The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    , - SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 2. 1021 V I
He Calls Himself J. W. Harr ington, But, 'Steen tn One,
He Is None Other Than J. W. Redington, Who, Even
Though He Ought To Know Better by Now, Is Prob
ably the Same Joker He Was in Ye Olden Days.
.Millpcctas, fa!., June
Editor Statesman;
A3 wc look to tho homo news
paper for all our valuable Infor
mation, I am v.-ondriiiK if you
could givv me the prencnt address
of Capt Al II. C'rosman, who
UBed to be commanding officer of
Capital Knglrte Co., In Sah-m's
volunteer fire depart tuent somo
years aso. although it .seems 1 1 U
We used to have to pay for the
privileKe of belotiRirig in th.e
day, and when I ran behind in
m il ,s Al generously squared
' ;ne up. so that 1 must be owin
hi;, i af'out $JiMnt now, tipurini'
ordinar interest.
Il w a ;i .-urc pleasure to serve
under a clioen.i; captain like Al.
but when wo tiracued our old tu'i
awav down 'o North Sabm in th-
middle ol the ni-'ht and v.otked
the hcivy hatid-hrake-; urMil day
light, wasting water on liill lrU
' wold's old wooWn mill and found
that Hill would not even set i
. ;i few mouthful of hot coffee for
the boys, thm I Kot mad and
AN INTERESTING SCENE AT LAWN FETE. DCPRDnC llfl R V ' n' ' '' Uh orporatum. a coHtive
ioi.tmc -ionium , j hound-', u i., said. .
: r. c x, rr., iii imirhi ii ii . ...... . 1 '- " .. i"lm
rv-vv tMSm Hr numnnr -a. : ; ; - ...,.,
iivrir' ,!.v :.r..!' ..;':,.'-,,,.,,..'.----".si--
. New York Athletic and Mult- ,V - ,:r : "..'.v:,
VtfA& "Tfr V jv. nomah Clubs Clash in ', 'V ; 'r'-Lh' '
77. Tf-K. 1 , r.-n--i -r-j-.. ....... ... ... ... ...v v ...!f..iJl ". ac-oru-n
fy I Ul lianu I vuaj .,, .. . j.-,, . -i, , ; V '.it ). j towers.
- r jvT v . .vTS j-i' S-. -.. i i !. . : r
"Tr -4 .St.'.." i I i:i! I ;i Ii.;:
g-AVM ,j ih. M '4s iV v COLLEGES StNU SIAKS ;. , ,, , . ,
OMM. and i. ever went back any
liioic. iii.d I stippos-c that Al paid
.: lu - f'i: L' - or je.its alter
'.J-dui Wi.i'lt useil to be
:ji..-.ov I :. :i(;-r o!i. tin- I
,l .r.-iiit J ; " vti.rtli of cracker
. nd h -e .tt in- store for the
i ire i,. .aid Mood linn (df for
M and am Mill dittoiiip. So I
.i.ii.t U this tune be owing him
liboul $:loi.
i,( t:ie l,l!l tlil'li:.- ll.-ed
to ;:- t . ifliie 111 cettlli- ttt.-t wa'.T
(,., f i; i !, o-i . ; uMii.iii; ("apt .
CmiI'I'.. W-lt'. TiK'T T'.llliltH rO!ll
p,:li'. . .Mil! l oth v. i ! e ir loavy iMii.. t :'.(!! t ro:i -h 1 ii" on I em !ii"i lai stteet w hen
t would in i : e a .--nidi-- b'lal: ket
Two ot'o-r Hi' ii in Salem tlia:
' ow nioii.-v to -at ba:.l a tho'i
.Li.,i l" e;ih ;ue Wiliard
II H n ;iiid .Kle I.afore. who
u-ed to hark i;ve up when th--jd;ife
wa passed at Sunday school
'I he nlvajs saw me thromjh.and
: . . told tlu L:ir!s about it.
1 am toin- to pay up all there
-. ooii m n. for. with another
li i .inn ! . I am :oinK to cet urub-
t.ik d and i.'o out into the moun-
t:.ilis ;l.d strike ;i ciototl Oil Well.
;;:i(i when it ht-sins to piih. cverv
bodv look o'H Anyhodv can po
If1 Tvi
J. L Besicfc
. -am
Vim sells from 15c to 25c sack
less than any other Flour near
Vim quality
Direct selling makes the difference
1 lb. 39c; 3 lbs. 33c per ib.; 5
lbs., 37c per lb.
B. Brand, 1 lb. 35c 3 lbs. $1.
American Club, 1 lb. 30c
3 lbs. 85c; 5 lbs. $1.35
Vim Floar, sack $2.30
100 lbs. Best Cane Sugar $6.50
15 lbs. Best Cane Sugar. $1
Best Creamery Butter 33c
2 lbs. Nucco or Margarine 45c
50c value Bulk Ceylon Tea 37c
60c value Bulk Gunpowder Tea 42c
25c value Bulk Coffee 21c
25c value Bulk Coffee, 5 lbs. $1
20c value Bulk Coffee, 1 lb. 16c
20c value Bulk Coffee, 5 lbs. 15c
3 lbs. Bulk Cocoa, best quality 40c
2 large pkgs. Sun Maid Raisins 47c
1 lb. pkg. Parawax 18c
Zinc Mason Jar Caps, dozen 27c
Economy Jar caps, dozen 27c
Quart Mason jars, dozen 93c
Pint Mason jars, doz. 88c
2 cans Ever Green Corn 33c
3 cans Tomatoes 27c
Alaska medium red Salmon, can 25c
Don't confuse this salmon with Co
lumbia River Salmon; this salmon
is very rich in oil, compares favor
ably with the best.
3 cans Alaska Pink Salmon 29c
!! lb. can Alaska medium red, 2
for 25c
Post Toasties, pkg. 10c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c
Large Instant Postum 40c
Small Instant Postum 26c
Plain Postum 23c
50c size Royal Baking Powder, 3
for $1.05
16 oz. Calumet Baking Powder 29c
Campbell's Soups, per can 10c
Pint Wesson's Oil 29c
Quart Wesson's Oil ; 59c
gallon Wesson's Oil 99c
1 gallon Wesson's Oil $1.89
Pint Mazola Oil 33c
Quart Mazola Oil 63c
!1. gallon Mazola Oil $1.13
1 gallon Crystal White Karo 83c
' -i gallon Crystal White Karo 45c
1 gallon Amber Karo 75c
1 1' gallon Amber Karo 44c
Large Log Cabin Syrup $1.20
3 pkgs. Jell'O 27c
3 pkgs. Jiffy Jell 27c
Knox Gelatine 20c
Cox Gelatine, pkg. 12c
Diamond C Flour $1.65
5 gallon Kerosene 97c
Bring Crystal White Soap coupons
to us. we give an extra bar of soap
beside the bar the company gives
Now is the time to make your dollar go as far as it can be made to go.
We have eliminated every expense that is possible to eliminate. You do not
: pay for delivery unless you use it. Compare these prices and then say
- whether or not you as the housewife are doing your part in helping the fam
ily pay rolL
-4 . j? .v
! . ' t-V ifs '?SJ
Hurley, Tuck, Payne, Spear
ow and Others to Defend
Western Honors
Ciarke County Prunes
Are 25 Percent Norm-al
-2 , srt-rt u
1 ,
' I :t I. AM
Tr.ii I. sl;U' o
v, V. ill CI.
N.-w V..ri.
M ii:lll.. 111. :h
::. et . t !, -V
lo re ti.d.i)-.
( an n-cords ;
eonte.sts, iiroinoters of
will I . d : i noi n l 1 .
York At hi -t'..' club's te
1. fe en I'lllll. lo t lie .l
Or , .1 an-.,
the r.iCiln
, i with 1 1 1
I i II ll - ! Hi I' ',.
1 1 1 . 1 T v li !" Ai:.i
, Yo.k At!i!
11' world an-!
i:le 1 1 ; t
; t.i
'iiit .
i i.i.i
oi d i i- u I
d t-
t . i.
r(,I han
it is t!iouht
a Kid priQ
' l-i'canse
of fruit. Th,
I'llUlies is'7;
; ' and th
a mo as h
to the
i 1 'Hid. hes
,1-mi n . eji-distHfJ,.
1 !l ; ; by nieia.
'1 rin dowB
id der need tn
Miv a Till
Usburn. R.
d I.
h ,d!
. ' i a '
(I t 1
if i
., writes: fl
- hut they did
" k Kok-y Kli
1:' ' !! me r
I a in well,?
everywhere. 4
;-.i i
. I -" -
tti- . . ir
A mei i
roken .ii tin
the event
The .. .
am will be
tional A in -
3 i.
'.forees Cnrpentier. Dempsey's challenger, made a wonder. i im
pression in social circles when, dressed in white flannels, he an" :areJ
it the Villa Marina, where a fete was beinc Riven. He wn promptly
buttonholed by Miss Sigried Holmquist. Sweden's Mar" J'ickford.
out and strike a common crude
mi well. t it it taKes ... water- ,
witi he to strike a croton oil well i
und you know that Mich stutf is
one ol the niot active accelera
tor.- on earth. Mi(t will relieve th
n;estion now r.revriilmf; in all
riMrs as la rue as Sciu. and it will
take th- carbon off a man's .-park
pluns iiiicker'n um can say Ja' k
Kobinson. We will put it fn th -
market Within teach of all. so
that (trown people will also cry
i for it.
In rero''i - rt of tiie i-oml
oi-H .1 that we will orratiize our
nil company on lanky l'riday the
l.ltb, we are oiny to have 1
treasurers, one of whom muft be
honest, ant" show the rest of us
M isKourians that he is ?o Our
stock wilt be Fold at -.". a
share, with only " 0 o share to a
ustotner. unless h or she. as the
rase may be. insists on buying
more, but there will be no easy
payment plan of $10 (mm) down
and $10011 a minute, as that in
volves writing too many checks,
which is the real causo of the
fre.ent hTarcity of whie paper.
We j-re u.n erpctiiie to strike
a lvlt: of petrified eesnoc anioim
th euphiiards of the old cliff
dwellers, so I" C that I will soon
be able to nay up my old Halem
: debts with interest.
Meantime, if I should have to
elimh tn.. Gohien Itair. I will
I1 break off and throw down the tor
step, which my creditors car. use
I for filli'nL' tlieir teeth, and thus
ilauuh at the hi cost of dentistry.
I Very truly yours.
J. W. Harrington.
is at lleppner.
is on the otlui
ins: rier.- Kd
and Kbiier ct t!
People of Salem Thanked for
Possibilities While Sol
diers Camp
(The police reporter of The
Statesman. after receiving the
above. looked around a little
a m on L' the old-timer of Salem,
and the si'ti-ral conclusion is that
he is sailing under an alias
that he is not .1. W. Harrington,
and that he dn-s nut live at Mill-peta.-,
( al . but that he is .1. W.
Uedinton. and that he lives
somewhere around I .oh Ancejos,
were his letter was postmarked.
That is I he opinion of Pete 11
Arcy. who has In i n in Salem ever
since Mount Hood was a hole in
the pround. and who knew J. V
Itediimton well iu the obi day.-,
when be was a printer and news
paper man in Salem, and after
wards the satite and more in
Heppnefl. ;,Hl , I'uyalliip. Wash .
v hieh he al-Aavs : pd!,-d '. e.,hip
If J. U . K- diiiKton is not the
author of th. ahove et;er. n-t h n
n ine to th-- front ami ppne ..a
alibi. A 1 CrnsMiiau is in I'mt
latid. John f't W'rtfht i a i i
(b nt of Salem. Wiliard II. I!- l n
Notice cf Intention to 7nitoe
North Siioimer stn-t Ikoii lb -Norlli
l,in' of Market Street to
the South Line or I airut oiifnl
Knal. N'dice Is h re'iy triven that th"
Common Council of the (itv uf
Salem f r.u-..n. decrn-- it expedient
and propo-es to improve N.,ith
Siiminer -tr-et from the north line
of latkel vlr-eet to the south iitie
of the Kai.rirround load with si
im h I'ortlatnl t'ement coiiiref.
pavensent at the epeMwe of the ,'id-laf.-nt
an- ahittltiL- properly with
in said limit... in accordance with
the p!an per M i a tons and esti
mate, t,,r the Improvement of raid
North Summer street from the
north Cue of Market street to the
HOttfh line of the Kairirounds roa.l
as heretofore adopter! by the Com
mon Council and on tile )n the of
fice of the ("itv Recorder, which
are hereby referred to for a more
particular and detailed descrip
tion or hM mprovement. and are
' berehy made a part of this notice
Written remonstrance urain-t
;the Improvement proposed herein
niav hi' made at any time within
ten H n i da u from the final pub.
;liation of thi notice in the man
lier provided hv the City Charter
Th: not-ce is publsh d for t :i
( ' - d.ivi imrs'iaiit tn a i e--d u t i.-n
of ii;.. f'ommon f'oun d and th
date of the i r-1 pit hi ica t inn there
of i- the L".lh da of June. lijl.
and the dale of th" final publica
tion will b. the 7th dav of Julv;
I 1921.
CAM!' I.:; . IS Was.i . .Iinie '.' I
l'or the past two y-ars th s
company has inainla'n'd tin- repu
tation of hit vim; the best table
any other comtiauy of the Fif'h
OreRon infmtry. This, according
to the company's officers, is made
possible by the paUonaKe of Sa
!?m folks to dances si, en by th--guardsmen
;.tn y the strict..;
."otiiniy on the part of those in
charge or t he in ss fund.
The army ration. wHe whole
some Ind ample for tin- ordinary
soldier far", is woefully bukirf-'
mr the soldier who h:x
just left the home menu I'm I -.
vegetables :.nd eMra items are
provided the traditional m -ss fund
which in the regular army is
created by lines and proceeds
from orua n i.a i ion shows jnul pro
fits from c.ntecns. in Kuafl
units home hine'its provid- the
only means for financial support.
"We are grateful to our Sab ;a
fri'oi.-s -.c tto r response to
various benefit affairs during the
past year," fays Captain Leruy
i tewlett.
ateur Athb tK union meet ;.t l'a .
adeiiit .July I. I, i.
The Mullnoniiih club's list of
iitf.i - inclubs many we'l 1 : 1 1 w ' t
tratk st;trs. The list tidlows:
Washington Men lliiter
N'ic 1 1 u 1 1 ;. . I'nivi rsity of Wash
itiKion sprinter, with r cord 1
4 in lot) yards and 21 : in
and low but dies in
(Iiis. l'ope, I'niversity of Was'.i
ingtuu shot put and d'st us m.-ti,
who repress rite. i America at th-v
Olympic Kiiiii'-.'. Besides icie.K
considered cue of the best discus
no n in the 1 n it' d States, he ranki
high as ;t shot putter.
Art Tuck, University of Oregon,
.lavlm thrower, v. ill make an
fort to break the American record
Reginald Pratt, I'niversity of j
Washington, ijuarttr niibr who
.. no in. ,ds t! ; northwest ijuarf rj
in"" re(iir. I
"Chuck" rrankland, I'niversity :
of V. .n inngti ii. a jumper ami
l irh bur.ib-r. i
Hi'lfh Siiarrow, I'liivisity ol
Oreuon. known as the "vanltirr.;
parson" because he is an ordained ,
minister, is good for 1 :i feet in j
the pole vault.
Payne in l-'ive-Mile llun
Kldon .lenne. Washington Sta'
college, is another pole vault'r
good for 13 feet.
Mose I'avui'. declared the great
est five-milr ever ileveloped i"
the no. ' h we; t .
"(lap" Powell. Oregon Ag-'iml-tural
c.dl-g'1. weight man. v. ill try
!.... 111 tin. Khllt T'llt
in i .'i'- ... v.... . --- ,
Max Snook. Oregon- A'U iculi u--
al college, spr.rter who von the
'r : b
Furniture and House Furnishing,
Fjrty-lb. malttesses, rotieid
edge, assort Pd tickinrcrt tl
choose from. Formerly j
112. .".0 and $li.oo valueai
Closing out pale at
Second Floor.
W. & G.'s
Bargain Basement
Hundreds of rtdls of wall
paper in ,-hort i u an t ii io of
ii p:itlein. These at-- double);
rolls in man', pteity io
1'oiiiHrly 4ac. ?ji.H
7 .". S ':, $ I on ai d
Valuer. Cbl-i!!J', Oil
( lioii c ;it
:-i t;n
) Roll
Department Store
Successors to W. Moore
177 N. Liberty St. . .Il l Phone 983
Served from 10 to
Private C'
of l!arti( v I
Won t wo set :
i il Frame, a rm -tub m
If ic k'.-r's s'i u :i-l . h is
of laurels, one in 1 1 , -
kitchen as A-l pot scrubber and
tho other as a C'-pojnt shoot' r -in
itte - .1 e - v ;i ' ii tanue. i-'taino is
another member of th" ('.inpan
v. bo wi:di s ho ktt. h'ii p.r-iv.i- .
kept a d'-ep. dank s er-d ' rom
folks at lion-.. Tin: nunhi I ' "'
the dish-wa ber ;nid df.",i' me mi
asserts Lester.
' '( roller's worse- than
l'raier's v.oise than I'-
" I ' t ra m
i'i s to Mor
can't pet 'em up in H
I. " - r he. I rr '". I' i I I 1 H
ruisday. June wa Iii1 '
day with thi- eomnatn. I'.-lh t ii'' H
::ii" and ' - d ral pav roll, w .-
siptie-l and the or. miat ion v a- I
in u- . .-d -Mil . t i' :n in lb- - v - I
ninu, V !h i pay-lav u -ttb'. I
coma 01 other te-. ;!! it ' si
' Wo' , i .11 ii oi !i '. i !: 1 1 '-"
" Not Ii i n '. in a in in .. ."
'!v, bet ymi i- reitin' like oit
fill her." !!( ion Transcript
v, I I
WQj CookStovesiarid Ovens
pf f J jJ!
. ! - j
iii i . ( I I
' I i ' r,
THKY'KK FKKK, and baked in a NKW l'i;i;I'i; I'luS. !0"KN t.i. a NKW PER
FHCTION (ill. COOK STOVK. A Mi.-t-ial .Intooi-i i -..( i.H.i iii i la ii- . --tolttctcd at our
store by Mr. Hall, a rc-jin sentaliv c (iiit it i n-tii tin- l.u l oiyl u (
We Cordially Invite You to! Attend
riNi ; an ' )i i. - i vi;
il! ' YOf W'OUd) LI
it- (
Also New
Come and Spend the Afternoon Witi Us
:n-yn)N ST0V&
: it ecry day. : .
1 ;i(. , um v.- al"oii I I i i (' -I i :i T.ipf j iUttl ( ' d i VrM i.'titr and
;u'iox on, cook M iA'K. : j r i
1 i i ,? .
elisors .ii :i! ;.iiminuni Man-
This i.s the famous
known the world o r.
irner NMWf! VK
h- - ii - . nil in
Ho sure t
fieni-v of the
i eome in atnl
Ni-Av 'i-:nv
wil! al o 1
iaw a 1" cpii j i"!i-'
120 North Commercial St.
- i;ai;t, i; rj:.
City Recorder.
i. -