The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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tiii: vi:atiii.i:
Fair wri-t; probably Jl:"'i(
rat-t portion; iii'iih'I Hi v.i ! f
The Statesman recelres tlr leMOtt
wire -report of the Associated
l"ret& the; greatest and most re
liable pre.- association la toe
U ;
: I. t
- ii - i -1 i a mmmm J
Swede Sleeping at
Bix Suspects with
!f BE IDE ;
Authorities Believe Govern
ment May Want Sextet
For Operations in Oregon
And California
Car May Be Stolen License
Plates of Two States
Among Belongings
Six yonng men were taken Into
custody yesterday by Chief of Po
lice Moffitt and other officers, on
South Comnicrrial street near the
Spaulding barn, who, it is be
lieved, may bo wanted on a IeJ
eral charge. Thiy are William
' IU Mings, George Scott, George H
Medley, a man by tbet name or
' Rice, William 'Thompson and Roy
Portland 1 Objective
They arrived in the city yester
day in a National touring car
"bearing a license number belong
ing to a Ford Coupe n Portland.
According to one of their num
ber it was 'their plan to drive dl
. root to Pontland whre they
boped to move a load of liquor.
. rw,i i v. - i- .i ,. i
vhij iui inn ibui maimey m- . I
wtta automobile trouble. th?y I
, would have gone on through the
one by one the men, who had
teft the car to enter the business
district. were taken into custody
vlHI' nlaejkrt it t Via 4-:v 41 il u u Ihov j
returned to the car. From U
'o'clock In the forenoon until
last night, officers lay i;i waittn'. '
to hustle them off in ones and j
.two be for? leenforcemehts ar-j
rlvedi In th' way they have been
..lodged, in jail without knowing
that the whole gang has been
. captured, part of their number !
being placed in th" women's Jail.!
"One of tho men carted a .:ix
ber revolver and from the gen
eral appearance of the men Chief
Mof'itt retf considerable suspic
ion upon them.
fur May IW Stolen
In looking through their bag
Cage last night it was found that
-iheir. mall shows they are fron
Canada. Three automobile li
cense plates, two from this state
and one from California wete
tin one their belongings.
"I Lieutenant Thatcher of the de-j
xuv iorc oj lurnauu, nan ia
' pressed tbe, belief that the tour-j
log car la one ijkUeu from fall- ,
ornla on April 29. Whether th- I
, aea are boot-legging or not re- j
mains to be 'en but suff i-ir.t I
iwplclon surrounds the case to j
cause the thorongh Investigation
which is being made.
Walla Walla Fp Burns
Herd of Horses and Mules
.WALLA YALLiT, Wash.. Jun
23Klre on the (Jyy'Kent farm,
near Walla Walla, this inornine
burned a barn. 28tvead of horre.?
and rmiles and cauwd a loss of
$10,0r. W.It. Thompkins was
badly burned trying to rescue the
P 'him
Here's a god bo; leC
and roll him for hi:
"N'aw, nothln' doln. Them
s,eper ain't got no wad; and
thl one'd ro)1 himseir, he;i
lhat fat; but he ain't fcot a cent.
That'a whero the nterprislng
'eper operators might have fal
!T 4own, for he did have it on
?'m more than S.Nino In the
j. cash in the world and
la EltH'l)inK ,n the Oregon
Wtrle depot rather than rent
fPtt at even the cheapest flop-
, 1" let alone getting
h-i.'i imi -u ;
"a name i Albert Standahl,
.J1 ha!, from I,rt s- l
the police interpreted hla not
Whom the lfCal American legion will recommend to the
state executive council in charge of the .soldier's aid and
bonus fund for the estimated $15,000 plum to be accorded
the legion attorney for Marion county is the important ques
tion likely to be given consideration at the American legion
meeting here Tuesday.
Under the bonus and loan act passed by the people at
the special election June 7 the executive council, headed by
Governor Olcott, is authorized to appoint a legion attorney
in each county for the purpose of examining the abstracts
given as security by applicants for the state loan. A fee of
not to exceed $10 is allowed the attorney and from the 1500
applications expected from Marion county, it is possible for
attorney to reap between $10,000 and $15,000. All fees are
paid by the applicant.
Recommendation May Be Asked j
Although it lies within the jur- !
lsdiction of the executive body to i
appoint the attorneys, it is under-j
stood they will ask for recommen- j
dations from all of the leeion J
posts. Although no nomination. ;
are certain, it is held likely Allan I
llynon, Uubbin Day. and Max'
CAMP LKWIS. Wash . June 23.
At the present time F company
ht facing the hardest ordeal in
the competition for.lS21 honor
trophy during the present en
campment. On only or.o occasion
has the orRanlzatlon received a
daily rating of less than 90 p"r
cent, that belnz on condition of
quarters June 18, when the bar
racks was marked "70 per cent."
In clerical work, kitchen, con
dition of quarters and exterior
of barracks the Kalem outfit is
I Nam of school directors bet
ed at the anli".;l school election'
Monday for th various distri'U
throughout the county. ;ire h'-inr'
received ;-t the of free of the coun
ty mi peri n tend'-nt. Many 1 lb",
directors Wi'P re-el ( to i. t!ic".
and in a number of instances re
moval from the district occasion
ed the n"eity of clertlug two
directors where otherwise but one
would have been considered.
Districts which have h en Ir ard
from to date including those re-
only broken but alolutcly j.ul
eriz d spee h. lie slept Tued ay
night In lite KhVtrrr depot, and
lited .through it without sjtcridin
ii cent, so he staked out a claim
and appaicnllj planned to call it
Officer White wakened him and
took him lo beadquar'ers at mid
night where the poli'e threw iit
a no shivers in rapid siiree--ion as
they shelled out his pockets, or
there was !7 in cash in hi
two creasy old walie;--. He wa
unk"mit in dresa and general a;e
pf arance.
Standah gave ills age as
jmd he claims to have come fro-n
fEBectric Depot Mas
Automobile Are
rape will appear in the list ot
i. oh, illations from the local lotion.
OoubtlesS a service nia:i will ).
Tho law also calls for tlirc' ap-tral.5f-.
front each county to !
appointed by the same body.
(Continued ou page 2)
second to none, according to pre
( nt averages at regimental head
quarters. In drill, the company
i.- les fortunate, there being a
large, number of new recruits in
th" ranks, but Lieutenants Carson
and Hendricks report a noted im
provement in drill work after each
TtK! interest of the njen and
th':- knowledge that Salem folk
t xpect vs to bring home the bacon
Continued on paRe 2)
elected and those serving for the
first time, are:
iMtrtiict No. 2, Arbor Grovi
.lohn I'.erhois;.
iiistrii t No. ?,, Muldi (iioe--C
M. havis
li-trit No. T. Sublimity
e m ge Su-ba tier.
HiHtnc No. 1". Kvergre n
O'e (IverlllMil
Itistrict No 1, I ern Itidge
A. K. N'tti r.
Iv-.trict No 1- -Manning A. I".
"T.I N.'
Hubbard Al
ber t Jordan
strit No. is. Hall M. 1
Petti ber.
District N. "''. Mission C M
le.-triii N
K. Smith.
U stri't No 4::. Indcenpdcnce
.1. W. Apple
K'stri. t No. 14. West Woodburn
-- M .1. McCormi k.
ln.slrKt No. 4.'.. St. Paul
l L 'and weije!
IH.-trict No. 4H, Croston 11
II. Carpenter.
nistrict No 50. Pratiim
A. W
l-srict No. 57. Hufteville- 1.
(Jbn Yergen
District N( f". Kldreidge- I.
W W.interniu'e. John Stehmau
and terge ISrown.
District No 61, We: t Stayton
- c W. Parker
District No. GS. Johnston Wil
liam Johnston.
District No. 69. Prospect W
District No. 71. Liberty II II
Mum ford.
District No. 74. Mehama K It.
District No ".", McLaughlin
Mr. Amundson
Uistrict No. 7. Swegle-L. L.
(Continued 00 page 2)
I wo new extensions have re-
i o j , , .... cntly !.f.rn completed by the
Hearst Called Lickspittle of!''ort,and Railway. uRht & rower
Kaiser in Address by Pre
sident of American Labor
Challenge Hurled for Any to
Show He Has Broken
Faith With Unions
DKNVCP, June m William
Kandolph Hearst was denounced
on the lloor of flie convention of
tiie American F deration of La
bor today ny President Samuel
(iompeis as a traitor to the cause
Icf America, to the cause of free
dom, mi tiicuiy of labor and" of
Ireland "
Tins statement, together wi'h
many other d nun-riatory retnark'-
leearding Hearst made by Presi-
dent dompers in reply to a ques-
tlon from the floor as to his stand
on the Irih question, wero loudly
chr-.-red and applauded by the
Ileajst Kxcoriafeil.
The uicraii lalor header de
clared thai Hearst hal alta'keil
ii 1 111 lie had declined to
be "chained to his mad chariot
tor the presidency of the United
States" nd because he had tried
lo "see to it that Mexico shall
go iindiMurued and not overrun
by the American lorces."
Keferiing to the conduct of
Hearst d'liing the war. President
(iompern said:
"In the war he was the lick
spittle of the kaiser.
"He a in constant communi
cation with the kaiser's envoy,
iicrii'torf. in 1 he war be was in
touch with UoU Pasha. I!oy-Il.
i.nd the whofe sang o" them.'
Defining in.- st aid on the Irish
MieMion. Pres.lrierif (jontper.-: de
clared that he had tarried out
V(i declaration of the federa
tion eti ndini; sympathy ami aid
to tl irisli republic
' The only real rharge against
me is. and I cuilty to it.
that I have not ned Ireland." he
Veteran lu- i b.tllene.
"I halei,Ke any malnto show
I h.ive heeti faithless to any dej
li'.id'in made by the American
pedetito.n of I.nhor or that I
l.ave been fat e, faithless ir 10
Iirrn( to any of its directions
"When the American Kedcra-
01 ii.mi; neci.ireci itiiii jkiii-
' i ". I pilTMieil. even if they drove
'!''" I" I lnl not falter in
the fiiMil or in tin- faith."
Pn -ii'.ent (ioinpei.s ex ir"-.-ed
regret that he had to di.-cu-, this
natter before th- lection of of
( M-et : .
1 f 1 . i 1 1 . .1 . .
Convict Shot By Guard
Dies at Walla Walla
WALLA WALLA Wa -h . June
i.! John Van Hell died tonight
j in the pri-ion hospital of a guii
I hot wound lie was shot bv Curd
jTliorntori this morning while
j fighting another conviif. Van Iel
wa-; -erving lif.- for the Tii'inl' r of
jKdward fMsoti. form- r'- i'rlu:
i'1'ial 1 1) - u ra iii com m iss.oio-1 .
Berries Are Received
At Silverton Cannery
Sll. KU l ON. or.
( S'e to The
it-ite;. roan
I The Silverton cannery i lo--i
! (In ii this lotenoon alter being
irun a d.e and a half T I MM-on
fur the i lo ilow ri is lar!. ' ! '
i I ii .-. It will open again Saiuid.i
:no; lung.
Ka'ly todav ii wa .. t nna'c-d aioiltl l J"" era'" of -tfw-
li'iiie, went brought in Th"
! st ra w bert ieji were all hill herrie.
; There arc 40 people employed at
I the cannery. Including MeltLi Moe
'the tinck driver.
2,000 in Pockets
Arrested by
Ten Hares Are Accotnmodat-1
ed by New Line Recently
Ruilt From Woodburn
umiy.iii.v, ui-corrurig to an an
j uouncement made yesterday . by
M.iaer W. M. Hamilton.
; A powi'i- line has been extended
jlroiii Wooflliiiru to Scollard t'
piovid-' power for the inachiuery
t used in the county paving plant.
! Another new line recently went
. out from Woodburn which sup
plies 10 farmers with light anJ
power, the line extending about
I a mile and a half from Wood
I b'Ji n.
: The new cas generator whi-li
; the company is installing in the
; power plant here will supply 1 immi
'pilions tl.iily with i:as, Mr. Ilam
I (Mum said. As soon as the new
onc is completed the company
hopes to shut the old generators
(down long enough U, make re-
pairs, which wll greatly increase
; their capacity.
i T ,(. n . ,
I I erTITIC balC and
Hail On-
skiucht Comes When
Weather is Torrid
WALLA WALLA, Wash . June
A spell of hot weather came
a dramatic end here todiv
when a terrific wind and rain
storm struck, tearing down trees,
blowing off awnits, smashing
plate g la ..- windo-As and doiim
other damage throughout tho city
.lid district.
Hail ;ton's over an inrh fn di
ameter fell in the upper Mill
"reck section and some datn?ge
w:m rlone to fruit anil wheat.
When the first ;:ust of wind
stiuck WaMa Walla the empcra
ttne wa- !s degM".. Th'rtv min
utes later it dropped to 71 One
fifth of an imh of tain I'll in
the city, thirteen hundredths ot
an Inch falling in five minute.-,
Tiie wind in the city rea-bed a
velocity of ''' Iil'le: an hour, but
was much heavier in the country.
n Seiw While 01
AliM'iit on Tiip
Camp l'vsis
rott is
.-'iiator Lo W Kitner of Ten
illelon will be governor ot the
tati- of Oregim tor a few da
wh'l ' Covrnor ( i- at Camp
'.e i i.-;t;ng tl.'- national -u.irtl
uti.t-! in training there. Thi- is
uide; the ii iv: ;. mend met: t :i t!i'-
ptate constitution wiiereby tlTe
; pie-id' lit of th-- t lte ,e-iat a-4-a,
j.i.y rnoi during the ah -m e or
.incapacitation of tin governor
1 1 1 1 ii r v a pre i ! r i f ' t h'- .-en
- ;,,. at tin s.--.-jo'i of tLl - e,(r
I Till Will be the first fjme Sen
:.tor K ill' r has ,i led a- .'"i'-rii'M
liis In t g ih-rnat(,rial duty prott
,a'd vmiI be to ptesiiie at a hear
ing lure Saturday on a renin i.
tiotl troill flie rnvrifn-r ot M . a
'. hm tt lor the traditinn d
Snr iii'-I Segal, now in cudodv in
1'e'tlaiid. and who is wanted in
Portland on a mm -tipport charge
ln-pertor Hrtrris-on of the liostot:
police department is here for Se-:-al.
who will fight e t rad 1 1 i'ti.
Another requisition comes troni
MasJachUHetts for the extradition
of Walter I'. Mevan. alo wanteiT
iti H'o.ston tor tmn snpptrt He
tin jail in Portland Sergeant Carey
i of the Boston poller will take him
'to Boston, the extradition having
been granted by Governor Olcott
I vesterday.
mm mm
SWw Trophy Cup Won By
Senators When Fast Y.M.
CA Team j$ Beaten By
? ,
' 10 ' !
1 vv"ri,N riiuntti j
. '
in- t , ,
WlCker Bath-TUD Awarded!
a- a a m
Jim Wara, Ule HOT?, Un-
ruh and Dunsford
I I!y winning Trom the V. M. C. A.
I last nit-ht at Sweetland field, the
'fighting Slate House Senators
cru.-hed the hopes of tin- Med Tri
angle- team by decisively trim
ming that augretation.
'I lie Score Wmh 7 to 1
l'p to the fifth inning th game
was as prett an exhibition of bali
as one would wish to witness iu
any class of ball, there being hard
hitting. steady pitching and
sparklinc fielding galore. Poth
teams were keyed Up to p. high
pitch for the final and deciding
battle and not until the fifth in
ning was the State House clan
aide to break through the sterling
pitching and fielding def.-imo of
! the " Y."
Senator V1p Tt.s
The battle opened with the
Senators winning the toss and
takitu the field. Gregg Hew out
to Ia l.rielson and Prown ground
ed out Latham to Adolph. Hum
phries walked and in attempting
to steal iteeotid went all the way
around when Teako teK vent too
htuh tor Knickerbocker to handle
. atid on the throw-in Johnny raced
fo- home and made it on a close
i play at the plate.
Louderbeck grounded out La-'
tham to Adolph. This ended the
( oritiK for the "V for the bal-1
'ancn of tho afternoon. !
Kor four innings there war. a !
battle worth four bits of any of
the fans money and not until the
1 fifth canto were the SenatorH ahle
to assemble their artillery and
break through the "Y's" defense,
hut when they utarfed in they did'
the job tip completely.
Krror Is ('m- !
Schneider got on through Lou
der berk's error and advanced on !
Toothacre's hit. Small whiffed
and KnickerbiM-ker walked, filling'1" tle iry in the rasa of
th- banes. Teako got his seeotid the stale vr, L. A. WillialiiB,
hit of the day and ncred Srhnei-., harmed wltli helling intoxirating
r loot uarre was caught at the
plate on (Ja'urmison's hit over
hoit stop and Knickerbocker
registered a moment later on a
passed hall by I'nruh. Adolph got
i on through Itrown's error and
i Jackson wt-nt out Louderbeck to
(Itegg, ending the scoring bee.
j The Senators came right back
iin tin- sith fr.ime and annr'xed
itiiree more tallies when Latham
!wa-. robbed if a hit bv Lou re who
(Continued on page 2 )
Suggestion Mdc That Shoppers Make List of Things
They Wish to Buy on Bargain Day--Also That Buy
ing Be Done as Early in the Day as Possible.
I 'r-da v J ui v 1 alem Filth
Annual Mat.un Ia . will tiring
-ii- i i a e-ev. d of biier- t-i Salem
that tb in-f haul., leaf they will
not In
set ", iri
abb to gle the d -
that th'- would Ii
rend' r.
Pa l I'.ai gairi i i.i s haye brought
u ii i rowd that people "nave
fo'Mld it IIM to ;llll'is . ib'e to ge
v .i'd upon This was no fauil
ot thi: mer. tiaiitr - they were rirr
plv -w imped, that wan all.
This .ear the niercha lit s are
tr uc le avoid surd a condition.
Ciood-; will be raref illv ilMplaved
;Mid marked ; o as to make shop
ping easy and a;s many cb-rks an
possible will b employed.
It will also greatly facilitate
mattern if shoppers make out a
j list of the things they intend to
ibuy; then watch the advertise-
SUM OF $250,000
ic DDAIfinrn HAD
iu i nu v
dalem and Woodburn Banks Agree to Put up $75,000
to Which Will be Added $25,000 From Busmen
Men, While Portlahd Blinks Will Contribute Re
mainder of Amount Necessary to Protect Growers
in Moving Bumper Vineyard Yields
Here is the latest plafj t? jsve the loganberry crop:
Salem business men siibsoribe $25,000 as a loan fund.
Salem and Woodburri bajrtjts subscribe $75,000 to the 1 3
same fund. . j ; r -I
Portland capital will mote than match this combined 'j
amount, making a total wdrkiiig capital of close to $250,000.
The Phez plant bg jGtt4 and wiII take in 1500 tons
of berries which will be crushed and the juice bottled and
then will till the orders howj coming in, $50,000 a month,
for the now nationally adverted "Phez," a name worth an
. i 1 1 I 1 11 . v ill! ' '1 A a a
pomaiea nan minion uoiiars
ing u nas receivea. j ;
The farmer will receive Contract price of 3 cents a
pound; 14 cents in cash. to jrrjver the cost of picking and
delivery, and the rest to be1 in notes that may run up to three
years, bearing interest 'at. 0 per cent.
A new corporation. th4i Northwest Fruit Products
comimny, using the corporate inline lut In nowise connected j
with the old, defunct corporation bearing the same title, is
to-be formed, to lease the Phez-factory and handle'the bus-vj!
iness of the 1921 crop. The qk corporations do not touch a f
penny of the money except ajt ntal for the plant, sthougti
if there is a profit after paying all the notes, it goes to pay
the debts and rehabilitate the Old Phez company as a Salem j ;
asset. . .. , ' :'
It's not a war-time interest, perhaps 6 per cent but Aj
it is a chance to save to Salem a million-dollar asset in its lo-
ganberry credit, and to keep uja the land values by showing
that fruit pays, and that landst lire worth what they now sefl
for. - " . ji!? h: - - '
The matter was threshtfd pfot at a special meeting of th
Salem Commercial club last flight. 1 The loganberry situa
tion has reached the critical pint, with an estimated 5001
to 6000 tons of berries mostly Without a certain market-
and something had to be .dbrid&i.. -
The Salem banks took thinitiative by offering to put If
in $75,000 in conjunction with the banks of Woodburn, to !
finance the crop that is ready to. pick next week. They asked j;
'- Kni was taiR'U 10 prt.'Sen
Sentence for Violation Prohi
bition Law to Be Imposed '
Next Monday
After a deliberation of about
iiiiiors. returned a verdict of
guilty yesterday. Sentence wilt be
pronouncel by the court Monday
i at 1 a. m.
Williams called as his witnesses
Carleton Smith. Kenneth Klce,
I i'.asil Wagner, Archie Mc.Nary and
'John Warner.
A. H. !ates ami I Tendergftst,
detertives for the Anti Saloon
league; S.
M. Hllsliey
. Wells and Judge W.
were witnej,s's for tiie
tQt f reta It. cv- '-rnon a z lo I tic-
hjarj civ, r Sn- muM-iilo. 1MI a)o )if-bat
i f r"-tt-r1 zamc lnii r-'ivl rttr4
... ,. .. . .t.ifrt -riiou tiad tlir-- nu-n on baas
ment . of the l.argatn Hay . tnre, .,th, no flt , th. . ,,ut w natla
a nd de ,d.- a here eai h item is , to -i-r
i-- piircha-e.l Al.-o. huvei -i are i J ! ' innmea j
re, j,,.. ted to do their shopping j.1(, 2 13 I
e.irlv Hi the (lav as possible . in ' .llairiea J-'itiTy and Klliott: Dall
orde;- to avoid tiie rush which ju. ft .
v.uiablv comes during the aftjr- j - ' A NO ELS 12, SEATTLE 7
noon .T.HKATf-LK. Wa.h. Joni- 2t (iaHnir'1
If nurrli.iit -,,i ..i,ii,. tnk -f"'' in th- fiehlli innmc UrtH
it mrf tiant.- and publx tllu Ufr r,r ,,v th. aci aluttcera.
c; operate the day will l.e one ol nwtjaarii n c- tli" trains acainal Hrattla 13 ta -harmoiiv
and enjjvtuvnt atld 1" s i 'hp(t. th- viaitora' aornnd baaa
, enr.-., . 1 1 . .' u L i i-nffcit, knorkul a homrr with twe ran an..
vervotie will profit thereby. , LVd- r h e
The tollovving js a list of th Lm "AacftWs 12 IS t
un rcui Day stores:
Ander-on & Brown, the sport
i ing good i store. Sportsman
t headquarters.
Muster Brown Shoe Co. No
i fi' tir ioiiK Quotations. A traly
wonderful sale.
C. P. Bishop, the home of Oreg-
(Contlnued on page 2)
i vn
jinrougn tne national aavems-
v.vv, aim wc iiicchhK -j
jne matter. U
Over 7(NM) HuWribed
V Hubwrlptions amounting to 1 :
jft.l'") were made before th l(
iieetitig adjourned, and enough f
hthulHtis took blsnkn that It is '.
jkpeeKKl at leant half of the total ' !
Allotment will be raised today. A ..f
tas meeting of all the buBlnesa l
men of Salen is called at the Com-
fhitrclal club- tonight, when It 1
t;leved the sum will be raised, n
A) host of hustlers will be out to-
clay on private campaigns to swell U
Ale fund. '
.'Uyomt convincing ttpceehes wens
'tade durint,- the evening. One '
J - - t .T-. I .. l .
ftj i ni'innH who biu. j
"Kvery business man, doctor, .
'Continued on pag 2)
fr" ' 4
t'nUTbANIl. Orr . Juna TA IHmt Qol
tilit rrjr. a jmiw pitrber from th North
Pai-1 Or- Itental roll-f. itrb-d fin ball
ftii- l'ortlnl Kain San Kraoi-iaro todT
dir eight inninr. hut tt Kal rr4
flsr-- ninii ami "on thi- emmr ja ta
Mtlltt) fi torn anrl bin te--or. Joaat
ijli. l- jiUi int.- a laiiilins Kau
It. If. B,
iim Kinti'iso S 10 0
fert'.-i-i S S
'- i lint irr- Slinr- mtjH Aeucw ; Qmaaaav-
-rf. .'otin"i mi'l H-ik-r.
?i r.KI.,.M. Calif . .la tie - 3 .- Oak land
.Slo ! Stlt l.ukr totlav 7 to A ta a
Jit fnt-t butur-l l? hitry hittinc.
. 'l;h- intiiii2 Oak Inlly wan norM m
i.i l.i.t hl' f 'Ii' ninth hD Wbil.
frjianing for Koehlrr. who had ainIt.
yt-ux i' if oiirl on A!l4n a inlaid awt.
)lil i' "Wl o" t'lm-tli a amule to Wt
t inatb- four runa an three fait,
tav'o walki anl an rrror Id th eijfhth,
4'inn. Ml' Ihr a'orr in that frama.
i K If. K.
sfidl --l.ak. 4
.illan4 ,. 7 13 O
r tlhio rkfik hwartz. Irrrt-ni. Ooold,
trilirs'on ami -Icnkina; Lynn, Altrn and
htorld' r :
AM.KI.KS. Jitn 2a WfcM.aer',
jS)ilj.' l-iiaiae in th rlrirrnth inoini. arer-
13 Z
wlfrrifa J.yona and Stanace;
J- ranr'ia. Mark and Tolnn.
W I..
r "I rH"i o
iHtnt .. .
S1-. lit)- -i
fjvk Anctlra
(Contlnujed on page 2)