r""""" t Ms a mmm a we . Ol . AMJ WO nil4MfM I e- 0tAUinZD ADTZBTI1CMMTI Rate Pet Ward r toeertmn te so He Tares Insertions tM. week (sis Inaertione) afOe a.s aotbs' routrart, par me ... I e 11 Mailt' contract, per . me .. IS Mtaimaai for any advertieeasesl 25 NORWICH UNION flRK IN'Hl'KAN'CB MK'IKTY irbielsoa. Itoland M Iturglianlt jlfeideal Agent 871 State St. HMNEY TO LOAN , On Real Estate T. K. FOKU : (Over Ldd Bush Dank) : FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS . fcnma including some of the V fineat to the city. Our list of farm -4 acres ts complete. ' LAFLAB A LAFLAR ) 461-7 Oregon Bide., Plwno 1644 T '"NEW TODAY l gTOl rs CORONA TYPEWRITER. Iio L Sa'istaniial reward. Sheldon Karfcett Oak atreet. Phone "TED--o,SOi, WILL GIVE XU . " ' estate security. Becke Heud v rlrka, U- 8 B"'k Bld rol RHECMATISM. UMR BACK. .":. im Old Scotch Liniment. For i Mky 1-mr'" Here. 115 8 toerrial street. ? " SrOt ALK ROOM PLASTER KI ' hoaae, lk new. garage, 2 lota nil treat travel street. If yon need a IjM mat (ail It w this ana al SlJiO. Boa l-co X. Child. 540 State, THBOXLY riVE 1IOCR EXPERT Ka4ak ftaiahina aerc ia rily. 'ap .' ilal IS"1 ( lor. HARDWARE HTORE IN GOOD LIVE ill trad for eitf property. - rWii A tlradrirka, 205 ('. H. Bank i , Bidr .' EVERT TIME YOU ARK FOR A CIGAR, aak far "FaaOr'a" loo cigar, at yanr aalr. SISK JICRE TRACT WITH A GOOD fiva raaai houa. Partly in tocanbrr riM. rloao ia. Prira only $:i.75u; ood MM. W, G. Krocrr, au Oroa IfaildiBC. BEAVt TEAM FOR SALE OR WILL 1 Irada for a licbt rar. Addreaa "255" rara tttatraaaaa. ' t ROOM BTBICTLY MODERN HOl'RE. I Bmant, rar liaa. 4.MK): rasy trraa. i rka A HrndrH-ka. 2U3 V. 8. Bank 5 Hidr . FOR BALE ONE AND ONE HALF OR two toa trark ia good roaditioa. Call ' fall C'ity-Maiam Lumbar eompaay. S4tt a. 12lb. TOR BALE Bt RTIB fcOLAR COMPASS witk trlaaropa attarbneal. Half prka, addrraa "1 St," rara MUtaamaa. FOR REST 4 ROOM FCKNIHIIED OR aa(aratkA aoaaa. 63 Mill. 1-OR RALE 4 ROOM MOIRX BCX gala, faraara, . f iroplara, bail! ia faa taraa, ballt )rara, ia firtt rlaaa roa : d.tioa. ; Ptka .0O; aood trrma. raoai baaKalaw, atodrra roarrnirarva, toad raaatrartwa. Prira 92.71MI. ' B raaai airictly awdrra homo oao blork frwa paat U'tem, aawly ' painlad and rtrW rif ht at I7.500 raab oaly. Mrt. K'inaia Paltyjoha. 275 Htata Bt. Pkaaa 414. W. H. GraWaharat A Co. t ACRES LAND CLOSE TO SALEM. iM trada for rhy properly. Marka A ; Uaadrirka,' 203 V. M. Bank Bli. IfOR SALE DAY OLD PEKIN DICKS. Ia l,fkorn. rorkorcla. Grot. Box Waliaa Road. WANTED RETAIL SALESMAN FOR r kw-al territory. Gingrirh Motor aad Tira Co. MOW .ARE. YOl'. GOING TO 8PEND ; yaar facatloa arky aot aiaka it a red- Mtr itroimrr aad aaka it valaabla . kr taking a eoarao al tba Capital baaiaaaa Coll'C". Nw rlaaara bvgia ? Jaaa 10. TASTED TO TRADE A NEARLY NEW S-Buaeafrr ear for a 7 paJnger ar. Praftr WiHya-Kaicbt or WiUra Mix. Pkaaa 540 or tddmi Ckaa. Lanbaia, 09 Rar tan atrart, Malfm. VAXTED MAN FOR DAIRY RANCH aa raaat. Iaqaira at lr5 ChatnrkHa : ttrH, botatten It and 1 o'riork today. . faaaa 65. W. G. Stewart. T0C WILL FIND IT TO YOlR AD- vmataga to get tba MrMinnrill Ca'a tiu wkra next ia naro ei nrr in , Miraara. Call S47. Rtandley A Foley. Aiu, Bub Bank Bldg. K OTHER I AM rKIRHT. BPT I HAD to atral yaar KKPl TATIO.N to aar n irvm aiagrare. raaime. I ACRE TRACT, ALL IN BEARING ; . fruit aad berries, fair bouae aad ant ksiUlinaa! aiebtlv lor at toa. aovlh. 13.000; aay teram or will trade far use in town. Beeka llrndrirka. L oi U. g. Bank Bldg. 9T0", LOOK. LISTEN! AN EARLY . mi Chevrolet for oaly 9293; aome 125 Uffrlle street. ' TO RENT 8LEEPINO ROOM. REAH t tntkla, at 2 State 8U Phono 11S2R. tOt BALE CLEVELAND MOTOR ' frda. ia good roaditioa. 682 State at. PMa H32R. BALE 122 ACRES OF FIRiT . 4m land,' 65 arres ia cult lrat ion. 40 am first' rlaaa timber, balanra good . estlura, raaaing water through -plaro; ' ld kaasa and barn, S rows. horaea, nirkms aad all farm marhinery go ;. k alaea, for only 915.0OO: 95.0Mi v 2- kslsaca terms. Ben F. Waat. 462 UJt ttrset, apaUirs. L0"--nN CARD CASE: VERY YAL V" aataa to owner, bat of no ar bT" aayaaa also. Reward al atsteasua of fire. ! I WORTH WHILE 1H Vw, ro land at Rtt. station 7 . i 'T" aalenr. Modern snUaxr: , . !LAl"t. fcwi i'Hro 96. 50 J ; 911-00 I v!HL 6 percent. i ? aed street, lota ' aaTk Vrif 950; 9200 iTi isara 913 per moata. ream plastered buagalaw with bV? .: 9iOO rash. Br"'"r term, to soil. Let 1. indr l I' insnraare. ; -MILLS & COPLEY . EMPLOYMENT FEMALE jWi?Lr:tnAHKU FOR IIOI WEWORK WIaJPo VA1TRF.KH AT THE HOT p"o T t',ii T H Hick Ht T WAT.K WthIEhWi?':HUKTt': YOCNO MAN sr . "P'ricnco srlliag life V ibto or advertising Mast be a.kL. "is entire tma aad adeaarameat Mnat etaiHj,Vi! LJ?, Paaiit basinass isl aaercbaata aad -prafra wrnisi Ti.'., aor awn band RiratiaTM" age, edural tonal aal drtnir, "parienra as solicitor, eta. "w i, matesmsa orriro. Classified Arte. In Th Statesman Bring Results T1IE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON EMPLOYMENT MAX A -SITI'ATION WAVTKO KF.COMt ' HK er ouU hk ob in ritjr ',uu 174. V'M"N(J MAN WANTS WOHK IN OAK age. Had three month (raining in Alices school. Willing in work for mail i(n atari I'bun 174 UK HAKI AM OTHER WORK promptly done with Fagrol tra- lor. Phone (KT ar 17.W2. MISCELLANEOUS WANTF.tl TO Kr.OlMTr.R I'lCKK.RS lor 4j acres of loganberri B Cun niiigbsui. ISalem, Oregon. Phone 2IK-. WANTED ME AXU WOMEN TO tase I arm paper BoLecriptious. A good propeailioa va the right people. Addrsoa ractiMt llontoetsad, blaleeanea Bldg. PERSONAL For.NII A WON IlERKI ' I. INTERNA Jwnal REITTATION. .I.kMIt urui.br.l nui now bricrururtl up atcain. Auulj i aiage rutranrr. 1'auiin. GET MARRIED BEST MATSIMO.N1AL apr publiab4. Krrr 'or ataoip grrrjixinni-in, loloiln. OIllA. FOR SALE CAHART BXKSa rOR BALE CAXAR1 BIRDS. Niaht intr. Mrs. E. A. Beaaatt. Pkoao HOUSE! CIIAS. F. SMITH ALADDIN READY cut boaaea. Orrgon BMf. POULTRY THE WORTH WEST POL'LTRT JOUR aaL Tba birat aad baat la tba waat. ' Tba lira mafailaa for liva Kultrynea. 75a a yaar; fl.00 la lamt 8aa4 5 eaau for aaatpla today. Tba Nattbwaat Poultry JoarsaL Salaav vracoa. aniim tbla aaV TLXU PA7ER IP TOO WANT TO GET THE BE8T faraa paper, aaad 15e to Tba Par if m Hooaaataad, 8lm, Orafoa. for a Urao- aaoatna trial aafaacripttom. M tbla ad. LIVEBTOCK FRESH COW 77F2. FOR SALE PHONE lOSCEIXAltEOUS TRY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT Ml Coart. Aaytkiag 5e. FOR 8AI.E 10 HACK FINE NETTED Gem ed potatoaa. Pboaa 16S5W. FOR SALE A LARGE SAFE. PLENTY of apara for booka and raeorda. Pboaa 11. 8. Gila. FOR SALE DIAMOND RINO. PLAT inula (riling Bargain for raah. Ad drra "152." Ktatrauaaa. RTAVDAJtD EXCHANGE. 142 NORTH Conaaarcia! atraat. Diaaaoada, watebaa. asaaieal loatraoiaala. cuoa. clota lag. aboaa. i ata. Both arw aad aaad gooda aooghl, aM or esckanged. OFFICER AND STORES A BIO LOT of aaw booka lor aalo at kalf prka Btaiabocka. WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY. CHICKEN vira. , BtaiBuock, 971 Court a trot. WHY BRING A LUNCH COFFEE AND aaad wh-bra arrvrd daily at J. V. Btroma'. 8iUrr Croek Falla. WANTED EVERY ONE TO TRY Kaaoaa paiau aad ataiaa aald at tka Capital llardararo rsraituro CO. 315 M. Coamareial Bt. Pboaa 47 THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa aaporially food aelarliea of tba aoaga yon hava brro wanting with urda aad anaaie complata. No aaattar haw aaaay oagbooka yoo bara Toa ahonld bare tbia aaa. rootaiaiag tba Oragoo aoaga Priraa: Siagta copica. 25; 18H east rack ia lota of a doxra ar mora; f 12 50 tba haadred. poatpaid. Sacoad aditioa printed ainrr Hrptmbrr. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Camairrrial Hi. 8a I aim. Oragoa WOOD DRY FIS AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE Pboaa 77F3. FIRST CLASS 16 INCTT OLD OROWTU fir. 99 par cord. Pboaa 1407. FOUR FOOT AND 19 INCH WOOD. 97.SO par eord; alao araod aaariag. Piabar Braa. Pboaa 204. FOR SALE Larr 4 foot aaill arood. aawad raa Iragtb, 12 iarh or IS iarb; apocial prira OR 5 rrd Iota. Sraaoaad Bull wood : first rlaaa 16 iarh old fir. Frd E. Walla. 3u5 Boatb Church. Pboa 1542. FOR RENT APAKTMXVTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms aad sleeping porch. Cloae in. I'non 15 IBM K0OM AND BOARD LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE meat, clean, neat rooms with board if . desired, after J una 15 th. 234 North Front. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. MEN only. 741 Stain street. HOTEL REX. 75 AND CP. SEW MAN agement.' 462 Slate. RUTLAND HOTEL 149 NORTH COM rercisl. Rooma 50c ap. LARGE. WELL-FURN I HJ I ED ROOMS for rent, with prirala bath. Close ta State boase. 249 North Hummer. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OP ROOMS, firat floor, with private bath.- The Alexandria 1030 Chemeketa gtreet Phono 1280. FOR RENT ROOM FOB OENTLIMAN in modern homo and centrally leant rd. Pleaaa giea nama and address E. rara Statesman. HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. Milt. 6A2 F. U. WOOD. 931 STATE ST, REAL oatato, rontala. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST-SMALL GOLD W. PIN, FIND phone S5AW. WANTED MISCTLLAJTBOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALI kinds of aero ad kaad clothing. Pboa 299. WANTED TO RENT. AT ONCE FUR Staked bouse for two aoeus. 2 daring the day. WANTED SEEDLING CnERRIES. ANY aaantity. See or writs, H. Pablo a (ion, HaWas. Ore. WANTED C MICD HOt'SRIIOLD GOODS. ranges and eookaiovea. toota. -- v soil a and abaca. Liberty Exchaaga. S4I . Commorclal. Phono 641. I AM DRIVIXO TO LOS ANGELES next week ein Crstrr Laka aad Yeae mKe Waold lika aa agreeable eoos ,nm to r- along, C.jl 4.1 h,r,k Cnarch or address "151, care Star Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory auto Tora AITO TOPS W. C. WRIOHT. 171 noma 111(0. aito Tors. ri'inn.siKKix.1, aito pa nlint Mall a Tub Hhutt. "T Bkt( AITO TH', ruaraiiteJ. I I -'; ri'Hnl.KTEKV. WORK boj riouiu 12lb, pba BATTEST AMD ELECTRICAL USL BATTERY SERVICE STATION K I pert battery ami elertriral work. Farm Bros.. J'bone lHX 4 III (Wart TIRES AMD ACCESSORIES SMITH W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH Fiak, bilTertoo Cortl, Hood extra ply tires. Kvrrjtbing for auto. TIKE TROUBLE ENDS yUICKLY when sent here for Ttilesmsiug and retreading. 4i2 South Couiiuernal Tire Shop. HOFFMAN A OKERBFRG TIRE REPAIR shop; ealranixing. retreading. 911 N. Coiuniercial. Phone 804. UNIVERSAL TIKE FILLER SERVICE station. Ssvea you tira trouble. 420 Soulh Penuiter ia! . rawiwere MACHINE SHOPS IOWA MACHINE SHOP FORDS RE . bored and repaired. GARAGES AND REPAIR TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 644 Ferry street. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. BTUDE baker, Hudson repairing. 173 Sooth Liberty. Pboaa 84. SOUTH COMMERCIAL OARAGE GEN ersl repairing snd overhauling. 420 S. Commercial St., Salem. AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXTTERT TROU- ble shooting. 23a North High. Pbons STANDARD AITO REPAIR SHOP arroaa from Argo, Chemeketa street. Phone 12 SO. "WIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES, AO ecasoriea, used cmr. Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Road. Pbons 306. LIBBY 3 AUTO REPAIR 8HOP 220 Houth Uberty, Pbona VOl. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center. Phono wO. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR Hllilr Ittg South 12th. Pbona 29. 8PECIAL PRICE8 PORD REI'AI RI N1 Service garage, 603 N. Liberty. Pboaa 1277J. J C. BAIR. RADIATORS. FENDERS. Bodiea repaired. 444 Ferry. BEAUTY PASXORS M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE : hours, tf to 5. Sunday : eveainca bv an poiatment. Oregon Bath House. Pbona S4U. 2U28K. OREOONION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL waviag. hairdresslag, ISA Booth Oom Mrrciai. Phono 477. BARBERS COZY KOOK BARBER SHOP 1966 eUato. COVrXCTIORlT REMINOTON CONFECTIONERY. HOMI made eaadioa. coafectiona, eigara. saag sxinea. 1272 State. CHXMXXY SWEEPS CHIMNEY cleaned. SWEEP FURNACES Pboaa 1V1. CHINESE PHYSICIAJI DR. L. M. diseaaa. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 153 8. Hich 8t Pkaaa 299. DBZSSKAJCZVa DRESSMAKING 1299 Sooth High. DRESSMAKING LADIES' TAILORING 1335 Madison Avenue, DRESSMAKING. TAILORfNO 2720 Cherry. Pboaa 1676 M. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Pbona 197 1W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Miaaien au-eet. RUTH Mr ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Pbona 1824 M. HAITI E WILLIAMS 344 North Collage. -DRESSMAKING. Phono 1552W. ELETHA PRUETT DRESSMAKING. 662 North Commercial. Phono 1931W. CARRIB FISHER DRESSMAKING. deaigaing. Spencer corse ta la order. 2 McCormack Bids. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER Lad ira Suits aad Gowaa. 7 McCor mack Bldg. DRESS GOODS FULL LINE SPRING. SCTMnfER DRE8S s. Mrs. Kick. Pboaa 1471. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 40S COURT: Phono 194. HEMSTTTCHXKO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. ehainstitching, pleating, buttons. 229 830 Oregon Big. Phono 379. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTINU AT tachmrnt: works on alt aewing mach inea; price 9'-: persons! checks Hc extra. Light Mail Order House, Boy 1 27. Birmingham, Ala. BAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'F hats renovated aad blocked 495 Conn street TOAXCIAX. LOANS! I.OANS1 ON CITY PROPERTY Let as help yoa build. Low rata oi interest. I-aflar A Laflar. 406-407 Oregon Bldg. MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN saaoeiatioa haa money to loaa at six percent. W. D. Smith, secretary -trees arer. 302 Salem Bank of Commerce. FLORISTS FR CUT FLOWERS CALL MRS. E A Bennett 1030 Chemeketa street Phone 12X0. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDTHNO PLANTS for sola. Smith's SOI North Commer eisl: JOB PRINTING BERHY TICKETS ALL KINDS: prompt service, Bertelson, Printer. V Building. LAUNDRIES AALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 S Liberty atreet. Pboaa 25. Oldest largeat beo t EaUbliabad 1669. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Vuality wark. prompt aertc, H64 Braadwav Pbona I6A RICKEL PLATXNO NICKEL PLATINO WILLAMETTE Plating Works, refintahing and repair inr 420 Ho. Comatemal, phone 27 a KURSXR1XS FKUITLAND NURSERY FRUIT. OR aameatal. walnuts and filbert trees Office. 540 State strret. Pbona 1727. Salem. Ore PAINT, WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL sper aad Picture Framing. Good work- Read T'neasslfied Ads- BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL ALU K CHANDLER flANO. Norlb totlag 251 BEATRICE KHELTON-PtANO KTUDIO 345 Marion. i'Lona I24H. LILLIAN IIARTfiUnuN PIANO, 3U North t hurri. I'boue I7H. T. S KtlllKKTS- f'lANO, OIUJAN South 14tn. Pboue 770. 270 DAN K. I.ANUENBKKG. VOCAL lrby hldg. Pl.oue 2U7t. LENA WATERS Phone 1IM4M. PIANO. 1472 MILL MOLI.IK MTVLES---VUICK. PIANO, giu I enlrr I'bona 20liK FRANKLIN LA I 'N Lit fl ANO. 2oH North I7tb. Phone 1415 JULIA MILLS WKIUKU PIANO. 150 South Cburrh. Phone law IK. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER airing iuatruiuenta. 41 Marion hou-l. LI C1LK KOHS PIANO. OHdA.V 4Ws Norlb Liberty. I'bona lloTW. MATT IE GILBERT STRINO INSTRU Btenu, 1572 Slate. 1'bobe 1156 K. 8AI.KM CON8EKVATOKY OF MUSIC All bran hes taught. dipWuia's granted. John K. Sites, director. 1 2 SI Court Phone t26. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR ing. Phone 402. ' EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED &iane tuner. Leave arders Will's uaic stors. R. W. BALLANTYNE, Tl'NKR. Pl.AY ers a specialty. Phone 852. Cber rington Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS. PLAYER PIANOS: NEW. used. J. W. Tallmsn. 121 So. Com I CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN- dies Bush Lane celebrated pianos 415 Court. Phone 852. PAINT CONTRA CTOSS PAINTING THIS SPRING T GET MY prirei. We naa lead and oil. Pboor 161 1M. Wells. DAVIS A BTRAvnrBACOTl GENERAL contractors: paints, oil, wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phono V01 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR 'i O ulena I.. Atlanta Painting, paperhang ing, kalaominuig. Work guaranteed. lerms resaonable. Pbona 13V6J; res, 425 South Winter. PLUMB INO PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pbcne 15 17 J. Shop. 127 Uniaa street. A. L. Godfrer. PRIVATE HOSPITALS W ANTED CONFINEMENT CAKES AT private uoapital. I hava beat of equip Blent. Pboaa I 959 J. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP tiooa for all uagasiaea. 251 So. 17tb street. Pbona 74 1M. REPAIRING AJTD SHARPENING CCTLEKY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS .aafety rsxora, etc. Stewart's Repair - Shop, 947 Court street BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General abarpaaing. chimney sweep. 1415 N. 17th at. Pboaa 1416W ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLED. CI.EANED, RE paired, painted or tarred. Pbona Kayea 34FS. SHOB BXPAIRINO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. SCHOOL Of ECONOMICS Lessons given in dressmaking, cutting, fitting, ladies' t ailonng, millinery, oil painting, ebina painting nnd water colors. Mrs. Bullock. 212 South Cot tage. Phono I620M. STUDIOS OE LUX R STUDIO. KODAK FINISH ing. 147 North Commercial STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRAPTbTR 409 MAS ante Bldg. Pbona 179. STOVES STOVE REPAIR-NO STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT, COILS, connections. Will call and clean, pol ish at bousa. 271 North Commercial Pbona 734, STOVES REBUILT ANT REPAIRED 40 years axperienca; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 Ins. high. Patau att aad varniahea, etc, loganberry and bop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove if Works. 350 Courtstreet Phone 134. SECOND HARD GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, eallars, collar Pads, tools, sad chains, Fred Schindler. 269 Cantor street. 80AVXVQEU SALEM 8CAVENGER GARBAGE, KEF aaa of all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phono 167. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 2V4 North Commercial. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO.. Liberty A Perry. Phone 77. Drf slab, 16 inch wood for sala. TRANSIT S HAULING G. M. VORI8, TRANSFER. HAULS fmit and produce. Pbone 1788W2. CHA8 CHANDLER TENERAL TRAN8 fer; office, stand. Clark's Tira Honsa, Phono 74. MERCHANT COOPERATIVE DELIV ery Co. Trunk. 5(e. 2. "5c ; 3. 91. Any part of city. Meaaenger service. I lie, 15c, 25c. Psrcrl delivery. 2.tr fl )0. 179 South High street. Phone 230. CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. 226 Sute St, phono 933. Distributing, forwsrding and atorage par specially. Get onr rstea. ' TONSORIAL BANK BARBER SHOP FIRST CLASS work: Isdies', children's work specialty U. S. Bsnk Bldg. TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE Lesves Leaves Salem Silvertea O E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE toave Salem o E. depot 7:00 am. II no am, 5-nn pm. Iave Monmouth Hotd 9:15 am I :(h p.m.. 6:15pm. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m, 1:15 p.ra . 0:.'lll p ra. Special trips by appointment. Seven paaaenger ear for hire. J W PARKER. Prop. Res. phone 615 Business phone 7 WATER 8ALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. SOI Seatb Oom I t lea per rent dieronat en domestic flat rale paid ia advance. Ne deductions for sb eee.ro or any reuse uaieaa ester m abnt m ew ' Read The Class tied Ads. BUSINESS CARDS VIAVI MAVT -THE HOME klMHiV. utu or rail. At rsKuor. jjj ol 'iuiu WHERE TO EAT WHITE T CMll'D TKA HOI HK fHIMA '" "lles. fre daa.-.og !, PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DK O. W'UTT. par PH.U..U.... tor. am ita i:. h Bank bii. pl "7: Kra H2-IR. CHIROPODISTS A . 1,COK--;CT'ONAL SPECIAI.IHT-Jje-Plianrea' from .ad.vidual imj.r.Lu. Sal..f.rtMM guaramoed. Uu V Tstr. Masonic Bl.lg I'hon. 442. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS i.ks wiukk ami Marshall, o DR b.W.'ci UK,KCEK- OSTEOPATHIC hvsinan snd surgeou; Kirk.vill. ZlAV 40 .v.- N-t-nal Ba'ik I .inre, l w; Kes. 014. ihj.iiUB Bad hingrun, 403 404 Oregon OPTICIAM3 GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R BUR LODGE DIRECTORY TT I II UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS -JAranory. First. Third Mon.lsvs REAL ESTATE " Ex Service Men Attention VI iiere are 3 properties oo which second ".w.tg.grs uiay lie had if the state aid anu your runtla will n..t No. 1. iuu are,: 27 under rnlfivation. well improved 2 miles Iroiu Station. Nn,. - ,30 'V's. i' under cultivation J no ouit berry or g -nersl iarniinK ... ... ,uu ft. ms u.iirnt. 4.J(,u. -.. l '-r-s -II indt-r -ti l ci.i on 0 acre, jckmI or.-l-nr!, Wil.lo Hii.i district. 9i000. A, C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon 6 ROOM PLASTEKEre HOUSE; BATH toilet souteat basement fonndalioi and walk; 3-4 acre of lead plaoted 14 bearing fmit; 1 block to pavetl street; 8 blocks to esr. 93,250. 91,000 cash balance 6 percent H. 8. Bella. 44l State street Best Buys and Exchanges 5 seres, shack house, 1 sere logsns. good well, sll cleared. $1. .'.'.!. t acres, 1 sere berriea, house, close in 9I.7O0; 9MOO raah. 5 a. res, good 5 room home, fsmitv or chard, barn, very cloae in. 4.:.iii. 10 arret, fi acrea Italian prune. 3 peine with fair crop, aome walnuts some cherries, drier and wart:a,use. 94,500, 91,750 cssh, balance easy terms. 160 acres. 54 in wheat. 88 panlnre. all fenced, well, house, near Ct'd Harbor. H.U. 34.000; will tks 91,200 cssh, bslsncs crop payments, or will take bonds or small bouae as part ayincnt. 10 scree, 5 prunes, 1 logaa. house, bsrn, good road, 1 mile front school. f6,0OO, terms. 20 acres nrsr Sslem, 79 seres near Mulino, 30 at Aomsvitle, 2j st Crxndc Konde; will trade all r part of them on a good mixed fruit ranch nat ever 10 miles ont. 6 room modem house. 91.353 Terms. 5 room bungslow, a beautiful borne. Just finished, two lots, fruit. Will sell on very easy terms. 93,750. 9 rooms strictly modern, close in. bun gslow type, red need from 99,500 to 97.WOO. Want s 931A, 91.800 snd 96.000 loaa. S0C0L0FSKY ; 941 Sute street WOODS BARGAINS Three room: boose, 9500. - Fonr room bouse, ffilio. Five room bouse, twe lota, 917n. Four lots good gsrden land, 950Q. Oood lot on psved street with cement foundation. 9350. 17 sere close in trade for home. 20 acres one mile from town, all in orchard, take h on a e part psy. A good farm vifh soma slock and implements at tf00 per screi Choice corner lot near atata honsa. F, L. WOOD 841 Stste street GOOD BUYS 118 acre rsnrh located close to Wslport Lincoln count r. 8 room heuse, bsrn. other out lai tiding; family orchard, some machinery goes. Price 3-VOixj. lOO acre stork ranch located ahunt 30 miles east Of Salem, 30 acres cultivated, 25 acres timber, balance pasture; f room bouse, bsrn, spring water. 5 miles from small town. Price 93,500; 91.-VJ0 down. 20 acre tract, 3 room house, bsrn: 16 acres cultivated, balance pasture, fain ily orchard Price 94,000; terms. Well improved 10 acres, buildings, sll in bearing fruit. loesna. prunes, gooseberries, 4 miles south. Pries 95,000. Good 5 room cottage, basement hath, toilet, light. 8 block south. Price 33.400: S.1O0 down, balance terms. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. Grabenhorst Co. 275 Stste street DAIRY FARM Without exception the finest 70 sere 1 ever examined. 35 seres in hay and grsin, balance in excellent paMujre with good springs and a fine fishing Mrcnm large barn, old house: good family or chard, 8 good milk row. 1 team, pig, chicken ana! implement. located at Eddyville. Price 98.000; half csh It's the best 'proposition I have ever "ARTHUR E, PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. TRADE Grocery and teed buine, 8 room flat and two dwell. ogs in a live valley town. 31.I.OOO a year biiaincet : stock w ill invoice about 9000. (II.1K10 will take it all. Will take a stok or grain farm and assume1 Koire. THOMASON ROWLEY 331 i :tate Street HERE IT IS 10 seres close to Sslcm. south: sll good land, no improvement: god crop of hav on Isnd ; sll ready for fruit. Only ILOOO. Vonr own terms. Tracts and dairy farms for city proper ty. Yon can gel what you want. House at low prtee and esse tenr. JOSEPH BARBER SON 200 Gray Bldg. BEST BUYS AND TRADES 7 rooms modern, good bam, lots of fruit 5 large lots; south Melem. 93.250, good terms. 6 room, hoitsej, modern, good buy at t2.10: with! 910O down. Store building and house and 2 lots en psved strret and car line. Only 9'J.5oo. A fine trsek f S seres, most all in fruit: fsir buildings, rood' road, close to Salem. M'iM trade for borne in Sslem THOMASON ROWLEY 331 Stste Street 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PARTLY furnished, for, sale -at a bargaia: has electric lirhn. ' hot snd cold water, bsth atd to Jet basemeat. large lot: near school in good district: ready to move into. Price for quirk sale 91750. terms half rash. Would take smaller payment dowta rennihle party. S. R; PEARSON 408 U,,8. Bank; Bldg. Those 914 SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE IS, 1921 REAL ESTATE 5 ROOM HOUSE ON CAPITAL; ALSO fuur room lamir on Jrffruu slrrrt ; will take auto as nrt psiurnt . m m eu mtl ro.id . uiukt I . aol.l SQUARE DEAL CO 20'.' I . H. RiA Pliora 4T'i A BUSINESS PROSPECT A drairable opening for a rooming and I'dartling ImniiM-ks of the better rlaas n a fine clo- in corner with a pos sible ait-oinDiotlation of 11 rooms. I'rie retlui'f.l snl open for a limited time only. Conaulialion weUon,eil. WILLIAM FLEMING 3 11 State street A NICK 4 ROOM HOLsr, fURNISHED in oak, t.'.u worth of wood, luvesligate this. Some terms. ' 4 room liouttr. fS.Vl. 7 s.-rt-a tiuilt-r: tiou ronli BOO. See LUUSL & PATTON 370 State St. Pbona 1123W CANADIAN IMPROVED FARMS EX rhsnge Oregon farms. Wettichcn's Limned. Cslgary, Alberta. FOR SALE CORNER LOT 0 NORTH Church and I atreet. and other ex cetlent lots on D street. A piendid farm near town, with all equipment and furniture, for aale A fine farm near Turner. Will take Sal cm property in trade. Many housea cloae in for sate. GERTRUDE J, M PAGE Phone 1186 492 N. Cottage Street imtxam McLaren co. reliable Keal Katate dealer Kottia 21, 180 North Commercial Street. A BARGAIN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. North Winter street, corner lot. new snd plsalered. Built in features in kitchen, electric light, etc.; garage, fine garden. 1 block to school. Price 92.000: terms. See L. A, HAYFOilp 305 Stats St. MODERN FARM 60 acres. 50 of which is in crops, 10 seres fine oak timber; good water sys tem in house, barn and hog pens. Large 40x00 bsrn snd outbuildings: 0 room house with hot and cold water. 1 mile to school, 9 m ilea to Salem, On west side of river, right on highway in moat h-nut.ljl and prosperous lo csltty in Willamette Valley; 4 Jersey cows, 1 bei.'er, 3 good horars, not, rhix and tools, and on terms. ARTHUR E, PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN 23 acres river bottom land near town: hslf in cultivation, good buildings, orchsrd, crops. Only 93,500; terms. 120 acre farm near Salem, 100 acres plow land, fine spring and creek; neat paved road. 937.50 per acre: ternie. Nice new modern 5 room bnngalow, nice location; near carline. 92,600; terms. For best bargains and exchanges. PERRINE MARST ERS Gray Building FOR 8ALE DESIRABLE FIVE ROOM lianas with garage; modern exeept baaement; close to paved street snd ear line. Convenient location. Price right with terms. For appointment phone owner 494. or evenings 631 M. REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number af good propositions either as trades, ar buys ia easy psy ments of land or bunralowa. Cbaa. W. Memeyer, Masonic Temple, Seism. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTIOE OF ASSKTTST.rKXT FOU THE COST OF OOXSTItUtT 1XG SIDEWALK IX THE CI TV OF SALEM, OREGON. To L. May Willis: You are hereby 'notified that the City o Salem, Oregon, has by Ordinance No. 1682 Jevied an aa-f spgsinent upon your property here inafter described and In the amount hereinafter Ret forth for the cost of cons'ructing a Portland cement concrete ninewalx on the south side -f Columbia street, in rront of and abutting upon the following described property, to- wit: Lot 1 in Hlock 3 of Riverside Addition to the City of Salem. Marion county, Oregon, owned by L. May Willis. The cost of constructing said cement concrete sidewalk is as follows, to-wit: Contract price paid by the City to contractor ... .$122.6 Advertising for bUU ..... 2.13 Engineering, supervision and inspection 6.13 Total $130. 7 Said assessment was entered on page 9 in Minor Lien Docket No. 1 o' the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 31st day of May. 1921, as a charge and lien af-inst said above described property and is now due and payable to the city treasurer. By order of the common coun cil, this notice is served uoon you by publication thereof for ten days in the Daily Statesman, a newspaper of geperal circulation oublished In the City of Salem. Oregon. Date of first publication is June 10, 1921. Earl Race. Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon. "Xoflec of Hip TmprovettMMit of Brey'n Avenue (Commonly Known as Twenty-Flmt Strert), Ifrtwtvn Ont or Street and I) Stroot. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve Brev's Ave nue (commonly known as Twenty first street), from the north line of Center street to the south line or "D" street st the expense ot ?he abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley 'ntT-ectlons the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said t.-ellnn nf Itrov'a Avontio tr) fh M inkll.h H -r-Aa ennairnctlne r. rn.ni concrete curbs and oavins naid portion of Brey's Avenue with a six inch Portland cement gravel concrete pavement In ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on the 2nd day of May, 1921, now on file la the office of tbe City Re. The Well Dressed Woman tf CIOK1A SWAMON. Ur la raramtsaot IHctareo. I htw a maa penrhant tor ahttea. tot I'm cure I'm n.l at nil urlflfiaJ U, (Lat--moi w.dnen have! And aiove 1 we have been wearing short skirts well, there seems to bo a direct and calculable ratio between the length c- your skirt and the Importance of your footwear. corder, and which, for greater cer tainty and convenience and s more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to snd made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department or the City of Salem, Oregon, Hy order of the Common Coun cil. EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is the 9th day of June 1921. Xotlce of AnMrMMtment -or I7ir Coal of CotiHtrurtfng Sidewalk in the? Oily of Halera, Oregon. To Klaas Vander Aarde and Cor nelia Vander Aarde: You are hereby notified that the City of Salem. Oregon, has by Or dinance No. 1681 levied an assess ment upon your property herein after described and In the amount hereinafter set forth for the cost of constructing a Portland cement concrete sidewalk on the south ide of Columbia street. In front of and abutting upon the follow ing described property, to-wit: Lot 14 In Block X of Riverside Addition to the City ot Salem, Marion County, Oregon, owned by Klaas snd Cornelia Vander Aarde The cost of constructing said cement concrete sidewalk is as follows, to-wit: Contract price pa'd by the city to the contractor. .$123.33 Advertising for bids.'...- 2.19 Engineering, supervision and inspection ....... 6.17 Total .$131.69 Said assessment was entered on Page 9 in Minor Lien Docket No. I of the City of Salem, Ore gon, on the 31st day of May, 1921. as a charge snd lien against said above described property and Is now due and payable to the City Treasurer. By order of the Common Coun cil, this notice is served upon you by publication thereof for ten days in the Daily Statesman, a news paper of general circulation pub lished in the City of Salem, Ore ron. Date of - first publication Is i June 10, 1921. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT PO THE COST OF IXrXSTRTCT. IXCi SIDEWALK IX THE CITY OF SAUSM. OREGON. To J. J. Downing: You are hereby notified that the city of Salem, Oregon, has by Ordinance No. 1683 levied an as sessment upon your property here inafter described, and in tho amount hereinafter set forth to the cost of constructing a cement concrete sldaalk on the soutr ide of Columbia street, in front of and abutting upon the follow ing described property, to-wit: Lot 14 in Elock 3 of Riverside Addition to the City of Salem. Marion county, Oregon, owned by J. J Downing. The cost of constructing said cement concrete sidewalk Is as follows, to-wit; Contract pric paid by city to contractor $121.K5 Advert sing tor bids .... 2.1 Engineering, supervision and inspection 6. OS Total $130.17 Said assessment was entered in Minor Lien Docket No. 1. page , of the City of Salem. Oregon, on the 31st day of May, 1921. as a charge and lien agtlnst said above described property and is now due and payable to the city treasurer By order of the common coun cil, this notice Is served ucon you l.y publication thereof for 10 days !n the Daily Statesman, a news paper of general circulation pub lished in the City of Salem. Ore gon, Date o' first publication lyns 10. 1921, Earl Race, Tlenrder of the City of Salem Oregon. "Aren't people queer?" quer ries Lum Bago. "A married friend buttonholed me this morning snd poured Into my ear a choice bit of scandal. 'But don't let It go any further, Bob,' he ended," . "'Oh. the wife, of course,' he answered. 'She's Just like all wo men can't keep a . secret'." Boston Transcript. yi jw St a- I j Here used to be a tittle axiom .U'Ut toIUtig a Udy by her boots, but yo'u certainly would miss your rueas row, " Iuy or no lady, everyone wears srod shos. and moat of us wear all 7 OBeA.; The short ramp French to Is ln d -pyubly the most comfortable styl) 'nankin has ofTered us In many rrvooriai Many of us rejected them al t'fether, aome accepted a rnodlfleVI vft a'on, and now they aeem to be dlav pjMBnrnK. As for the abominable) r'ti-neh heels well, everyone who eaxt weura them, 1 found some new and very Inter (rtlrif French models yesterday af ternpon, though they did not hare tha Krerich toe, iut a very much modified affaJf. ;' ' You remember, perhaps, mother Of ' rraDdrriamma referring to certain hid eous but comfortable slippers, wltJ c'aelio Inserts, that she wore lit strict prlvAte, as "JuUeta.- Well, I found enme. gray suede JulIeta,, trulr. only tbsal ..; were very smart and really rtther pretty. They ar sketched In the Rectangle, With (hem were aome black aneda pumps that had a kind of strap orer the top of the vamp sad an upstand InR, pointed tongue. They would look extremely well with a street ault - And then In another shop Z found pit lr " of patent leather pumps that were. purely Colonial, only the tonrue was made of a stiff ruffle of s&Un. tackfd with a velvet ruffle, sod held lr. place with a big fUlgxwe aUves: buckle. ' . . i WHOLL MILK ANe PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce I Sit . ' Sitfem, Oresron Phone 2483 SALEM MARKETS 1 Btmwo PRICB ti : Eggs sad Teal try , , Eggs;- 21-K.e. , lieu, heavy, I9e. lien; medium, I7, Hensv light I5e Broilers, uo 23a. Old aoMtera. "-lie. I fc" Ports, Mntton and Beef - fop ; j r.- Dressed hogs. I.e. mo;.smbs, Se, ' 1921 :tnllk iambs 4e. Beef steers. 6 to Se. - Cow,, 9--e. ' -f Balls, 4- Ha, i , Top ycsl, lie. . ' - Ray ' Ost nnd wetch hsy, f 19. thee hsy. 91. T . I-' - Grata ' Wheat, 91 tS 91.10. Oats, 4.V50a. wit. HUi,KUK Mill run, 933 ton. n :w Wnelessie te Dealers ' Creamery , butter, 93 34c. ButtetfaV, 27s. , ; 1 H fren Oringes, 94.SO snd 15.00. Baa ansa lit " lemons, i 99.SO. ' ?; Grape frait CaL, 99.79. . t lerida, 910.00. Yegetanles OregSa esbbaga, 4e. California cabbage, 6e. Oniona. Oregon, 91.50. lrnipa, 2.O0 sack. t'arrata, 91 33 sack. Lettuce, JOe head. ', Old potatoea. 91 nrt, .. , New not a toes. 4V4e per I. ' Wr esa, 8S.H WUSM.L Radishes, 40a dosea baaekos. Oregon beney, SOe lb. teirv - Parate. AOe doiea , boar bee. Boot 7&e dosea eusKkesT Tomstoes, - 92.50 per Tug. Hener, extracled, SOe I. Strswberries. 5e. Apples. 9l.6 te 99 00. Cantaloupe, 93.6O per crate. . RetaU OreemeTy butur, 33 37. Eggs, 23c, FkuufV hard wheat, 92 25 92.60. rJouf, aoft wheat. 81.75 9'J.OO. Sugar;, 97,49 97.65. T President Hainisch Likes .Working Arrangement of I Hoover Methods - NEW YORK, June 16. Tha American Relief Administration today .; gave out a sta.einent re ceived by it from President Hain isch of the Austrian Republic In which: he praises tbe results st tained by the Hoover organiza tion's child-feeding program. Pres Mfit ?Halnisch. according to the relief ; administration statement, declares that the "American re lief work has saved Austrian chil dren from damaging undernour ishment and meant more food for adults.'snd also has had a tendency to stabilise our nation, politically n President Hainisch wrote that "Inasnttfch as the American Re lief Administration's European Children' fund for Austria soon wilt have completed the second veajr ofjffa operation this seems a fitting time toivoice the profound; gratitude felt by the Austrian gov. eminent and the Austrian people to Unpeople of America for their ?reat and effective action of gen erosity: and brotherhood. , "Assurances of health and Hirengin lor our coming genera RELIEF MEASURE REUSES SUST1 tion, 10 wnicn tne American relief W contributed so splendidly, means for Austria a greater and! more successful nation." the report also states the In dention of the Austrian officials to, continue operating thc school kitchens after ths American op erations automatically cease on Sept. 1 j 1921, Schrecham He was a wise poet, who remarked that In this world a tnah must be either anvil or hammer. . Peach man Oh; I don't know. It seems that most of them are merely? .bellows. Edinburgh Scotsman. ; " - '.4i - H i i: ' "'- 1 : ft' ft.- .: - - - ' .'