The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    PNirN iri i i I -n i a f -t-i . i i
' 1KJ" i nax nops are atui the Urop King in the Salem District, in Cash Returns Per Acre?
Tin: i:i hi u.
1' irlay : i'.i -
The Statesman receive th leaaed
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re
liable press association In the
1 1 .
ihi o m i n cm F&mm lOMPiig
nnrn Tn Tiir
- ffT rufrftui i me
-i PTnnnfi naprp
! Jiunivi wmu
Quantity to Be Handled This
Season More Than Dou
bles That of Last Year,
Officials Declare.
t m
4 . ... "
a ST-:;
Executive Council Directed
To Draw Resolutions for
Government Ownership of
Salem (,irl and New York
Man Marry at 2 a.
m. in
Portland Police Court
lain- Vnr' r. w ho gun in i ad
drcs, h.h S.ii.m.! Ie r i y' iordoti
of . v Vdrk. iri;itii dnir-iui. :. i
b-a-t in p ln . ), a.biia 1 t i s in
I'ortlau ; .wlv . ilii(rs(U morn
Miir v.h'ii hv anif.!!0(i 9t -
.i ... m a ;it i n : .i. mnl a 1 1
Sure Outlet is Found for Ad
mittedly Superior Orenon : sr
Orchard Product
U: j V- -v . . 4
'i If jr-k
pMsfnt they
ma rr iff! ."
Th- i mi at . i !
iifl il re. . d.i a n f i
i;ii- ani !ssifd
: k- .1 t'.r p; ,
itiK th' fii,iiip
of Royal Anne I' : f - Iff5
maraschino ana V tV- .-T-;i .'- i'-IH
purposes. The . ,aS : " ' V. '1$
open its cher- ! , . . . V- - .r" " '
rest of this week . j ' - s t z i ' 'V. . ' . ."V. '
for cherries. ; I -; v,v --'K-l ?4w
i tonnaire which : I " ' r rfA -f Ct.rr.i-i,' Jfl
Whether All Corporate Ln
dustries Should Be In
cluded Made Issue
"The Oregon Growers Co
operative association w ithin
the last few days has sold a V
large tonnage
cherries, for
for canning
association will
ry poolhe
and Monday
"The largt
ation this season is more than 1 1 - i . t -7 4 M
twice that handled last year.;! ,Ijm4 J t ';aiv.i-v;;ilT,Ja
"Two-thirds of the heavy - " j, - , , "-.V " "".JV" IS
vonnae at ine uaiies is rjovj - .t, . y , a m vmv vwm. v 1
-in the association, so that tho
association is fast gaining a
position of influence in the
marketing of cherries.
"A large quantity of these
cherries will be. made into
HARRY ERTLE of Jersey City. N. J., has been selected
to referee the Jack Dempsey-tu-orges Carpentier latt!'
on July 2. -
maraschinos at Salem, and;.. .
some will be pressed at Dal- HARRY ERTLE IS SELECTED
las for maraschino use." I ,
1 u K&tt,K,z. tsuur tsar we; an
t arpentier's Camp Slips in and Watches Dempsey Work
Says He's Great Hut Georges Better
The above statement was
given out last night by M. O.
.Evans, field marger for the
Oregon Growers Cooperative i
association. It had teen!; .renn at Jcrsev Citv Seats iH.fil: Persons Observer From
Known that some such oeal
was pending, for some time
past and the growers in the
association have been weil
satisfied to await what they JLJkv city. n. j . j.h. . i ; 1 m ai until tu.-day of the
were certain Would lie good J. Hurry Krtlf f !.!--. 1 i. 1 lnt-
news. '"'" i"r;;i.-i::..,--;'-i '.v th- s-iv in
The development of the en- ' r . l.-m: Atlantic city. n. j. jUi-
'tirely new industry of maras- "'"n 11 x-t'T-.- ir iu- 1 .,t-f.: . w ,un,ut knii:c i v.. p. r
chino cherries, is the gratify- r-n b,,ul 0:1 -,ui !,,::,-":'' """- lm- ,r"11 "'
ing part of the news. It does t. x Ki.kan, Vi..;.v;-r (
not glut the ordinary chan- l ":V'' : " ' r 1 .hn'u.u 4- nu.uu,, i.r
nels of trade, but fimh a new jr(- . .V,"; -' i t " ' y .": "1 . 1 ' J.'..! '"'xi!l- ""'"
outlet for tho Oregon pnxluet ,,(. r.n th'.- i'...,:t !,'",!, .A,,,hr';,; a, ,;i::7t,('1u? part
that is admittedly superior to " 1 -;! '"'7-u ImV aM "h'V, v into
almost any other grown. . ,,yu- w '"' a ,Uil '"'''' ' v.,- im. rr,, u. ' .-i.,
, To break into this high v r,,lt, . , haVl . . , ., . " ;Miv-..r ... ..n. -no. r
class trade, and spread thf ,,rl'.,i .,s.i. ti-u i. .i,..r,. a.-- n,- ..u- t.. ,., .-. ..i i.;,
i fame or Oregon fruit all over mu f;' l"
the world, is considers a big - --.n t ... . , H,t!,
' stp forward. " ' I ! ' iu aaii.:. n;n i t-
That Marion and Polk Special Council Meeting ' ru- p fh.-t. net., ..i .(v,r
i. t , i r . , . of l ixmr unci wal li. 1 ti.-
ty cherry crop lias a chance s fjnlled for Tonight ... i .-;,. .- .r. . .. . t.
. to carry the Salem label for, .1 h rait v.. ..1 .-Iimhih-.
this high-class maraschino is M ,vrr f;. or-. r I'ti-. -r n i l.-mj- 1 ..iiii'iiim nmi
. not the smallest point of local -:.! ?i :n tor a .-u-i.i' :. - j...-iri'..i .. r. ...i.k. m
satisfaction. - f... :ty ...,!..! t...i;!,! ,.r t.-- ..: :.... 'I --a.-l
lobert Paulus, general ,, r . , ' . . . ... , . , , ... ,. , ,
manager of the Oregon ,,,., ; ,,. .v.1(:1 SHJ ,. : h,. 1 founu lKmps.-y v:i. a m.-r..
Growers association, said last l.i.I.- -in- 1 ! i.r l h.- .!iu. - .ilt l'-: Ilia:; I ti .1 .pat
knight that the assrK-iation e- '" '" " N"r'" ' " 'ic 1 . n,.4,i., l.nv a:.-i
i-.. - o rfl th" f'ontraf't - ! I,c a t : !? 'irl.-u- U'-r
U (Continued on page 6) work i'J .iwar.L l toro.;! 1 ! !..! .- ..r; t.ti-r ,u .iwr-.
t;r. lir. f.ot il i. f-Tf-! 1 m .1 1 -!
I a !-. . l.'it ' ..rj.. i,t:. r alt
1 ii ,1 r- li'i'' l.iio.v.
..'! lit ..-r is .I. ! niiili-
M a !.-:n n. I 1. : v (, .r-"-
. - ;. -r ' ! ' r. . r ! I .. ::i r-u r.
!'.,!... . n v ,,!.-. . 1 ..!,.( i
I !' : .i' '! . I..; I i-
:;!,.! 1 1. r. i ;i !i' (i: -: ra'-c .11
OKNVKR. Juno We.if firin
irifr its staiifi for covrniii nt own-cr.-liip
wiiti l( mofi a 1 k- operation
tl in.- iailroads, thf
ff tin- Aim 1 i'-. mi F'-'l'Tiit ion of
Labor tml.iv lirfit-l its fXfru
tivr rounfil to dray tip proposed
legislation l-.-iKn.(l to ive the
work'-rs through government reg
ulations e'iial riehts and privii with rapitai in organized en
terprises. Tii; onvetition vu.-;ained t li -a
ttoii of the 1 esol ut ions rommit
tee in striking oat of the resolu
tion a fhr:..-e would have put
organized latoi on record as d--clarin'
for "government contr.)!
and deuifif rat ir operation of all
inin.-tri. s ortani.-d iTiiii-r cor
Joiii'.. t;ai!t and pi ivilcgc.-j."
I'etwUe I lAnijt.
In ai:!tioi izin th.' lei-ialation
proj-Tain the convention over
threw 'h'' majority report of the
le.soltitions committee, which only
pTonl.-d aid for th' railroad or
. ..1., it. on i'i t f : ir fiirht for gov
r iiia" i;t ownership of t lie rafl
r 1 ad..
Ti,.- dfliat'- was lonj; and
stoniiv. ojiponent.s of the minor
ity il.ciareil that the program's
iff -ia rat ions were "".ocialistic and
red." and were designed to extend
i-ov ( rti menf i w i.ershin to al! hasi"
inUu-tri.'S of the country, imiud
i:;k the imn-. textile, iron and
'!!. newspaper and book Indus
'lies 1 h j were answered with
the arpument that the declari
Moii vet forth a sane and con
structive policy for organized )a
!or" and "there was no socialism,
i oi-lievi.-in. 10111 in un ism or anar-
hi at in it.'
Mlitllillat iollH l:lde.
Il-i Hi.-.' of olijeet ;on. rr ' lv In
tel national Seameii- niiion and
tin- teamster'-, union ddf-Kaie to
:"o ;!! men 1 rnnnnl o: itieir in-
liistr. te roiiveniioii amended
'he ileflanfinn which calted for
i:nni diate leni-latioTi proidinu
! 1. n :n ! n!ic:i-!iip ;ind
detn oi ra I .c (ontiol of the '
pol tat 1011. -o 1 h .1 i; w mild only
a, p! 1 ! :i!!"'ii.l sv : tei
Mo- of tho main nppo''er of
1 1 p'"t i(i(dini: the applir.t
':oi i.r t!i. p; iar' ,.!, o: pove n
!!! 11 ownership to ha-i'- in-
luM ii - was F'r. . ni en : .lohti I.
I.iwi-. ,.; i!,( I,1 Work
ers, a ho 1 -i 1 .1 ;id id a : t h
J"lil h('V of , he f....r;!iin
M r. ! . -.. h' I !: r- -t '.Il
lia i ' 1 1 .!i -idei a 1 .'! r lie
proMi-iii of liation;iIi7.aiioii of the
ni:-. - ml !:. !ee)are,I fo- .";nV lontio! o! ih--se h;iic in
N -1 ' !'., .1 Ins e 'lie work i"; felt
Muh p'd'i-. s:!.- '---::; in ! . -.t de-:.-e.i
llMir I't imiple . I 'rjeI.
"1 ..l;e.- m tip- liih' 1 ih'ir
: al' 1 Mi. put. ie to reKllla'e h- af
fair - I..' iiidiisliy in the -' '
iii iii"' pi ..iee.' he aid
"The r . ,,i y I.T'lMoll of
1. 1I.01 II. . I.v declare- " -.i' i the
rtpi.ri. d ' ia ra 11011 . ":!- i'Tf"t'
w a 11 ted "10 Re:
i; w;is ohi'ffiii;
"in hi-, i'.i st si'l"
a li'-f'ti and
.life of alien. 1
Ui v i; K. Flint
was also lonsiiierate en uch t'
desert nior-' pleasurable pursuit
to oblige the couple wh-i oul.!
not wait until the sun rose.
One k'nd heart",! guardian ol
the law in the Kose City volu:;
teeiecl los ii vic s as ' briih :
niairl'1 pnd iai 1 1 : r demanded 'h
riRht to "'4'Ve av.ay the bride"
It is said that the bride fiftinRiy
rewarded all who were so kind to
The couple said that they hid
driven lo Portland from Sab m.
Tin- Oregon public; jvjcc commission, in an order is-j.
. tu n! last night, suspenlfuntil October 1 operation of the'i
new tariffs increasing toeUfares on the lines of the Salem
Street Car company, Eiietje4 Street Car company and West
Linn Street Car company '
At the time of issuliigihe order the public service com
mission announced that 4r'ipvestigation would be made to
New York Police Link Miss- .determine the reasonablelsbf the rates included in the pro
inn ,.;.. Cl.- ii;tu posed new schedules. -?r 1 I.
mg American Ships With . The Salem strect Cafrfpany and the West Linn conv
Revealed Plans Of RtlSSiani pany proposed in the ne-r-iff to increase single ride fares
Soviet Sympathizers. ! irom 5 t0 8 cents whie J Eugene Street Car company in
! addition to asking an adiHa&ce from 5 to 8 cents on its city
lines sought to raise its rai& between Eugene and Springfield,
from 10 to 16 cents. ; lt: I n
Intention Said to Have Been
To Seize Loyal Crews
On High Seas
Installations Made at Fifty
New Houses Durinc
May and June
I Mir in tr th" nionins or Ma1 an'
.luue to date, the Salem Water
company has installed city water
in Ln new houses-- at the rate ot
almost one a day. This Is consid
ered a satisfactory growth.
More to w houses have been p it
into service in these two months
than there were tor almost th'
two years during the war. Many
other hmj-es that are now bui!d
inj?. have not yet installed the wa
ter, so the records are expected to
show up as pratifyini: a. growth
for the next few mouths, as for
th past two.
There has not been siich a re
vival of building in Salem tor a
number ol years, and ;t is under
stood that even now there is prac
tically not an empty house in
The wai r company if installinc
one lnoii-fofit main on ( herr
avenue, in the north end of the
citv A block of new main was re
cently laid on D street, between
fommerclal and Front, that is
now beini: paved. One important
new connection was the installa
tion of an K-indi main to pive. ade
quate fire protection for the Mar
ion county highway department
barns near the state hospital.
NEW YORK, June 22. Iisap
pearanee at sea o! several Ameri
can ships w-.thn thf last fev
months was linked by the New
Wrk polic- loniehi with plans ie.
veabd in raids on radical head-
'luatrers ; tear and a half aio. I entered
lor tne seizure o' i:ie strainers at
sea and diversion to Russian so
viet ports.
j Source 'onfiilcnt ial.
I'olfce say th"y were inform"
' "throimh certain confidential
. mturces," that officials of the un
; ion of Russian workers of the
I'niled States and Canada, an or-
ranization since broken up. had
urged Us unemployed members to
rf--?k employment fin American
j ships, overpower other members
, of the crew and direct the vessels
i to Russia All their information.
' together with the literature and '
' documents seized, police said, wa
turned over to the department of i
! So far as i:, known these plans
v.f 1- never put into execution
, prior to the raids, but police said
i they formed tin- chief subject ot
di.-cussion at secret meeims o!
the Russian nrganizai .tin.
Anarchist Nunft 1.
The organization, police d"
clared. was composted largely of
, Rurman anarchists who used the
labor union movement as a cam-
auflage. Their hea'd'iuarters wore!
rep. i dl v raidefl by th" police j
dring 1 ' I !t ;md 1!l'i, and num-j
erous arrests made. Kventuai ly !
the majority of those arrested!
, v ere oepfirt-d to Russia. I
The new tariffs affecting the city lines of the three
street car companies alsoi; included the provision that strips!
of six tickets would be sola for 45 cents, while books of 50
tickets good for single ri$H vould be increased from $2.50
to $3.65. '.
The new tariffs would-haSe become operative on July 1
had not the commission issUeqan order of suspension pend
ing an investigation. Whether the increases will be allowed
will be determined by the ietigation. U Y
This is the first suspension of rates by the commission
under the new law enacted at the last session of the legisla- (
ture. All three of the street car companies are controlled by.
the Southern Pacific comRinV. ' ' 1 r;
Under the law the iticreased fares would have become I
operative July 1, the timet specified, if no protests had been
A protest was sent up to the commission from the
Salem city council, and ajsd it is understood from Eugene
and West Linn. , )8 V
Intimations have beeiij propped in Salem that should the'
company succeed in increasing its fares here a motor bus;
line might be established to.ompete with the street car sys
tem. Should this be done, it is said, the loop system prob-J
ably would be established: t! S
nnm inrin ,'Jniun mn i
imiii' n 1 1 1 n 1 1 i ' fi u i ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I iii
uulu niiLnu. uni u ivim. uuui ii ;
Notwithstanding litigation iBtil
tuted by persons in the Indepe?!
dence section against the stifj&
highway commission for the pttf
pose of stopping all state :osfd
work in Polk county, the contrac
tors will be ordered to prodtted
with all contractu, according tii'sin
Two Drown in Snake
River Near Lewiston
I.KWIsTi iN. Ida . June 22
Harry .laiob-on 1 ' veals old.
made a heroic attempt this eve
niti:: to save i, ne-vi ar-fild Herman
(itv,.-. who ;i ilriminc in Sna:e
liver at I.ewi-ton. otlie.ihl e-hau-'ed.
accord in sr to eve w 1 1 nesse?
I;. ohson heid to the l.oy as (?:,
were carried a co n s id era b !.
t !!. dow n the -tre.iii!. t he
r--.w h- tii: a' a I.!-'': -fa ce.
were drown.'l and the ,oi-e.
Hot. been '. co V .' i"l
(H iVKK.VM KT A T 1 I :
WASHINGTON'. June 22. De
part nient of justice officials said
tonight they would communicate
with their New York office and
with Itetertive Sergeant .1
gaii, chief of trie New ork bouibj
s'ii;id. to obtain all available in -j
lormation on the reported seizure
o:' documents containins: plans fori
iipture of American ships and'
their diversion to Russian ports.!
The raids, official- added, had n't
ted documents revealing uianv
radical plans but there were no ,
schemes for seizure of American i
ships so far as they could recall. I
j. ;e-: Registered Electors ohSttitei
Fall Far Short in Goin$,J
To Polls h.
announcement made here ycste
day by R. A. Booth of Eugene,
chairman of the commission. J
This action is takea because toe
threatened Injunction hu not ma-:
terialized and there is no restrain
ing order. The commission will
proceed until stopped by the court,;
it such action should take place, j
The projects affected are the
completion of the Salem-Dallaa
highway, the Rlckreall-Holmes
ap section, and the stretch from'
Monmouth south to the Benton
tounty line. The complaint was
inade by the Independence people
for the reason that the routa of
the West Side highway Polk conn-
i ty wan not run in m. wav satlfif
tory to the complainants, and doee
iwt touch Independence.
Anderson is Arraigned
For Slaying His Wife
riv er
ha v e
H. Green, Aviator,
Dies in Fall at Portland
rORTI.ANH. fir.. June 22
. I. tines T. Anderson was arraigned in 'he circuit court charged
i!h first degree murdiT for the
Killini; of his wife May L'u last.
i!de:-.,n declined to plead and a
technical p;it of pel guilty ;i
entered jn his behalf Anderson
alleped to have told the police
:'oibwii!K bis atrev thai he killed
his wife with on aw to, put her
out of her sufferings.
Receipt of figures at the oftJc
of the secretary of state shovfhfg;
tho total votfi cast in the spfitdat
election of June 7 shows thati:41
per cent of the people who niiifiSfr.
tereu for the election went to tl
polls. The total vote cast tea.
l.'!fi..4f6 atiad the total regisjr'
'Hon was ;ih follows: . j V-
Republicans - Male. 13?.t8,2-
females. S2.7M; total, 2 1 T, 21 3 .".
Democratfi - Male, .". (i 7 4 t
lliaies. .',2 total, h n . 4 t 7
Shi fruti' im-.i
I' 1 iio:.l
' a i I i ..
Prohibitionist Male, l (fit,-- j (. .,..,.) rrv .i,a t
females. 2:,22: total. 4 142. ' :
Socialists Stale. ?,'", ; ? t?-l
males. i:;:m; total. 4:;:mi
M; -( i llaneos Male. ; 1 vv
rOKTI.AMi. Orf.. Jnn 22.
"f"" ioiii ineir Him itraight tm
mid llu ir '.'Oth timr of tbr last 2i, o
thr Han Kranriaro 8aU loitajr hf ;
'lri. f la lo . Molh Inmi plafnl
VOor ball. Ry kn'-kinK a homer la tha
itlh. Agniw of Man Kranrmre kpt p
thr vrr.. on the homi park of a boenc
run to the Kanii- .iricc ho t.iton opnt4.t
VuiMii'tilx-rrv. who Kii.ri-i.Hrd Coleoian
fnt I'ortlaii'l in ihr 'Trnlli, went bla'f imoikt without iTinj a hot ar'
rui j
R It. fc
1 13 2
7 i 4
ma !es
:; 4 i
1 1-. - -12
tota 1. :r,:; t
Males. !,?,?,
16; grand total,
t x ni m is
; l ili- bun. hpil hit
ff.. t f rl o iniiinux
i "C I v ,. iri o rr
i on.- tw! in
o. .lunc -Mi Salt!
off Krauna ia taoi
l.i.l v for a S ia 4 !
S f'. I "' '"n' 1,1 -" im ni aar4
. il';tiif. oOi'T four in lhi nfrcond on thrwi
MKJi51"" '"! Siran I homer Kramer r-f
: I'U'frl Kraiine in thn ihird anil aeld
. four mure loin.
t .
t . . i . ' ii i n to
which our i
''!'. in I
a T t
' AMP I.KVVI.-v. Wash . Jun- 22 ''on K M.i-.i
- At M. lir intere t . are ab-orb-n .- lUr. U :i;;r '' -i. i r
th t ntiiii of the MM n of Com- :.-,uir. em.; w . h; ;.r. .. nt. '
pany j liii-tt.- o:f -iotv bout - him frie laiofiir ui.ii lb. .,,
cau p I or -evi r: d.i s ,ot t pary - tri. :(,! i !
t'Oli- wi'i. tie paij,. .J M,,.', i... 'I"l;e i i.'i I . bo "
al i l ,,!: vo!in;e: of atn l 1. t-. .u on;- w! -"; ' 'I
t .lie lit -1 r f ' ' r . l . ... 1 1 i ' ' i p. i i
Tin ".!, ewfin:- th" was;, , ret tin :-'.b;i. bot.ot .!.' '
s "ire, fo ii, I v. , (,,; i ;, . ,. ,, f fi".: I : - 1 . I 11
' drlfK .,,,,,., );, ,:t. ,,,., ,,' I', .1.', i:!f.i:it?;.
'''mpa; . ,,d i ,,.! M . , r i , ' !
'Klmiev. Ii.iiue tie- -plrife.i i- iv f, .r- r (. V.
Wafon 'Km !V-' M- Kienev , !f. ,u, , of b - i e ..,
" abi" to hold Ins ou w,.'i ..-j,. intfi 0 riib- ilurt'ti. tin- (in-.
!,e Athletic Inatructor of Falcn ji,',,, fl(.. , Ji(iJ joiiu... and . - . r
nl?0 chKI and the bout jf 'Mli, . 'iiiit ;i badlv nwoo .n ,i;.
0td a draw. The a-i vent was
tagrd by .M-s .Sergeant Alan- i it'untinued on pujc C)
'..'il,. 'I. -tit h a I I .i ! 1 i .-i
I'r.icr.. t VV o W k ill- il en ,.
' t , . ). : -i :. : : 1 ;!. i r
MvsteliolJs Work P.IIH-
M A ," ! I A s.s y;"V V ' ,.i.
-' ; ' . : ir.iic :,':.,'. -'
;.. .i . . e r. 'at
i.erif l f.: l ., 'I '. . . i-'
b ii .id t! e b i-ll Hi'- !lo.r:i!!.f
i ',.. :.' t ' i'!i 'r: ii: .1. .
i' . '.."kill o. . ' 'hi i for I i,e
lb- .-!. i . nci.i .
lira i - I I'" -' I It, ti ; . .
! It... I
' : a ' ,o , 1 1 .- I o . I f . . r
i a . I '. 1 1 - ' a r! in- : :u iii'-.t i I
i;i r In f ik fa--t When he ri.tiuii
to v. . tr v en ;i : u b(ow " t i n
i (Continued ou pagu C)
n t 'i .
1 1 A 1 1
r i. m
a t ) :
i I'.- 1 1 i, -t
o, i h I ' end '
.lilted ui'lioi'i o' .
'' . 1 1 ''!!.; ; ' . ' . '
-hip .. ! deinoT.i'
; . . i i w ;i '. -
, t . - .. Ii. iii;
. ' i he e pt i n ' I ; i '
.. j; .v i i hi a ; i
; ;r.i k
i -pi nl
, . w
- ot
" r;: f ..r. '
Koi.i. k4 t
inj'ir 'd i
Hie t.-M I
I 1 1-
W if !l
ii - I
. h :io
v. !,..
.or ;.i t
Jill.e 22.
... a'. ;ato- tn
il. d. a i, I bilv. ard
r udi n ' . wa - bad I '
.. ! . '. w hen a n a i ' i
'n ! rot'!- a height of 7
: i ! . ;c k w.i - d r lie iri ,i
I It t "la L-e of 1 1 I i -'
I- lit in ( lit red. Til
i'i d ie '! i" -era;.
Th ftk.
ifiil ih.-ir rum in tie- i-'ond inning a
t ilonl.lis Mini ihrt-e rror. I
m tr
It lake '.'in' a'
. . . "
.-iiri.l 4 10 . 7
' X II . , . t, I J ...
V ' i . ..r,nii., ana i.jnn; i rtu
iii hrerner and Koeliler.
L. G. Bulgin Dies
At Hospital in City
Turner, Stay ton. Dallas. Silverton and Even More Distant: T '
Places Arc Planning To Be In Salem On Bargiifr?; '
Day, July 1.
e VM.fl.KS. .lime 22 jHhfa waa
H.'atln. il.If in tl,. ,,,,. li. lodnj- and Ia4!, illicit' 'I rni'n .' to 2. Tha
i jtnrs "..i-ll a run in the fimt and
l4 ii t! . thir.l on o ainclri Jrd an
lr . Ii i a' Il niL
R. U. E
5 7 3
2 4
Hliott: Sliellenbaik and h.
We id" I."" fo 'h V -
. j . , i'i!," 1 1;, i -i- f nda-
t 1 , ,(...s h--' ho-.-
i, i ... . o-i '.it. h- ! '
. .. 1 c ,i i - . .. i ! m i ' I
. ; i, t ;.r; v i ii i.. - a tn! ' :i' ' 1
. - c - ,.r ft . lo '."' !" who.
.iittril.u', i 'n pro e i"'i
. ,. .. I ,, ii ' ii.i cr.' t i'i i" . .
i:. onb r thiif the ovrntnei.t shall
. ball be instituted for the rotn-
( Continued on Pge
Mr Vera li'ilriti. 2 '- -ar- old
.(l"d it .i local bo-ot..! m -terdav
,.t t, i hi . after an iilri"-s of
s, ver i' '.'.eks She ,s s'ltvived I.v
i r b . I. ; Mu 1 tin. h- !
tat It I . R W I 111 ley of pokatf.
' . r It;.-ther Mrs- A W I'.ue.l I.
-'.ill r ' : i I . i - s.-r I ,i I ' I' i !..,
lso ot Sab nr. tw.i uu !?. W S
I'et ibi rt m if Salem and Dr. Wil
Ited I'emberton of Mvrtle Point.
( r.
Kuncrai announcements will be
arrana-ed later. The body is with
the Wehh & t'iuugti company.
.i ti ti o
.all -.
i a IT
w I
urn '
it his
line lh
ut that
old th-ir
on 1 v ho n i
fust public
alerri in rr h
filrli annual
on I'rida) . .1 uly 1 .
ti loeeived Irom si v-
tivitii.- town- iha: i'i. wo-
iii-T ate C'trtri tnci'll,. i .itnl or
L' -bopping piirlies" lor
ti.i .nirpo i- of attendiiis this
greatest of all bargain events.
This new?. r peaks will for past
, Haraiu dajs. a it is videnco (
(that tbeac people have been well I
h . June 22 Tilf
un h. nmr acafnat
'"i" of lo I. Tha
t !o of the viaituia Bit- I
inade lift diaa!
I I... V
f.'..-,...l . ill, il... ! .1.'... I ''- .tnii'l'l .1
nave .,,i; men Hat they 1 1 1 iDsfTthf r hard Seattle
iiiore pleased than ever wild Ritr"? -
gain da this vear the asiin-5r ,4 r,.!.
ance given by the merchant t-jhOsf Hatt'e
will ti.iti,. it.afe ii- ti,.. . v. 4,1- iili... 'or-n.'s - Ibirhe,,
Hie I', : i , Me iCli-llr. Iflljv;
i.-r w i-o-. dire. tioti tie- eveiti ; 'icl. BTANDISO OF THE CLUBS
This ear will See moie HtlcWI i.""'0
on the Harpain day list, a grefii'. A,,eriem "...
vanetv of bargainct and, geieits i x tnon
- , , l ! ;jikland .
le-.H l.aka
r. rt.
1 1
t 1 )
Ir-nmri-e arid Toloti
(Continued on pago 6)
. 30
.. 2
- 17
Ml .
.88 4
f !