The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    NTY-FIRST YEAR " ; SALEM, ORKCON. SATURDAY M.,MS,. ii-vi, ,. - ---rr-
Widow of Murdered Man,
Her Daughter and Mother
' Held, While Officers Trail
Other Suspects.
fyorhan Says Her Henchmen
' Were to Play Ghosts to
Scare Husband
n. CLEVELAND, O.. June 10.
With the arrival from New York
Uto tonight of Mrs. Eva Kather-
toe Kaber, widow of Daniel ii.
Kaber, wealthy Lakewood citizen,
and her daughter Miss Marian Mc
Ardto. three generations were In
the county- jail here facing trial
for ths first I'egree murder of Ka
ber two yearr. ago. Mrs. Mary
' Brickel, 69, Mother of Mrs. Kaber.
tig been In Jail several days in
default of $5000 bail.
Urs. Kaber and Miss McArdle
were arrested in New York ahout
a week ago.
Others Are Sought.
In addition, two other women
and a man, Incriminated by Mrs.
Kaber in a confession in New
Tork early today, were in custody
while the police sought two other
men in connection with the crime.
. One of the womn under arrest,
according to Mrs. Kaber's contes
.slon as related by Prosecutor
Stanton, planned the murder ot
Kaber, who wa stabbed 24 times.
, She was taken into custody at
Sandusky, O., and Is alleged to
have eoncocted'a poison, later hlr
- ins the assassin.
Asaaaeins at Large.
The man figures in Mrs. Ka
ber'a confession, according to
Stanton, as one of the agents who
hired the two other men to stao
Kaber, while the second woman,
accord far to Mrs. Kaber's atate
;ment, knew of the plot to commit
the murder. The two men at larg?
Stanton declared, are the actual
tired assassina.
, Beating Was PUnnl.
' ' la her confession, Mrs. Kaber
, declared the men were hired to
"beat up" Kaber to make him
'treat her better. The poison was
itiven him. according to the con
fession, "as medicine to cure his
had habits." She old not know it
' was poison. Mrs. Kaber Insists,
declaring it was given to her as
The men vcre to act as "ghosts
Mrs. Kaber' confession states.
She said Kaber had never believed
la ghosts or spirits, and that he
probably fought with the men
, when he awakened and found
'them by his bedside, the stabbing
: Race for. School Board Mem-
bershlp May Be Thrcc-
Cornered Affair
'Another possible candidate for
membership on the Salem school
hoard has risen on the horizon in
the person of Dr. M. C. Findley.
Though friends are urging him to
enter the race, he has not as yet
tt is understood, agreed to do so.
''According to current reports,
the 8alem Teachers' club, com
- Posed of about 130 instructors, is
viewing with satisfaction the pro
posed candidate. Petitions are
sail to have been circulated and
r in readiness for filing, should
tsa doctor consent to toss hla hat
lato the ring.
Vr. H. H. Olinger. one of the
Wring members of the board,
has agreed to be a candidate for
reelection to succeed himself. H
0. White, the present chairman of
the board, who retires also, has
.refused to be a candidate for re
election. Petitions have been flld
lor the candidacy of I,. J Simeral
M member of the board and his
ma will be among those placed
0 the ballot at the c oming school
lection. W. fi. Wlnslow, Paul
Wallace and Of-orge K. Halvorsen
' are the other members f ,ne
Federal Attorneys Said
To Intimidate Farmers
' 10RTLANI. Ore.. June 10.
r A. Henshaw. district engl
heer of the I'tilted Slate geolot;i
' Surrey will give, hearinn here
t Monday on conflicting appli
cations for power Rite In Oregon.
H m announced today.
f At the same time the objections
01 the pacific Power & l,ight com
to one of tho applications be
25 tni& will be listened to by
PUEBLO, Colo., June 1I E. K. ' Withers, prominent
Pueblo businessman who was1 shot and killed last Monday
night, was "accidentally killed by a bullet from a rifle in the
hands of a guard," according to a verdict made public today
by J. Will Johnson, chairman of the civilian board, which in
vestigated the shooting. s
Mr. Johnson said the guard from whose rifle the fatal
bullet was fired was known. His name was not made public,
however. It is understood the guard made a voluntary state
ment to the board. A military hearing will be held also.
According to an explanation of the verdict made by Mr.
Johnson "the bullet which killed Mr. Withers ricocheted after
striking a stone pavement and struck him in the back of the
TWIN KALLS. Idaho. June HI.
Mrs. l.ydia Southard, charged
with the murder of her fourth
husband, Edward Meyer, arrived
In Twin Kails tonight accompan
ied by Deputy Sheriff V. 11. Orms
b'y and. Mrs. Nellie Ornisby to
await trial. Prosecuting rAtlorney
Frank L. Stephan, two deputy
sheriffs and three newspapermen
were the only persons! present
when she was brought to the
court house, the authorities hero
having surrounded her arrival
with secrecy.
"Don't let them question me,'
said Mrs. Southard before she
was taken to her cell. "I am not
Deputy State Sealer Says
Present Quality on Mar
ket is Good
The gasoline shortage is not
likely to recur, in the opinion of
W. A Dalziel, deputy state seal
er of weights and measures. Mr.
Dalziel declares that there is a
better grade of gasoline on the
market now than for some time.
The legislature of 1921 repeaJ"d
the law requiring a specific grav
ity test, to which the fuel com
panies largely attributed the gas
oline shortage in 1!1S and litl'O.
Mr. Dalziel says that for tne ben
efit of the public he will make
boiling tests of the gasoline from
time to time. The latest tests
made showd a range in gravity
test from -'l to 57 degrees.
Robinson Denies Charge
That He Killed Salsbury
Vancouver, n. c. June 10
Allen Robinson. 13-year-old boy.
implicated in the killing of V. F.
Salsbury, prominent Vancouver
shipping man, on April 12. in the
alaleged confession today of Alex
ander Paulsen, his companion in
arrest, tonight denied any knowl
edge of the crime.
Paulsen, according to the police,
said ho and Robinson attempted
to hold up Salsbury and that Rob
inson tired the ahot that killed the
shipping man.
Walla Walla Officer ,
Unable to Find Body
10, -Captain John Ilurke. deputy
warden at the state penitentiary,
returned today front (Vniraiiat
Wash., where he went to assist 'n
the search for the body of Whity
West, whose murder Mark McCoy,
a convict in the penitcntiay re
cently confessed. No trace of tile
body was found. Officials of the
prison may take McCoy to Cen
tralla in a further effort to find
the body, it was announced.
Leading Baptist Dies
At Home at Dallas, Tex.
DALLAS. Tex.. June ! 0. Ir
.lamen Prtiton Oambrell, retired
president of the southern Paptist
convention, nationally known Bap
tist leader, preacher and educator,
di"d at his nome bre today, fol
lowing an illness of several
month "e would have been N'J
years old next July.
Funeral services will be held
lorn or row afternoon.
VANCOCVFK. P.. ' Hie 10
There are 4.2fi4 unemployed men
registered at the provincial gov
ernment employment office here.
It was announced today. Officials
estimate there are actually about
6,000 unemployed In the city.
e w
well I'limmli to : ee I hem."
The last miles of I In jour
ney from Honolulu was made
overland ty automobile from
Wells. N'ev. Mrs. Southard is
suffering from nervous headaches
with indications of a nervous
breakdown, said Mr. Ormsby.
W. F. (Juthrie, chief counsel
retained for Mrs. Southard, said
tonight after a few minutes con
versation with the prisoner that
"she is entitled to a speedy trial."
This statement is taken to indi
cate that an effort will be made
by the defense to obtain trial at
the present term of the district
Four Cases Develop Among
Baby Inmates Following
Nurse's Illness
PORTLAND. June 10.- -Four
case of diphtheria which develo,-
today among the habies at Wav-
i erly baby home, according to an
nouncement of City Health Offi
cer Parrish. The spread of the
'disease followed closely upon the
case of liphtheria which develop
ed Thursday in Anna Collins, a
nurse at the home. The institu-
; tion is under quarantine.
Coming Heavyweight Bout
Condemned by Methodists
claring that it was astonishing
that "any state in the American
union would tolerate an exhibition
not only bloody and brutal in it
self, but intended to appeal to all
that is abysmal in the average
man." the board of temperance
land public morals of the Metho
'dlst Episcopal ch'irch issued a
'statement today condemning the
j Denipsey-Carpentier fight to be
'held at Jersey City" July 2.
All "ritrht thinking Americans."
-the statement said, "ought to see
to it that this is the last 'prizefight
. on American soil."
Speaker Gillett's Sister
j Runs Over Girl, Arrested
j .SPKINtlFIKLP. Mass.. .June in.
-Miss Lucy l. (lillett. sister of
Speal er Cillelt of the national
house of representatives, was ar
rested tonigh' by f'hieopee polic"
officer.-? on a charge of man
slaughter after an automobile shr
was driving ran over Irene Cote,
1 '1 years old, in Chlcopee road late
this afternoon.
Miss Gillctt was released under
bail of $."i00(' for appearance in
court tomorrow. She told officers
that sh" wm driving slowly, but
that the rirl ran suIdenly in front
of the machine.
Young Boxer is Cleared
Of Manslaughter Charge
June 10 Walter Kvans. l!-year
old Clallam county boxer, today
was acquitted of a charge of man
slaughter growing out of the
I death of Kmanuel Kusso, Fort
Flagler artilleryman, as ihe re
sult of a knockout blow admin
istered by Kvans in a match hero
I last month.
nm sTiiis rot m
SCATTI.K. June 1" Pole e
tudav raided two houses in the
east sid" district and
confiscated liquor, mash and a
, araphenalia for making liquor,
said o be valued at 2r,,::oit. Two
Japanese, are being sought by the
police in connection with tho
Subpoenaes Issued to Pro
minent Men Who Must
Tell What They Know of
Newberry's Spending.
Checks of Large Figures Ex
hibited During Examina
tion of Floyd
WASHINGTON. June !'. -New
fields were opeifd today in the
tenate consideration of Henry i
Fold's contest for the seat of Sen
ator Newberry of Michigan, when j
at the instance ot Kurd counsel, !
subpoenaes were i sued for Wil- '
ham ('. Durant, former president !
ef the General Motors company;
Andrew Green, Jr., president of
the Solvay Process company, and
Lyman I) Smith. a New York
Ftoek broker.
The men will !o asked Mon
day to tell of any connection they
may have had with the Nw berry
campaign financing in IMS.
hint; Collas-s.
Paul H. King, Newberry cora
pain manager, was forced to
withdraw from the wiim-ss stand
today wle n tie evinced symptoms
of nervous collapse. Charles A.
Floyd, secretary of the Newberry
campaign committee, took his A stack of cancelled checks,
said to number 1X00, figured in
the examination of Floyd.
There checks. ranging in
amounts up to $17, r,oo marked
"paid'' by the banks, and said to
have been given to many individ
uals, including Floyd, the witness
explained as "reconcilement
Says Xo Money Passed.
No money actually passed upon
them, he insisted, but they evi
denced money previously paid out
and their total of $100,000 con
stituted practically the entire
amount used in the Newberry
primary election campaign. They
were a bookkeeping matter, 4i
said, but the cross examination
sought to prove they were dupli
cations and concealment for the
expenditure of even greater sums
Pairings Announced For
Sunday Golf Contests
The first round of th" prest
dent's cup competition will be
played on the ;olf linls of the
lllahee country club Sunday. .Innei
12. The pairings for the match
are as follows:
K. Kav vs. Ke -ne.
Hr. Olinger vs. .1. Marr.
Vnrcc VS. I.i esley.
Lficke vs. I'limnton
lliltclison vs. Le-rfingwell.
Thilsen vs. F. Mangis.
Cox vs. Roberts.
Prown vs. T. P.. Kay.
Party Cream Stolen; Boys
Followed; Drop it; Reward
Offering $lo reward for the
apprehension of the culpiits who
took a gallon of ice cream from
his porch Thursday night. C.. K.
Oil!, who lives at 1 ?.;." Nor'h
Fourteenth street, reported to the
police his trouble. He said while
they were having a party at his
took the cream. followed
them up the street and they were
forced tq abandon their booty,
but he did not succeed in captur
ing the offenders.
Virgil Decker Must Do
Life Term in Prison
WARSAW. Ind.. June H V;r
ril Dicker. 1 :- a r-old farm- "
hoy. w:i found guilty of murd'-r
in the first degree In connection
with the (bath of Leory Lovet:.
bis associate, by a jury in circuit
court here tonight. ! He was sen
tenced to li'c imprisonment.
- .
Soldier Relief Measure
Blocks Peace Resolution
WASHINGTON. lune i" D"e
to delay in concluding considera
tion of the soldier relief hill the
peace resolution was not called n-
in the bouse today. It will be pre.
sented tomorrow. under a
providing for a vote Monla
ernoon at " o' lock .
y reporle-rl by Chairman
rn ;
ter of the toreign affairs commit
tee. the resolution merely would
ti ri .io.ite the - t ill- of if
IviO'ii the t inted Slates and Ger
man and Au-tri.i llunuary with
out repealing i h- deilaration oi
V, at itself.
.N;lrl 1"' tneinhers have ap
plied for speaking lime, alt hough
leader on both sides have indi
cated that the oratory would not
change a half dozen votes.
bl IN
Kverjoi can be a factory owner simply start a smile factory,
advises Arthur Kdward Sliiwell of New York city, who built several
railroads and founded Port Arthur, Tex. Py smile factory he does
not mean a hooch foundry but a plant for manufacturing warm,
heartening, homemade smile for immediate use. He says: "The
greatest possession for any one in building a success atmosphere. Is
a smile factory. If you do not possess one. start one at once, and
if you do possess one enlarge Its capacity. There is no piwer greater
than a merry heart to produce and build up a healthy atmosphere,
and a smile factory is the establishment whose sole working partner
is a merry heart."
- .- I ' '
Fund For Beautifying Public; Salem Man Chosen Presid
Places to Be Raised at cut of Western Plant
State and Liberty j Quarantine Board
The Salem Floriciltural .society
will conduct a flower sale- today
from lo o'clock until all are wold
at the Oardner A Keene corner of
Stale and Liberty streets. Those
who have flowers to spare arc
requested to send them and help
the show sale.
Members of the committee will
bo on hand to conduct I ho sale
Poses, peonies, iris, poppies, del
phinum or any cut flowers will be
The society has needs of funds
for work in connec tion with plant
ing flowers for fall displays in the
court house square and other pub
lic places and takes this means ot
raising it. Mrs. Funis Waite is
chairman of the committee and
she will be assisted by Mrs. L.
Soldiers Not Allowed
To Pool Their Loans
(Juef. lions r"!;
t r;i t ion of I lie solo ief-
to admini
' aid bill ar-
In 'winning to reach Att rncv (e n
eral ';in '.'ink'e ui i umber -Probably
the most importat '
question ye-t reciver -o:::e- tro'i
.1. I!. Miner in b -b ill ,i i n -
'T ice men ot t '. 1 1 1 1 , :i xi; i ! i;
whether their b-ns could be
pofded for-i'-e pllipox- of '-uyiii
;t stocl- ranch
Cnder the honus and loan ait
thiv would ' unposs ble, the law
providing that the loans must bp
in tie- nam or the soldier him
i If or certain rel. 'lives nann d .M
1 ;:, Kurt her it i- pro i I '1
I h 1 1 it I Ii-- loan is l I .nis'i lied to
a cm in-, b. 'oi. In p. r cent
has been paid back, the loan shall
hecont" ''"U 'Clab'o liiiinediately.
Cruiser Frederick and
Destroyers Leave Monday
RORTLNN'If. .line to. Th-i-iieiicati
cruiser Frederick and
Pit destroyers in the harbor ar"
-i heduled to b a m 'o- Ma ml Von -d.i
1 1 1 t ri i ti : . .. . i . j ii i n . to ii-pori-
ft,',, n lb.- local llaVi.l ter: iti:u
- tatio" The ' ana l! 'M l' -tro-.e' -Patriot
and Palti'-fan are scti-d-uled
to b-ave Portland at dalich:
tomorrow en route for San Pedro,
acfoi clini: to annoiiri'-c'tin-nt made
fiom the Piitisli -cotibulate.
1 LV L C
; Charles A. I'ark of Sttlem. pres
ident of the Oregon state board
j of horticulture, was elected presi
dent of 111- western plant quaran
tine board at the annual confer-
; "nee held at Victoria. 1!. C, Thnrs-
i day.
Mr. Park lias for a long tim
been identified with the horticul
tural industry o
if f Irnirm :iiirt has
had several year
cperl"lice on
the state board. It has been
! largely through his "Hurts that
working arrangements Have been
1 perfected between the state ot
California and the northwestern
states relativ" to the California
potato quarantine regulations and
tr. 'tween the state of California
and Oregon relative to the straw
berry quarantine 'ffecting certain
1 p;irts of west rn Oregon.
! V W. Wicks of the Idaho st.ife
litirenu of plant industry was
i elected vice chairman of the vves1
I ern plant quarantine bureau, and
!i I! Mac'ie (' the California
'plant quarantine siie w;K
ho:-' II
creta ry .
County Grain Growers
Call Several Meetings
The Oreron Cooperative Gran
Grower-- a "soc, -ia I ion is coiicjuetiiig
ri catnpaig.i for membership in
Manon coiit.ty. In and around
Sil erton. over xu farmers hav-'
sicneil with the association within
the past week over '.'. per c-nt
of l !n fa i tin i a !' joiuinv t he as
. i ii- a 1 ion
A : t : s of mcc'rins n la mg
h.-i, in d-ii- r nt qi- till t-: i lue
will ... held a' M.e b ay Tin sd t
e .-ntTig .1 ntie it. at 7 :: o'clock .
and one v : i I be held at Sublimity
on l-'i 'ia . June- IT, at 7 :: p in.
All tamers T' reque-teit to 'ie
pi ut . a inalt- r- of v it a I lu.
t. i t ., ii. . to !' i r :ii - will b ill -.11
' d
w i;i:is op.hi kn i;i i-oiiis
V A.-HIM.TON. .1
II lie
1 U
i ' ' ief . o v a r deiM rl inf-n
l.i ,i ti. I.e . !.i it the com T-ia net oi -i
i:imI i' i iTi : ai'as an ii mil
k mi t,t iitio'i w. I.- oidi'te l bv
MMit.irv .ks I 'da lo refort
niihi'iit d '-'lay what leased proji
erti' fi und' r their supervision
would he imperatively necessary
to the war department alter .lune
William Bowne, 14 years, old, who lives at 1044 Marion
street, owes his life to; the training afforded by the Boy
Scouts of America. Keih Draper, patrol leader of troop No,
2, may be awarded a lffe-saving medal.
It happened last Suhday; but didn't become known until
yesterday to anyone but the two boys and perhaps a few
close friends. l
The two boys were bathing in "North Mill creek near the
Southern Pacific trestle; The Bowne lad had difficulty in
buffetinjr the current ahd, becoming exhausted, sank. ' Al
though Bowne was the larger and stronger of the two, Scout
Draper made a heroic attempt to save his life, and in. so do
ing was clutched in the $eathlike grip of the near-drowning '
boy. ' :':
Hoth Hoys Sink.
According to the story of John
Powne. brother of William both
boys sank twice before 'roung.
Draper could effect an Escape
from the grip of the drowning,
lad and make a rescue. And tlen.
after releasing himself, TJraper
pulled his companion to the edge
of Hie stream where he supported,
the two of them by means of 'some
low hanging willows until; such
time as he was able to mike .ii
safe landing with his companion.
Artificial Hreathing I'sed.
Scout Draper administered ar-;l
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. June 10.
- A national commander of the
American leeion to succeed Si, W.
Oalbraith. Jr., .will be elected at
a special meeting of the national
'xecutive committee June 14, at
national headquarters here, l(was
announced today by Lemuel Hples,
national adjutant.
There has been little or no (pec
ulation at national headquarters
as to the probable successor of
Mr. Oilbraith. It is regard as
probable that one of the fivi na
tional vice commanders wtHi!t be
flicked and all of them have peen
asked to report at. headquarters.
Funeral Is Today. ' jj
CINCINNATI. Jun in -Afany
hiyli officials of the Americatj;. le
gion, commanders of many ofjlthe
letrion posts in various parts of
the country, Assistant Secretary
House Approves Sweet Mea
sure Unanimously and
It Goes to Senate !l
house today passed the Sweet bill
itubT which government agenfics
dealng with former service inen
would be consolidated. The uiea
sure goes lo the senate. ;:
The bill was passed by the tin-
animous vote of to 0
It nrnvifiev for ,-n,-.ii f -i )!'er with hm fiata, and only the lu
ll proMU'S TO! cr'Mt.oi! of .1 I ,1r,,.rn,. of M.Teral player and
Veterans' bureau ill the treason .') i.-. rnan averted a fight.
!e,,;,rtm..nt. in whid, uo.ii.-i Lake a' io a".
placed the war risk in-ur. t!'-. h'l ;,,. ramt-nto 5 7 .'.
reau the fed I a I 'O.ird tor Vtjea- : Itatterie Keiger, Blaeholder, Gerald
tional education. ;.nd : tin. t ions of ! J ''"': Jne, I'etmet and Elliott.,,
the public health ?-rvit c relating SEATTLE 10, PORTLAND :
to war v teit.ns .f.; PORTLAND. Ore., Jane 10. Seattle . ,
,. . mad.- it four atraiglit from Portland to- "
four re":c-na! o , in -s ivoiili, liie ,(ay t,r !,, arHinn Sam Roa heavily.
it"a'i lot e iei-1 1 -hi s liatl'lnll - '.
oT claim-; .if rorin r servie.
tor oin pen ,i i j. .n . hospit a
ill ''tt
no- 1 a I i i' ri 1 1
I vocational t l'flln-j
made for 1'IlK'i-!.
I ro if i on
nient .,1 i lo mfices at which nr-ar
veteran- could apply tor nip!-
, , i ... - , ,.J
1 he-e wo'll I f pla i 1... sohlmr-
relief lone t us now ma in t a i nis I i
The I..-' I in .,' the new ol!IC--!
o. III. tow oi
Hould he 1"'' rm, tied hy the d'H-c- .
t'.I , ..I li'i- V li'iall- ' 1)nr"iill.
All Hlll' Ildment was added PP'" I
viding that th" regional h n rf.ltu j
and siilooifice,, created hv It mud
alltoTiiaticillv cease to i-t .Itlly ,
1. I!IL''. i I
The hoiIHe jilso ;i;ito'd Sill ,
tn tid men I a ut hoi i.i tig p.i v infill I .
of govern til "ii ' itlSUt lice to tfli0 -
ficlaries of war veteran whicn
. , ... i...
permitted their polices to lappe
v hile suffering from wounds ror
disease incurred in line of duty,
from which they died.
tificial respiration to young
Powne. and it was well on In the
week before the parents of the
young man knew anything of the
The case will be presented to
the executive board of the coun
cil at its meeting Monday night
with the recommendation that the
board request the national court
of honor to award Scout Keith
Draper the medal for life saving
which Is given to all Scouts who
heroically risk their own lives to
pave that of another
of the Navy Theodore Rooserelt, '
Governor Davis of Ohio, and manl ';
other prominent personages win
tomorrow attend the funeral ser
vices ot Col. F. W. Galhraltlx 'ot
this city,commander of the Am- t
erican legion, who was killed .in
an automobile accident in Indian
apolis yesterday morning.
Iiurial at Arlington. , r
The entire city will pay tribot'
to the memory of Colonel Gal-,
braith. The body will lie in stataj -In
the rotunda ot Music hall from
1(T a. m. until 2 p. m.. at whictt
hour the services will be held in
the hall. The casket will be
guarded by regular army soldiers
from Fort Thomas, Ky.
The body will be placed In a
Vault pending Its removal to Ar
lington cemetery, Washington,
i. C, where it will be Interred
with additional military honors.
kcleH lut t ouch hard in Ihe 12th iniac '
to. lay. kcoI ix ran on fir hita i4.
n error iWii won from Rn Krmncuie -8
to lOinhart of the AnecU pitrlMHt -
t'xi-i-l lent hall. Ha polled bimaelf oat of
a hud hole in the ninth, when with two ,
Lmi'ti on and none ont, he pot the fteala '
flowu in one, two. tnrec order. Uoaea
fi-plarcl U'loul ns the mound for Ha
Iran.iMO in the firkt inning.
R. H. E.
l.on Anicelp H U B
Ltfan Fi-Hiii'iaro 2 ,
Haltt-ritB KPinhart ani Slanaje; .
O'ltoirt. Couili and Yellc. 12 innlUE.
SAC RAMKNTO. Jun H. Harrameote
rnn-.i- from liehin.l a thro run lead and
d.-t.'t.-d fait Lake ". lo 3.
K. i--r. Suit I.akr intrher, waa put ,
r! tie- ic u in.' Ijy I'mpire Croter ia the :
H.-i'otnt iniuiu; for disputing a derision
ut first l.n' After the (tame. Joe Wilt'-'.
hoit. who had alo hren involved in the
; ;ri ii in .-n t. ruahed at the umpire with v
i a luit. ('rcter prepared to meet the
on final frnr- ti.'ing in lo . 1 tje Kam-.
irrs t.cnin.lod )o for five rnna in the
firM on four tuis, mi-luding home raa '
;o.r tli" f. in ii t'V MiiTiiny anfl hen war-
1,1'S I ..or in th.- game Tohin knocked
i annthrr l ivm. r off Ni'l liona, who bad
r h jj
itu- 10 l i ,.
, , -,, n- f
Itatoriea - .laol.a and Totun; Sam '
(,,.. Si.l Kosa and Baker.
. ' i
,s VN,;KI(.:s Jnnr , . o,,,.
,if.ated Vernon to 4. Tied at the
end of the siilh. Die (laka ror.d the '
w.nnniE run in the i lKluti ou two amcle n
end a naiafm-
R. H. .
0-k,i""1 rl li '? '
Batt-ri-a- - Kr.nae and Mitre: Hhellen-
.!.' k' aid lt.ii.nah.
uTivnntn or T ir r r-i ir-m a
w )(
! tar. T'rain-is.o . 43
'''''' o
..KeattU 30
Vernon1 85
f,o Angfteg ...
flt Lake