; - :- . . . YOU KNOW That We Have the World's Cheapest Lands, if Their Potential Values Are Considered ? ii FIRST SECTION Pages lto6 TWO SECTIONS 10 Paget SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9. 1D2L PRICE: FIVE CENTS IDK W5AM rn LLLL1 mm : I i i7 r j L ANOTHER BIG CATCH IS MADE BY POLK OFFICERS STILL NABBED IN RAID NEAR BUENA VISTA Sheriff Orr and two Deputies Make Early Morning Sur prise Call and Four Men Are Held in Jail. SIXTEEN BARRELS OF MASH IS CONFISCATED Cooper, Fox, Mills, Brown Arrested; Others Escape By Hiding in Brush DALLAS, Ore, June S (Spec ' hi. to The Statesman) The big gest catch of moonshiners made In Polk county at one time since prohibition went into effect was effected about 1 o'clock this morning, when Sheriff John W. Orr and Deputies James French and O. P. Chase captured four till operators at work 3 miles oath of Duena Vista near the Benton county line. Much Mash on Hand Toe two stills had evidently Juit been started as but three fallona of the finished product on hand at the time of the 'raid. Sixteen barrels of mash was also on hand, which roes to show that the operators were pre pared for an all night's run. Tht men caught were Wright Cooper, Jesse Fox, D. F. Mills and Forrest Brown. Sheriff Orr said that at Utl tvn Ar ahaa. got away, from the officers by concealing themselves in the brush about the place. Taken with them men at the time were three automobiles. An Overland touring car, a Ford car and a Ford truck. ' Lodged. In County Jail The men 'were taken Into In dependence this morning and given a 'bearing before Justice of the. Peace It. V. Baker where they pleaded not guilty to the moonshine charge. Afterwards ' they were brought to this city together with the stills and were i lodged in the Polk county jail, i .Sheriff Orr has had the men! tinder suspicion for some time , tines but was not able to catch - the operators. (HE TO Pill' iT Salem Chess Player Will Jry His Luck With Fam- ;.. :)pus Young Champion ; i . . w . G G. Given, 15G& Noith Com fcre!l stieet. is amotit one of lactam players who will endeavor out-general Samuel Rzeschew U the 9-year-oU chess wixard. Is to play simultaneously 8alut expert players tomorrow tttrnoon in the auditorium of the Meter 4 Frank store, at Portland. Other expert players who will Ww'part in the linemi of the op eOsitlon are James (l-inlenbein. Presenting the Reed College sclub; O. II. Holdinan, A. ". Johnson, K. K. Short, of the Port M Chess club; Mrs. HarUtte Jlcks, C. F. Reed. Dr. Howard 'fncls and Mr. I)e Grafr. the opinion of K. H. Bryant. Mereo of the match, the selection Represents some of the best chess "lent on the Pacific coast. Circus Train Ditched; One Dead, Two Injured ALLIANCE. Neb., June x. One was killed, two others were "nWed and three case cars con taining wild animals of a circus n route to Hot . Sprints were "fown into a ditch when a Chi r Northwestern railroad KtL Was wr('clcd ni'ar Hot 6w, S. I)., according to in for- tlon here. ne accident wan the result of undermining of a trestle by flood waters. WKATIIKIl Thursday far! moderate wea T7 wladg. mm SOLDIERS' AID BILL GIVEN MAJORITY OF 1575 IN MARION COUNTY, TOTAL VOTE SHOWS Longer Session of Legislature Opposed by Electorate Here by Margin of 4956 Votes Emergency Clause Veto and Marriage Measures Have Small Loads in Final Count Complete unofficial return ! Irom all of the 71 Marion county precincts show that majority volt s Were Riven in Marion county for jibe soldiers' aid. the emergency flause veto and the hygienic mar fiage bill. This county went gainst' the KO-rfay session and the Women jurors bills. The lotals fire: Sixty-day session for. 1; .'!': Kainst, C.'.ss; majority against. I.IV S(,,.r' l'r' in. I- s, ii, i - Nil V-s N.) A uinhv iHn t,j -,j i,Anrnr 17 d, 7-, Hri-itPiiliiikh 'i h -j Hrtwik 1 - 1.;, ;;7 1 1 . Hullv illi- 4 4- 1 -j .1:; A tmniiiK i-i j7 j.t 17 I hi-ina w j ;i 1 1, , 1 t'roinMii . 'ill "j 1 1 Hiimlrt . 1 , 1,1 : Klkhnrn 1' 1 ) Kn;l-wool 7j 1,7 Vmrl ii-lcl ', 4 1 -ji, j 1 Kairgroiiinlii 'j h 7-, -i, K.HIt (flTVMIR i. 7 ", . J -AVrnt lt-rvi! '. is j t lloreti I I I ii I 1 nlral Horll I i,i, ;;i i, North HowHI .... j ", 1 1 "I JinhharH . Hi 41 W rut Hnlihard it r7 :jh lifenon su 14fi ioi 7:5 l.ibiriy ;i .-, 4-, hmrry 1. km Mi; i, Marion 13 .V, . . MfK'pp 7 27 -,t llim 7 7:'. :vi :,i MM lily . -js 4j u WoniUjr n7 1 1,1; y.misl Ml .iib-I . . I " l4 ;: ::7 ! Mt. Anjfi-I 1! ij ( 7( I'riniclp l:: ;,.i ;i7 .in Ouina'.v 44 17 Rivcrvifw 11 h H Kiril . . 1 .-.1 1 l-tn 1 2H III) lii BaliD 2 1,1 17 It! 70 Ralem :i . ;;7 .-, ;t Salfin t .. 51 IJ'i I 11. H ftalcni .i :i7 7 jnfi 4' Kalrm . in m7 hi ;t Salem 7 1 1, iji i, Sali-iii 8 111 111 ; Halrm 9 ... i:, ;, jj;i t,,, Kalrm 10 4H :rj 4 Jjalein 11 7e, ny 2 .". Maim 12 t.M ir, 17 Salem 1:1 1,1 hi i Saletn 11 . :!u yt 47 Malem 1 .' I" 7 71 -j'j 8ali-m li . ... - 1 ::. 1 71; 4I flali in IT ji, ,. I (, I I'.'.t 17 1 -Ji Kant .Sali-m as - 1 3 .Sl.-m lliij;hl ... !i1 7:1 41 t. 1'aul IS 7". t.ci -A'.t HcollarH if. -,m r,'i " Holt Milla It I I .-,0 f,H Shaw . I. 1, 1 m, Sidney 2 i.j ;:. Wlrer Kalla :t III - I North Silverton r.n 1 -.7 l j Month MiTprlon II h m ,, Kant SilviTtnn :, 1 ) ; .; Wail Hilverton .". I i : I 1.'' Stavfnn 11 -1, 1 -, 1 '1 Kat StayloB :;o 7 1 :.n W'rut St a) Ion . ? .'.ii j Sil,Iimil) I ' 1 ; ih l.j Tnrner ... -jri -i1 n 111 Vh lor Point 7 .'.I m j : Waionrla :i 11 I Vpodraril .1 M 7 I Kat Womibara ."; 1 '. 1 1 ;i 71. Wnl Wood burn :.j i;i:, 111 1 Total l'..;u i."ii ."iii".9 ;:il Women Jurors Have Lead With Two Counties Remaining to Report In PORTLAND, Ore., June 8. Practically complete unofficial returns received here tonight from all except two of Oregon's 36 counties give the following results of yesterday's special election on measures referred to the people by the legislature: Legislative regulation: yes .'U,.V17: no rI),524. Soldiers' bonus amendment: yes 75,504; no 30,332. Emergency "clause veto: yes 43,50;); no 30,301. Hygienic marriage law: yes 47,487: no 55,033. Women jurors: yes 40,810; no 40,482. SALEM KING'S CiPM BE6K TO HE N SPINACH IS HI IeiiydratinK operations will be gin at the Halem-King's Products company plant this morning, when the Heaxnn'H run of spinach is to' start. It is understood that the company will us from 250 to 3n tons of the green btuffj which is mostly or altogether under con tract early in the season. Spinach is one crop that finds a ready market all over the world The Salem spinach is one of the most wonderful commercial prod ucts of the times: in its storabil it. Its portability. it capability of being restored to the original garden freshness. The company is to have a good run on this excel lent product. Some IW'rrlen Ke-elvel The Salem-King's company Is also Mrereivirfg a few contract strawberries, left over from con tracts in other years when they thought they could handle them in that si riohvrl m I inn tirnrms. The berries will not be bo treated, ' Soldiers' aid For. r.o..f; acainst . a I s 1 ; Knu-rteiicy 4os::; against. ma lority for, 1 .". 7 .". clause veto For, 37S7 ; majority fur. Hygienic marriat; lsf: acainst. 4.:s;t bill For. majoi t i for. IL'. Women jurors hill For. ?,'1'Z against. .'.!Hi:t; majority against The vote by precincts measures follows: on all f nu-ri; v.. n II 1 1 M.i V. I W .,!). 1 I 'ii'trs Nil 17 ,.i 1 7 I I 1 1 I J I I I I 7 1 J I : 17 ."i ll'i I ! :i' :tt 9H 1 1 J' 1 1 4 . lo:i 4 2 1. I 1,11 t ' 4 A " 1 7 1 i" ." M 7 1 121 rl 4 I 47 l'.l !1 1 1 I ; j I 7 r. r, Oil li.j J i.-i I j 4'l jii 1 1 4J 1 1'. 14'. in; 1 fl.l !IH 117 7 t ! lu;i 15H 1.'.2 '.In I I I I '. !CJ If.J a.'i 7:1 14 41 J11 1; I I t x J I : I, 1 I 1 I 1 H7 SI .".I 4ii l:n. ie.i m.: 1.0 I . I 1 7m a". 71 x t 1 1 1 HI r "1. I H i" 7 .'1-1 74 n I : I 1 'i:: '.I Id! I I . il fj 1 1 J : I 1 Mil 1 . 1 !l i )! m; 4'. i 2 M J 1 1"1 I III I"7 1. 1 1 : 1. 1 7b 71 102 12 1 ( Inn I ! 14"i 147 I 7'. t'i 1 ; 1 1 1 : i:!7 J I i.. 4 C 4.1 '.M l.rt i2 71 l.I . 47 4X 40 ."' fi9 KM I 29 7 1 .VI 1 1 1 1 117 Mi 06 2 1 2 1 I :i 1.7 I H2 1 1 1. 1 1 H 1.1. 4 I v J ! Ii l' I 1. !M I I 1 : 1. 1 4 1 : 1 117 1 I !l S it is understood, and the contract price is well above what the ber ries are eilinsr for in the present j market. 1ut the company is dand- ing by its agreements with the ; growers. IkVlH ley Kef urns ! W. I.. Mentley of Woodblim. one of tlie large growers, and prominent in the local berry 'f rowers" association. returned 1 Wednesday from Puvallup. Wash . where he had been on fnit busi ness. He reports the Puvallup limit about two week1-' later than jthat of this section, the gooseber ries up there not yet geing ready to pick, and the strawberries just beginning to ripen: The company has some berrv contracts around 'Woodbnrn. which they are lul fillinc. but their canneries are not 1 yet in operation. Price Painfully 1ow Some strawberries were delir- (Contlntied on page 4) KING IS SICK BUT HE CULLS TO CHL11S Cohorts of Bing Will Invade Portland in Numbers and Cavort About fnr Benefit Of Salem. PUNISHMENT CERTAIN FOR UNFAITHFUL ONES Headsman Ordered to Hag gle Off Necks of Any I Left Behind Tnday j "'The Kinp i.-. dead; long live the Km;,'!" Kinc HiiiK Knowland isn't really dead, liut he's ill. and shut up in tin- house which is like a dtiiiseou tiiese days when he wants the Cherrians to put on their hravest front and conquer the world for Salem. Hut he says this ahoiit the trip to 1'ortland today: "I'll pay the ixecul iotier lm ) di'tcs to liaKle off the neck III any ( lii ri iaii w ho d sn't so and hollnr for S.ilem hi t h' Hose fair parade today. The Kiiis honor is at stake, and h's city's, in thiB appearance before the 3O0.H00 people who ought tf) know that Salem is on the map. Kellers, you've simply tot to t'o! Iion't wait for the hanpman or the headsman with his axe, or the poisoner with his deadly pellets, that I'm jroinp to send out to get evry ' deserter but pack up and go and fet 'em ! " May o at Ilandom. The t'hernan will go at ran dom today to attend the flower show and parade. They are to te the dinner Ruests 0f (he Hosar ians exactly at noon, for a bit; banijuet, and every ("herrian and Cherrian bandsman is urged to brinir wife fir sweetheart they, too. a 're included in the dinner in vitation. This event is to be rtated at the Chamber of Com Mire. corner Fifth and Oak, at 1 J o'clor k . Those who do not get there in time for the banuuet are to mct iit the same place not later than 1 :::. tn tie assigned their pla! in the parade. The Cherrians will not leave Salem in a body, but will find their own conveyances, ;-nd their own time, in aini.'; it is u reed, however, that they be there. .lohnn v-at-the-rat-hole when the dinner bell rincs. 1 1 ii Hand ferine With the band of 1' 1 pieces, and iibout fiti recular Cherrians be sides, there will be a total repre sentation of about 7n in the linn 'or march. It is understood that ! pome members have felt offended ; b certain neglects- or slights per ; haps HH-A iitincly tiven hv the , Uosarians. ajjd some have declar ed that after attending the lair I for nine years in siiccessimi. .they're ofr it for the ist ot their i lives. Thr better counsellors however, have insisted that it's a matter of advertising Salem and :that it is jjood local patriotism to j seize lite opportunity to spread 'the n.nie of Salem before the , multifile I t in ins. i nd vim will IVirw the p. ii. iii... An except jonallv j larse turnoiit larnestly desired by t ii officer.-. .' Itewl Thin Attain, j liamb r of '"mil nier e. I'ort I land, coi'in r of Kifth and f,ik. I.' . n'eloek, with ladies, for dinner.' i f'.M.i Je furili .il 1 : : : i ; a:-emlil- same plan- minti.s the dinner tali!-' and the women. who do no; marrh. ' I-ef: (;' GIVES THE NEWS Daring the last 20 days the Statesman has carried in its news col umns 170 more local news stories, of salfi dent importance to be used under headlines, than any other news paper in Salem. This is an average of about nine more stories a day than any contemporary carries, a remarkable showing of superiority. OREGONIAN TO E POST ON Former Senator Chamber lain is Among Seven Men Nominated by President For Shipping Body BENSON REAPPOINTED, BUT FOR YEAR ONLY Lasker Made Chairman After Fruitless Search For Man of Experience W..SIII.(;to.. June s. .Nom inations for the sex en vacant places on the shipping board fin ully weie sent to the senate today by President Harding. railing in a three months' search tor a man of practical ship ping experience to head the board the president gave the chairman ship to A. !. Lasker, a Chicago advertising man, who accepted with a pledge to place the board on a .sound business basi and to :eek advice of shipping men gen erally. lUiison Junior Member. Three other Republicans. E. C Plummer of Maine; T. V. O'Con nor of New York and Meyer Liss tier of Califor nia, and three Dem ocrats, former Senator G. K Chamberlain of Oregon; F. I Thompson of Alabama, and Rear Admiral W. S. llenson. I'. S. N retired, were nominated for the other places. Admiral Renson, now serving as board chairman under an ap pointment of President Wilson, becomes junior member, having been named for only one year, while the terms of the others i range up to six. Policy to Ix Announced. , Inauguration of a shipping pol icy is expected to follow senate confirmation of the new board whose members will confer with President Harding before they be gin work. Sale of the war-time merchant fleet, determination of new relations with foreign ship ping lines and" final adjustment of the marine strike are some prob lems awaiting solution. Pcty Smaller Than Last Year Said to Be Inst cicnt Nine Out HAV MARINE BOARD WW QUIT STflTE HIGHWAY vw n STANFIELD HELP DOWN m- commitlee j.rovi ..mis for ' ' ' u ' . Two I lemor r;i I s. Senators ASHLAND. Or. June s . I ;.- a m in i m "n at m oi 1 . m . men. f Kb.rida. and Meyers. cam-e of alicged in.-u 1 f iejeni pay. the senate today ji.i- 'd lii army M,,,t;i tin . r,fed witli 'Mi Hepubll ine truck owners working lor anK..,ririlI), lation bill e;ii,in;: J .", :: 1 .- ' cans t.i support the military af- : .. I . . .. .1 . . ..I,., I I. llllltteii.iei.i ion,,....... .... ... Male limnwav near nere. miwu toda lor ray e,,,1;il to that of la-t f"r ;'" iir," "! "", !' s ",:!" 1 year. The jnen claimed that they omi men Tin. I'oii .-. had pre i- were ieieiiti . ; '. cents per yard ou-! (invidi"I lor 1 ecu. ior tht'l'ist mil" and 1" ci t Advocate:, of i..!.o.. all-r a mile tor the remainder, as joiinni; a hoi attack on the mm M'ain..t !.", and 1 .. t ent ra'es of m.t'ee provi.- on f r I"."1"' lasl )i',ir. Mt'ed dov. n :.'. to ihe commit- Tr'l'k OWII'I- as'l't they ;if tee aiei-'lldluelir. P.y a like nil unable In ..uii more than $-'' p".' i'-:-ii tie- enate . 1 1 : i y had oa.N. colnpaied Will) $1". and J.'.U a'.epl.d the IToioim ;iuie. so I or l.ivt jear. twm:: lo the that today's, vote - o; I.' i ! a ;e pei!M of liuck upkeep they claim n-rsal. that no pro'it is made under th" Th" aimy liiuU'-t nm- roe. to pr'.-.-'-nl scale. .n I e r.nce. The h..u -e hi 1 car- Babe Ruth Does Day in Jail for Speeding, Then Makes Ball Park in Time for Three Good Innings Ni:Y VH:K. hi to s It tak'-s m ore 1 1 . 1 1 a ia 1 1 . ' it I ' in . to k ; Pal"- Ii Hi: 1 I f i ill piallig l'.l ' ! I '.a t'e "ii1 ii . i hour- a ' 'I: n " a I da - -n t he t ra I ' 'ic con i ' "pen "today mad' a wild trip to Ihe Polo r iiind;; and pl'iycd Ihr- innings of a w nnin;: game again-! Cleveland A Iter pay itu I: i-i $ I f.o M- ! Htu a bo"' a w ' a Co. he b.-gai si rvinp , .'o- ii , t n . on t ' n ni' n ' because tlii - w.i- hi- ond ot f( n se I f the ni"' t "' a to w paperman's lai which oov.'l him to the park uld h- -h ,'fn'l i d upon Hi'.e ai;ani td.it- ! t'" :, d la v. Ii'-toi e lo I- i I b i n " t I n minute.. He , m i. u t!e- nine miles I.. tlr- fn ld :tl about I '' minute-; As 4 o'clock, the time for his. release apnioached the wun11 tor pedo roads'er that twice led to his arrert. awa t--d him. He sped away from a cheering crowd with F. W. GALBRAITH DIES AirrninRH f cm iwpr rank ON ROAD NEAR INDIANAPOLIS i I MAY BE POSTED IN CANADA 1 1 '. V ; f r: ?, C"1 . I . - ft: - . 1 1 1 " " w. . M V ' l V 4 ; -, 'V cause of h ft'?? fv?V i T?''$ ranks. (Jen. Lord Hyng of Vimy. better known as Sir Julian Byng, who commanded the British Third Army in Flanders. Despatches from Canada say he is to succeed the Duke of Devonshire at Uideau Hall. I I! MEASURE FDIIMHf OF 170,000 IB WASHINGTON'. June N. -lie- , ;in( n;,kj,,. ,,, oViSIOII.i eiin. ;,nd oiakini: pi ovision.i a poininian in the '"iiii it '.oard I.. '-It 1 1 Ih. vi '. a ed ! .: f , Met!' ' hail s at' d I.. . -.!. I I., . ec that le W cii'd r.ot I ' Jell' bet) ' af. I" il.- .,rriv '! i. ' i to wm : bat th' i h ;t n 'I h- croud, i ii the "tan-! d d not n - o.:n : hi -i ;.t 1 r ' -i '1 ti'-r,. w i . a pall t In , , i ; t hen C ,v. ( ro e to el ,.' . he i t. - 'A (':t tm . iv- I :. . - .. ,,, i he t i for II" III- II'" '! ' ' I IT 1 1 I o j; I,) i,..ll ' I"" t r 1 ii-.i'i a ho so I . d a ;t 'Ii t ii t no j.i n with I il ' ' h : m tiioii l ' Ii' t r aid h'tt't! U'l'ti ki pt f. I, in P' h Id a v ' '" -iit I a ce "a m i i e , i u " ,, nd i ' ii -ed . v . -I t i oi a i ) a ii'o' ;; i ni' l':i ' uct i a 1. 1 ht spe d '.in: ; i; . i ! 1 1 in tlr; town." t'i;-t--r sa.d It nt Ii r inai k' d. "but w hen g' t out I'm sure roing to hustle on to that game. Ker-pinc a mm here this way all day ju t makes a speeder of him." iuu uvLiU vr -v -4 1fer 1 Jr. ' 4 ,4 rod appiopriat ions totaling about emu rn m ee. inirieen;. ue- pllblli i:ll:- Mlleil Willi .. DCIIIO-na!- a'-'aili't the IT'l.tlOU figure. The, i in' luiied l'.oi;ili. Idaho; Cooilin::. Idabr; .lone.:. Washing ton; Kenvon. Iia; Mc.Nary. '''Ore gon : St a ii field , OrcLon. and jiS'or-ri-. N"l:r:tsl.a. Com in ittee amendments other than l"r the pay ol en I isted ; jueli u -re iirci'itli d and l lie senate lidded an. a " p ri pr ia t ion ' of $3,''i. "'i :o je e;..it . plans ior rlevtjl'ip !i:i II" o! the t'l' iit fall' of M!'-.,0-lu'iiai- a soui'ee of h d ro-lec-! I ic (tower for the city of Wfish- L"'.i"''!i'j P.!'i:,oii -H'jvefjn Between Lifn anH Death At Local Hospital -: W . a ' t, n - on the t a i lfOad ' i a - a ' a "i l a m:'e -i nd a half, north of Gcrvalo yesterday m:o mL'. Iviteiie Peterson, a stranger was : truck bv the 0'-rland, .-"out li'-rn l'aii:c train from Cali toruia. r.'o iMtnr fatal in juries. !( v. a In ii'K ht lo tins lily ijnd i 1 1 ' v ' I I ! t ;; b"H i i ii li.-aiid diiath at U"- Sab Til leacoiies,, ho.spif.al. , Ari'iinliML' to his pa I . he pnd Pi terson h id been riding the hjind baggage, nnd on reaching Wood burn about 3 o'clock a. m., were (Continued on page 4) ' 1 BIT BY OVERLAND WHEN i uii iaiui INDIANAPOLIS, Ind June 9. F. W. Galbraith, Jrn na tional commander of the American legion, was killed instantly, and Henry Ryan of Indianapolis, national director of Americanization of the le gion, and Milton Foreman, of Chicago, national committee man of the legion from Illi nois, were injured, when an automobile in which they were riding went over a 20-foot em bankment here early this morning. Ryan and Foreman were not seriously hurt. , . Colonel F. W. GalbraithV Jr., was elected national com mander of the American Le gion on September 29, last.. . Commander Galbaith was the second chief officer of the veterans' organization, having been elected to the office at the Cleveland convention last fall to succeed Franklin D Olier, of Philadelphia, first president. Galbraith served in France during the world war and has been constant champion of the the ex-service man' return from the The accident occurred about 1:30 o'clock this .morning when the men were returning ' 4a ThjIIanARaIIh MM 4 I. A . . i i if iiiuiaiiaivits iiihu iuc ' Atnvmrv rlnh n ahort Hlsfanrfi from the city. Mr. Galbraith's skull was fractured and.ie died before reaching a hos pital. The other two men, were able to leave the hos pital after having: their in juries dressed. Mr. Ryan, who was driving the car said he went over the embankment when he lost control of the car while mak ing a sharp turn. AD three were thrown dear of the car he said, himself and Mr. Fore man alighting. on soft earth, while (iaJbraith apparently wm thrown hel forrmont among a pile cf stones. Commander Galbraith waa an intimate friend of Col. George White, adjutant general of the Oregon National Guard. H serv ed as colonel of a regiment In (Continued on page 4) j COAST BASEBALL' SEATTLE 12. POBTLAKD 6 I'UKTI.AMi, Ore., June H. Haattl f!ff.'ti-d Portland again today in a frn ti it t n r rontptit by lh rore of 12 to 5. lii Kaini-ra wnt to bat in tha thif-4 tniiinic off Johnnon. and ai-orf-d aix. maio on five hila and two error. fie of tha nin lirinfc niado ltfor a mail waa r-tir-il. Kour homi mna. oti" lrile and Mint- HonM-a wprt- part of thr day's h.'Hiv lottilii l.v l.oth tetttiia. r if. e Sratll.- 12 -m r i'urtlHiiil 5 lit 4 lUtti-rii- (iardnrr. I n iley and Toltin; JoIijikoii, llarkntaa. Sid Ftoaa and Baker rRISCO 8. ANOEL8 f " m,N( IW ti. .luno . . Ran I-rah-k.'-q I., .it l.o Annfli-ii H to I todajr m .iTiconjr lyniiK for four hita in it.!. .! thri- i ii murk. Ihf third, fonrth an. I taili All of Ilia .Soala' mna wt ia el- in t Iiom' franira. I'tiniovich. who i ..pla.-i-il l.ioin in lh fifth, abutting ff thi- tlfhii:.- of ti il 9. and preventing i'ny' iiw.r.- .Imimjr.' lo th- Angela. 4l'Connpt t..k.-n m k m tha fifth inning and '"" r't'lu.-ial hy Agnew. Ilaldwin's liomiT iii the third gave I .tin Angeles Ha ..nl i u n K HVK ' .'m A ni-eli 7 'i .-.iri Kranria' o Hill' tl;i!terifs l.ynnk. fhiinovirh and KaMwui. I ui'i : i,i-a m ami Yelle. 8ALT LAKE 3. 8ACEAMEKTO 1 S.M HAMKM'O. rat. .Iun Salt l ake, won IimIim. xntie from Narra me n to to'luy. .'I to 1 ttromley waa ef-f-UiM- mill l.pt tin' lo.-al piayera. off i- l.asi-h. Prough pitched airtight hall a't'r the fir-t iniiiiig. when two runa r- . .or-l off him He wit replaced to .i .hi. h hito r in tin- eighth. K II. K s.-.it r.nk. 391 S.i' ratn. Mo 5 0 !Oit.-ne - Bromley and Jenkins; crouch. Knn and Cook. OAKLAND 8. VERNON 4 I OS A N(; KI.KM. fal. .lime H Oak Ihu.I lot Shell.nl, a.k all orr the lot in th- first two thirds of the firat in innE. mnkinr five rna on an marry hita and took today a game with Vernon 8 to 4 Tie- Tiger .taged a threemn rally in the ninth, tint their firat burst of fcpeed rnine too late. B 3 0 Oak land , 8 11 'ernon 4 11 Hattern-t. Alten and Koehler, lent. a.k. I.ove and Hiftiftah. STANDING Or THE CLUBS W. !.. Sen t ram-iaro 43 Jl Ha'-raniitito 39 25 Seattle 3 59 Vernon 84 30 Oakland 30 80 .o Angeles i 29 82 Salt Lake ' 11 Hhel- Pet. .7 .60S .540 .631 .600 .471 .873 I grtland, , ia 43 .271