The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    ljc (2Dr0it
Issued-Iaily Except Mondav bv
TIIK KTATKNM.W lTlll.lsll I ; l OMI'.WY
HIS S. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon
(Portland Oflke, 0-7 Hoard of Trade UuiLiii.- I'hone Automati-
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lication of all news dLspatrhes erediled to if or not otherwise credited
In this paper and alo the local news published herein.
It. J. Hendricks - Manager
Stephen A. Stono. Managing K.litor
Ilalph Glover Cash-er
Frank Jaskoskt Manager Job Dept.
cents a week, 6' rents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In advance. $ a year. $3 for Fix
months. 1.50 for three, months, 50 rents a month, in Marion
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THE PACIFIC IUMESTi:AI. the jrrcat western weekly farm paper.;
will be sent a year to anyone paying a year in advance to the !
Patty Statesman. ;
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40!
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WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in two six-pagn sections. Tuesdays'
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UusinesH Office, 23.
Circulation Department. CS3
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Society Editor, 106
Entered nt the Po?toffice in Salem,
The men engaged in growing and buying and manufac
turing and shipping fruit in Salem and the Salem district art'
going through a crisis in the fruit industry
But they are showing a splendid spirit of cooperation
And as a result of this spirit there seems to be a cer
tainty now that the entire crop of strawberries and cherries
is being and is to be taken care of; though the prices are
small. But it is all new money, and it is very much better
than waste, which was threatened on a wholesale scale be
, fore the picking season opened.
In the case of loganberries, a bumper crop is coming on,
and picking will be in full swing next week.
; Thcrerare many sources of outlet for the marketing of
these berries, and all concerns and all concerned appear to
be working in splendid style to the end that there may be no
Everybody will be obliged to help bear the burden
: And if by this spirit of mutual helpfulness, every one
doing his share, all the loganberries shall be taken care of,
even at small prices, and under the necessity of waiting for
. part of the returns, it will be a wonderful showing.
The basic outlet, as has been said in these columns so
'many times, is the juice outlet
' And in keeping this going and putting it solidly on its
feet, bo that in future years it will be here, stronger than
ever, to provide a still larger outlet, the business men and
property holders are being asked to help
And are helping
As is shown in the news columns this morning.
, It is to be hoped, and to be expected, that today, pos
sibly, and surely not later than tomorrow, the quota assigned
to the business men and property holders of Salem will be
fully taken.
It will be a great thing, and a proud thing, if it ean be
Haid At the end of the season that Salem and the Salem dis
trict, by the cooperation of all classes of people, have re
deemed what appeared to be at the beginning a desperate
- J.nd an almost hopeless situation.
v The new Turkish National government is not only for
prohibition, but for matrimony. There is a bill now before
the Parliament at Angora which would establish compulsory
marriage of all sound males of 25 years of age or over. A
man under 50 and of a certain wealth would be expected to
have two wives. There are lands, loans and free education
for the young. The desire of the government is for popula
tion. Accordingly, there is a premium on children and bo
nuses for large families. If a man persists in remaining a
bachelor he may be compelled to remain at hard labor all his
days. However, some confirmed specimens declare that it
would be hard labor to livewith some of the women and they
prefer to take it by working on their own account and for
themselves. And a friend at the writer's elbow declares that
an ingrown bachelor is a tough specimen even in Turkey.
After all, Yap Is only another
way of saying Jap with a German
Must have been disappointing
to the tourists on those comets
not to arrive alongside ourorbit
before the scrap wa3 over.
Recently the Russian govern
ment created 16 new holidays fo
the "workers. What they need is
not more holidays, but more pay
Wonder how a randidiate for
the presidency would run if ho
declared that If he won he wou'd
Lave nothing to do with patron
age? It is a question.
Another way for Tost master
General Hays to ' huniani.e" the
postal " service, as he says he is
going to do. would be to get rid
of sonic of the Democrats I.os
Angeles Times.
American companies have already-taken
about enough oil o n
Of Colombia to pay that f 2,'i.omo -006
Indemnity. l?ut how much
o( It do we taxpayers who put up
the Indemnity get?
Japanese diplomats are trying
to puazle out why. President liar
ding sent the former commander
of the American army at the
head of a peaceful minion to th"
' We ire really cxptctinc Secre
tary Hughe to challenge Amba;
rador Harvey to a long distance,
heel-and-toe discnsslon of Just
why America went Into the war.
3nn 15 ! ZfnrKon Ktiont rH
.fUrinpmMtl it Cwp UrwM ol rort
fcCTn. r.
Jnty 23, PtH!r Umrkm rmnty
July 23 to 1 CfciiUBr--
J.iir.i vuju.ii tlAtttUrtIN; UfttitiUii .t ..-
in Salem and suburbs, 1;
Oregon, as second dans matter.
Come to think of It.
us have our views
Ange'.es Times.
the most of
of it. l.c
Wholesaling and jobbing Is the
Salem slogan subject for next
Thursday. The slogan editor wants
to find all the Sileni firms en
gaged in these lines here. Io
you know of any likely to be over
looked? We have a few- members of con
J cress who are the living reincar
! nations of the men who built th
(hine,e wall They are line-fenc
statesmen, and for them the only
horizons arp the horizons they car
see from their own back yards
They are cursed with a myopia
They cannot, sen that nations are
linked with nations as closely a:
townships were linked in oth r
days. They sit in the hicti place
with the vision of -( township
overseer. Theirs. Is a nationalism
so narrow that it is perilous. -1'hiladelphla
si: ki:tai:v m ;iii:s
The serretary of state'-; state
ment on Hie subject of Mexican
relations could not be improved
upon. It avoids high flown g'n
eralitiS. which rais (ither fale
epctations ir iinfinmdeil sus
picioiis. and re- Js our poln v or.
solid ground. If will be indorsed
and support d b sii!. I nitial Am
erican opinion.
Mexican - r !i'in- ; re ,n -, -fan
problem M'-vcin p-:! in
''v's Ann im in-ill-. M" ii n
I I icy is of -n;- irta it Cfinci-n to
American, p !h v The Ainen ne,
p-oie anil ' n 'r presciit .-o rn
tnent 1'ave po de-ire to Interfere
in Meiican affairs a feather"';
weight or a hair's breadth be
yond the clear line of Aulerica'a I
! riL-hts ami ita! interest. !.' then
no rea-on why we should .in' i
1.1 1
frank !
illi 1 !l- thi- l:n I
1 ii-lil of Mr.i o
i J.i 1 1 ir v. .i - It has In
.f hi'e ..i:s.
In ( unci et e term
fi'ii'i-'ii aid lor lo i
.iml n is - Mti.'l.
n t rn-.-t s and
i ll developed
M r i ' .- ' k -
I'loJiHl' H t .
I'llt th Vila'
j.. T i I
I i V
I lilted M i'
'and indirect
end a n l vi
if this
aid were Liven I
power or proup
on the o: h r hat
an Kuropcaa
of powers. If,
!. A iiH'i r--
Mtim't s ate drawn upon tor t!ii
aid. it is cs.-eli t lal that they dial'
In- protected froi. i ( on ; im a t io!i
It i.-- also 1-.-1 mtia! that American
citizen.-;, ill Mexico laUllHy. 3i.tK
enjoy the e'lllal proteetlon o:
The M'ha'i fur,-' i! lit iom '
117 and the pidiry respect in.,
the eistiim property ri-hts o,
Americans and other aliens re
pure cieani! up before the re
laMons lietuetti Mexico and the
I'll ted S'ates can he st abil i.c4
li our L-o eminent and people
a-k oi Mexico is th- fulfillment oi
international ri;ht and ot the re
r ponsihilities impose-! ,y ri liga
tion upon MiVcrciiru slates.
Con tiscnt ii y laws cannot le
reco n :ed. and action undei
I hem will he considered unfriend
ly. As soon as the Mexican pov-
rnment definitely engages to de
its international duty toward out
citizens, recognition can and will
he granted, and if Mexico reali
zes the situation an era of mu
tually profitable co-operation will
el. sue.
Hut if the Mexicans refuse to
recognize international rights am.
lie factors of necessity controll
ing our common situation, it will
!e imperative upon us tg takt
practical action. No recognition'
will be granted, and if overt ac?
are committed, force will be em
ployed. This will be the lasi
resort, deplored bv all but :
i.eslUible minority of Americans
Hut it will be accepted as an in
e itable result of Mexican un
wisdom, and should be foreseen
as inevitable by the Mexican gov
ernment in the present consider
ation of its policy and program
I'eare between us can h pred:
cated only upon fair dealing and
th acceptance of the responsi
bilities for legal justice and or
der belonging; to all sovereign
Our jrovernment will neither
threaten nor dictate. It will havt
lue regard for Mexican amour
propre, for crur purpose is friend
ly and without ulterior motive
Dut it Is to be hoped in the in of our good relations that
:hc Mexican government ami o o
pie w ill not deceive thems.-lvi
as tt) the basic and decisiw fa'
tors of the situation. Mexico can
have peace and substantial aid
but only on terms of internation
al right.
vv nen young 1'iince .emu.-, so
Anatole P'ranre tells the story
came to the throne ot Persia h
'ailed all of the wise nun to
gether and said:
"My teachers t 11 me thai
knowledge is the liighi st attribiit.
jf man and that the wise can dis
pense it. Therefore 1 command
vou to reduce the essentials of
'.iiowldge into one work for my
The wise men, h-rippy to havt
uch a monarch, withdrew and
vorked for twenty years, at the
nd of which they came befo;v
'heir ruler, followed by a caravan
if twelve camels, each beariu
loo volumes. Prostrating himself
before the ruler, the permanent
secretary of the wise men said:
"Sire, we have the honor to
iffer to you our digest of all
luiowledge. reduced to only li' ni
olnnies. in addition there is a
foreword of one book borne
i donkey and a summary which
s a bmdi :i for one she-camel "
"I thank you for your trouble,"
-eplied the king, "but must in.-U
'hat you abbreviate until your
vork is in keeping with the hrev
ly of human life, and make hast--.
'or we have aged since la;-t we
So the wi.-e men worked annth
r twenty year- and came beloie
he kini.' a second time with the;r
'.unit n-beurers and wish forty vol-
"Sire,' said the secretary, now
somewhat beef le-nenl, i,;s year-.,
"we have h- n siiccini-f "
"V;i h.iv" nn' '.eon mi f f icit-n 1 1
so." i-eplii , t In- king "A bridte.
ibrnl-e and h.'-'.-n f m,. would
enlighten no- hefoj.-. , ,.
The i,:i n. their lank-i
greatly tedured by d'ath, never
theless m orked so st'adi' that 'it
"he end of five jears tlin-..- w V
v ere aHt- . inictit the kiim a third
time, ther spoke man now
feeble- (hat !aeK had to riinv
huii in their arms. The chamber
lain met theni in the grvt hall
and said:
"Why bring y. such a 'nie
into the pala-c when the king i:
at the point of death?"
We have brought to him a
statement of all
knowledge l.n
ind trust that
one volume
aie Mill in tun
linn." "iikl; r idled
tary, and the chambei
lie t aken Pel ire t h
to set v
the Sei-fe
i i ii let hii.i
king, w.'io
' ev rl.i i'lie-;
I iii ii
w a-; on his dea t h bed.
'That huge o1 u im ' " i
the sinking monarch
di-. linn, w i' ne u t 1: .i i n
a rn v ed
at a grasp of all
pli.-d llo
s 11 fit Up
"..l. slle. ;,
illg M-er. "I V)1I
ll.t i.
word all that even the wi.-cM
:n-ni k now . That one vwod
l'KIt 1 1 A PS' "
Thus did the kiiu: (ono- to
hei-lits of kllowl 'ige in the
iiini; of his life.
t In
o movii: i:m.
The owner of San'a i'ataiina
Mr. Writley, the Hnttim: gum
man, has told his Chicago a .-six-1
ates that if Mexico can tet tin
island away from Ibiny Cab it
l.odue and the foreign relations
ommit'oe of the senate they
mi t: lit almost be welcome to ii
lie says that, in the event of a
dispute. Catalina will main'ain
lor neutrality to the uttermost.
ler glass-bottoiiH d nav y will )"
pel all boarders save those who
t x pec t to board or stav bv th
"eek or month and her peerless
standi nc armv will he found
standing on thet pier at all hours
He says that while the eighteenth
unendment lirevails the island
would make a great Monte Carlo
imposition under Mexican rule,
but whether it be under the Am
rican or Mexican Hag. it will
lever be opened for the free an 1
unlimited coinage of Manhattan
ocktails. He has no desire or in
dention to run a little kingdom of
booze. It will be possible to weat
i sport skirt in Avalon. but ther.-
'ill be no ostentatious display of
The weather bureau is now
a'herins.- daily reports concern
ng clouds. foL-s, air currents.
;torms and other phenomena ol
nterest to aviators and is trans
nitting these by radio and other
A'ise to those desirini: the ser
vice. If a flyman contemplates
m air trip tomorrow to Alaska
ie can get a wireless from the
government telling him how the
louds are behaving over Vancou
ver and just how many hump?
ind pockets there are in the
nzone around Calgary. This will
be mighty handy for eloping
honeymooners a few years iience.
Ambassador George Harvey Is
idding to the embarrassment ,:
lations hy riding around lmdon
n a Ford car. This is another
vidence of his careless diplom
acy, but it s hardly sufficient to
start a war -even if the car has
i m lt-starter. Kxchange.
It is sure some job
I'ut everybody is working
revent any waste of fruit.
There are a good many ways to
dispose of loganberries, and everv
ast one of them will need to be
employed to the limit.
Yes. Teggy.
(imes runs to
still water some
moonshine. Did any one ever see finer dis
plays of roses than Salem shows,
here or any other old place'.'
The comet was at its nearest
point last Monday and no harm
If President Harding expects to
make that Alaski trip, he will
have to poke uji the ways and
means committee of the house an 1
get the mam tariff biM introduced
iiid jammed through. Wonder
'hat they are waiting for?
It is a pity the Folk county
people cannot live together in
peace and forget the quarrels ov
er roads, it would be better for
all concerned.
Col House, after visiting IJerlin,
considers stable government ;n
I-u rope the best guaranty lor pay
ment of the indemnity, but he is
unable to suggest any guaranty
for stable government.-,
Rairoads Must Seek
Relief from Legislature
T!o pub'ic V I ' niiiimi'':
s vv ii h ui' a ii t hoi it v n hder
rail r.s -I ml to rH' v i"-.
a r-
jlroni its M-rv ice a, a common
i r. ; i t 1 1! i ii t- lo .i'i opinion
! Attorney Ceneral Van W 'ttkb
re- pon .e ti an momrv lrm
com m is.-iot: . The opinion holds
that it is t-ece ,.il' l-e th In
apply to the Mate !e-i l.nni.
: relief.
! Tin- lo-nson 1"utmic road at
'"laKVanie was tiled a:; an tx
j ample.
Certification Asked
By Grants Pass Districi
Tho (lrant 1'a.s irrigation dis
tni t of Joseilune lountv has ap
plied to the slate irruption ,-ocir-;ito-s
'-oiii to 1 ss; on F'i- 'if -:
of a bond Issue of 1325.000. Trior
I to this the commission Iihh rerli
ified i.-isuea n rci eatinc JliUj.OiJO
for the district.
Producers Company Packs
First of Season Crop at
Plant Yesterday
Strawberries Hold up Mar
vellously and Still Glut
Tin lir.-l loganberries of tin-i-ai
wire canned yesterday at the
i finl hi ers Canning At I'ack.ini;
oiiipany pl-ani in Salem They
ire hute fellows, so big as to look
almost danm-rous for anyoni
i luingrv man to tackle
The 'general pack, however, is
till a lew days off. thou till mere
ill be a ood many of the ber-
. .- i .. : i .... .1 ..
lies really HT neiiveiy .iiuiiuaj.
I he strawtiei ries will have to
hurrv and beat a voluntary re-
treat, or run tin' nsK oi neiu
ihrown out. The strawberries.
however, are still almost as oig
md fine as the first picking. They
iave held up marvelously, and
hev are not nearly gone even yet.
vuiie as luscious berries were be-
ltig ueiiverea yesieruay as i-h-i
.-rew in the valley. So great .s
the quantity that some house
wives bought them at 40 cents a
ltitf Crews Kinployed.
It is thrugh no fault of the
canneries that all the berries in
the valley are not already in cans.
riiey have had about the biggest
rews in their industrial nistorv
temming and preparing the ber
ries in the factories. They have
itilized room that they newer
hought of usiim for this purpose
n sortini: stands where additional
;elpers could work. The Oregon
'acklng eoinraiiy has had close
o 300 women and girls at work
m strawberries, and the Hunt
dant is said to be little If any
ehind. The Producers' plant has
had close to 150, and is asking
or a few more so as to be sure
lo fill every corner of the factory
vith sorters to clean up the crop.
Cherries will begin to come in
oday It is understood that all
the plants will be running by the,
first of next week
No Price FI1.
This v.ilj be only on Royal
Vnnes. however, so far as present
nformation goes. No prices have
een set. or contracts made, on
iny other varieties. The canner
es express themselves as anxious
'o handle the other cherries if
oossible. but as none are in as
eady demand as the Royal Annes
they are expectfnc to look after
'he best marketable crop first.
Only the Iloyal Annes will go
'or the maraschino cherry pack,
o he handled by the Star Frui
"roducts company at the Salem
ing s company plant. The cora-
inny will buy most or all of its
mit through the big cherry pool
Kw being filled by 'in- Oregon
Irnwcis' Co-o; erative association
1 he original Knropean maras-
hino cherry is small and blacs
nd bitter, the anthithesis in al
ilmost eVery respect of the won-
krlnl Orecon .oal Annes. Tin
herri -s are "pickled." bleached,
noked several times and finally
colored the brilliant red that
makes them attractive to the eye
Finished. they bear no resem
bianco to the fruit as it is deliv
ered from the tree.
Heavy Colors IWimlicao
None of the heavily colored
American cherries, like the itlack
Republicans. May Dukes or other
liark fruits have been found
idaptable for this specialized use
Salt lo l-'luslc Kidncy
.Vent rali.i li ritat in
In- v a
n. 1 I!
older weakness
r. Mi't lin:ii uric acid, sav s a noted
,i'itlioni. The kidney: filter this
- d ironi the biiMid and pass It on
to the bladder, vs here it otteti re
in, i lis t irr.tate and iullame.
'au-irm a buniini:. siaidini: si'!ia
tioii. or setting ut an irritation af
thi lo-. k ol tin- lilaiider. iiIiIih.iil
vol lo seek relief two or three
t.i.i'- during tin- tiicht. T'ne s n f
t i : is in ion-taut t the
Aiiti-r passes
-.rahiiiie sen.--p
i oi u -e , a - a i ii ,
in n vol 1 i n it
It! older W e
call 1 1 beca 11 si
ermation ":i
aii'iovioi; and
p:i ' II ! II ' . I'll-. !-.
. o in i t i ii i e - v , t h a
t 'mi ;. ml is v i n
there i-, diflicultp
ikio-ss. most folk
the can't coiit ro'
e it is etleine!V
somet i ;ne:s VI Ti
r.'.iHv mi.- "of the
Ni l-
. I
-iiiipu ailments to ov ri oine
a'wut lour ounce- of .lad
from mi r )ta r mai ! - t a in'
i table-po. oifnl in a :-la.- ol
break fa.
l on t I III! e
da-.s Tins
ids in the
.1 sovrce of
t h for two or three
w!i neii t ra! I.- the .-
it no looter i
Irr tation to th.. ',
irv orcins which
'der and urin-thf-n
act nor-
ie a 1 1 v h t.i i ti .
.lad .ill i- i nc .en- i -. ,
1 ss. .-md is mad" f nun t he a, n
j: rape-; and lemon juice, combined I
with lithta. and is u ed by tbous-
aiol- of to'k- hn are snhjed to I
urinarv i!isordrs c:4ii--e In one'
o ;d irritation. .l.ol Salt, i- vplei, i
did lor kidneys and can-", n-. bad
e feci j w hatever.
Here oii ba" a pleasant, offer
vescent lilbia-Wiiler drink, which!
;Hiicklv reik-ves bladder trouble
I Adv. I
Thev cannot be jooperlv bleached
to five the beautiful red that sells
them to any buyer. The dark j
( harries w ill have to go to the j
tanneries and not to lue maras
chino -makers. The maraschino j
business is "swiped" from what
vva- once utli,-i; the marasca
cherry was an Important product
id tin- Dalmatian crown lands of
An.-iri.i It has changed a lot
litre in America !
Nunc' Hell (louid flood died at
her home in Salem, Ore., on .lime
i at o'clock a. in. She was
hoi ii in Va nderhii ru county. Indi
ana. .I"iie 7. Is III and was mar
ried to Henry Jasper Cood. Au
gust "1, IhTo. in Scotland county.
Missouri iind moved to Philop
county, Kansas, in J S 7 2 where
they lived 2o years. They came
lo Oregon in IKI'2. where she has
lived ever since. Sie leaves seven
children, F.tta, Howland of Den
v t. Coio ; l.etta Harns of Palein,
.lames F. (Jood of Salem, Josie
Smalley, ('.race Jory, Stella
Moore ,-iud William Ciood, all ol
Sniem: a sister. Mrs. Anna Tuck-
i-r, and a brother. David (lould. of
Scotland county. Missouri; 2 '
grandchildren and la great grand
children The funeral was held at the
home. Rev. C. V. Corbv and Rev.
K. I-. Harrington, officiating,
Mauy relatives and friends were
present and many lloral tributes
weie contributed. Miss Hazel
Pierce and Mrs. Nettie Faller sang
I Shall See Him Face to Face."
and "In the Land that is Fairer
Than Day."
Interment was in City View
cenn-tery beside her husband who
died September 12. Ifil3.
Lumber Business Still
29 Percent Under Normal
For the week ending June IS.
113 mills In western Oregon and
estrn Washington reoprt pro
duction at 59,085, a 41 feet, which
is 2'J per cent below normal.
New business totaled 0:5,158-
151 feet.
Shipments totaled fio 03,720
For delivery by rail, new busi
ness includeo ,4i",t cars: rail
di pments 1.52 4 cars. Fnshipped
Via'-eee (n the rail trade was
3,185 cars.
uusiness totaled 4,924,-
568 feet,
in me carco trade, domestic or
ders totaled 5.333. i2 feet; ex
port s . f 7 W . s 1 feet. Coastwise
und intercoaslal cargo shipments
totaled 2, 2 7 5. XT 2 feet; export
shipments 7,11S.20 feet. 1
48 hours, and still going
The food and other articles placed in our Automatic Refrigerator Wednesday
morning are still as fresh and nice as when put in. The Refrigerator will not fie
opened until Saturday morning a time of more than 72 hours, but the Automatic
keeps the articles perfectly fresh. ;
A Lifetime of Service
To understand why an Automatic keeps
the food so fresh you must inspect
its working.
It is so arranged thai a complete cir
culation of the ice cold air is krpl go
inr through the lox, anil ice CANNOT
orn k i;i'i; k; kkati ox. .u-.un whii- th-
i 1 1 culai ion ie, loinpl-le, the oii.,r ot 1 1 1 . .
out food., js not i oi, t r ael -d by oiLer lood-.
Thi- "m itself js .-omething to ihink about
We will supply free ice
special demonstration.
JUNE 24, 1021
Ministers Already Signing
Up for School Opening
Here -Next Week
Branch of State Library In
stalled for Students'
Sitv pastors "( from
and ;io from city (list i ic t s
already rotistored for work
i the School for Rural Pastors,
begin next week at Willameiti
I . .. Illl.,v ,r, ,. . 1 ...I I
llll I I ri 71 I J . ..ill.l.-. .Ill ,-.(,.,...
to make ui the number in Dm,
or even more than that. The
school opens Tuesday morning at
7:45. following the complete reg-
listrat ion and assignment of cl
es and wotk on Monday.
Intensive Study Object.
The work rs carried on by the
united efforts of Willamette uni
versity, Kimball School of The
ology, and the Uoard of home
missions of the Methodist Epis
copal church. It is a real "post
graduate" school, giving three
weeks of Intensive study into the
problems that aiise before the
country pastor.
Rome of the best lecturers and
authorities on these rural prob
lems, to be found in all the col
leges and churches of America,
are being sent to help carry on
this work.
Prof. W. H. Hertzog ot Wil
lamette university, is practically
The more yon smoke them - The bpttiryoaTI like then
Write for oar Premium C4ta!'p& No. 4
Largest Indcpenlent CiKar Factor inf f World.
Ice cannot melt wimmit
ivin Biooer reffifieration
4'? W i i 'A
! - l-lLULv-'Rr I UnJ 1 2 34 frT
' I
Ice With All Automatics
with every Automatic Keirigeratoj' sold during this
Don't put off buving until the sjxtfiiU showing is over.
Sends the Automatic to your home. The balance is
just as easy to pay
loc.Ul head of the school
I wjojrls Mails directly within his de-
i utit tment. that of rural leaa0-
Isiiip. .l'lesldent K. C. Hickman
a id Professor Met 'orniick. both of
K if!ijiaJ.i; i ' hool. will be other Jo
i j workers, but -most of the fac
ulty ; ejjiiies from abroad. Mia
t Mat ; in. liluaiian of the
( I legol'" liblatv, i., also of
' .e fM-ui':-'
I U40li l.iblarv Installed.
i 4 . I J. I. . . C I 1. . ... . ' I
i i nsiiiicn oi im- siiiie niirary
iii to e installed in tin- nniver
jsjty nfcbiis lor Hie convenience of
tjile students. They will have a
vik'ii i'ir ourse of study, that)
villi; the equal to Un- nio-it
nk;p": teaching. The days are
h I fR'Voted to class and re-
atc&j 'work, and outside lectur
es ; wjlt tui " I'V most of the oven
jgS vji,th their lectures that rep-J-tinl
I i lr-lifi r researcli woiW f..r
jijatiyt I'fnj i s.
I . number of the visiting pa-,,
(hr AV til brini; their wives anil
4 1 1 avefto be boused, jf possible
tk iLaOWnne hall of Willamette
'; t""
epdeton Man Renamed
On 'State Livestock Board
K. (5; Warner of Pendleton wni
jlesterdny reappointed by Cover-
it Oteott to serve as a member
tliO; ihtate livestock sanitary
ilourd.'s; His term will expire June
Iff? 3.
EngfeWood Circle Will
onduct Picnic Todav
h&:EJnglewood Home Social
iH-fclrt iwiill give a basket picnic on
Ktigrewood scnool lawn to
heglnning at 3 p. m. Dinaer
ill &e served cafeteria style at
:30 jofclock. All residents in thn
jsirlO ieastrof Twelfth street and
hort h: of Center street are invited,
jrlh object of the gathering, and
p( ithtj ) general activities or ths
I'rrile; lK to foster a better com
hluiiify : spirit.
' ' 1 i "
Not only will thd "Aut'jmatic keep foods
fresh for a few lavs; we fee! we are
not exaggeral ing a hit when we say
that this refrigerator will last :i life
time. Nothing td rust, or wear out, or
give trouble jusjjt every day service.
Ynii .-should be hand when we ojien
the sealed Refrigerator tomorrow
morning. See foriyourself what it does.