r- onJUKUAI MUHNlNli, JUNE 11. 1921 7 OLAASiriZO APTHtmiOltl Rat War- Par la!"""1 - Tkre taeertioo 9 0, (Mk ! taaertleue) 8e oT; meats Six aaoth' eontroet, or mo lii 7 j aiotl'' contract, per n.e ...19 gUataaeiav (ur aey advrliaBa 36 T Konwicn UNION fIRB IN8UHANCK HOC'IKTT ' ThialMB. RoUud flu rRti rH jJBt Agent 871 Btirt Ht. "mSoney to loan Oo Real Estate T. K. FOKD (Over Ladd & Bulb Bank) farm loans hawkinsT"roberts 204-207 Oregon Building Tour offerings m horn Including iom of the ffaert i ur of pi and acreage ta complete. ; UFlAR LAFLAB 40t-7 Oregon Bldg. Phne 144 r; NEW TODAY wphMSHKD ROOM ALL MOHKRS &W. JL 'sT.'w BALE HKAlTIFIf. HA I. KM 6 J ' Cena.drr food lot or clear I BO":.. .. i in deal. So Sea 7V Hiatestnaa. tVacher wishes work for the summer. Will do ho.ieework. erwmg, J"ST" for rkiUrr.. Call , 1 . sTria IX MINI! THE HRKtloN HR tteliof MtU mnville ieeue. a paid up J aooaoaeasable po icy. 8afe e vend any e,uealion. and low cost. The Lit protection at innnry ran buy El their ratea (or your next polK-y keen Oregon money in Urron. Miami Toley. All.. Bu.h Bank Bldg , pimm s7. BOOM AND BOARD PRIVATE FAM ify 1 lB,B ,,h"B' 1I84J. WEAWBERRIF.S-3.- A POl'M. COME ) .ad pl- a aaiWa out. Phono - 47'i. Rollin Bcovcr. ioVT FAIL TO 8EK MY NEW KOIR room pullman bungalow. Jut oiu Dieted Laic bnilt in fealurce; rtomi ' baeement and wash traya, etc. r.asy (eras. Phono 1U3W evening. TOR RALE FORI) SKUAS. PHOSE I778W. FOR BALE CHOICE E "..7 flower. "l I .-rut. Phone 1024. JIBT I.I8TEIV 4 BI-OCK OS CAR liao; lota in tho ii blo-k ar alul " at H.CHJO a-h Wo ar prinnf thia lor only ' for o.u;rk al. ' Kmtr, 2 Ort-tun bldg. " MERCHANT COOPERATIVE IKI.1V rrr Co. Tronka. &. 2. 7V; J. It ' Any art ol nty. Miarntr arM-. jo, IV. 85r. Parcel 4oliry. i, ll0. 17" Mouth High tr-t. Phiir LICAVf TOCK FILMS AT THE CAP! ul Drac ilora. In at ono, at ai ;' taoy'ro dona. ET THE FOHTKR" l"- CIGAR v habit. Hour oraior na FOR iALE GROCERY HTK' K. FIX taroa and lonao on building, on b-oi MrH in Halmi. 8" B' r 462 tttata atreot. WASTED - FIRT CLASS MII.KRR i for ranh on tho roaat Phono l43 EMPLOYMENT rZMALS ItL OR WOMAX WANTED FOR f ooral hoowwork. Call at 8o41 Iaal Atrnoo. .8AIIDESIISO. LAW Jf. ODD JOBS DONE Koaoooablo prko. Phono 47. 40 t 14lb at. ORCHARD AND OTHER WORK proaiptlf dona with Fagrol troctor. t Vhooo 0 or I78oW. WAXTID BOt 13 YEARS OF AGE OH . oor to doliTor o aaorning root. prB did opportunity for an ombitiooa boy to oara aoaao oporo aaonoy and - hui (ini batiBoaa training. Apply Circo Utioa Manager. Ortfoa 8tataman. WASTID ENEBOmO TOCNO MAR who noa had axporioaro aoUiof lifo ' laoaraaco, atocka or dertoiog. Moat k ftblo to 4tf oU hU ' ' "d V ambit ioaa for odcaoont. Moot hoo iho eoarngo to proa out boainooa i'. proaoaitioa to atorehnato oa profe; : (mboI Btn. ' Aagwor t oar owe haad wrhtof aUtlng ara. aduealioBal qal tfiratioao, oaporioneo aa aoliettor. te. A4r I No 1. Httmn ottSrm i : - KXSCZXLAVBOTS WASTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS phono isra. .STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED , M nil boyond Pringlo arhool hooar '': P. W. Btiaohough. Phono 83F14. - Uia tare) eapor ittUTvtJen. A ned eiaaaaitlaa to tho right pooplo. Addroat tho Pottfko Hoaaoataod. iotooaoa BUlg aaios. Or. PERSONAL would toit marry a pretty bat rttlot firl worth 122.000 caah. Writ . Mra. A I. Hill Kauth Jarkaonvtlle. 6CT MARRIED BF.ST MATRIMONIAL hapor pabliahod. Fro 'or ataoip CarraapaadcBt, Toledo, Ohio. trIj FOR SALE 0AVA1T BIBSI , P0R tALK CAWARY BIRDS. . atatart. Mra. E. A. Bennett. Phon. 1UA IfllQ CbotBokato. W PORTED ST. ANDREA8BCRO KOI. 4ara. Orrma trained. Hweeteat aong r k oorth. UoaranUed Cirt-nloi W birdt oa requoal. K. B Flake aoatb 17th. Salom. Oregon. .. . ' POULTET THl , XORTUWEST POCLTRT JOCB - 4 oiggea nnu mwmt The livo aiognsiao for lie fw"i7e. 7o a year: 91.00 4a r"uv Bead B eoau for aaaipio toaoy ThaMarthwest poultry JooraoJ. sUloaar wej. mention taw no, PAEM PAPER ' A TOO WANT TO GET THE RERT fva) Paper, aead 15 to Tbo Pacific - Waojaoiaag, B.i.ai, Oregon, for a three trial aabarriptioa. Mention . ' inacxixAjrEoua PRIMEDA BALM, TORMERLT BALM w FlQ. Phono 18. W. TliTJL?Bi NICKEL LL'SCH AT ! Anything 5e. 'OR iALEB LF.D CLOVER HAY erop. phoae 7F2I. P0R 8 ALE A LARGE SAFE. PLENTY II. a?.Gii' bk 0i VU"m 'Mi0'? 0RE0ON CHAMPION GOOSE . or canning. Be lb delivered. C?,ft. roady to can. e lb. ritr v. Pboeg you, MlU 4t4l THE OREGON STATESMAN, FOR SALE M1SOELLAXE0VS IK Vol' NEED A II Y BA1.LK IN your district, pbouo 3aKI6. ( Uude II Ht.vnncn. alrin. STANDARD EXCHAKG&, B4i NORTH (utt.uier ial atrret DioOMiutlo. watrbro. niuau-ol intruu.ente, gun, rlvthmg. ahoa. rtr both arm ott word goode bought, told or oirbonged. OFKICKM AND HTOREH A BIO LOT of n book far onto at half brum Htinborka. WIRE HOP. IXHJANBERKY. CHICKEN wire. HtemLoeh. 37J Conrt atrot. WANTED EVERY ONE TO TRY Naaooa painta and etaina aoid at tbo Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. 2 Hi S. Commarrtol Ht. Phono V47 LARGE i)RK.GS t'lUMI'MiN titMtE berrira. anippej ready to can, er per lb. delivered. Phone your order 4U4. Ward K. Kwhardaon. 23W.1 Kront HTRA WBF.KRY IIALLtK'KS. $i 2.". PER tfaouaand. Flat or ahallow l,o . not the regular ehapo, but aame rapacity and guot quality. (rate for ihvm alao. Haves you money Leas than half prire of regular hallo. . Ward K. Ku-hardaen. 2.1 Front. rrTTERMBl Ht. No 121 THE KIN KMT rannmg atrawberry. Slav whole when rooked; doe not lose color High flavor: uniform, medium aire Alao the Trebla. atmiliar in rannmg rualitie Other arietie Lowest prieaO delivered Ward K Kirhard aOn. 23j Front. Phone 404 NEKDLECRAFT STOCK TO BE SOLD Coder order of probate rourt 1 will aelt eutire atork of the Needbx-raft Shop U-longing to estate of Clara A. War ner, dereaeed, and sealed bid a may be submitted at tbo offieo of Condit A Glover, room 2o3, Oregon Building. Hatom. Oregou, at any I line before 10 O rlovk am. Tuesday, Juno 14. 19J1 Inventory and appraisement of enl:r stork and futures may alao be virwej by prospective pnrchasera at alov office. May Warner Roberta, Admin istratril of estate of Clara Js. Warner, Dec. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An especially good aeleetion of tbo songs you have Wen wonting with words and music complete. No matter bow many eougbooka yon have you should have this ono, containing the Oregon aonga. Prices: Single copies, 25c; 10 V ccnta each in lota of dotea or more; S12.50 tho hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since Hepiemher. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St Rslem Oreroa WOOD DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Phono 77F9. TRADE .WOD FOR A GOOD COW , Phone 147. FIRST CLASS 16 1NCTT OLD GROWTH fir. $9 per rord. Phone 1407. FOIR FOtrT AND IS IMCH WOOD. $7. 5t per cord; also wood aawing FUher Broa. Phone B04 FOR SALE lirge 4 foot mill wood, aawed even length, 12 inch or ltt inch; special price on 5 cord lota. Seasoned mill wood: first rlasa lo inch old fir. Fred E. Wells, 3o: South Church. Phone 1542 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT BASEMENT APARTMENT, furnished; good light and ventilation 111 Oak street. FOR RENT THREE AND FOI'R ROOM apartments: newly furnished Three blocks from Masonic Temple. Phone ROOM AMD BOARD BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family; close in. Address "145," Sta teaman. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE meat, clean, neat rooms with board if desired, after Jano 15th. 254 North Front ROOM HOTEL REX. T5 AMD UP. NEW MAN ageoieot. 402 HtaW. R I 'TLA N D HOTEL 148 NORTH C-'M r erriai. Rooma 50c ap. FOR RENT LARGE SL'IT OF ROOMS first floor, with prtvoto bath. The Alexandria. 1030 Chcmekcta street Phono 12 0. FOR RENT ROOM rOR GENTLEMAN in modern homo and centrally Iceat ed. Please grvo name and addrooo E, care Mtateamaa. ananasaaKwaaBBsssasasfiSBaKUBBBaBBBnam BOUIEI P. U WOOD, S31 MTATB BT, REAL estate, reatala. WANTED MltCELUUrEOUS SECOND-HAND KIMBALL CIT.TIVA tor wanted. Phone 111. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of aorond oanit clothing. Pbonr 20B. WANTED SEEDLING CHERRIES. ANY quantity. Sea or wrlla, II. Pablo A Sob. Salem. Ore. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ran gee and cook stoves, tools, men's auita aad shoes. Liberty Kichaaga. 241 N. Commercial. Phono 941. WANTED LOCATION FOR BEES. H Rehb, Rt. 6, Salem. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOP AUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT. 171 Booth High. AUTO TOPS, UWOLSTERIX.I. AITO painting. Hnll'a Top Shoo. "Y" Bldg AUTO TOP. UPHOLSTERY. WORK guaranteed. 553 South 12th, phone 1120. BATTEXT AJTD EXECTXICAL t'SL BATTERY SERVICE STATION Eipert bottery and electrical work Farria Broa, Phono 1803. 4IB Court T1EE9 AMD ACCE9 SORTS! SMITH WAT KINS, 147 NORTH HIGH Fiak, Silvcrtoo Cord, Hood oitra ply tiroa. ErytbiBf for ooU. TIRE TROUBLE ENDS QUICKLY when sent here for vulcanizing and retreading. 422 South Commercial. Til Shop. HOFFMAN OKERBFRO TTRE REPAIR shop; en lean is in g. retreading. Sll CommereiaL Phoae 804. UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER SERVICE tat ion Mavee yon tiro srowoio. i Houtb Cevnmerebil. MACHUTE SHOPS lt)WA MACHINE SHOP FORDS ME bored, aad repaired. USES CARS NKW l-l OLDSMOBILE SI X T trade en Salem home Box 104. Mil vert on, Oregon. i ow.n tUkath aoort model. ;i irverianaa. K. j.-. 2 t handler, repainted aJ overhauled 2 K-o Tonrinf. I Chalmers light ail. 1 Maawell. 1 Maxwell rhaaaia; maka good bug. 2 Cbevroleta. 2 Stodebaher " . . . . I Elgin, repainted and overhauled. 1 Hudson 6-40, fiSO. 2 Ford trucka, 8254 each. 1 'lBSSi aTIo Eiciaxa.: 949 N. Coaamercial St. yhort 606 SALEM, OREGON BUSINESS CARDS F aSaBWoBafanTaafaEa Auto Directory OAKAOEI AnTD REPAIR TRACY 8 HTORA0E OARAGE (44 Ferry atri. I CAPITAL GAKA41E bl'ICK. HTl'UK. j baker. HutUou repairing. 174 Houtb J Liberty. Phone ). I SOI Til COMMERCIAL OARAUE GK.N rral repairing and overhauling. 4iu H. t omu.er.-ial nt . F.aleu. AI TO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU ble about lag 238 North High. Phone 2o3. FAIR GROUNDS U A RAGE TIKES, AC rrasorie. used cars Our work guar an teed. 2041 Portland Road. Phoae 808. STANDARD ALTO REPAIR SHOP across from Argo, Cwemeketa a treat Phono 1200. LIBBY'3 AITO REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty, Phono 001. ALTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, S45 Center. Phono 84K). SALEM ALTO RADIATOR BUOP 108 South 12th. Phono 26. SPECIAL PRICES FOKD REPAIRING Borneo Carag. 903 N. Liborty. Phone 1277J. J C. BA1R, RADIATORS. FENDERS. Bdijplr14t4JVrr BEAUTY PAXXORS OREGONION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL waving, bairdroaalng, 186 South Oom aaercinl. Phono 477. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 1366 State. 0ONTEOTI0MERT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME mado candioa. coofectiooa, cigars, aiag aamea. 1272 Htat. CHIMXET SWEEPS CHIMNEY cleaned. SWEEP FURNACES Phone 10 CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease, 153 S. High St.. Phoae 289. OIXSBMAXZMO DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. DRESSMAKING LADIES' TAILORING 1335 Madiaon Avenue. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING 2720 Cherry. Phono 1678 M. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dreaamaker. Phone 107 I W. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Mission atreot. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 Month 12th. Phone 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 246 North Cottage. Phono 1552W. ELETHA PRUETT DRESSMAKING. 682 North Commercial. Phono 1931W CARRIE FISHER DR ESJ3M AKINO. deoigning. Spencer eoraetf to order. S McCormack Bldg. HHH. VAKTY. DESIONEH AND MAKER Indies' Suiu and Gowns, t McCor mack Bldg. aaBBBBaBBBBBBBasaBBBBBaMBaBJBaVHBBnBBBBBBSBBBaaW DRESS GOODS FULL LINE SPRING, SUMMER DRESS fooda Mra. Each. Phono 1671. DRUO STORES BREWER DRUO CO. Khoao 164. OS COURT; HXKBTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMST1TCH1NO. chainatitcbing, pleating, buttons. 329 330 Oregon big. Phon 370. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING AT tachment: works oa sll sewing mach price 92; personal chocks 10c oatra. Light Mail Order House, Boa HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bate renovated aad blocked 496 Court street. rtMAJrCIAX. LOANS! LOANS! ON CITY PROPERTT. Let as help, you build. Low rats of interest. i.atiar at ianar. suo-oui Oregoa Bldg. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association baa anoaey to loan at i percent. W. D. Smith, secretary tres arer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. rXORISTS FOR CUT FLOWERS CALL MRS. K A Bennett. 1030 Chemeketa street Pboue 120, JOR PRINTING BERRY TICKETS. 75s PER M. UP AT 220 North Commercial street. BERRY TICKET8 ALL KINDS; prompt rvc, BerUlsoa, Pristar, Y Building ORZEMHOUBES PORCn BOXES BEDDING PLANTS lor sal. Smith's 301 North Commer ctal LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY CO Ml-A NY. 139 8 Liborty atreot. Phoae 25. O Id set largest beat. Eatablisbed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LACNPBT Quality work, prompt sere ice. 1264 ftroedwsv Phone 185. NICKEL PLATING NICKEL PLATING WILLAMETTE Plating work, refioiehing and repalr- pbone 27 B NURSERIES FRIITLAND NURSERY FRUIT. OR natuental, walnuts and filbert trees Office. 5 40 htate street. Phone 1727. Salem. Ore PAIMT, WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALI a per sad Picture Framing. Good work men 4S5 Conn St. Phono 4U. PAIMT CONTRACTORS PAINTING THIS SPRINOt GET MY prieea. We use lead sod oil. Phone 1BI1 M. WeH DAVIS A STRAv-STBArOH GENERAL contractor; psinta, oil. wallpaper. 326 Sooth Liborty. Phone 901 AUBREY II. CLARK. SUCCESSOH "i O Glenn I.. Adam Painting, paperbang ing. kalaoenining. Work guaranteed. Tern reasonable. Phun 1396J; res. 425 South Winter. PLUMB DIP PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND OOlL work. PhcBe 1M7J. Shop. 127 Uetaa street. A. U Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private eoepital. I have beat of equip stent. Phon 19S9J. PERIODICALS MISS OOODHCE TAKES SCasCRIP tlon for sll msgsxine. 251 So. 17tb treat. Phoae 741 M. REPArRnro and bharpenino CUTLERY GRINDINO. LAWN MOWERS safety retora. etc. Stewart's Repair Shop. 847 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE paired. General barpeaing. ebhriaeT eweeo 1481 N. 17th sC Pheae 1416W Read The Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS MUaiOAX ALI.IE CHANDLER North Cottage. PIAMO. 151 BEATRICE SHEI.TO.N -PIANO HTUDIO 4& Marion. Phone !2uu. LILLIAN II A KTSHOHV PIANO gu4 North CLuf.Jv f'bona 178. T. M ROBERTS-PIANO. ORGAN. 27 South 14tb. Phone 770 DAN V. LANGKNBKRO. VOCAL Derby Bldg Pboue 2O70. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1473 MILL Phone 1I84M. MOl.LIK STYLES VOICE. PIANO 60 Center. Pboue 201 OK. FRANKLIN LAUNCH riAXO. 2o North 17th. Pbune 1415 JULIA MILLS WKIGEU PIANO. 1560 Sooth Church. Phone 1301 K. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER string Instruments. 410 Marion hotel Ll'ClLE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 408 North Liberty. Pbone 1187W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU mrnto, 1572 State. Pboue 1156 U. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branuhra taught, diploma' granted John M. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 026. TOTTERS WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR tag. Phono 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leove ordera Will' Music stars. R. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER. PLAY or s specialty. Phono 852. Cher ringtua Piano Hooao. PIAJIOS PIANOS. PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. used. 1. W. Tollman. 121 So. Com' I CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN dies Busk Ud celebrnted pia 415 Court. Pbone 352. BOOT REPAIRING ROOKS RE.MHINGLKD. CI.EAN EI), RE paired, painted or tarred. Phoae Kayea 34F3. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 193 SOUTH Hirh. SCHOOL OP ECONOMICS Lesaona given in dressmsking, rutting, fitting, ladies' t-siloring, milliuery. oil painting, chins painting snd Watsr colors. Mrs. Bullock, 212 South Cot tage, Pbone 102OM. STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC BTENOGRAlfaKR 408 MAS oatc Bldg. Phono 17a. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FINISH i li .or1l CommoreiaL STOVES STOVR REPAIRPtQ STOVE REPAIRING. RfcUUlLT. COILS, connections. Will call and clean, pel iah at bousa. 271 North Commercial Pbone 734. STOVES REBUILT A!W REPAIRED 40 years siperiaBeof Depot Nstioaal fence, sixes 26 to 29 ins. high. Paint oil and earaiahea, etc.. loganberry aad bop hooka. Salem Fence aad Steve Worka. 250 Court treet- Phono 184. SEOOXD HARD 000DS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar aeoa. collars, collar Pads, tools, and chains. Fred -Bchindier. 959 Caster tree. S0AYZ3T0XRS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REP of all klad remtyed. OasspaeU eloaned. Phoaa 167. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 294 North Commercial. TAXI DIRECTORT LANHAK TAXI COMPART -- PBONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO.. Liberty A Perry. Pbone 77. Dry lab, 16 Inch wood fr sl. TOXSORIAL BANK BARBER SHOP FIRST CLASH work; ladies', children's work specialty U. K. liaok Bldg. . TRAVSrER HAUIXMO O. M. VORIS. TRANSFER, HAULS fruit and prodgce. Phooe 1789W2. CHAS CHANDLER GENERAL TRANR fer; office, ataad, Clark's Tiro Heuoe. Phoae 74. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 228 State St, phono 933. Distribotitrg. ferwordiog and atorag our specialty flet owe ratea. TRAjYSPOBTATIOK SALEM -SILVERTON STAGE Leaves leaves Salem Silverton O K Depot New Stand 7:00 am.. 6:15 a.m. 1 1 :00 am.' 1 OO p.m. 6:00 p.m. :15 pm. SALEM-IN DEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O E. depot 7:00 a.m.. 11:'K1 a.m. 5:00 pro leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 am. 1 :00 p.m., 0:15 p m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m.. 1:15 pro, 0:3o p.m. Special tripa by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J W. PARKER, Prop. Re, phone 615 Buaineaa phone 7 WATER SALEM WATER. LIOHT A POWER OO Office. 901 South Com 'I St. Ten per rent discount en domestic flat rate paid ia advance. No deductions for sb eenee or any csuse am as water b abut off roar premises. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOU8E CHINA dishes, noodles, free dsaciag. Open 9 am 1 at night. 110 V N. Com' I PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT, P. B. C. CH1KOPRAC tor, 809 I a U. 8 Bask Bldg Phoae 7- Rea S98R CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliance from Individual luniressierr Sat if act ion gvarantood. Cbaa. E OBTEOPATHIO PHTSICIAMS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 909 U. 8. National Bank Bid,. DR W. I- MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaieian and aorgeon: K irk v til graduate. 404 405 U. 8. Ntional Bank Bldg. Pbenee Office. 919; Res. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician sad Bui f coo, 409 404 Crfn oJ- t.n.M. ... . OPTICXAJTS GLASSES PITTED BT DR. U R BUR delta at tbe Bow Optical Compear. 825 State atreet. Opposite Ledd aad Buab Rank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANI8H WAR VETERANS. e"ri 6 A uwi. Firf. Third Veejdsvs Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-DESIRABLE TIVE ROOM bouse w.tb garage; modern except ba.em.nt; cto.. p.te4 J'j rilrbt I'nh C"rniB rloe.tmn. P,ic, WOOD'S BARGAINS Six room bouse h bsseoieni 2l0 easy r our roo(u h v. Three room house. tnr,, lot., 7u,j VM a.re farm, mostly hoit.,m land. 875 acre, take r, property half value hu acr,, ,imb,r Un1 IO bouse ,o" "n b- tbr,.UVr w.s VUa F. L. WOOD 31 State ht i room modern except heat, basnet sai n-l. ,r" onl 2 Good six cyhoder c.r Cor acreage or ciy reaidenc; p., d.ff.ren properf,"" 'rU,i ,n"U' ,0' 91 JOSEPH BARBER Real Estate Atnnty '.'OO Grsy Bldg RF.A1. ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAV either"..''.''' ' P"Ptmm W vi or uungsiows Cna ,v Aviupiv. Daiem. FOR SALE-CORNER i.Ot NORTH Church and D street. an other ex cellent lots on D street A splendid farm near town, with sll equipment, snd furniture, for sale A fin farm ne.r Turner, iv.ll take Sal em property in trade. Many bouse close ,o for ,,. GERTRUDE J, M PAGE Phono 1186 B2 N. Cotl.g. Btrect Best Buys and Exchanges 5 Iti- bf" ni. lol- "P at 9800; amsll payment down riivl-"?" 11aangea in both bui n Um U.nd . " " " wb.-, ii, b:;"d'' u 1H0MAS0N & ROWLEY 331 Vi State street Best Buys and Exchanges I3.!.c.": bearing prose. 4 IX logans 10.000; l,0oo cs.b, b.l.nc. s"y 00 srre. fall crop looking fin. 00 acre, timber paeture, for a abort time 3100 per acre; half caah 1O0 acre. 12 acre prune with good crop on. 88 acres in grain; fair im provements, large list of stock and equipment. 92lio per acre. Term if desired. 20 ere close to Salem, 70 acre near -Mulino. jo ,rrr ,, 0rtld Honti 30 arree at Aumaville; will trad all or part on s fruit ranch. Orchard must be good with fair improvements j B lmr" ,Ut ot nonea at greatly reduced price ' S0C0L0FSKY 341 State street 15 ACRES 4 4 mile from Salem on good road I acre bearing logaoi. half sr bearing rtspbeme. 3 acre bearing prune 1 s'r bearing strawberries and other niitrd fruit; also young orchard and mod garden : 4 room cottage, barn snd chiexco bouse; loo bens, 150 chick 3 cow, i borne, farm implement! household furniture snd automobile- II go for 95..V0; 9-1.000 cosh. It t a great buy nd won t b on th mar ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregoa Bldg. Ex Service Men Attention Her ar S properties on which Meend vvrtgsgcs may o nsa II in stst sld loan and your funds will Bot nffic. No. 1. 100 acre: 87 under cultivation. 7. ' JProe" : 1 '' ,TWn Suytoa 9. ooo. , So ' 30 acre, 25 naoer cultivation; f a fruit, berrr C'ncfsl faftnin, land in Wldo H.ll. ditlricl. 4,30. No 3. 21 acre all tader u't'ei.fon ; 70 acre good or-tard, Wshlo Hi diatrief. 95000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407. Masonic Tempi SaWni, Oregon EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN 23 acres river bottom laad near tow a; half in cultivation. good buildings. orchard, crop. 0lr 98,900; term. 120 cr ftrta nr Sclem, 100 seres plow land, f IM taring Snd creek ; Beat paved road. 9-I7.SO per acre: term Nir new modern 5 room bungalow, nice location: sear rarlin. I'.'.bOO; tarru For best bargain aad irbtnce. PERRINE & MARSTElRS Ory Building KOOll.pLASTKREe HOUSE; BATH toilet, eement basement, foundslie and walk; 8-4 acre of land planted M bearing fruit; 1 block to paved (treat; 9 blocks to ear. 99.290. f 1.000 cash bsisnc ptcdL H. 8. Belle. 441 State ctreei. GOOD BUYS 2 14 sere trsrt located close to south Commercial atreet cars line, 4 room house, nearly sll in bearing fruit. Price 82.600; 91,.00 down, bsianc term 1 acre tract, food 5 room plastered house, well, some fruit, gravel street. Price 92.650. 21 acre tract, well improved, good 6 room plastered bnogslow, bath, toilet, bot and cold water: good barn and other neceaaary out buildings: garage; 5 acrea of prune, 4 acres logans. 2V acre in full bearing; half acre red raipberrlex, blgckberrie. 2 sere clover, good road and close in : will consider good home in Salem up to 84.OO0 as part payment Price 8 1 3. OOO. 10 acres sll cultivated. 3 acre of fine bearing strawberries. balance hay. Price 92, COO ; terms 3S acre orchard. 27 acre bearing prune. 5 acre login berrie. 9 room house, ham. rock road. located south of Salem. Price 613.300. Ifio arrs ira- r of good soil 90 a-re plow Ian I. balance pasture and timber, running water. good road. Price 810.0OO; t rmn. HOUSES 6 room hotue, lo atrd on paved atreet. bearing fruit. Tuc 2,8Hi; teroi. Two good lot eight blocks aox'li of Push ban . orticr Price 0. if ou are looking to buy. trade or re!l. W. H, Grabenhorst & Co, 175 Stele street WORTH WHILE A verv desirable 6 room bungalow style Of home: all modern except basement oo paved street, one blpcfc to car. 4 blacks to Washington school. Lot 50(2v.8 feet; fruit trees, garden, ehick en boose snd ysrd. price 8.1.5O0: 91.500 down snd balance 80 per month 21 S acre on the Salem Dallae HH 20 minute out of Salem. A splendid home of t rooms : h bath, hot and old water, born aud other outbuild tngt . U acres in cultivation, eir of good oak ooi estimated i) cor 1. family orchard: on rood graveled road, half mile lo paveil road Price ffi.iOO; 81..10O down, balance 6 per cent. A three room home and lt 50x120 en a paved atreet one block to school : lot of bearing fruit trees; fine gar den, all in: 0 blocks to car. Price "'"MILLS L COPLEY .Hb'j Male street 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PARTLY furniahed. for sale at a bargain; has electric lights, hot and cold water, bath ai d toilet, basement, large lot : near school ia good district: ready to move into Price for auirk sale 81750, terms half rash. Would t-e emalW payment down to responsible early. S. R. PEARSON 6 it, .44, Base BWf - Phen 914 n aV TTTT tn W B y-V A . w- arm jm mm . REAL ESTATE HOME AND A FINE VIEW OE CITY ; 4 room house newly painted and cor ner lot: uh a tine garden wtl orth th .rt II "00 l ash to handle. $;'.imi S. e 1. A H)ford. Mate street I KKM HOUSE tiN CAPITAL: ALSO four loom bouse on Jefferson stri-l will take auto as part payment i ' n rrs on pvrd road must he soi l ! SQUARE DEAL CO i 1'. S Rink Phore 47-i A BUSINESS PROSPECT A desirable opening far a rooming and .hoarding business of the better rlsss on a fin close in corner with s po uhle acrominodstion of 11 rooms Price reduced and opes for a limited time only. Consultation welcomed. WILLIAM FLEMING .141 Klste street j ROOM HOUSE 1 STORY. LIVING. ! dining room, kitchen. 1 bedrooms, 2 ponhes, window screens aud shades. toilet, light, woodshed. 2 lots on cor I ner Price 92.22; cosh. 6l.J2.r. See I.. A. liny ford, joj Mate street. ARE YOU CONTEMPt.ATTNO BUILD ing in tbo near fstursf If so 1 wsnl you t see th pretty building lot 1 Lav for sal at 9000 on N. 14tb St. ouly two block from street cor Use. just aero Mill street bridg sewer, water and electric light now placed. Also have four lota facing A street at 8350. Call oa '. Selig, at 05 K. 14th. A NICE 4 ROOM. HOUSE. FURNISHED in oak, 950 worth of wood. Investigate this. Horn terms. ( 4 room hous. fi.'0. 7 acre timber- 600 rord: 9600. Re LOOSE & PATtON 370 Vi Stat St. Pboa 11 2SW CANADIAN IMPROVED FARMS Ex change Oregon farms. Wettichen'a Limited, Calgary, Albert. SPECIAL GOOD BUY. PARTY Mov ing away will aell their borne: fine 7 room bouse completely tumbled, with 4 sic lota: 2 lota and gerag arc on paved street and car line. Only 92.800: part term. THOMASON & ROWLEY 331V, Hiat street - PUBLIC NOTICES NOTIC'K Notice is hereby given tbat I have Impounded the following de scribed doga in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to.wit: One black, long-baired male, with white feet and breast, weight about 30 pounds. One white pointer bird dog with brown spots over body, female, weight about 4 5 pounds, 3 or 4 years old. One white, long-haired male, with black ears, weight about 30 pounds. The above described dogs will be ki.led If not re deemed by owner, on or before June 13. 1921, as provided In said ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. NOTIUK TO X)TRACTOKS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will receive bids un til 5 o'clock ft. m. June 20, 1921, for tbe construction or a cemeni concrete sidewalk to be .laid en tbe south side of Kearney street, between Commercial and,.$Asinaw s(reet9, la front of and abutting upon ..the f61Iowlng . described property: Beginning at the in tersection of the west line of Commercial street wLh tbe sooth line of Kearney street, thence west along ,tbe sooth line of Kearney street HI feet; thence south 4 3 feet; thence east 151 feet to the west line of Commer cial street; thence north 43 feet to the placv of beginning. Also, fdr the constructloR, of a ceroent concrete sidewalk to laid on the south 6ld of Miller street, between Commercial, and South Liberty streets, la front ot and abutting upon lot one (1) In block nine (v) of Jones' Ad dition to the City of Salem, Ore gon. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Recorder. EARL RACE, City Recorder. Not kc of the Improvement of Brey'n Avenue ; (Commonly Known as Twcnty-FirM Street). Between Center Street and I) Street. Notice is hereby given that tbe Common Council of the City or Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to Improve Brey's Ave nue (commonly known as Twenty first street), from the north line of Center street to the south line or "D" street at tbe expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street . and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of Hrey's Avenue to the es tablished grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs 'and paving said portion of Brey's Avenue with a six inch Portland cement gravel concrete pavement in ac cordance with' the plans and speci fications ' therefof ' which were adopted by the Common Council on the 2nd day of May. 1921. now on file in the office of the City Re. corder. and which, for greater cer- t.'tintv and convenience and a more ; detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Jts purpose and intention to make the above described lm orovement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil. EARL RACE. City Recorder Date of first publication of this notice is the 9th day of June. 1921. Notice of AHerrunt for the Cost of f'onatrtKtifta Hi.rvalk in I h nty of Halrm, Ortiron. To Klaas Van tier Aarde and Cor nelia Yander Aarde: Vou are hereby notified that the City of Salem. Oregon, has by Or dinance No. 1681 levied an aaaess ment "pon yoor property herein after described arui in the amount hereinafter set forth, for the cost i of constructing a Portland cemeat concrete sidewalk on the south ride of Columbia street, tn front of and aouttlng upon the follow ing aecribd property, to-wit: Lot 14 in Block 2 of Riverside Addition to the City ot Salem. Marlon County. Orejiou, owned by KUuh ami Cornelia Vander Aarde. The coht of oust i acting natd "ement concrete hidewalk is us follows, to.wit: Contract price paid hy the city to the contrai lor ..1 1 23.33 Advertising tor bids 2. IS Knrtneer Idk. supervision and inspection 6.1? Total 113169 Said aMesment was entered on Page in Minor Hen Docket No. 1 of the City of Salem. Ore gon, on the 31st day of May. 1921. as a charge and lien against said above described property and is now due and payable to tbe City Treasurer. Ry order of tbe Common Coun cil, this notice Is served upon you by publication thereof for ten days tn the Dally Statesman, a news paper of general circulation pub lished in the City of Salem. Ore gon. Date of first publication If June 10. 1921. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon. XOTUTK OF ASSKSSMF.NT FOR THK XWT OF coxsTRrcrr IXO HI I K WALK IX THK CITY OF HALF.M, OKFXrOX. To L. May Willis: You are hereby notified that the City o' Salem, Oregon, has by Ordinance No. 1C82 levied an as sessment upon your property here inafter described and In the amount hereinafter set forth for the cost of constructing a Portland cement concrete sidewalk on tbe south side A Columbia street, in front of and abutting upon the following describea property, to wit: Lot 1 in Rlock 3 of Riverside Addition to the City of Salem. Marlon county, Oregon, owned by L. May Willis. The cost of constructing said cement concrete sidewalk is as follows, to-wit: Contract price paid by the City to contractor . . . .122.65 Advertising for bids .... 2.1 Engineering, supervision and Inspection '. 6.13 Total 1130.97 Said assessment was entered on page 9 in Minor Lien Docket No. 1 o the City of Salem. Oregon, on the 31st dny of May, 1921, as a charge and Ken against said above described property and ia now due and payable to the city treasurer. By order of tbe common coun-, ell, this notice is served upon you by publication thereof for ten days In the Dally . Statesman, a newspaper of general circulation published In tbe City of Balem.? Oregon. Date of first publication Is June 10, 1921. Earl Race. Recorder of the C;ty of Salem, Oregon. NOTICK OF ASKKSciMEXT FOR THK (YHT OF mXHTfUTT.: 1XO HIDE WALK IN THK ClTYl OF HAIK.M. ORKGON. To J. J, Downing? You are hereby notified that the city of Salem, Oregon, has br Ordinance No., 1683 levied ana6 sessment upon your ptopcrty here inafter described,.' Rod . in. ; th amourtt hereinafter' set forth . for the ,d9t of .constructing i .cement concrete eiaevais. oa ie bv side of Columbia Street jin front, of and abutting upon .the follow ing deicrlbed property, to-wit: Lot 14 Ia Block a ol Riverside; Addition to the Citjj of, flarenu xi4.m MHiiiv ' Arsenfi nwnf rl rl V J J Downine." , ' 'ft The cost of otwTnictJHf said cement concrete: 9ldewgll' is a follows, to-wlt; ':'!.? Contract price paid tr cU7 : to' contractor . ... ;fl214l. Advertising' for bids' . ' ?.I Englneerlnt,- Bupertteioh ; and inspection . . ,V. G M Total .11130.17 Sals a8aamen't w99 enternd Uv Minor Lien Docket No. 1. page t, of the City of Balem. Oregon, on the 31st tlay ot May, 1921, aa a rl lien arilnst said above described property and is now dual ki. . n . i. a ..iiv t fm surer.' ?' Hy order of the common coun cil this notice is served ucon you ly'publlcatlan thereof for 10 days in tbe Dally statesmen, a. n5v-j paper of general eirculatlop pub lished in the City of Salem, Ore gon. Date o' first publication if! June 10. 1921. I Earl Race, i Recorder of the City ef .Salemjj' Oregon. call foh mm. Notice. Is hereby given that the r rcii cell nt the Cltv of Salem. Oregon. Invites sealed bids for the making oi an im? of North Snmmcr street in the City ot Salem, Orel ket street to the south line of the Fairgrounds Road with j 6-inch cement concrete pave?: ment; ' i 4iinch cement concrete basef 2-lnch wearing surtace; 4 -inch cement concrete baae, IH-incb wearing aurfacei ' 6-Inch cement roncrtte base, a bituminous wearing surface; v Standard hitulUhic pavement In accordance with the pleMj eci fleet Ions and, estimates or tile in the office ot the city re corder. which are hereby referred to and made a part of thla bo tice. Said bids will be opened on ot after the 20tb day of June, 1921s at or about 8 o'clock p. m. la. open council meeting in the Cltf Hall In Salem, Oregon. Each bid submitted must lie accompanied by a certified check equal in amount to fen per cent of the amount of the bid. The city re serves the right to reiect any and all bids. This notice la published for five successive days in a dally lewspaper published in the City f Salem. Oregon, the date of the first publication being June 3, 1921. : EARL RACE. City Recorder Classified Ads. In The SUtasman .Bring., Results . WHOLt MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Product i Co. Salem, Oregon Pbone 2488 SALEM MARKETS 1 RUT IRS FRIOR 1 Zfg aad Teultry Eggs. 16 to 16V. liel.K, hrsvy, lr. Hens, medium, l"c. Hess, light. ISc broilers. '.'0 2Jr. Old rooster. 9 lOo. Fork. Itattoa ss bwU Top ha. 88 l'cet bosa. 1-e. IW'.o Iju.Im.. 3 to 4c. 1S JI hi ilk lambs. 4 ta 4c beef steers. . lo 6c. fows, 8H 5c Balls. -H. Top veal, lie. Kay OA sad vtc hsy, 930. Chert hsy, .''. OrU Wheal. 1. Oat. . ioc. MUI rda, Whole al 11 1 II run, 9i toh. wbeloosio to Dealer Creamery bslter, 82, 33c. Bstterfat, 86c. Tim Orange. 84 iO and 9. 00. Baaaaa lit I .m... aU ".A OrK fruit. Cal. 94; Aria. 96 SOi KU.ri.ls. 110 00 WuetaVlaa .'vaiiieraia easoage. be. lOuieaa. Oregoa. 91.60. : Turaipt, int sack. t ! Carrots, II oa-h. i lettuce. I0e head. ' i Old potatoes, 91 rwt ' New potatoes, Ik per Ih. Hweet bouteoa. 94. la auaa.L ! Ksdiabea. 40 dotea bunches. Comb honey, caee. 98.39. Asparagus, 15c. 'Khabarl, , Parsley, 90 doaea bsaebsa. ; Beets. 79a doxaa bBnehea. i Tomatoes, I'J.&o per lug. Honey, extracted. Sea te. ft Htrawberrie. Oc. !; Apple, ii.ee to 92 00. Cantaloupe, 94.6O per crate. I Retail s Creamery htter, 83-S7e. iKgga. 22 25c. pPWnr, bard wheat, 93 2S 12.60. EiKlsmr. soft wheat. Il.Ti U OO. Sugan IT.49I7.6S. SIS OUSTED re isabled Italians Invade I uniiioii il,o auu I ill v vv UUl I Pomcjlo PIcirLc. ROMP. "Vfow 9i ti. tt. --i . - " . . Italian boi- Hjera wno were more or less mu-' tjlated during the war lately have taken tbe law Into th.i - . . . w OT M Innds and have wa rmoH m i ,... nds into many of the govern- peut ministries, taking posseaBlon pf force of the places of the many yjung women who gained a foot inr there burlnar the vae .. - fir have refused to be displaced. j .-sewspapers are being flooded with letters, anm r n v. t "ot UI .1SIHI algulng that the women clerks nave earned tbe right to work It tfeey please, and to mflvef,' but most of. tbe writers $WUg lwM Bd ierriblw taW of 1 $ . f litottty 4f ' these) 1 tUughters vt .Xn: or . fay Irttl. work they m ?5neyeai raoBat;o titni tfiey waste pn t flirtation gad oi ts).r;toneneB; or me aUetfed aub vefalve effect ther hi i. .att. fgnjkted rninletrleB. atfd o? tnanr a, bees 'Uhdermnfj ;Dy .their vrmimug to Itaid sol Jespectahli, tnin, f ; l--"..f At w rate u appears that aol fliera whn hJvs i,u . t iry hare made 4T004J xMr claim to the eoveted: ijobIUoob. aoi, both ilQ Rne and' la. manyrproyincUl v n el a fa A l.f a. !'. 'awf ran go Italian bOUsekeeDars hnna thii .am,. m r " e a.OT wuiv will return . to- the many; mistresses whw Ngo in vam for J99i9tsnc0 in their hansahnld' hut ik -whether after the abort boars autd inaepenaenc o' office .'Jift they wilJ cake klndlv to dnmoaH vlee or the long hours of shop ot w 1 a . .... CKttlSto ALOXO (300D ' Women are as great sufferers from kidney and bladder ailment aa men. Foley K!dnev Pillo heia rid tbe blood stream of Impurities that cause rheumatic- nnin hack-. ache, swollen, aching jolnte and A t T a? .. . uiui. paimui ranscies. Mrs. Car ey. Box 91. R. P. n Kn 9 Mid. dletowR, N. Y., writes: "J hstl Kldnev trouble ever slnoa t w.. little aTlrl. but I am attlnar a Inn w good aince f have taken Foley Kidney Pills." They act immed iately and heln restorft tho kid neys to healthful activity. Sold ererywpere aov. Hawaiian Rehabilitation Is Object of Measure HONOLULU' T 'H. lfe ai Rehabilitation of the Hawaiian race bv placinfe iovernment lanU at that people's disposal, will go to congress ,1 a new form if a -concurrent resolution with ob- rreie propotais attached, intro- aucea ny Senator John Wis. weatners legislative Investigation and debate. . Rehabilitation nronosala went tc the. last congress, pat languish- eu in me senate at Washington after Dassinsr the kann aha itrong opposition developed from ue ianaea interests or Hawaii. The new plan would provide for tbe creation of a Hawaiian homes commission to father the orotect; he confining of grants of land to Hgvailaps gad balf Hawailans . Instead of ta thns down to pne-J2nd Hawaiian; and rue trying or an experiment with nineaople lands of tbe island of Molokal for five years before the Hcope pf the project is enlarged to take In other acreage. Jut BB we einreBseil nnr innra rlatlon of 1)1)1 Hsvwood'B Inten lloa to remain perrnanently " Rassla the news ia wtthlUhAd thee he la coming back. But. then. Bill aiways was a aiaappointment. Exchange.- - SOLOEBS