The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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rtnal Sir'" Announced
TbV Highland Parent-Teacher
..soclatlon will hold the last meet
SiTof the teaaon at the Highland
hooU,bt at 7:30 'clock- 'r
U Hlcka of th Salem Abstract
lomoany will" explain the budget
Ithool eW'tion. A khort prop ram
Irin be given and the business or
Je jear will be finished.
MQ'i PjMwkejr
jteYil'a passkey. Devil's Ta
Attention J. A. It.
oivifli nost of the fl A.
- jg quested to atten l the r lag
iy exercises Tuesday evening at
Vlllaon pajk. Albert Loughbridge,
commandeer. i-
Get tbeoi t The Statesman or
f.ce. Ctlff" on application. ,
u - f
Ivrtt flootbrrrieti
m cenGs a pound, snipped nml
nadX to cn. Ward K. Richard-
.tnn& 494. Adr.
10 Dl f
ptnShter I" Born
ABnonnPoment wa made yes
terday o( the birth of a dauuhW
Jnne 5 Mr. and Mm. V. O.
Vera June
jt It gtDI Early
li the aeason to select a beau
tiful inmmer hat at closing out
price; at the Curtis Hat Shop.
Adv. V '
I-arjce Gmmebrrrie .
6V4 cents a pound, shipped and
ready to can. Ward K. Kichard
son, phone 491. Adv.
Three Couple Liccn
Marriape licences were Issued
yesterday In the office of the
county clerk to Ituth M. Page and
Robert M. Hamill of Salem; Mil
dred L. Porter of Salem and
Franklin I). Pace of Corvallis;
Doris Jane England of Salem and
Charles M. Uarlowe of Eugene.
Strawberry Khoricakr
And Cream, 25c. K. of C. Hall,
R to ltf p.m., Wednesday. June
15. St. Monicas Altar Society.
Title Cleared
A decree was granted In the
circuit court yesterday quieting
title of Mary 1,. Smith to about
j 80 acres of land near Silvcrton.
Dance in K. of Hall
Wednesday. June 15th. Straw
berry social committee. Adv.
Sir has been named
Last Times
Fatty Arbuckle
J?-" In
5 The Dollar a Year
It I Constantly Brought
To my attention that electrical
business is being solicited in Sa
lem by men not giving their firm
name and who are supposed to
be still in my employ. Our men
will always present a card when
soliciting business. Lady demon
strators for washers. Ironers and
vacuum cleaners. K. S. Harton,
Salem Electric company, Masonic
Temple.- Adv.
Griffin of route o and Fred Root
seen occurred Sunday. Mr. Grif
fin reported tii at he was driving
south on Twelfth street when his
car struck the rear ot one driven
by Mr. Rootscen. who was travel
ing in the same direction. The
Griffin car was somewhat damaged.
Attention II. I. O. E.
Members will please meet at
the club rooms Tuesday. June II.
at 7 p. m. and march in a body to
Willson avenue to attend the Flag
day service of Salem lodge No.
336. H. J. Wiedmer. Secy. Adv.
Two Auto Collide
Automobiles driven yesterday
by Ray Gilbert. 2049 Nebraska
street, and Gustav Schunke, 622
North Liberty street, were con
siderably damaged In a collision
at Liberty and I'nion streets. Mr.
Cilbert and Mr. Schunke differ
somewhat as to just who was at
fault In the accident, according to
reports given the police station.
Washington Team Beats
High. Fliers in Fastest
Game of Series
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Dsr classes fix your eyes. Oar
; bills your purse
' i XLUiTMAa xraos.
Jeweler and Optician
frost 12S I 8alem, Oregon
ftaoni Parted XJqu14 PalnU
Capita Tvrmitmx ft Hardwar Co.
J8 N, Commercial ... Paoma 847
oits Cleaned ...... SX50
)o!tC Praised. .j. . w.. ..BOe
Wta Cleaners & Dyers
1UI a Coml Bt, Phone lilt
Tm tprtaf PUaUaa Orim Ttvm
, 431 Qngtr Balldlav
kibm i oaiioi
Call CL H. Tracy Wood Co
: for ail kinda of
-j , dry wood
Prompt daliTtry. Phona 1X0
Vteczsi Cleaners Repaired
Motor rewinding, contacting-,
' electric Fixtures, tc
837 Court St Phone 488
TVc pay 2c above the
narket once for eggs
and products
Home Builders
Take Notice
w can gave too money on
far Plumbing Supplies; It
W1U pay ou to come and 1
VI about prices. We al- B
"a Bare a auppiy oi an
klodi. .
Tests, all sizes, prices
very low
Bargain House
buy and sell everything
Phone 398
f. . Ill Chemeketa St.
Slcfrmand Named
A. R. Siegmund was appointed
administrator of the estate of
Magdalene Hock, deceased, by the
county court yesterday. Frank
Prant. Fred O. Schindler and John
Daniel were appointed appraisers.
Ixxit, Ught Gray Kitten
. Long haired; name, 'Kismet.'"
Phone 1374 or 1888. Showaiter
& Jacobs. Reward. Adv.
Plaintiff Win Cme-
A verdict was returned yester
day afternoon by the Jury in tbo
case of Jettse W. McCormlck ts.
John Harris In favor of the plain
tiff. The case bad to do with
personal property of Mr. McCor
mlck which was held by the de
fendant, consisting of a team of
horses, wagon and farm Imple
ments, all of which will be re
turned to the owner.
CJirl Atf Itetnrneil
Two young girls named Ger
trude llaynes and Marguerite Mo
rlaty. 17 and IK years, respective
ly, who escaped from the state
institution for the feeble minded
.-!ini;iy niKni, were lound yes
terday afternoon near Duena
Vivta. Officers of the institution
were notified that girls answer
ing their description were Been
near Jefferson and later they
were apprehended and brought
back. Neither of the girls wore
a coat or a hat. This aroused
suspicion and was largely re
sponsible for their being found.
Flrrwork for Hale
The Ace, 157 X. High. Adr.
Via I CHy Manager
Mrs. Foor, 331 Hotel Marion.
Fine Are Collected
Charles Walker was fined $10
yesterday ; in the justice court for
exceeding the speed limit while
driving an automobile on the
highway. A. 11. Kiddie forfeited
a $10 ball by not appearing be
fore Jndge O. B. Unnjh yester
day to answer to a similar charge'.
Both arrests were made by Traf
fic Officer B. R. Smith.
Bljt Iance
Forresters' Hall. By Security
Benefit association, Wednesday
evening. Friends welcome. Good
music. Adv.
Portland Man Arrrstrxl
C. T. Gibbs of Portland was ar
rested for rutting the corner at
Court and High streets while
driving an automobile Sunday,
Traffic Officer liayden made the
Dancing Party
Security Benefit. Wednesday
evening, Forresters Hall. For
merly Knights and Ladies of Se
curity. Adv.
Two Auto Bump
An automobile collision be
tween cars driven by Eldwln
UpsUln at 162 H V. ConsMrdal trtt
Cbop Sny, sooalM sad Amtrt
caa Uha, lc ertam sad drinks
Opa 11 i.K. to 1 a.m.
FrM Daactng Erar? Saturday Klbt
Ellta Orcaaatrs
Do yon tat
If not, why not!
No other baths or treatments
can prodace the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable eold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open 1 1 n. until 9 p. nu
Led sad Oentlemea attendants
Will Play For The
Tonight June lllh
The pame between the High
Flyers and the Washington 7-A
team was the fastest game of the
season. The seore was 3 to 0 in
favor of the Washingtons. The
lineups are as follows:
Washington 7-A
K. Smith 1
J. Kar:o 1
II. Busick
A. Bartges 0
June 15 it will pay 15.291.590.50
in Interest on first liberty bonds
and victory notes. These interest
coupons draw no interest them
selves after maturity, and the
government urtes thev be taken
upn(1 reinvested, wherever pos
sible, la other government securi
ties, of which a choice selection is
. vCd: down to lne ilest
uaby bonds" one could wish The
purchase of these government se
r.i rules ,an be necotiated through
the local postoffire.
A. C.aylor .
.1. Matphan
H Uice . . .
K. Rice . . .
C. Chittick
Reply to Sjik-m FMectric Co.
F. S. Barton of the Salem Elec
tric company published in Satur
day's Statesman a statement as
follows: "It is constantly brought
to my attention that electrical
business is being solicited in Sa
lem by men not giving their firm
name and who are supposed to
be still in my employ." We wish
to state that we are the only elec
tricians now in the electrical bus
iness In Salem who have been
formerly employed by the Salem
Electric Co . and that any busi
ness solicited by us 13 solicited in
the firm name of Electric Fixture
& Supply Co.
A. E. KISER Adv.
Auto Damaged
A damaged front wheel and
radiator on his automobile was
claimed yesterday by C. J. Smlll
as the result of a traffic mix with
the O. J. Hull car. The accident
happened at Hlph and Meyers
Fry's Irug store
Authorized agent Eastman ko
daks, films and photo supplies.
Films developed and printed.
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkersohv coun
ty superintendent of schools, was
a .business visitor yesterday in
the Milster district.
Judge and Mrs. O. E. I'nriih
spent th? week-end visiting with
friends near Wren.
J. T. Beckwith of Jefferr.on was
a business visitor in the city yes
terday. County Commissioner J. T.
lint was in Mt. Ange yesterday
on business pertaining to th
Ernest Carpenter was a visitor
yesterday in the city from Med
ford. Paul E. Schlegel of Corvallis 5s
in Salem for a few days.
H. K. Smith of Silverton was
among the business visitors in the
city yesterday from that section.
George Satterlee was a business
visitor to Brownsville. Monday, to
sell a car of horses consigned from
eastern Oregon.
Governor Olcott visited Tort
land Monday.
Total 2
HiKh Flyers
(1. Ha r 11 urn 0
I. White 0
i). Dunnet'te 0
I'. Thilips 0
J. Hansen . 0
L Estes 0
A. Adolph 0
Lyle Sheppard 0
J. Georc 0
Total 0
This makes the score tied be
tween the Hish Flyers and Wild
Cats. They will play off the tie
today at 5:30.
The standings of the teams are
as follows:
Team W. L. Pet.
High Flyers 4 1
Wild Cats ., 4 1
Washington 7-A .... 3 2
Cardinals 2 3
Richmond Tigers... 2 3
Trojans 0 5
(Continued from page 1.)
A. Booth tO two Of hiTearlv nr
captors in Willamette university:
LMirenao uiscimus
In honor of Edward I). Curtis and
Josephine Curtis Uobb. mv for
mer teachers. Presented by
R. A. Booth."
No announcement has been
made of a public .service for the
reception of these memorials, but
t is understood that some formal
foreni!h Tmf;nt Win be ma(1 be
fore the school year closes
artillery. He served overseas as
j a captain of artillery.
Dimick of Aurora and Bain
Of Tillamook President
And Manager
Marion County Students
Graduated at 0. A. C.
Douglas County Youth
Begins His Life Term
'loyd Roinalne. hoiiria-
vin I I. ... u
1 win whm rnnvirn,
killing of Abe Civ
BIRD At th- residence of nor
son, Shurl It. Pearson. Monday
evening, June Mr a. Idella
M. Bird, at the age of 5 4 years,
mother of Shurl R : Hurl J.,
and Harry I. Pearson, all of
Salem, and Mrs. Zola Mfc'.chlor
of Portland, sister of Mrs Lora
Holmes of Marlon. Indiana, and
Earl and Ray Jay of Indiana.
Member ladles of the Macca
bees and Order of Ben Mur.
The body Is at Rlcdon'3. No
tice of funeral later.
BLIGH Portland people regis
tering last night were C. C. Ded
man. Scott. L. Imhoff. Henry
Hall. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jackson.
L. P. Klllam. M. Ledwldge. A. M.
Durant. J. A. Frazler, I. N. No
ble. C. Fay, G. H. Smalley- and T.
A. Reynolds. Others registering
were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chand
ler, Fresno; E. K. Nelson. Mill
City; Mrs A. R. White, Scotts
Mills; I). C. Perecoy. Nehama;
Mrs. L. Parrlsh. Valscts; Burt
Humbga and wife, Condon; Mr-t.
H. Ilibbs. McMlnnvllle; A. W.
Stevens. Klamath Falls.
MARION Portland people re
cistering last night were J. A.
Hicking, D. W. Bennett. R. Suth
erland. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. New
ton. F. W. Marks, I. W. Dean
Isnt, J. W. Havers; C. D. East,
George P. frowning. Fred K. Ba
ker, C. A. Stowell. C. D. Prewith.
Mrs. Edna H. Loucks, Kenneth
Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ver
Ick. N. E. Matthews. A. Mundell.
A. S. Hammond, C. F. Armand
and wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Jewett and son. Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Brady. J. K. Robinson. J. P.
Keatlnc. R. R. Weisa. E. 1). El
liott, C. D. Wood. J. F. Krofslc.
Milton Gervurtz. C. J. Mitchell.
Miss K. G. Palmer, Mrs. C. I.
Ranch. P. I, Munson. C. H. I)wy
er. A. I). Herron and ft. L. Char
leston. J. E. Fhanks, Chicago:
Art Bodenhamer. Roseburg; C.
Wyman, Eurene; R. W. McLevy.
San Francis-o; i; B. Lane, New
York; A. F. Mfh. Ellensburs:
Sal Dehan. New York; Mrs. R. W.
Fenn, Yakima; S. E. Pease, Eu
gene ; W, F. Rohrback. Seattle;
Alveda Peterson. Carlton; S. M.
Jones, New York; Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Ford. Gardiner; Mr. and
Mrs. George A. Peters, Wasco: E.
V. Gagersen. Los Angeles: Mar
shall Hooper, Klamath Falls; T.
K. Martin, Detroit; S. Jetman.
Iakeview; R. Booth. Eugene: Mr.
and Mrs. James Pelton. Fort
Klamath; L. Proffett. Centralia;
Otto Geirlat, Seattle: I. M. Koch
mann, San Francisco; A. O
Hoeres. San Francisco; Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Barrley, Santa Bar
bara, and Mr. and Mrs. M. T.
Cranney, San Francisco.
of the
" 7', yesterday at the state
Penitentiary to begin serving a
ITe sentence, lie is 2 1 years old.
ine. crime is one of the most
Kensational in the crime annals
or Douglas county. The youth
claimed the killing was in self
J6; Mrvinp t0 remove
some of the culpability.
Community Federation at
Salem Heights Tonight
Salm Heights will entertain
the Marion County Community
federation tonight, at the com
munity hall at th9 south end of
commercial street. One of the
myoriani addresses of the even
ing Is to be given by Fred W. Mer
rill, of the Oregon Dairv,ii
He will present the question . . a
more extensive use of dairy prod
ucts, for health and for business
development of Oregon.
Other matters of Interest to the
county will be brought up for dis
cussion, to make it a well-rounded
program. The public is requested
to attend and take part In these
community meeting, particularly
mm one so near to ttalem
Sigma Tan fraternity. Willam
ette university, is just dosing a
year of interesting history.
The 'Trat" now has ?,() young
men inmates in the bouse at 92')
Oak. who pay $lt Auh for their
rooms. They have a bouse man- ;
ager, elected from their own num-
ber. Lester S. Day has served a
manager for the year just clos
ing. The members have a house- i
keeper and cook, an.l their aver
age board cost is about to
$-1 a month, making, with their
room rent, about f30 to l.'il a
The quarters are too small for
their demands for the corning
vcar. An addition is to lie hutit
this summer, to enlarge their
membership caarpy. Thev have
two new pledgees "already an
nounced. George Oliver of Pome
coy. Wash., and Ralph Rehhock
of Yakima, both of wliem are Just
finishing their freshman year in
Willamette, and a waiting IM
that would fill the house three
Ramon Dimick of Aurora and
Vern Bain of Tillamook, both of
whom are just finishing their
junior year in Willamette, have
been elected as president and
manager for next year.
Five Salem students were
among the 340 men and women
who yesterday received their de
crees at Oregou Agricultural col
lege. "Some Anglo Saxon Ideals" by
Pr. Henry Suzzalo was the title
of the commencement address.
President W. J. Kerr ronferred
the degrees and presented the
honors. Among the honors pre
sented were the Clara II. Waldo
prizes for four women represent
ing the four classes. Mary Bayne
of Sjalem received the eophomore
prl. , ' J
Among those from Salem who
were graduated were Alta E.
Maffon. home economics; Doyle
B. ; Smith, commerce; Harry
Lynch and Frank Waters, electri
cal -engineering; and Roy S.
Keeije. agriculture,
: VVoodburn claimed two of the
graduates, Dewey H. Bitney, me
chanical engineering, and Ida Hen
dricks, homo economics.
Cseless information chewing
gum, now popular in the United
States, was invented in England.
It must have been after 1776 or
the Countries might have etuck to
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Allan Bynon Appointed
Coast Defense Captain
Allan Bynon. well known 'n
legal and American legion circles,
has been named as captain In the
cost defense service, Oregon na
tional guard, to succeed Captain
Kenneth Hall, who has Just re
signed his commission for urgent
b"in"88 reasons.
The announcement of the
change was made from the office
of the adjutant general, Monday
morning. It comes in time for
Captain Bynon to serve In the
summer maneuvers at Fort Stev
ens, the two-weeks camp begin
ning this week. The troops leave
Wednesday for their destination
Captain Bynon will be adjutant
to Major GJedsted, commanding
the first battalion of the coast
renoomfapcs) Instruction and Local Classes
T5he fl
Unique, Costly Watch
Once Owned by Daly
BUTTE, Mont., June 13. A
solid gold watch, once the prop
erty of Marcus Daly, the former
copper king, the value of which
is estimated by local jewelers to
be between $4,000 and $5,000,
was discovered recently at a oan
office here. The man who had
pawned It had secured $50 on the
timepiece, and he clafmed, accord
ing to the police, that he obtained
the watch 14 years ago in Spo
kane from another man who rep
resented h;ms1f as a brothcr-ln-law
of Marcus Daly.
The nam of Marcus Daly was
enKraved Inside the face of the
watch with the address, Butte
Mont., I. S. A. There are two
stories regarding the timepiece.
isle being that Marcus Daly had
the timepiece made to order and
that he was forced to guarantee
the payment of at least $4,000
before work was started by Swiss
makers. Another report recount
ed by old acquaintances of the
mining man declare that the time
piece was presented by his pan
ner and life-lonz friend. J. B.
Ha Kg n.
The watch is unique, having a
miniature set of silver chimes and
by oiwrating a small lever, they
indicate the hour and the minute.
Small dials on th face of the
wtitcTh indicate the days of the
month, the day of the we-k. the
month and the season.
(Continued from page 1.)
through the year will bring the
receipts for the year to $14f.
734.18. Salem must be growing,
or else becoming more literary, ac
cording to figures.
Comparatively little money is
being sent abroad. Most of what
does go out of Salem by the postal
route, goes to Japan. England and
Canada. What is sent to the
Flowery Klngdow seems to stick
there, but England sends back
practically as much as goes out.
and Canada sends to Salem a con
siderable larger sum than it re
ceives. Prun S nt by Mail.
A tew years ago there was one
ivarone ( Salem prune grower who made
If Voiir Bark tlurt or Bladder
Bother You, Drink I
of Water.
HEISLEH At the residence 21 0
Myrtle .winue. Monday morn
in?, Jun 13. Mrs. Ajuies llels
ler. at the age of years, wife
of Alexander Helsler, mother
of Byron li. Pradshaw. Valle
jo. Cat., and Uichrrd 11. Brad
sbaw of Boulder. Colo.
Funeral services will be held
VVdnsd.Ty at 2 o'clock from BlK
don's. Rev. Blaine Klrkpatrick of
ficiating. Interment Lee Mission
viVr.STON At the .'i-nfl 13. .lame. l'W.s Rpprjaty ()f ,,inK fancy packed
Kingston, son of Mr. and """"j- prunes direct to the consumer hv
Wm. U. Kingston of M0 Sou' j M maM and he na1 a Sp,prir!ifl hll!j.
JJlst street, at m hm -i ness developed in Canada, where
prune was esteemed
Besides h s Parents h j a Oregon
rta r t
Ived hy one brother
l rather mnro than o.l A ilniu. nr-
ward, anl a sister. Margueritf I ,,jamon1 M hh h any pharmacist about four ounces
t- win Ko from the Ter- I ...... ... " . ij . t a h esuoonf u I
When your kidneys hurt and
our back feels sore. lon t
scared and proceed to load your
stomach with a lot of drucs that
excite the kidnevs and Irritate
the en'ire urinary tract. Keep
vour kidnevs clean li Kr you keel
your bowels clean, by llushinK
them with a mild, harmless salt
which removes the body's urinou
waste and stimulates them to
lhlr nrirnul actlVltV. The func
tion ,f t ho birlnevs is to fi'.t-t th
blood. In I hours thev .n.i
from it .ri Rrains of aciii an l
waste m we can readily under
stand the vital Importance of
keeping the kidneys active
Drink lots of water you can't
drink too much: also cet from
Announces Additional Service
Beginning June 6, cars will leave 10th and Alder street,
Portland, 9 and 11 p. and JBllgh Hotel, Salem, 9 and
11 p. m. l
srl mm int. .mi ftlLJy
That They G Forward"
"Speak to the por!ehat they go for
ward," is a Biblical irij unction very ap
plicable to the presertt. The United
States National Bank ftas a message for
Salem and the surrounding country
forget the past, go forward.
Those who look to thegood old days of
war prices and war wages don't get any
where. Let's make the 'necessary ad
justments, and GO FORWARD. It will
mean increased bank -accounts for all.
United Sfa ics NaliQalI3ankv,
Funeral will bP from the Ter- renl,Ujtnc(,B ,h,H btIS, of Jad Salts; taks a tablesi.oonf u!
vllliger horn ' nU were a fine addition to the i a glass of water before break-
' m.. Ucv. II. ( 4.on.?.rnf i:;t. office business. Practlcallv no fM each morning for a few day,
ng. interment City Me v em. continental '' kidneys will art fine.
Webb & Clough
Funeral Directors
Europe nowadays.
S-hool Courf Annoti n-r
Postmaster Hiickostein has just
received a circular letter from
Postmaster T.enera! Hays, asklnz
him to co-operate with ho local
This fniiious t,alts is mane iro.u
the acid of crais and lemon
juice, combined with lilhia. and
h,is been used for generations to
clean and stimulate closced kid
neys: also to neutralise the arid
it no loncer is a
Leading Morticians
schools in a "l!nvJn.Vt9" ,. i in Urine S'
Thin iirriil nnr l in in,i,. i FOiirn- of irritation, thus
... ... - - -. - . . in iv iiiijiriu -
the nrnnor arlrtrnu.ini. n1 itnu I bladder weakness.
hy street, town, state; how to. " ls nexpensive; can
write letters that ran bo deliver- ! not injure; makes a de,Kht f nl
effervescent ntnia-waier imm
should take now
ed: and a study of mailinz c!al
riP.iinn. Th r.rA .. h ! wtiicli pvpryniip
.............. .... .,tt nii-i i . . . i.:j....
I and tnen 10 seep nieir niii"i--
Try this, also
the KtihiAct nun alroarlw hnn fair. I
i K- . v. oi clean and active.
Keep lip me waiT ununiui,.
Intermit Payment Soon
The covernment anrounces.
through the postofflce, that on
no doubt you will wonder wnat
became of your kidney trouble
and backache. Adv.
s skis 3 lures in a r unt ss -is u irw RfwntiWH w
Supreme in Sportdom ArejSweaters
For, with their vivid colors and modish appearance, thojr are the completing
touch to the attractive skirts and blouses of the moment. J Realizing this,
Shipley's, have strived to obtain for you the very best for they know that the
women of Salem arc even more discriminating than ordinary, and that they
desire only the best. rt
Fibre Silk
$6.95 $8.98
Soft '.nd gleamy are those,
aryl they wear in the good
old fashioned way "like
iron!' ' And imagine them
in such lovely shades as old
rose, cardinal, deep bmwii,
navy, pale pink, china blue,
etc. You'll not be able to
go out of the store without
Tuxedo Sweaters
$4M to $7.48
Come iff a complete assort
ment of colors and are knit
of the oest worsted yarns.
They rc as jaunty and
,;portinas you please, and
are planned best to show to
the nicest advantage the
dainty blouses that you
wear uSdcr them.
Pure Silk Sweaters $24.75',
And when you don that gleamy silk sports skirt and your' sheerest blouse for
some garden tea or links festivity, then you desire the ujtra luxury of an all
silk sweater. You can find them in shades of black, navy, old rose, green, co-
jkmi, tan, pink and cadet.
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