The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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BUB.WU&B J V m w I
VM '
Shrine Convention
i Turner left this week
. - at
u. win attend the
KVni Mention in lcs Moines
8b5 utei the national convention
'? .!. Modern Woodmen of Am
Y Ha i one r tne ,hree dt''"
P m 0reSn t the Wood
conttation. ,,-h fcimi"""
rhofolaUJ cream puffs, aspara-tD!-
tnst. and many other
rat OB
of ITrench pastry we make
n Gray IJellc. Adv.
r today.
sues Whit.
Contending that tho defendant
i .ni forceful means to secure
JJ ' m, wife his signature to a
r for 1300. FriU Koehne has
1 was beinK tried in the
I drtBlt coart yesterday.
! nr More
' Aathoriied agent Eastman ko-
i j.v. films and photo supplies.
- " . .imuiil and nrlnted.
filffli ' "
; Air.
fascial Fried
i Qf fpast chtcxen dinner with
j french Ptry for dessert, Sunday.
, Jcray Belle. Adr.
two ririergo Operation"
Mr. O. E. Frenzke of Newport
isd Mi Ella Chalast of Gillette
Mbmitted to operations yester-
at iae Salem Deaconess hos-
"Male and
Oar dosses m your eyes. Oar
, : bills your purse
: . pARTMA!! BROS.
Jeweler Mid Optician
froat 1255 Salem, Oregon
Huou Pwfect Liquid PalnU
JEMioaabto price
.'fn-1 ' -
bpUtl rnrnltvre k Hardiraxa Co.
pi N. Commercial pkoM 94?
)alta CXeaaed , . . . . .S1.BO
Pmted. . M .3. . -.. .-.80c
s!sa Qeanert & Dyers
Ull B. Com! 8t. Phone 1IS
' - fm Vpriac FUatimf Or4r Tntm
" Oracoa Btldte
llbl M tl 0IIO
nM ie
CUIO.IL Tracy Wood Co,
tor all klnda of
dry wood
frompt dtllrery Phone ISO
Yacinza Cleaners Rejjaired
Motor rewinding, donti acting,
electric Fixtures, etc.
237 Court St Phone 488
We pay 2c above the
carket once for eggs
and products
Home Builders
Take Notice
can save yon money on
7r Plumbing Supplies; It
M pay you to come and
ts about prices. We al
bare a supply of all
Tests, all sizes, prices
r!'f very low
Bargain House
We boy and soil everything
i.'-::J': Thone 298
: 21 Chemeketa 8L
If jpn L
Vlck 1 In M hers Have.
tor quick sale a 1918 PalKo
touring car. See It today. Adv.
Wo:nen Wanted at Once.
At Oregon Facking company to
hull strawberries. Adv.
Is In llowpital
Mrs. Mary Mayer of Sheridan
arrived in the city yesterday and
will receive treatment at the Sa
lem Deaconess hospital for some
A 18 IK Vlxt Touring Car
ls for sale at Vlck Brothers
Triced for quick sale. Adv.
Hunt Hros. Would Uke
To have registered and former
employes who wish work this sea
son to come Saturday morning
prepared to work. AdT.
Suspect Arrested
A man Riving his name as Ed
ward Eichter was arrested by Po
lice Officer Porter yesterday
charged with bavins stolen a bi
cycle from John A. Lalng of Port
land. The bicycle was found at
4 o'clock in the afternoon out '.n
the country where it had been
left at a farm house.
Secll Chicken Dinner
Sunday, The Spa. Adv.
Strawberries for Canning
J1.00 per crate, delivered.
Weeks & Fearmine. Phone 4F5.
riainUff Wins
A verdict for tne plaintiff for
$1000 In the case of S. M. Endi
cott ts. Frank C. Cawrse, Charles
Cawrse and George Cawrse, was
returned by a Jury yesterday. The
case had to do with a contract on
land in Linn county. It was al
leged the defendant failed to live
up to his obligations.
Kpecbil Chicken Dinner
Sunday, The Spa. Adv.
Legal Blanks
Get them at Tbe Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
retitioiw for Cltlenshlp
A petition for naturalization
papers was made yesterday to the
county clerk by Gregor Zelinka
of Hubbard. Mr. Zelinka came
to the United States In 1907 from
Special Chicken Dinner.
Sunday, The Spa. Adv.
A CIM.dfled Ad
Will bring you a barer.
C'onple Llcn.Hed
A license to wed was granted
yesterday by the county clerk to
Marie Norton and E. A. Robbins
of this city.
We Can Vi
More women In our preparatory
room. King Food Products Co.
Can I
More women in our preparatory
room. King Food Products Co.
The funeral of Richard Craig.
who died June 9. 1021, at the
home of hi pister. Mrs. A. M.
Taylor of Peoria, will ho held to
day at 1 o'clock at th Rlgdon
chapel. Interment will take place
In the Macleay cemetery.
Webb '& Clougb
Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
TJptUlrs at 162 V. CommtrcUl trt
Chop aiy. nooolaa ana amen
, can dlakaa, tea cream and drlnka
Oyaa 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Fraa Dancing Every Satarday NKht
EUt Orcbaatra
Irr tn oyrf Term
At the Salem School of Expression
Under direction of
Lulu Rosamond Walton
Graduate of Curry School, Doston
147 North Commercial Street
692 Telephones 1484J
Figure 8
1900 Cataract
125 N. Liberty St.
Do you ta
Ii not. why notf
No other bathi or ttrnwU
can produce the praanent re
llef to too Pon uffertnt
iron, dl-able colder 1
ments of the fleah or bodT !
tho Turklah Bathi will.
Open . m. until 9 p.
Lady aad Gentlemen attendants
IVlcrson Still Allv.
With his head terribly crushed.
Eugene Peterson, who was in
jured in a railroad accident Wed
nesday morning while sleeping on
the right of way. was reported
last night as defying the verdict
if the doctors that he could not
live more than 2 1 hours, given
at the time of the accident, and
was apparently improving. He
is lir'ight and cheerful. His re
markable grit and courage Is
thought to have much to do with
his power of resistance.
- smith. Others registering were
I-arge ;M-lwrri.M i N". M . Alker. Ashland; John N.
6 4 cents a pound, shipped and Kleff, Denver; Mr. and Mrs. R.
ready to can. Ward K. Richard- I M. Miller. II W. Frittipo, Spo
son, phone 491. Adv. kane; S. S. Skinberg. San Fran-
It Ih Conntantly Rroiight
To my attention that electrical
business is being solicited in Sa- I
lem by men not giving their firm j ler and wife. San Francisco; II
name and who are supposed toiLehan. Chicago; R. Critchfiebl.
be still in my employ. All men ! Marshfield ; F. O. Hurt. San Fran-
will always present a card when
soliciting business. Lady demon
strators for washers, ironers and
vacuum cleaners. F. S. Karton.
Salem Elertric company. Masonic
Temple. Adv.
far Kuceed Limit
A Ford automobile bearing li
cense No. 4 123K, was reported to
the police department yesterday
as br.ving passed the East Salem
Fciiool at a rate exceeding th
spe d limit. The records show the
automobile to be the property of
II. E. Meeks of route .
Welcome Stranger
Scandinavian M. E. church. 1 "
and Mill Sts. 11 a. in. and 8 p. m
Sunday. Adv.
MinneaMHs Man Here
Dr. E. L. Strout of Minneapolis
is a Salem visitor to look after
his fruit farm out in the Waldo
Hills. He has owned the place
for some time, and says that he
has enjoyed it every minute of
the time. He is an enthusiastic
booster for Oregon.
Fireworks for Sale
The Ace, 127 X. High Adv.
They Saw the Fair
Manager McCroskey and Stew
ard John Rundberg of the Com
mercial club were Portland Rose
fair visitors yesterday. The Com
mercial club without these two
smiling, efficient gentlemen looks
like a funeral in the rain and the
undertaker a new hand at the
business and nobody there to
mourn. The shape of the rooms
is there, but there's no more soul
than there is in 'leven acres of
frozen potatoes at two bits a load.
Women Wanted at Once
At Oregon Packing company to
hull strawberries. Adv.
Will Probated
An order to probate the will of
the late H. It. Hroughton was
filed by the county court yester
day. Mary Hroughton was ap
pointed by the court executrix of
the estate and M. G. Gunderson.
J. A. Campbell and C. A. Rey
nolds appraisers.
If. Hicks and 11. 1). Duncan
of tho Salem Abstract company
were in Portland yesterday at
tending a meeting of the State
Titlemen'E a.v-c ciation. Mr. Hvks
is the Mate president of the j&s0
Judge Grant R. Dimick of Ore
gon City was in the city yesterday
attending to legal business in the
circuit court.
Eric V. Allen, dean or the
school of journalism at the Uni
versity of Oregon, was a brief visi
tor yesterday in the city, en route
home from Portland alter at
tending the Inauguration ceremon
ies of Pref idcnt Richard i- Schol?
cf Reed college.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell of
Hebo were visitors in the city yes
terday. Ph!llp Fischer of Victor Point
was a l ubiness visitor in the city
John Dcvens of Silverton was in
the city yesterday.
H. J. Buyserie of Hubbard was
conferring with the county court
Harry Humphrey of Stayton
was among the visitors in the city
yesterday from that section.
W. J. Culver, county roadmas
ter, was in Portland yesterday
locking after road machinery for
the county's ukc
Mis3 Ruth Wallace. deputy
county clerk, was in Portland yes
terday attending the Rose show.
i Attorney Guy O. Smith, of Sa
letn, visited Eugene Friday. Mrs.
Smith and the boys were with
RL1GII Portland people regis
tering yesterday included Margar
er Evans, Tyree Rodes. Frank
Monner. L F. Williams and wife,
and A. E. Pearson. Others regM-
' II Ukn ru-nrul ( tT m
lering wr.- v ... -
vallis. E. M. Parkinson.
'VOW f 1 1 K
It. Parkinson. Chicago;
I 4 .
kinson and Paul Armenia, i ni-
. . rr ...... ! r
cago; A. jonnsoii. i - t . .
t s AlOir.iw i ii
3 !. 'I NO
of Sons and
"Tbe Slim
rf "Tb,, s,,m I J
GUI " fb
Jackson, Roseburg; U. E. Clark
and wife, San Diego; Max Wil
son, St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs.
Mazortzkey. Portland; J. R. Ldd.
Camp Knok, Ky.; Mrs. Alice
Dublcj, Leona Pergoy, Monmouth;
Andrew Jackson. Vancouver.
MARION Portland residents
registering at the Marion last
nicht were W. F. Jeffers. J. C.
Fischer and wife, C. H. Reynolds,
N. W Clover. F. H. Raybum. J.
!. Welch, Milton W. Smith, F. I).
Max, L. E. llrown, II. liulhtirt and
wife. E. P. Erich and H. Loa-
i Cisco; F. C. Turner. O. E. Sever-
son and wife. Dallas; H. M. Cad
man. Vanrouvcr. H. C; W. 11.
('.runnel. Seattle; George W. Mil
Cisco; M. K. Anderson. Seattl";
John Atnisfield. Cleveland; Iarry
Laurterman. E. R. never, E. It.
Milleman. Corvallis; C. H. Mc
Kenzie, Toledo: J. Hlair. Eugene:
E. Hawkins. Newport: W. E
Emmy. Newport; Ira Wade, To
ledo; F. Kohn, Ios Angeles.
California Men Out
TO See AmeriCa First!
Seeing America First" is the Zr.-netV",", f ar"1 "!nlt
motto of M. II. Huhn and II. S. i Xh i t 1 Z ? ; "'
., , . , . . . . 1 "ugnm t to butt in on women s
Look, up-to-date vagabond tray- and rhildren's jobs The few loa
ders who are makinc their way anberry contracts so far reported
by easy stages from San Francis- j j the neighborhood of 4 cents or
co to New York. Yesterday was n little less, indicat" that 1 cent
their day out and they say ' a pound for pic ting is still goinc;
that they expect to take two or J to leave the grower loser. The
inree years to mane me trip to
New York at least they will
take that long if it seems neces
sary in order 'to "See America"
They camped in the local auto
camp for a few hours but soon
set out to see the town. They ex
peet to spend at least two days in
the capital city. Letters from
mayors of all the towns through
which they pass are seeured by
these energetic tourists.
They came yesterday from Eu
cene and although from Califor
nia they had far kinder things
to say of Oregon roads, and es
pecially those between here and
Eugene, than most Oregonians,
according to those who have
heard comments from both.
They stopped yesterday morn
ing in Albany and have visited
Grant. Pass, Roseburg and Eu
gene before coming to Salem.
Score is 10 to 6 Two
Games in Junior Twilight
League Today
Friday's game was played be
Iween tje Wild CatB and the Car
dinals. The results are as fol
lows: Wild Cats
R. Kelly 0
G. Linn 1
C. Newton ' 2
G. Hrunnelle 1
N. Jarman 1
T. Kregner 1
O. Crosshy 1
P. Khmer . 2
C. Anderson 1
Total ... 10
J. Ileaty 0
E. Suing 0
V A 1 1 f v 1
J. Fargo '. .-. . 2
Buchanan 2
Newsbaum 0
O. Henan 0
C. Kieman 0
C. Lebold 1
Totals 6
There will be two games today.
Tho High Fliers and the Wash
ington "A game will be at 10
o'clock in the morning. The
other game will be between the
Richmond Tigers and the wild
Cats. These two games end up
the schedule and the winner of
the league will he picked.
Grand Army Men Will
Go to Pendleton Session; 1,7;!
j Any one having such a donation
Sveral of the local Grand Army Should communicate with Hev. M.
men, members of Sedgwick pos.. . t Parounagian. Salem, phone
expect to attend the state encamo- gj or South Twenty-third
ment ?t Pendleton. June 14 to 1 sroet.
inclusive. They will leave her
either the morning of June 1 4 or
the evening before so as tot ravel
more liesurdy and not have to
mak" it quite so hard a day as it ,
they started at 5 in the morning!
of the convention day. ;
The regular delegates are: Dr
I). F. Lane. O. W. Bushnell.
M Chamolin. J. J. Krapps. I,. L.. i
; .., ,hn ( re ai.H Thorn
' " " - " --
Past Commander Gideon Stolr.
is also expecting to attend, and
Dr. James Lisle may go. Present
Commander I.onshridee ha othf,i
engagements that vill prevent his
attending this annual gathering
Some others :iro cxptd to go.
but their names ar- an yet not
Deferred Date is Not
Allowed Utility Firms
The Oregon publie service rom ;
mission has joined with the Wash
incton commission in declining to
postpone the Joint meeting
Portland next Monday for the ; S(.VOs shake their nanos
purpc)se of establishing a uniform tu n, a how fine they look-d
system of arrounting for public j in the Portland Hose Show In
utilities in the 1hree northwest i rad. i
states. Several gas and electric The S.-.lein t n nrh is ronre led o
companies reouested a postpone- have made one of (he best i'i'
ment for days borause of in- ,ry of a I nrwD. ; "
vestigations already under way by ; in the while their nat .ra
the companies. The companies good loekH ,nd end.. "J
will he invited to have rcpron- m m ' ' 'nw
tive at the Portland conier
Loganberry Grower Fears
Wage Paid Must be Less
Than One Cent
Production Here Will Be
Large, But Market Still
Worries Producers
rom th'. prices indicated t
the first Tew contracts, and the
sales of other fruits like straw
berries and g(Mi8elrries. no m
ought to waste a minute uin...
tor a job puking loganberries tins
ear. is th" statement of on" ex-i
"'i'."' iota ii rri)tt'ir if u.m 1
"ierry ni kinc iKn'i mun'u I
-. , ,ian ,11. i
! PVPn if ,hl' dld mak' MP!
10 or ever. JK a day. Inst year."
picners need not expect much
more than that, because the busi
ness won't stand it."
Situation Still Enigma.
If anybody knows just what the
loganberry question is going to
develop, he is keeping it mighty
quiet. Some few contracts have
been made jt 4 cents a pound, ft
isy understood .but this is not set
as a season price, and the buying
market might make it a gamble
to put up fruit and risk even the
cans and the sugar and the freight
if the berries were donated and
hauled free of charge. It is be
lieved that only some form of co
operative financing of the pack,
where the grower furnishes the
fruit and the packer does the rest,
perhaps even financing the pick
ing bills, can possibly get a price
'or the grower above this tentative
4-cent limit.
The local I ganherry crop prom
ises to he exceptionally large and
fine. It will ag regate several
thousand tons in all.
Financing Doubtful.
At present thre is not much
better outlook for financing the
loganberry crop than there is of
the strawberries that are now rip
ening in hundred-ton lots. Some
strawberries are going to the Port
land market, and local userR ar?
taking immense quantities. Some
of the canneries are also handling
berries, so that the crop is being
worried away after a fashion. Hut
the nrices ave now low. and prom
ise to remain so for all soft fruits
that can -not be stored and held as
are aDBlrs and pearn.
It in understood to be quite
rrobable that a good many logan
hprripc will he evaDorated th's
vear. The Salem King's company.
it is undrsooa will plan to put
up from 1000 to 2000 tons. They
have an estiblished market, how
ever, that has cost them a vast
sum to secure; ordinary evapprat
ed berries could hardly hope to
get the same distribution
Pro!nc-t Nearly Forgotten.
The local growers have evap
orated r.o few berries for the pa:t
! two
or threo vears, that tne r
product is almost forgotten by the
market. It is held by some wll
posted growers that the market
will not buv the excellent canned
rruit that it has known, can hard
iv be denended on to buy th"
: evaporated lorries that have te"ii
off the maraei aim
piciousiv new product. 1 nai e-.-
: i - . ..,m.,
oration wonio save me r, .
j certain, say the "Informed dealers;
i but the even dibk-t pi .......
11 thp product and
they are wondering about it.
Handsaker Going to See
Condition of Armenians
j j Handsaker. director Tor
0r,on for the Near East reliet
j fund, will leave about June 17 for
Armenian territory and would like
I to have 12 or 15 suits for boys or
I dresses for girls to take with him.
Either new or good as new giv-
en individually or by some society
will he pprei iaied. and Air. iiaiui-
s;kr promise
tho donors photos
showing tho
Monthly Business Session!
And Luncheon Part Of j
Evening s Activity
The Cherrians are to m"et T'iei
,1V ni"ht. June 1 I. for th' ir r-
ular monthly business nvet n-.
;ind luncheon That is a regular
habit, and is ordered by Fat-, but
the real reasra tor ine in
in'that they're simply bustin1 them-
- tavomes 'i u
Cheery as a Chernan" became:
a proverb with the crowd, and
even .the pessimists with lower lips
so long they could have eatn oats the decks tf these later sea Wasp
out of a churn, and weepers who ! and look as sailor-like as old Ne&
could have drowned the whole j tune himself.
procession with their briny tears The Astoria Chamber of Corn
if they hadn't h'ld '' in back ' mrjre phins to give the boys such
main strenuth. smiled like th" a .ve'inm- as th" e never
sunshine w hen the Cherrians cam-" ' dreamed of tliis side of the pearty
by. '
It was really a most successful '
presentation of good fellowsnip.
say the non-('herrian delegates
who sja-w th" whol? show. '
A special invitation has been
evtmripr t hr. Cherrians to take
part in the Elks' Flag, day serv
ices :it Willson park. Tuesday ev
eninc. .luiv 14. The program
hour. may conflict somewhat
with th" luncheon and bus ness
nuting. but who ever knew a
Cherrian to tail to take in all th"
ood things?
New Members Appointed
On Stock Sanitary Board
Governor Olcott yesterday an
nounced the appointment of It. T.
Sims of Corvalli-: and J. P. Cole
..i.- livestock sanitary board to ry
nci'ned t'r:iiik V. I!orers of in
Marshfield and Frank Brown of
Carlton respectively. Sims was
r. v... ci.iio ivi rv
.non .1 ri v.i- iim'
i'i ijin nr iiii-ii , ill.: .'in ii: I 'in i .
State Pure Bred Livestock asso-
ciation. and under the law the ap-
pointments are to follow the rec
ommendations of these organiza
Astoria May Draw More
Than 30 Members of
Spanish American war soldiers
of Salem are planning to make ,
gala day of their excursion to the j
state encampment at Astoria. June .
IT. to 17 inclusive Hal Hibbard
camo sends seven elected dele-1
gates, but the alternatee and an
the Dast state officers and tne
past commanders and other tocai
camp leaders are of the delega
tion, so that approximately J- can
go from this one camp.
The fleet of Cnited States navy
destroyers that has been on' exhi
bition at Portland, is to visit As
toria next week, on the way back
to San Francisco, and will be on"
of the star attractions. Men who
never went aboard a ship but
twice once to go to Manilla and
once to go borne and who de
bated seriously whether they
wouldn't rather stay in the tor
rid islands forever, rather than
Lower Prices
For .
Quality Meats
173 S. Commercial St.
Phone 1421
Round Steak, choice 20c
Loin Steak 20c
Beef to Roast 12'2c
Hamburp Steak, freshly
ground 12'jc
Pork to Roast 18c
Mutton Legs, year
lings 15c
Mutton Roasts 12"2C
Mutton Stew - 5c
Veal to Roast 18c
Veal Stew 10c
Veal Steak 20c
Our Own Pure Quality
Lard in 10's, $1.15; 5s,
75c; :Vs, 50c
Quality Meats for Less
Open Until 8 p. m.
1 i
suffer :;." days of seasickness on
the road home, expect to tramp
gates. The visitors are wising Up
on Astorican history, so that they j
can jolly the natives on their
Kr;ni(l dads' p;irt in giving Amerj-j
a a landing place for the troops
t un, from the Philippines.
f !
Five Fatal Accidents
Are Reported far Weelc
Five fatal accidents out of a i
total of industrial casualties
were reported to the state induf!-1
trial accident commissiou lor thp'
week ending June 9. The fatal
case.-, were: Michael P:well, Port-
-land, mill worker; Alex Hal
Marshfield. sawmimll watchman
Pat Kelly. Pendleton, laborer; Ed
I'eturson. Portland, laborer; Ilar-
llamou. Kerry, woods watclf
- , ii i
Of the total number of acelr
dents reported :, 1 1 were subject
to the provisions of the
ir i i r h L
. ,; . ' it i
iroin firms and corporations that
Established 1868
General Banking Business
-; :
Office Hours from 10a. m. to 3 p. m
Announces Additional Service
Beginning June 6, cars wilt lea Ve 10th and Alder street,
Portland, 9 and 11 p. m., and Bllgh Hotel, Salem, 9 and
ii p. m.
j -
QAID a district sales-manager recent
ly "It's not the territory that counts r
it's the man." Whajt is true of salesmen
is true of all men
ith the many different interests
Marion and Polk ( oimtie&, the man
pegs ahead, cheerfully rriaking his
timate profit, will
connection with the United States
ional will help your progfess.
.'!i ,
1 V
-.t :
V. N. ( lark & Company tT Portland, Ore
gon, desire to secure (he services of a re
sponsible man as their local representative in
Marion County. f , 5
Qualifications necessary: local bank ref
erences as to character and responsibility,
ability to furnish satisfactory bond, selling
ability, and if possible Experience in buying
and selling of securities.
We have a very attfactivy. proposition to
offer the right man. J'osilion permanent.
If a man, otherwise qualified, lacks the
training, we shall be glad to -train him.
Address communicalions to ilVlr. Orton K.
(ioodwin. Treasurer. F. N. Clafk & Company,
1009 Wilcox Bldg., Portend, 'Oregon.
ivn reiArfed the act and 12 were
tm miiiiie utilitv coruorations 9;S
t.uojeci 10 m cw,
Will Play For The
Tuesday June 11th
at '
unquestionably pros
11 .
II Plait
. II JfflA.
Mr 'n
o 0
. .:)','..
r mil
, ... r
: 'fl
i ". aft
- ' "
' ' ill
r art
I lit
- r - H'