The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Silverton Man Claims to be Real
Cheese Eater, but Governor Has
Notion He's Faster Than Benson
Ffr a Ioiik time C,ovrnor l
ott Iuh Kn' around bragging
almul hta prowt-Rc- aa arhp-Hr at-
r. Hut ht- has run acron a c-ual-l-nger
In Carl l!-nmi of Sll-r-iun,
pnprl-trr of Hi'iin'x Flia
int farm. HfiiPon liami't actually
rhalh'HKI tu governor to a
ih-w-fatiOK bout, but correnpon
'uo is between the two
tttat may lea I to a competitive ue
:ilon wKli timburgt-r and Kocquf
fort. l'ti)Hon Halms be get ip
nlp.hlr, to eat cbeefie. Olrott Ih
rt.'i'd to carry It around in his
"V.'h arc lnttini; th cheone hard
over h"rc," writes IJennon from
Silverton. "Wn eat it for break
fat lunch and dinner. We eat
it between mealn and sometim s
TM up at tilftht and eat morn ot
it. It'H fine, too.
"You ee we uae KvergTeen
(Contluuod from page 1.)
pponvoring th event this yeir
and give the ansurance that every
bargain offered wilt be !ona fid?.
Over CO btores have Joined the
Bargain luy lint, an follows:
The following Ih a list of the
Bargain Day Btores:
Anderson it. Brown, the iport
Ing goods store. Sportsman
Buster Brown Shoe Co. No
ficticious quotations. A ' truly
wonderful sale.
C. P. Bishop, the home of Oreg
on made virgin, wool products.
Max O. Buren.
J. U Bunlck & Son, Vim Flour
Buttercup Ice Cream company.
Weatberly Ice Cream dealers ap
preciate quality. That is wby
they sell Weatberly Ice Cream.
Manufactured in Salem by But
tercup Ice Cream Co.
The Bootery.. Shoes at less for
The Bow Optical Co A depen
dable place to have your glares
made. lenses ground on the
Cross Market. Meats of Qual
ity and Flavor.
Chambers & Chambers. Furni
ture', ruga, linoleum, ranges tnd
general house furnishings.
" The Centra! Pharmacy.
Tom Cronlse. Photographer,
1)3 North' Commercial street.
Commercial Book Store. Qual
ity and service.
Davles Shack. Teanut brittle.
B: B. Eshleman. We sell for
R. L. Farmer Hardware Co.
Our hardware wears.
Foster & Baker.
The French Shop. 115 North
High St. Millinery and d reuses.
Oray-Belle. Candy. Ices, and
meals. v
Great Western Oarage. Every
thing for the auto.
Win, Oahlsdorf.
Gale A Co.
Hauser Bros. Snorting" goods.
' Hartman Bros. Jewelers. Gifts
that last.
' . C. S. Hamilton, quality, not
G. W. Johnson A Co.
Kafoury Bros. Thrifty shoppers
shop on Bargain, Day.
McDowell Market. Where a
dollar does its duty. --
D. II. Moaher. Merchant tailor
to men and women. Only firm in
Kafoury s
Pictorial Re?iew Patterns and
There are now in this field four col
lege students soliciting subscriptions
to the Pictorial Review Magazine.
These students are earning their col
lege tuition in this way for next year.
You are perfectly safe in giving them
your subscription.
Perfect Glove
Fitting Corsets
cheene, made near here, and ii j
you Mailt us to eal more of ii you i
will have to try and get and ap-'
propria! ion from the legislature to!
enable us to buy it."
Hens, ,11 writefl in behalf of the:
whole Pheasant farm outfit
"Let rne . .'UK ral ula te tun upon
your patiiolii -f fortr to Immi! tli -
eheeBe industry. 1. mself, am
great lover ot cheese and eat t
on all poHsible cM-cabioiiH. I am
Klau to see that oit are ncipiii i
to make your local industry pro?-j
l-r and become a mic'ess ami that !
the method used Is the pieasan! '
oue of eating clr'ese and still;
more c heese. 1 know that I lor :
one will continue to. help the ln
diiHtry by eating it on all pos-ib'e
occasions, and ftom the tenor l
your iettfr 1 think you will
with me."
Salem doing tailoring under the
union label.
Miller Mercantile Cn Good
goods. Quality first.
Nelnieyer Drug Co in busin
ess for your health.
Oregon Theater Our music
makes good pictures better.
Peoples' Market. Our Coupon
books wave five percent.
Price Shoe Co. llanan Shoes.
Peoples' Canh Store. Shop with
the crowds at Salem's busy bar
gain center.
Patton Bros. Kodak films de
veloped free on Bargain Day.
Special sale box stationery and
correspondence cards.
Paris Shoe Store. Style with
out extravagance.
J. C Perry. The Rexall store
Portland Cloak & Suit Co
Salem's greatest women's apparel
Portland Ry L. A P Co. Do it
Robtein A Greenbaum. Real
Roth Grocery Co. Quality gro
ceries. A safe place to trade
C. M. Roberts. The Court street
Salem Baaing Co. The Home
of Dixie Bread and Dixie dough
nuts. Salem Hardware C. See the
Salem Hardware Co. first.,
O. J. ScheL Men's clothing,
Shoes and furnishings.
Scotch Woolen Mills Store. Pet
ter values for less money.
.The Spa. The only confection
era in the city manufacturing our
own ice cream. The taste tells
the difference.
Steusloff Bros. AH kinds of
choice, fresh, cured and amoked
U. O. Shipley.
Skaggs United Store No. 37.
Groceries and fresh meats.
Salem Variety Store. 15'
Commercial street. Where yau
get right merchandise at right
F. E. Sbafer. Harness, bags
and leather goods of quality.
Mrs. H. P. Stith. We special
ize on children's hats.
John Sundin. 347 State street.
The only tailor who makes all his
clothes In Salem.
Salem Sample Store. 141 North
Commercial street. You do bet
ter here for less.
Valley Motor Co.
A. D. Thompson. 254 North
Commercial street. The Remnant
Vlck Bros. A square deal al
ways. Now
in their
Yesterday we moved our Dry (Irxxls
and Women's Ready to Wear from
our Men's Store back to our New
Store, 4GG State Street. We are not
quite straightened out, however we
are selling goods just the same, and
welcome you to come and see our
daylight store.
46G Stale Street, Salem, Ore.
U J V.illtoti.
c c Will. I i.uv riixi.i r""d'
i li-:it-r ami jell fur
Wt-lli-r Urns We- iiantntee
Kml .s. rii- .mil riplit j r t -w mi
faiuy ami M:il-- ku -e rli-a.
WimhI A. I'vU -e Stale stm-I
(ai-iieral audi repairs. Kn-rt re
pairing at uioilerate prii-es
Munis to. Kni'on'
larrt-t oiliral institution.
i.i in ii tiioccrv i 'o l.ow 1 1 -11 T
Low I'rires.
Sali-lil Ki.-illi,- To. I; Ifi Kler
jlrii - i'imii- to I s.
w e-i I ur 'niiipaiit .
loiil - . !i. iiv.- : ur Imii
Sa I em '
(Continued from pairo 11
I'r.inr-ois i'.'scaiops. were ainoiiu
the firf to remember, the cham
pion oil h is hi I I llil.O
"Many happy return's of the
day," was Carpeii t ier's mesase.
Descamti-; .-eut a similar fii.t
infc. i'limi hb mother in Salt Lake
ilv. Iemp ey received a nies.Jue
to which he had looked forward
all tla. She wished lilm good ImU
Midi all of a mother' affection.
Ilempsev lippe.l the scale at
Tl'2 pound toilav, lie hopes to
cale around the !'' mark when
ho -trips for action.
Irainint; Near Cnidct Ion
l)emp.-ey will gradually taper
off in his work with the resump
tion of training tomorrow. Ife
Hill work with the cloves Satur
dav ami Sundav. A rest Monday
will be followed by die final il:iv-f.
of boxing Tuesday and Wednes
day. Light exercise win t.e tne
program for Thursdnv and Friday
he will depart for Jersey Citv. ,
The champion was entertained
by newspaper correspondents. (
vaudeville actors and a jaz band
The party was a surpri in honor
of his birthd.iv.
(lf4tre'M Work in Vod
M XMI ASSKTT. V. Y . l ine 2 4
Driven to rent by the wHterlnr
heat Ceorges C.irpentler indulged
in a lieht road sevsion this morn
ing and permitted himself to be
entertained in the afternoon.
Trainer Wilson took Georges fr
the wood Immediately after he
had finished break f.i't and kept
him bustling for more than two
The heat became no intense at
noon that Trainer Wilson declared
an afternoon of Idleness for (Jeor
pes. Willie Iwls, one of the most
ardent admirers of Carpentier. ar
rlred with a party of entertainers
shortly after 2 o'clock.
There was a jazz hand, some
dancers and a number of singers
Knteriarner Applatide
The performance continued for
more than two hours. Carpentier
applauded every number.
"This has been a real enter
tainment for me," he said, "and I
enjoyed it much more than I can
tell you."
For an hour in the gymnasium
this afternoon, Georges' sparring
partners worked hard In prepara
tion for another workout with
Georges tomorrow afternoon. Car
Dentler expressed himself as great
ly pleased with the new addition
to the camp.
"He likes them because they do
not complain when he hits them,"
said Trainer Wilson.
JERSEY CITY. N. J . June 2 1.
Willie Jackr.on. New York light
weight, outfought Charley iFtt.s.
of Australia, in a 1 1! round bout
film k
n r
MAIL ORDERS Your mail orders
receive our personal and prompt at
tention. We pay the postage or ex
press on every order.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We guarantee satisfaction on every
purchase or refund your money
fdiiiclmlod Yosloulay
Sliutonlr. uepan
n-r Tliir Homos
The Oregon School for the Deaf
,lo-ed it-: year's work Friday, am?
most of the pupils havo already
-tailed for their homes Superin
tendent -K S TilliiiKhast went to
I'oitlaud Friday afternoon in
harg of some of the students
who needed attention that far on
their way. Other-i have gone In
almost every direction, to spend
their summers at home and come
b.l( k the f i r-1 of September for
aliol her year :ir anl of dm state,
'1 ho year has been perhaps the
mo-t successful iii the history of
the school. The attendance has In
crease. 1; the sta'e maintenance
has been more ab'i!late and has
provided for a. number of much
needed physical improvements;
and die actual school work has
also partaken of the general 'lp
lilt. No preat Increi-se in attendance
can be expected, or desired, as
those already in the school coin
prise practically the full normal
proportion of deaf for a state with
the present Oregon population.
Hut the school see mi to be dotus;
hetter work all the time
(Continued from pat;e 1) !
; , - -
A .-phi in the ranks of id-, mm 1
.1.1 : . .i . . . f
i i iii-ii-gaiiiin lliri .lli'li I'll III de
! pr've Lewis of l..'.!i; votes as it1
was announc, , tonight by Fran k i
Parritigt..ii. president of the 1 1 Ii 1 district, that neither he. nor
Alexander lowat. ()f the Kansas
district, tiui oh. rt Harlan, of the
S a hinglon district, would vote
for l.ewi".
Soffriige Amendment sf
The Co-n ven I inn i,f ilw. A riri
Federation if Labor today v of'.-d
down a oriRdtntional amendment
d signed to give wom-n ' eiii,-
rights and privileges of member-
ship in the in, ion of their traU or
industry." All affiliated u n urn.
however, were urged not to din -
criminate against the woman wage
earner and admit her to member-
I'll In. jcure peace and prosperity in the
Ffforts to wipe out the "colfH world.'
line" in oigani.-d labor organlzi ! -'The department inFists on
lions also failed. The convention , maintaining both the precedent
took the stand that national and a( n,e propriety which forbids
internal lonai unions could not in
compelled to recognize liegr')
workers, and I hat this was a mat
ter to b adjusted by conference
between the negro wage earners
and the various organizations.
Women Have Consideration
The connnitt-'e's report reject
ing the constitutional amendment
to give women "industrial equal
ity" defended the federation'.
stand on woman in industry and
cited efforts to get better; wages
and working conditions for them.
It declared that only a "few un
ions" were discriminating against
women and for that reason dis
approved the. amendment and
urged that "thosj international
and national organizations which
do not admit women to member
ship give early consideration for i
such admission." !
Equal rights for women in in-1
dur.try was voiced by delegate i
Ironi the cigar makers' and the j
laundry workers' union who de- J
dared "if a woman does a man's '
work she should receive a man's
pay." All declared that organized
labor should protect th" woman j
wage earners. i
Street Cur Man Object j
W. Ii. Mahon. president of the !
! Amalgamated Association .1
j Street and Electric Railway Em j
i ploys of America, declared th:;' j
j his organization would not allow;
the federation to dictate to it in!
the matter of woman's labor, lie'
said he was mi favt r of protection
; of woman workers, but he did not j
j believe that th- "back platform '
of a street car was the place fori
a woman." j
(Continued from par 1 )
whole dictionary a sublime sytit
j phony of sound; one niM-lit be u
(.storekeeper or a lavvver or a
oh, ai! thing, and it could be
j Counted to bis cvetla-litu credit.
, In odo r word--, it is understood
that tin- very terms of die exam
ination ale -lu ll licit ru n one j
i of Edisons -upi iine'i who could '
I'll why Caesar cb. n.Led one si-k
at a lime, or why A b-xa nder liat--
fat poodles ir why the dot;
, diun'l catch the rabbit, wouldn't
necessarily have any ok-i- over-He-
Irieiidly man with a smile or
t the capable worker who delivers
I b votes.
Term Is Variable. j
This executive ability" is jut I
that variable; hut it is understood
as a more colice,. argument that
the man who hopes to ri-t any- !
where must be a good fellow. !
I'yspeptu-s and good haters and
in ilk-sou ring countenances and
peppery teuipeis and scowls are ',
i iiderstood to In- anathema in the j
(ontest. I ncle Sam is like Julius i
Caesar- he wants men fat in per
. son or in spiiit who will bv agree- ,
.able. It is predicted that of ttiej
three men from whom the uld-
mate selection is made, tjy-re are
. bound to be at least tlfree nin '
; who can warm a cold room with !
a single smile, and thaw the froz-
en water pipes and radiators with
: one good hearty "tiood morning."
Seven Are Mentioned.
! At least seven names have ber-n
; suggested: there may be many
others who would be receptive re
cipients Among those mentioned
are A. A. U-e. Walter L. Tooze.
Sr.. Dr. T. C. Smith. W. Carlton
Smith. John Farrar, Arthur M
; C.ibbard. I,eroy Hewlett and Hon
i old (J. Glover. Farrar and Gib
j bard are already in the postoffice
i and Hewlett waa there for some
years, until his resignation a year
pi (Mil i IH'II I ill
I..-, h i .
; i olllih'-li t Hi
r I IV ley of Sa
V.t II know II lit
lo!it ical a M f. f I" ' f u '
lor sevel.ll )i HIS illl I'l Ul'l'
man Haw lev ami stands liuli n
the public e-l..-lil lU. Slllllll
l. manv nelsons r-iuinl-nil tl,-
n.w-' selection
exa iii iii i n com in 1 1 1
liiitlil even have the candidal"
Maud up and -inii. at a maik. or
interpret the K.riii or the I Mi
I, a li hide ul I he 1 1 u n k y -1 . ry oi
Swat as a mark of culture, or
lake turns mauliii: a -audi. if as
an evidence ol (loir abiiilv t'
handle a crew tin-re seems to Im
nothing in do- examination under
.slamlinc that piohihits the bo., id
Irom makini; its own standard
for executive ablli'V.
l'ottiler (ieliei'.-il 1kmh-
And even dull the jioMmast".
ceiieral has the choice ftom (ho
best three It's a pipe !or soln---
f now
bllt lie doesn't set III to
it. already vet.
s anticipated that do- ran
will be lined Up for til"
licit in the very near Pi
t lire.
(Continued from pace 1)
enemies of ours and yours. They i
are like the zebra either xvhlfe j
horsea with black stripes or black j
horses with white stripes. We !
know that they are not. horses.
And some people think they are
asses, but each one of these -asses
has a vote and it is one of the in
conveniences of a republican form
of government, that Americjm
born citizens thought it necessary
to cater to these voles. This
lu-cessarily created a wrong im
pression on tills Kide as to the
sentiments of the great body of
Americans but the lieonle of (Meat
ril.lla lluw ,mw ,,.,, ,.(lllfj.
,i.,,. t i r...,.i m lo..
- - - ....... ... - -
which are forced by these jack
asses vot-s.'
! Prediction ltcpentcl
" 'Kleven years ago I made ft
prophecy which came true wM:
venture another now. I believe I
i a11 livf ,,,, Ia' w,1"n
I English speaking twoples of the;
! world will come together in bonds!
I of comradeship; and if they do
they will he able to run this round
' globe. Personally 1 shall live to !
'xee an Inter-Kligllsh-spealctiig pot-j
i icy and when we have that w
shall have all that is needed to se-'
a government servant of your po-
lr. Slllllll !
soliliei irrl";. and
I,-i-ii ! many ear
( lii'oi alul Iiimiii'j
Ktii Mr. Too i.i
smmmsstm ,
cges7 No reJ chip low in tears Had low rice A kings help
ICIues nt- ???????????77? ?????????7?? ??77?7?7??? 77777777777
A I U -i)t gremt MoTie Producer, Cnar B.
lj IMillrr, lo hu batrit ril. Moi Pro-
Utn-r int Wrkfii-ld Onffin, "I LTe
)i- - wOKfJ four of iba kretp VoviriK
Viilum Start in Aun-rn-s tor mj nrst tor
.mr Pirture PUjf." Of roun tlnf miti
Jriffin nfrjf Siana )i likri to b t!ie
ofo-t of all tha great Moi I'ro.Jurrr a.. l
tried hit beac to pi-rgua UeMilli-r to tell
jim tlie aamt-s of tbe great Motia Sun. JM
ti lauulue bim. CVaar li. DeMillr 1.-st
ivid Varkfitld Ciiftn 1lt ferrt eooi-i
.-yr-iitiiif i.he oio.n of tao four Mori
! a had KJxeiLtrnl tnd told him if ba
.-d brains enough lo i-.. oTer tbe aaaiB froiB gerret ,de . deserved io '.now th-m
It 'oo itu.b of a .bill for (Iriffm. m it
aa.J !iK railed 1.1 .Holland V'rd and offered
tbem a 'hou.and Jotlara if .aey - ould tlia tl.e r.-nen for b in from the four aeiret
eoJea :hi I,. Miller ,d firen ium. ri.
a an eaajr jot. for tlie rreat S-xtlaiid Yard
had the four won. Tliee r.ea tha
;an.e w. Unffir. and alio (,t, bun tbeir aia
"u fcr working out iba.r clurg.
awasM 4 w-a wyi as K
This Great Contest Is Absolutely FREE of
Expense. Send In Your Answers To-day!
TlZ"1 rtmt
The Statesman Pub kbine
fJB- lrre.l and best knowi pb-
1-hmg bouse, in Oreron. This ,u,
aru.r.ntee that tbe pre, will be ...nled
with absolute f,rnes and sqU.reoe to yw
aed every other r0e.tant Frankly it i.
..landed to introduce The Pif.c Mom'eale
Oregon . Greatest P.rm Magaau,. and The
J.artha.t Poultry Journal. ,h. leidmg plul
try of the I'acJ.c .ertb-ee Ja
may enter and w,n the beat of prize, whether
you are a aubr.ber to e.ther of tieee pt .
l.c.tion. or not and moreover, yon wjl
neither be asked nor expected to take these
r P"ld mgle pnnv of your
I-".ey to rouipele
. '. the idf The Pacific Homestead
thede. dthetPamVbT ';rm "T"
K ., h fifi.; Northwest, usued weck-
ri. v ,k TT 1,r,te nu"her of readera
ni,r Northwest Poultry Journal i. also very
widelv read and ba. the largest e.reuUtien of
any m(,ne in iu class publahed in the
P.c.fie Northwest. But our motto j. o
rwd-r.Ii"T. "r hme- W re
readers to become acquainted with these
famous publication,. Therefore, whee we
you know your for the prises, we
ah.H .end you w.thout cost a copy of our
your entry to he sent on for the judging and
award,., of the grand prises, you w be
ns'ed ,0 M.,s, u. in carrying on tbut b s in
earn. .
The Great Movie
iiion ili.cif in.; Mich matter., in
a I oi ' i n i on ii 1 1 r .
Fictions Itept tiuaml Kedilbsl.
"Tliai I he i m pi or i t id such
public iilletaloes has once liefoie
He- II III eel III I o V Oil I .1 I ten t ioli i".
sl..W!l bv Ihe f.,. ( that a public
I -p I I III. I fiat was adm illl-lel ell to
vim iii I '' I I lor niakiir; the Col
li IV I 111' l.tlelllelll i A jlltl'l '
pi ei h in l.omloll : ' If I he I line
ivei mini- when the I'.lilisli em
lili i i-iiimiIv on-naced by an
viiinal e'li-ui). ii is my opinion
ili.ii vim may count upon every
in. ill. eveiv ilullar, every drop ot
hiiMiil nl ,o,ii kiudteil a ross tip
sea .'
In I In- leptiinand above men
tioned the duties and l csponsibili -i
e, of o: licet..- oi tin- navy who
r n-:ik in pn:iic were dearly and
fully si i iiirlh. Your i cma rk s on
do- ocia-ioii now' under discus
ion. I hen-role, constitute a flag;-
laiu and del i bet ,t u- 'disregard -I
:-p cifii- ill s I I iic t ion s.
, Admiral's Service Kecounieil.
' I !o- depai I nil-ill is not un
"iiuiidul ol your record and
at Jin vi in. nt as an olticer of lie
ha.y. bill the i 1 1 1 ., p li-1 1 . 1 1 s position
Von 1 1 1 1 A liold, i.llileil Willi llu
i.iM that '.oil have previously of
leinleil in a , nianner. no re
, Iv -i-rves to adil to the gravity
of I lie Jire-i nl o! fi Use.
1 "1 lie . p. ii tmeiil d -plori'H the
fact thai it is iii-i
a llan (I'luer it,
have lnade sip ll
to n biik--
essa IV
pll III IC.
act ion
but 'u
una void-
"The department express-- Its
strong and u mi ua 1 1 1 ied disapprov-!
of your conduct in having again;
lr u '"''I a highly iinprop.-, ,
sjH-cch in a foreign countrv, and
yiii are hereby publicly repri
manded." .Sims' Kejdy Presented
Altai hed to the copy of the
reprimand a.; made putdic was a
copy of Admiral Suns' ieply. In
his reply Admiral Sim.; set forth
that his r- iiiat ks were not pre
pared in advance ami I hat Ii"
spoke e.xl cinjioraheousTy.
"Tlli.-. cop o! the Speech W i 1 1
show in vv i i u t respect.-;. I was in
correctly quoted iii Ani-iica."
-a.vs the admiral's reply.
"The essential incorrectness
the report; that wee made -i'l
this mI is emit a i iic, in the fol
lowing pa r i v I a I'll in ill vour b '.-li-r
irefeiriui', lo Secretary len
bv 'h b-tti-r Hiiiiliiie the accounts
of tile Speech plillt -d ill Alll'-ric.'ii
n- w spa per. : I
" 'We hav a las? of people on
the other side who are technical
ly American, some of thein born
i here. sum n at ii ra I i.-d . Tli'-y
are at war against America and at
v, ar atv.iiust von. The simp!'
truth is they Iriv the blood ol
Ani'-iiian and Knglini boys 'n
their heads.'
Staicnients Compared
"In no part of my speech did I
make any kucIi rtalenieiils as that
just qiloled above
My ref rence
"It's eiy," laid Chief of Deteti
O Klynn. "I hav worked out four mmi
which rou aea beneath each oat of the four
"Add op these four (urns and your totals
give ;ou the four cities to the four names.
'You go about it this way. Eaeh secret
coda has Un letters to it. l'.neh letter repre
sent a number. The first letter of the rode
represents 1, the second letter represents 2.
the tbird letter represents 3. and so on. The
tenth letter in each code represents the cipher
0 instead of 10.
"Ksch sum, as you see, instead of numbers
is made up of U tters, but it contains only the
letters that are contained in tba coda above
"Now nhanre the letters of ea-b turn into
their equivalent numbers, according to the
code above, putting them down line by line
from left to right exactly aa tba letters; far
instance, the first letter of tba first sum is K
" "'I' ee i the first letter of tha
v.. uvu. aoT mat
if conducted by
c 7
iMnfiM V 1
(.,.. LT sv j 7 anowmg yonr copies to
jnat fw frieada or neigbbora. who will atv
reeu.te these really wertb while romgasine.
and want them to coma to Ums regeWlr
two readers to The Pacific Hoeae-wad and
rera to The Northwest PoeJtrTjour
nal or any other eombiaetien you like to
eondlt WiU e"1' fC thi. ailvpu
condition in a few minntee of your .pare tiioe.
"LZ: J'y'ou'Tuh-"4 eoPle lo -tt V-5
Use only one tide of the paper that con.
Urn. name, of the Movi. St.rV.7d p" yonr
nam. and addresa (stating Mr. .-Sirs Vif
n the upper right-hand corner, if' you W"B
to writ, anything but your answer, uee J
separate sheet of paper.
Three independent iudces havinv
necuonhateer with' -J
mi. t L-jT' ..."
r,Kta.K -
The PABtue aswlff 1
ber 3fi loai
answers will h. i-J. 1
... - - - uu tne pruea aw.rrf.
ed. Address your answer. td..
Mystery, Statesman Publishing
van to the Sinn l-'eirt fuctinn ''I
the liHh people who toiiiiht u
iluiiii-' die war and to tin- iSnil
l-'eiiiers in Anieijca who a-s 'el
to dr. ht "k oiirinr, the war The
abov .ill : bow be eut ial dif
fcteli e l.elweell tile two sla'e
llieiil ' ;e'ei r.iij to t In i ip I . 1 1 copy
of IHV Speecll. I ilol - as follows:
I ;; V e In V i f ll' I t :i I I'd 1 O sa V
that tin- S mi Kcinn " m pa I h i
in Ano-riia who helped the Sinn
1 i inei s in I r bind to I ic h I I he ill
In s dm inu die war uad Ipe lilood
of the lairli h and A iipria n bo.:
oil I heir bauds
"The above is the vital luis-
'liiolatioli that was made on this
-id.-, and as far as I have been
able to judi e 1 1 out llu- comments
ill tlie pies, il IS this misiUola-
tioii which has naturally caused
; mi much discii-sion
i Irish ot AHaiked, Claim.
! - "In essential connection witn
tin- above 1 be-.-, to invite attention
'to the fact upon no occasion
have I ever made any attack
arainst tliu Irish people in lie
land or die Irish in America,
thoin h it Is coiilandy slated in
the puss that I have done no.
I On die contrary, in everyihiiiK
that I have written on the sub
ject ami in every phrase that i
ilia.e said. I have taken particular
pains specifically to slate my ad-
tuiiatioii for the Irish people and
! thi-ir coiiduf.t towards my force
(luring a war.
"A reference to my book. 'Th"
Victory at Sea,' will show th'
terms In which I referred to the
kindly treatment we receive.!
In in the Irish in Ireland.
"In the book above referred
to, and as a matter of historical
record I stated the hostilities of
the Sinn l-'ein factions in Ireland
and how ninth it cost the allies
in military efforts to counteract
Daniels' Opinion Cited.
"It iftuy be worthy of note that
my action in thus reorting hos
tility of the Sinn Fein faction in
Ireland was commended by the
secretary of the navy, Mr. Jos--pbus
tianiels. In a letter which
he yjwroli
aicV'hst I
heytwrole to a gentleman in I'hil-
a. who bail protected
the attack made upon no-
by Sinn l-'ein sympathizers in Am
erica. Mr. lianiels sent riu aopy
of this letter vvitli a ropy of the
! tier which called It forth. Tlilt
is a matter of official record in
the heatings of the senate naval
committee that investigate! crlti
.s'itns I made of the navy depart
ment s action during the war."
(Continued from pago 1)
would stop it. The bill generally,
he asserted, was necessary to give
the administration sttflicient iov.-
Totaling $ 510.00 Cash
rwienu number 1. H, T second letter la
tbe first line of tho first snm is tho eighth
letter in the coda above it, therefore U rep
retenta number 8. ' :
"After , yon hay changed every letter of
tho sum ieto number, add p tho saai jusl
exactly as you would any ether sum of fig
ures, and the toll that you get give you
your clues to the name af the Movie Start.
"Then work out yoor elaes this way:
'Begiaaing at tba left hand side of the
tots of your sum change eacfaj fignre of the
totaf back to its letter a represented la the
secret code aboie the tarn; lor inttaaee, I
ran tell you that tbe first number of tbe total
of tbe first sum is 7. The totter C m the
seventh letter in the rode above the first
sum, therefore the first letter represented by
your total is letter C. Now change ever Dum
ber of jour total in Oieisstne wt and job
will have the name of the Mottle Star repre
sented by that sum."
This is not sn easy problem, but patience
and perseverance may find jow the uaee ef
the greet Mom Stars. ot the beat ana vera
submitted wa will pay t, follewifl prura:
turn and therefore rap-
These Prizes
5 00
$5 .00
$5 00
Ja.d.. for
If. 00
Cash" by uTdiai
13th, U 00
14th, (5.00
16th, 5 00
16th, $5.00
17th, $5.00
. P-
j .l ""cr wnicn
,U .
Co., Salem, Or.
: " .
to derm tip' this situation." ' .
UMI M.iy ( linnRed . ,-.
?tllilli,1iictloti oi the bill as
dfafti'd by lh treaury doe not.
lijcau that it will lie reported un-
''hanred to the senate. Senator
Sfuool, who is a iiieinber of the
lihum'e committee, continued. The
fiuuniittee, he added, will not re
port the bill until arter thoronpn
SI-MI ti i r'. Interest payment. Sen
ator AsliuiHt said. Hhoiild not be
deferred .
j ' It Is dun- to Ii t I'urope know,'
hi? added, "that she must pay the
iiltetest siie owes us and then pro.
cjfted to liiiuldate tier ohllKations."
;. Senator lloeflin, rtt-mocrat, Ala
bma, also protested delerrltiK ln
tfrest payments. The interest
iijirred. he contended, was "far
Irijlow- What the American people
Hi9w have to pay."
Finish today is
I (Continued from pag 1)
:f"it 1 nient of one. eixjaker.
Mr-rcliant MakM Plea
C. 1'. Hishop made an effective
titttr on the importance of keeping
at market for this splendid prod
uct of the small farm.
"It pi-iis the way for the wid
o"iv, the improvident man who
can't get the capital lor more
than two or five acres of land. '
he said "They can have LomS
and intike a living with these ber
rifs. The canneries, too. with
their thousand people now on
tljeir payrolls, give that many peo
ple a chance to live. Praise tho
Ird. there are jobs for all in our
saying this frnit indurtry."
tTh( Vhfz company now an
nounces that it will begin pressing
loganberries at both the Salem
and VVoodburn plants Monday,
.lane iMi. The request U madfl
that all growers who hav; corr--,
trii(tR for t ho delivery vf berrln
tor these plants, call today and Rt
thVdr, rates ready for handllns f
tltr fruit.
Platform Men Will Work
; Without Change in Pay
.PORTLAND, Ore., June 20.
Platform men of the Portland
Hallway. Mght fe Power company
will work for the same pav and
uiwler hp same conditions during
th nt year ending May 1, at
have prevailed for the past year,
aoording to a statement issued
by W. ill. Doyle, business agent
for. the Btreet car men's union.
A0-eement will be signed shortly.
Devle; state, an understanding as
to terms having been reached with
th company.
;The qhestion of a reduction
from' 2 to 8 cent an hour in the
(ase of common labor will be ar-
bitfatetl, it was announced.
$200.00 Cah
jlOO.OO Cash
60.00 Cash
1 25.00 Cah
i 15.00 Cash
1 1O.0O Cash
lftth, $3.00 Cash
lth, $5.00 Cash
2dth, $6.00 Cask
21st, $5.00 Cash
22nd, $5.00 Cash
2Jrd, $5.00 Cash
81th, $6.00 Caah
26th, $5.00 Caah
2fth, 6 00 Caah
2?th. $6.00 Cash
2flh, $6.00 Caah
j -