of the store's regular; standard .seasonable merchandise, at prices so reduced that they rep resent the most substantial savings to the store's patrons. W$ Mention a Few ot the Hundreds of Bargains tor Friday Women's Ready-to-Wear Women's Summer Coats Will All Go At Bargain Prices : 1 f I lfew White' Voile Dress Good ( Quality Per . cale, Friday 15c yard 3G-in. Cotton Chal lies, pretty patterns Friday 14c yard Dress sizes, 40-in. Voile, dainty pretty paterns, Fri day f 15c yard 32-ineh Dress Friday Zephyr Ginghams, 29c V..v V Misses' Roll Top Hose, Fancies, Fri day Boys' Hose, 49c pair 7 Scalloped Edging Braid, Friday v- z 10c J You will be pleased with the Bargains you buy here Pictorial . Review Patterns 466 State Street trlll " OllllOOR ail III I M"" ami a handful of 1 1 n j- steel I splinter ami he can see th'ngs straight ".. mort' lie n ' CD nlci another side cur in th I w lit.U- series 'I'ti lun Salem entries count op ; iii:il.u.t' tli-' -t lli- niipKftfil no i J- V" koiik lit win. Tto y run a I I'o I- ,, ill lie ji II X : 1 1 lit- ret n ill. III. 1 I .M I- lllecl. .I'l'l t a i r liav ii", made some won showiriKs. Ids tun- ili'ir machine". In. tli of w h ill have m n tamoii mi.- winner, in past v.-ar- in tin- pink ol t unlit noi aii' to tliiir trii-niis say m-v 11 -1 win Tli- tlrt-l pr..-s in t'.: a. .ius ma! I everts :t n ii n t upproM io $ J 7 ." . ih- second-; Ii $ 1 '' Willi ami the i i-'use If lliir.l $ 1 I'O. in (-r in lit-1 many H .--' in - to i- of "Simon iuys wi;:l-- wuc'i- It You Will Do Well if for Women, Bargain Price 27-in. Fast Color Dress Ginghams, Friday 16c yard Huck Towels, heavy, large Friday 5c each Snaps, Friday- ail Fancy Dnub Pe Thread Bath 10x37, Friday 5c 49c Germ antown Ze phyr Yarn, Friday 25c Fancy Rath 1G.X34, Friday 29c Huck Towels, red or plain border, Fri day 9c each 36-in. Bleached Muslin, extra god quality, Friday 13 l-2c Heavy Ribbed Friday Misses Hose, Black, Brown, 29c pair day 29c pair 0. N. T. 150 yard Sewing Cotton, Fri day 5c spool Bloomers, Pink Crepe, Friday 50c Special Lot Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, Black. Navy, Brown, White, Grey, Plain and Fancies Friday, a pair 79c r7V Thomsons H I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I II 9 M MUSICAL WORKS PRESENTED STATE I ac'O Collodion Given Lib- i;ity by Society Of OitN'Mdi Umiposeis Oregon has good reason to ho proud uf it- musicians, for the blowing nuid- yesterday lu ll the Sill ii-IV l)f Wri'Kl'!! 'ttlll JDSlTH pre sented to III- slat- library a large collection of Orgoll music, alioiit 2nn pieces in all. for filing aw.iy in tin archives (,f t ,t stale A musical program was given You Wool Sports Skirts Every One la Now Marked at Bargain $11.90 extra Lonsdale, Bleached Friday 3G-inch Muslin, size, 15c yard Linen Crash Towel ing, Friday 15c yard Towel, Towel, Fancy Terry Wash Cloths, Friday 5c each All Spool Sewing Silk, Friday 10c each yard White, Children's Hose, good heavy quality, Friday 19$ pair Fri Handkerchiefs pret ty colors, Friday 5c each You will find Bargains AH Over the Store Thomson s Glove Fitting Corsets Salem, Oregon in thf librurv. when lr. E.oil Enna. of I'ortliuiil. president if i the society, mail- the presentation anil also presided at tli- .l M-Vi i al Oregon i niiioH.t ions ' On- ol tin-so was his own. Leg! mils of St-ashf-"; another was the m; roil net orv to a s iii)nny. u. Miss Bruce Putnam of Sali'in S( vi ial On koi) songs vt re given., .iMioiii' 1 In-ill I be Oregon val sijik. mii.ii- hy lli-niy It. Mm-j t if-h, ami 1 In- wonls by J A. I'.u i lianaii. J A Cliwrchill, supi r n-ii-ndi'iit of bi lionls wu.i in l roil :n .( as tli- inn- man who hail 'lon-mor- for mm if in Urt ;on Mian any mi- i ls- in iln- history of tlu f lat-, in 1i;m ml rinlm t ion of m i- i i ii'ilils into Mi- hi;ll srtiool i-i'iirs.' Mr. Ii u i ill 1 1 1 -nk' lirii-lly of his hopos to ma.ko th uMirsi' inor- 1-lf-.tivo. A splfiiiliil i-ol U-ii ion of Ori-on ninsii was .'ivin to Mi- xtaUj. as Mi- nmleus for a groat musical library Kifty-four composer arc rejiroseli I i'il ill the Coll-otion. Sev eral are from l'rof. T S. Rohorts, 'the organist of the First Mothodist cli u roll in Salem for tin- past 14 years. Mrs Carrie H. Attains of Portland is represented hy t'.n or Sh- is one of th- most prloific more pieces of various kinds, .music composers in America to ' da. l'n f John Sites and Miss Mruce I'utnam of Salem both have contributions in the col lect inn. ' There are heavy pieoea, light pie ces, light pieces, songs. jazzes, hymns, ballads, symphonies and almost every kind of music that is written today and a few real , books, like the one on "Harmony" .by l'rof. Wilson of r'ortland. said to ho ono of the host texts of its kind published. Stale Librarian CorneKa Mar vin is preparing to give the music ;a regular place in the library, so that it will ho available for ref erence hy i noso wno want to en joy the lays of Oregon. E FREE IIT PACIFIC cm No Charge During the Bia Three Day Celebration To Be Held There Kditor Statesman: The report has boon Industri ously circulated that a charge is to be made lor admission to the grounds at P.icifio City during the celebration July 2. '.I, 4. We wish to state that this re I ort is abso'utely false. - Celebration Committee. COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued front page C) Wallace. Speer. A Simpson, Hein. C. Jennie, do , 3 no :'.o 3.00 3.00 r, . b o 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 no 3.00 3.00 3.00 s oo 3.00 3.IMI 3. on coo i; mi fi.nn I., do . H. F.. do Y.. do . . Moone, Claude I). Pierce, K. T . do Zimmerman. A. J. do do Leabo. M I)., do . . Smneker. (irace. do Will, Lizzie M.. do Carpenter. Kdith (!., Webert. Louis, do . Morris, (). ., do . . Fry, A. M.. do Wurster, J. (I., do . Cribble. I. . . do . do. Ciebeler. ("has. C Hoover. Almira A do do Hiddell, Nellie do . White, Nancy J., do Hooker. Kmma A., do Copeland. C. O.. do . Haynard. G. '., do . Aspinwall. .1. F.. do Ni'som. ft. M., do . . Camp. S. V.. do . . . Croulex, Ifomeo. do . Harris, Civile, do . . St 11 rgis. ii. V. . do . . rtiHor. Walter L . do Harris. S. A . do . . . Rogers. F. S.. do . . . Dais. N'atioleon. do Hughes. It. J . do . . ruin', K. A. M.. do . Dentel. Fred, do ... McKay. W. U.. do . . Pillett. Ed., do Coleman. A. K . do . Coleman. Curtis, do McGearin, Fred, do -ludge. Coo. II., do . HeanNlov. Arthur F . 17X0 6.00 3. no 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 .0o fi.OO 3.oo 3.00 3.0 0 3.00 ; COO f. on G on 11.40 C.oo f, o it f, 00 C.oo 1 1.00 C.OO I'i.IiO 3oo 3. On 3.oo 3. nO 3.00 3.00 3 00 4.40 C.OO fi.KO C.oo C.oo C.OO 3. on 3.00 3 00 3.oo 3 0o 7.40 3.00 3.00 3 00 3 on C oo H.iiO C 0 0 icon coo 3 on :: no 3.oo 3oo 3.00 3oo 3 Co 3. no 3 oo 3.00 C to C.oo 9.00 C.OO C.oo 3 on 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.0 0 3. SO 3.00 .TOO 3 Oo 3.00 3.00 , do. Henderson. CummiiiKs. Iieardsley, Hi nderson, Cuinniings. Savage, W. Darling. W Walker. J. To ii send. Ouerry. " l'ettyjohn. Alma V.. do . . Dora L.. do . . Mrs. Hairy, do U. (., do . . . A. E. do .... E.. do . I) , do O . do Ii. F.. do .... P.. do John A. I) , do Higgins. Mabel, do . . Case. Ceo. W.. do . . Parknian. John C. do Yergen, Mary A., do . Miller. Eeotia. do Moore. Frieda, do . . Feller. Jas. P . do . . . Moore. J. , do j . . . . Evans. Harry I .. do . Feller. Charles, do . . Carver. Erl. D do Slscho. Ed., do . I Koda. Solas, do . ' Myers. Lou. do . , Myers. Albert, do Hull. Arthur, do Aufderheide. Fred lo Liekol. Loonal d II.. Laue, John, do .... Hond. Harriett A., do , Welch. Alice 11., do Ownbey. J. E . do . lo Herren. J -. do . . Whipple. Ceo. M.. do Field. NeMa. do Fagu. (!ga M.. do . . Du Hette. F. K.. do . Parker. S. T.. do I id la h. Marv. do . . Tuttle, Pauline, do VarthaUn. Margaret. Jtihnson. F. O . do . do. Dudley. L K . do . . Worden. Ralph, do (Kuhfson. Uuth. do . . McAfee, O. E.. do . . i Weeks. W. H.. do . Varmine. W. C. do ; Weeks. L. E wo . . . Ftts. Frank C . do . Rlckman. Wm.. do Sleguiund, A. It-, do ('annard, Rose (J., do . Moi an, Mrs (J. J., do Stevens m,s pearl, do 3 00 3 on (HI 'in NO ll'l 1 1 1 1 !)) 'Ill nil .til Ml mi Milder, Miss Mimii' do. Moisan. (i J , (u , . Shields. K. K . do . Jones. L. A . ,,, . . . Ciilsfi.Mb. I ' T . do . I i:i r tlin . Lucy, do . Nibler. Aui'u.-t. do . Kllben.. Al, ill) . . . UIK. .Ii.Imi. iI.i . . . ii I i.ra tli. J. c , do Mai.-hall. Mis. R. S. tubei-i. Jo.,. -ph. o,, ainli-rb-ck A I plums L-itli. Win . do . . Maiiiiiii',, John I-'., tl I'Vr Ii wt-ili r. I . C. do do mi 3 no 4 i;n 'in C mi t; no c oo do. --ii. vr, ; A., do . McCurdy . (n-o A , do . , !'i vii r. Henry O., il"i Horner, Rnby E.. do . Wai' ham. Mess .. do McCarroll. 1 1 S . do . Laiidorback. John, do Ottaw-ay. C. II . do . . Dtinigan. Edv,. Jr.. DiuiiL'an. Edw. Jr . Mu-'hes. .. IS., do . Tweed, John, do Warner. Henry . do . let let s. in, W. J . do CI. tie. A. T.. do . . . tlo do Roe.'. Robert A . Wiesner. Lulu C. Fitzko. Kmma M. Kish. F. E . do Moj.i. Anna, do Vaver. Frances do do ilo Coo 0 '1-00 3 00 3 oo 3 (10 3.0(1 3.i0 7.40 3.00 00 7-40 3. On 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 .3.00 3.00 3 oo 3.00 6. SO 300 3. o0 - 00 :5 00 o" 3.00 3.00 :'-"0 K., do. Ke.ster. Lena, do . , Coleman, Mary E. J Johnston. T. A., do Pal nier. Karl, do . . Roio. Henry, do . . . Zeek. George, do .1(111".", Clyde, do . . Calvert. J, L.. do . . i'u I-. Ella, do . . . do. Ilovenden. Edna do Melvin, Minnie, do . . . Paulsen, R., ilo McShano. L. C. do . . Mack. H. C . do Scholl. L. M.. do Kroinlint. M. R.. do . Wolfer. E. S., do Humphreys. (!. W., do. Fontaine. Jos. C, do Miller. Lou. do Shumaker. Edna, do Smith. Ed. D . do . . Roland. J. II , do Howell. E. E.. do .. Doty. M. E , do Ruinett, D. M., do . . Jones. J T.. do Emery. J. H , do Scott. Fred L.. do . . . Neelon. Thos. J., do . Cibson. Ellen R.. do . Cibson, Carl, do .... ; Martin. Myrtle, do . . ! Jones. W. A., da King, H. G . do Patton. Genevieve, do Coodell, Alice, do . . Robbins. M. H.. do . . Smith. Lee. do Dane, Hubert L., do . , Russell. C. W.. do . '. Davidson. E.. do Nibler, Joseph, do . . : Gibbons, G W.. do . . Rauman. Steihen. do ; Gills. Peter J., do -; Hecker. E. A., do . . . Siegmund, E. 0 . do . ' Kris. Joseph W.. do ; Champ. Minnie, do . . ', Rlum, James, J., do . Rurdick. Lizzie M., do : Rerlnger. G. E.. do . . Becker. Jos., do . . . . Champ. R. H.. do . . . Etzel. Jno. W., do . . . Taylor. Ed. A., do . . . tMcbards. E. J., do . ; Work. C. IL. do . . . Raines, Eva, do . . . ; Maynes. Susie, do . . Magg. Jennie, do Mishler. Al. do .... Taylor. F. A., do ... Raines. Alvin, do . . Mason, Harry F. Patton. Ilarrv C Seely. E. K.. do Ross. .1, T.. do Jack. J. L.. do . Miller, .Albert E do do do Stone. Albert, do Ebner, J. W.. 'di Reruing. Henry, do . . Helen. Alois, do , Annen. Margaret, do . . Skonetzni. A. J . do . . . Rauman. John T.. do . Mickel. X. G., do Oswald. A. M . do Klinger, Alfred A., do. Elmer. C. D . do Rerchtold. Jac , do . . . Putsch. Henry, do . . . . Andrews. Mary Irene do. Kelier, Gertrude, do .... Holmes. Lena, do Smith. P. N.. do Traviss, N. R., do Schwab, Fred J., do .... Ebner, Joseph, do Saalfeld. Henry, do Potter. L. W., do Anderson. R. K.. do .... Gill. Elizabeth, do Cohurn. Kelyn. do Davidson. T. L.. do McFarlaii-. J. C. do .... Diem. R. M., do Girod. Paul, do Penny. H A., do Rogers. E. L.. do Nye. R. F., do Cauthorii. H. K Can thorn. Eva, do Nye. Clara, do Roller, Vance, do Cole. Cus. do Rurris. John, do McGiii hi isf , James, do . . Gardner. J. M.. do Way. W. E . do Feustman, Effie. do .... Ro-rstna. Florence, do . . Chenowiih, Mrs. Grace, do Hoppes. Oitavia Ann Willard, Fannie, do pierr. L R M . do Charel. Jessie, do fori est. Anna A., do Traelio. Mrs Ida C . Slattery. IhMinah. do Craig. Edna, do . . . Ruiinell. Ida M.. do , llinliner. Mat N.. do Gfllinuham. Eugenia. Klo-prinu. Laura M . do do. do. do. Eist. S. S . do Drager. D. C , do Crawford. II. R . do . . . Salmon. Snan. do Lewis. Vivian, do Skaife. J. N. do Keene. Sophie, do Skaife. Nancy, do Richardson. Maude L.. do Camron. Hat tie F, do. Ramsden. C. J., do i Parker. J. H.. do 1 White, Loren P.. do "'U. M. 0 Holmes, . , do . . 11. . do 3.;o 3.oo 3. on inn 3 on i ision. W A . do . . Gain tl, j . ilo . ''. Alice R., do 'ood, L;, u i a I . do M Farlane, l-ois. d Mantis. S'. W., do Miiisey, Kmma. do . Tinner, May belle I- i 3 00 ; 3.oo 3.00 o lie ' 3.011 3 nn 3.HII '; on 3.0 0 no 3 nn (in o 3.( n 3 (Ml ,'i (Ml :; .on :; nn t; on 3.00 3 3o 3 n n 3.00 3.00 do. I'-inilnllr. E. S.. do . . . ' o' V. Lizie. do .... ''r-. n. S . do . . . G'-sy, J R . do Steimtroiii. Maude, ilo Stillnian. Laura, do . . Raeh. Lawrence, do Ashli). .1. R.. do . . i'olter. Al-x. do . . . ' Iiaplei-. Karl A . do Shields. Emma, do . . I''laii. I 'lemma de Rurdv. Will E.. do N'e-so!!. J alius, do " Rowland. Nina Ii.. do p Lisle. Lena M.. do . . Lathy, Annie M . do . Row land. L. S . do . . c-00 Bai-s. ("has. K . do . ,; " Brownson. L A., do . Sears. F W.. do . . . :i 00 McDonald. J. J., do . fi "0 Salisbury. Harold A., i !, 0 ' English. F A . do . . ,; 0 iShinn. Rossie R , do C.OO i ; hkIo Mabel .1 , do 3 (in 3 oo 3on 3 oo 3 (H I 3 00 3.0 0 3.oo 3. (id 3.00 3oo 3.0(1 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 0 0 3.00 3.30 3.00 3.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 3.0O 3.00 3 20 3.00 3.00 3 00 3 00 Pert ha. do icarpeuter. J. A., do .... iiloxio. Irene R.. do i piiieM. W. R.. do Hummel, KfHe IL, do . . . (;illespie, J. J., do y lazier. Angle E.. do .... Cox. Vaila ".. do Tvler. Lois, do Mile. A Edith, do daze. J. C. do Achoson. Thomas, ilo .... Hale. H. W., do Crawford. E. C.. do Mi Kinney. E. M.. do .... Fargo. W. F . do Huckestein. Walla T,. do. -neatly. Vita Mallory. do. Hager. Cordelia R. do.. Toothacre. Ella, do .... ! Tisher. D. W.. do 1 Dotson. I'. S . do Moon. Agnes, do Copley. Albert, do Huckenstein. Willa. do.. , Latiterinan, J. IL. do ... Hrant. Ruth, do , Nelson, Anna Van Hors- sen. do Albrich. Rertha C . do ... 3 oo , nrietke. Martha. C... do.. C.OO ; ii oover, R. N'., do 7.oo , Nelson, J. C, do C.OO , Kngstrom. Luella I., do.. C.oo ; McCaackey. Olive K.. do COO , Ranta. Francis N.. do . . . 7. CO ! Litchfield. Geo. P.. do .. C 00 Hayden, Mamie M.. do C.oo ! Roeschen. Mary, do .... 6.00 Tulkington. Dora M.. do. COO shanks. H. F.. do 9.00 i Downing. R. E-. do C.oo ; Rigdon. Leila E . do .... COO Reid, Cora E-. do C 00 : Niles. Ida L.. dp C.OO ; Waters, Margaret M., do. 9.40 ; Rasey, A. J., do C.OO Corby, C. W.. do C.OO i Nathnian. Mary E.. do . ., C.OO j Albert. Clara L.. do .... C.OO Oliver. Sarah E . do .... 3.00! Clark. Aubrey IL. do ... 3.00 Prescolt. Eugene T., do . . 3. no : F'rescott. Emily L.. do ... 3.00 ; Needham, F. E., do 3 00 Clark. Edna May, do . . . N.CO ; Hudelson. A. B, do .... 3.00 Rhoten. Elsie C. do .... 3 00 t Matthews. Edith, do .... 3.00 Sherwood, Elizabeth E., 3.00 ; do 3.00 ! Sherwood. Grace E., do . 3.00 : Roberts. C. A., do 3 00 i Richards. Luvilla, do . . 3.00 Miller. E. A., do 3.00 W'ei eel, Julia M.. do .... 11.00 Fisher. Alice S., do 3 00 Van Trump, Jennie C , do 3 00 ; Elgin. Ma-lene C. do 3.00 Persons. Melissa, do .... 3.00 Given. Hattie P.. do C.oo Van Trump, S. H., do ... C.OO Wend'roth. George J.. do C.OO Ca'ard. T. N.. do 6 on Price. Jessie IL. do 10. SO Clark. Rlanche. do 3.00 Rabcock. Ida XL. do .... 3 00 Emmons. Mrs. XV. W.. do. 3 00 Parmentor Susie E., do. . 3.00 White. Nellie X. do 3.00 Mc.Mahan. Rertha R.. do.. 3.00 George. R. C do C.fio Heist. Laura, do 3.00 Swart. Retiskt L.. do .... 3 00 Huckestein. XIahle. do... 3 00 VcAdams. Laura, do .... 3.00 Moores, Mary S.. do .... 3 00 Rogue, Althea. do 3.oo .lerinaii. Lola, do ....... 3.00 Staiger. Clara, do 3.oo Diincy. Mollie C.. do .... 3.oo Damy. W. IL. do 3.oo Healy. XIary C , do C Co Couraey. H. C.. do 3 nn Hunter. Lillian M.. do. . . 3 oo herson. Julia, do C.OO HiiEhes. J. F.. do C.OO Burrows. Ida E . do GOO Rabcock, Rose XV.. do... GOO Vibbert. Gladys L. do... Call Payne, Agnes C, do .... 7.4't Olson. O. A . do C.UO Rayne. John, do C.on Dane. Elmer, do G OO Draeer. XV. F . do G OO L'nfoot. W. J . do C 00 Hohrnstedt. Elizabeth L.. C.oO do 8.00 Moflnell. Ruby N" . do . . . COO Ingrev. Helen, do C.OO Sohellberg. Herman, do. . 7.40 Shaw. Geo . do C.oO Mclntire. Daisy XL. do . . C 00 Arpke. C A., do C.OO Schellbers, Dora I!., do C.oo Malt-n E. E . do 3.00 3. oil 3.0 0 3. no 3.0 0 3.3 0 3.O0 3.011 3 0 0 3 Oo 3 00 3.0 0 dw ards. Geo . do Xlagee. XL XL. do Hager. A. A . do Aufrance. E A . do .... Mill s. R. J . do Mohney. XV 1 1 . do Baldwin. Nellie G.. do . . Grant Laura E . do .... Fake, George N. do .... Paid w in A .1 . do McCillchi ist. Wm .do ... Baldwin. Esther, do .... McGilchrist. Ethel, do . . . 3.00 Chapman. A XI . do ... . 3.00 Mullen. C. S.. do 3 nil 3.0 0 3 20 3.oo 3.00 3.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3. OO 3 00 Gooding. J. . no McDonald. I. S . do Xlertem. S. J . do Rrontano. John F. T'ueo ',., do Cook. -I L . do Pnyserie. I. F.. do .... Gooding. J. IL. do XIcNamee. Robert, do ... o.,-h inbn A . do ..... Hunt. James B., do .... 3 20 j Vincent. f:isie, do 3.00 I Crosby. C. J . do 3.00 Jensen, Gertrude M., do 3.oo Crosby, Fdi'ar. do , 'i o .by, A. B., do . i nst In, E. W., do M'ioi tot Frank V . do ! McCorniii k, John T. G.4i n 3 do .00 .m5 M ol!a i d. Roy T . do . My. i s Maud M . do l arkliurst. Je.--sio R.. do A h ite. Axilla II . do . . iHro'-eher. Lida K..o . i la : t mail . J o i-, do ... I is ( f, V . do . . Ilni!'. V. T.. do . r. m-I. edier, Frank, do Wli te. P.. M.. do . . . .f , 3.00 3.0 0 3 On 3.0o S III) 3.0 0 . n o 3 mi - fi.oo V 4 o c, on C no G.t o C.oo C.on C.oo C.oo C.oo !l do C oo Coo C.tO Voo 1 l.Oo 3 no -J in it h. Ivan .1 do do . . do . . . . do . . do Keene, 11 A.. Gilbert. (' .T . Pnlinan. G I Howd. V II., Wolf. Neal. do Simpson. Nellie II , do Todd, E.t do" . . lorgeiison. Fred, do Wiiiterinantel. Eda. do Palmer. George W.. I'helps, II. A., do . Streets. Tolbert. do Volz, Clara R., do Todd. II. C.. do . . do. Neal. E. Hol.a i t. Karllev. Dahl. O. G . A. II A.. do .. do . . . A., do. . do ...... 3.0(1 3.O0 3.oi"t IR'hreds. R. IL. do . Miller. I. XV.. do . . . Larso. Oscar !.. do . Stuit h. A. II. , drr. . . I lam re, Kdwi F.. do . Loo. C. K.. do Madley. I.. O . do . . . Thompson. G. IL, do Rowers, Frank S.. do Dahl, Arthur, do KriiK. Fred Jr. Riches. Frank, do ... Egan. Xlrs. AUce. do . Preston. .Mrs. T. E., do Scott, .Mrs. XV." wr Jr.. Booth. XI rs. E. A. ."do. Drake. J. I)., do j Hoblitt. John, do .... ' Rentson. Elida, do . . . Storts. Xlabel, do . . . . ; Scott. XX'. XV.. do .... jOsborne, XV. L., do .. Riches, T. XV., do ... 'Cusiter. George, do .. Allen, L .C. do iRensoni, Josephine, do do -Wilson. Minnie, do . , Llackerby, Sophia M. Palnier. XIarion, do . Allen. Reber G., do t Stalker. Josie. do ... Eastman. Xlyrtle. do i Keech, George, do . . , ; Fery, Andrew, do ... . Taylor. Nora, do I Fuson. XIary. do ... ! Brown. Iucv E., do Mack. A. L.. do .... ! Kearns. Jos., do .... do 3 )n 1 Darby. C'aude. do . . .00 Bennett, If. E., do . . Pancoast .A. S.. do . Pancoast. A. S do.. 3.00 3,00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Rock, Fred, do Smith. XV m. IL. do Schoefer. XIargaret. do 3 00 isioper, Emma, do 3 00MasMy. Virgil IL, do . . . 3 00 Ware, T. J.. do 3.00 stcut. Luther, do 3.00 jPieser. Frank, do 3.00 Luthy. Chan., do 3 00 ; McLaughlin. J. S.. do .... 3.00 I Cobb. O. XV., do 3.20 ; Hammer. .1. R.. do 3.00 Lathrop, Amanda C. B., do 3.00 I Walker," Lida. L.. do a.1 3.00 iDenney, E. ('.. do 3.00 i Zimmerman, F. A., do 3 00 Dltter. Joseph A., do 3.00 Hunt, Leodine, do 3 00 Hermens, Wr. J., do .... ! Darst. C. P., do 3.00 Bell. F. A., do C.OO : 3.20 : 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 oi 3.00 Ashby, W. V.. do Riesterer, F. .1 . do Hunt. C. J., do Girardin, John, do Hunsaker. G. W.. do Witzel. R. ().. do . . Delzell. F. C, do . . Fail. II. L . do ... Peetz. H. R., do . . Baker. XV. H., do . 3.2 McKay, George A., do i 3.00 Hunsaker. R. C. do 3.0o j Moore. Fred A'., do M 00 ; Kini? H R ilo 3.00 Doerfler, Nfelvina. 3 00 i Jones, Amelia, do 3.00 j Fischer, Xlyra. do 3.00 Humphreys, O. XV do do 3.00 3.o0 3.20 3.00 Palmer. E. M . do Hall. C. M.. do .'. Fgan, Albeit, do Patterson. Ray, do ,.... 3.00 : Rarton. A. It., do 3 On i reuter. Edward, do .... 3.00 Ruddjiiii, Fjjward G., do . . 3.00 Marty, Joe'; do 3. i'o Sieband. Lyle Maud. do. . 3.00 ci,)W. Kn-d. d0 3 0(. 3 00 3.20 3.0 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 3 oo 3 2" 3oo 3.oo 3.0n 3 oo S'mmons, Caleb A., do .. Overton, Mrs. Delia P., do Goiilett, Glenn A., do ... Lavman. S. B.. do Mlils, Paul, do Litney, L. XL. do Fellers. Francis, do Parker. Fred, do Love, A. L.. do Livesay. James II.. do . . Chapman. Lydia. do . . Settlemeier, Xlabel. do . . Richards. Minnie, do ... Rei be, Geo. II. , do Lawrence. Lafayette, do.. Xlorcom. E. P.. do Dubois. Jos., do XlcCord, Rlaine. do Beck. A. J . do Dorr, George, do He n. C F . rent of poll ing place Aurora Lodee No. 127, I 3 on 3.0O 3.00 3.oo 3.2 0 3. oo 3.0" 3 mi ;.iio C.oo i; no C.on 7 ml 3 ii'i 3 no 3 ii n 3.0 0 , O. O F . do School Dist No 123. do . . Ramp. W. H . do Jette. Arthur, do. disal lowed y 1 ; al 'owed ... Harold, '.lex. do Oii-rv . c D . do Hoskius V Depart, do ... School I Hst. No. IT', do . . Field. Hetta. do School Dist. No 2C. do . . Citv of Gervais. Ore., do. . 3.00 y jK .ihn. do 3-Co Horror. A. B.. do 3.00 rierk School Dist. 40. do 3 mi Steven. f:. ,i 3.0O ('itv Hubbard. Ore . do 3.oo Kovenden Edna. do. disa' ::.oo lowed, 12 : allowed .... 3.00 Jefferson Masonic Bldg . 3.00 ,io 3 oo Ohmart. Roy X'., do ... .lon-s, Eva. do 7 40 Smith. C. XL. do 3.00 'Gibbons. G. XV.. do. disal 3 (in ' lowed. ?2.50; allowed.. 3.00 Champ. R . IL. do 3.00 Hammond Lumber Co.. do 3.oo F. .Miller & Sons. do. disal 3.00 lowed, $2; allowed .... 3.o0 : City of Mt. Ancel, Ore., do 3 00. Hotel Mt. Angel, do .... 3.0J Davidson, T. L., do . . . . i XIcFarlane, J. C, cleaning- voting place h 11111111 ii. 11 K. Dreoar " i iui polling place no i ci..... ii..., mi. l..i.....i iig-i i oie, mis, ik. ni iiuui ii.-i. No. ii. lent of polling ulaec oo ,-i , I...,. v 11 a S lll.l 11 , il ., ie' Bungalow Christian Ch'ch. do Cameron, ("has. II.. do . . . Llnd. Rev. A. E.. do .... Jason Loo Momor,al Ch'rh. do Raptist Church, do ..... Sherwood. XIrs. Elizabeth, do Kurtz's Fruit Dryer, do.. Hunt R.os., do ''.C.T.I . Hall, do Miles, Ii. v'.. freas. do... m Mool District No. 8, do Salem. M'i-.'its Ass'n. do. disallowed. 2: lillowed J-wett .'nltus I., do XU Cormick. M. J.. do.... I t). O F. i.odge No. U'C, do -isi. ouiii, $.!)U; allow ed Scbopf. (:oc. do. di.sallow- ed, $1; allowed Ankeny tJrange, do Ph-dns. ! I Ado ... Scherbring. Jos., do Knight. XIrs. Ella, do.... Jl City of Silver-ton. " Ore.. 3.00 3.00 3". i.O 3.0 0 N.00 j C.OO ! C.oo i G.O0 G on ; 3 00 , 3.00 3.00 ! 3.0 0 j 3.00 3.00 3.00 ! tor rein oi pon.llg place Van X'alkenburg, H. S., do Niebert. C. P., do Letinett. II. E., do. disal lowed, ..r)0; allowed.. McClellan. T. Y.. do .... c O.K. Hall Ass'n.. do. . . Pearl Lodge No. CJ5, do. . . Doerfler. Jno. J., do Savage, J. C, do Tieuter, Samuel, clearing etc Proctor, E. A., rent of polling place S'mmons. Caleb, cleaning polling place City Transfer, cartage re moving booths Stewart, I. B.. potting up ' booths and removing same i . . Ames. Morris, registering voters Aspinwall, J. P., do Brentano, John F. Theo. B., do Bonner. Joe, do Bradford. Bessie, do .... Cone, E. A. Xfv, do Earl, IL L., do Espy, C. J., do Freres. P .C. do Grier, J. B.. do Humphreys. G.-AA'., do ... . Xlay. Geo., do . . . 3.0U GOO 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.80 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Mulkey. Wm. P.. do .... Xlorcom, E. P., do Mars, H. D., do Xlishler. Al, do XlcCord. Blaine, do XlcShane, L. C. do Xloisan, G. J., do Pierce, E. T., do Snyder. Dianna, do Spenceryp. A., do 1 ompkind. H. H.. do .... 14-Year-Old Boy Saves Two Persons from Death ASTORIA. Ore., June 29. ' , Chester Moats, 14 years old, res cued two persons from drowning late yesterday. Plunging into Upper Youngs rivr he dragged the unconscious bodies of Ailsg Ina Capps, aged 22. and Gerald Slroh. aged 5, to the bank where they were revived. Miss Capps, Gerald. Gertrude 3.00 j 3.00 3.00 land Gladys Stroh had been boatin? 6.20 j on the stream near Youngs rlvtl 3.00 j meadows when Gerald fell oyer' 3.00 board. His aunt. Miss Capps,' 3.00 plunged to the rescue. The strait 3 00 gling child clasped her about thi 3. 0i neck. Im peded by tho clutch ot 4. CO the boy and her own clothing, h 3.oo -was unable to swim and the Dalr 3.00 sank. Young Moats saw the dan i 3 00 ! 3.00 9.20 r c.oo c.oo 1 c.oo I c.oo ; s oo c.oo ! c.oo : c.oo ! ger trqm the bunk and swam hur riedly to the rescue, anad after a. struggle brought the unconscious . pair to the shore, where they were resuscitated. Thirteen Bids Received ; For Approach to Overhead PORTLAND. Ore.. June 29 6.00 thirteen bids were received today C.OO , by the state highway conunlskm 12.00 lor grading approaches to the C.oo Southern Pacific overhead cross 6.00 ing three miles south of Eugene. C 00 Gravel will be given 3.00 9.9 miles of the McKenzfe hlgh 3 oo way between Broad Canyon and 3.00 . Sisters in Deschutes county.' Two 33 oo : contractors sought the Job. 3.oo General improvement work Is to C.CO be don- on 15.7 miles of paved 3 no 'highway between Newberg and the 3 00 Multnomah county line. There 3.00 worn three bids for this. 3.00 The commission will hold Us 3.00 next meeting here July 2S 3.00 1 3 an SALXiox sTriUkli. 3 Oil 3.00 ASTORIA. Or.. Jun 29 The C GO president of the Oregon State 3 00 Rankers' association has appoint 3.00 oil a committee to investigate th, 3.00 salmon industry with the idea of 3 oo devising the best methods of fin ancing it. 5.0 0 5 no 2.50 4 3 On .".Oo 3 nn r. i n 2 . " 0 5.00 5 oo 5 oo 5.oo 3 Oo 5.0 0 S.oo 5.oi. 3 0 0 1 0.00 5 mi 5.0O 5.00 2.50 ."..00 ;5.o0 3 00 5.00 5.00 5.0 RIG CLIP SOLD. RAKER, Or.. June 29. -Tho most important wool sale of the season was held at Shanlko. Or., yesteiday in which the clip of that section was offend for sealed bids. The sale attracted buyer;! from many foreign and eastern mills. (OILMAN BEATS JONES. SEATTLE. Juno 29 Joe Gor man. Portland lightweight, won the rei'er-e's decision over .Mor gan Joins of Tacoma here to night It was a close contest, go four rounds. "Have von si'p'i rroi"ssor Gab bleston, the scientist. lately?" "X'es: I I'stenel lo h'm nure than in hour at the club last night." "tn-'eed! What was he talking about?" "He d dn" say." Classified Aas, In The Statesman Bring Results 1.00 .00 5.00 f.o0 Ft .00 7.O0 r no :. oo S.00 r.oo 3.00 F..O0 5.I.0 r. oo 2.50 3 00 r.oo ft 00 6. CO 5.00 5.00 r.oo 5.00 2.:.o .50 5.00 7.50 5.00 7.50 3.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 3.00 5.00 1.60 1.50 3.00 .40 .20 .70 .10 .20 .211 .30 .10 .10 .10 .CO 3.60 .20 .80 .30 .40 .10 .40 .30 .30 1.10 .70 .30 ! i