The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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gC.. ,, .Vl i '.r
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Shortage of Crop In Other
Regions Noted By Gov
ernment Officials
The Tree is Known
rait it Bears
wv VLMUil
by the r
In United States as Whole
Production Only 42 Per
Cent Normal
Applo orchard:? in tho northwest j
bear heavier than those in any ap
ple district in the United Slates,
according to information received
by the Oregon Growers' Co-oper
ative association in statistics pre
pared by tho department of agri
culture, bureau of crop estimate:!.
Two years ago, Oregon, Wash
ington and California grew one
quarter of the apple crop of the
country, while the three states
had only one-ninth of the acreage.
Coast States in Lurk
With reports of the serious
damage to the apple crop east of
the llocky mountains, prospects
now are that the three Pacific
coast states will raise fully one
half of the apple crop this season
of the entire United States.
Apple production has fallen off
In the United States during the
past 10 years. In 1909 the apple
crop was 145,000,009 bushels,
while in 1919 it had fallen to
136,000,000 bushels.
During the same period the
number of apple trees In the entire
country had fallen from 65,000.
000 to 36.000,000. These are the
government's figures. During the
pamo 10 years there was also a
falling f in the number of apple
trees planted, taking the country
Naan whole.
. H- Washington l-eiwU
However, this does not apply to
the Pacific northwest, which Is
rapidly becoming the great apple
section of the country, Washing
ton ranking as the greatest apple
producing state In the union.
Blnce 1910 there baa been an In
crease In the number of apple
hearing trees In the northwest,
but tbe planting of new orchards
has been slightly curtailed.
The following figures of the
government give the production of
apples In 1909 and 1919. showing
bow the Industry has grown here
in the northwest while taking the
United States as a whole, it has
fallen off. The figures are In
1909 1919
Idaho 650,000 3,645.000
Cslifnrnla.. 4.935.000 7,842,000
Oregon.... 1.3.30,000 6.921.000
Washington 2,672.000 21,568,000
Bearing Trees Decrease
In the. number of bearing apple
- trees, there was a falling off be
tween 1910 and 1920 In the en
tire country as an average but the
following figures will show, tbe
growth of the apple Industry In
the west. The figures show the
government' report for trees in
the four fruit states of the west,
comparing 1910 with, 1920:
. 1910 1920
Idaho 1,605.000 2.380,000
California.. 2,482,000 3.128,000
Oregon.... 2.029,000 3.315,000
Washington 3.009,000 7.969.000
It will be noted that Oregon Is
rapidly becoming one of the great
apple producing states.
Per 'Capita Consumption Iesn
With the radical decrease in ap
ple acreage In the country as a
whole, between 1909 and 1919.
the average pounds for each per
son has been growing less and
less, notwithstanding the fact that
the northwest is -becoming the
apple center of the United Slates.
According to the government's
figures." In 1920 there was grown
an average of 120 pounds for each
person. According to present crop
estimates, there will be oniy &3
pounds to each person from this
season's crop.
There Is in prospect now hardly
half the crop of one year ago. To
be exatt. the government on June
10 estimated this year's apple crop
at only 42 per cent of a normal
Peachen ami Pears Hhort
The fruit shortage this year ap
plies also to peaches and pears,
i Last, year there .was grown 22
pounds of peaches for every per
son In the country, while this year
, the estimate is for only 16 pounds.
The government estimates the
pear crop at only 43 per rent nor
mal for this season. This means
that while last year there was
grown 'eight and one-half pounds
of pears for every person In the
United States, this year there will
be only four and one-halt pounds
for each.
Folej. Cathartic Tablets have
long' been a favorite physic with
men. Women suffer as much aa
men do from indigestion and con
stipation, and they also require a
scientific remedy to keep the
stomach sweet, the liver active
and the bowels regular1. Mrs.
George Powera, 84 Wiathrop Ave..
Ilever, Mass.. writes: "I have
taken Foley's Cathartic Tablets
and I recommend them to every
one.'. They banish biliousness,
headache, bloating. Sold every
where. Adr. 4
Corvallis Contractors
Win Roseburg Award
The state board of control. In
Session here this afternoon,
awarded the contract for the, cen
tral heating plant at the Rose
burg Old Soldiers' home to
Yonndt & Keyser, Corvallis con
tractors. Work on the .plan.
,,wlifK Will mit ill . in i ,
Square Dealing Dependable Merchandise
Courteous Service Lowest Prices
From one small acorn planted in 1902 has grown this sturdy oak, the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY,
spreading its branches over three -hundred and twelve communities in twenty -six. states.
Every Woman Will Enjoy These
Good Values
Here is a shopping list that is also a
savings account. Every article is well
made of the best quality and in the
newest styles.
Summer Voiles
$4.98 ' $12.50
Here is a
special pur
chase of soft voile dresses in the most
desirable summer colors. Many of the
models have the newest embroidered
effects; others flare into a circular
skirt with well defined waist line. Spe
cially pretty are the white collars and
cuffs. Sashes of contrasting colors and
fancy vestees.
New Wool Skirts
A Hpecial Value
Aq qq Very smart are these new
fIU wool skirts, pialded. striied
and in all the new plaited styles, box
combinations of high colors. When
worn and cluster effects; in plain (.otors
and with over blouse, the prettiest of
costumes Is enjoyed.
Jersey Coats
Popular in Gray Color
tc on to tQ on Now comfs
$U7U $77U the time for
the sport suit and here arc some Inter
esting Jersey coats In both Tuxedo and
regulation collar effects. A pretty prac
tical garment for summer and early fall
to be worn with separate skirt.
Oyer Blouses
Georgette, Crepe de Chine and
1 AQ t0 t7 Qfl Many hand"
l7U some models
in the newest Over Blouses. Beaded
and embroidered in rich designs. Navy,
white, flesh and bisque. Also fine voile
blouses, tailored and fancy styles and
the new Pongee blouse In smart sport
model with Peter Pan or two-in-one
Cotton Crepe Kimonai
Lowest Prices
Special Designs
M QQ. to fcfi K( Now 13 the
$l0 $UuU time to pur
chase these pretty, comfortable house
garments. Fashioned of fine quality
serpentine and cotton crepes in a wide
selection of colors and styles.
New Dress Fabrics
Voiles, Organdies, Crepe Mohair
Lovely wash fabrics rfor summer
dresses at lowest prices, swb He quality
and choice colors and designs arc the
Fancy Figured Voiles 1Q to rQ
36 In. wide IO oVC
Dainty Tissue Gingham f
40 inch . . . DDC
Percales, light and (" to or
dark colors 13 mUW
Organdies, all summer colors CQ
40 Inch OSJC
Suitings QQ.
36 Inch 7C
Crepe Mohair, new sport M OQ
Fabric. 36 inch 4 JuJ
Pique Skirtings OO to Jf
27 inch 0 ttDZ
All New Colors and Designs
in Finest Quality
We will make you great savings in
this important line of merchandise.
Sewing Thread .5c
Coats' Crochet Cotton Hc
Cuticura Soap 21c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste 31c
Palm Olive Soap, 2 for l.V
Rick Rack Braid JW-
Toilet Paper roll ,. 5c
White Laundry Soap 6 for 2.V-
Hair Nets ! and 10c
Hose Supporters IO to 25r
Snap Fasteners 4 to He
Safety Pins ...4 to lOc.
Plns 5 to 8c
Darning Cotton 4 to He
Bias Tape 5 to 2I-
Out of the principle of square dealing, the
GoldenRule, applied tobusiness, has grown the
demand for approximately $50,000,000 worth
of family outfitting from the J. C. PENNEY
Company stores in the past year.
NOURISHED by sound conservative economical methods, this largest chain
department store organization in the world will continue to grow and bear
good fruit. Expecting and asking only reasonable profits, you benefit by the
lowest possible prices plus the savings effected through our tremendous cash
buying power. These savings you enjoy every time you make a purchase at
a J. C. Penney Company store.
As You Compare Our Prices With Those Quoted
Elsewhere, You Know Why the J. C. PENNEY CO.
Never Need to Quote Comparative Prices
Aai ii ii ii ii nit 1 1 i m-JA"rr - z;j.jjr rz .
Mail Orders Rromptlv Attended to
Salem,rOregon, ffi60
TUC I AnrC Clf
w vv
North Liberty Street
r"I I A IM rvrt A DTi jrfcrr
A Money-Saving Event for Men
Highest grade materials are used In
these men's suits. The best workman
ship goes into their making: the pock
ets arc hand turned and stitched and
every detail is right.
Suits, Regulation
and Young Mea'a Style
Pure worsteds, fine sere.
cheviots and fassimeres
are the materials. Here
j Aft aro 'he suits yon have
iOUU been waiting for and a
bie choice of colors for your Bele;tion.
Buying from us you save money. Note
our prices.
Boys' Clothing
'Made to Give Service
$6.90 ' $14.75
This Is the
season of
the year when boys give the hardest
wear to their suits. Suits with extra
trousers and a fine selection of extra
school pants. Also suits for vacation
and knockabout wear at lowest prices.
New Straw Sailors
ow Ready
$1.98 lo $3.98
The correst
crown height
and brim width with ribbon band. Fine
durable quality of straw and latest
shapes. Also men's new Panamas in
finely woven Panama with indented
crown and band. A choice of men's and
boys' caps in all new: colors and ma
terials. Men's Wearables
At The Lowest Prices
Special quality Hosiery; black, white
and grey, 15c to 69c. Men's collars,
the popular brands and styles. 20c and
49c. Men's canvas gloves, 10c to 29c.
Men '8 muslin nightshirt!. 98c to $1. 69.
Men's overalls and jumpers, .heavy den
im. 1.19.
Painter's Overalls .$1.19
Men's and Boys' Khaki Pants
. . .$1.25 to $3.23
Men's Work Pants $2.49 to $2.08
Men's Union Suits 8ttc to $1.08
Bathing Suits ...08c to $3.90
Men's Dress Shins ...$1.10 to $3.98
Wash Ties 10c to 40c
Silk Ties 40c to $1.49
Work Gloves 69c to $2.23
Suit Cases and H&iflbags 50c to $16.50
f Buy the Boy's
Overalls Xow
OA and no A big shipment has
OJJ OC just come In. Over
alls of the finest and most durable qual
ity; indigo dye and made with bib.
Men's Shirts
For Hard Wear
fiQ to 1 0 Mwi blue cham
UJC $lt bray shirts, made
of extra heavy quaWjr material, full
cut. Also boys' blouses, best quality.
69c to 98c. Boys' dress shirts and
blouses in plain and fancy stripes, 69c
to $1.49.
New Silk Fabrics
For Dresses, Mouses, Skirts
The clever home dressmaker will take
advantage of savings on these handsome
silk fabrics; she will be quick to see
where Bhe can save money and be able
to make two dresses where she has felt
she could afford but one.
Finest Quality of Q QQ
Pongee, yd. ... vl0Fy $itlO
Extra quality of Q QQ
Mcssaline, yd. . V JltfO
Heavy Crepe de Chine Q
yard . . . . X 0 7
C.eorgette CrepV 1 Q
yard $liUJ
Satins, white and flesh, $179
Chiffon Taffeta fcl CQ 01 QQ
yard SJiV pl30
Fancy Crepe Silks. frn I Q
yard plJ
Fancy Figured Foulards -1 Q
yard .j . . . .
0,;Kr. I0cto25c
..... vd , T 1,1 i Will uv l
".n within the next; fgw dajs t