- ; - t-r ..... THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM; OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE .10. 1021 i BATTLES OF bEMPSEY AND CARPENTIER No. 7 been linorV;i( out. Ii-mi i ov.-ri t irie i in liv l ho loir. I.ehcviMr !li:i a tlit.- ir!..i 'I ! li.i -r. ! . 'ht t.. . h. -,. if h:ne ".-.l llr- iioii.i.r v. 1..I-- W.!!.ml .1 n. . ,,. mi.. : b,,e.. v.. 1 ; itilfii il'ict' In Soili 1 . 1 'i .1 hut til ( : - ,1 : iii-'.i r'i t mil- i" (;.;!.. ' .."i ., .. : 1 . .. i..r. 1 .mi.; 11 .1 ! 1 ill . I v - I i 1. .1 in' 1 hi t 1 , ; .. . 1 . .. iJ Hi Ills abllit Id li. (.. I ih;. ?-.!- . - u 1 ,! ' a .. 'ppon-'iif . I ..1 1. U i-i I, It JACK DEMPSEY AS HE IS TO-DAY Jack Itmp,e ni! Jc-c illard he.,rd th . " met for the world v. ii.ivvwe:pni "i.o I . . r.t i u fhanipt-om-hlp at Tol. do. (t, .inH haw ' u 1 '" 4, The day w.t hii t,"-;n" hot. Thermometer at 1 11 - r n Uitn tl' hl! !.., lif Oj. I! li .- elrtc recitei-Nj as hiph ar. V.'Ji (!. rr.nni. .!iml in t ih.:--o v ... n ;:( t 1 t.- : ftrees. The bif; ateail.i. 1 on-tt 11c ted tideii.e aiu lu-d. f. 1 11 hd U'i! ' 1 !.i in 1 1 to seat 7.".. per? oas. xontained lard. p!in." him with lit h I ; -'' h.,11 d.-: .it 1 . 1 1 . i 1 Cnlj" a f'vk hundred moro laali ion-. lr t in th jaw . then in th' ill- 'i..'ii v !.t ..,! :n l'J.OOO. The rntn roc-fi.t how- ! r, ., . ,,,, , i, ., ,v ,. , 1 . ,. tver, insured ih financial suece;:.-; -aiht ! -eennd : of n ti.,n. .1 i" .1 v .. :-l.t- t. i . .. Of the project, ril'hi to th ' mix anil a l.-t t n thr u Hum ..i r,i i- 1 . i ;'n- ii There was a narked contrast in :a w !ppr, Wiilar.l in '-.. I '" . ' ' ' ;n .1 m .. . - 1.';. tTi the demeanor of the Iot. a; a-. I nr tl n i.'.iia.liT nt th.- 1 n-:isS;- -I of ;.i :m r. inoy eutereu ine rint. jes u u- roun-t. tn . haaipmn .1 ,-j.kim Carp. titr. H rmi :i iru, inr champion, was almost ar. .(uirat'c v I. loin .-.jiialloil i?i ili rogently confident. lie approach- :u.i n-i ! Sf-v. u limes ilurin ed the ring with n sure stride, the 1 .1 rid. W'tltar! wa- i iMi i 'io. n . : i . 1 climbed through the ropes and l if -k . I dow 1: or tit h eip!.'.- o 11 . gazed calmly out on the crow.; th r. ;. II.- uax prono w i with the KHUfretMlon ot a confident -(..t- ,lin,, f,,r , BinUe playinp around his mouth. , . ' ' , round 11 1 ilairor the Peinpsey k inunner was more serious. A scowl, which visitors at ""' I'.-ard and it v. a- !. hi Atlantic City training camp for a moment that WiUar.i Jiad Carpenta 1 1;.- u .1 1! l,,. ... ,.,!. our had !, v 1 .I inn .1. $t t 1 . 1, 'Ar-y-K 1 nu i: 1. 1 .:p or VV,U' 'vM.-.-. . i'-L:.? Ki, . r Te " .!. mi . t'-r. I lll'J . - ?'& -si. " 7 . il I ,, . i r ,i,,; : ,; mmm,-: . v TH was m,w ready ,0 , ' .V"' ' jA.l, tu ' f v f . - jrS WHO IS , ; ' " ' rOR COMBAT I thn snlution an an under -pray to J cover the lowei surface of llic lol li'ife. Tills : prefer.lhly applied . h ,i! 1 1 o , , a 1 1. r l.loom m? Ie -pile the ca !a in i I mi : I v ,ow jpri.-o- tlii- ..ar and the calami. l hif h price ; a c-ar ap0. ,"o,,d : I Mil. -lit of (he ln.' allh. i r i'idu 11 ! .,r- traiii'.-iv . onii.h-n't ' ' ' in for toad , pi-.. ..M ty 1 Ho. crow.. 1 .....il a tll, , 11: 1 H' i w ,!, f,,,i( ,h(.jr ,.ih cime 01 I h-' : : ,i'. H V. lll pli.Vv up 1 hi ;; , 1, 1 Wnrrnnt frp Pt'. i. Is Sworn Out aJ KI-TTI-. Mont.. Wj. warrant for the arrest J was -worn out here rnl ac. ordinK to Chief of Poli3 Phy, Hi.- animal was "f,,i Th- eompiainant. a woman! el a i.adly lacerated arm t& l en ;,cralch.l na '111 pK.v, up f.rir iir , -. t j ni-i,i,,, 1 , .. W 1 ,,... ,, ,. , '",:,;..,;';, k;;;--! '.. a food t.'irt .11 III '1:1 1 ..n ,1 in ,'.,. i ; ; i 1.". 1 - ., - 1 '";f :ril horn i- hold that t h,. lov.i-r w - ii. to h; i...r II Teoi ob-.J.T 1 - 1 T nrr-r nn (ii.s ami make ih-m a slap;.- r,-,,,, . I lie prote. l :1i o. pia)lI . j . ,)M1 j hi . t pi-ctp j-; a , n: i.ii ;f 1 iir 1 I'll ill h- to he ( on - in a, ,1 , ,,, ' i'l'in I'mk , Mial,ii.: -it. ... ' ;'' '-l'1'ot i to pill (he in ,1(1 ! j,,.. ; lor thr rr.i-v.rs ., that they , n j ine- do , ,,.,r 1, v , . I ievt. 3 1 Read The Classified t-jt-'T -.,.F ' , Champion .lack I-mp.s. y. i.!i.' ..1;: a ph taken at the Inalth farm cf Ieddia Welsh in Summit, N. J, duT" hf tAJnlns for hia cuming bout w.Ui Georges Carpentier in Jersey City, N. J. - ime tested in service Millions of miles of highways and city streets hav proved Zero lent to be a lubricant of highest quality. This uniform quality is the result of an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubricants created by the combined resources, experience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Yon gain an advantage in the use of this time-tested lubricant by following the recommendations of our Board of Lubrication Engi neers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart. Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California; grade for each type of engine 1 meet ens. 1 ne tioui was hiageu in Ghent. June 1. I!tl3. Carpentier knocked out Wells in the fourth round. The Frenchman declares that the first three 1:1 i n- jutes of that match were the worst he eer experienced in the rirm. Wells knocked Ca"pcntier down for a count of nine, in the first round. Srxctators were mazed when the Frenchman n- ! rained his fe-t. Hanging on. he. weathered the storm. He stalled through the second, felt out his man in the third and found that ! the stomach was his opponent's vulnerable pot. LOO ARSENATE IS Hi KILLER famous, and the authorities are now on their .trail, as follows: " Your letter of June 23, with accompanying speciments of green worms from the foliage of logan berry plants is at hand. "In response I would say that I this is a very, common and gen jeral offender, feeding mostly on Prfr-,- I DM ,n(' foliaee 0j raspberries and lo- rrofessor Lovett Prescribes; tan berries. van Trump re- I ports it as particularly common in -Marion county this year. In fact, we have found it in Lane, Wash- mpton, Clackamas and a number of counties where small fruits are crown. Some five weeks ago I MS-::-Bffle!3i!::iiil:i "l I -T- vJjM- r - - J' Z , '-H. Sure Cure for Bu on Loganberries I ,n ,ne "nh. after about a; Only an ill-bred, scoundrelly sent out publicly through the m.nute ?.f art",n- C.'ntrt '"Mbuc or worm would attack a 2 1-2 I newspapers, stating the presence ed for the jaw. ells lifted his , lo-mberrv ,)Ilf ! pest and the desirability of puard and Carpentter shot a right ,flls a polIml lo.anberrj. but arsenate of Ip,i fnr to the mid-section that sent Wells there are worms just like that, a- it. , would hesltate to rwommend down and out. It was a remark-'this letter from Frof. O. L. Lov- spraying with arsenate of lead .me snow 01 piucK and recupej. f.,t rntomolocist at Acrieulttiral iust at this time when the berries are ripening. The ideal standard treatment for the control of this raspberry and loganberry saw Oy is arsenate of lead, applied at a strength of one and one-haif 1 r m fmwj ative power on the part of the j c-ollepe, to C. A. Park, president I renchman still in his 'teens. fh Htr1fo i,r, ,vi1M T i.,. (will prove. Maybe the worms 'missed the calendar and thought On account of the more or less they were eatine Ioans at 13 prevale nce of prohibition the sea I cents a pound raw. At anv rate. serpents off the coast are running t!ir are trying to grab off the Pounds to 50 gallons of water, us gmaller this year than usual. '.juice industry that made Palem line an angle nozzle and throwing Summer Excursion Rates To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to August 15th inclusive. Limit three months from date of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particu lars write, telephone, or call at office. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY E. E. Penn, General Agent, Passenger Department. 55 Third St., Portland, Oregon 1 M':: d&J d rirlL ri i v In Our Entire Line of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing Reduced for the Greatest Selling Event of the Season SaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBiaBBBBiBeiM aaaaaaaaaaaBaBi aaaMaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaM wmmm aa Men's Suits Hart. Schaf fner & Marx, Micheals Stern and other makes $60.00 VALUES $47.95 . $55.00 VALUES $43.95 $50.00 VAI,KS $39.95 $45.00 VAlUES $35.95 ..$40.00 values $3195 $35.00 values $27.95 $30.00 VALUES $23.95 $25.00 VALlIES $19.95 Men's Hats $7.50 haw , $6 10 $7.00 HATS $565 $6.50 ' HATS $5.20 $6.00 hats $4 g0 $4.50 hats $3.60 $4.00 hats $3.20 All Stetson Hats $7.20 All Straw and Cloth Hat Included in Above Prices mm The fFolQowlinig Pirnc iPFevanlI Jwy list am 2ndl 50 Men's, Young Men's and Youths' Suits N Sizes 34 to 40; Values Up to $6! $20.00 WhL!H f i i i Men's Underwear HATCH ONE-BUTTON $2.00 d1 yjf- Values P 1 .tt Short sleeves, ankle length; short sleeves, knee length ouuozen i Men's Dress Shirts $Ll5 Fine quality Percale; sizes 14 to 17 ' SgiOtnn MaD'ini Boys' Suits and Shoes Broken lot boys Wool Suits; 69 wool suits; sixes 8 to 17; values up to $15.00. $7.80 Boys' Shoes Entire line Hoys' JMJ.OO Shoes $4.85 One lot, sizes 2y2 to 5U $395 One lot little gents' brown; . . CO Sizes 912 to 1312 vOtOV Men's Shoes 100 pair Men's Dress Shoes; high grade quality; values $12.00 to $1C00; per pair $7.35 GO pair Men's Tennis Shoes; high shoes anri Oxfords; black nd j wrute; an sizes, pair 85c pair