The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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The Hop Industry in Salem District Is
It Bids Fair Be the "King of Crops "
His Estimate Is That There Are Some 12.000 Acres in
Hops of a Bearing Age Says There Will Be Some
Demand From England Above Contracts. But Clean
Picking Will Be Necessary.
IliMiii f'.ii mil it is n nii'inli. r uf
the c:i:-ni linn of Ihii1i.ii & Cor
noycr. hop dealers a inl ;. r-v
with liiii.--' in llii liiirb.n build-
u! which F. V. 1)111 i.ll. I!ie
senior number of tlic lii iii. i -
ovi ii-t .
, Mr. 'oiiiocr keeps well po i d i
an tin) doings .mil ni'w , ni tin hop
His estimate i' that there are,
about lJS.ouo acres ijr hop- in Or. - J
(on now, if full bearing a:.-e. aii.l
hi estimates that I In- pi uI , t inn
the ftniiinu season will In- ;i roil in
((i,m' bales of merchanta Lie Iih '
that is. that they w in be hut, J
fhailtable hops if there is clean l
Sick in k and proper curing and'
andlltig throughout tin- harte-M-i
lljg SC-ilSOIl.
He t,ai.i there Is no demand j
from Knlajul at tin- present time, i
aside from" the rimlrail made last j
year ami in former years, and the
Anier an demand is limited. I
: lie sayo tact nominal price how '
now in 12. to I ' rents, and about i
4001 lial'H of Oregon hups of last
year's growing remain unsold.
Mr. Corneiver says the report
from England are 'that the pros
pects for the, growing rroop aw
Kood, and th name report nunc
a:i to th continental crops.
lit thinks Ih' efforts of tho Kn
plish pfMiple inlT?Ht;d In th in
dustry to Bfcuro larn plantings of
hops in their colonial possf .salons,
nucb in Australia and Sow Zea
land and Quth Africa, in the in
fprest uf a splf-kontained empire.
hae not t6t. with any Eroat dfv
frrm of ucce: hut some hops
are grown In Uritlxh Columbia,
and hara always hen.
Mainlj- From Two Ktat
Mr. Cornoyer says .th hop
If rowing industry of the ' United
Ptatfs haa narrowed, crown mainly
to two stateit. California and Ore
!oito; that the yield this aeaspn in
California will nkely ix to
And 75 Per Cent of the Production of This Acreage is
; Contracted for Three. Years to English Accounts,
Says T. A. Livesley, the Most Important Figure in
) The Oregon Hop Industry.
(T. A. Livesley & Co. are the
largest Oregon hop growers and
dealers, their offices occupying
- the fifth floor of the SaU in Hank
of Commerce building, and their
iyrfds beinc in the Salem district.
;ItOanswet to a request from the
.'Salem slogan editor. T. A. Lives
ley or that concern furnished the
following: )
! ' Owin;? to the beer dry I'nited
: States, the hop bu dness has suf
ijered a tremendous blow, and now
Jwe are 'eotnpelled to look else-
ijwhere for a market. notwith
standing the fact that only per
'tent of the normal arceage is be
liug cultivated, of which 75 per
tcent is contracts! for a period of
Stare yeai-H ?to Knrlish accounts.
Jml in otdVf to make delivery of
Jthis 7.. per cent we bave Jukt re
reived a letter from Messrs.
IJeorge Hird & Co., one of the
; Urgent handlers of Pacific coa st
Ihops, 'which fully explain the
Situation. Thai letter follows:
tWfer a Warning.
"Can you allow us space in your
'valuable journal to offer a warn
In k to the Oregon and Washing
ton hop growers.
"As a reniilt of many years work
to overcome prejudires, a large
trade has been established in the
i produce - of these hop yards for
use in Kncl-ish bn werl The
'fential to this trad is that the
hops should be of irc.od Uality,
Well grown and carefully;, picked
(In Twice-a-Wcek Statesman Following Day)
loganberries, Oct. 7.
Prunes, Oct. It,
Dairying. Oct. 21.
Flax, Oct, 2H.
Filberts, Nov. 4.
Walnuts, Nov. 11.
Strawberries, Nov. 18,
Appbs, Nov. 5.
Kaspl.Ti les, Dec. 2.
Mint. Dec, 3.
tlreat cows, Dec. 1.
IMackberrles. Dec. 27.
Cheriies. lu-r. 30.
Pears. Jan. G, l'.21.
Cooseberries and Currants. Jan.
Corn. J.-in. 20.
Olery. Jan. 27.
Spinach, Feb. 3.
Onions. Feb. 10.
Potatoes, Keh. 17.
Boes, Feb. 2 4.
. Mining, March 3.
f. Goats. March 10.
, Beans, March 17.
Psted highways, March 24.
((- tfoccoll. Marcr 31.
Bilos. April 7.
Lerum Aorti 1 1
iin.r..u. 1m.ii n
I Grapv April 23.
In ii .,,,,, I,.tJ(.-j; that U a-inUl-.tnil
Will pi.ii.i' priiiii lii i I'ii, 'mil ,i
",!() h;,,. ;, ;, 11,1 i hat (In- . I ,. j.
ii i-w i.ik. !uiri!-il in..- ill III-l-;i,ti!l.'
In,)! p! ii,l Ui ill -tat.':;,
I... in nl if i hlc Tlure w r ni i. r
Miori- Hi. ill II., -. lull li., .rilll-
ills' stale-;, on a vral., m.iitiiu' I In-il'-itii!
I mn i. f an iiid'iMry. ll i-uarrowi-d
now In llin-i- !'a ilii
'oa-t Ktat'-s, with i .i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i.i and
Mr i. on priiiliii iiiK tin- bulk of tlu
I'or li-nn I'irkiiii;
Mr. ('oriiui.i a - that but fur
thf l-Inrlixli demand the n-j;.ii
Krowern would have had no m;ir
ket at all in th- p:;st tew i-ar.
lie says Knelariil will want thi
year Moint Oregon hoji;, iivit aiu!
above wbat th Kiltsii dealers
have already, contracted f-r. it
they ran -et hops d'-cently picked
iHirliiK the war uiany hop
yards in Knt-land and mi the rmi
tin'iit w t'' plowed, up, in order to
niaWe romn fur essential f 1
crop. These yards are now beinp
lartely n-liewed..
IuriiiE the war the r rowers of
Ore Ron were unable to -t lean
picking done, and the -on-e,n. nee
was that the hops fru;i tins -late
cot a very bad name in Kru'land
but "everythhiK went" then, on
aeeonunt of the world scarcity and
the conseciuent hfi'h pri-e.
Hut the Kngliidi dealers will be
ve.ry particular from now- on. and
they will absolutely rejert dirty
hops. )nrinp the past few months
a large grower la the .ab-m dis
trict has been oblired to art'lally
tear open bales of hops of last
year's crop arid employ women to
pick them over. and tlu-ri put
them up acain in new bales, in or
der to pet by in the fillinc of order-,
from Kn eland.
Mr. Cornoyer sav? there will not
be that much consideration shown
in handling the new crop, hv the
Hnrlinh buyers. They w ill demand
clean hop.
This has generally been carried
out satisfactorily, but a rude
shock has been administered dur
ing the past season I y the care
lessness of the cultiw'ition and
disgiaeeful picking If this is
the result of making contracts
for a term of years, it is a ruin
ous and short sighted policy.
Whether value is higher or lower
at time of delivery should make
no difference. Muyers here do
not speculate but pas all rn"
r liases on to conaumers as mad-
Unless your growers realize this
they had better give up the bus
iness. Doling the period your
country ha. been dry, Oregon and
Washineton hop gtowers would
have been driven out but for the
llnlish brewers, and it is as well
for them to remember this. Such
hops as those sent on contract the
Inst season are not wanted here
and are entirely unsalable It
kills the demand for tiirthtr sup
plies. "The continent of Europe :s
also a lare producer. In Kel
gium. Krance and Cermanv the
conditions are fully realized that
tood clean picked hops are ab-
t ii 1 1-1 y necessary, and they study
the Kntrlish buyers accordingly.
"Another importaut point for
your growers to guard against is
the state of the roofs of their
hop,,, lofts In wet weather dur
ing balititr manv of the loose
hopJ get damaged by the drips
Drug garden. May 5.
Sugar beets. May 12.
Sorghum. May 19.
Cabbage, May 2C.
Poultry and Pet Stock, June 2.
Iand. June 9.
Dehydration. June 16.
Hops, June 23.
WTio1eiale and Jobbing. June
Cucumbers. July 7.
Hogs, July 14.
City Neautiful. flowers and
bulbs, July 21.
Schools. July 28.
Sheep. Aug. 4.
National Ad vertlslngr. Aug. 11.
Seeds. Aug. 18.
Livestock. Aug. 2".
Automotive Industry. Sept. 1.
Grain and Grain Products.
Sept 8.
Manufacturing. Sept. 15.
Woodworking and other things,
Sept. 22.
Pair Mill. Sept. 29.
,i i -w
fHack copies of Salem Slogan
editions of The Dally Oregon
Statesman are on hand. They are
for 1 at 10c m41I to
any address.)
lL '''kv WK. f.-Vel theS.;
in'., ill,-
''"! !---! tut- .ii., I bad disci-
i ..i i i
"-"'I. 1 t-lol I Ulla'i'll
II. ! b.n
... .! ! I I
'"II In. tin ... 1 1 .1 III
'I. a ii'l w li n il . , ii
li.i .- : i Vi li s.. I inn -
. i I I ; v i!
I I ml 1,1.
ll. !,
in n. ii-!. 1 1 a t 1 1 .1 1 1 .
(lit- liH'rr Will linl aicei.t them
V !" ! mi r trimn.- Mill
: i, mi I ;. i uii-hli r I posd mn ,.
I . .! !, hi lu i ea -mi . a !.,l 1 1
Il.ill ! t 'id, -.1 I .11 t,, ill., i...
. . i, p.- al'.illl ll III. h I I, ere I d Ii"
no i mn Ida i ii t , and will h.-l,, t ,
i;a:!l tin- Con f idellie of Cotl.lllli
'i - io I e.
' leM.rce Mini Co.
I -i So'.ithwatk SI , Lulidiiri. I'.ns' '
i '.,"i.i ii.eii'al K'irope Willi fi'-r
li'.ip! and lie.,, pi ml ui iim
a.'l lilak'-- It ihineslile l..r ,.
,., . . ,,n p.-l . wiih !liein. ,i rid' I ire. 1 1
Ti e I'niteil Sti!'- l.-p irl nei;t
of A . t - if nl t lire issues a bulleti'i mi
Crowinr an'l Curing Hop-." it i
I'armeis' iluiletiii :'.ui.
ll -how., the hop j: I iw iiis fdal:
to be 'all forn ia. New York. Ore
Von and V.'iishiut;toii. il)i smali
iuaulilies r.UM'il in 'i -.cons, n
Idaho. Massai Im-tts. I'eiinsil
i.nii.i. Mi' Vermont, K-n
lu. k and Oliiy iTde leader will
note by the Henry -Cornoyer in
terviei ill The Statesman of to
da that N'ew York has .Inri been
pr.u tli all) '-liui. tutted, and that
California and Oregon produce the
liil'k of the hup crop of tiie I'nited
Stales mi. The production in t h
other statr-s named is nuthinc
now. in a commercial way.)
There j.-. sennet hi nj,' in this bul
letin on soil, propagation, varie
ties, selection, planting, cultivat
intr. pruning, trellisim.-, training,
pickinc. i! ( ji'dint-' the necessity of
clean pickinc; enrin. types o
kilns, cooling, baling, marketini.'.
etc., etc , but almost any well
known hop grower in the Salem
d i trict could tell the author of the
That Is, Hops Will Pay the Highest Cash Returns to
The Acre The Crop Prospects On the Whole Are
Good at This Time Necessity for Cle?n Picking.
(Russell Catlin. of the Russell
fatlin Hop Co.. dealers and grow
ers, and dealers in hop supplies.
Salem, seticld the following in re
ply to a letter of the Salem Slogan
" In reply to yours of the 17th.
I fear my fund of information
will prove rather limited, but will
gladly give you the little I have.
'"The acreage in Oregon this
year is something like 14,000.
probably a little under this.
"Crop prospects on the whole
are good at this time, although a
few pood yards are reported.
- "This season's crop should be
in the neighborhood of
bales, and at least two thirds of
th crop, probably more, is sold
Officers Aie Chosen at An
nual Motinr7, of General
Aid Society
At the annuil election of ofli
ces i'or the cieiieral Aid society oj
the Kirn Methodist church. Mn
Charles .1. I.isie was re- lect"'l
president alter sir had insisted
that at basi one oth'-r good can
did. lie be put up to tiialre it a
matter of choice. No either can
didate was prevailed upon to ac
cept tin- candidacy, so Mrs. Lisi
was elected by acclamation.
The other clficers elec ted were;
Vice prcsid. rt. Mrs. E. V. Ityder:
F-'cretary, '.lis C. .1. McAdanis;
treasurer. Mr- K. S. Gilbert.
Th- General Aid is the union
society f-nmpr'r-iui' the seven local
circlet coierinc the church activi-ii-
s and 'liiinl'crs bet v. en
a ::i -"''li riicinhci s.
An attractive program was giv
en during the afternoon, in which
each circle presented some
htuiit'' or fe ature by on or more
of it, men
!,. rs Miss Man I'in l-
! ley, who r.ccTitly returned from
ja year's post-graduate- work at
! Columbia un.w-r ity ;n New York
jCily. repre.. nr. 1 I, i cir. 1. In an
I informative talk or, the eastern
universitv we rk Mrs potiald G.
Glover fave a delightful German
dialect rcadirg that brc'ight down
the tiunse. Miss Eu-nia Savag'
piijed a piatio solo that was high
lv appreciated on. of the circle
offerings "A Smile Factory
Sample's." was put on by cine di
vision, in v.-ii h a number of the
members appeared in turn, e.ich
I resenting a smile of her own
manufacture and the vaireiy "f
smibs was a hearty laugh
One riirle presented a pato
mim". 'Feet," in 'vbich a play
was given from beneath a rc-reen.
showing only the- feet of lh four
actors. The story was read aloud,
P-dalll !:alll..liv ( ,.,. f, I'M,
U II' I i
I .1 II bill 111
lll'.l pe 1
On.- ;.i. .-s . i ! 4 T i . . 1 1 K ,, j,,,h1ii..
H"-,. I Ul.iilll III.- ,v ,1 l
I, knl '.i .lt in. iii... .......... l"
'In- ! ..It.; '..! l. Kng land ,,l l!;
'HI liiii., ha- an . iiili.i i ii i ..ii
.,!! l.u.-igu hoa- !.., jMiiM.l ,i
ll- e. ej.t til! W litf 111, J,
ii.i ;:itllal!l Heed hcl on
I h
their home production. The Kn
I ll -:ni- i .li.Mi i::iataiitee,
.', , ;-n .,;,,,l, (i,. ,,l,j;
ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . wririi v. i i l -t i in ,i
the yrowiiij: uf hops th-re
If is doublf nl lo .say what j.-i
' en i i in.- :n ,1-ui a n .i;,' i u'-i
i.iiiiiiii. a!t'i the enpiration of1
Hie present li.lltl.Kl-. Tlli'fe li
o lop eruwn by the faii.u. to
day I hat iv ill !u i!it- 1 1 i : in huh '
nuiiiei than Imps iin.ier tin- .i.m.
e.'i t mill I ill ts.
T. l.ii;su;v
S..I- ii . )r . J .in.- i i 1 i 1 .
bulletin thine-- he would want n,
know if hi eiM'.;M-d hi hop i ron
in' lu re, aiidi-r niir soil and Hi
I'l.itn- and oth'-r londitions.
( of Production
This bulletin iia- -ome para
r i 1 1 under the hmuli :i - . ' l ust
of I'ruihictioll." Which Ilia) he uf
some .nterext to iir 14 row er.
niei.-ly as a nialt'T of ftitie-t.
and nut nee." -ai ill tor d.rectiou
The author put:; the cunt of
root- at f'i to $S ii-i llMHI: tieilis.
$vii jo t'.o j,r ;rr,.; tuitie. $f fr
$7 an .icre; ( iiltivatinsr. C, 'di to
i 1 : trainine. $11 to 22; spiay
in. it to 112: jdi kin:-. :; 1-2 to .".
tent, a pound: c'lrinc 1 to 1 l.-f
lent- a pound; balinc. per bale,
tin io lie cents lor cloth and twine,
i'lld la to 2" cents fur labor; hop
prees. $?,() to f 4 1 m l
It is eplained' that the ;ibovc
, does not include interest on in-
les-i iiieiit . depreciation .of build
nt's. trellis. implement.-, and
other equipment; fertilizers; in
surance; board of help, and simi
lar items which should properly be
jat a price that will average at
least 2 Or per pound.
"Hops will be king in this val
! ley. at least in so far as the cash
, returns per acre go. The outlook
for a price on the unsold portion
of the crop is exceedingly poor, as
'no interest is being shown by the
' American dealer or brewer. There
are probably 16,000 to 18.000
bales of the last crop'unsold otj
i the coast. Poor picking and poor
quality are largely responsible for
: this.
"Too much stress cannot he put
upon the necessity of clean pick
ing this fall, as the Englishmen
i will not take deliveries thi.s fall
such as were tendered them last
:'iicl the prettv girl, the bashful
farm boy lover, the dude imita
tion lov-T and the mother-iti-law
played the drama in a captivating
manner. One other circle gave a
charade, ' Marry-on" Marion i
in which a bridal pair and cierky
nian wete iu actors.
lli r the soc ial program, sher
bet w.-'s serv d t-i the mure th.'ni
1 mi membei - an'l guests.
j GI'.TTlNt; ALONG C.f0l
Women are as great sufferers
from kidney and bladder ailments
as men. Foley Kidney pills h'!p
rid the blood stream of Impurities
that cause rheumatic pains, hack
ache, swollen, aching joints an!
stiff. p;iinfiii muscles. Mrs Car
ey. P,o !H. U F. D. No J. Mid
dletown. N. Y., writes: "I bad
kidney trouble ever sime 1 wu a
little girl, but I am getting along
good since I have taken I-oley
! Kidney Pills." They act immed
1 lately and help restore th. kidneys-to
h'Mithful activity. old
everywhere. Adv.
Actual Operation Tow
Buildinc: is Posst
Coming Monday
If present plan- mature, work
on the new Sab-m hospit il will be
gin next week, accotdiit- ;o r'n"
nounceyneiu yesterday. Altho'igh
no cuni tacts have been let and de
tails of construction ate siill in
complete it is hoped that all will
be ready for th" eontructots to
,-iar' work Monday or Tiu'-da-.
'retracts anel specifications ate
in Port l.i nd now fur approval of
architects and contractors, Mr.
Meyers said. It i expected that
theie will be returned Saturday
wiutR tUey will, come up before
; the committee on construction.
Still Basic, and in Cash YieU
the Coming Season, to Say;
Remarkable Work Is Done
At State Institution For
Young Inmates
Domestic Science and Man
ual Training Displays
Have Attention
HY hui: .1. I.ISI.K
Th" sien ones!
Oregon iia Inn deaf c hil.lien
in th,. state s hoed lor the deaf,
i-i Sal in; they follow very closely
Ih.- general national statistics of
on - ci n; .'intally deal persi..i tor
vi-iy iiii'iii lo T'MIO of popula
tion. Not a very large proportion
-but what a tragecl v lor thus-
li"i:i ll p.. ;.f t.-.-I "
The l;r; t : e heiol for th" deaf
was eslahibhed in ( otiliee tie-ut ill
1 . I 7 ; l ent. mn. i auuivcTsary
isas held o'l'.v foil i i.-ar-" ago. Ill
I 'lose days. hweVT, they llllllp'',l
.'l those a.flicli'd with il-aliiess
jthal had precluded tlu-ir educu
i tiotial progress, into one lot. ami
calbd it ail as)lum". this Iia 111'"
i will be recalled even by many pe-r-iiiis
loda), nut in l h past lllieldl'
I They are not arylums tcnlay.
with the hid' oils ghosts of lost
I fac-ulties and ihe Ignorant hatred
ii' evn th we-u and perfect for
the afflicteel whom they thought
Mere curse it ot lioil Cr i lie cu'i u
else they had not been born deal
and dutiib ll is today ree kon d
as a terrible misfeirtune. but "U
that can be alleviated or even
cured; and America is today cen
turies ahead of all the rest of the
world in treating thes-j who are
the victims of a he redity that ih'-y
cannot e-scape.
Not all are born deaf, though
sometimes it is a family propen
sity. There are four children in
the- Salem school from one family;
all four were born deaf, though
the ir parents were both of normal
healing. Hut somewhere, there
seems to be a malignant strain
that affe-cts the dellvate hones of
the ear. or the nerves or brain pro
cesses that give the faculty oT
hearing and Its kindred gift of
speech. Statistic.-: show that only
about per cent of the children of
two deaf parents, will carry the
affliction of deafness in their own
person; though tho tendency may
persist' for many generations.
Three children from another ap
parently normal Oregon home,
and two from yet another, tell
how the burden may sometimes
tall heavily with no apparent rea
son for it.
Of the children in the Salem
school, many are deaf from the
ravages of disease Iti early child
hood. Scarlet fever, spinal menin
gitis, infantile paralysis, even
measles and sometimes mechani
cal accidents, bring maany chil
dren to the school.
The school work was thrown
open to the public. Tuesday, and
a large number of visitors were
in attendance. H'm hard to realize
that the happy, brteht-faced girls
and boys, playing almost as If
they were from any other school,
are afflicted. They have been re
dec'ined until one almost misses
the tragedy that has been lifted
from their lives by the humane
kindliness of this America of ours
-"the land of the free and the
home of the brave" and the lov
ing. The class work of the tiniest
folk In thei school shows some of
the: problems that have to be
sohcil. The child can not hear a
sound: can riot form any connec
tion between forms and Ideas.
One cannot tell, by word of mouth
-- tlu? childish brain has no point
of contact with the life around It
It is like- a famishing creature in
a cage, seeing, smelling, fcelin:
the foods outside, but unable to
ri'.irh them, though starvation en
sues. One may sometimes be vexed
at the ceaseless questioning of tlu
normal, healthy child. Why and
whe re, and how. and who. are the
chill's roads to Informal ion. Hut
thv're closed to the poor little
ihibl that can't ask the magie
questions, can't hear the wonder
ful answers, but rnti.f 'it. ghost I.
sib nt. no know ing ve-n how to
ask a question, not aide to inte-r-pref
an answer-- and y-t with the
same' seething interest in things
that other children have. Men go
to prison for the rri;nes they com
mit, anel some people mourn over
them for the thing that they did
in Iheir mature understanding of
the penalties that they must pay;
but th'-se poor little folks are In
a far more frightful prison, for
no fault that they ever committed,
and the re is no pardon except hi
the mercy of God in the hearts
of men who will learn to bring
theai relief.
There are no large classes Jn
the. deaf school. The teachers
have to make their work personal
The firsf Iesori is to select com
mon objects, like a bail, a doll,
a book, a marble, anel by repeated
forming of the words wjth the
lips, teach them to understand the
lip sjeecb. Sopje sounds have
to he learned through the pupil
touching the lips, or the chin, or
the throat of the teacher, and
learning the significance of tbe
vibrations. The pupil must learn
even the spoken speech to be able
lo understand the language well
enough lu read and write- inte-l
Fe-W hal e j,,.- r, or even im
l a: i eil. ,,n , of sp. -h . t hat i .
ate :irfiia!h dumb. - than i "
per cent of the (Mei un d'-.lf ki lioul
inmates a re : u at : In 1-d Hut I li,'
Virlie, h.lVlllg lio I aide is 1111
natuial. uiimodtilale-d ; "it is lik
ihe mitt aim d ham! tryiriL- to
''ii!d a fine watch, and only ruiii
ili:.: the .nateiials with which ll
Woiks. The plohlcm of 111 a k Uli'
a II able speech out of '.lie sileiii-e
01 out of Hi.- ghastly, distorted
rounds of the alllii le-d deaf chibl.
Is- hard indeed.
Soli'- eiiriiui discover!.-; haV'
l e n mail. ill Mii.-e de'. eiopmen'
Th- piano sounding bo has been
I louiiil io ,i an admirable medium
lor ii aching void- ni ud u la t i. m
The v dilations, of the high note s
ate- different from those of
'he lower notes, that the Miis;. i
fingers can almost b-ain tunes
uie-relv by touching. Hy applyiug
ihi-i libialional sense- to (he study
of the- larynx, the pupils are ublr
, to learn to modulate the voice
through the vibratjonR as shown
' in the piano. The sinie form of
study is pcjssible with the violin,
or even better the cello; though
the piano is the best ol all. Think
'of learning how to use- the voice
through the gingers, without be
ing able to hear tie sound of th"
voice like drawing a picture in
the daik and never being able o
-e e how it looked and so be; alib
le) correct Its cef;rts'
fn "l line ugh the gradesmore
; and uioie i oiliidex problems are
j pr.-s - nfe-cl. One class was tryii).;
j lo master the i.ileiidar, during th.1
Tuet.ilay vldtitig hour. How piti
fully eager they are. those starveil
j darkened little aouls. for the light
! of ii ii ii -i standing? How heroically
' they Struggle to lift t liemscl V "'1
; from the pit of misfortune that
was not of ihelr own making! One
' must remember always that thv
i have never ie-ard; to many of
j them, only Koine recognizable vl
i bration. lii:." the rumble of a tra n
lor the shaking of a building or a
bridge, can be "heard" by feeling
j and not by th auditoiy nerve,
j As the students begin to learn
Me lanruage well enough tc rertd
! and understand stories, the eager
j nesH with w hich they s'dze this
I road to fairyland is pitiful indeed
! and sublime. Then the whole
iwoild is oreii to them: the pedng
! mav stl) b" bard but it has the
I comradeship of the imagination
all the rest of the way. Most of
me students are from two to fi'-c
or even more years behind nor
mal children of their age; It may
be imagined that they grasp for
th'? delights of the great world
or thought that Is In books'
The slate takes the children
and gives uicm Gieir board and
tuition; the irarenis are asked to
provide transportation and cloth
ing. The teachers come from all
over thej I'nited States. There is
one slate sc hool in each state, and
almost no private deaf institu
tions; so t he teachers go only
from one jst ate. hospital to anoth
er, when ' they move, and their
moves may be far indeed. There
are two great teachers' training
schools, one In Milwaukee and the
other in Massachusetts, from
which the teaching force of
IVe tried ttem k
I'm through experimenting. No more swishing.
jo more trying this and that. It's Camels forme
every time. d
They're so refreshing! So smooth! Somellofnild!
Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.
There's nothing like it ' -
No other cigarette you can buy gives you the!' real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes frotfi the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Geit jiur
information first hand. Yop.ll tie to Camels, too.
. , , , i
v m : i ' a i - i.i i "i'ii ci i a mi.' i I wo
I'-ailn-i- are ilomacile'd I Uik! Hi"
ihuol hllibliliK. a- the I (?i till fell
i.'-eil t.i'- r k;lle .1 c ue tfi( tt'liid.e
2 t hull I s ul I lie i a I . 1 I i "; :.?:
Sum,' wonderful traintfi-g: .yitrk
is done .11. I l,e .-, In. , IThie 1
Libit bl the gill, ot Ihe UlllKiJl:K' '
.-ci'-nie , las'.i".. in looking n
IIIL-. Ill '." home J IrtM , '
would rank Willi
i- ol I; ai, i ,i f i ' i e .
i in
be-sj '.collns-.e
; . i r !.. '
Ill the liui ' dep.,' l t iiiini, Jilh
e'li. piiiitiug and ul!n r tiei'tH ar
laiiglii Some cabinet lardi k; Ivfim
-liowii ill the display. 1 lift I wctabl
tank wiih the best c t e.'HiuiiS Ol
l.iiiibi-l l or Km pen ui aii! uf tJu
I l ill I U I Ul 1 1. 1 Ilia 1 i I ... jf)n Mr? e
' lle-llt lathe wot'ai 'i:is! .'niioWli, i'liul'l rank Ii i t- li ajij wh'e.
II i. I'e.ilueel ilia: Vv'i It'll (- Ml'HI'
haiidii.ip. the si'.idce.t, niflst 'lefu
lien liades iii'il; ;ind i A I''
given ih.- veil best ii.Hrncllou
lliicl can be to m.iktt lliciu
I o ;u p. t ell t W o! kets. ; .
The slate has dealt k-il(dlvi H'lth
the af flic-ted children; JhpriJ
appropriation by the lasf legslu
ture had provid'd for a fine pew
gymnasium and workshtip,? fjow
being built, and some ! Tteu3id
changes in the heating pLanC'TUe
school grounds are in jidrt thOe
of ihci old "Quaker schoopjf -VhH
HerbiTt HocVer once Went . o
school; the old PolyterhnjicS' bu;llcj
ing. where he doubtless jarkkhif-
I his name, is even tnw. bolttK
torn dow n lo ndike w ay: tof :he
n iz '.. -
schciol nw-il.H j
Superintendent K S, I
hast ban beep in chargej riLitHe
school for tu y?ars. H. capni- iftoin
a teaching family; hll fati4Tr
served for more than .r0 jo.&rfy In
similar deaf Hcbool work. In. SoMth
'arolinu and Other slate, iirict, two
brothei have also takc-rt; tiyyiyhe
same work. Mrs. Tillijnfcha't
grandfalhe-r, father and iiNHhfr.
and .'he herself, have in turn
voted their lives to teaclilrfg th3
deaf; her parents, Mr. ajuj Mm.
Watson, were for 20 iajffj( in
charge of the school at VaiiecmVef
Mrs. Wat Hon 'm four slsterti. ijlkei
wise have spent their livejj this
same work- so it runs In farjiiiiesl
The school is a beautiful igfoiip
of buildings, anel a splendfdjfsifnil.
Hut the finest thing abotj jti j
its work, that brings light w'heri?
darkness prevailed, anel jlba
make s hope a rality and thff-Am
eJ"ican flag that has deyctorjed
this spletufld humanltariari ,oTki
in reality a guide and a
to the oppressed and the affUctVd.
Engineers Association
?. .V-'
fc Attacks Highway Bxiard
The Oregon chapter at 'itfce
American Asociation of Engmeiers:
is attacking the bridge btiiwiiitg'
department of ihe state Hth.wS y-
conim.rsion, cuu a meeting; ,n
firewotks was expected in JPort-l-nd
last night at mc-eiligi Ot
the chanter. Percv A. Citbtser.
I . ..if i'ii ,li4i :ilti, t lm: Ai.iHI-
Through some grievance eSl
or imaginary, the assoc-iatloji tfa
been led to rttack the df parttaeqt
particularly with reference to the
proposed new bridge which;iivl
span the Willamette river aticSri
gon City. ' I r 1
give mlM
i ;
' :
' l '
Per Acre
the Least
: ji
Hiimiain inP
MM3 mi , !'
Growers Furnishing Autos !
To Take Chemawa Stu
dents to Fields
Employes of Institution to
Scatter All Over United ;
States for Summer
( heinawa Indian school Is do
i n k heroic work In saving tb
lieTry' situation this year.-
The school closed 10 days ago,
and some of the students have
returned to their homes almost
all over the I'nited States. But
u good many do not go home St
all; anel some of them can't, be
cause the boats are not running s
between the state and Alaska. j;
At least, not enough . of . tbeut. j'
since the congested conditions
brought aboutbythe reeent sea- i
"linen's strike. 'FJrst. class- sworn- j
modatioiis have beeo -listed, ier '
weeks ahead,' so that sorrie of tes -(
Alaska Indian students will harp- j;
ly be able to go home until Aug-,
list and they h,ave to report :i
lack'-hetT by !ptpiVt 'ft . I- j
Meantime they 'are pltfkisg '
jtt raw berries, and when the char-j
ties and loganberries come on, j
they will go after those, too. Te ,
students have their ..hoard aid
rooms at the school provided py ..
I'ncle Sam without regard to i
" whether school keeps or not,' !.
Sad what they make io outside ;-
wages is their own. Tcrere are
from 15 to 25 autos lined pp
n front of the schoot eyery mor
ning, sent by growers who are
glad to get the boys and girth for
1 1 ip 1UI
. gilts
re been
terry picking. J
For the past five years
from the Indian school hare
picking hops on the MeNary hpp
fields, and they have a ll'e-ease
on the job. because they can be
depended upon to do M: well.
! The civilian employes-of 1 1
school, about 60 In number, hara
adopted a schedule for tbeJreu n-
uier vacations that is working oRjt
Very well. Each employe la eS-1
(llled lo a Jo-days vacation' eah
ear. Tlrey ajm diTiuinx.iii; 4c-;
ions, so that tbu. work .( tie i
K'hool for th summer can be c4r- ;
'-ied on by one adequate sect lb n k
fnd the others go tor their an
.tiual outing. These will, return
fnd they will exchange ' plac ;s. j,
$ome of the employes - ego1 lotg
distances for their vacation. Oaei j
will visit Pennsylvania; anotr ef i
Jparned for the,-Old Kentttf if
ipme. Yet another Is on the wy I,
Be) once "Bleeding Kansas." and ;.
Others hit almost every high spot :
rroui Alaska to Florida. i;
a Camel
V '-i' ; i
hno : )
mioii 3 j . .
WtatM-SslMB,N,C, ' '
WW i
IF : !
i " .