The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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IHmb .M-n In Tnin l
Pr. deor'se M. Aid -n. Ti-a n ol
the WillaiiM-tte faculty, is to sjn it .1
0jost of hp kui nmcr in visitir
eastern Or-'Ki n and ,ih n;t .
and thr torril4ry trthntaiy t
Villatootte. 1 1 a ti ,i wifi
"lierfully stici't'ssfjul nout im un -renity
in ten-Ms.
The Aco. 127-N. lltKh Ailr.
'oted Irtui-i- 'r Tonight
Mr. Kat- Ili hat(ls O'llan-. r
rlallrt lortun -r, is to sjH ak tonicl i
at the armory on "Crimi's ami
Criminal." Mrs. O'Har- ar
nouncrs thai, h- will trll of
the outsiil'" ami insiil m prisons
The tt'Cturo, HiiiiiK at s o rlo.' k
. .
jV!y Hnf. to IliirlHitv '
The body of Jnnl IJnil
itxit ypHt 'rilay to llarhor, Or., iy
tray. of CiTantH l'a8. arTMinpatiltM!
by her t'' hoii, .Myron anI
Georjfc lind. Thoy will ! joined
t Gran.ts l'ass by hor hu.shaiul,
E. G. Lknd.
C1iM irioI Ad
Will bring you a buyfr.
XoXan'rrri'4 ialor
;( 1). S. ArtniriH, who livos a milo
north of th. I'olk toniity nd of
th big bridpe. on tlio Walla
road, brought to tho Statesman o!
flc0 yesterday, with his compli
ments,' a Rampla of his loKantxT
rtet. They Tt're beauties; larK'
ioscioua. and looking the part. Mr.
Adams has one patch of threo-
Gladys Brockwell
"The Sa Hen"
A Splendid l'icture
Fox News
V;iUlrf at 162 V4 K. Commercial itrMt
Cb9 Soy, Boodl and Amert
eta 4Uks, lc cream and drlnki
Opa 11 a.m. to 1 jn.
Trat Dancing ETry Saturday Vight
EllM Orchestra
'Jtegular S45.00 Tlior Vacuum
, Cleaner, Oar Price
T $25
t37 Court St, I'hone 488
fur. Clwiei Fit Your Kycs. Our
; blILt your puro
Jewelers and Opticians
fhone- 12M Kaleui, OrrRon
Kasons Terfect Liquid Paints
' Reasonable Prices
Capital Furniture St Hardware V.
2S5 N. Commercial Phone 947
Suits Cleaned
Suits Pressed
. .91.50
. . .50
Salem Cleaners & Dyers
121 S S. Cora'l St. Phone 1868
. "Tot Spring IMantinr OrUrr From
428 OT'fon Building
t Phone 1763
; We pay 2c above the
Darkct once for eggs
and products
Home Builders
Take Notice
Wa can save you money on
Nr Plumbing Supplies; it
will pay you to come aud
us about prices. We al
wTs hare a supply of all
Tents all sizes, prices
very low
Bargain House
s bay an(1 BeU eTerytntng
Phone 398
U Chemeketa St.
.liiart.-ra of ;.n acre that h lh.u
iHd at Hi rat.- , N. tu.M
to tin- a t- , H si
t;. nrK,. 1". I.itt lui. Id, bailiff for
I Iw circuit court, pawd th. M t
mibstorif y.sttrdav and was r.
ixiiiK th- laiKrat illations of Ins
many liicn Is ;-t Hi.- court hou-.-It-
rc.iv.-d word that his birth
day an rcitdiratcd bv tin- birth
of a Kr. at Krandt hild
joy w as short li -d. a- l lo
olio j.asM-d away
time after birth.
within a
Ireal Rlankia .
Get them at The Statesman of
t ce. Catalog on application.
Coilii Urrnsi'il
A licoiis,. (,, W;ls pr,ini,.,
vi-cttrday in the of fit of th
county clerk, to Kdna Maccrx and
Knjrene U-.-d Rowland of Salem.
Insane Man Missing
Chatles ISrand. w ho w a:; com
milled to the state hospital r
the niiano from Linn county Jan
uary 28, tills year, escaped yester
day hy pryinc off a bar of the
reciviiiK ward, lie has not vet
been found.
Kui I dint; IVimiiH
A building permit was issue 1
ys-terday by th- city recorder to
V. 1. Wood.-) lor the erection of a
dwelling- at :'...: Norwav street, at
an esthimated cost of 'llooo.
permit was ilso granted to Mattie
iere;en to repair a dw-lling at
IStO North Winter street. The
co?t of the improvement to be
1100. ('. F. Homyer secured a
permit for repairing a dwelling at
S6." North Twenty first street, the
cost estimated is f.'.oo.
Mayor to Xcwjiort
Mayor George K llalvoi-scn and
family will leave today lor their
summer cottage al Newport,
where they expect to spend a few
weeks. The trip Is taken with th
hope or improving the "health o'
Mr. and Mrs. l!aIvor.Bon who are
both in need of a rest.
Vet Salem M cthodiH diunli
A. Hawthorne, pastor. Sunday
school l(t::!i) a. m.. Kdward I'..
Ashurst. superintendent. Pro
gram fur "Ciildren's Day" will be
;,iven. Kpworth league 7 p. m.
This league l.r for th young peo
ple of West Salem and surround
ing districts and all are welcom"
Church service S p. m. Special
numbers by children. Sermon by
the pat-tor. Subject: "Revelation
and the Church". The board or
stewards will meet on Monday af
ternoon at 2 in the home of rMs.
J. liroch. Choir practice on
Tuesday ev"tiing at 7:?.. Pegu
lar weekly prayer meeting en
Thursday evening at 7:3u. l"rt- .
day evening at o'clock Dr. IT. K.
Gilbert will conduct the thir l
quarterly cnferene In Summit
cvhurch. j
F.rror i'orrtKHMl
In the report of the meeting cd
the city council in the Statesman
Friday morning. L O'llara w:-s
given as the name of the -prs'n
who waa granted the contract for
the Improvement of North Sum
mer street. The name of the con
tractor should have r'-ad L. O.
ARMSTHDNG At a lwal hospi
tal. June 2.1. at ll:r, p. m.. a
tht! age of SI years. Funera1
arrangements wil Ibe announced
BROWN At the residence, 771
North Cottage street, early Fri
day morning. Jun 24. Philo W.
Brown, ago 73 years, husband
of Agns S. Brown, father of
Kdith G. Brown of Salem, Mr
K. It. Warde of rutbank. Mon
tana, and Dr. P. Glenn Brown of
Portland. The body i3 at Ut'
don'a. Notice of funeral later.
Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
Do yon tat
If not, why not?
No other baths or treatments
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open 8 a, m. until 9 p.m.
Lady s.nd Gentlemen attendants
" ,- - SATURDAY MORKTVr: T T T V 17 01 mot t H
lHli .rr-Httl
All. n I H li- of Portland was ar
r'Med vt-sti-rday on a i liaiKc dri'.
itiK without a ( ! -antl. ur's li- ns -M-
).. "i.-n a hciirinv; .n
1 iH'sijay, Uc'i r.- .!ud"i i,. I.". I
st r-;i lot- To
Th .! .
a i ha ri;' of
Ibi'iors. will
: l -s.- sic at r. v ,
S1 llin: iiitii( at :tii;
be lo-ard : th.- in
tic.- curt on Tin siiiiv at t 7n
in. Th.x case has biT'il poMpotieil
Horn time in time owimk to 1 h
absencv d Strcator from the tit...
lrnnkciieiH fiarged
tleoiKf .Mi.iiiKon was acre-t'd
yesterday by. nd:- oliiial
hir'd wilii I.. ti k driinl: and d
orderly on th stM-ft.
Suit Ciim- round
I.. I.. le:uie reported In the po
lice d"partment est'.rday, that a
w i ker Miit'-.ise had be. n left 1:1
front of his place of bitsinss at
North ( 'iimmert-ial street. The
su t cae i-j now at tin- police st i
lion. Sour- bed 1 1 ti -n form a part
lit Us colli, tils.
Miss 1
(Inn, It
Un kin -li Sund-iy moriitnri
esta MuHig;ili Sunoay eve
idi al ion " l-t
An apl ;oii to place on tie
trial docket lor the .lun term ot
the i irciiit emu t I he case of Kdwin
I'nrrr s .! . M. Maitin. was tiled
est-rtia 'be iircii I court.
Georgia Hunt of Siib!imit is in
the city, the puest of her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs J. T. H int.
William Brown of Oervais was
a bus ness visitor in the city cs
terday. W. A. Taylor was among the
business (-allots in Salem jester,
day from Macleay.
W. It .Hruuer, a merchant of
Holland. Ore., was a brief visitor
iu Salem yesterday.
A. C. Bonrnsledt. real estate
dealer, made a business trip yes
terday to Portland.
M. D. Hammel of Klamath
Falls, was a visitor in Salem Fri
day. W. H. Callvani. or tho Pacific
Power & Light company of Port
land. wa: in the -i t y ; tenlay on
The Central pharmacy has em
ployed the serv.res of J. 11. Bur
ns. Burris is a Salem boy, gradu
ating from Salem high school in
lril"i and tra'dinting in pharmacy
at O. A. C. in .Iuiid t!:ts year.
(I. P. Faulkner, a prominent
Stayton poultrymen who recently
bought all of the fine White 11 v
mo'itli Bock stock of Alfred If.
Wlke. the well known Bo'se. Ida.,
breeder, was transacting business
in Salem jesterdav. He recently
returned home from Corvallis
where he attended the Farmers'
Week session.
MARION Portland residents
registering last night wen- J. II.
Mclhtne. Mrs. M. Brown. Ray
mond Brown. Mrs. ('. Baker, K
A. Krick. Bruce Bow.n. D. II
Buchanan. J. B. Ilyland. Thomas
Booth. II C. Frost. (', K. llisloi.
Harry Johnson. A. C Hall, H
H. Pomeroy, F W. liio rs and
W. J. Lewis. Other.; registering
were f. S Pace. K. I. Dwell. M.
J Retail. Y Saker and .1. 10 Scot'
of San Francis'o; F. L. Chambers.
KuKetie; O. K. Fraiike. Newport:
Cddie K. Huffotd. I'.andon: F
C. Anderson. Astoria; .1 C Tem
pleton. Kut-eiie, c. .1. Hurd. Cor
vallis: T. A llufd. Knrene; Mrs.
N. C. Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Smith. Berkley; Mr and Mrs.
Moener, Raymond. Wash.: K. L.
Wieder. AH'an ; Pearl Bingham.
Yakima; Nathan Marsolies. Ixi
Angi-les: M F. Nelson. Astoria:
James R Griffith. I'ulliiian; F
Shepherd.; II. Thorpe,
BLICH Portland pcojde re'-
istering were (',. W. Shaffer. J R. )
Lee. A. C Brockir. P.lanche Mav,
H. A. Craft. Carl Taylor. J A
Rodemacher. O. K Summers. R.
F. Johnson. Medford; Jackson
Ashby. Vancouver: Mrs. tlehle,-,
Kdna flehler. Staton; J. K. Co" XL K. Short. A W Moor
head. L. F. Drake. John Benson.
Rouble Sims. J. M Thomas. H.
II. Prather, J it Lewis and wife.
A. K Kastland. Portland.
Fire Marshals' Meeting
Is Held at State House
A. C. Barber, state fire marshal,
his deputies, and Kdward Gren
fell. fire marshal of the city of
Portland, were in conference here
yesterday to take preliminary
steps toward working out rules
and regulations for more active
fire protection and prevention in
the state. Another meeting will
he called next week when the reg
ulations will be adopted The
move j.s under a new state law
which will be effective July 1.
The Ctrl and the
'rather'a Wife"
KotiBLr riMS
and Cartooni.iit
In St.oa TSieC
I r l JOHNSON f 11
' r
t i ' " - - - J V ' J J F, J I
mm r ninTiiir . ' in
10 uUIYIINb tlttlt
'Powder River" Will Ro
- - i a- V
Stuped at Grand By For
ci;:n War Veterans
"Powder River" suggests the
shunters, the gun-men, the kill. rs.
the ill v 1 1 may rare . Mincers (,f the bear and the scalp;ng knife
and the a in bii.-ade and the thous
ati I ti. one odds against the actor
who nevertheless smiled and kept
it's coming to Saiem July 20
and .'!i. at the Grand, put on by
the eter.'.ns of Foreicn Wars -
official movie story of the
t war. taken by the aviators
the "ii ll it in pictures" ad
venturers in khaki at the front
They look the llindenberg litp- as
.t iis.d to be. when the Kai.-rr
thought pot even Cod would break
i- and they took it when iho!
pitiable, ( rumbling fragments beg
Ked for mercy from the doughboys
and the poiltis and th- Tommy
Atkinses who stamped it out of
They took Iheir pictures of the
aerial battles not arranged af
fairs, but deadly, man-killing
duels where deatu was only one
short jump ahead of th! picture
maker. They took the submarine.. in
their assassinations; they iook
th- Yankee troops in their glor
ious days of St. Mihiel. Argonne,
Seicheprey, and a hundred other
bloody fields and the historic
name of "powder River" has been
stuck on to the series cf thrillers
that never had ev-n a rival in the
history of niovicdom.
The pictures are to cover eight
reels of the most wonderful story
in the world's history the inter
vent'on of America to save its
imai.ittal soul from the fear, or
the charge, that it couldn't spend
a dollar or a life except for sordiii
pain. Such a picture cannot be
seen without a thrill that there is
left in the world such a spirit of
unselfish heroism.
Col. George White, adjutant
general of Oregon, who saw the
picture in Portland, sends word
that it is the most wonderful thing
he has ver seen: that the V-T-erans
ought to exhibit it even if
they lost money in securing it, tor
the lessons it gives in patrio'iwm
It was shown in Portland at pti.'-s
ranging from to $2'iU. Tie y
will put it on here for cents,
including war lax.
A pre-view is to be given Mon
day afterno'iri to which clergy, the
i-'linaliir.s. ai;d a number of other
will be invited. The record, light i
reels in all. shows the it 1st div
ision in action many of the Ore
gon troops were of the it 1 St
and doubtless some of the Salens
boys will be in the picture.
Some of the war pictures that
have been shown like "The Mirth
of a Nation" were wonderfully
staged; but there's the diffcro'ice
between a pictured man anl u
genuine warrior, between a .pai.i:
?d apple and a matvellous
triut. "Powder River" is the r al
Two Fatalities Reported
. By Accident Commission
A total o' "'
reported to t
cub-tit (omi'iis
eufiing June 2:.
u acciilents were
! ite in (lit- trial ac
i ;'. for the week
including two la-
talilies. The fatal case w re l.or
ene Cetta, a laborer of Yunktou
and Jack Johnson, a lo-er ol
Of the total number of acci
dents reported " 4 7 were Mibjeff
to the provisions of the work
men's compensation act. 2' were
Iropi tirms and corporations that
have not elected to operate under
t'ie act and 2. were Irotn public
utility corporations not subject to
ti1(. art
Grants Pass Hearing is
Scheduled for July 2
J-ly 2 is the date that has been
s t by the state irrigation securi
ties commission for a hearing on
application of the Grants Pass ir
rigation district for the certifica
tion of $"2."i.bn0 additional bonds.
This is one of the projects with
reference to which Oswald West,
former governor, has made stnn-
iious objection. He is said to have
some grievance because the devel
opment work is being done bv the
Shattmk Construction company '
San Francisco.
tKn k Hi Vitnii-v. too
Fob" Cathartic Tablets have
long been a favorite physic w;!:
men. Women suffer as mii' h a
men d from indigestion and c"ii-s-ipaHoTi
anl th-y :il o r-'i'iiie :
scientific remedy to lee;i the
stomach sweet, th" liver act.v'
and the bowels regular Mr
George Powers. I Winlli rp Av- .
Rever. Mass writes: - have
takdi Folcv's Cathartir Tabb-'-i
and I re.-otn m en d lln in to v r"
on"" Thev liimsli l-ilioiisr-. -headache,
bloating -- Sold every
where. Ad--.
kkaltv h.n(;i;s
Reported hy I'niim Altracl
C.ertje De Vrie et a I to ' d
and Marv le Vrles. 1" "I a i-
C Hag -v db- 7 2 W V. D . i I and
other consideration
Tallman and Clara De.,rin:
C J and Ida K MeXdiui bf
blo k 1. lot ; ! 1 and 12; l!!o. V
iots 10 to 14; biocV '. Drool,
addition to Sab,m. W. D. $1".
John and Mathilda SiePnian
Linn C and Mary Yantis Sniitb.
west 12 lot I. b!o k I. George H
! Jones addition to Salem, ,D. $10
wyf , "''" 'WW:-BBB WWwwia
irsA 'tefe, .'7l&iarV .'teinSMlsd i
- " Ml . . ,
m .tchll h r ! ,S RW 3t Wash,n. I- C. where it is expected they will continue a .cries ol
w 1 ?K',, tParn9 f th Army" In th fir3t Kamo Uycti aB;iinst the Kort M-- Cuban
t-P -in of the team; Lieut. Vital!,, Torres and Lieut. Kdward Lombard
All Other Counties in State
Put Them Over Above
$3,000,000 Total
Of a total of J2.7-1S.240 in road
bonds voted on in several counties
at the special election of June 7,
all carried with the exception of
tho proposed $.",n, (Mot issue in
Yamhill county. The figures have
been received at the office of the
secretary of state.
A total of 17.222 votes were
cast for bond; and S'.o!i against.
Tho vote and the amount voted
on in the counties were a--, to
Coos .;:io.i,tiii ; for,
a-ainst. 72.",.
Curry $lfr..0Mi; for
against, ,2.
Deschutes .". O.dlt 0 ; for.
a cuinst, !)0I.
Douglas lO.r.oo; for
against. 17a0.
Grant $100,000; for,
against, 2'J7.
Hood River -- $?,r,0.00ft
1 2T.7 ; against. SDR.
Lincoln $2 12,210; for
against. 2M1
Wasco $S 00,000; for,
.gainst. 12:!.
Wheeler $ I 0,00(1 ; for.
iu-ain-t. If'.".
YamhiU - f5o.0O0; for,
ag.inst, 2202.
?. 118;
; for.
1 374;
rf .
2 1 2 ' :
Nine Applications for
Water Recently Filed
Nine iie'v application:; lor ap
propriation of water Iroin Oregon
Ireams have I u filed v. th I'.-r
i A. Clipjii r. state engineer. Tin y
a rr- as I ol lo A ....
By I.. W Wart, of Kn'erpri o.
Ore . co-, errng the appropriation
of water from a small sprini' lor
domestic purpo.'-es i, Wallowa
By Chains V.. and L. .' .. :.n
son of .los'eph, covering tin- appro
priation of water from Sheep
('reek ditij'. for irrigator! ;-nd a
supplemental supply lor a 're:;
located in Wallowa county
By I'red Cn-u-liinii. oi' Fox.
Grant county, coverin;; the appro
priatioti of water lor i-arddi i r r t -cat
Bv Peter H. Mohr. of Hood
River, covering the appropriation
of water from F.Ik Bed spr.ngs for
domestic supply and irrigation of
20 acres in Hood River count v.
By Simu.1 I.oney. of Walla
Walla, covering the appropriation
of water from Swartz (reek for
irrigation of 1 ."' a.-n-s in I'liiatilla
cou n t y.
By Charles C. Re.-ves of Baker,
covering the appropriation of wa
ter from Powder river, fo- irriga
tion of a two-acre tract in Baker
By Charb-s Rand, o S'reewater.
covering the app-opria t ion of w a
ter trout east branch of Mid
cr.-ek. tor irrigation of 2 2 aces
In I'matiHa county
By the I.oxiii-'orv investment
'ompatiy of Roscbuig. (over ii"
the a ppropria t ion of two and a
half second f.-et Iroi.i '.'..ll rei-l;.
Ir. biliary of Souih Fori; l inpuea
river, for irrigation of 17" a r-;
in 1 ion Ha . coiit! t v.
. Noma W'-i ss. ii 1 ' u su of C.iv
erhili. C. rant i ounty. covritu tl"-.
a ppropria t con of water troie P:ti"
Creek for rr i:)t:oii of ,ipproi
ui.itely 1 ." a. r-s-.
Wood and Ynnnrj Purchase
Automobile Top Business
Thomas C. Wood and lar-" m P.
Yoiier have p-iiiha-ed Hull', top
lo!, located ,n lb.- Y M N
buildi-ig ("1 No'-fh Com (ii'-i ' la !
, t reel rom ( .1 1 1 us i a lei : I!
fiertinii'- Ihf let ine , under Co
old HuRs Top Shop "
ilive m a i a r-to n t of the hu '
to - s -..ill .- t,.ken over bv Mr
Wood who ha; been with the Old
mobile Sabs company and who ha
a wide a ci IM 1 1' t a M' e in bc auto
mobile ii. oie Mr Young ' ill not
tie actively identified wt ll the
The to,! work will continue to
be under the direction of W. K
M'-Alviti who has been with the
idiop ,incc its was established and
off ft . f H K Ftfl?-; h
who is r -co-i-.ieil a- one of the
most expert men IM the bli- ss.
The new linn is eipi pped to
make auto top, to order and to do
all kinds of top and curtain re
pairing and rcfinishing, auto
paituin:; and upholstering.
Keene and Hobart Arc
Elected on School Board
SI LVFRTON. Or.. June 2 1.
Special to The Statesman. )- -At
the aiitiual school meeting of
(iMrict No 1, Dr. C. W. Kccn
was t ier ted school director for a
term of three years, and A. F.
Hobart for one year.
The school board has selected
five men to act as nn advisory'
board dining the building of the.
$i;o,ii(m) trade building. This
board consists of A F. Hobart, X.
Diggerness, Dr. R. K. Kleinsarge,
Marion Palmer ami II. B. Latham.
Work on tin? new building will
begin as soon as possible.
Band Concert Again
Seen By Great Crowd
From the first bars of the open
ing march. "I.e 1'ere De I.a Vic
toire" through tlr' Waltz "Mar
giierite" from Faust, the delight
fill southern melodies, "The Poet
and the Peasant." and eliding with
tho national anthem. Salem folk
to the number of several thous
ands en.ioved the fourth hand con
cert of the season b .-1 night in
WHison Park.
"Honey. If You Onlv Knew," a
vocal volo bv Mrs. W. H Pt.urik.
xa: especially appreciated by the
large audience and she responded
vv ti- an encore The pro; ram as
iv m wa an f ol low' s :
M. i. "I.e P. re De I.a Victoir. "
. . . Ga n lie
OvoiMire, "l.u ,lsp il" . Keler Bela
Walt. "Marcii'-rite" (from
l-'aii t Gounod
southern Melode-; Have1
Voc-il -olo. ' Hoii.-y. If You (inly
Ktn vv " Mrs W II Prunk
Civerture. ' Po t and Peasant"
Humoreske Dvorak -Latupke
Selection. "Gobleu Sceptor" . . .
-h. "'',,- a'cacie", . . Chamber:;
"Star .-'pangicd Banner"
The fountain entertained the
( ro-.v d near and far with its dis
tda' of "waterworks" while t'e
band pl;iv(-d one number.
Some of Bing's Seedings
Will Tug With Bcrrians
King Bin;; Know laud announces
that p.. is certain of several big
little Baby ( "nerrian ; who are gn
in;: to New herg to tug-of-vvar the
Bcrrians through the creek at t,
s. ..-w nerg ei.rrv lesivai. .inn
These plavful t 1 1 Te " Mi -poll n d .
l'(r Less
W hite a Dollar Docs IU
Phone I Ul
17.'! S. 'ommercial. St.
Choice lleef Steak 17c
Ilanburo; Mciik 12' 2c
Beef 1( Boast 1 2 ' ? c
oun;: Mutton Legs Lie
Yoiin .Jul ton to
Boast 10c
You I; .MiiMmi Stew ."
Veal Stew llc
We have a choice lot of
Pork to Bot-t al prices
that an- riuht.
Our Own Sugar Cured
Li;: hi Ilacon .'',0c
Our Own Pure Lard, Ids
JK1.15; 5s, 75c
Open until 8 p. m. ;re : low in getting their
'giowth and so a n- i, lite boyish In
their a'tioii:-, are expected to go
a'o ig itnd show the Bcrrians what
'a cle iry diet will do in putting fat
I o.i the ribs and pep into tho tnus-icl'-s,
on the end ol' a tug-of-war
I rope.
( From persona: column of New
York World)
"George J. Raub, dead or alive.
Answer. Julia."
?y'A r;
lio SpimkH at Armory Tonight
Tiiis lecture, which has beer. d-.
liveied to packed houses in iratiy
cities throughout the Fnited
States is noii-.; ( tarian and iwn
po! it ica 1.
Read what the Sentinel has to
i v ol o -
' i : i II icl aril ; f ) Hare, c '.to
.of the National l!ip...iw, iioko to
:t large and attentive a-idieiice In
th--; ciiy Saturday night. The sub
ject of her lecture was "Crime and
Cr im ir.als, and she treated her
mb jort . ar. forcefully and thought
lully jik anv socio!o::ist on the lec
ture platform could have done.
Mr ;. O Hare is a very brilliant wo
man, an exceptionally able speak-
r, and she held her audiencn at
the closest attention ,r two hours
while lif related incident after In
( blent within her personal knowl
'd: o of oppres; ion and abuse in
the prisons of the I 'n itcd ''States.
There was nof one word that by
an v k4 retch of iuiaginat ion could
l interpreted as dangerous or
un nn i jean, and if such talks as
that of l.irt Saturday night are
' con i,, red 'Red,' then the Reds
are riot the monsters wo have been
b d lo believe they jire." Fort
l.aiiderdab! ( F!a.) SentitK I.
Admission f'-ee-- Come.
' f A
(:, st -I
Established! 18G8
General Banking L'asincss
Office Hours from m. to 3 p. ra.
' I ; k;
; i;
ulYs Tq) Shop
V. M. C. A. Il-iildi')-
hj- I.,.. : s (,f Hull', To,, Sh). formerly owned by O.
. . 1 1 . nl. ha ; l;i ,-n pu, Lt..l. I,.y Air. T. C. Wih liml J.
vi h-n'afteiif,;manag(Hl ,y Mr. Wood.
The rn -' t,f ,irli standard ) workmanship and qua-
l.v of rn.'f cnal.s v.,!l (,. whikniwti l,v our force of
i ontpt t ( id men wh have bnith the biwiiuy.s since
it was c.stahli.slicd i ! - '
VVV an ruepah'd L, handle idindx of auto top build
Y !:. r...p:iirii,K and lilting. All upholstering jn4 sr)e.
II r-iril vo-L- i lli.,. ; .1 .. . "
v l,,Jrt """iioii ,as wen u auto painting.
T. C. Wtpfgr.
New Printing Company
Established in Portland
Nelson, McIIugh & Erlckson,
printers, a new Portland concern,
filed articles of incorporation
Jjere yesterday. Tho capitalization
is fituon. and the incorporators
lire M. A. Nelson, T. M. McIIugh
itnd John Q. Krickson,
i.i Articles were filed by the Bend
Transmission company of Bend,
taipitalized at 15000, Tho incor
jporators are J. II. Meister, Carl
A. Johnson, and Krnest Dick.
Resolutions of dissolution were
tiled bv tho Xlerril Lumber &
s'&hinirle comnanv of Portland and
fl'e Cole-Hammond Lumber com
;iany of Portland.
Statesman Casnitle Ad
t '.g
are commenting on the
fact that the retail mar
kets are still charging
"War Prices" in spite of
the lower prices paid
producers. As usual,-we.
Jiavc set lite pace in Sa
We have no "Ilarpain
j( punter" meats to fool
the public. These prices
are for first class meats,
strictly fresh. They are
regular- prices with the
exception of lard.
It will pay to trade at
the Midget every day.
1 Milk Fed Veal
It's Delicious
Lt of Veal, lb 20c
Loin of Veal, lb 18c
Veal Steak, lb. 172c
j Veal Stew, per lb 10c
Fancy Grain Fed Pig
; Pork
Loin pork chops, Ib.v20c
Pork Steak, per lb. 17'2c
Fresh ham roast, center
Cuts, per lb. 20c
Vresh Side Pork, lb. 18c
resh Sausage, lb. 12 '2c
! Choice Beef
Not "Bargain Counter"
! trrade
Tender Steak. Der lb. 15c
Prime Roasts, lb 12 Vic
liouna DieaK, id ZVC
Ikcf to lioil, lb.
8c and 10c
Fresh Hamburg j per
j lb 12ViC
Pure Lard
i No. 5 pail 60c
j pest Shortening
Noj : pail 33c
J Fancy Breakfast Ilacon,
i per lb. .25c 1
Primp Ynnnn Mntltn
.y a v. avuil illUtlUIl
Legs, per lb. 12 Vic
iChops, per lb 122c
Mew, per lb.
! Fresh Weiners
.1 m a a
IW)logna, 2 lbs. .15c
iMinccd Ham style 20c
t F;hf p;.k t
ii res n Miaci, '4 lbs. 25c
iChinook Salmon, Halibut,
I Cod, etc.
Originators of Low
1 Prices
I 351 S;ate Street
Not in the Combine
! i
fj -71 Chemekcta Street
' !
-' 'I,